Monday, July 02, 2007

Once again the trough goes empty

Why do we allow our elected officials to do this to us? Maybe because not enough of us pay attention. The legislature (notice I did not use "our legislature") spends and spends. It would be great if they did so sensibly. What we need is infrastructure; repair, maintain, replace or new. We need a skilled workforce. We need an educated populace. We need jobs. We don't need to catch up with other states, we need to bypass them.

We have a chance to try a new group this coming election, let's give them a chance. If they fail, well, throw them out next election. If not Louisiana is doomed to loose it's population, it's businesses, and itself (coastline!).


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Anonymous said...

I don't think theat says they have to revote in the next meeting, it just says when the mayor must submit them to the council. I guess the charter can say anything that you want it to. I don't think this issue is gone. I am sure it will be revisited after the election.

Anonymous said...

Well then, I shall vote "NO" to all taxes. Make them think about hiring Bridgett or others as crass as she. I was proud of Janell and her tribute to our beloved mayor.

Anonymous said...

Council meeting continued. Problem solved for Cabrini. They will give them Prescott Road so we can keep our green space. What is all this about giving our streets away or selling them? Maybe I can buy Murray Street.

Anonymous said...

Oops!?, can of worms anyone?

Anonymous said...

A uniformed city copy in a patrol car came to my door this evening to solicit my vote on the tax renewals. Is that even legal?

Anonymous said...

Did they tell you how to vote or did they just ask you to vote?

Anonymous said...

They didn't tell me how to vote but they informed me of what would happen to the city if the taxes weren't renewed. It was most certainly not a neutral contact. I would not have been as turned off if they had not been wearing clothes we paid for and a car we bought for them.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone understand CFS sa he spoke on Sonny's letter?? I could make any sense of it.

Anonymous said...

I just reviewed the tape on WST. CFS is an idiot if he thinks he can keep up with Sonny. Hobbs with his laugh only shows his utter disregard of the truth. Alex is sold down the river with Roy giving up a city street to Cabrini and the current clowncil.

Anonymous said...

Come on Charles Frederick, there is no way that DG Hunter runs a million dollar payroll for operators. The figure would be closer to 300 thousand annually. If you are going to shoot from the lip, at least get close to the facts. Your days and Hobb's days and Myron's days and Marshall's days and Harry's and Rosie's days are numbered because the more you folks talk, the more people see that you guys are full of crap and do not have a grip on reality let alone any facts. Yep, ya'll have been lucky to fly by the seat of your pants for so long - but the stakes are much higher now and the peoples shoes are getting tight with the high utility bills and crackhead crime problems. Tap dancin was workin - but, I am afraid only the truth will do now - and it ain't in you. All of that street corner - hellfire preacher, white man devil, it's our turn stuff - ain't gonna float no mo.
You know you can step down gracefully or you can defend your seat in court along with the rest of your buddies. You should be getting a taste of what is in store soon. There is more to come.
Love Ya Man, but it is time for you and the gang to go.

Anonymous said...

Where was Bridget tonight? Anyone know why Roy was NOT in the executive session ?

Anonymous said...

Consider the liklihood that the cabrini announcement is another trojan horse stunt like the bentley sale stunt to pass these taxes. Getting their taxes passed and keeping their money bags full seems to be the only thing these guys care about and the thought that we could get burned out and vote them down obviously scares them to death. There will be a message sent Sat. Either we tell them "keep up the good work" or we tell them to quite the BS and get to work. Think of the vote as whether or not to fund a $150,000 job for Bridget.

Anonymous said...

The vote has nothing to do with Bridgett. Also she has absolutely zero interest in that JOB! Get your fact right and stop misleading the public.

Anonymous said...

The police tax campaigning is true, at least in Charles Park and Highpoint and Hunters Grove neighborhoods. I didn't know that was allowed.

Anonymous said...

The mayor said that the creation of the $150,000 council position was about getting a certain lawyer paid. Hobbs said that the new internal auditor position was to render legal opinions. Bridget loves money and has a shitload of opinions. The Council created this position in response to Bridget's discharge from the CLECO case which discharge the council has been I to reverse since it happened. I think my facts are pretty straight.

Anonymous said...

It is not sanctioned under the law - who you gonna call? The police?

Anonymous said...

"I think my facts are pretty straight."

We will contiue this conversation after the position is filled.

Anonymous said...

From what I understand Cabrini is not getting Prescott - they are going to build up on the two parking lots they have at the corner of Prescott and Texas. Now what homeowner wants a two-level parking garage with several floors of doctor's offices behind their home? Not me, but fortunately I don't live there.

And for the purveyor of this plan to be called a genius is assine. There have been posts for weeks on this blog and others calling for Cabrini to build up and use skywalks to attach to the hospital. You think he got the idea from here?

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys as I listened last night I did not hear the part about revoking the street - I heard loud and clear they would build on their own property.

We now have to fight to keep from giving up our streets.

Anonymous said...

Listen again. There was a specific referral to the similar circumstances of Rapides Regional aquiring an existing street for their expansion and the same could be applied to Cabrini. Mind you, it was couched in the verbiage of a similar situation has occurred in the recent past and not stated as an absolute, but suggested just the same.

To the many of you that could not see the importance of the Rapides Regional incident and the need to oppose that action, maybe you want to give this developing trend a bit more thought and if the folks sitting on your city council need to be there. Will they protect your interest if needed? Have they done it so far? Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Is it just my imagination, or are most of the assistant DA's involved deeply in every race in the Parish this year? Is it a concerted effort to expand influence into all branches of government or is it just a coincidental amalgamation of egos exploding in unison?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Downs does not like political controversy and that is the reason that his office has stood for absolutely nothing since Judge Ryland passed away.

Anonymous said...

i think kudus are in order for jacques and chuck. the council backed down and the last meeting at least was conducted under basic civility. that being said, these issues are not over. i fully expect the council to lick their wounds and try again later. it is not an event but a process that will ultimately reel in the council after having complete control over the last several years. from what i have seen jacques and chuck are up to the task. that being said, something is rotten in the state of denmark. why in the world is the council so dead set on getting $150,000 a year to bridget? i know nothing that might be placed in her resume that would rise to the level of calling her an "auditor". surely the rumors that bridget was going to fill that position are just that----rumors.

as for cabrini, i much prefer the present proposed plan over taking greenspace. i wonder if some posters are simply anti-growth and nothing will satisfy them. having two viable expanding hospitals in alexandria has significant economic impact for the city and the surrounding area.

as for voting against the tax, don't be a baby. voting no will not hurt the council, but will hurt hard working alexandria employees and impact present levels of provided services. it is way to early to mount a scorched earth campaign. imho, roy has shown he deserves our respect and i can see nothing in a no vote that will help roy accomplish what needs to be done.

finally, and most importantly, we don't seem to be moving in the direction of a very nice water slide. my patience is wearing thin.

Anonymous said...

Vote no on the tax and when your house is on fire or Bubba is caught in your house and the Fire/Police take too long to get to it then you will feel what impact your no vote really had.

Anonymous said...

- or, you can call the council internal auditor (CIA) who is as qualified to fight fires and crime as she is to "audit".

Anonymous said...

