Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays!!!

I have a request of all you bloggers. I ask that for just one day, no one insults anyone or intentionally misconscrue facts in an attempt to assasinate someone's character.

When I read the postings, sometimes I want to hit DELETE for the entire blog. I am in total agreement with Horace. If you haven't jumped in to help out, then you have no say. Let's start 2008 intelligently.

Merry Christmas ... Happy Chanuka ... Merry Quanza ... Merry Hajh (??)


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Anonymous said...

Poor Gus. Ever wonder why yo' daddy felt it necessary to repeatedly warn you about runnin' your mouth? Same you didn't listen.

Anonymous said...

Just like them Menard boys, their defenders don't know what they are talking about.

Roy campaigned on finishing Hwy 28. When the time came, he voted NO. Doesn't matter what Jindal did or didn't do. The voters put him in without a run-off, not so with Roy.

He got a cracker in front of the entire legislature for lunch, because they all knew he campaigned on 28, then went back on his word. I didn't give him a cracker, nor did any other poster on here give him that cracker. His peers did that because he earned it for his lies during the campaign. Take it up with them if you don't like it. And don't worry, there will be other names on the ballot in 3 years!

So next time you Flynn boys go slapping each other on the back, remember Wagner and Roy have been exposed in their pre-election lies by the real world, not the antics blog.

And it will be remembered via YouTube, blogs, etc. in 3 years!!

Ya can't run from the truth in today's technological society. You go get 'em Gus, they just running scared.

Anonymous said...

"And it will be remembered via YouTube, blogs, etc. in 3 years!!

Ya can't run from the truth in today's technological society. You go get 'em Gus, they just running scared."

Yeah. You idiots are going to win elections because of this blog.

How's that been going for you?

Anonymous said...

Well, after reading all the school boards list of names and salaries, I see Joe Moreau is listed as principal on assignment. I wonder why he says he is NOT on assignment. Can anyone tell us what that means?

Anonymous said...

Let's see:

Mayor Roy and the water parks
Wagner and firings
Wagner and uniforms
Wagner and unqualified hirings or promotions
Roy and Hwy 28 funding
Roy and the cracker lunch
Mayor Roy and the council "secret meeting"
The mayor and CLECO
The mayor and the Bentley
The mayor and crime
Wagner and the Crawford hire

All those letters, videos, and news articles have been saved to hard drives for future use, moron!

So, How's that going for ya'll??

Anonymous said...

It's going great. It's fantastic when your guy wins.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, did you just insinuate that Roy was a better representative of the people than Jindal (who will be the best gov. in La. history)?

LOL, stop it, my side is hurting.

And the sad thing about anons long list is that it's early yet. Wait 'til election time before you get your gloat on.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Roy and the water parks
Wagner and firings
Wagner and uniforms
Wagner and unqualified hirings or promotions
Roy and Hwy 28 funding
Roy and the cracker lunch
Mayor Roy and the council "secret meeting"
The mayor and CLECO
The mayor and the Bentley
The mayor and crime
Wagner and the Crawford hire"

That's all you got?????


Anonymous said...

Yeah, It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

No wonder the Flynn/Wagner/Roys are dems. They act like Hillary & Obama.

You just can't say that you ran from sniper fire, when there's video. Or that your an average American, when your preacher shows up on YouTube.

There's gonna be some great ads in 3 years. You know what they say about he who laughs last...

Maybe you don't; you thought 1,300 votes was a wide margin, and your dem buddies can get by with outright falsehoods.

Grass Roots Gus said...

Seems like some of you boys either need your ears cleaned, or ya just outright liars.

Daddy never warned any of us kids about speakin’ out the truth, he just said be prepared to back it up. I can, and some of you cain’t. That’s fact.

There’s a big difference between bein’ clean cut, and slick. To tell the truth, most politicians are pretty slick... they have to be to get elected. But, once the chair is yours, ya damn well better do the right thing and keep your promises.

Voters these days remember things a lot better, especially when they got computers to remind 'em.

I got no truck with slick, fast talkin’ long as they keep their word.

So far the Roy boys are turning out to be just like their Daddy who slurped down plenty of feed at EWE’s trough. Big Chris was a little smarter than his boys...he never got caught, but he sure helped hisself to plenty of pay-offs.

As far as Lil’ Chuckie goes, he’s finding out that his tool shed is pretty empty. There is a big difference between runnin’ around with Hardin Lewis, cookin BBQ chicken, and runnin’ the sheriff’s department. Lil’ Chuckie is in way over his head, and he knows it. His political enemies are lickin’ their chops.

But, all in all, there ain't no sense in whuppin' this mule... he ain't gonna move any faster. 2012 will be here soon 'nuff.

Anonymous said...

Now that the dream has become a reality, I am done with you homos. Unfortunately, you are the only guys still reading this blog. Now someone kun show nuff say somethun' witty.

Anonymous said...

Gus said: "Big Chris was a little smarter than his boys...he never got caught, but he sure helped hisself to plenty of pay-offs."

Gus, name the payoffs received by Chris, Sr.

I suspect that your down-home good ole boy bullshit is just that, bullshit. But I will eat my words if you can prove what you wrote, just like your daddy said.

Anonymous said...

Truth be known, I doubt Gus knows who his daddy wuz.

Anonymous said...

Typical response from the idiots out there who know nothing. When you can't argue the facts...resort to personal attacks.

So what if Gus really don't know who his daddy is, that don't make him wrong. But your attack proves you're stupid.

And to the other pinhead...prove that Chris Sr didn't take the payoffs from the EWE cronies.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that's the way it works. I don't think its emcumbant on anyone to prove their innocence.

Thank you for agreeing on the issue of Gus's legitimacy. Perhaps you are not as stupid as you appear.

Anonymous said...

And to the other pinhead...prove that Chris Sr didn't take the payoffs from the EWE cronies.

You dumbass, how do you prove a negative? Also, Gus is the one that said he could prove it, so why doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

"And to the other pinhead...prove that Chris Sr didn't take the payoffs from the EWE cronies."

That's not the way it works.

Prove that HE DID receive payments from "cronies" or at least provide some evidence.

Otherwise you are publicly defaming a private citizen, and some people take that kind of thing very seriously.

Anonymous said...

OK Tough guy...sue me! Me, not Gus, or whatever the fuck his name really is...ME! I'M saying that old man Roy was tied to EWE and Camile Gravel, and Adras LaBorde and Ed J. DeBartolo and Charlie Roemer...yeah, I said CHARLIE Roemer. Just ask old man Roy how tight he and Charlie were, that's before Charlie was convicted of taking bribes.

Don't sit back on your skinny naive asses and whine for anyone to provide proof…Just like Gus said…Old Chris was too smart to get caught. If there was any proof, old man Chris would have been sharing a cell with his best buddy CHARLIE Roemer.

But don’t think for one second, because he never got caught, that his hands ain’t dirty. I lived through this shit that made Louisiana as corrupt as this state is today. I watched this shit go down while you crybabies were still wiping your snotty little noses on your sleeve.

All you little shitasses think that you can discredit me, or Gus, or anybody you don’t agree with by demanding we PROVE ourselves to YOU?

You little Romper Room Rejects don’t amount to a pimple on a pigs ass and none of us “old guard” owes you a damn thing…including respect. You haven’t earned it.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about BUDDY Roemer????

Anonymous said...

