Monday, May 21, 2007

Sincere Apologies

I apologize to our bloggers. I am in the process of selling, buying and moving. So in short here is your new thread!


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Anonymous said...

There was a "whole lot of Lawyern goin on"

Oh my aching arse. I wonder why Harry and Chuck were scarce?
Good question---especially since JR said that Harry was present earlier in his office.

If the bylaws of home rule charter had been praticed in the prior administration, then it probably would not be the fight that it is today. JR is to be commended for trying to implement proper procedure.

Positive change is coming, although it may be painful in getting there.

Anonymous said...

Here is the question we should all be axing - what the hell is Roy fighting with those idiots for? Let Chuck "the henchman" Johnson handle the barrel of monkeys. He is our next Mayor and my hero.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the video of the City Council meeting today and I have one thing to say.
Go Jacques Roy! Stuff it to them and smile while you are doing it.

Anonymous said...

Those boys on the council aren't used to dealing with no-nonsense like Roy.

I think it is hilarious watching them try and get one over on him.

Keep trying BOYS....

Anonymous said...

Hazel may have hair, but Farrar voted for the strongest ethics package ever presented in the state legislature. Farrar has a record of ethics, while Hazel does not. Go Farrar! Go Ethics!

Anonymous said...

There were questions early on about Chuck Johnson's connections to Lawson and ability to adequately represent and support Roy. I think all those questions are answered. Chuck was a layed-back prosecutor and always tried very hard to be reasonable and fair and never tried to take advantage of a defendant if he had a sliver of doubt. If you watch the council meetings you know we can trust the Jacques/Chuck/Kay team. Thanks Chuck.

Anonymous said...

After watching the videos I can't help but feel sorry for the city of Alex to know such idiots are on the council. If bridget brown is a professional then I'm Winston Churchill! She is one of the most belligerent morons I've seen in a lawyer suit.

Anonymous said...

"Farrar voted for the strongest ethics package ever presented in the state legislature"

Yeah, and Farrar ALSO voted in favor of homosexual rights too....


Anonymous said...

Farrar has a record of ethics, while Hazel does not. Go Farrar! Go Ethics!

Only because it was put forth by a large group of organizations and chamber of commerces from all over the state, and anyone who doesn't support it will be seen to be a crook? What has Farrar proposed himself in the way of ethics?

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

Thank you Myron Lawson.

Anonymous said...

Can't we all just get along?

Anonymous said...

Never have, Never Will. As long as one segment of society harbors the feeling that they are owed that segment will never be happy until debt is satisfied.

Kinda like the theory salvation by acts - how many you got to do to get to heaven?

It is my belief that Blacks and all others will never peacefully co-exist. Leaping Louie, Jessie the Jester and Hair Do Sharpton types will insure it never happen in order that their sugar tit never dries up.

Anonymous said...

Is there a Cleco/Farrar/Legislative Auditor connection?

Anonymous said...

"Is there a Cleco/Farrar/Legislative Auditor connection?"

What do you mean?

Anonymous said...

Take some time out of your otherwise buisy days to take a look at the June 12th City Council/Executive session meeting on All you people will see that I am a well educated person who knows the law. And I should be allowed to represent you.

Anonymous said...

blog, let's hold hands and sing kumbaya.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't a well educated lawyer know proper English and sentence structure. Of course it is possible that in Ebonics a sentence can start with "And."

Anonymous said...

What was the deal with Browneye and that bag she kept toting around????

She looked like a suicide bomber.

Anonymous said...

(B) The city attorney shall serve as chief legal adviser to the mayor, city council and all divisions or departments, offices and agencies, shall represent the city in all legal proceedings and shall perform any other duties prescribed by this charter or by ordinance.
(C) Any assistant city attorneys authorized by the city council shall be appointed by the city attorney and serve at his pleasure.
(D) No special legal counsel shall be employed by the city except by written contract and approval of the city council.




Anonymous said...

It should be apparent that Charles Johnson's ego is such he thinks he runs the City and this attitude permeates his department.

Anonymous said...

Your city government has decided against playing Tuesday's confrontational display pitting the tag team of Bridget and Myron against Jacques, Chuck and Trey on channel 4. How transparent is that?

Anonymous said...

Hey, teacher bitch. I could give a shit about you and your shitty job. Fuck you, cunt. Hazel will win, and I could give a fuck about your shitty job and the money Rick gets for your shitty school. Get a real fucking job, bitch. I am fuckin voting for Hazel, because Hazel is a Republican. Period, bitch. Now fucking wake up, cunt, and smell the fuckin coffee. And get a real job. Fuckin teachers. Useless.

Support Hazel! Support integrity and family values!

Anonymous said...

I think you are missing the point. Can the council hire special counsel or special advisers and consultants: I think so. The city attorney is not involved in that process, BUT the city litigation with CLECO (and all other litigation) is under the direction and control of the city attorney and he gets to decide who the lawyers representing the city are in this particular litigation. And it ain't Bridget.

Anonymous said...

I will definitely vote for Farrar after reading that obscene comment. Although I was considering Hazel, his supporters' behavior have convinced me to vote for Farrar. Regarding ethics, Farrar voted for the bill, and for this he should be rewarded.

Anonymous said...

I must have misunderstood but I thought Johnson said Judge Brell took her off the case,

However your posting leaves me confused. Was Brownie hired by the previous administration as an Assistant City Attorney or was she hired by the council?

If a special attorney was hired by the council would that special attorney not be able to participate in COA litigation?

Seems like what is a special attorney and what are the duties is the questions to be answered.

Anonymous said...

"Regarding ethics, Farrar voted for the bill, and for this he should be rewarded."

Yes he did and yes he should....

Just like the recognition he should get for suppporting/voting for GAY RIGHTS!!!

Farrar supports GAYS!!!

ROCK the vote, sweet britches....

Anonymous said...

I am voting for Rick, because Rick supports family values and teachers.

Anonymous said...

"I will definitely vote for Farrar after reading that obscene comment."

Hey may think you are helping us by posting the obscene comments and then pretending to be offended by them, but that is so transparent that our supporters are going to be disenchanted.

Do us a favor and just be quiet.

Anonymous said...

If Hazel thinks he will win an election by gay baiting, he better think twice. Besides, legislating homophobia is unconstitutional. I am voting on real issues, which is why I support Farrar.

Anonymous said...

"I am voting for Rick, because Rick supports family values and teachers."

Even GAY teachers???

So, Rick supports family values when the family consist of TWO DADDYS....

That is very interesting. I like Mr. Rick more and more.


Anonymous said...

farrar07, I am not responsible for the offensive posting. And you, I believe, do not represent the campaign. If you did, you would have identified yourself and provided a link. You Hazel supporters are so transparent, and you will resort to any tactic. But if you meet the offensive poster, please ask him to apologize.

Anonymous said...

Hazel's people are crazy. Just look at this thread. OUT OF TOUCH.

Anonymous said...

"But if you meet the offensive poster, please ask him to apologize."

I'm sure If I had been at Kees park the other night, I could have asked him.......