I concur with all of your observations. Can I spray you with a water hose and push you down the levee on some visqueen? Would that do for now?

Anonymous said...

What part on Attorney are you missing about Bridgett Brown? She, Jacques and Chuck ALL graduated from Southern University and passed the SAME Louisiana Bar. You can't see the forest for the trees.

Anonymous said...

Bif sorry but I don't think the council backed down. I believe the fabulous four are regrouping and recouching the language in the two vetoed ordinances to still accomplish their goal - although this is pure speculation on my part. You have to understand the make up of the room last night. Chris Sr. was on the front row staring them down. Some of them were on the council when he was John K's city attorney. They know he got them the right to hire their own attorney.

They also know Trey is their attorney which was apparent when they asked Mr. Gist to explain the status of the bills and not Chuck. Chuck had to chime in to show his authority, but could only read from the charter and not explain where things stood - that took Trey.

The struggle for power is still very much alive. It's going to be interesting to watch the next few meetings to see who can pack the council room first - supporters of the Council or supporters of the Mayor - each taking a chance to freeze the others out of the room due to maximum capacity on seating.

I don't believe this roller coaster ride is over - just a temporary start to let a few passengers off - as in all those who have left the City employee in the past few weeks.

Anonymous said...

It is refreshing to know this blog gets the attention of the council members re CFS' remarks.

Secondly if Chuck and Jacques think they won and it is over. Ha dream on. The are just regrouping and rearming.

Vote no on the sales tax. There has been no information published as to total dollars received from the tax and where the funds are being spent. The city press release is nothing but gobbledegook.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think we saw a show-biz stunt for public consumption to try to stimulate pasage of the tax elections. No money, no power, no fun.

Anonymous said...

For those with very short memories, The police force was very understaffed until the very recent past and burgularies were skyrocketing as well as all other categories of crime. Cut funding at your peril. I urge a more moderate approach. And that is the approach that will prevail because the rest of you will not vote.

Anonymous said...

If you recall, the Council wanted to add more than one position to be under the council, as Jacques kept asking to specify them because they were listed as plural. When pressed, Myron said an auditor, but didn't say what the other position was to be. I bet that is where Bridgett steps in. So the Council will hire Bridgett (if she is not disbarred first) and an auditor, to make Jacques' life Hell.
I think that the reason there was no fight over the vetos last night was they would simply come back and attempt to reintroduce it again, after stydying claims of their possible individual liabilities.

Anonymous said...

Your implying the crime rate is the city is on the decline?

Anonymous said...

spanky, let me get back to you on that. i need clearance from the wife on anything involving visqueen.

Anonymous said...


(D) The right of the mayor to veto as provided in this section shall apply to all ordinances adopted by the city council except those which propose amendments to this charter; establish, alter or modify council procedure; establish council compensation; create staff agencies or officers for the council; or those ordinances requiring council action pursuant to a petition, this charter, the general laws of the state or which the council has received specific approval to enact following a referendum vote of the people; nor shall it apply to appropriations for auditing or investigating any part of the executive branch.

Anonymous said...

Spanky and Biff seem to be very passuive. They embrace the hope that if you give these thugs whatever they want, regardless of their past and present conduct, they will see the error of their ways and come to jesus. That makes very little sense to me. If you reward them for their badness, why would they change?

Remember that there is a fund surplus to carry us at full bore for 15 or 16 months after January 2008. So they can avert any cutbacks by getting straight. It is up to them.

Anonymous said...

I have seen no facts or figures to justify the "Sky is Falling In" approach being taken by the Administration and some bloggers.

The City press release makes no sense. The City press release is relying upon fear. What is a General Budget? Where do these silly statistics about losing 1/4 of this and that come from. BS is cheap. Misleading BS is cheaper.


Spanky said...

No, I am not implying that crime is on the decline. I am stating that it was rampant and is still bad and will get much worse if we do not hold the line. Let the morale of your officers suffer as well as their numbers dwindle and see what happens.

We are not playing tiddly-winks here.

There are real problems in our town that have been allowed to fester to the point of being uncontrollable if allowed to go further.

A "no" vote for tax renewal should not be flippant or taken lightly. There will be consequences if we suffer a decline in protection as a result.

Spanky said...

Go to the FBI site and look up Alexandria Louisiana and note for your mis-informed self that we exceed national averages in all categories of crime. Facts are facts, Jack and you should get a grip on yours before shooting from the lip.

Anonymous said...

If you give these guys 2 years to get on the right track and instill confidence and respect and they don't come around, that's not our fault. They will have 15 months from January to prove to us that they are worthy of our confidence and support and we will give them their taxes - we always have. The reason that these taxes are self-terminating is to keep the city government responsive and responsible. The money you spend on all these bogus consultants and studies can be used for public safety but it can only be spent once. Once they give Bridget $150K, its gone. Is $150,000 a lot of money to you Spanky?

Spanky said...

Click on this link to see how your fair city ranks nationally in crime stats, then tell me about it.
Looks real good on a resume, huh?

Anonymous said...

I am confused. Are we saying crime is rampant in the city or one the decline?

Spanky said...

It is a considerable sum although not a fortune. That is why I insist that folks really look at the city council and ask if they are taking care of our business as they should. I say no. I say throw a couple of the bums out and let the rest appoint replacements until election time. I see no value in waiting until election time. De-funding what is the core function of our city government does not ensure stability or safety while it is a mighty temptation to do so.

Anonymous said...

Maybe our crime problem is not a function of dollars to the police force but effective administration of our law enforcement agencies. Drive by the APD lot and count the boats and trailers and barbeque pits. Get rid of police civil service and you will have much better protect&servers.

Spanky said...

I am saying that if you have to ask a dumbass question like " Are we saying crime is rampant in the city or one the decline?" then you would not understand the answer.
Jeez, Louise, go ask your mama the stupid shit.

Anonymous said...

"Spanky said...
For those with very short memories, The police force was very understaffed until the very recent past and burgularies were skyrocketing as well as all other categories of crime. Cut funding at your peril. I urge a more moderate approach. And that is the approach that will prevail because the rest of you will not vote."

Implies to me that crime rate is falling due to the tax to which I say BS. Rising or falling crime rates and city ranking are not comparable statistics. One affects the other but one is not the other. Has hiring more police and police pay raises reduced crime in Alexandria? Simple question even if it is shot from the lip.

Anonymous said...

Oh so Spanky is the only intelligent one in the room that understands the big picture. Excuse the rest of us for having opinions that differ from yours.

You sure your time spent in Kansas didn't fuck your head up?

Anonymous said...

Spanky, thats the point - you are not defunding anything but the surplus account for two years. If there are no changes in those 2 years then shame on them.

Anonymous said...

Not only boats and stuff bicycle riding cops, horse back mounted cops, etc, etc.

Annual pay raises, personal use of city vehicle, insurance and fuel for the vehicle, raise in state supplemental pay and once again I ask is crime on the decline in Alexandria.

All the Alexandria Police Force is is a records repository for insurance companys.

Spanky said...

Pardon Moi for any offense, non intended. I like to see you folks get stirred up. It makes you think better.
See, you guys were withholding useful information.