No idiot, Charlie Roemer is Buddy's father. Charlie was EWE's commissioner of administration and got caught taking bribes from some pretty shady characters. He spent time in the federal pen for it.

It's a pretty well known fact across the state that several connected people were in on the bond scheme including Camile Gravel and Chris Roy Sr. They would over bond projects to match an inflated construction bid, then take a kickback from the construction company. Gravel and Roy sometimes supplied legal services and raked in HUGE fees. Fees that were WAY more than normal for the actual work done.

Trouble is the feds never could quite make the connection between ILLEGAL kick-backs and the HUGE fees.

Same goes with was common knowlege that he was crooked as hell, but the feds could never convict him until he screwed up with the riverboat gambling pay-offs in Shreveport. When that deal went south and DeBartolo ran to the feds, They nailed EWE. That's why he's in prison today.

Anonymous said...

Tell us another story, old man.

Anonymous said...

The nursing home only gives him so much time on his "picture box with the typewriter keys".

Anonymous said...

OK Tough guy...sue me! Me, not Gus, or whatever the fuck his name really is...ME!

Pretty big talk from a spineless gutless bullshitter who hides behind anononymous comments. Go grow youself a set of balls, and then we might take what you say seriously.

Anonymous said...

This is really a shame. Camille Gravel and Chris Roy Sr. are legal icons and their contributions to the law and state are legend. That you attack the late Camille Gravel speaks volumes about you. Chris Roy was president of the state trial lawyers association, help draft the state constitution, the city charter, and has done many things for his alma mater, LSU Law School. I imagine that being a cajun, he managed to have some fun doing it. Lots of people try to snipe at successful and accomplished people (Tom Yeager, when he was in the DA's office, had Roy investigated and arrested on dope charges and choreographed a perp walk of Roy in handcuffs - turned out that Yeager was once again, full of shit and once again, looking for headlines) but mostly Roy is best known for taking good care of his clients and children.

If you have something of substance, take it to the DA or Attorney General or FBI or the Bar Association.

I think the big mistake here was made by Gus's daddy. He should have worn a condom.

Anonymous said...

...and maybe before you shoot off your mouth, you should do a little fact checking.

Look at the trial of Charlie Roemer and see what part Gravel and "Big Chris" had in the bond scam.

Educate yourself about the history of corruption in this before you bestow "sainthood."

Remember, there are lots of poor, misguided folks out there that think EWE is innocent, and shouldn't be in prison.

Anonymous said...

Fast check this you ignorant bigmouth sack-0-shit:

The difference is that Edwards was investigated, tried, and convicted of misconduct (lying to the Feds). You are correct in that many of us think he was set up and hung out but his conviction is a matter of law and history.

Chris Roy is, as a matter of fact, law, and fundemental fairness, innocent.

Jealosy, frustration, and resentment of success can be a distructive thing. Get help.

Anonymous said...

"Fast check this you ignorant bigmouth sack-0-shit:"

Gee one of the posters on here must have hit a nerve....

I wonder which one of the Roy brothers is getting nervous about their old daddy's connections with both Edwin and Charlie Roemer?

Anonymous said...

They both should be getting nervous about the next round of elections.

Don't see a second term for either one.

Anonymous said...

"Chris Roy is, as a matter of fact, law, and fundemental fairness, innocent."

Haaaaaaa Hhhhhhhaaaaaa, HuuuhuuuhHaaaaaa!

Ahhhh, ya crack me up, ya really do! Say… There is some great investment land just south of Grand Isle ya might be interested in!

Here’s some other statements about local politics and political figures that are also true!

Greg Aymond is a slim, attractive man; an excellent attorney, and respected by his peers.

Lamar White got his job based on his abilities, not political patronage.

Lil Chuckie will make a great sheriff.

The voters of Rapides Parish have short memories.

The Alexandria Police Department is staffed with honest, caring, and competent officers.

Spray Pads, Golf Courses, BBQ Parties, Outdoor Concerts, and $30,000 dollars worth of football tickets for the Alexandria City Council and their cronies are all good expenditures of the taxpayers dollar.

And my personal favorite..."Currently the city’s payroll runs $35 MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR"...Jacques Roy, Mayor of Alexandria at yesterday’s special meeting of the Police Jury.

...say it ain’t so Jacques! We pay $35 MILLION a year for this bunch?

Anonymous said...

Get it all out.

This is healthy.

You are obviously carrying around a lot of resentment and antipathy toward everyone in local politics.

Thankfully, you can express all of your frustration right here and hardly anyone will notice... which is probably something you're used to... being ignored.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the Roys that well, but I do know that he was deep in with Gravel and the Edwards admin. And like my momma always said; Be careful of the company you keep.

EWE - convict
Stephen Edwards (son)- convict
Elaine Edwards (wife) - $10,000 bribe from Korean
Charles Roemer (comm of admin) - convict
Clyde Vidrine (exec asst) - murdered on steps of courthouse
Eddie DeBartolo (assoc) - convict
Richard Shetler (assoc) - convict
Cecil Brown (assoc) - convict
Bobby Johnson (friend) - convict
Andrew Martin (aide) - convict
Gregory Tarver (crony) - indicted & tried w/ EWE
Robert Guidry (assoc) - $100,000 bribe
Ecotry Fuller (assoc) - indicted & tried w/ EWE
Jack Gremillion (EWE's atty general) - convicted then pardoned by EWE

And never forget that Chris, Sr. headed the constitutional comm. that advocated for convicted felons to get back the right to vote. Hmm, isn't that interesting.

Anonymous said...

My, my, my.... It looks like the Roy family's shady flock of chickens have come home to roost.

I can assure you, when it comes to Jacques, and Lil' Chris...the apple don't fall far from the tree.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you whine to the voters that elected them. Perhaps you are pissed off that your candidate, or possibly yourself, didn't win?

Hey, I got an idea, instead of anonymously bitching on here, why don't you put your real name on a ballot and run yourself?

Anonymous said...

I don't remember hearing any of that list in the last elections. Probaby because Maxwell & Beard were too wimpy to man up and fight for the job.

No thanks about the election, I couldn't take the pay cut. Same thing I hear Chris, Jr. is struggling with right now.

Anonymous said...

We are indeed fortunate to have someone as intelligent, wealthy and humble as you to pontificate to us common folks on this blog.

Besides the pay cut, I bet that you are missing a set of balls to enable you to run also.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to have something, you're not born with. And I have no intention of switching sides.

Anonymous said...

"Why don't you whine to the voters that elected them. Perhaps you are pissed off that your candidate, or possibly yourself, didn't win?"

Or maybe it's because the Roy boys and Lil' Chuckie appealed to a generation of voters who were in kindergarten when EWE and his cronies were raping the state.

Maybe it’s just because people like you are just stupid, and cannot recognize a campaign lie when it slaps them in the face.

But, one thing is for certain. Next election cycle, Slick Jacques, Two-face Chris, and Lil Chuckie will have opponents running against them. And this time, the three second generation buffoons will have an embarrassing record to defend.

Anonymous said...

sfhglDoes anyone know if the Sheriff Department employees who transport prisoners from the Hilton Inn and Spa behind the Coca Cola plant on Highway 28 West are "Academy" certified so as to meet Sheriff Wagner's mandate that all uniformed employess be so certified?

Anonymous said...

Oh and won't that be a beautiful morning!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it’s just because people like you are just stupid, and cannot recognize a campaign lie when it slaps them in the face.