Typical Farrar tactics....

Thank GOD this is the last election we have to endure with Mr. Farrar....

Anonymous said...

This exchange is hillarious.

In the past, Farrar has only had to contend with anti-Farrar votes.

Now he has to contend with anti-Farrar AND pro Hazel voters.

Looks like Farrar is a little concerned. At least he is taking this race seriously. Good for him.

Anonymous said...

We Saw That has a great post about Piyush up. Yeah, I am hard right, but no way am I voting for Piyush.

Anonymous said...

I had considered Hazel until I see his base is against teachers. Farrar has got my vote again.

Anonymous said...

The Farrar reign is over.

The voters want change as evidenced in the trouncing Mr. Farrar took in the Judges race.

You can talk about teachers and ethics and homosexuals all you want.....the bottom line is, the voters are ready for some new blood.

I'm sure Mr. Farrar still has some "Farrar for Judge" signs laying around he can put to good use the next time a spot opens at the courthouse....

Anonymous said...

wesawthat says "hey piyush if you are such a christian like you claim to be, then why do you vote for unchristian, anti-christ legislation such as the usa patriot act, the military commissions act, the read id act, the john warner defense act and on and on?"

i would imagine because he values our safety and would stop at nothing to thwart criminal behavior.

what does religion have to do with gov't anyway?

i thought libs advocate the seperation of church and state.

Anonymous said...

Watch the District 26 race and it will give you an indication of who is winning this Roy v. Council fight on the streets. The administration will be with Dixon. The council and Bridgett are with Kelvin. The battle line is drawn. The outcome will give you a glimpse at into next year's council races and the 2010 mayor's race.

Anonymous said...

IF the administration is with Dixon does that mean they are also tied to Jumpin Joe Fuller? Herbert and Joe appear to be tied at the hip at times. That definitely concerns me and it concerns me more than a Bridgett and Myron connection. At least theirs is blatant.

Anonymous said...

Did Mr. Chuck Johnson have a practice in Alexandria before being picked for City Attorney?

Anonymous said...

What does the term 'FIRM 9TH JDC"
mean as pertains to Chuck Johnson?

Does this indicate he was associated (read employed by) the 9th Judicial District? If so how can the City of Alexandria file legal actions within the 9th Judicial District? Seems like a conflict of interest.

LSBA Membership Profile

Mr. Charles Edward Johnson Jr

Primary Address

Rapides Parish District Attorney's Office 701 Murray St








(318) 473-6650


(318) 442-9276

* Parish



9th JDC

* Board District

6th - LSBA Board District

* Judicial District

9th - Judicial District

Date Admitted


LSBA Participation

* Based on member’s preferred mailing address which may differ from the primary address show above

waterslide said...

Would you legal scholars quit blogging on here. Man, get back to work. Don't you have something authenticate with your notary republic stamp.

Anonymous said...

When Chuck got out of law school, he clerked for one of the 9th JDC judges (Metoyer I think). He did private practice, city prosecutor, assistant DA, City Attorney, and dragon slayer. But what can I say? You saw him kick Myron's and Bridget's ass with remarkable skill and aplomb.

Anonymous said...

Did he kick their ass? Why do I think it has been alleged he is a tenant Myron's building? Call me a conspiracy nut but if the three are housed under the same roof, all three black and, presumably, friends, were we watching a sham?

Either his desire to reach lofty heights is causing him to step on the fingers of his black bretheren as he climbs the ladder or he is putting on a good act. I have always believed a public "falling out" of blacks was merly a show to divert the attention of the white man.

Anonymous said...

Ever notice how the Al Sharptons and Jessie Jacksons of the world will not defame leaping louie?

Leaping Louie can be as big a bigot as he wants to be but nothing said from the leaders of "my peoples"

Hellexandria, LA said...


Wow. Profound.

Would you agree that this statement true in the reverse?

Hellexandria, LA said...


"I have always believed a public "falling out" of blacks was merly a show to divert the attention of the white man."

I agree. The Holyfield-Tyson fight was totally staged. lol.

Anonymous said...

No I would not agree that the reverse is true. The white person is too liberal, too afraid to not being politically correct, and, for the most part, feels guilty about slavery, that there is little if any cohesion amongst whites.

Anonymous said...

Someone just told me that the "City" has ordered that yesterday's meeting not be aired on public access chanel 4. Who the hell ordered this censorship? Surely, I'm just getting bad information.

Anonymous said...

I had considered Hazel until I see his base is against teachers. Farrar has got my vote again.

Well said Rick. I wonder if anyone is stupid enough to fall for it.

Anonymous said...

larry english is a nigger

Anonymous said...

Rick for family values? ha ha ha ha the time the election day arrives you and everyone else will finally be familiar with the real Rick Farrar. The one that has only been whispered about. This one comes with sound and video AND text. And the colateral damage that others in his circle experience will be political career ending also. Hints will start tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Should we start at NLU or just begin in Baton rouge?

Anonymous said...

Don't you know, Chuck Johnson is not a problem. The City Council does not consider him to be black.

Anonymous said...

Karl Rove whisper campaigns. Keep that out of Louisiana. Petty gossip does not win campaigns. In fact, it backfires.

Anonymous said...

JUST MAYBE - Chuck is a man of integrity who refuses to be bullied and happens to have a boss that has the backbone to see this showdown to the end???????

Wouldn't that be refreshing.

Anonymous said...

The letter to Roy from the Brown councilmen (in every sense of the word)- what did it say? Has anyone seen it or made it available to the media? Chuck and Jacques said that for them to even sign that letter was potentially illegal, or at best, clearly unethical.

If Myron is willing to drag down the whole goddam city over Bridget, he must be getting more than legal advice and rent.

Anonymous said...

More on Brown at:

Anonymous said...

She don't know she's beautiful....never crossed her mind

Vidalia, Vidalia, Girl won't you tell me why, sweet vidalia...

She was the queen of my doublewide trailer with the polyester curtains and red.....

Can anyone guess who sang these songs and is running for office?

Anonymous said...

Chris Hazel?

Anonymous said...

Myron Lawson has got to be the most ignorant man on the city council next to Hobbs,Smith,and Marshall.He made a statement about too much lawyering been done in the meeting.It sounds like you are jealous because you are not one!Go back to school.The city council strived to get 5 blacks onboard.Worst mistake in the history of the city.We ended up getting the bottom of the barrel.They don't like Chuck because he disagrees with them on some issues.They think just because he is black that he should go along with whatever they say.NOT! He is for what's right!B.Brown looked like a damn fool walking around @ the meeting like a wild woman.THANK YOU FOR NOT WEARING THAT BLONDE WIG!!!!! No doubt about it,Brown will get paid for services rendered.It won't be as much as she thinks it will be.

Anonymous said...