Anonymous said...

for the misinformed. if this tax does not pass ther WILL BE LAYOFFS of the police force and firefighters. those of you too stupid to understand should have thier voting rights revoked and the ones that are going to vote know to hamstring the mayor should move the fuck out of the city.

Spanky said...

Yeah, see, there will be layoffs - no joke.

Anonymous said...

One does take offense and you lose your credibility when you interject vulgarity into the discussion most especially vulgarity involiving my dear dead mother.

Spanky said...

I had to check the mirror, I thought it was a tear - not!!!!

Anonymous said...

if this tax does not pass ther WILL BE LAYOFFS of the police force and firefighters.

No apparently you are too stupid to understand. With the way the Council is going WE DON'T CARE! Get it now?

Anonymous said...

the ones that are going to vote know to hamstring the mayor should move the fuck out of the city.

Also No, you stupid elitist piece of shit. I was born and raised here, so this is also my City. It will still be my City after I vote NO against all of the taxes. In the meatime, you can kiss my ass !

Anonymous said...

Maybe there will be public safety layoffs but not because of lack of money. If they decide to continue their crap and they give the $17 million of our money to their friends and tenants instead of public safety and city services then we just have more of the same. Apparently your position is that we need to pass these taxes to protect their $17,000,000 slush fund.

Spanky said...

More interesting banter;

Spanky said...

More stuff;

Anonymous said...

Again, I say keep the tax, throw the bums off the city council and get folks appointed until the next election that have enough sense to make the decisions that represent the people to move our area forward.
The citizens of Alexandria have got to get off their dead asses and act before anythging is going to happen. Until that point in time arrives, they will enjoy the quality of local government that they deserve.
That applies to rich, poor, black, white, Asian, Mexican, man, woman, smart, stupid, blind, crippled, and crazy as well as any other classification you can think of. The citizens have got to find it in themselves to make change happen before anything is going to get better.

Anonymous said...

Spanky, that's absurd. The process of throwing the bums out would take years AFTER IT WAS COMMENCED, which it is not. Myron was just re-elected for another 4 years and therein lies the problem. We have a rational solution right here at our fingertips - the message will be immediate but the fiscal effect won't arrive for 2 years. Think man.

Anonymous said...

Placing your bet on throwing the bums out is a losing bet. You have to convince the electorate to replace their councilman and the electorate may be plumb happy. I would think the Black voters are tickled pink that the uppity whites are being taught a thing or two.

Only safe bet is vote no for the tax renewal.

Anonymous said...

Man, the Black voters need a break. They have been paying taxes for many years without any representation. It is truly a case of taxation without representation at its best or worst.

Anonymous said...

"the message will be immediate but the fiscal effect won't arrive for 2 years"

Ya'll don't really believe that cutting the money is going to slow down the spending on the pet contracts and various consultants do you?

Anonymous said...

OK, how is it that stupidity is going to enlighten wisdom? Splain that to me again, please. And what is with the white voter / black voter crap. Folks are folks and there are a lot of folks getting tired of having their pockets picked. As far as taking three or four years to remove a councilman, there are actions that have already been committed that constitute cause for removal. Facts can be put into form quite easily and the matter brought to the docket in an expedited manner as long as there are no great discovery issues, which there would not be. Affadavits will suffice and all that needs to be contested is the validity of the affadavits. The actions merit removal under the charter. My strategy is to bust one out and have the council appoint their replacement and then bust another out. And so on and so forth until the next election and until we break up the crap that is going on right now.
I am quite sure that many black voters are paying green dollars to exorbitant utility bills and even higher sales taxes. Their green dollars are also being use to replace property that is being stolen by the crackhead plague that affects a lot of folks.
I do not care what color or race or ethnic background the replacements are as long as they have enough sense to balance a checkbook and don't play the citizens for a bunch of fools like the current gang is doing.
The problem is that you folks will stand around and talk obout how pitiful the circumstances are and how hopeless it all is as well as assume you know how other folks feel. I'll bet you don't even vote. I will bet that you are one of the lazy ones that cannot lift a finger to push the button on the voting machine. That almost really depresses me except it will be your misery that you wallow in. I am committed to live here and not have to depend on anyone here for a living so I don't really care who I piss off. That gives me a lot of freedom and makes me dangerous. Watch and see.

Anonymous said...

Who needs cheap Mexican labor? I am bringing two busloads in next week. Shout out on the blog if you need some.

Anonymous said...

Spanky, I suggest that you draft and execute those affidavits of yours and then go chunk them into a wishing well.

Anonymous said...

When is this tax vote up for vote? I want to make sure we get the buses tuned up.

Anonymous said...

Vote is this Saturday. Jyly 21st 2007. Too late vote will pass. Not enough people will come out to vote it down.

Anonymous said...

Well, a herd of cops just came thru our garden district neighborhood pushing the tax renewal. That's the first cop I've seen around here in 10 years except for the ones hauling ass down my street while talking on a cell phone. They made up my mind.

Anonymous said...


getting rid of any council member is automatically going to guarantee a better replacement?

How's the weather over there in dreamland?

The only way to get the attn. of ALL city officials is to break their bank. Money talks, plain & simple.

Anonymous said...

No shit. Remember when Ranson resigned with a deal that they would appoint who ever the neighborhood groups backed. They said OK and then ignored the groups and appointed who they wanted. Bad guys appoint other bad guys. They aren't going to appoint anyone who will clean up their act.

Anonymous said...

If you folks would show up to vote, we might not be in this predicament in the first place. I have always found it odd that this little chickenshit town was so full of do nothing bluebloods that believed the world turned on their whims. That is why the less intelligent folk that are in power managed to to have their way. You people think you are superior and can see the way the world turns. Sad part is that you are only legends in your own minds. Massa is now working fo the feild negro. I love it.

Anonymous said...

What is the matter you punk ass white boys? Cat got your tongue? Better yet, Leroy got your woman?

Anonymous said...

No intelligent life here, Boss.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot Governor. Hope someone runs over your stupid ass and only has mininmum 10/20/10 coverage and leaves you in the hospital for a month. Good riddance dipshit.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you are spanky. Spanky professes to have close familial reasons to tolerate mandingo.

Anonymous said...

The buses are still gonna roll and the tax renewal is still going to pass. Book it, whether I am in the hospital or not cuz you lazy ass white folk will not vote.
And my son in law still does not like it when I call him a nigger. It's OK for him but not for me. I still don't understand this Mandingo stuff.

Anonymous said...

the only surefire way of screwing over our mayor is by voting against these renewals. the only thing it will really affect are the day to day operations of the city. the city council wants this to fail because if it does they are going to blame it on the mayor. they can say that all of the renewals have passed until roy came on and they will dodge the bullet. we shouldn't be playing politics with this. if you want to vote against the council then wait until they are on the ballot. otherwise you're just voting against everyone else in the city.

Anonymous said...

spanky's name usually shows up in blue on my screen. Let the niggers bum rides and walk to work. Their tax dollars don't support ATRANS anyway.

Anonymous said...

Nobody's tax dollars support ATRANS. It is funded by the expensive electricty you are paying for. Don't buses also run to pineville other places outside the city limits?