Wow how egotistical. So anyone who doesn't voter for the same people as you are stupid? Makes you sound like a blowhard conceited bastard.

Save your breath until next election and see if the majorty of the voters agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Anyone read the ad put in today's paper from two of the fired RPSO employees? They flat-out call Wagner OUT for lying to the public!! I say, good for them.

Anonymous said...

"blowhard conceited bastard."

I had to re-read your post, cause at first I thought you were gtalking about those that got elected. Then I realized you weren't.

Wow, are you delusional.

Good luck with that whole election thing. It's the same thoughts Blanco had (who by the way had the support of those kooks that we recently put into office).

We all saw how that turned out. Shows you what they know. That's probably why Jr voted against Jindal. It was payback from Blanco.

Anonymous said...

"Wow how egotistical. So anyone who doesn't voter for the same people as you are stupid? Makes you sound like a blowhard conceited bastard."

You Romper Room kiddies crack me up, you really do.

When faced with your own poor judgment and inexperience, you resort to calling others "blowhards" and "conceited bastards" because they point out your stupidity to you.

Just face facts...the Roy Boys and Lil' Chuckie got lucky. The happened to run for election with no record, in an anti-incumbent environment. Next time out they will have a record, and from the looks of things, it won’t be a good one.

Enjoy it while you can kids, the Birkenstock sandal crowd will end up as one-term-wonders.

Anonymous said...

I also think you are full of shit, and I'm no kid.

Anonymous said...

"I also think you are full of shit, and I'm no kid."

That's funny, you think and write like one.

Anonymous said...

"I'm no kid."

Some of the wackiest, nuttiest people I have ever known are older guys, that want to wear the sandals, shorts, button down shirts, dyed hair, with lots of jewelry. So not being a kid means you never grew up, and doesn't mean you're incapable of being sucked into the ignorance that's going on with the Flynn Bunch.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again oh dumbass one. While I did vote for Chris Roy, Jr. I also voted for Slocum, Hazel and Jindal. I also don't wear sandles, shorts or dye my hair. I guess that you really are full of shit.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to think a grown man, who refers to others as dumbass, would know how to spell "sandals."

So you're not very convincing.

And you have worn shorts and your kids went to Menard.

Anonymous said...

What the hell does Menard have to do with the price of tea in China much less local politics? ......Oh I got it......academic inbreeding. Thanks for keep the independent thought process so pure here at Cenla Antics.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Wrong again oh dumbass one. While I did vote for Chris Roy, Jr. I also voted for Slocum, Hazel and Jindal. I also don't wear sandles, shorts or dye my hair. I guess that you really are full of shit.

Monday, March 31, 2008 5:21:00 PM"

How did you vote for both Roy and Hazel, dipshit? They were elected to represent two separate representative districts. Dumbass.

Anonymous said...

He lied. That's what the whole Flynn group is all about. Haven't you learned that.

Anonymous said...

Let's see Mayor Roy lied about Brewer, and finalizing the CLECO deal

His brother lied about making Hwy 28 being a priority

Their buddy lied about not hiring from outside the dept, not firing people, no retaliations within the dept, hiring and firing of Crawford, nor giving political favors (before hiring Roy's brother-in-law)

Someone else has lied about running for DA, appears they've backed down now

And now this clown lies about voting in 2 districts to prove his worthiness as a defender of the "Flynn Boys"

Anonymous said...

Hey get off his case, I voted for Wagner and Pop Hataway.

And I think my spouse voted for Maxwell and Dixon.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that maxwell would be doing better than roy? Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

"Let's see Mayor Roy lied about Brewer, and finalizing the CLECO deal"

Please expound. Citations or otehr verifiable evidence appreciated.

Anonymous said...

"Do you really think that maxwell would be doing better than roy? Give me a break.

Regardless of what you Roy, kool-aid drinkers say, Maxwell would have kept his promises.

I think it's funny that there is a core of zombie-like supporters who blindly stagger through the political landscape chanting the same mantra...

Roy is good...Jacques will save us...Lil Chris cares about us...Wagner has experience...Give them all a chance...

Also, have you noticed that our young, resident socialist, Lamar White, is becoming more shrill each day about his blind support for the most radical political leftists?

Makes you wonder what his political benefactor, Mayor Roy, really believes.

Both Roy boys ran as conservative Democrats, but as time goes on we see more and more evidence that they are self-serving left wingers.

Otherwise, why would Mayor Roy keep someone like Lamar White on the payroll, unless Lil Lamar is serving as the administration's political commissar...

Anonymous said...

I hope that the "grass roots goon" runs for something. He is so wise. And the way he talks makes me feel very southern and comfortable.

Anonymous said...

To this guy:--->Tuesday, April 01, 2008 6:30:00 AM

There you new age leftists go again!

When you can't debate an issue, you attack your opponents age, appearance, diction, origins... anything to shift the subject.

You're all sooooooo transparent and sooooooo laughable!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn’t know Rich Dupree if I tripped over ‘em. He might be crooked as a pigs tail, or he might be honest as the day is long. But I do know this. He and Greg Aymond are locked in a life and death struggle because he voted not to renew Aymond’s little gravy train at Water Works #3

Let’s be clear about a few things. Aymond is just a tad too smug about Dupree being CHARGED with some ethics violations. Soon as he could, he fired up his computer and began taking shots at Dupree again. Never mind that these charges ain't been proved yet... Aymond is bound and determined to fry Dupree with ALLEGATIONS.

Might be a good idea to see what this dog trees before we start shootin'.

Nuther’ thing that has me scratchin’ my head is Aymond and the ethics board itself...From reading what Aymond has said about ‘em he had to hold his nose whenever they come up in conversation. Now that they have tagged Dupree, they’re the greatest thing since homemade pie.

It’s awful funny that the three folks that are chasin’ down Dupree, are the very same three that had a nice little backroom enterprise going when they worked for the City of Pineville and WW #3.

Maybe somebody needs to look into Aymond and Doug Byrd’s activity when they ran WW #3, and Morrow’s behavior when he was Fire Chief at Pineville.

Now I ain’t got a dog in this hunt, and it don’t bother me either way... but it looks like to me that Aymond and his buddies are just a little too eager for some payback that will discredit Dupree and his boss.

If the ethics board finds Dupree guilty, then he should pay the piper... FULL PRICE!
But if Dupree is not guilty, the political damage is already done.

I wonder who’s gonna pop up to run for Mayor in the next race? Wonder what his ties to Aymond, Byrd, and Morrow is?

Grass Roots Gus said...

Just wanted you folks to know I forgot to sign in before I posted that last comment.

That last post was mine...

Anonymous said...

Well consarn, dingblastit. I'll be a monkey's uncle if Gus ain't an ornery (and extremely quaint in a Deville sort of way) old cuss. For someone what ain't got a dawg in thus hunt, Ole Gus shore seems ta be taken' sides. I figure that Ole Gus could benefit from a change of perspective by shovin' that ole twig that he's been a'whittlin' up his countryfied ass. How 'bout that, neighbor? I'd be as pleased as an ole houndawg.

Anonymous said...

Lets see.... Gus said this:

"I wouldn’t know Rich Dupree if I tripped over ‘em. He might be crooked as a pigs tail, or he might be honest as the day is long."

and this...

"Might be a good idea to see what this dog trees before we start shootin'."

and this!

"If the ethics board finds Dupree guilty, then he should pay the piper... FULL PRICE!"