Notice that Myron's question to Chuck concerns him taking a "position" and when Chuck tries to get clarification of what he means or is trying to ask, Myron continues to mindlessly repeat "position" as though he neither understood his own question nor the concept he was trying to discuss. Everyone says that Myron is the smart one but on that occassion, that entire ambush was obviously choriographed by Bridget. Notice that, when Bridget was quizzing President Hobbs she would fire a set of questions at him to which he would essentially respond "yessum". I hope the Jacques, Chuck, Kay, and Trey do their sworn duty and report this conduct to the bar.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the Bentley taxing district thing. The customer pays an extra amount for staying at or eating at the Bentley which is collected as a tax and then returned to the hotel? Why not simply just increase the customer charge by that much. Why does the money have to go the the city and be returned to the hotel. That just creates an extra layer of expense. If, on the other hand, the city gives the benley all this money and then is allowed to get reimbursed by this tax, that's a bad deal. If the hotel will generate the money, why is city participation needed. And if the city fronts the money and has to look to the tax, then Lawson is lying again - it is our money. Help me understand.

Anonymous said...

The CITY never touches the additional tax at the Bentley. Everyone - GAEDA, CVB, City and Jury get their existing percentages of hotel-mote tax. An additional 1-2-3 or whatever percent is placed on the hotel just for those occupants. That money is leveraged and bonded. Those bonds are sold and the bond holders become the mortgage owners instead of a traditional lender. The bonds are paid for with the tax money. Now do you understand?

The district affords the hotel access to tax exempt bond financing which is less expensive than traditional commercial lending.

Anonymous said...

OK, so the city never fronts any money or makes any guarantees or is involved in the obligation or management of the hotel and the taxing district is the way that investing bondholders are repaid? Thanks. From the interview, it sounded like just adding an extra layer of expense and drawing the city fisc into it.

Anonymous said...

Do the hotel bond holders really have security interest in the property (you said "mortgage) or are they limited to that percentage generated by that hotel tax and do the hotel owners have any obligation on the debt beyond the tax or do they skate if the hotel continues to (not) perform as it has in the past. Are the bond holders purely betting on the long term viability of the hotel operation with no further security? How long do they project it will take to repay $16 million plus interest with a small tax on hotel customers?

Anonymous said...

Who said bonds would be issued at $16 M? Bonds can be issued for any given amount. If they are listed in the first position as far as debtors are concerned, they would receive payment first, just like they did when the original owners of the Hilton, now Holiday Inn, defaulted on the bonds years ago - or I guess everyone has forgotten how that project was done.

It appears that in the discussion of whether a private public partnership should be formed concerning the Bentley, people who were involved with and whose own family were involved with the deal to construct the building now know as the Holiday Inn and the convention centre forgot there was a group known as CCDC. They were a community revitalization agency (CRA) - a thing popular during the Carter administration. This group developed a revitalization plan for downtown, expropriated property and assembled the site which the hotel, convention centre and parking garage now occupy across from the Cathedral and the Riverfront Center.

Lawsuits were filed, and the project plowed forward. Bonds were issued, the Oklahome group defaulted and the city went out for rfp on the building to seek out a developer and hotel management firm to run the operations. They found one. The bond holders, cut their losses, accepted less than was owned, took a first position mortgage, secured by the building and the lease and everything moved forward to what we have today.

An operational hotel, flying the Holiday Inn flag, surviving in downtown Alexandria. If you question any of this, please go visit the library - they have a complete collection of articles on the whole PUBLIC project. And for the record this was done mostly during the Snyder administration. I believe there was a Roy serving as City attorney at some point.

Anonymous said...

Sammy Kershaw?????

Anonymous said...

Let's Sue The Alexandria City Council
Yesterday saw yet another example of the City Council's ongoing illegal attempt to keep Bridget Brown in the Cleco rate case, and clearly showed that no bounds of law are recognized by our City Council, as a group. This absurdity can be read about in the June 13, 2007 Town Talk article, by Billy Gunn, entitled "Cleco lawsuit meeting turns into tiff over attorney".

This embarrassing circus clown act can also be viewed here on the KALB website.

(See also the post on WeSawThat "calling out the alexandria city council").

Mr. Gunn's article states that Sharp and Davidson, the Baton Rouge lawyers hired by the City in the Cleco case, did not meet with the council behind closed doors after it became apparent that most council members wanted to include Brown in the meeting. Neither did Roy, who talked to the media in an almost-empty chambers. Despite having been removed from the case, by the Alexandria City Attorney, Chuck Johnson, the City Council has been fighting the administration over her removal. In fact, Ms. Brown has now sued the City, through an apparent intervention into its Cleco lawsuit, for her 10% contingency fee, which could amount to millions. As another attorney for the City informed the Council, Ms. Brown cannot ethically represent the City while she is at the same time suing the City.

The Alexandria Home Rule Charter clearly supports the City Attorney's position, in that it states "Any assistant city attorneys authorized by the city council shall be appointed by the city attorney and serve at his pleasure." See: Sec. 4-02(C), of the Alexandria Home Rule Charter. Based upon the clear wording of this provision, the City Council's persistence in support of Ms. Brown is prohibited by the Charter.

Why should we care if Ms. Brown is on the case or not? Well that's simple. It's because the Council seeks to giver her OUR money, for no valid reason. Yes, her 10% contingency fee would come out of any judgment ordering Cleco to pay us back any overcharges on our utility bills. Therefore, Ms. Brown's 10% would come out of your pocket. The City already had the Baton Rouge lawyers, who have experience in utility rate cases, representing us, so why did we need Ms. Brown, who does not have any such experience? Why was Ms. Brown hired by the City in this case? Possibly it has to do with the fact that she has her law office in Councilman Myron Lawson's building, and is involved in several business deals with his family and business associates. Ms. Brown has a history of using Black politicians to use their positions to obtain legal contracts for her with numerous public bodies, although other lawyers were not sought out.

This clear violation of the City Charter, by City Council members, could be a federal criminal violation of the Hobbs Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1951, and if Ms. Brown gets any money from the Cleco settlement this matter should be referred to the federal prosecutor.

Additionally, under the rulings in Tardo v. Lafourche Parish Council, 476 So.2d 997 (La. App. 1 Cir., 1985), Godwin v. East Baton Rouge Parish School Bd., 372 So.2d 1060 (La. App. 1 Cir., 1979), and LaFleur v. Roberts, 157 So.2d 340 (La.App. 3rd Cir. 1963), each individual Councilman who may authorize any payments to Ms. Brown for work she performed after her dismissal by the City Attorney, can be sued to pay us back for those illegal expenditures. And guess what, they will have to pay that money to us out of their own pockets.

So now Councilmen, are you willing to pay back millions of dollars out of your own pockets on Ms. Brown's behalf? How you like them apples?

Anonymous said...

Bridget for Governor.

Anonymous said...

downtown bridgette brown comes out strong for a waterslide, she has my support.

Anonymous said...

Delores Brewer for Governor! I would vote for her before I would ever vote for Piyush Jindal. Run a real Republican for office.

Anonymous said...

Someone called Rod Noles's show yesterday and said something about the ignorance of the city council and he asked what that had to do with economic development. The more I think about it the more I think the caller was dead on. What company or business in their right mind would want to come here knowing how the city government works in this town??? This city government can sure impede economic development!