Heck, electricity helps fund all the utilities. Water, sewer and garbage are all helped by the money made selling electricity. They may lower electric rates, but prices on other utilities WILL have to go up.

Maybe they could do away with city vehicles, but give them all free bus passes.

If you want to find misuse of city funds, I would look at the car allowances some employees are getting. It is much better than having a city vehicle.

Anonymous said...

true but if the tax fails they would probably restructure atrans in a last ditch attempt to save money for police and fire.

Anonymous said...

Tax dollars support EVERYTHING. Wake up you fool. Be it federal or state or local, your tax dollars support EVERYTHING. The war in Iraq, the petty wranglings or local wannabes, and even the trash you accumulate in your sorryass home. Move to another country where you can moan with deaf ears.

Anonymous said...

Regarding some of the comments earlier concerning the "crime rate/statistics" in Alexandria, the FBIs' Uniform Crime Statistics Report method has the propensity to mis-identify certain crimes which incorrectly inflate numbers of specific categories. Thereby making things look much worse than they actually are.
Additionally, APD utilizes ADSI computer report program which is required according to a Federal grant utilized to obtain the capability & it is fraught w/screwed up technicalities which also incorrectly & somewhat in fact mis-identifies crimes by nature of report & thereby inflates the numbers.
Now, all that said is to acknowledge there is in fact an extremely high number of thefts/vehicle/residential/commercial burglaries.
Then you have the "crack heads" who loan their vehicle for a "rock", then report said vehicle stolen.
Rank & file want to do things different, Administration does not!!!
Status Quo in action...

Anonymous said...

So apparently according to today's paper, Jacques'cabrini announcement was "premature" at best and a politically motivated fabrication designed to wow us into voting for the taxes at worst. It's the Myron and Harry Bentley deal all over again. I'm so fucking tired of politicians lieing to us to get their way.

Anonymous said...

If, by some miracle the Town Talk has correctly quoted Stephen Wright, Cabrini President and CEO, in today's edition, then Mr. Wright's stupidity must be exceeded only by his stupidity! Stupidity? Who made the decision that Cabrini would not try to buy the Aiken School property? Wouldn't that have been Mr. Wright's call? Now Mr. Wright states that "no agreement has been reached with the City of Alexandria." So what are you saying Mr. Wright? If you don't get your way on the possible closing of Prescott Street, the hospital will continue in it's attempts to get the City Park property? You screwed up big time when you didn't bid on the Aiken property. If I sat on the board at Cabrini, your employment at Cabrini would be history. It is a good thing for you that you don't have to answer to stock holders in a for-profit company!

Anonymous said...

I doubt seriously that the Town Talk quoted Stephen Wright, Cabrini's CEO and President, correctly in today's edition. Hell, the Town Talk couldn't even give the correct name for Butch Mahfouz who lives on Marigold Street. He was identified by the Town Talk as Butch Marigold. Duh?

Anonymous said...

so the city park grab is still on??

Anonymous said...

Zero leadership. Why not tell Cabrini the park is not now and will never be for sale, however we the people are prepared to help you in the following ways: etc.

If the hosp. finds our efforts, offer, and sacrifice inadequate and fail to appreciate our efforts and kindness then suggest that they kiss our collective municipal ass.

How did Roy end up on the defensive. The hosp. says we want you park and the city starts scrambling to try to placate their DEMAND and still keep our park intact. Once Roy musters the guts to tell them "no" on the park, they will be much easier to deal with. Better yet, let Chuck Johnson explain it to them. He is the only direct talker in city government.

Anonymous said...

if you want to vote against the council then wait until they are on the ballot.

If we don't live in some of the dumbasses' districts, we can't.

Anonymous said...

anybody know how many city employees really live and vote in the city AND pay taxes in the city

Anonymous said...

Section 2-07 Paragraph D should clarify what can be done and should be clear unless you are as intelligent as you portray yourself.

Sec. 2-04. Vacancies.
(A) The office of councilman shall become vacant upon death, resignation, removal from office in any manner authorized by law, or forfeiture of office.
(B) Any councilman shall forfeit his office if he: (1) lacks at any time during his term of office any qualification for the office prescribed by this charter, or (2) violates any express prohibition of this charter, or (3) if he is disqualified by law from holding public office.
(C) Vacancies in the office of councilman shall be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the council. A tie vote on the appointment shall be broken by the mayor. If less than one year remains of the unexpired term, the appointee shall serve out the remainder of the term. If the remainder of the term is greater than one year, the appointee shall serve until the office is filled by election. Any election to fill the vacancy shall be called as prescribed by state law, provided that said election shallcoincide with the next scheduled election to be held in the city more than six (6) months after first receipt of notice of the vacancy by the secretary of state. Should the special election coincide with the election at which the office is to be filled for the succeeding term, no special election shall be held and the appointment shall be effective for the remaining unexpired portion of the term of office.
(D) All appointees shall have the same qualifications for the position as established in section 2-01 of this charter.

Sec. 2-07. Prohibitions.
(A) No councilman shall hold any other city office or city employment during the term for which he was elected to the council, and no former councilman shall hold any compensated appointive city office or city employment until one year after the expiration of the term for which he was elected to the council.
(B) Neither the council nor any of its members shall in any manner dictate the appointment or removal of any city administrative officers or employees whom the mayor or any of his subordinates are empowered to appoint, except as provided elsewhere in this charter.
(C) Except for the purpose of inquiries and investigations under section 2-08, the council or its members shall deal with city officers and employees who are subject to the direction and supervision of the mayor solely through the mayor, and neither the council nor its members shall give orders to any such officer or employee, either publicly or privately.
(D) Any citizen, including city employees, may bring suit in a court of proper jurisdiction against the mayor or any councilman for violation of provisions of this section.

Anonymous said...

And that matters because....?

Sales tax revenues are paid by anyone that buys anything except automobiles whcih are taxed at the rate of the purchasers home address.

So, you see, that anyone from far or near that buys anything here is supporting our city with tax revenue. Our citizens are getting a free ride of sorts, but, the best way to look at is that people that conduct commerce here are contibuting to police and fire protection while they visit.

Anonymous said...

Spanky, you have been making the same empty bullshit threats and cutting and pasting various city charter items for about 2 years now but you really can't seem to get past the pontificating and into the doing. File something or shut-de-fuk up.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, yo mama.

Anonymous said...

It is simple - living in one district you cnnot control who another district elects. by voting no you can controm the purse strings.

Anonymous said...

Lawson, Silver & Hobbs are there for 4 more years (unless Spanky the Litigator terminates them sooner) so there is not much to talk about with them at this point. The only message you can send is Saturday.

Spanky is now advising the President on his blog so I doubt that he has time to slay little dragons like the city council.

Anonymous said...

I've got time. And no I am not advising President Bush, he is actually making out quite fine regardless of what the mindless naysayers may broadcast. North Korea has shutdown their nuke program without a shot fired and you can book it that Iran is on the way.
I also have time to mingle and turn the city council base to look for other alternatives once they see that their interests are not being cared for. There is an aversion to being sold down the river - quite naturally in Hobbs, Marshall, and Smith's districts. Hobbs and Smith had a battle last time, as did Marshall against Larvadain. I am quite sure the machine is watching for movement in the neighborhoods too. Maybe I can help them throw a rod.

