Thursday, October 19, 2006

....Five and one quarter, Five and one half ...

There have been many times where I have pondered shutting down this blog. Each time I have asked friends about doing so they have asked me not to do so, "it has merit" is the usual response. I have watched, ney ... allowed ... personal friends to be maligned by bloggers on this site. I know the intricities of the truth, while others presume to know. I find it disappointing that untruths are posted here. It is unfortunately the nature of the beast. My grandfather would tell me time and again ... "it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than open it and prove it". What a wise man my grandfather was ....


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Anonymous said...

Wow! That was a great, and well thought out commercial. I commend Delores Brewer for her attention to detail, and respectful way of stating her opinion. (sarcasm font clearly on) My one question, is she campaigning for Roy now? I was fairly indifferent, but will now vote for Roy because she is one unstable S.O.B!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks sure can be deceiving. Just from her pictures she looks like a classy lady. But, my pot bellied pig has more class in his curly tail than that woman does in her whole body.

Anonymous said...

new kalb video blog includes both ads:
Campaign Ads - What Do You Think?
kalb snip:
We waited until there were ads running from both candidates in the race for Mayor of Alexandria before we asked what you think.

Delores Brewer has released a new ad with a superimposed pigs nose over her opponents face. Jacques Roy is running an ad talking about cleaning up city government.
Do you think the ads will be a success for the candidates? And what questions do have for them? Please let us know by posting your comments below the Video Blog.

Anonymous said...

Delores Brewer needs either psychiatric help, her blueblood wannabe ass kicked, or both. Not only is the only thing in her campaign a lie about connecting Jacques with a CLECO settlement, now that no class bitch run a commerical with a pig nose on Jacques. I also think that whatever dumbass fool was able to have brought himself to rape her needs his head examined too.
Delores drop out and move away, you are embarassing us. This psycho bitch cannot become Mayor of Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

I think that Jacques should run an add of the garden district rapist taking her from behind while she and her family eat at a pig tough.

Anonymous said...


Blogger said...

I agree. Those two comments are repulsive and should be deleted immediately by the moderator.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice that Bridgett Brown's name flashes across the screen while zooming in on a brown pig. Classic.

Anonymous said...

is that sposed to be a cajun accent?

Anonymous said...

Has Delores fought for freedom and heard the bullets fly?

Anonymous said...

ha ha you must be referring to that troll this morning that called into mr roy's ksyl interview.

Anonymous said...

"So you can't know what freedom really is. Can you???"

Anonymous said...

we saw that. that is a new orleans accent.

Anonymous said...

When is the debate? Delores said anytime, anywhere.

So what I wanna know is if baby Jacques is gonna bring his bottle?

Anonymous said...

Just remember Roy threw the first punch with his liar mailout.

Has he gone negative in the run-off yet?

Anonymous said...

I agree that the 2 complained of posts are, at the very least, as lacking in taste as the Delores' pig commercial. However, I have been reading this Blog, for several months, and have seen much vulgarity, poor taste and name calling. Ayy time there was a complaint, many of you shouted absolute freedom of speech. So the owner of this Blog, who provides us this outlet for free, is once again caught in the middle of a censorship argument.
I personally believe, if he has the time, that it would be best to censor vulgar, vile, and personal attacks. However, if the owner decides to do so, I hope that he applies it equally across the board, no matter who the poster is and no matter who is being attacked in such a way. Some people obviously do not deserve to have absolute freedom of speech, which lawmaakers have learned over the past asnd which is why they have slander and defamation laws, obscenity laws and etc... Sorry more duties are being forced upon you Antics, and for no compensation.

Anonymous said...

No, Jacques told us the truth. He is keeping his word. I is showing moral decency and genuine personal integrity and ethic.

Has anyone confirmed Delores's statements with Jock or Rick. I can assure you that is Jock Scott is city attorney, Bridget and Kelvin are toast. I can't imagine Albin pushing him arround either. But then I couldn't imagine that first press release he authored. Jock won't be the city attorney. It will be some payback dumbass that will show up, be quiet, and listen to Albin. He ain't spending this kind of jack to get left at the curb.

And I am told the verbal threat and attack on ned by albin is true. Ned really is a decent guy and maybe even a hero in his own way.

a brown pig??????

Anonymous said...

Mr. Antics, it's your party but Delores put her rape out there as cheap political currency in a way that demeans and belittle other victims of raped and violence that don't appear to celebrate their rape as enthusiastically as Delores does, and, I am told, always has.

Anonymous said...

When Bridgett is mentioned in the commercial, a brown pig flashes on the screen.

When the two lawyers from BR are mentioned, two white pigs appear.

Seems like obvious race-baiting.

KALB should not have agreed to run the commercial because it tells a LIE.

EMS is not getting 50%, and Delores KNOWS THIS. She's LYING AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. On television, on radio, here on the Internet, and door-to-door.

Anonymous said...

I believe that IF Jock and Rick accepted the positions in advance, now, and committed to serve in those capacities for extended periods, years, I might have to with Delores. Jock would stand up to Albin. Rick would have a lot of experience and be very effective. I don't believe they are considering it. They just gave Delores permission to say they were so somebody somewhere would have reason to consider voting for her.

Anonymous said...

The persons or person who spoke of Delores' rape in such a derogatory manner is totally disgusting. I bet if Roy knew about this, he would be mortified. And if not, he doesn't deserve to be in this race. There are many people who plan to vote for DB. I listened to Roy this morning and he sounded like a polished lawyer who speaks very well, but when you analyze what he said, you realize he didn't really say much of anything. I feel for this city should he win this race.

Anonymous said...

You have not seen trough feeding like you'll see if Roy wins this race. I can see it now. Katie bar the door.

Anonymous said...

is that scarlet?

Anonymous said...

Jaques Roy is CROOKED,CROOKED, CROOKED, get used to it. Our next mayor is CROOKED!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a strong statement. Name something to back it up.

Anonymous said...

Look a Brewer-supporting blogger! It's been a long time. Welcome back.

I guess the pig commercial made you feel a little more confident.

Too bad it's filled with lies, race-baiting, and negativity.

I also listened to both interviews on the radio, and it is clear Delores is just a mouthpiece for her own small inner-circle of bluebloods.

Anyone else get the Mary Jo letter today?

Mary Jo, your support of Delores Brewer speaks volumes for why Roy is winning.

Anonymous said...

Wait... Delores bids on a housing contract, her husband and brother in law do business with the housing authority, and her entire campaign has been funded and directed by her best friends, the lawyers who represent the City of Alexandria, Cleco, the England Authority, the Sherriff Department, etc., etc., etc.-- even though they've been reprimaded for ethics violations.

And we're supposed to believe that the young guy without any strings is the crooked one???

Brewer supporters, you don't want to go there. If Jacques weren't winning by such a huge margin, he could easily run ONE commercial about who you really are and who you really represent and completely humiliate you all over again.

He could get David Pugh to speak on camera about how Brewer helped him get his contract, about her role in the Cleco case.

He could take your campaign finance report and demonstrate how Brewer's plans (everything from privatizaion of certain departments to the proposed busing plan for Roy O. Martin, III) are just repayments for their support and crooked, slimy ideas that epitomize cronyism and bad government.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I didn't even mention the recently reported cost sharing schemes with developers that occurred right under Delores' nose.