Anonymous said...

Bridget Brown for governor??? Are you kidding me??? She is scum.

Anonymous said...

Prior to the new adminstration, the city council has been extremely supported in the economic development arena - they have given the go ahead to sell city property, fund projects and grant support for incentives. All of this has suddenly ground to a seriously snail's pace. You can't even seem to get a flood elevation certificate in a timely fashion anymore and the council doesn't have shit to do with that.Oh wait, I guess since the approve the budget which pays that guy's salary they do, so in the end it is their fault.

The real question is what business would come to a community where the Mayor is constantly picking fights with the Council and the Council seems to do things just to irritate the Mayor?

Anonymous said...

"All of this has suddenly ground to a seriously snail's pace. You can't even seem to get a flood elevation certificate in a timely fashion anymore and the council doesn't have shit to do with that.Oh wait, I guess since the approve the budget which pays that guy's salary they do, so in the end it is their fault."

On the contrary, the funds are budgeted to provide the service you need. The problem is with CIVIL SERVICE who takes a year to fill a job and sees absolutely nothing wrong with a dept. running at 50% staffing. I'm sure you've wondered why it takes so long when dealing with various City dept,s. Probably because there aren't enough people to get the job done!!

Anonymous said...

Actually not true - the same person was responsible for signing flood elevation certs under the Randoph administration and the Roy administration. Not much has changed in that particular dept.

Anonymous said...

I note that Greg's new site has something called "Trackback". Is that some kind of sneaky identification system?

Anonymous said...

To: Friday, June 15, 2007 10:03:00 AM

The short answer is Yes!

Anonymous said...

Is that some kind of sneaky identification system?

Yes it is. Trackback gives me your name, address, a satellite map of your house, you place of employment, you home, work and cell phones numbers, your Social Security Number and your shoe size.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to sign my name, in case Quint doesn't have Trackback. LOL

Anonymous said...

Greg, I understand why you want our house location. Do you guys buy the burnable crosses prefab or do you have to manufacture them as you go?

Anonymous said...

He probably doesn't remember, since he has not burned one in almost 30 years. But back then, they were made by the same company that makes your gay lover's anal probes and gerbel cages.

Anonymous said...

See the full no edits Roy vs. Brown video, at

Anonymous said...

Check out the copy of the intervention suit on WST's blog. Does anyone know who "CLEOCO CORPORATION" is? Ever heard of Judge Bee Drell? Good thing Larry did not have to pass a literacy test to be admitted to the bar.

Anonymous said...

I find We Saw That's views small-minded, repugnant, ill-informed, and filled with his own personal fears and demons.

However, his blog is the ONLY reliable source of accurate information on local developments at the city or parish level. He is the ONLY one who does it and he does it quite well.

Michele Godard is a complete fraud.

Anonymous said...

That fraud is the ONLY one who cares enough to honor Oakdale solider Timothy Bruce Cole. Did you see his funeral in the TT today? By the way I talked to her this past week and you are all playing into her hands. Now the online community statewide knows who she is.

Anonymous said...

We are apparently hearing different reviews of her talent and her performance. Her sentimental story on our fallen soldier is quite moving but certainly not journalism. Do you really think that there is another side to that story?

The real news issues like the Cleco deal and city council misconduct are glossed over, ignored, or reported with an obvious lack of real comprehension. And then, of course, there is the issue of her declared commitment to public input. There has not been a single public contribution to her site since she shut down non-"team members" in order to stem any of the criticism and generally critical comment about her work. She is clearly preventing her blog from serving it's declared and avowed purpose. She is a fraud. What else can you call it?

Anonymous said...


"Stupid Bitch to Enter Yale Law."



Anonymous said...

Taking Michele's word on her esteem in the journalism community would be like, oh, taking the Cleco PR spokesperson's word on questionable board member actions. It ain't valid and it ain't reliable. Try this - if you know anyone who works at KALB news dept. well enough to share a candid conversation, ask him/her/them about Godard. Then come back and tell us what you learned.

Anonymous said...

Ruh roh, the thought police are coming. I just wish them better luck than what they have with regular stuff like murders, auto theft, burgulary, and all of the other bad stuff they can't seem to find who done it. Where can I get a report?

Anonymous said...

Keep it up guys. She is watching and laughing. Recently she was informed of the Lamar White, Junior/Mayor Roy effort to discredit she and Billy Gunn. You know what she did? Laughed all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

Lamar White and Mayor Roy don't need to work at discrediting Gunn or Godard. They're doing a fine enough job discrediting themselves through sloppy reporting and the ridiculous blog.

Most intelligent people see right through this bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Laughed all the way to the bank?


I noticed she just bought a brand new Lumina.

Anonymous said...

"Rep. Rick Farrar Blames His Math Errors on Pineville High School

At the May 18,2004, Ways and Means Committee hearings, of the Louisiana House of Representatives, Rep. Rick Farrar stated that there was only 30 days in two months. When corrected, Rick states, to all in attendance and while being recorded, that "you gotta excuse me, I graduated from Pineville High School. I'm trying to do the best I can here with math."

Do the voters in Rick's district want to re-elect a representative who thinks that there are only 30 days in two months?

Do you want a representative who blames the high school that he and many of his constituents graduated from as being deficient in teaching math? It's up to you.
Posted by Greg Aymond
at 9:58:00 PM"

I REALLY find that hard to believe....

I think Aymonds is up to his usual bullshit..AGAIN!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't believe it either . No way Farrar went to High School

Anonymous said...

Aymonds full of shit again.

Anonymous said...

"I don't believe it either . No way Farrar went to High School."

Lafargue Class of 78.

Rain Man was Valedictorian.

Anonymous said...

A quote about Farrar from 2004?????

Come on, Aymonds..... I heard that Farrar had corn in his shit in 2006. AND I CAN PROVE IT!

Anonymous said...

During the council meeting Tuesday, one of the councilmen made the comment "There's too much lawyerin' going on here".

What do you expect when you (the council) calls a meeting to go into executive session to discuss two pending lawsuits. Good idea to have your lawyer there, doing some lawyerin', don't you think. Bad idea to have the lawyer that has an adverse position there, though.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't all the lawyers in town raising hell about this to the Bar Association? I thought they had a duty to report stuff like this?

Anonymous said...

That is the question. Jacques, Kay and Chuck all have an absolute affirmative duty to their client and their profession to report Bridget, Larry English, and probably Kelvin and I just might report them for not reporting them.

Anonymous said...

I listened to the alleged Farrar audio tape on Aymonds site.....

I don't think that is Rick Farrar talking on there.

Anonymous said...

The question is, " why aren't we as citizens filing suit for the removal on the certain council memebers that are obviously taking a "position" that is adverse to the citizens interest by insisting -against a court order - to include Bridgette Brown in proceedings that she is obviously not qualified to participate even to the detriment of our citizens?".
By the way, the procedure for removal of council memebers is to file suit in a court of the proper jurisdiction for just cause. There are many causes that could be used for an action such as council members acting outside of their authority by giving direct orders to any city employee, taking positions adverse to the interest of the city, being a convicted felon, and the list goes on.
The next question is, how many of you will band together to actually file suit? I thought so.