Anonymous said...

Spanky, Spanky, Spanky, HOW IN THE WORLD can you have anything good to say about George Bush????????????

Anonymous said...

The following letter has been sent by me to the You Write Col. of the Town Talk in response to the CFS comments at last Tues Econ Devel Comm Meeting.
There is another part to follow on how much money has been lost by the Utility Rate Payers on the All Requirements Contract that was part of this deal.


July 18, 2007
A.E. “Sonny” Craig
6329 Landmark Drive
Alexandria, La. 71301
(318)442-4180 Day and Night

Mr. Smith asked for the truth, I don’t think he can stand the truth, but here it is. I challenge him to refute any of these facts because I know he can’t. If after seeing the true facts he would still pull this item from the agenda you got to wonder about his judgment and motives. This Council needs to understand that their mistakes carry consequences for all of them and us.

Some how my “private” email to Mayor Roy was posted by some well meaning soul on the Cenla Antics blog. I guess the information that I provided relating to the Cleco Proposal to re-power the DG Hunter Power Plant upset Charles Smith. I am sorry for that because he is one of the cooler heads on the current City Council and he helped me a great deal during most of my time at the City. However his statement to the Economic Development Committee Tuesday completely misstated the facts of the Cleco proposal. Perhaps I unfairly singled him out for criticism since it was probably the consensus of a majority of the new Council that prompted his decision to pull the discussion of the proposal from the agenda not him alone.

Here are the basic facts contained in the proposal presented to the Randolph Administration, by Terry Spruill with Cleco and rejected out of hand by the City Council with no public discussion.

The labor costs Mr. Smith referred to in his statement on Tuesday July 17, 2007 are now being paid every year from the Utility Fund and will continue for the foreseeable future to man and operate the DG Hunter Power Plant. They would not have been affected by the proposal. Had the proposal been accepted this labor would have produced an additional $3 million per year cash flow to be used however the City pleased.

Under the proposal the City would immediately take ownership of a $50 million dollar asset when the construction of the addition of the new gas turbines and heat recovery boilers was finished. At the same time the City would enter into a 15 year contract with Cleco to sell them the capacity of the new plant at a rate that would amortize the debt service on the bonds sold to construct the new plant and provide a $3 million per year excess cash flow. These payments would be made whether the plant operated or not. When the plant was called upon to generate, the energy produced would be sold to Cleco at a rate that covered all operating costs including fuel.

To summarize, the City would have received a contractually guaranteed $ 80 million dollar asset ($ 50 million dollar power plant plus an income stream with a $ 30 million dollar present value) had this proposal been accepted. Plus the City would have the generating capacity to handle its electric needs for the next 25 years or more at a very competitive cost.

If the Council thinks the opportunity described above is of such little value to the Citizens of Alexandria as to not even warrant discussion in the Utility Committee I suggest that their judgment is seriously flawed. Of course that flawed judgment became obvious when the Council decided it was better equipped to negotiate complex Utility Energy Supply contracts than the professional team that had kept our purchased energy costs lower than the LEPA Cities that participate in their all requirements contract and the LMGA for the preceding 15 years.
I am writing this letter for two reasons, one to present the true facts concerning the Cleco proposal and secondly to point out the hypocrisy of this Council complaining about the high cost of utilities when their decisions have contributed so greatly to those costs. Please note that the largest component of the Utility cost, the fuel cost, is mostly beyond the Councils control, but they have done a miserable job on the things that they can control.

The cost to build this same plant at today’s prices is close to $90 million. An opportunity lost.

Yours truly,

A.E. “Sonny” Craig Jr.


Anonymous said...

You can't tell me that Sonny Craig lifetime city employee who lists his address as Landmark was not somehow "on the take" in the CLECO deal. Do you really think CLECO did not have assistance getting that shady deal pushed through? Do you wonder why Randolph had to let him go?

Anonymous said...

If Craig posted that letter/response, then certainly Goddard will set up an interview, RIGHT?????????

Anonymous said...

I know Sonny and both he and his wife have good educations and ability to produce good income without any nefarious conduct. To suggest any thing of the sort is to show that you are a person of little to no character and are willing to speak on subjects that you have no personal knowledge - or even hearsay.

Anonymous said...

Maybe then I need to get a job at the city. The pay must be great. Vote no on the tax and cut pay.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just get a job.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean if the tax fails, employees like Lamar might have to go... hmmm... Now that's something to think about.

Anonymous said...

Spanky advising someone else to get a job - that's rich.

Anonymous said...

How many city employees live in Landmark?

Anonymous said...

Spanky, do you work for the city? That could be why you are pushing to pass the tax.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that makes sense. Vote against the tax so you can carry out your personal vendetta against one of the mayor's assistants. Maybe instead of eliminating the job the mayor will give it to a bigoted blogger.

Anonymous said...

I thought he already had a blogger on his staff. It is amazing how little he has to say now that he has a job. Unless he is being payed for silence.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the support Spanky. As to anon who accuses me of wrong doing , taking bribes etc. Let me know who you are and I will give you a chance to prove/defend you case in court. Others have tried and whinped out just like you will when they could not make the case.
My firing had nothing to do with Cleco, it had to do with the Mayors lying legal council. The firing was unjustified. Maybe you missed the news that the City settled with all three of us for $20,000 each. Don't you think they whould have prosecuted to the max if they had a case. Their lawyers said to take our deal and run. They got off cheap.

Anonymous said...

I do not work for the city. What you folks fail to realize is that when you need police protection or there is a wreck tying up traffic, or your cousins house is on fire, or you would like to take a shower, or you would like to drive on a paved street to get to Walmart, or you would like to have a light on your street to diminish crime or you would like the rainwater to get off your yard and not come in your house or you wished that you had a job that needed to locate where organized, civilized, educated people congregate together to comprise a labor market plus any other variation of quality of life items that are provided for you without you even thinking where they come from, won't be here after the revenues dry up that provide those things. The stupid part is that people that do not live here and shop here pay sales tax and defray the citizens burden. So you eggheads are getting a partial free ride. Fail to renew and see what your homeowners insurance does. Do you rent? Well your landlord will pass along the increase.That one item alone is worth the pittance you pay in that portion of taxes. Folks that have stuff and really pay bills know what services are provided to them and what it would cost if they had to provide for themselves. Folks that talk about not renewing the tax, have not calculated what they would have to dig in their pocket for. You figure it out. I know.

Anonymous said...

Suggestion for Cabrini:

Instead of trying to improve parking, they should try to fix whatever it is in their substandard delivery of medical services that causes them to rate as one of the worst hospitals in the survey with one of the highest cardiac death rates. I don't mind taking a cab to the hospital or parking down the street if just gave decent medical care. When those figures were published by Dr. said he was not at all surprised. He said that the cabrini nursing service is the absolute pits. He takes his family to Rapides.

Anonymous said...