Then the last idiot poster said this....

"For someone what ain't got a dawg in thus hunt, Ole Gus shore seems ta be taken' sides."

Really????? Then tell us peabrain, what is it exactly that Gus posted that makes you think he's on one side or the other in this thing?

Anonymous said...

Good question. You certainly noticed that quaint ole gus is making a lame attempt to kill the messenger in that he is demonizing those who brought the ethics complaint rather than crediting them for their courage and iconic citizenship. Ole gus might be full uv sheyut but he is pretty obvious and transparent to the discerning reader. Like most cheap shot takers on this blog, he would like to bring harm to certain parties.

wudnt it be a shame if'n them chikuns came home to roost??

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope you aren't fooled by Gus getting his linguistic skills from reruns of He Haw. I don't think he lacks education - just judgment.

Anonymous said...

Gus, who charged Dupree, Aymond and Morrow, or was it the Ethics Board? It doesn't matter to me why they filed the complaint, just that Dupree got got for whatever reason. You sound like the criminal who claims that those that called crime stoppers on him sold him out.

Anonymous said...

And I ask again, what has Gus posted that would indicate that he is trying "to kill the messenger" or "demonizing" either party? Just where is this lack of judgment?

All I see is Gus making observations and asking questions about both parties that should make all of us think. He plainly says that if Dupree is guilty, then he should fry. He also says Aymond’s gloating is a little suspicious.

Maybe I’m wrong, but if you think Gus is hammering Aymond, cut and paste the part of his post that leads you to that conclusion.

Unless Gus's questions make you uncomfortable for a reason...

Anonymous said...

To this idiot: --->"...who charged Dupree, Aymond and Morrow, or was it the Ethics Board?"

Look stupid, we all know that it was Aymond who droped a dime on Dupree.

We also know that the Ethics Board heard the complaint, investigated the complaint, acted on the complaint with charges, will hear the case on the complaint.

What's your damn point?

I never heard anyone say that Dupree should not be called to answer these charges because Aymond is the one that filed them!

What we are all objecting to is Aymond's glaring hipocrisy, you dolt!

Aymond did what he did because he hates Dupree's guts, not because he 's some champion of good government.

Anonymous said...

I think all of you are being a little bit premature.

Read the Ethics Board Web Site...

"Following this private investigation, the Board, with Board Members Johnson and Lowery recused, by a majority vote of its membership at its March 13, 2008 meeting, ordered that a public hearing be conducted for the purpose of exploring the following:CHARGES"

The operative words here are "exploring" and "CHARGES"

Has anyone thought about what happens if these charges are found to have No Merit?

Remember, Aymond has lost every court case, complaint, or other legal action he has started against Dupree.

What happens if he loses this one too?

Anonymous said...

What happens if he loses this one too?

Aymond merely helped Morrow draft the complaint. Once that complaint was filed, it wwas out of their hands and in the control of the ethics board. It was the ethics board who investigated it, and the ethics board who charged Dupree.It will be the ethics board who prosecutes those charges before an administrative law judge. So it is not Aymond's case to win or lose.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a dog-gone shame to fire a man just 2 1/2 months before he can retire. God don't like ugly, some one needs to start a petition to get this man's job back. Many people would sign this. I will pray for God to help him, please join me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Aymond merely helped Morrow draft the complaint...It is not Aymond's case to win or lose...

I am splitting my sides at what a idiot Aymond is. First he flopps arounf making all sorts of wild charges about Dupree, then he vests his entire reputation on what a scoundrel Dupree is.

Now, when he's faces with the possibility of Dupree being found to have done nothing wrong...he starts a campaign to say he's not responsible!

What a laugh!

Anonymous said...

Aymond forgives you for you know not what you do

Anonymous said...

So now Aymond and his lackeys think they're God?

Anonymous said...

Well he can walk on water (district #3)

Grass Roots Gus said...

Whew! The Aymond/Dupree cat fight is getting hot! Today, the Town Talk ran a pretty good article ‘bout the whole brawl and somebody cleaned Aymonds clock for his shenanigans while he was attorney for the water board.

Aymond started howling with this post on his own site:

In a Town Talk forum today, Savy1, under the article on the Rich Dupree Ethics Board charges, wrote the defamatory per se statement:
"I define corruption as padding the billing to WW #3, a federal offense that Aymond was never charged with, because the water district chose not to make an issue of it. They just voted to replace Aymond. I define corruption as the free hunting trips and other under-the-table gifts that Doug Byrd received while he was running WW #3. Again, the Board didn’t file any criminal charges, they just fired him."
These patently false lies show to what extents the supporters of corrupt politicians will go to attack those that report corruption.

That one has Aymond hissin' and spittin' like a wet cat. Looks like to me that Aymond thinks it’s just fine when he slings mud, and stretches the truth. But when its Aymond’s ox that getting’ gored, he calls it "defamatory."

You know what they say Aymond...If ya can’t stand the heat...

Anonymous said...

Aymond seems to be able to stand the heat, because although he has been attacked for years he hasn't stopped yet. Why don't those with evidence of any wrongdoing on Aymond's part file complaints on him, like he does on politicians? Could it be because they are liars?

Anonymous said...

Does appear Aymond can stand the heat. Has anyone reported him to the Louisiana Bar Association for his actions? Must be mostly an attempt to discredit him by those he is reporting.

The ethics committee investigated the reports made, met and the majority of the commiittee voted that something needs investigating
and, if warranted, will take action. Aymond isn't even in the loop.

Anonymous said...

It apparently warranted the filing of charges, AFTER their investigation.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those last three posts Greg, always good to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome Rich.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww isn't it nice to see you two boys finally getting along!

Anonymous said...

If Rich goes to prison does he keep his jobs with Pineville, aces and LC? Will a Christian College of such high morale values continue to employee someone adjudged of ethical violations?

Hey I have an idea Rich and EWE sharing a froom.

Anonymous said...

Don't get stuck on stupid. EWE stole a lot more than $3.00 worth of Aces tickets.

Remember, in order to go to prison, you have to steal something of VALUE!

Anonymous said...

Remember, in order to go to prison, you have to steal something of VALUE!

How about the $750 LC Bush lunch ticket and 2 years of salary from the Aces and LC? Is that something of value?

Anonymous said...

I think you're going to find out that the City of Pineville BOUGHT their tickets.... in the hell does a guy steal his employment for two years?

You must be on crack!

Anonymous said...

"These patently false lies show to what extents the supporters of corrupt politicians will go to attack those that report corruption.

Hi folks, my name is Greg Aymond and I'm an idiot because:

I have absolutely no command of the English language.

I used the term "to what extents" in the post above. I'm such a stupid country ass that I didn't realize the proper English usage in that sentence should have been, "to what extent" or, eliminate the "to" and have the phrase read, "what extents"

Also, there is no such thing as a "false lie". One negative cancels the other. A "false lie" is the truth...

So, maybe the poster I was complaining about was telling the truth about my dumb, country, ignorant ass after all!

Grass Roots Gus said...

I ran those ethics charges by a lawyer friend of mine today. Now he’s a pretty smart fella and he read every line real careful. He says that for sure, two of those charges won’t stick.

Dupree couldn’t have gotten free tickets for him and his wife if they was part of his compensation package from the Aces. Since every employee got the tickets as a matter of policy...according to the Aces, they were part of Dupree’s pay...

Looks like old Firebug Morrow is down two already...