As in any card game, someone is going to tip their hand which makes it noteworthy that Myron is now taking the lead in his insistance to retain Ms, Brown at all costs and the level of his persistance leads me to wonder if he is personallly invested in the outcome of any fee.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that is Rick Farrar talking on there.

The you obviosly do not know Rick's voice HaHa. Tell Rick to sue him then if it ain't him. Which Rick won't do because it is him. Keep in mind this tat is also on video, so you can also see Pumpkin Head when he speaks. The video is circulating among lawyers in town, and I have seen it.

Anonymous said...

report Bridget, Larry English, and probably Kelvin

How do you know that they, and others haven't reported them? Citizens can also report them to the ODC, have any of you done so? Perhaps instead of bitchin about it on here, if you we all reported them something would be donme about it.

Anonymous said...

If everyone here is so unhappy with the TownTalk, tell the local businesses that advertise in that rag that you will no longer shop in their store.

Deny Gannett their revenue. Starve them out. Then demand they act like a real newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are right and anybody can complain to the bar assn. but Jacques, Kay, and Chuck have a sworn professional duty to do so and can be sanctioned for overlooking the ethical violations. For once, Jacques could quit making all these overly histrionic speaches and do what is clearly his job and responsibility.

Anonymous said...

"The next question is, how many of you will band together to actually file suit? I thought so."

Last time I checked, it only took ONE person to bring/file a lawsuit.

Why don't YOU do it?????

I thought so.........

Anonymous said...

"For once, Jacques could quit making all these overly histrionic speaches and do what is clearly his job and responsibility."

He's too busy using BIG words and trying to dupe the council into doing what he wants with the use of those words. Most of us know the council cannot think quickly on their feet and half of them don't understand a word Roy is saying. They become so confused in the process they'll vote for anything.

Chuck and Trey aren't advising the council on how procedure isn't being followed and the Mayor is out smarting them. I believe that was one of the points Bridgett was trying to make during her rant and all Hobbs could answer was "Yesum."

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain how the Coachs running the Sports Camp at ASH continue to pocket large amounts of money, while they use the school facilities.. They pay a small amount to do this at ASH.. But they pocket large amounts of money each year.. I've raised the issue and it falls on deaf ears..

Anonymous said...

"hypocrite-hater said..." would appear to be a case of the pot calling the kettle "chickenshit".

Anonymous said...

I just may file one within weeks although I would want it to be more of a collaborative effort.

Anonymous said...

how much are the ASH coaches paying for utilities? It was different when summer school was there. aren't they the only ones in the buildings?

Anonymous said...

The School Board has a policy that requires them to pay for the use of the facility. That is why they no longer have one at Pineville Junior High . That principal enforced the charge. Are you saying that Ash coaches are not following school board rules? Or do you even know?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Joseph girl from Pineville who is the new Miss Louisiana . It will be interesting to see how Mayors Dupree/Fields will find a way to take credit for it too. H a

Anonymous said...

How is a girl from Pineville that attends school in Baton Rouge named "Miss Bossier"???

Anonymous said...

NAACP upset with standardized tests

The problem is not with the test, according to the NAACP, but that the scores are giving "colored people" low self-esteem. Sorry . . . . .

Anonymous said...

Mr. William Ford of Alexandria is dissatisfied about certain columns and letters that appear in the TT. How said is that!? I don't enjoy the trash that certain people write in the TT either, I just don't read the shit that liberals spew, so you have the same choice with conservatives, you asshole.

Anonymous said...

Channel 4 needs to be re-named the "public access, but only what we want you to see" channel. There have been other societies throughout history that have owned government controlled media. However, that is why government controlled media is not favored in America.

Anonymous said...

"Coming soon a letter from Mayor Jacques Roy"

Wonder if he is going to get his welcome letter completed before it is time for new elections?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he will finish that letter before I get this massive cock out of my ass.

Anonymous said...

Big Gay - so childish

Anonymous said...

I know the administration reads this blog so:


I can't even get the agenda for tonight's council meeting. They still display the one for June 12.

A letter from the Mayor? With all of the underlings tripping over themselves on the second floor, you'd think he could find someone to write a simple letter. Of course, that would be out of character for a micromanager like Jaques.

Anonymous said...

Roy doesn't have time to write a simple letter....

He is too busy putting out fires set by that moronic council....

Anonymous said...

No, he is too busy trying to be a lawyer instead of being the Mayor. His line of questioning during the infamous lawyer fight just shows he has not left lawyer mode. "Is it a fact that..." Sounds just exactly like the way the Assistant City Attorneys conduct meetings. Inquisitions, not meetings.

Jacques needs to discover he is the Mayor, no longer a lawyer and get some real lawyers in the legal department instead of the rubes he has that are falling all over themselves trying to make a name for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Sec. 3-07. Powers and duties of the mayor.
The mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city. He shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Appoint and suspend or remove for just cause all city employees and appointive administrative officers provided for by or under this charter, except as otherwise provided by law, this charter, civil service or other personnel rules adopted pursuant to this charter. He may authorize any administrative officer who is subject to his direction and supervision to exercise these powers with respect to subordinates in that officer's division, department, office or agency.
(2) Direct and supervise the administration of all divisions, departments, offices and agencies of the city except as otherwise provided by this charter or by law.
(3) See that all laws, provisions of this charter and acts of the council, subject to enforcement by him or by officers subject to his direction and supervision, are faithfully executed.
(4) Prepare and submit the annual budget and five (5) year capital program to the council.
(5) Submit to the council and make available to the public a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the city as of the end of each fiscal year.
(6) Make such other reports as the council may reasonably request to enable the council to conduct its councilmanic function.
(7) Keep the council fully advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the city and make such recommendations to the council concerning the affairs of the city as he deems desirable.
(8) Perform such other duties as are specified in this charter or may be required by the council.

Anonymous said...

"No, he is too busy trying to be a lawyer instead of being the Mayor."

No, he IS a lawyer.

Yes, you ARE a moron.

Yes, we are lucky to have an attorney as out mayor.

Anonymous said...

Sec. 2-21. General powers and duties.
All powers of the city shall be vested in the council, except as otherwise provided by law or the Charter, and the council shall provide for the exercise thereof and for the performance of all duties and obligations imposed on the city by law.

Anonymous said...

fufjgAre we saying the Mayor works for the Council?

Anonymous said...

No your the moron. If he wanted to be a lawyer he should not have run for the Mayor's job. He is now the Administrative Head of the City implementing the City Council's directions.

Anonymous said...

Join us prayer warriors this weekend as we beg the Lord to help guide Royal Alexander through his troubled life. Alexander helped cover up Republican Mark Foley's sexual harrassment of young male pages in the US House, and Royal has lied to the media about his involvement. Royal also sexually harrasses women. We prayer warriors will pray all weekend. Join us in prayer, as we ask the Lord to help Royal seek the Lord's guidance in this troubled time. And pray to the Lord and ask him to ensure that Royal, a sinner, loses his election

Anonymous said...

