Thursday, October 19, 2006

....Five and one quarter, Five and one half ...

There have been many times where I have pondered shutting down this blog. Each time I have asked friends about doing so they have asked me not to do so, "it has merit" is the usual response. I have watched, ney ... allowed ... personal friends to be maligned by bloggers on this site. I know the intricities of the truth, while others presume to know. I find it disappointing that untruths are posted here. It is unfortunately the nature of the beast. My grandfather would tell me time and again ... "it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than open it and prove it". What a wise man my grandfather was ....


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Anonymous said...

No Matching Entries Found.
The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary.

Spelling Suggestions for disrespected:

I use a real dictionary not a ebonics based .com nothing

Anonymous said...

"I want your vote, but first,our community deserves respect". Supposedly Delores Brewer says this in her newest commercial. OK, Delores Brewer, why don't you show our community some respect and end this travesty of a campaign. Your campaing has been an ongoing debacle of smoke screens, innnuendoes and half truths. Please show this community some respect and withdraw!

Anonymous said...

Well, it's interesting that the founder of the blog has now found a conscience, especially in light of the fact that all of his candidates have lost and he has to look at the same old faces on the city council AGAIN!!

Anonymous said...

Man, everyone I've talked to is just speechless after viewing or hearing about that Brewer commercial. Its just so bizzare and weird what can you say? Its beyond desperation. To use such a personal tragedy for votes. Just what the hell can you say?

Anonymous said...

Any commercials in the can about all of us bein DISRESPECTED by a billion dollar utility company coming into OUR house and who has SCREWED all of us without our consent? Any outrage about that one? Bet not.

Anonymous said...

Okay, just saw the 10 pm news commercial from the Brewer camp. Not cool at all...

Anonymous said...

Pity and embarrassment is all that I feel. People will talk about this commercial and this election for years to come.

Anonymous said...

Jacques should start refunding any money he has not yet spent on this campaign. With this kind of opposition he doesn't need to do anything at all to win.

Anonymous said...

stunned. absolutely stunned.

Anonymous said...

nice post cenla antics. the first thing you could do if you are serious about improving this blog is to switch off anonymous comments.

Anonymous said...

Anons have their place. Some of them bring insightful views to this forum but, sadly, a few also bring venom of the most horrible kind. Many cannot register for personal or legal reasons, ie current City employees.

Better policing of proper etiquite by Mr. Antics is in order.

Anonymous said...

hey civil thanks. the add well hmm ms brewer had an odd look about her she didnt look like she normally does. different makeup?, hairstyle?, lighting? dunno what exactly. the substance of the ad didnt seem that outrageous compared to other ads we have seen. whether its believeable (that mr roy disrespected her or not etc) remains to be seen.
hyperbole all around.

Anonymous said...

ya civil thanks for pointing out that no one has to give out any personal identifiable information to get a blogger account.

Anonymous said...

I am totally out of excuses for Delores the Dumbass. First, she states in her press conference she failed to respond to her "attacks" because she had never run for public office before and didn't understand. Now she is taking something extremely personal and emotional, something that is horrible and degrading to women - RAPE - and comparing Jacques informative ads to that.

Just as she showed she could not handle Bridgett Brown in an open Council Committee meeting, and I do believe still failed to answer the Committee Chair's question, Delores is showing day by day why she cannot handle the job of being Mayor.

When you run for office, you open your entire life and your family's life up for public scrutiny. She failed to understand she was now living in a fish bowl and that everything she has done and her family has done is up for questioning. It is becoming increasingly clear Delores cannot handle the pressure of running for office, how are we to believe she could handle the pressure of holding office?

Anonymous said...

guess ms brewer is trying to show that shes tough. this is a really strange turn for the campaign to take though lol. but it seems to have gotten a lot of people talking.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering what all of those who were attending the domestic violence event tonight thought about the ad. Afterall, it's interesting that tonight is the night it starting running and tonight was the vigil.

Anonymous said... is a real dictionary, and though i thought brewer's commercial was ridiculous, disrespected is now recognized as a real word.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the ad was that bad. She didn't look very good. I don't know if that was intended for effect....maybe. But, I think she was trying to get a point across. She felt violated all over again. Frankly, I never knew she had experienced that horror in her life. I don't know, it's all such a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

This entire race is a tragedy. I don't know if I'll ever be a part of another campaign. All of the trash that's thrown out there. It's awful.

Anonymous said...

I cannot add anything to all of the other comments other than to say I am truly aghast that the collective intelligence is thought to be so low as to be so easily manipulated by such a shoddy commercial production that the Brewer campaign has assaulted the good citizens of Alexandria with. I would make the prognostication that such tactics would surely backfire except for the recent developments of the current city council composition remaining intact. I am increasingly coming to the realization that this community is suffering from mass dementia or I am terribly out of touch with reality for I could never believe that Delores Brewer could be elected mayor after the last couple of weeks - sadly, I have to admit I have been wrong in the recent past and could easily be proved wrong again. I always did like Mobile.

Anonymous said...

sad sad sad



Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Please somebody stop her

Alexandria deserves better

PLEASE whoever can get to her




Anonymous said...

You say you want a revolution

Anonymous said...

Man, I can't believe Roy did that to Delores. That commercial really go to me. I think I need to vote for delores.

Anonymous said...

Will Jacques Roy be forever known now as "Jacques the Pseudo-Rapist"? Delores Brewer has done an incredible injustice to every woman who has been the victim of a physical or sexual attack. To compare such an event to her opponent's presentation of her ethical weaknesses is beyond belief. Many times I have heard someone say a woman "was just asking to be raped" because of her behavior or manner of dress. Well, in this campaign, Delores Brewer set herself up for all of this. She should issue an immediate apology to all the women of Cenla, she should offer an apology to Mr. Roy for her statements and she should withdraw from the race. Show some dignity, Brewer.