No, she's never been committed to good government. She's just a pawn in their game.

Anonymous said...

And you really think that we care about Rick Ranson-- who was NOT a good councilman and has already shown his inability to deal with Council-- or Jock Scott-- whose authorship of Delores Brewer's press release on Cleco is nothing short of willful, calculated deception and likely a violation of a lawyer's code of ethics??

Anonymous said...

OK, but how can you go against two-name crone, Mary Jo. You want to know what happened to Delores's integrity? Two-name ate it.

Close your eyes and picture M-J, J-B, and Roseanne chowing down at that table in the middle of the Brewer headquarters. Always a pile of sweets right in the middle. I have seen that sight with my own eyes. I thought I would turn into a pillar of salt.

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself. If the voters decide that Roy is running against Ranson and Scott, Jacques might have a real problem on his hands. And those two guys would do a helluva job.

Anonymous said...

I agree. One of the reasons Roy showed so strong is because Brewer is a dingbat liar and her insiders like Provosty and Lanier were not trusted or liked but that ain't gonna be the case with Jock Scott and Rick Ranson. If either of those guys had gotten on the ballot it would have been over from the beginning. The seriously doubt Ranson will sigh on based on his modest contrabution to the blog recently. Scott, on the other hand, if he could still teach, which I bet he can, he just might go for the job. He's got money, he's got royal blood, he is smart, he is liked, he is generally trusted, and he will do the right thing and tell on others who won't. If she can't have Ned, a good strong dose of Jock might do the trick.

Anonymous said...

I want a ringside seat when Bridget Brown tears into DB's ass. She better stop making loans to her own campaign and start saving to pay for the judgment when BB bends her over with a slander suit.

And let's just say, for argument's sake, that blondie wins this election and cancels the contingency fee contracts. Is that bimbo going to authorize paying all of the lawyers involved at their hourly rate based upon time put into the Cleco case?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Geezum, anon 12:05:26! Are you drunk? "Scott...He's got money, he's GOT ROYAL BLOOD"? What is this? Delusions of Camelot? In this backwater hick town? Good Grief!

Anonymous said...

Thanks We Saw That for the link to KSYL Radio on Jacque Roy. He did a great job. He needs to drop all the "uuh's", "auh's" and "unh's". It's distracting. It is unacceptable for proper public speaking engagements. He can improve.

Anonymous said...

12:47:49, perhaps you are right but this is town and election we are talking about. He's a popular guy from a popular famiy and a great, popular and accomplished wife and comes from a family where his father freed the slaves. He's smart, creates confidence and comfort in folks, doesn't neet money and is not likely to take any that aint supposed to be coming his. His freezer will be open to inspection.

If the rediculous attack campaign he designed and wrote is a bust, hie is a moron, hasbeen, dopey-nothing. If he is right and adds pay off and and the voters that are there at runoff are Jock voters instead of Jacques votess, then we have that genius Dr. Jock Scott, Attoeney for COA.

Say what you want about t Ranson Scott combo It would be smoke. Delores would remain in deep background with those personalities are workign

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:15:29 a.m. poster, are you drunk or just a horrible typist?

Anonymous said...

That question asked earlier, It must be a "cocktail" of those drugs only the Garden District can afford along with some high priced liquor.

Who knows what happens when the denizens wander up and down Albert & White Street? There's a lotta weird rich people down there.

Anonymous said...

IMHO, Ranson and Jock Scott are tarnishing their reputations by being associated with Brewer's campaign. I can't believe they could be proud of the rape ad, the pig ad and of the constant "mis-speaks." They should start thinking more about themselves and their own careers and reputations and less about this doomed campaign. Brewer, Albin and Roy Fletcher should be left to finish out this disaster of a campaign without them.

Anonymous said...

IMHO Roy Fletcher is using the Brewer campaign as a testing ground for his wacky attack ads. To him this is nothing more than a throw away campaign that he knows he can't win. So, he's using it to experiment to see how far he can push the envelope. Mrs. Brewer should have compared her rape to what Fletcher is doing to her now when he takes money from her camp. That analogy would be accurate. The woman is being used by him and by her backers.

Anonymous said...

The talk of Rick and Jock taking over for Delores just proves she is a shell and will be trotted out for public announcements and social events, while others pull the strings. The voters recognized her for what she is and since her godfather has been exposed as one who people distrust, her campaign is trying to see if they can propose two other controllers who are more acceptable. Either way I think it is apparent Delores as a person, candidate or even mayor has lost all credibility and respect forever from her supporters and everyone else. Is there any lie or deceitful action she will not embrace in order to enhance her bid for power?

Anonymous said...

Anybody with a sense of humor should be able to laugh. Learn to take a joke. Roy called Brewer a skunk so she called him a pig. Jeezzz!

Anonymous said...

Fern: Brewer and Fletcher have the perfect symbiotic relationship. Birds of a feather and two peas in a pod.

Anonymous said...

"Anybody with a sense of humor should be able to laugh. Learn to take a joke. Roy called Brewer a skunk so she called him a pig. Jeezzz!"

This is very true. It really is a good idea to lighten up a bit. But we won't ignore the fact that DB promised not to go negative.

Anonymous said...

Get a grip, kids. Both the “skunk” and the “pig” have “strings” attached to them. So, the question is: Which “string”-pullers do you prefer?

Anonymous said...

and boy did she go negative!!! Rape, pigs, what in the world could be next!

Anonymous said...

Jock and Rick are just smokescreens. You think Albin, who is Jock's first cousin, will not be just as involved as before? Albin's record is not acceptable to the voters, but he is being held in the background for the next week only. He ain't going anywhere.

Anonymous said...

am i the only one that finds delores' descent into madness fascinating? this all can't be blamed on that turd-flinging whore fletcher. more than anything else, alexandrians should be angered at delores' utter contempt for them. she throws a sham press conference filled with lies about roy's involvement with the cleco case, totally fabricates a connection between roy and downtown bridgett brown, and now says roy is slopping at the public trough with his non-existent ties to EMS. delores? just how stupid do you think we are that you can throw out blatant lies and expect us to believe them. delores? tell us who had been a dominant player at city hall when these contracts and the contracts with downtown bridgett brown were executed? assuming you have any remaining connection to reality or truth, please allow me to answer you delores. it was you, you utter moron. not roy. is there no lie you won't embrace in your death struggle to remain on the city's teat? it's shameful, delores. trust me, having a real job in the private sector is not the end of the world. but you keep this crap up, and you truly will be unemployable. at some point delores, and that point is rapidly approaching, you will become a pariah in this town. shame shame shame on you.

Anonymous said...

While her entire ad campaign is amazingly tasteless, the most shocking feature is that presents Bridget Brown, an Aftrican American woman who is really uninvolved in this campaign in any way other than a racial lightning rod, and portrays her as a brown piglet. You should notice that there is not criticism of Myron Lawson, the real culprit in all these matters, because they are aligned with him as always. I will bet you that this ad violates campaign ethics regulations and Roy could get it enjoined and get her fined and or jailed. Look at 18:1463.

Anonymous said...