Spanky, take off your shoes because we are gonna do some math. The city has already charged us $17,000,000 more than they needed. That was our money and they took it from us in taxes and utility charges. If we don't renew these taxes, the city will remain fully funded at its present lever for 2 years from the Saturday election. They take so much money from us that they manage to generate this huge surplus despite their mismanagement, graft, and other assorted fuckups. Quit predicting all this disaster. Y2K must have given you ulsers. The object of this public message to the council is that we really don't have to put up with this shit just because we are white and middle class.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe then I need to get a job at the city. The pay must be great.

You have no idea. Have you never paid attention to any job ads posted by the City?

Try this on for size: Water Supt. w/ 5 years experience and an Engr. Degree was advertised at $46,000. In the real world these same qualifications will command $55 - 65,000.

Just another example of getting what you pay for.

Anonymous said...

OK for the anon who accused me of a personal vendetta, kiss off.

My post was about whether Roy would keep his blogger admin asst over fire and police.

It's was way more about Roy and his reasoning in higher the oh so highly qualified, and despeately needed blogger (who I've never met BTW).

Anonymous said...

hiring, probably would have made more sense.

Anonymous said...

"Do you mean if the tax fails, employees like Lamar might have to go"

No, the cuts will be in the folks actually doing the work keeping the streets/water/gas/electric/sewer systems going. Also in the fire and police. Never in the inner circle or the council members flunkies and girlfriends. What ya'll refuse to accept is that these cuts are real and will happen. Show your displeasure by calling and writing the Mayor and your councilmen. Write the TT & channel 5(yea I know but thats all we have). Don't slap working folks already being crapped on and kept in the dark about most everything.

Anonymous said...

That was my point. When the city is required to tighten its belt, who suffers? The working people?

The council's & Jaques' friends will have job security. I say let's test the waters, and see what type of decisions are made.

If the fighting ends, and conservative budgets are adopted, we can always reward them later.

Anonymous said...

If there are layoffs, won't civil service have to be involved. I am sure that "jaques friends" will be subject to the same layoff plan.

Anonymous said...

If the tax fails can they have another election in September or is this the only chance?

How much is this election costing COA?

Bridget for Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

"Bridget for Sheriff"

I like that.

Anonymous said...

A poignant message from our last good councilman: today's Town Talk letters:

Your mail: Where's the benefit?

If you want your tax renewal to pass, My suggestion would be to list the things that have been done for the benefit of all the citizens of Alexandria with the taxes collected these past 10 years and it had better be good otherwise your tax renewal will not pass.

J. Ray Bolen

Anonymous said...

The professional (i.e., Water Superintendent position) positions, considering cost of living in the local area, perks and benefits and the fact that most (see Cecil Raggio) professional City employees are retirees or in the case of others unable to compete in the real world PAYS DAYUM GOOD.

Anonymous said...

When William Earl asks for his tax he explained what he was going to do with the revenue. The COA has explained nothing but rather is trying to sell renewal on fear. Vote no and then let them come back at a later date, justify need to the electorate and then have a vote.

Don't forget the still have 17 million in reserve and wanting more.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that if the City Council is as full of inept, illeterate, money stealing, deal making, kinfolk hiring fools as made out to be people would encourage a yes vote on the renewal to give the clowns more money. Makes no sense. If the council is as bad as made out to be seems like you would want to restrict the funds available to them.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered that we might have the $17 million dollar surplus becaus the council has been supportive of projects like StarTek, Union Tank, Tri-State Industries, Integrated Packaging and other companies that have located or expanded here in the past 5 years? That maybe because they were willing to embrace new business and make it easy on them to locate here, we have more people working in the parish, we have more people earning a higher wage and just maybe that means they can spend more money?

Also, lower mortgage rates have allowed people to afford "more" home for their money. This means more housing has been placed on the tax rolls. So yes, there has been an increase in collections.

Now, what I am still waiting for is a laundry list of what I am getting for all of this.

I know jobs, I know a new golf course I won't play at since I don't play golf. I know new ballparks I will never attend since I don't have children. What else????

The council delayed hiring new police officers at the end of last year because of the election and they wanted to work with the new Mayor. Once the new administration was in place they delayed it because they wanted to make sure Coutee had his numbers correct.

Someone posted they didn't want to support officers on horseback and in boats. Well guess what??? The horses are gone, along with the barn. And as I recall those toys were taken away by Coutee as he tried to move back towards community policing. I believe those toys were given under the former police chief who obviously ignored our neighborhoods.

We have to have police and fire protection. We have to have water and sewer services along with any upgrades to those systems so we don't wind up like New Orleans with leaks all over the place. And trust me those leaks were there before Katrina. Ned was forced to make hard decisions to turn the City around after the John K days. Let's not head back 20 years and be forced to start over.

Every citizen has a right to question an expenditure once the resolution is introduced. If you don't like them spending money on mardi gras, bands, and the black caucus - go to the next meeting and speak out against it. As long as you sit back on watch from your easy chair at home they will continue to spend freely.

waterslide said...

You guys are right, we need to get rid of something that already exists. We have plenty of money. After the tax is defeated, Oh the savings we will see. I can see it now. Droves of short buses full of anons showing up to the polls to vote aganist the tax. Signing "anonymous" on the ballot. Fight on anonymous people. At least you have Charles Fredrick listening.

Anonymous said...

How does "go to the next meeting and speak out" insure anything? To bring the council, Mayor and City Department heads under control you have to control the purse strings.

You can talk your head off at the council meeting and get ignored if point differs with the direction of the council.

As an example, it is obvious the council is hell bent on getting Brigitte on the doal in some form or fashion. It is equally obvious the citizens want no part of of her. The council will figure out some way to "hire" her.

Anonymous said...

"Every citizen has a right to question an expenditure once the resolution is introduced. If you don't like them spending money on mardi gras, bands, and the black caucus - go to the next meeting and speak out against it. As long as you sit back on watch from your easy chair at home they will continue to spend freely."

Thanks for the civics lesson, Lamar, but the facts are that most of the "debate" and "decisions" and "deals" are made in back rooms and at Smith's bar - illegally and out of the public's eye and access. When ordinary citizens (not preachers or bankers or council buddies) address the council, they are treated in a dismissive and rude manner. You want us to make a 10 year irreversible commitment to these thugs. Get real.

and the extra $17,000,000 is not theirs, it ours.

Anonymous said...

Mindless repetition of the "cut taxes" mantra with no connectivity to the consequences. Am I worried? No. The naysayers will not vote anyway.

Anonymous said...

Interesting timing by the Pineville City Govt to issue a press release on a slight tax cut they are giving the taxpayers. Intersting becasue of its timing in relation to the Alexandria renewal and interesting because one of the reasons Fields keeps pushing alcohol is because he says the City needs more taxes. Looks like they are trying to screw the people in Alex by creating some illusion of difference between fiscal responsibility betweeen Pville and Alex ..and m another lie to the people in Pinville. A Twofer if you may.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should all just move to Pineville. At least they get along. They may all be crooked, but we don't have to see the drama.

Anonymous said...

I may move to Pineville later but I've already prepaid for $17,000,000.00 worth of services and I ain't leaving that on the table.

Anonymous said...

The timing is even more obvious when you realize that the action was taken by Fields and his zombies 3 weeks ago but the press release was not issued until 2 days before Alexandria has an election on tax renewals. I wonder if Jacques still thinks Clarence and Co are his friends?