And Dupree has 4 months to whittle on the other three.

Anonymous said...

Firebug Morrow?

Anonymous said...

Some of you just don't get it. Aymond and Morrow only filed the complaint. It was the Ethics Board itself that ivestigated the allegations ofr over a year. After they investigated, the Board hear the ivestigation's findings and then voted to issue the charges based upon violations of law that THEY believed to exist. It is the Ethics Board that will prosecute the charges and administrative law judges who will decide the matters.

What we think or say on this blog is not considered, anymore so than what Aymond and Morrow had to say. The only things that will be considered is the evidence gathered by the Ethics Board, which they obviously felt was sufficient to support the charges,amd any offered by Dupree in his defense.

So Aymond and Morrow have been out of the picture for over a year. Some of you continuing to focus on them is not only misplaced, but leads me to believe that there may be something to these charges. Best thing to do is let the process work.

Anonymous said...

”It was the Ethics Board itself that ivestigated the allegations for over a year.”

Yes, and why did the investigation take almost 18 months? Usually these types of investigations only take 60 days or so. What happened to “jump start” this case?

”It is the Ethics Board that will prosecute the charges and administrative law judges who will decide the matters”

Wrong. That ethics reform does not go into effect until 2012. This case will be investigated, prosecuted, judged, and sentenced by the same political body.

”So Aymond and Morrow have been out of the picture for over a year.”

If that is true, then why are Aymond, Firebug Morrow, and Doug (Gooney) Byrd celebrating so? Why is Aymond conducting interviews, gloating about he “busted” Dupree?

”Some of you continuing to focus on them is not only misplaced…”

We are focusing on the accusers because we know their true motivation is not good government, but political revenge. We also believe that the alleged transgressions are un-intentional and minor. However, these charges are being prosecuted by a corrupt political body in dire need of reform. Sadly those reforms will come too late to prevent the smearing of a good man’s name.

We should question how an officer of the court could use his position to extract revenge on a political enemy, based on unproven accusations and out right lies.

I wonder what skeletons would come tumbling out if someone opened Aymond’s closet door?

Anonymous said...

Wrong. That ethics reform does not go into effect until 2012. This case will be investigated, prosecuted, judged, and sentenced by the same political body.

No you are wrong. HB 41, which was signed into law by the governor, says that the adminstrative law judge adjudications go into effect on August 14, 2008. Mr. Dupree's hearing is set for that same day.

I wonder what else you are wrong about?

Anonymous said...

gskonypxAs much as Aymond is hated by some it would seem his door would hae already been opened.
the Bar Assoiation an and does investigate lawyers for misconduct.

All this bull shit about aymond is just an atempt to destroy him so Dupree's chances are better. The ethics required of a governmental employee are like the Protestant interpretation of the 10 Commandments - thou shalt not - not like the Catholics with mortal and venal sins.

All this aymond hating rhetoric is an attempt to cover up government employees not complyiong with the rules governing their conduct.

As far as checking with an ethics lawyer tell him to represent Dupree before the ethics board. The ethics board has already fond smoke and now are looking for the fire,

Does the ethics board have to stick to these charges or can it explore other areas?

Anonymous said...

Both of these idiots are WRONG!

Thursday, April 03, 2008 5:36:00 AM
Thursday, April 03, 2008 6:22:00 AM

Read the entire bill you pinheads...The effective date of the bill is August 15, 2008.
Administrative Law Judges will be chosen and sworn in on August 14, however the bill states that all cases scheduled to be heard on or after the effective date, will go before the judges.

Dupree's case will be heard by the Board, not an administrative judge.


Anonymous said...

who is running for judge?

Anonymous said...

Gregory Aymond, Esq.

Anonymous said...

That would be refreshing. Aymond is a lot of things some good some bad but he seems honest compared to the other politicians we have. Ild vote for him.

Anonymous said...

I would too. He already has experience wearing a robe. He could just dye the sheet black.

Anonymous said...

"That would be refreshing. Aymond is a lot of things some good some bad but he seems honest compared to the other politicians we have. Ild vote for him."

Aymond would never run. He would have to expose himself and become a candidate. At that point, those that know him could tell the truth without fear that he would sue...

Anonymous said...

Names out there for the judges race are Mary Doggett, Susan Ford-Fiser, and Rocky Wilson with Brian Cespiva's name floating as a possibility.

Anonymous said...

Geeez. Lame , Lame and lame...with a decent floater

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the 83 people who read this blog today for the great political insight.

Grass Roots Gus said...

Looks like The Northside Journal has poked Aymond with a sharp stick again. You can hear Aymond’s howling from Colfax to Lecompte.

Now I’ve read Kavanaugh’s editorial, and Aymond’s response. Looks like to me that Aymond leaves out a few sentences that puts Kavanaugh’s editorial in the proper perspective. That’s just plain dishonest.

Seems to me like Kavanaugh’s whole point is to make us think about politics of Aymond’s hatred of Dupree and Faircloth. He even says it’s nothin’ but speculation.

By readin’ both sides I get that Kavanaugh is just pointing out possibilities, while Aymond is howling ‘cause Kavanaugh got a little too close to the truth.

Folks always say the one who screams the most is the one who told the biggest lie.

Anonymous said...

doggett, fiser, wilson, cespiva. . .anybody else?. . .who has the inside track?

Anonymous said...

Fiser is not running!

Anonymous said...

David Lind says he is running.

Anonymous said...

oh dear lord, please not cespiva. isn't he dixon's herbert buddy?

Anonymous said...

Rocky Wilson is the best bet but he is a severe alcoholic and subject to bouts of irrational moodiness.

Anonymous said...

Man, when I grow up, I want to be the president and CEO of CLECO so I can make a cool million plus a year! Between fuel costs and bloated compensation like this we can certainly understand why our utility bills are so high.

Anonymous said...

i hope you douchebags have a good lawyer when you get your asses sued for slander.

Anonymous said...

Grass Roots Gus = Neal Kavanaugh

Anonymous said...

Gee thanks for that Aymond...A little proof maybe?

Anonymous said...

Ed Hooper = We Saw That

Neal Kavanaugh = Grass Roots Gus

Greg Aymond = Shyster Lawyer, Klu Kluxer, Falsifier of Evidence and all around un-important little toad.

Now that we all agree....can we move on?

Anonymous said...


We Saw That is widely known as a blogger. I have seen his blog linked to at many, many, national blog sites and he is regularly liked to by CNN, CBS and MSNBC.

Kavanaugh's Northside Journal publishes each week, his paper might be small, but he's out there. His editorials have been linked by The Dead Pellican, Ringside Politics, The Town Hall Show and others. He's been a guest of Moon Griffon, and Sean Hannity.

Greg Aymond is...a nothing. He's practicing law out of a plumber's shop and hoping the next Town Talk interview will bring him a few more skid-row clients.

Who in the hell cares a rats ass what Greg Aymond thinks?

Anonymous said...

Greg Aymond!? Blah blah? If he has no importance or impact, then why are you so intent on diminishing his persona?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever seen his "persona" in real life? Jabba the Hut.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you send us a link to your picture so we can critique your "persona" too?

Anonymous said...

I ain't very pretty. That's why I don't splash my image all over while craving attention and respect. That being said, I'm still a bunch prettier than Jabba.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your jealous because your picture ain't been newsworthy. LOL Maybe if you got off your ass and did something for the community it would make the paper.