Biff, Delores got this job out of a combination of the pity she was able to generate from her rape, her friendship with Ned's previous wife (was was in business with and making money from her arrangement with John Brewer on ways to get in the city pocket) and she was placed in a benign positiion that could be supported by the other engineers, department heads like Nunally and Williamson. She didn't do much and she didn't hurt much.

The thing that most predicts her value and employablity in government and outside industry is her amazing astonishing flabergasting cut-throat disloyalty, ingratitude, viciousness, and lack of that which she claims to miss most, "INTEGRITY".

After Sept. 30th I felt pretty good because we were left with two acceptable choices for mayor. That obviously was not the case. If, by some miracle, the Provosty/Brewer/Lanier/Fletcher campaign to confuse us works, we are in for a tragic future.

Anonymous said...

anon, 9.56. you bring up another most excellent point to throw on the dung-heap of delores's campaign. both her press conference and her latest tv ad are a disgusting attempt at race baiting. this town is half black. anyway you look at it, the future of alexandria must include their inclusion in power and profit. for delores to try to alienate the blacks in a desparate attempt to gain white votes is vile. the '50s are over. this woman has shown an amazing capacity to slash and burn for her benefit regardless of the consequences to the city. she is not fit to be mayor.

Anonymous said...

Well Biff, answer these two questions, assuming I am right and Myron's interest is in preserving the status quo:
1. If Myron can't the black vote out like in the old days, can he keep them away from the polls;

2. Is it not possible to have the ratio of blue-hair racist middle-class white voters + the freshly purchased buffalo wing eating minority voters that collect their citizenship rewards after they take their pre-printed Myron ballot into the booth and emerge smiling, less and minus the sections of the black community that see this whole comedy as a no-win situation and won't take off on Tuesday to go vote, be sufficient to overcome the enthusiastic young Royophites who love to cheer in matching T shirts but, characteristically don't go out of there way to vote?

Anonymous said...

anon 10.53. i hear you. and believe me, i am no political pundit. i don't know what impact, if any, the blacks will have in the next election. i suspect they will not turn out in big numbers. delores is betting on that by her race baiting appeal to whites. that aside, roy took about 60% of the white vote to 40% for delores. (rough estimates). that is a butt stomping by any standards, and i suspect another butt stomping is on the way, partly because of the first vote, and partly because of the amazingly inept campaign delores is running. and on a personal note, if there ever was a candidate that needed a total rejection from this city, that candidate is delores the delightful.

Anonymous said...

I predict that the vote will be Roy 65% and Brewer 35%. I predict that this runoff has permanently damaged Brewer's reputation and career options.

Anonymous said...

I am so embarrassed by Brewer's behavior and ads that I have removed her sign from my yard. I voted for Mrs. Brewer on Sept. 30, but I am voting for Mr. Roy on November 7. IMHO, Mrs. Brewer has experienced some sort of mental breakdown. I can't think of any other explaination for what she has said and done since Sept. 30. Either that, or we didn't know the real Mrs. Brewer prior to this election. IMHO, she owes the voters of this community an apology. She owes a host of individuals an apology too--starting with her former boss. Apologies should be made to her friends and family as well for her behavior and for what she has put them through. She should be deeply, deeply ashamed of herself. If she is not, then she needs years of therapy, again IMHO.

Anonymous said...

11:33 Your HO ain't worth the time it took to post it. And that goes for the rest of you whining little piss ants. All of this negative stuff was hunky dorey when your little imp of a candidate started it and continued all through the primary. Well shut up and bear the consequences. And if you believe for one minute that people believe you ever voted for Delores, you are the delusional one. This is a campaign for the future of this city. It has now become the campaign of payback for one being dragged through the perverbial mud. Hang in there "chillins", cause the ride ain't over yet.

Anonymous said...

we now know Roy Fletcher reads this blog

Anonymous said...

11:59:39 Thank you General Custer. Please stop the negative onslaught. You are killing us. I particularly am devastated by Delores's cry for some show of respect for the people of Alexandria which she so poignant illustrates and embraced in her pigmercial. I am begging you to talk the Brewer campaign into taking that one down. How in the world was Brewer able to respect us soooo much in just 30 seconds? I guess the answer is a powerful constructive message coupled with tasteful production. What can I say? We don't deserve you mercy. Keep 'em comming. Ya got us on the ropes.

Ya know, it's really overkill. Ya had us at the Mary Jo Mailout.

Anonymous said...

18:1463. Political material; ethics; prohibitions

A. The Legislature of Louisiana finds that the state has a compelling
interest in taking every necessary step to assure that all elections are
held in a fair and ethical manner and finds that an election cannot be
held in a fair and ethical manner when any candidate or other person is
allowed to print or distribute any material ....or to publish
statements that make scurrilous, false, or irresponsible adverse comments
about a candidate or a proposition.

E. Whoever violates any provision of this Section may be punished by a
fine not to exceed five hundred dollars or be imprisoned for not more
than six months, or both.

I wonder how Delores and her bunch look in orange jumpsuits?

Anonymous said...

Apparently many Brewer supporters still cannot tell the difference between a fact and a lie. The So-called negative information put out by Jacques, about the dealins Delores and her family had with the City, is truthful facts. That Delores lied, or "mispoke" to the City on television, is also a fact.
The CLECO-Jacques-Bridgett Brown connection are lies. Delores is a liar, Jacques is not. Simple as that. Was Woodward and Bernstein informing about Watergate negativity, or bringing Nixon's shady dealings to light?
Vote Jacques Roy for Mayor, the only choice for good government. Despite the rhetoric, Brewer has a proven track record that shows she is incapable of fair and honest government.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:59:39, what will the current “piggy” ad do to the inroads DB hoped to make with women in the African-American community with the previous “victim” ad? According to a post days ago on this thread, making such inroads was a slim hope, anyway, so has that hope now been dashed completely by the “piggymercial?”

Anonymous said...

Your logic is flawless and your efforts are wasted. Of course the Brewer supporters know the difference between truth and lies. They just prefer lies. Think about the Brewer truth. That would not inspire much confidence or support. Think about the Roy truth. Brewer can't afford to have that get out.

The truth would not work well for Delores Brewer. They are hoping that lies work. They are devoid of respect for themselves or the voters. They simply lack integrity as a candidate and as a campaign.

Anonymous said...

Brewer on the public payroll for 17 years = 1 oink

Brewer's brother in law paid thousands to do appraisals for the city = 2 oinks

Brewer's husband making commissions for selling insurance to the Housing Authority = 3 oinks

Brewer forming a company in an attempt to get her own contract through the Housing Authority = 4 oinks

Watching Brewer have her ass handed to her on November 7th = Priceless!

Anonymous said...

I thought you folks would enjoy that revised statute on election fraudulent advertising. Myron is looking that baby right in the mouth as we speak.

Anonymous said...

Does Roy look good in orange? I think so. It seems to me depicting a candidate as a skunk would certainly qualify him for one of those suits. I guess they'll have tea together and talk about what could have been.

Anonymous said...