The voters did not elect a lawyer they elected a Mayor. He should leave his previous occupation behind and become the Administrative leader of those city employees and agencies that report to him.

As an aside - just because someone has a law degree does not make them a lawyer as the employees of the City Attorney's Office so greatly evidence.

Anonymous said...

JR's law degree and his success in that field is an added bonus to the Mayors office. His expertise can only help the visionary goals he wants to accomplish for this area. His success not only is good for the citizens of Alexandria, but for the parish as a whole. If any of the geniuses that post on this site think they can do a better job, 2010 is not that far away.

The Mayor is paving a road for good government by redirecting this council in matters of Home Rule Charter. They were allowed to get away with far too many discrepancies in the past. It is also obvious that they enjoy exhibiting resistance when it comes to following the Charter.

I am sure most of you viewed the "professional" conduct by the council and BB at the last council meeting. JR is earning every cent of his salary dealing with those individuals.

Anonymous said...

Ashley and Chris could show up this bunch of idiots on a slow day.

Anonymous said...

Wow, anon 2:56
Good thing you are typing instead of writing, you would have had to take Jacques dick out of your mouth to sing those praises verbally.

Anonymous said...

ANON 3:31:00 PM

Your comments and your thought process reveal the depth of your character and obviously your sexual preference.

I am sure your contributions to life, community and family are as wholesome as your post.

Anonymous said...

What a day! I can't even decide who to quote first. Would it be Myron's reminder to the Mayor that the Council can "decide?" The written admission of an illegal public meeting by the Council? Chuck Fowler's resolution requiring ALL Concil meetings be broadcast on Channel 4 that died for lack of a second.

Is the council against public access to government. Sure looks tha way to me!!

Go Jacques!!!!

Anonymous said...

When will they replay today's city council meeting? Right now they have some Louisiana Dept. of Revenue crap on Ch.4.

Anonymous said...

At the very least. Did not Lawson and the other council members violate the open meetins law by holding a meeting upstairs before the regular meeting and discussed MS BROWN?

Anonymous said...

Is a city council removal lawsuit sounding so far fetched now? I don't care what your ethnic background is - the council is hosing all of us. As Martin Luther King once said, "I look forward to the day that a man may be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin."

It is time to do a character assessment folks because no leadership exists on the city council - only crisis management.

Anonymous said...

Who will join us as we prayer warriors ask the Lord to guide Alexander from his past sins? Who will join us as we ask the Lord to force Alexander to lose his election and focus on his debauched behavior? Who is ready to join the Rapides Parish Prayer Warriors?

Anonymous said...

I will join you Prayer warrior.

Greg Aymond said...

Mayor Roy has issued a "call to action", as seen by today's Town Talk. If you believe that the Alexandria City Council violated the Open Meetings Law, please visit

Take a stand !

Anonymous said...

Prayerwarrior, I thought this was America where a person is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. Why are you the judge and jury for ANYONE? Where is your evidence you idiot!?

Anonymous said...

"JR's law degree and his success in that field is an added bonus to the Mayors office. His expertise can only help the visionary goals he wants to accomplish for this area. His success not only is good for the citizens of Alexandria, but for the parish as a whole. If any of the geniuses that post on this site think they can do a better job, 2010 is not that far away."

Yes we are indeed fortunate to have a lawyer as a Mayor. Wonder what the percentage of Lawyers is in the State Legilature, wonder if Blanco is a Lawyer, let me see Edwin Edwards is/was a Lawyer, wonder how many other jailed Louisiana politicians were lawyers?

Wonder how many politicians on a Nation level are Lawyers? Isn't Bill and Billary Lawyers?

America, it would seem, has a excess of lawyers and a deficit of politicians interested in the people.

Let us look at the Roy Administration - Von Jennings, confidante (sic?) of Grandma White, Lamar White, Grandson of Grandma White and the list goes on. Roy, the angelic lawyer defending the rights of his people, seems to follow in the political tradition of rewarding those with money.

It would seem that throwing all of them out would be a good idea. No, just be replaced with another bunch of incompetents. How much of the citizen's business can be accomplished when the City Council and the White Knight Mayor are in a pissing contest? Despite Lamar's opion Lamar ain'tperfect.

Anonymous said...

Lamar isnt even on speaking terms with his grandparents, idiot.

Anonymous said...

You guys need to argue about El Nino' or global warming or whether Tony Soprano is really dead.

You DON'T need to waste your time arguing whether it is advantageous to have an attorney leading the Executive branch of city government.

That is like arguing whether it is better (or not) to have a medical doctor as coroner. We know that you don't have to be an M.D. to run for that office, but it sure makes more sense when you are one.

Having a law degree and legal experience allows our mayor to have a better comprehension of the laws, charters, rules, etc... that he encounters on a daily basis.

If you don't agree with that, then maybe you are one of the few that want to continue to allow the council to ignore the "rules" in their typical bully fashion.

Anonymous said...

Lamar isn't on speaking terms with a lot of loks that possess common sense. He is a silver spooned brat that uses his handicap to his best advantage, never has held a job, lives on a trust fund and spends his time explaining how his youthful ideas will lead downtown Alexandria to utopia.

Funny though, despite all his downtown revitilization bullshit the Bentley remains unsold and closed, Harry Silvers still hasn't sold his white elephant and the owner of this blog had to close his downtown place of business due to extreme competition for no customers.

Yes Lamarwith his visionary outlook is going to lead Alexandria to Utopia - hope Utopia has a waterslide. Wonder why he doesn't like Grandma? Bet that is an interesting story. Supposedly Lamar's momma can't stand them either.

Anonymous said...

"Having a law degree and legal experience allows our mayor to have a better comprehension of the laws, charters, rules, etc... that he encounters on a daily basis."

HOW!!!!!!!!! Are you implying a lawyer is more knowledgeable than us non-lawyers? Bullshit. To counter your Bullshit I mention one name - Greg Aymond.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know the owner of this blog had a place downtown.....hmmmmm

Anonymous said...

"Are you implying a lawyer is more knowledgeable than us non-lawyers?"

More knowledgeable??? Probably.

More qualified??? Definitely.

Aymonds isn't our mayor, so his qualifications are not an issue.

Anonymous said...

"Cenla Antics said...
PJ's had been for sale for 9 months. We had someone looking at it in the last month. We did not proclaim our "drop dead" date in order to make a smooth transistion for the new owners. They backed off thinking I'd drop the price. Pulled the plug.

There is no difficult time to consider. Due to Sarah and our move (we sold our home and moved to a much larger house) and all the other items that make up my list, we decided to get out of the cafe and allow me to pursue things more inclined to me.