Anonymous said...

yeah, like run a stop sign or get indicted - then you get two photos in there: front and side view

hey look, if you think greg is pretty, thats OK

Anonymous said...

Still waiting on the proof that Grass Roots Gus is Neal Kavanaugh...

Or is this just another one of Aymond's lies...

There's been so many I lose count...

Anonymous said...

Attorney Jonathan Goins seeking City Council seat of Charles Fredrick Smith. Goins is in the office with Myron Lawson and Bridget Brown.

Anonymous said...

I have analyzed the writing styles of Grass Roots Gus and determined that he is really C.B. Forgotston

Anonymous said...

I knew C B Forgotston, he was a friend of mine, and Neal, you're no C B Forgotston

Anonymous said...

I have analyzed the writing styles of Grass Roots Gus and determined that he is really C.B. Forgotston

Based on my analysis of the type used in posting to this blog, I can say for a certainty that Grass Roots Gus is Jimmy Hoffa.

Anonymous said...

Timber Trails is located just north of Tioga. Interesting events in the neighborhood in the early hours of this last Sunday night. We wonder if Northside Journal will investigate and report the 'events' and whether everyone involved will be treated the same regardless of who their father is. The legitimate newsmedia would be wise to call the Sheriffs office and find out more before its covered up.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about a certain Pineville official's kid?

Anonymous said...

Is it possible for you to forgo the cryptic references and tell us what transpired. Until the public knows, the chances of coverup are great.

It seems like the only reliable local coverage on North Rapides is the Aymond blog.

Anonymous said...

This isn't a child but an 18 year old so lets see what the Rapides Parish Sheriffs Office does . I think this might be a good indication as to what this new Sheriff is really about. As I understand it he has already recieved information on these specific "incidents" Lets see how he addresses the situation. The info will come out and Im wondering which end of the story the new Sheriff will be on.

Anonymous said...

"...the only reliable local coverage on North Rapides is the Aymond blog."

If you truly believe that, we need to talk! I got some great swampland for sale!

Anonymous said...

OMG…Grass Roots Gus has started his own blog.

He thinks Lamar White is a poodle...


Anonymous said...

Now what are you gossip mongers gonna do when The 18 year old in question is found to have had nothing to do with this incident?

Most of you will not believe the sheriff's legitimate report and claim that the "fix is in!"

Anyway you look at it, this young man will have had his reputation ruined because you don't like what his dad does for a living.

I guess now Aymond will file for a public information request, file an ethics complaint, and use the legal system to taint another person that says he's a shitty lawyer and looks like Jabba the Hut.

Guess what....Aymond, you are a shitty lawyer and you do look like Jabba the Hut!

None of you have the guts to step into the arena. All you can do is snipe from the shadows.

Anonymous said...

"Lamar, Aymond, radical Moslems, Nazis, all use the same tool. Silence the independent voice and continue your own brand of propaganda."


Those folks at Central really need to monitor the paranoid schizophrenics better.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, weak very weak, is all I can say after reading you on gus' blog. I also have to say, the only reference to yo mamma was her agency. He didn't bring her into the blog, just her as your only employer. Is that a problem for you? Are you ashamed of that fact?

Secondly, we have old sayings because they have tend to be true. Otherwise, nobody would be repeating them, now would they?

With that being said, my response to your defense of Whacky Jack Roy is, birds of a feather flock together (the obligatory aforementioned old saying). You and him are cut fom the same bolt of cloth, otherwise you wouldn't be the hired assistant to Whacky Jack now would you?

So when you rant on about things on your blog, we all know your boss shares the same views. And we're not the only ones. That's what got the mayor's brother a cracker for lunch. Trust me the Royboys have the full attention of the decision makers in our once again proud state.

Sadly, our small corner of the world will suffer for it, until the next next election cycle.

Anonymous said...

"He didn't bring her into the blog, just her as your only employer. Is that a problem for you? Are you ashamed of that fact?"

Problem is: That's just not true. I've worked independently and for others throughout the past six years, both in Houston and in Alexandria.

This type of ad hominen character attack may work on some people, but you're constructing your "argument," if you can even call it that, on a series of disingenuous and blatantly false implications and statements.

Anonymous said...

"blatantly false implications and statements."

I may not be up on your employment histoire, but not much else I said was blatant or false.

And is the rumor true that you're an Obamaniac?

Blogger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"And is the rumor true that you're an Obamaniac?"

I'm not a maniac about Obama, if that is what you're trying to imply.

But I suppose what you're getting at is: Yes, I do personally support Senator Obama.

Anonymous said...

"Problem is: That's just not true. I've worked independently and for others throughout the past six years, both in Houston and in Alexandria.

Allow me to translate Lamar-speak into plain English for my fellow bloggers.

"...I've worked independently"
This means that he had momma fund little projects so that Lamar could stay busy. Just how much of this "independent work" actually amounted to anything Lamar? And if these projects were so successful, why are you stuck in a political patronage job for a lousy 30k a year?

"...and for others"
Who are these "others" Lamar? Other members of your family? Grandmaw? Name your past employers Lamar, let's see who they are and inquire as to your job performance. So many jobs in a mere six years is an indication that you wern't good at any of them.

Anonymous said...

You Lamar haters are simply jelous at his getting off of his ass and doing something and that he sign his name to what he writes.

Agree with him or not, I 'll take Lamar over a bag full of you anonymous bullshit artists.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a fabulous post from Lamar's boyfriend!

Both those boys are soooooo cute together!

Anonymous said...

And you are soooooooo funny. I bet you were the geeky little pimply faced fart that was the class clown and ran the projector.

Anonymous said...

No, I was the guy that beat the snot out of you every day at recess....

Anonymous said...

You probably still like beating up little boys, you sick asshole.

Anonymous said...

Lamar lied and sold out. He pledged that he was supporting Roy out of civic responsibility and desire for progress and declared that he would have no paid position in the Roy administration. It's like Hillary in Bosnia. People don't forget lies.

Anonymous said...

Lamar family member,

Please refrain from defending Lamar in public. It's pathetic, really.

Lamar chose (of his own free will) to relocate here following college. He chose (of his own free will) to maintain the Cenla-mar blog. That title alone should be enough to tell his true motivation about our little corner of the world.

On his blog he chose (of his own free will) to delve into public policy and political figures. His choice (of his own free will) of the most liberal ideology imaginable, doesn't move the masses of this very Red parish, in our very Red state as had hoped.

He then chose (of his own free will) to become my employee, paid for with my money. At any time he could have chosen not to do these things, but he wanted to put on big boy pants.

His words and belief system should now be his only defense. So please stop trying to put a diaper back on him, and allow him to zip his own pants, since these are the choices (of his own free will) that he has made.

Unless, you are suggesting that he's not of the mental capability to be making these big boy choices, and that he shouldn't be on the tax dole. At that time I will agree to ignore him, and give into your request.

Anonymous said...

Cenla mar, touche.

LOL. I never thought of it like that. But very true.

Anonymous said...

"Lamar lied and sold out. He pledged that he was supporting Roy out of civic responsibility and desire for progress and declared that he would have no paid position in the Roy administration. It's like Hillary in Bosnia. People don't forget lies."

Once again, this is simply untrue. I never -- not even once-- claimed I had no intention of working for the administration.

This is what I said (repeatedly) at the time: Jacques Roy did not promise anyone anything.