I loved listening to Roy talk about "forcing" growth patterns in the city. That's almost like socialism. Forcing people to live in certain area and preventing them from building elsewhere. What is this boy thinking? And by the way, I can't wait to see who pulls his strings if he becomes mayor. We all know who's pulling them now. Nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

Did Roy say skunk? That's terrible. We thought it said "skank" which would have truth as an absolute defense.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:59 a.m.,
Don't tell me who I voted for on Sept. 30, you a--hole. I voted for Brewer and would swear to it on a stack of bibles. I wouldn't vote for her now for dog catcher. I know plenty of other professional people who voted for her on Sept. 30 who are not on Nov. 7. At the start of this, the race was hers to lose. She has no one to blame but herself for the embarrassingly low vote she will get.

Anonymous said...

Make that pig catcher. Wouldn't vote for her for pig catcher. Maybe her nickname should be "Miss Piggy" rather than Mis-Speak.

Anonymous said...

1:21 Yeah, yeah, yeah...and you are also the Virgin Mary.

Anonymous said...

You’re right, Alexvoter, initially, it was Brewer’s race to lose. Whoever advised her, a political neophyte, to hire Roy Fletcher should be flogged.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a big difference from Roy's mail-out in the primary that featured a skunk and said something like "Some things don't pass the smell test" and a TELEVISION commercial that appears during the run-off (even though Mrs. Brewer promised to stay positive) showing Mr. Roy himself with a pig snout superimposed on his face.

Anonymous said...

Respectfully disagree. I think the lies and the Provosty/Lawson connection was starting to catch up to her before September 30th. You know all that Bridget is and does and has she owes to Myron Lawson. That is why it is so hilarious to hear her wail on Bridget. If she would win (clearly not likely) Bridget would be her defacto boss. Myron has the trough franchise for Alexandria. Delores would have to get to it the same way her family did - through Myron and past Bridget.

Anonymous said...

Why all the heat and aggression towards Fletcher. He is just doing the precise job he was hired to do. He does not profess friendship for or personal loyalty to Delores or her campaign. The real villains in this contest are the pseudofriends like Roseanne who will ride Delores, wounds and all, right into the ground because she has so much to gain and so little to lose. If Delores was going to film a commerical using pigs she has a couple in-house beautys she could have auditioned.

Anonymous said...

i love this blog. "Ya know, it's really overkill. Ya had us at the Mary Jo Mailout." good job, poster.

Anonymous said...

Duh, Anon. 2:08. Fletcher made these horrible tv spots after convincing his client she could still win on Nov. 7. He's making money off this crap he's made local viewers to have to watch when they tune into their local news. That makes him dishonorable in my book. I would be willing to bet the Brewer clan has to take a shower after each time they meet with the guy so they can feel clean again.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Fletcher's the one who has to take a shower after meeting with Brewer...after all, the buck stops with the candidate.

Anonymous said...

What’s up with the Mary Jo mail-out? What did it say?

Anonymous said...

It urges folks to vote for Brewer. Boy, Mary Jo sure knows how to pick em. First Sams, now Brewer.

Anonymous said...

I got a post card in the mail from some lady, not mary jo, asking me to vote for Brewer. The person who wrote it must be really old. The handwriting is shaky similar to the way my grandma used to write shortly before she died. I could not make out the signature on it. So that's what all those old ladies do at the headquarters all day--besides eating that is.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Mrs. Brewer and her supporters will think once David Pugh publishes the e-mails and text messages she sent him concerning the EMS contract.

Mrs. Brewer, do you honestly think you can smear and lie about a man like David Pugh and not expect the truth to come out?

I predict: By the end of this, we'll be hearing a formal apology from Mrs. Brewer over this commercial and the press conference. Either that, or she'll be answering to State Campaign laws:

18:1463. Political material; ethics; prohibitions

A. The Legislature of Louisiana finds that the state has a compelling
interest in taking every necessary step to assure that all elections are
held in a fair and ethical manner and finds that an election cannot be
held in a fair and ethical manner when any candidate or other person is
allowed to print or distribute any material... or to publish
statements that make scurrilous, FALSE, or IRRESPONSIBLE adverse comments about a candidate or a proposition.

E. Whoever violates any provision of this Section may be punished by a
fine not to exceed five hundred dollars or be IMPRISONED for not more than six months, or both.

Brewer and company seem to think they should be allowed to do and say anything in order to get elected. In America, we have to take responsibility for our actions, Mrs. Brewer, particularly when they are engineered to smear an innocent person and to deceive the public.

Anonymous said...

What do Brewer's e-mails and text messages prove?

Anonymous said...

We'll all know soon.

Anonymous said...

That she supported the city entering into the EMS contract. I hope Mr. Pugh follows up and does publish the e-mails. The paper and tv station need to do stories on this--truth police pieces regarding the allegations made in her ad.

Anonymous said...

Not only did Brewer support the City... she supported Pugh.

She made certain EMS got the contract.

Anonymous said...

To iknowsomething--
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! You are providing a public service. Someone must stand up and expose this for what it is, yet another pack of lies from Mis-Speak. Can't wait to read the e-mails. My goodness--someone is giving Brewer some gawd awful advice. Didn't they realize her own e-mails would come back to bite her? Maybe she failed to mention to Mr. Fletcher that those exsisted.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you folks are getting a big kick out LSA-R.S. 18:1463. I have been wondering why Brewer was proceeding with such reckless abandon and fearless slash & burn scortched earth damn-the-truth full speed ahead tactics. Maybe Albin forgot to tell her that she could get a hefty fine and a little time in the slammer for the dirty shit she is scattering. Glad I could be of service. I guess Roseanne will feed her cat and pick her up an extra two-piece extra krispy from Popeyes's and have the pigmy drop it off at the parish prison.

Anonymous said...

Mail fraud?

The Brewer campaign has a mail-out that lies about the amount EMS can recover from the Cleco case, despite the fact that Brewer herself sat in on the meetings in which EMS's contract was negotiated... and documents can prove that Brewer knows about the truth.

Is this mail fraud?

Anonymous said...

Someone in the Brewer campaign just called the home of a prominent banker in town, soliciting their vote. Their ten-year-old daughter answered the phone.

The woman asked the ten-year-old if her family would vote for Brewer. The ten-year-old said that they'd already voted absentee for Jacques Roy. The woman then asked, "How old are you?" The girl said she was ten. The woman said, "You're not even old enough to vote. You should be ashamed of yourself for lying."

Anonymous said...

Anyone see the HUGE Jacques Roy event downtown today? 250-300 people showed up at the park by his law office... and every single one of them voted absentee!!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally, a Democrat speaking the truth... & a "Republican" not speaking the truth, & instead spinning/spiralling down the tubes... And I'm a registered Republical since age 18 (1980).
Glad I got to see it in my lifetime...
Go Jacques!!! Maintain that campaign promise against negativity, you don't have any need to stoop to her level @ ALL!!!

Anonymous said...

It would appear that, despite my advice and personal plea to the contrary wherein I openly admitted that the porkotisement was devastatingly effective and had put the Roy camp in a death spiral because of the enormous repect that it showed for the community as well as the veracity and wisdom of its message, they took the pork0gram down. I didn't see it on the 6 KALB news. Maybe now Roy will survive to fight another day. They still have the Mary Jo endorsement and the enormous public support that will muster.

Anonymous said...