Funny but true statement ... my electric bill was more often than not higher than my rent, everyone said there was a problem but there was never an in depth investigation ... can't wait to see my "rebate"


The results of the owner of this blog attempt to conduct business in Lamar's beautiful dowtown Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. This anon asshole thinks a coonass lawyer who's heritage links him to Avoyelles Parish is far better qualified to be Mayor than those Alexandrians possessing much more education in far more relevant fields.

Anonymous said...

This reasoning leads one to the conclusion that Mike Small should be our Mayor. Seems like Mike's abilities far surpass Roy Junior and Roy Senior.

Anonymous said...

you illiterate old fuck. you and your buds have stated many times that the reason lamar got his job with this administration was b/c of his grandmother. they havent been on speaking terms on over 2 years. what happened, did mrs. white get you kicked off the bake sale committee at church?!!

Anonymous said...

Just a $64,000.00 question - the last great politician lawyer with lineage to Ayovelles was:

Hints to discover the answer:

Heritage is French.

An Assembly of God Preacher.

First married to a Jewish Lady.

Second marriage was to a Beauty Queen from Ascension Parish.

Noted high roller gambler in Los Vegas.

Nicknamed the "Silver Zipper."

Probably can be genealogically linked as kinfolk to the Roy family.

Resident of Oakdale, La.

Lawyer/Politician. Yes indseed we are so lucky to have a lawyer as Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Wonder which one is better off by their not speaking. I suppose Von Jennings got her position based upon qualifications. If being Malcom X's concubine and Mawmaw White's house negress are qualification.

Oh, and I am not old or illeterate. Course there is a difference between illeterate and dumb. I could be a dumb fuck. As is, I am just a perfect asshole when it comes to addres Lamar's dick suckers.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Roy is forced to employ his legal training, education, experience and skill every second of every day in his foxhole on the second floor. We did our city a terrible disservice by not electing some responsible councilpersons to allow Roy to exercise his leadership ability. Maybe he will have the courage to take this rare opportunity to nail those malicious bastards and teach us all a lesson in good government. I is up to him and in his hands now.

Anonymous said...

I have difficulty accepting the premise that someone can castigate the voting populace by questioning their decision as to whom they wish to be represented by. It is self-serving, at best, and extremely egotistical to think some anon asshole can judge the individual decisions made by the voters. It is not anyone's right to question who the voters elect to represent them. It is a personal choice.

To make a blunt statement that the voters elected a bunch of duffessas is egotistical. In this wounderful world of ours we, as individuals, get to decide for who to cast our vote and your asshole opinion doesn't matter.

The members of the City Council, as well as the Mayor, are those chosen by the people to serve. Who the hell are you you pompous ass to castigate the voters decisions?

Anonymous said...

You are apparently a slow-learner and I don't mind helping you out a little.

To vote for a person that has a virtually uninterrupted history of doing the wrong thing in the expectation that the wrong thing may eventually inure to your self-interest is an irresponsible thing to do. The voters frequently make poor decisions due to lack of interest, poor information, or some perceived advantage in their self-interest. That you are unable to grasp that is a strong argument against universal suffrage.

I think I am smarter than many voters and clearly smarter than you. Most of our problems are your fault. And thank you for Myron Lawson and George Bush.

Anonymous said...

A quote from Hobb's letter to Roy:

"In the future, please contact the City Clerk with any concerns or questions regarding the airing of council meetings."

. . . . in other words, don't even bother me with this stuff.

Anonymous said...

At least three council seats are up for grabs next year. Those elections will determine the fate of Roy's legacy.

Anonymous said...

I think I have just about convinced Dr. Slatkin to run in our district against that totally ineffective moron, Fowler. Help me talk him into it.

Anonymous said...

"The voters frequently make poor decisions due to lack of interest, poor information, or some perceived advantage in their self-interest. That you are unable to grasp that is a strong argument against universal suffrage."

You are an unmitigated pompous ass. Despite your thoughts relative to poor decisions made by the voters the voting populace has the right to make these decisions.

I am sure you would only allow white, male, land owning citizens the right to vote if you had the opportunity to make this decision.
Fortunately, the decision has been made by others and assholes with attitudes like you lost.

Anonymous said...

PrayerWarrior2007 - You should be very careful. Such blasphemy could result in lightening strikes from somewhere I have a feeling you are not familiar with. Your slanderous posts have all the markings of a paid hitperson.

Anonymous said...

You assume that I am a white male because I think there should be some responsibility associated the the vote franchise. Since you dislike and distrust white folks, that tells us something about you. You are asserting your right to cast stupid votes and you are, unfortunately correct but your votes are still stupid. Stupid votes have very grave consequences. They hurt people that don't deserve to be hurt.

As to who lost: watch channel 4 and try to make that decision on other than your racial identity. The Provostys were nice to you for a while. Then they wised up.

Anonymous said...

Here's a way we could take back our government from the slackers who now represent us; those who have been on the public teat for longer than 2 years automatically lose their right to vote.

Anonymous said...

You limiting that to elected persons or does the plan include all governmental workers?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I pray to the Lord for his guidance of Royal Alexander out of a life of debauchery and of lying, becuase Royal is guilty of covering up Republican Mark Foley's harrassment of young pages in Washington, DC. Now Alexander lies, and I pray to the Lord that He shall teach Alexander the ways of the Lord. We God warriors pray to the Lord to teach Alexander to atone for his sins, and part of this requires Alexander to lose his election. We prayer warriors are healers of the sick, and we want Alexander to lose his election so that he may one day heal.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I took me 4 months to teach my schnauzer to heel.

Anonymous said...

prayerwarrior would you please take that shit somewhere else? You keep posting the same stuff. I really don't think too many people are interested in your tactics. It's really quite annoying.

Anonymous said...

Some time back a poster vivdly pointed out several mistakes made by Mr. English on his Petition for Damages on behalf of Curly Brown. Several inferences can be drawn from this posting:

1. It is racist in nature showing the ineptness of a typical Black Lawyer in practicing his profession and utilization of the English language.

2. It was a posting by someone in the City Attorney's Office, City of Alexandria designed to garner support for the City Attorney.

It is my belief that it was a posting by the City Attorney's Office projecting their egotistical nature, feeling of Godliness and perfection.

Now we come to a recent Petition For Damages filed by Ms. Laura Sylvester on behalf of the City. Ms. Syslvester is the perfect politically correct employee in that she is White (presumably), Female (presumably, and (in her mind) proficient in her profession.
Her negative points are that she is a wanna-be PB, pays little attention to detail and, appraently, is not real good at math.
The paragraph numbering of Ms. Sylvester pleading on behalf of the City is as follows:


Wonder if Mr. English can teach Ms. Sylvester that 24 is XXIV, 25 is XXV and 26 is XXVI.

No wonder J Roy has to act as an Attorney for the City - his abilities of his legal staff are obviously lacking.

waterslide said...

Ok, let me get this straight, you are actually taking up for Larry English. Really, you were not just joking about this, pulling our leg, pulling a fast one, joshing around, kidding, bullshitting. You are serious? Really?

Nah, you almost got me. That was a good one. Oh, you are good. I am going to have to use that one. You reeled me in on that one, had me hook, line and sinker. Didn't even see it coming.