Anonymous said...

And I hear Pineville could lower its taxes even more if it got rid of man of the political hires , quit spending taxpayers money on junkets for the Mayor and quit wasting money on such disasters as the BMX BIKE TRACK.

Anonymous said...

"The professional (i.e., Water Superintendent position) positions, considering cost of living in the local area, perks and benefits and the fact that most (see Cecil Raggio) professional City employees are retirees or in the case of others unable to compete in the real world PAYS DAYUM GOOD."

Other than Raggio, exactly which Director or Superintendent is retired? By my count none!!

Exactly what perks and benefits does the City have that would convince a successful professional to quit their current job and take a 20%+ cut in pay in the process.

You get what you pay for and right now for what the City pays they can get NO ONE!!!

Anonymous said...

Remember the picture in the Town Talk??? Clarence Fields , Rich Dupree, Nathan Martin, Carol Van Mol, Kevin Dorn, Tom Bouchie all standing smiling and giving their full support for Joe Bishop for Police Jury. Remember? Commit that picture and their endoresement of him to your memory.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Are you implying none of the Department Heads are worth a shit?

Your statement seems to indicate if your alledgedly a professional and working for the City you can't compete.

Anonymous said...

Why are all the blogs always down on Pineville? Are you jealous that we have a mayor and city council that works together, and that we have more people and businesses moving in each day? Perhaps you are jealous of our surplus, even after we have almost no crime and great city services? Our officials are doing a good job, as seen by nobody runs against them. So why is it that all of you have to invent something negative to say about Pineville? Stay in Alex and leave us alone. We want nothing you have.

Anonymous said...

I just read that the sales tax has been changed from renewable to permanent?

That seals it for me, HELL NO!

Anonymous said...

Well Nathan , lets examine the truth.

Why are all the blogs always down on Pineville?


Are you jealous that we have a mayor and city council that works together,


and that we have more people


and businesses moving in each day?


Perhaps you are jealous of our surplus,


even after we have almost no crime


and great city services?


Our officials are doing a good job, as seen by nobody runs against them.


So why is it that all of you have to invent something negative to say about Pineville?


Stay in Alex and leave us alone. We want nothing you have.


Friday, July 20, 2007 6:34:00 PM

Anonymous said...

You may want to repost without the FUCKING SHOUTING!!!!!!!

I don't read all caps.

I hate stupid people.

Anonymous said...

I had my sound turned way up high and could hear no shouting???? All I saw was capital letters. Is my computer broke?

Anonymous said...

Isn't Joe Bishop a gun carrying cop for City of Pineville?

Anonymous said...

River Rats, as we used to call the residents when I was growing up. Not much has changed, but maybe the taste of the cheese.

Anonymous said...

I guess Downs recused himself from prosecuting Bishop for his usual reasons. The political bigshot conflict of interest. It would conflict with Downs' fence stradling if he actually did his job and prosecuted this.

Anonymous said...

Much to our disappointment, Downs has not turned out to be a man of great courage or integrity. He has had a dozen opportunities to clean up the city council but has always been unwilling to risk affecting his re-election. I understanding him being political but he should have some sense of right and wrong.

Anonymous said...

I understanding him being political but he should have some sense of right and wrong.

HaHa, since when does a sense of right have anything to do with politics?

Anonymous said...

I live in Pineville; in the city limits. The only thing Alexandria has that makes it worth crossing he river is Target. Give us a Target and I won't contribute to Alexandria's coffers.

Anonymous said...

as of 9:15 am a whopping 17 people had voted at precinct 32 @ Brame

Anonymous said...

The only thing Alexandria has that makes it worth crossing he river is Target.

You are fogetting the Pineville drunks that buy their booze over here, and will continue to do so even if you get a Targets.

Anonymous said...

Fair is fair - after all, Alexandrians have to cross the river to meet other homos, to get drugs in deville, and have our kids treated cruelly by city councilmen.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Pineville begs us to spray their skeeters also.

Anonymous said...

Is Clarence Field's knuckle tats a jailhouse one? I also heard Mr. and Mrs. Fields called some funny names by some Alexandria Blacks. Rosa is called the Awards Negro, because she is only seen around other Blacks if she is picking up an award. Clarence is called the "Secret Negro", because he doesn't want his White voters to realize he is Black. Clarence's expense filled jaunt to the Black Mayor's conference may change that though.

Anonymous said...

We love and respect Mr. and Mrs. Fields. And so do all of my black friends and family that live in Alexandria. Not sure where you got that bad information from.

Anonymous said...

We love and respect Mr. and Mrs. Fields. And so do all of my black friends and family that live in Alexandria. Not sure where you got that bad information from.

Apparently from some outside of your cicle of friends and famiily I suspect.

Anonymous said...

How Does that Kool Aide taste anyway?

Anonymous said...

With respect to the tax deal, I told you folks no one would turn out, much less any one to oppose the tax. 2,659 folks cared enough to pull a lever. Regardless of the results, that is pitiful participation - pitiful. Naturally we will get the government we deserve. That is just what you guys taught the city council, that you will roll over and take it however they want to give it to you. I really don't blame them for trying to get away with whatever they will because there is no resistance.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 70+%. Who claims credit, the council or the admin.?

I hazard to guess the council will say the voters overwhelmingly approve of their actions.

Big utility bills keep on turning, Proud Myron keep on buring. Rollin, rollin, rollin on red river. If you come down to the river. I bet you gonna find some people who live. You don’t have to worry if you got no money. People on the river are happy to give

Anonymous said...

but Spanky, you supported tax renewals because you were affraid you would be inconvenienced by one garbage pickup per week. You are the weak link. So lets see if you follow up on the rest of Spanky's Plan and file these removal suits.

Anonymous said...

Hide and watch.

Anonymous said...

. . . two activities which you have mastered over the years, Spanky. Which one will you do this time?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you have judged Greg Aymond too harshly. In a recent posting, he nails WST for his bigotry, narrow-mindedness, and total lack of objectivity. Some republican women apparently endorsed Chris Hazel and WST lambasts the entire party for permitting this blog to hurt his feelings on a regular basis. Aymond also takes him to task for his express hatred for catholics and jews. Go Greg!

Anonymous said...

"Are you implying none of the Department Heads are worth a shit?

Your statement seems to indicate if your alledgedly a professional and working for the City you can't compete."

I am not implying anything. The professionals working for the City are either happy with their comp package or cannot/do not desire to compete.

The post I was responding to was bemoaning the fact as to the low wages paid the professionals working for the City to which I respond Bull Shit. They have the right to part company with the City if they are disatisfied with their situation - they don't. They stay there sucking at the Ciy teat for supposedly less than the could be making. Don't bitch about your wages get out here and root with the rest of us for the few acorns.

As an example, how many major corporations in this area furnish their purchasing agent with a personal vehicle to be taken home at night, insurance and all the gas you can burn? Few, if any, I would think. But then private business is trying to make a profit not burn money.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to agree with Spanky - the roughly 2600 voter turnout is paethetic. However, no one - and that includes the Mayor's statement - should take this as a vote of support. Considering the number of city employees and their families, it's safe to say almost no average citizen went to the polls on Saturday. I guarantee you one thing - all of these non-voters will be sitting back griping as usual when the had a chance to make a statement.