So at 11:59 am roy fletcher gave us "yokels" some of his vitriolic musings. He made it clear that delores has no concept of winning, but only getting even. Since Jacques got in the race to win , he has to be congratulating himself everyday that he did not hire roy fletcher when he could have, and thanking delores everyday for actually hiring him. Keep up the good work for Jacques roy; please we "chillins" couldn't have bought this entertainment anywhere. Make sure though that you refund some of delores' money for the extensive psychological help she will need from the looks of it.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:35; sounds a lot like mary jo mansour. If it is any consolation , the roy camp was elated when she joined delores camp. Probably got them an extra 500 votes. Your daughter will have the last laugh when brewer is crushed at the polls. Keep the letters churning mary jo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I loved listening to Roy talk about "forcing" growth patterns in the city. That's almost like socialism. Forcing people to live in certain area and preventing them from building elsewhere.

RESPONSE: Ever heard of building restricitons, expropriation, zoning ordiances and the planning commission? We had those "socialist" systems already in use while Delores was in City Hall.

Anonymous said...

I love it when I see the prim and proper silk stocking blue bloods rolling and fighting in the gutters. Bet they shower off before going to Little Theater.

Anonymous said...

Does Roy look good in orange? I think so. It seems to me depicting a candidate as a skunk would certainly qualify him for one of those suits.

Roy will win, so he has no chance of going to jail. Jam Downs doesn't have the balls.

Anonymous said...

No Roy, the unsuredness you detect concerns your gameplan. Are you going to list this debacle on your website? You going to reference delores' rape commercial to your potential clients, and explain how you took her from 20% to 15 ,and why she is now a pariah in her hometown but that she got revenge. Hopefully her revenge will suffice for her mounting campaign debt. The only worm squirming though is that one you must have drank with the rest of the fifth of mezcal you drank when you concocted these commercials, but keep them coming. I see delores getting to single digits soon.

Anonymous said...

To me, Roy looks good in anything but he will look best in the Mayor's Office.

The campaign practices law is not meant to prevent somebody from calling a skunk a skunk. The truth will set you free.

Anonymous said...

I am a Roy supporter and I must admit having felt some concern. I could not imagine Brewer taking all the money to hire this political genius and the genius not coming up with some sort of viable angle that would give Delores a chance, so I always was hesitant to finally conclude that which has now become the apparent unescapable truth, which is the she really IS that fucking wreckless and stupid. Who would have guessed it?

There are a lot of parasites but there are some really decent and talented women on her team like Kim Knight. Kim is so sharp that I am constantly amazed that she has not seen thru this charade and switched over to active support of Roy. I, for one, hate to see her embarrassed this way. The 2-named blue hairs could matter less. They don't have a sincere molecule in their fat asses anyway.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mrs. Brewer is taking steroids or speed to keep up with the campaign schedule. That could explain the behavioral changes and instability.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how Brewer can appear in public anymore without being embarrassed to face people. I guess ignorance is bliss. She must not realize what the majority of people think about who she has become and how she's campaigning.

Anonymous said...

Roy Fletcher is guaranteeing Jacques Roy an overwhelming mandate.

Anonymous said...

Somewhat of a politician is needed, in order to deal with the Lawson Council and get anything done. For this reason alone, Brewer cannot ever be an effective mayor.
She has already alienated he Council, by the Bridgett Brown exchange televised lie. Then, by attacking the entire profession, she has alienated most lawyers and many of anyone who has ever used oone. She has also showed herself to be a hypocrit, when it came out that she herself sued State Farm with a consortium claim. She has shown to have absolutely no race relation skills, by her ad filmed in a black neighborhood and saying amd saying these people. Then she used a brown pig to distinguish Bridgett Brown from the White lawyer pig. Also, by continually asserting an untrue relationship between Jacques and any over paid CLECO utility monies, also destroys her credibility. Lastly, election night she decried negative ads, and has done nothing but rape and pig ads since. Also, where is the debate that she said, on election night, that she eagerly wanted?
How can anyone trust this woman to be a good mayor?

Anonymous said...

Challenge to Delores Brewer: Mrs. Brewer, disclose what fee arangement you had with Ron Fiorenza in you State Farm suit. Also let us see a copy of your contingency fee contract with him, as is required in a contigency fee case. If not a contingency fee, let us see how much the hourly rate was that you paid.
The reason this should be public knowledge is, as a City employee being represented by a law firm representing the Mayor's office, there might be a violation of State Erhics laws if the Provokeme firm gave you any kind of a fee discount.
Remeber you words about transparancy? Ok come clean and fess up Delores.

Anonymous said...









Anonymous said...

Well it appears lying runs in the family. Morgan was seen and heard recently in West Pointe Subdivision telling a family that his mother was very instrumental in the husband getting his job at Union Tank.

Guess what Morgan????? Your mother had absolutely NOTHING to do with Union Tank. Get this through your little head - NOTHING.

Guess what else Morgan?????? The lady you told this to is the wife of someone who has risen through the ranks at UTLX and definitely did not need your mother's help to get a job there. He was offered a chance to come to Alexandria and took it. Again your mother had NOTHING to do with this.

So stop telling everyone your Mother brought Union Tank to Alexandria. She didn't. End of Story.

Anonymous said...

The "skunk ad" was before the Sept. 30 qualifiers when both were running in-your-face-ads. Roy & Brewer said they would disengage their campaigns of such ads afterwards and so far Roy has. Roy's ad did not depict Brewer as a skunk, only flashing a picture of a skunk in the ad emphasizing that something smelled in her political relations.

Since Sept. 30 Brewer goes back on her word to keep the campaign clean and runs an ad of Roy depicted literally as a pig. There's a big difference. Brewer lied.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Morgan...Hey Morgan! You were on here a while back exercising your 5th amendment rights being 27 years old and all. Tell us about your little early morning fracas outside one of those downtown bars a month or more back. Was it in the Weiss & Goldrings parking lot? What did you say to that lesbian girl about her Ramones T-Shirt? Something about she didn't know anything about that rock band? She couldn't appreciate the Ramones? You pick a fight with a bull dyke?

She fires off a firearm. Cell phone calls are made, asses are covered, cops finally come. She gets a DWI but no assault charge against her. Why? To keep you out of implication & out of the paper & the news? All of this weeks before the Sept 30 election.

Lucky for you, I guess, the gun jammed.

Or is this all BS? What's the real story Morgan? When a firearm is discharged, why wasn't an assault charge filed against the woman? Why did Alexandria police let this slide? Because your name would have been implicated?

It's been the word on the street, Bud, for quite a while. Just another treacherous rumor?

Did you, Mom & the city cover this up sufficiently or is this coming back on Halloween to haunt ya?

Or what's the real story? Inquiring minds want to know?

Anonymous said...

Brewer must have known her emails would haunt her about ems and her approval of those contracts which is why beck's public records request was purged by Albin and compant except for he r recipes. Does anyone know whether the hard drive would still maintain a copy of them so that they can be retrieved once Roy takes office? Of course ,Brewer could take or replace the hard drive but then we are talking about a potential felony.

Anonymous said...

If there are emails that should have been made available thru the public records request and were said not to exist and there are copies of those from the other emailing party, the implications to the administration would be enormous legal woes which would fall on Ned. I would look for huge fine, loss of professional license, and lots and lots of court.