Some people, when they're running for office, attempt to drum up support by offering people (future) jobs. Jacques Roy never did that, and I had absolutely no expectation that he would. Period.

As to the above writer, in America, we're free to have and express different political views.

In your world, people who work in the government should abstain from participating in politics or from even expressing their opinions, even if they're unclassified employees. (See also: People's Republic of China). Or, perhaps, you believe people should be allowed to express their opinions, so long as its exactly the way you feel (See also: fascism).

And since when is Louisiana the reddest of red states?

Anonymous said...

Have you missed ALL THE ARTICLES that La is one of the few states trending more Republican while, most other states were leaning dem.?

Well, I do have to admit that was before Barrack Hussein Obama became the dem. heir apparent.

It appears now that most states are trending rep. now. So I'll get back to you in Nov. about that one.

And in regards to your defense of your opinion while enjoying the luxury of public money. Aren't you supposed to be a representative of ALL the people? Not just the most liberal ones?

It's very hard to ever want to address you or your boss about issues, when I already know where you stand. Get the point now?

Anonymous said...

Hey Lamar, why did Hiz Honor De Mayor bad all city employees from speaking at Civil Service meetings without his written permission? It seems that Ms. Kay sent out an e-mail to that effect. Care to give us the rest of the story?

Anonymous said...

Wed April 23. Its now been 4 days since the early morning hours of this past Sunday. Sheriffs dept still not made arrest on the incidents in Timber Trails. They know who is responsible. So, why the delay on making arrest? Why no questions from the news media? Same reason for both.

Anonymous said...

suddenly silent Cenla-mar + a silent sheriffs dept. = coincidence

too many coincidences + next election cycles = new crew of local politicians

Anonymous said...

I am sorry Lamar but you are not being truthful. You said, on more than one occasion when the issue of your enthusiastic support of Jacques was raised, that you would not have a paid position with the Roy administration but would always do whatever you could to further progress. Your repeated insistence that you made no such pledge makes your ethics breach that much more disappointing. Deny all you want. You, I, and at least several others know the truth and you can not escape it.

Anonymous said...

"I am sorry Lamar but you are not being truthful. You said, on more than one occasion when the issue of your enthusiastic support of Jacques was raised, that you would not have a paid position with the Roy administration but would always do whatever you could to further progress. Your repeated insistence that you made no such pledge makes your ethics breach that much more disappointing. Deny all you want. You, I, and at least several others know the truth and you can not escape it."

I am not attempting to escape anything. You are perpetuating a lie, something very easily disprovable.

I NEVER claimed I would not accept a position. And I had absolutely no reason to even discuss hypothetical jobs. It simply wasn't the point of the Mayor's campaign.

You're attempting to impugn my character based on a lie.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Lamar, nobody, of any value, believes this anonymous bullshit. We all know that it is comming from somebody with an axe to grind and who lacks the balls to put their names besides what they are saying.

Anonymous said...

Screw the rest of that catcallin Lamar. What about the Mayor's directive to the employees?

Anonymous said...

"I am not attempting to escape anything. You are perpetuating a lie, something very easily disprovable."

Fine Lamar...then disprove the lie. You have plenty of space on your own web site to post whatever proof you have, just do it.

My guess is that you won't because you can't.

Anonymous said...

First, Lamar doesn't have to prove anything. That responsibility belongs to those that make the allegations. And all I have heard for that person is a bunch of talk, no proof.

Second, how do you disprove a negative? Let's see some proof of what you are accusing Lama of. Otherwise it is simply bullshit, which most of what is written on here is.

Anonymous said...

"First, Lamar doesn't have to prove anything."

Ahhh but he does. He has willfully stepped into the public arena and accepted the public’s payroll dollar. Therefore, he is subject to public scrutiny. If he refuses to defend himself, he will be assumed guilty and pay the ultimate price for a public official...loss of credibility.

"Second, how do you disprove a negative?"

Sorry, that's Lamar's problem. If he could not prove that negative, he should not have said the accusation was "very easily disprovable."

That's part of Lamar's problem. He has such an inflated opinion of himself, and such disdain for everyone else...he believes that he can bullshit his way through anything.

Just like his boss, his arrogance is astonishing. And, just like his boss, his tenure at City Hall will be short.

Anonymous said...

"You're attempting to impugn my character based on a lie."

Yes, your lie. What impact did you think your bait and switch politics would have on your image? Your problem is the same as your boss's problem: you both told us we should expect more integrity, more openness, more honesty, more inclusivnes.

Anonymous said...

Ahh its comming from people, or a person, who is full of sour grapes because Kacques won the race for Mayor! That explains it all.

He won, so get over it. Wait until he runs for reelection to come up with your phoney attacks. Until then, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else offended by the prospect of a sitting appeals court judge annoiting his son to replace him and manipulating the time table such as to preclude other judges from seeking the seat? Isn't this the same thing that was discussed here last year ? Seems that there was talk then that this lawyer was plotting such a move and at that time it was denied. What qualifies this son of a Judge to be elected OTHER than being the Son of a Judge? What party is he? Who are his clients? What job experience? What makes him special other than being the Son of a Judge? Aren't most of us sick of such political crap? I am

Anonymous said...

It just seems to me that you guys (whoever you are) have gotten nowhere and will continue to go nowhere with your politics of hate, innuendo, and character assassination.

How many candidates have you guys actually HELPED?

And let me be clear: I'm not talking about a large group of people who believe in practicing this type of politics. I am speaking specifically of a very small handful of contributors to this website.

It's actually somewhat disconcerting that people could read this blog and somehow believe it's an accurate reflection of the political realities in Central Louisiana. It is not. It never has been.

This is just a playground for a small group of attention-starved, amoral bullies.

There are-- literally-- dozens of people who can directly attest that no one was ever promised or ever expected a job with Jacques Roy's administration while he was campaigning. This is easily provable. The archives of my website are fully accessible.

I have nothing to hide, and I have absolutely no reason to lie.

You guys, on the other hand, have been hiding and lying since this blog was created.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry the youngster isn't getting a free ride. He's going to have opposition - watch & see.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, I have helped many politicians and in this last cycle, only lost two races; The two where the untruthful boys that are directly connected to the mayor (who I worked for and donated to), and who fooled the public.

I have no axe to grind, the public has seen the error of their ways, and there will be a different result next time (see Rick Farrar). The sheriff will probably have to tell his truth within a lawsuit, and the brother has already been laughed at by the entire legislature. My video of that will be priceless in the next election.

Anonymous said...

I join you. I am offended by the apparent manipulation of the process and the family political attempt to sneak into a seat on the appeal court. From what I hear a lot of other people think it is underhanded and sneaky politics including several Judges who are now thinking of running for daddys seat . The kid has no experience that I have heard of that makes him a good candidate for a district court Judge much less an appeals court Judge. Who ever even heard of the guy? I think the fact that this whole plan was concocted months ago but exposed on here in the blog is funny. Seems like this guys plans are DOA. Also, isn't this guy in the same insurance firm where another lawyer is running for district court judge? Whats that about?

Anonymous said...

He won't get away with it. Some formidable candidate will eventually surface and the Gremillion kid will have to win or lose the right. way. just hide and watch. I have already heard at least two names mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, you are such a spineless whiner! Just because we recall your words to you, and question you about them we are now engaged in the “politics of hate, innuendo, and character assassination?”

Like most liberals, you attempt to shift the discussion when someone nails you with your own words.