Anonymous said...

"As an example, how many major corporations in this area furnish their purchasing agent with a personal vehicle to be taken home at night, insurance and all the gas you can burn?"

I am more curious to hear about the city employee, whose blood alcohol was over the limit, driving a city vehicle and got into an accident. If what is true in the Letter to the Editor yesterday, as citizens we should demand a full investigation and statement as to why someone with two DWIs is even given the keys to a City vehicle. Granted, the accident was his second DWI offense, but one is reason enough not to give him the keys to a city vehicle.

Anonymous said...

When you vote to give city government millions of dollars more than they need, forever, then that certainly is an expression of citizen contentment. Granted the campaign conducted by the police and zoo employees (which conveniently called it simply a renewal of a tax and not a vote to perpetually continue a time limited tax) convinced a lot of people that they either should vote for, or not oppose the tax. And of course, they got Harry the Shill to read the council resolution to illustrate how it would benefit the middle class white voters.

And you say Roy and the council shouldn't consider this a mandate and an at-a-boy? Then what is it?

Anonymous said...

Aymonds blog has a voice interview of Sonny Craig.

Anonymous said...

It is a sign that the citizens do not feel that any action on their part has any relevancy, whether they take time to speak out on issues or take the time to vote for a tax or fill a position. Between giving up and not caring, most folks feel that they have no influence and therefore do not make the effort. That is why the sideshow we refer to as city government continues to feed itself and grow evermore irrelevant.
The problem is that it will be very relevant as sewer lines begin to cave, water mains corrode and leak, potholes devour traffic lanes, etc. and the folks figure out that the money for maintenence comes from the capital outlay budget and that money got spent at the Fast Track. Until then, roll the dice again cuz baby needs new shoes.

Anonymous said...

Cannot the Republicans find a candidate for Rep district 25 other than Maxwell, the 28 year old, un-married, inexpeienced, Vitter's boy. All he has to say is he is Pentecostal, trained with Vitter, and he will work hard on his on campaign. Please find a Republican that has paid an electric bill, mowed a yard,or even changed a flat tire. I will vote Democrat this time and be proud of it.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Maxwell still live at home with his parents?

Anonymous said...

Please find a Republican that has paid an electric bill, mowed a yard,or even changed a flat tire.

I'm a Republican that has done all of those. I have even worked on a garbage truck. You do not have to be a silk stocking blue blood to be a Republican, just one to run for office. But the same holds true for the rich Democrats. How many yards do you recon Hillary has mowed?

Anonymous said...

I doubt Hillary has mowed many yards but she is not totally without accomplishment. Therein lies the contrast.

Anonymous said...

And what do you know of my accomplsihments compared to Hillary's? Other than screwing a future president do you have any factual comparisons to back up your smart-ass remark?

Anonymous said...

You were entirely undistinguished as a student (and went to the easiest school to get into and out of in the universe); a joke as a law clerk (fucked up a lot more things than you fixed); and then a local cheerleader for the king of all hipocrits - you would have done better to screw a president.

Anonymous said...

It became acceptable to drive ciy vehicles under the influence when a former City Attorney started the custom and particpated in the custom on almost a daily basis.

The same City Atorney established the practice of not ticketing city employees for driving under the influence.

I think it would be amazing to know how many times this city atorney was stopped drunk driving and was covered up. Life is always easier when you come from a politically important family. Many, many family legal transgressions were covered up.

Anonymous said...


I wouldn't talk about someone's education if I were you.

Anonymous said...

Great comeback - witty yet poignant; pithy yet smooth. How could someone doubt your accomplishments. Uh, what are they again?

Anonymous said...

Just a few points (1) Maxwell bought Judge Johnson's condo some time ago (Has not lived with his parents since he was in college). (2) Maxwell went to the same law school as both the Roy boys and the Beard boys. (3) If they can't get these simple facts straight.....then I wouldn't trust any other crap they spread (If you can't out-work a guy, then out-trash him). Half the district is orange, I guess you are starting to get desperate though.

Anonymous said...

So those are your accomplishments. Pretty impressive.

Anonymous said...

Its a shame signs cant vote.

Anonymous said...

but Pentecostals do-

Anonymous said...

I enjoy cheese.

Anonymous said...

but Pentecostals do-

True, and maybe half of them will vote for Maxwell.

Anonymous said...

don't count them pentecostals out - I bet they a plan of their long long long sleeve.

Anonymous said...

Pull my finger.....

Anonymous said...

lance said "but Pentecostals do-"

Do you think the baptists and catholics will listen to Bro. Mangnum?

Anonymous said...

Why waist money? Maxwell will get the Pentacostal vote, Beard the Baptist and Roy the Catholic. The Census says that there are more Baptists than any else, so under your Pentacostal theory lets save money on an election and just declare Beard the winner.

Anonymous said...

I don't know that I have seen any more simplistic bullshit than I see here. This is 2007 folks.

Anonymous said...

I will take up for Lance. He did have a job. He was in charge of making Senator Vitter's appointments. And did a darn fine job.

Anonymous said...

Who brought the diapers

Anonymous said...

"He was in charge of making Senator Vitter's appointments. And did a darn fine job"

Hahaha. I wonder if Lance was the well-intentioned staffer who introduced Vitter to Wendy "Cortez" Yow and the New Orleans ladies at that fishing rodeo a few years back.

Anonymous said...

OK, your fixation on Maxwell is creeping me out. you've talked about his marital status, his lips, his skin tone, his dating habits, sexual preferences, job history, parent, and religion.

Just confess up. you're a closet fag, and Maxwell gets your motor running. Call him up. I'm sure his number is on his web site. If not, just email him. But your getting on here trying to down him is not very convincing.

you're suffering a psychosis, Roy is also in the race, and you've said nothing about him. you're only fixed on the Maxwell guy. that's really sick. almost stalkerish.

Like I said, get in contact with him and let him know how you feel (unless you're a male relative of Beard, which is what we all suspect). if he rejects you, then you can come on here and trash him, but at least we'll all know the real reason.

Anonymous said...

I don't think whether he is married or dating, his lips or his skin tone have anything to do with his campaign, but his church and Vitter he himself put at issue. I he chose to ride Vitter's coatails, then so be it.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what church Lance Maxwell goes to or how he parts his hair or whether or not he lives with his mom and dad or in a condominium, but I do care about his connections with Vitter, what he knew, and when he knew it. If Vitter hadn't made the stupid mistake of calling an escort service from his home telephone number, we would have never known that a man who calls himself a family values conservative has a thing for illegal prostitution because the people around him had protected him for so long. You all may forget that Vitter and his wife founded the Louisiana Committee for a Republican Majority and they're throwing tons of money toward Lance Maxwell because he's one of Vitter's main foot soldiers. There's no way Lance Maxwell can just take Vitter off of his website and resume like Jindal has done. Without Vitter, Lance Maxwell is just another young and inexperienced kid.

Anonymous said...

Did not Maxwell work for Vitter? If so, why not public statement on Vitter? What does he think of Vitter? We prayer warriors want to know.

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