That is always the problem with emails. They end up on at least TWO drives. servers, etc.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully it wouldn't fall on Ned as I believe he would have given them but for Alban having the public records requests sanitized including the other one where all of the payments from tpa's to his firm were excluded.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen Lafe Jone's feeble attempt on the kalb blog to take up for Brewer's commercial? He says Roy's commercial was filled with "half truths". Come on Lafe, point out one inaccuracy in any Of Roy's mailouts or tv ads. Otherwise, go ahead and admit that you were appalled so much at the rape ad that you called a fellow supporter who was out of town early on the morning it aired to lament that delores had made this ad. Show some character Lafe, and admit what you believe instead of blindly following delores down this path of self destruction.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps that is Albin's real interest in trying to maintain control of the mayor's office. Maybe he is aware of the complications in his professional life if the information were to leak out. Bridget Brown says that Albin tried to get rid of Kelvin on more than one occassion and Kelvin rather boldly threatened to out Albin's shady deals and numerous ethical and professional violations by making a trip to the Louisiana State Bar Disciplinary Council's on on the day he got fired. So, of course, you have a system of crooks held in place by blackmail (no pun intended) and extortion.

I doubt that Ned was an active participant in that part of the self-dealing and intrigue but his financial interests were always considered in exchange for his silence and noninterference.

I think Roy will root out all that past and current misconduct because those stupid bastards have thrown down the integrity and honesty gauntlet squarely at his feet and he has the courage, the youth, the inclination, and most important, the clean hands to be able to set some examples to gain some control and return confidence to city government.

Anonymous said...

What we are seeing is the realization by Delores that she has lost the family's position at the trough and, if sufficient funds were not built up during her 17 years, the family will have financial problems. She sees all their assets belonging to someone else and her and him not only unemployed but unemployeable. She sees paying the loan back that she took out to lend to her campaign as a lodestone around her neck. She will find that the financial instiutions no longer render special favors to those not in a position of influence.

Once she realized this she had to resort to fabrication, outright lies and distoration in hopes that the "conspiracy" crowd will believe it. She is engaged in throwing shit against the wall hopeing some will stick.

Delores is a perfect example of a leader of a Matriarchal animal group. Let something pose a threat to the family and the matriarch attacks. Her family's financial security is being deeply threatened.

Oh and if Morgan is deaf how did he hear the dykes gun go off? Also, it has been alledged that Morgan is mentally challenged. A caring parents allows a mentally challenged child to frequent a place of adult entertainment where evil spirits are sold?

Anonymous said...

Brewer lost this race in March when she refused advice from very sharp people to switch parties. If she had, I bet Jaques would not have even run. Her refusal left the race without a white democrat, the one demographic that had the best chance to win the race. This is just about the only parish or county in the South where people switch from Republican to Democrat to have a better chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. I have had a number of dealings with Delores over the years and consistently found her to be not-very-smart, easily led, reasonable, self-protective, and generally pretty nice to be arround. I think that if her "advisors" and we all know who that has come to mean, had given her the sound advice to be reaslistic about her electability after the 9/30 primary, given Jacques's vote, the demographics, and her historically poor relationship with the black community, she would have listened and capitulated with some resonable resolution leaving everyone's dignity, livelihood, relationships, reputations, and fortunes intact.

She is the victim of her own vulnerability complicated by her limited intellect and the influence of powerful people intent on saving their own asses and fortunes at any cost, which costs incuded the integrity and reputation of the entire Brewer family and the respect, relationship, trust, and devotion of long-time friend and mentor, Ned Randolph. Alexandria is not fooled so she is the real victim here. When the history of this contest is written the person shamed into defeat and strife will be Delores. No body will remember or talk about Albin or Roseanne or Brenner or Lanier or Fletcher. Delores and her family will be left alone with this defeat and shame. That hardly seems fair.

Anonymous said...

Woof I disagree with you on one aspect. Delores told me point blank early on before anyone had ever announced. She was determined to run, it didn't matter who entered the race and she was running until the end. That tells me she is one stubborn woman. She may not be the most intelligent person, but she was determined, if not stubborn on that point. Granted, she has taken some horrible advice from her handlers, not listened to good advice from others in her camp. She wants this so bad she is willing to do whatever these guys are telling her is the thing to do to win. Her own ego, stubbornness and inability to know and understand who truly is on herside for her and not themselves is what are her biggest downfalls. She has no one to blame but herself.

She could have easily told Jock, Albin and the gang - "I will take that under advisement" and not lost her morals. Instead she let her stubbornness get the best of her and in the end she has lost everything, including the respect of the few people who had worked with her on an ongoing basis. That my friend is something she'll never get back. Albin and the gang will keep doing what they've always done and everyone will expect them to.

Anonymous said...

I had no first-hand knowledge of her apparent blind ambition. My assumption was based on previous contacts with her, her reputation for being reasonable and realisitc, and the fact that she is obviously obediently following someone else's advice, leadership, and judgment. I imagined that if she had some goodfaith honest candid pragmatic advice on the only way she and her family could survive this election intact, she would have certainly considered it and most likely taken it. Thank you for correcting my pure assumptions.

Anonymous said...

Albin has a huge sherrif's legal account to hold onto in '07. I am told that his opponent just switched to democrat. Come Mid-November, all eyes switch to '07. Next year is going to be the monster political year. This blog may melt down in '07.

Anonymous said...

When the Roy group gets thru unraveling the Provosty dealings he may concerned with hanging on to his freedom and his license instead of the sheriff's account.

Anonymous said...

oh goody! this election is over and i was hoping we would have enough to sink our teeth into next year.

Anonymous said...

Did the Brewer camp pull the pigs commercial????

Where did it go?

Anonymous said...

It has not been seen since someone on this blog begged them to take it down because it was killing Roy. They can take it down but they can't unring that bell, particularly with it being available 24/7 on the KALB web page. Fukupus Maximus

Anonymous said...

"killing roy"???? you have to be kidding me.

Anonymous said...

IMHAO since the primary Roy has been letting Brewer win this eection for him. His interviews are intelligent, factual and exhibit an education coupled with sanity. He has agreed to debate and merly asked the Brewer camp to set a date, time and place. He hasn't lowered himself to her gutter level by responding to her negative campaigning but has maintained his maturity, statesmanship presents himself as a person with social graces.

The Brewer camp is being viewed more and more as being out of touch with reality, unable to react to situations in a rational, mature manner and, in general, desperate. Delores appears IMHAO to be irrational, has resorted to wallowing in the pig sty and who's only ammunition left are lies, bullshit and racial innuendos. Her actions indicate her 17 years of employment with the City were just political patronage. Anything that was right she claims credit for, anything wrong she blames others. We don't need a wishy-washy mind changing blame the troops leader.

Apparently loss of this race is going to severly impact Brewer as well as her family, severly enough IMHAO to effect her mentally.

Anonymous said...

Yes Biff, the ad was very tastefully done and showed the community the respect that Brewer said we deserved. It was racially neutral or perhaps even friendly (white and brown pigs) and I felt that it illustrated the high ethical and integrity standards of the Brewer campaign. We begged them to stop killing us with it. It is clearly a winner for Delores.