And Let ME be clear. The vast majority of voters want honest, moral, governmental leaders. When you talk about “practicing this type of politics” you’re talking about people who want to hold their leaders accountable for their own words.

When you make comments like this one: “It's actually somewhat disconcerting that people could read this blog and somehow believe it's an accurate reflection of the political realities in Central Louisiana. It is not. It never has been.” You confirm the opinion held by many. You’re a small minded, inexperienced, arrogant, momma’s boy.

And if this is actually true, which I doubt…prove it. “There are-- literally-- dozens of people who can directly attest that no one was ever promised or ever expected a job with Jacques Roy's administration while he was campaigning. This is easily provable. The archives of my website are fully accessible.”

”I have nothing to hide, and I have absolutely no reason to lie.” Pleeeessse Lamar! Another indication that you think we’re all stupid! You have lots to hide and plenty to hide. But know this Lamar…as time goes by we learn more and more about the way Jacques operates and we realize how he has made fools of the voters with empty promises, and outright lies.

People don’t like to be made fools of Lamar. Your time at City Hall will be short indeed.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Gremillion kid?

Anonymous said...

Who is this Brian Cole kid?

Anonymous said...

Who is Billy the Kid?

Anonymous said...

Who is Billy the Kid?

Anonymous said...

Timber Trails Coverup. JUST predicted. Almost a week after the events of the early morning hours of last weekend. All of the boys have been interviewed by the Sheriffs department except for one. You guessed it the government officials son. I do not think that the people out here are going to let vadalism of their property be swept under the rug . We do not care who the kids parent is or thinks he is. Why hasn't the Town Talk reported on this ?

Anonymous said...

Brian Cole or whoever you're pretending to be,

"You’re a small minded, inexperienced, arrogant, momma’s boy."


All the proof I was asking for regarding your ridiculous, specious ad hominem tactics.


Anonymous said...

"You’re a small minded, inexperienced, arrogant, momma’s boy."

Brian Cole, you've gone too far. I'm going to do something I thought I would never do. I have to defend Lamar.

I don't think he's small minded at all.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, your still rasslin with hogs I see. Thought you quit that a while back.

Are you gonna speak on the Mayors directive that no employees can speak at civil service comission meetings with out permission? What is Roy and company scared of?

Anonymous said...

There was a Brian Cole who was a cardiologist here about 20 or 25 years ago. I heard he left town after he got caught boning his partner's wife. Maybe this is him or his erstwhile progeny.

Anonymous said...

If you're gonna single out people who boned the wife of a close associate, wouldn't you need to include our current sheriff,too

Anonymous said...

Timber Trails Coverup. TEll you what. If our Sheriff doesnt make an arrest of the kid that demolished about a dozen mailboxes out her I am going to sue the kid and his father and get that KKK guy to post it online. . This is ridiculous. If it were my kid or yours they would be at Renaissance right now.

Anonymous said...

Stop talking in riddles, who are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

NOTHING happened in Timber Trails. They are just blowing smoke trying to get a rumor started.

Anonymous said...

What kind of rumor could they possibly get started ? What IS the rumor?

Anonymous said...

What we have here is another spoiled sport who has had to find actual employment now that Hilton went to the house and they are taking every cheap shot they can at Wagner. This asshole is unique in that his story is that the Sheriff did something wrong but he just can't tell us what. That deserves a lot of attention????

Anonymous said...

From Aymonds website:

"I am proud of my direct ancestors who served in the Confederate Army during the War Between the States. Not a one owned slaves. Rather, as seen from letters home by some of them and by their comrades, they were fighting simply in an attempt to repell the Northern invaders from their homelands. And they fought alongside Black Confederate troops as well."

My direct Confederate ancestors were:

1. Zenon Aymond, Avoyelles Parish, La. - Engineers

2. Cyprien Laborde, Avoyelles Parish, La. -

3. Frederick August Stall Red River Parish, La.

4. Joseph Erwin Thornhill, Miss.

5. James Goff, Catahoula Parish, La.

6. Edgar Wilson Watson - Lincoln Parish, La.

7. Taylor Anders - Sgt. in Co. B, 12th Louisiana Inf. Rgt., C.S.A., and,

8. Jabba The Hut - Planet of Tatooine.


Anonymous said...

Hey folks, just found Grass Roots Gus' blog. If you want to see just what a lying, political hack Lamar White really is, read his posts on Gus' site.

Anonymous said...

For even more "hackery," check out CenLamar.

Anonymous said...

Anything to get the mayor's spin on the streets, eh Lamar?

Anonymous said...

What is status on the Timber Trails investigation?

Anonymous said...

There is no Timber Trails investigation nor any need for one.

That was all a rumor made up by people trying to start trouble where there is none.

Did you notice that they never gave any details?????


Anonymous said...

Details such as ...numerous mailboxes and other private property vandalized at substantial financial costs ? Details such as certain individuals questioned? Details such as no arrest despite written reports citing the person who vandalized the property? Those kinds of details? And who the person accused was and who the persons father is? And the fact that no arrest are being made? Those kinds of details?

Anonymous said...

Ok I'll guess. Is it Mr. T ? Why speak in riddles, why don't you just come out an say what your hinting at in riddles?

Anonymous said...

"Why speak in riddles, why don't you just come out an say what your hinting at in riddles?"

Because he/she is MAKING IT UP!!!!

Oh wait....I heard that a certain child of a certain political figure was responsible for putting a bunch of catfish in the city park pool so we could all pay to fish for them.

Oh wait...

Anonymous said...

Two strong locals jumping in the 3rd Circuit race against the Gremillion kid. He's gonna have a helluva battle. I don't think daddy can pull it off.

Anonymous said...

Two strong locals jumping in the 3rd Circuit race against the Gremillion kid.

Why don't you people say what you mean in what you write? Name names of who you are talking about. Could it be you are all full of shit?

Anonymous said...

I think we all know that if a district judge gets in the 3rd Circuit race, everyone else can forget it, including the Gremillion kid. I just don't think every district judge in all these Parishes in going to sit this one out. Its too easy.

Anonymous said...

Coming soon to your neighborhood, courtesy of your councilperson/mayor--GROUP Homes. 60-70 more slated for our area as St. Mary's and Pinecrest as well as other facilities are emptied into your 'hood. No house too large nor small to be safe. Anything for sale near you?

Anonymous said...

1. The Appeals court race coincides with the race for many district court judges. Therefore, many district judges are reluctant to run the district 3 race when they are incumbants in their district race. I doubt many judges will throw their hat in the ring for the district 3 race.
2. Watch in the direction of Iran for the bright flash in the sky.
3. mailbox vandalism is taken seriously by the postal inspector and they usually get their man if their were actual occurances in Timber Trails.
4. How come no one but dumbasses inhabit this site any more???

Anonymous said...

I have to admit YOU have convinced me that dumbasses are the only ones writing on this blog.

Anonymous said...

the names I hear are Judge Harry Randow and asst. district attorney Loren Lampert

Anonymous said...

Anybody want to see what a dumbass Aymond is? Go to his site and take a look at the title of this blog...


First of all Jabba, the correct word is "BREAK" NOT "BRAKE," second, your title makes no sense.

If you practice law like you compose titles, no wonder you're starving to death, working out of your brothers plumbing shop.

What an uneducated dumbass...

Where did you get your college degree Aymond? From

Anonymous said...

Y R U so picky about spelling?

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