Anonymous said...

Three observations:

1. calling attention to some error made by Ms. Sylvester is not racist (unless you attribute her shortcomings to the fact that she is a Southern graduate;

2. I am quite sure that Ms. Sylvester speaks sylvester better than Mr. English speaks english;

3. The 5th (Vth)amendment to the US Constitution STILL does not provide for freedom of speech.

If an attorney had done what the city alleges that Ms. Brown has done (much of which was done on TV) and I were Ms. Brown, I would not prepay my yellow page attorney advertising.

Anonymous said...

"prayerwarrior would you please take that shit somewhere else? You keep posting the same stuff. I really don't think too many people are interested in your tactics. It's really quite annoying."

I guess Royal Alexander's supporters are anti-Christian. We prayer warriors will pray for them too.

Anonymous said...

A white female graduate of Southeren. Explains it all. Shouldn't she feel some affinity twowards Mr. Lawson due to their common southeren experience.

Waterslide I am not taking up for any lawyer. If you were a lifeguard and a shark was attacking a lawyer which one would you save?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Sylvester went to Southern.

Anonymous said...

If not Southeren got lucky in not being to blame for christianing her an Attorney.

Anonymous said...

Actually if it appeared a shark was attackting a lawyer how could you tell they were not really trying to mate - members of the same specie

Anonymous said...

I am praying that Prayerwarrior gets a life and learns that if you mind your own business you won't be minding others. What you got, some kind of hotline to God? And what does he say when he picks up the phone? I'll bet he tells you he can speak for himself if you aren't too self-righteous to hear him.

Anonymous said...

prayerwarrior, please let us have your name so we can check you out and see if you have every done anything that needs praying for. You cannot be without sin, because I doubt Jesus frequents this blog.

Anonymous said...

A shark would never attack an know why???...professional courtesy!

Anonymous said...

"christianing" ITS CHRISTENING!!!!
you illiterate fuck. atleast southern grads can spell

Anonymous said...

Maybe I can't speel but I can count in Roman Numerals. Addition and subtraction ain't bd. It is the long division what is hell.

Anonymous said...

atleast is not a word unless it is a word in ebonics. correctly it would be at least - - at least 1 : at the minimum

Anonymous said...

time for a new thread

Anonymous said...

I live in a city surrounded by hills
It goes by the name of Pineville
Born and raised there most of my life
But all I read lately is from people that gripe,

They gossip about politics and the affairs of the state
They gossip about Greg Aymond’s obsession with hate
They gossip about liquor sales and illicit sex by the lake

They gossip about the Bentley, and the Alexandria Council members on the take
They gossip about the lies and deceit and the scams
They gossip about and ridicule the Mayor’s Plans

But there are many things that they do not say
Like what they are doing to make this a better place today
Or what they are giving back to the community you see
Other than griping and complaining of what they think it should be

They offer excuses and ranting and raving
Cursing and spewing obscenities like crazy
They sit in their chairs in front of the TV
Pointing their fingers and exclaiming how it should be

I long for the day patriotic citizens would arise
And unite as one with civic pride
To join in the fight for the greater common good
And bury the spirit of anti-brotherhood.

Anonymous said...

Well said Clarence, Nathan and Rich.

Anonymous said...

Why is no one questioning this agenda item from last Tuesday's council meeting?

12) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Walker & Passman, LLP for legal services.

Note the name, Walker & Passman, LLP is formerly Walker, Passman and Michiels, LLP. The name change took place 1/17/2007. I believe that is when Kay Michiels left to become the COO of the City. If we're talking transparency and sweetheart deals let's everybody play fair and put all the cards on the table. You can't point fingers at one branch of government when the other branch is just as guilty of giving their friends contracts.

Anonymous said...

Is Kay still in business with or receiving money from Walker or Passman, similar to the Lawson gang?
What laws or ethics violations do you think are being broken? What specifically is the contract with Walker Passman for, and have they represneted the City previously to this?

Anonymous said...

These "general service" contracts with law firms are very common. If you do a little research you will find that the City has these types of agreements with many firms. When thier services are needed for a specific case (let's say a trip and fall case like Jay Luneau would file against the City) they already have an agreement in place that spells out the hourly rates etc.

Anonymous said...

And do they seek out any attorney competively, or do you have to have an inside track, like Bridget Brown, to get one of those contracts?

Anonymous said...

prayerwarrior, please let us have your name so we can check you out and see if you have every done anything that needs praying for. You cannot be without sin, because I doubt Jesus frequents this blog.

I am not running for public office, and I am one of the Lord's children. I have sinned, but I have not lied about my involvement with Mark Foley, the Republican from Florida who was sexually harrassing young male pages in the US House, and I have not been accused of sexual harrassment. I am also very honest, while Royal Alexander refused to disclose evidence to the Clerk of the House during the Mark Foley pedaphilia investigation. Alexander protects middle aged pedaphiles, and he allegedly engaged in sexual harrassment, including making lewd gestures and statments, while covering up Mark Foley's sexual harrassment of young boys working in the US House. This is why I pray for Royal Alexander, because he has succumed to the debased desires of the flesh. He is a hedonist and a liar, and the Lord must help him find the light of God. The Lord must ensure he lose his election, lest Royal Alexander spread the devil across Louisiana. We prayer warriors are praying every weekend together for Royal Alexander and for Louisiana. Nothing can stop us on our path to the Lord. Join us prayer warriors as we seek real reason from Him. Join us as we stop the hedonism of Royal Alexander. Join us as we help Royal Alexander clense his damaged soul of lies and of sin. Join us as we help Royal Alexander get in touch with Rapides Parish values.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Well said Clarence, Nathan and Rich.

Thursday, June 21, 2007 7:55:00 PM

My intitals are JB and the three you mentioned had nothing to do with the creation of that poem.

Anonymous said...

Ok Joe Bishop then lol

Greg Aymond said...

long for the day patriotic citizens would arise
And unite as one with civic pride
To join in the fight for the greater common good
And bury the spirit of anti-brotherhood.
Thursday, June 21, 2007 7:31:00 PM

Apparently some have a different view of patriotism and civic pride that you, and thank God for them. Remember that this very country was founded by gripers and complainers against their government at that time, who did not want to accept the status quo. Perhaps you should spend more time in seeing to that people did not have anything to complain about, instead of calling any that do unpatriotic.
As far as my having hate, you are right. I hate liars and people who do not do their jobs in government. And yes, your perfect little town of Pineville has some of those. I hate government officials who misuse their public computers and email for personal political and business matters. I hate public officials who use their offices for personal gain. I hate public officials who attempt to penalize of fire their own city employees, simply because they have different views on politics. I hate government officials who knowingly allow sewer to back up into their citizens homes and do nothing about it. I hate politicians who publicly state one view, to get votes, and then do the opposite. I also hate public officials who do not think that the public has a right to know what is going on in their government, to the extent that is allowed by law.
So you are correct about me being filled with hate, not for people for personal reasons, but for what they do in government office.

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