Anonymous said...

Does this apply here?

"The fish rots from the head down," Webb (D) said, referring to his belief that Allen (R) is responsible for his campaign staff's tactics and has now shown his true character. "Our government should no longer be in the hands of a group of unprincipled, small-minded, power-hungry character assassins."

Anonymous said...

If the Brewer e-mails were really "sanitized" by Albin, I would urge Mr. Beck or David Pugh to please contact Mayor Randolph and the city council and ask them to look into it. I believe they would do so. Albin is no longer there, so he would not be able to get in the way. I also wonder about the hard drive because it should still contain material that was deleted on probably a daily basis. Hey, what about the e-mails Pugh says he has? Why can't he release that info?

Anonymous said...

If Delores is just a shill for others, I don't think it applies. I don't think she's the decider.

Anonymous said...

The Brewer e-mails were definitely sanitized by Albin.

He purged everything except for cooking recipes.

This public information request, which is the right of any citizen, was censored and manipulated to protect a candidate for office from taking responsibility for her record.

It's really sickening that these people believe that they can bend any law and turn any phrase to hold onto the fortunes that entrenched power creates.

I wouldn't look for Pugh and others to try this in the media. When those e-mails are released, they'll probably be exhibit A in the court of law.

Anonymous said...

Michelle - Are you listening?? When is the debate?? Before or after the election??

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I bet the Mayor would be happy to look into it. I hear Mrs. Brewer screamed into the phone to him that she never wanted to see his or his wife's face again and then hung up on him--It was after he refused to participate in the press conference during which Brewer alleged that the CLECO contracts are illegal and all the other negative stuff about the administration. Apparently, Brewer actually expected the mayor to stand with her as she made those allegations about the adminstration and then formally ENDORSE her. When he declined, she became furious with the very person who hired her 16 years ago and who promoted her and who supported her prior to Sept. 30. She and her minions claim the Mayor is not calling his own shots on this. (A really nasty thing to say.) But, I talked to him at length the other day after council and he's definately angry as hell at Brewer and resolute about his decision. IMHO, Mrs. Brewer should be ashamed of herself. The fact that she is not, reveals a major character flaw that makes her unworthy of being the next mayor.

Anonymous said...

actually, that would be the crime of Injuring Public Records - more orange suits

Anonymous said...

Wow. I wish it had been Roosevelt in the run off with Roy.

Anonymous said...

By the way, putting IMHO in your post has no legal significance. It can still be inquired into whether it is a statement of fact or of an opinion. For example, you can still be sued for slander and defamation even if you put IMHO so and so is an ex-Nazi death camp guard.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't someone reported Albin to the ethics commission? First, we have him as special counsel to the Mayor, and assumably, heavily involved in the decisions with the Cleco suit. Now we know for a fact he has already been slapped with an ethics violation for advising one client how to act regarding a Cleco subsidiary when in fact Cleco is a client of the firm. So we have him dead to right there.

Second, if in fact, he did handle the turning over of documents as a result of the public records request, and somehow "sanitized" them, that definitely is an ethics violation, not to mention the destruction of public records.

IF the City's email server is like most, despite the fact the emails were deleted from her computer, they can be resurrected from the server or a back-up version of the email server. The question is who deleted the emails and when. Did Delores do it before leaving office in anticipation of a records request? If so, then she is the guilty party. If not, then it's whoever did so once she left.

Anonymous said...

You're right. If Albin didn't delete those e-mails, someone did. There's a story here, if the media were just paying attention.

KALB reported on Bobby Beck's public information request, but they never did a follow-up.

It's funny. They're more interested in the fact that someone files a public information request than in what that request uncovered-- potentially a crime here.

Anonymous said...

Nothing funny about it unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

You ask how people can get away with so much for so long, even when it is essentially public knowledge. The simple dynamic is that people who do bad things know many of the bad things that others do and they use that currency to buy their way out. That can work until you (1) are no longer in a position of advantage or leverage, out of power, out of the loop, no longer useful to others; (2) you spend your blackmail currency, you can only use it once; or (3) you get in the way of someone you can't threaten, frighten, control, or buy.

This election constitutes one or more of the above exposures for the bad guys we are talking about. That is why so much is at stake. It's not just about future gains but about covering past tracks.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the letter published by 9 doctors to other physicians telling them to support delores because she best exemplifies their type of candidate? The authors were drs Rich, Drerup, Barton , Ulle, Warshaw, Bennett, Moran, Larry Menache, and Knoepp.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong with that and now you know what their "type of candidate" is. You should use that information in determining if they exemplify your type of doctor.

Anonymous said...

Who put IMHO in their posting?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

which anonymous. We need to let the right anonymous know you have decided he/she cannot have an opinion!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here is their exact quote, "We steadfastly believe that Mrs Brewer has the proven maturity, wisdom, character, and peace of self to continue the the 'vision work' of our city... Moreover it singularly gives her all the credit, as capital projects director, of everything that has been built in the city from the golf course to coughlin -saunders, the zoo habitat. The kicker though has to be that "peace of self" comment. Boy , she has really demonstrated that quality lately.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of those doctors accept TRICARE insurance coverage. I don't believe Rich does nor Warshaw.

Not willing to accept the hospitalization coverage of those that served in the nation's military but willing to back those that served at the financial trough of Alexandria.

Newest generation of blue-blood silk stocking?

Anonymous said...

Yes, those doctors do not like lawyers who sue them when they kill or maime patients. The fit in well with their fellow republic insurance and big busienessmen who don't like to pay the widows and orphans they kill with their defective products or negligence either.

Anonymous said...

Who put IMHO in their posting?

Answer: Scroll to the top and hit control f and enter IMHO. It will show you the multitude of posts with IMHO.

Anonymous said...

This is America and physicians are entitled to their own misguided personally motivated opinions. How highly does your own trusted primary care physician value the opinion (personal or professional) of Larry Menache or E. Moran? I doubt that these supporters will influence those peers that know them for what and how they are.

Anonymous said...

Don't several of them own the old aiken school property? Wonder what promises have been made by Brewer relative to that property?

Anonymous said...

Physicians and Judges often have a highly inflated value of self worth. They tend to feel that chair at the Right Habnd of God is reserved for them.

Anonymous said...

Guess that's the point: their endorsement for delores is akin to the Mary Jo letter in her support. More people will now vote for Roy when they see who is supporting her

Anonymous said...

stop it! stop it! "peace of self". i'm peeing my pants!

Anonymous said...

Once again, Delores's campaign is based on lies and misrepresentations. This is an unbroken pattern of reprehensible conduct. Delores is not worthy of their confidence or their endorsement or their vote.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that endorsing a certain candidates suggests incompetence in a physician, so I think the widows and orphans can rest easy.

Anonymous said...

It has been reported that the Provosty firm no longer is being consulted regarding COA legal affairs. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

Wonder why you couldn't just click on edit, find in top window and tpe in IMHO

Anonymous said...

How much money each year, say, for last ten years, has the Provosty firm received from the COA for legal fees? How much is this loss really gonna cost Albin and Brenner?

Anonymous said...

Biff,guess it is admirable for them to send the letter since her commercials sure aren't portraying their vision of the city, but that peace of self comment, in their defense, was written before the pig commercial. Of course , the rape ad had already aired so maybe there is no defense to that statement. On second thought her commercials probably are reflective of their beliefs since they all belong to that bastion of inclusiveness called parlangua which allows noone of color among its members.

Anonymous said...

"How highly does your own trusted primary care physician value the opinion (personal or professional) of Larry Menache or E. Moran?"

Try it. See what a physician that you know and trust says about these guys.

Anonymous said...

Probably doesn't reflect on their attributes as a physician but does it say something about their desire to accumulate wealth? Coincedents don't happen - no sucbh thing as a conincedance. There is something in the deal for the doctors.

Anonymous said...

Maybe in their humble opinions they don't like lawyers? Can doctors have humble opinions? Never met a hmble doctor.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be interesting for the TT or Kalb to make a list of Delores' major contributors and inform us of the amount of money they have received from the COA each year. Whose pig is being gored now? Soooooey, honey. How 'bout sharing that info with us. Let us peons know how much slop your little piggies scoffed up at the public trough.

Anonymous said...

Parlangua is a dictator ship and the members of the Krewe don't give a shit about anything but the partying. A chance to let their hair down and get away for a short time from all the social bullshit. Sorta like this blog, mask yourself and relax. No real politics or discrimination here except maybe with the head honchos.

Anonymous said...

That immediately struck a sensitive nerve.

Anonymous said...

i didn't know that. parlangua is white only?

Anonymous said...

Try a brown piglet constume. Parlangua will welcome you.

Anonymous said...

Larry Menache. Now there is guy that I would like to buy for what he is worth and sell for what he thinks he is worth!

Anonymous said...

Peach girl,

That's ridiculous. You're ridiculous.

You called him on Thursday, and he hasn't called you back yet.

Geez. I am sure that Roy didn't realize how important and urgent your message was. Otherwise, he would have cancelled his engagements, his canvassing, and his GOTV event this weekend to clear time to talk to you.

Give him a break. There's one week left in the campaign, and he's busier than ever.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why not just call mr roys campaign h.q. find out where hes going to be at and go talk to him in person?

Anonymous said...

You people are the people Ayn Rand warned about in We The People and Atlas Shrugged. Oh My God, let's check to see who has supported Delores and expose them for what they are! Let's ruin all of those doctors who have shown their support for Delores Brewer! Oh Hell, they can't be good doctors if they support HER!!! Let's check and see who all have had or have contracts with the city and see if they support Delores and if they do, well, there must be something terribly wrong with them and they don't deserve to do business with the city! Just listen to yourselves. You sound like the Russians as Communism was taking hold. You idiots don't deserve to live in this city much less thrive in it. God help this city if you people have anything to do with who is mayor!

Anonymous said...

Ain't seen many whites in the Black Miss America contest either.

Anonymous said...

Heard that Delores' pig commercial has inspired the Roy campaign to have a boucherie or cochon de lait as their after election party. After all, they do have roots in Avoyelles parish and what better way to bring all of Alexandria together than a pig roast, cajun music and good times.

Anonymous said...

You appear to lack Peace of Self.

Anonymous said...

Rand wrote We The Living, not We The People. I doubt you have read Atlas Shrugged or have a clue as to Ayn Rand's philosophy.

Anonymous said...

Lots of talk about Albin being off the Randolph Plantation but no confirmation. What's the deal?

Anonymous said...

Good for Ned.

Anonymous said...

You're right, it was We The Living. It's been a while now. You are wrong; however, I have read most of Ayn Rand's books, including Atlas Shrugged and all of this frenzy about people who possibly don't agree with them sounds just like some of the people in those books. Your arrogance also goes along with that crowd. Some may try to excuse you blaming it on your youth. I think it's just the flaws in your character.

Anonymous said...

We're not talking about mere supporters; the doctors listed in Brewer's latest mail-out made a conscious decision to lend their name and their credibility toward Brewer. This was a political action, and considering this blog discusses politics, I don't see how anyone is out of line for critiquing the mail-out and questioning those who signed their names to it.

By the way, I have also read all of Ayn Rand, including Atlas Shrugged, and after growing up, graduating from college and grad school, and reading real philosophers, I've come to the conclusion that Rand is pure drivel (and anyone who sources her as a naive pseudo-intellectual). Really, selfishness as a virtue?? Only a misguided Republican could appropriate such arrogance into their worldview.

Anonymous said...

Tell me about the flaws in my character. Anon 9:27

Anonymous said...

and anyone who sources her as a naive pseudo-intellectual


My apologies to the spelling police.

Anonymous said...

Dear 9:35, it is most interesting that someone as enlightened as you about Rand's Objectivist Philosophy would revert to ad hominem attacks and ridicule to attack her ideas. Have you none of your own or do you just thrown fluff at those that do? Since you are so well versed in the philosophy of The Virtue of Selfishness, pleased enlighten us as to what Ms. Rand meant and where she went wrong.

Anonymous said...

I think the misguided Republicans may be the Doc's who sent the letter.

Anonymous said...

Delores is Dagny Taggart and Jacque is John Galt and they will disappear to Galt's Gulch the night of the election.

Blogger said...

I think Jacques is more of a Howard Roark. Hehe.

Why are we talking about Ayn Rand???

Anonymous said...

Hahaha Lamar.... then Albin Provosty would be Ellsworth Toohey.

Anonymous said...

The Pig add just ran again, guess they didn't pull it.

Anonymous said...


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE run for another office after this election...

Your commercials, press conferences and "mis-speaks" are better than sweeps week!!!


Anonymous said...

woof said, @ 12:18:54 p.m.

"No body will remember or talk about Albin or Roseanne or Brenner or Lanier or Fletcher. Delores and her family will be left alone with this defeat and shame. That hardly seems fair."

Don't worry, there are plenty of people watching who have long memories. The gang will be remembered and will be justly rewarded.

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd point out that Bridgett Brown's name is misspelled in Brewer's new commercial.

Anonymous said...

"Just thought I'd point out that Bridgett Brown's name is misspelled in Brewer's new commercial."

you are is really BRIDGETT BROWNEYE

Anonymous said...

No way Brewer will debate. KALB-TV and Roy camp had been calling on almost a daily basis to get her to agree. She knows she would get her ass kicked. So, she's not going there.

Anonymous said...

As bad as Brewer's ads are, they may be effective. Statistics show that going negative usually increases one's voter base. Issue based commercials by politicians are not remembered, but scandalous rantings seem to be very productive. Jindal can attest to that.

Anonymous said...

What Republican leadership? There used to be a real Republican leader here, but she was “dissed” a couple of years ago. I guess she wasn’t enough of a vicious, megalomaniacal glory hound. On rare occasions, I’ve spotted her car at the Brewer HQ, but other than that she’s practically been invisible. IMHO, that says a lot.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:38:44 AM, I think I know whom you’re talking about. She’s a classy, savvy lady who isn’t about to get tangled up in this s**t. I heard she wasn’t consulted at the campaign’s beginning, but tried, behind the scenes, to redirect it for the runoff. Can’t help but wonder what might have happened had Brewer listened to her.

Anonymous said...

Delores, you promised on election night not to sling mud. What happened?

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