Anonymous said...

Comparing Jacque's utilization of free speech in a political race to the forcible rape of an individual gives us an idea of Delores' concept of government. Tillie Snyder, move over you rookie. Delores now holds a new place in Alexandria's politics. This could be state or national news tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Before the Brewer ad aired, I was told it was “powerful,” leading me to believe the ad was designed to lend Delores “gravitas” and to target women by addressing violent crime. At the time, I thought it a risky move. Having now seen it, I clearly assumed far too much and am utterly appalled. The ad isn’t a risky move; it is suicide.

The result: We will have a machine-driven, ethically challenged child in the mayor’s office. Yippee. I may have to leave that part of the ballot blank.

Anonymous said...

A curious question about this dead horse called anonymous we saw that and others keep beating to death. How does one know who We saw that is? How does one know who civil servant is. Your screennames are just as much anonymous as those anonymous. I don't know who susyq is and don't give a dayum.

Actually Lamar, Morgan Brewer Aymonds and just a few others use their name. We saw that you sure don't. So before you get on your soap box We Saw That start useing your rela name.

I would be extremely interested to know the name of the radical blowed out mind that posted all that BS yesterday.

We Saw That you constantly post irrelevant stuff that is illogical, unfactual, etc, etc. The only way to not be anonymnous is to use yor name. Then no blog. I would say use your brains but yesterday convinced me - never mind.

Anonymous said...

Why is anyone surprised that disrespected has become accepted as an actual word in the English language? After all, Flavor Flav has his own reality show. If our culture is willing to make that idiot a celebrity, anything can happen.

Anonymous said...

Yeaaaaaah Boyeeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

Just one minizzle anon

Anonymous said...

Still, I think one argument is that it would be easier to respond to posts with the paster having a screen name. Do as I say, not as I do.

Anonymous said...

the really sad part about all of this, it's gone way beyond watching a campaign unravel, which is festive if you are a roy supporter. unfortunately, we are now watching a human being unravel before our very eyes, and that is nothing to revel in. i have no sympathy for the pigs who would destroy delores in their frenzied panic to stay on the city teat. and i wonder where in the world the true friends of delores are, standing idly by while all this happens. regardless, a part of me feels very sorry for delores. i just hope roy ignores this unpleasant episode, and we put it behind us as soon as possible. that being said, delores is clearly not capable of being the mayor of this city.

Anonymous said...

What do you do after you've raped a deaf and dumb girl?....
Break her fingers so she can't tell anyone....

Anonymous said...

That last post is awful. You should be ashamed of yourself. Not a funny joke. That being said, it's also not acceptable to say what Brewer did in that commercial. IMHO, the woman clearly needs psychological treatment and counseling.

Anonymous said...

Delores' true friends have tried to get her out of the race in order for her to get a good job and rebuild her life. Anyone who has expressed that opinion has been ousted from her campaign and from her friendship. It is very painful for people who care about her to see her self-destruct in this manner. I fear she'll be unable to get a decent job in Alexandria after this. Meanwhile, the little Repub ladies will move on to the next campaign. The handful of remaining businessmen in her camp will move on to greener pastures. Delores will be left to pick up the pieces of her life, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

I heard the Chamber was interested in hiring DB if she was not elected mayor to work on economic development and possibly work under Pody and take over for him when he retires in a few years. But now, IMHO, the Chamber wouldn't possibly be able to hire her anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

More like the Chamber would NEVER be able to hire her EVER, now. Forget it.

Anonymous said...

Merriam-Webster online:


One entry found for disrespect.
Main Entry: 1dis·re·spect
Pronunciation: "dis-ri-'spekt
Function: transitive verb
1 : to have disrespect for
2 : to show or express disrespect or contempt for : INSULT, DIS

Anonymous said...

Amoral and beyond reprehensible.

What could she have possibly been thinking?

I have to ask myself if this woman has any control of her mental faculties.

Anonymous said...

It would appear that two major linquistic authorities, SuzyQ and Merriam-Webster disagree. Looks like a tie to me.

Anonymous said...

And just what are DB’s friends supposed to do, Biff? Many friends – those who truly love her - have given the campaign very sound advice, only to have it ignored by those who prefer to chew up the scenery. It was hoped that, after the primary, the slate would be wiped clean and all could begin anew. Those, who tried to redirect the campaign, did so in vain.

As it is, reputations have been sullied, if not destroyed, life-long friendships have been shattered and a lovely, intelligent, well-intentioned woman has been indelibly stained, if not ruined. Hope the powerbrokers in this town are happy.

Anon 8:55:40 AM, you are beyond repulsive.

Anonymous said...

dizzy, i hear ya.

Anonymous said...

I just heard from someone close to Roy that Jay Luno is going to be the new city attorney...

Who is Jay Luno????

Anonymous said...

to compare a rape to political banter has to be degading to victims of such a horrible tragedy is over the top; however, as much of a slimeball fletcher is , delores still got on tv herself and did it

Anonymous said...

I have a confession to make – I hear it is good for the soul! I did a “mis-speak” in an earlier post, I posted:

"NO, DB doesn't have a clue. She started this with 20%, threw $200K (40K of which is her own) at it and wound up with just how dim does the bulb have to be not to see the handwriting on the wall. Can't wait for the next finance report to see who Albin, et al coned into sinking more $'s into this loosing proposition.

Sad part is DB is not a bad person, just NOT mayor material. She has put all her trust in people who have their own agenda and she just doesn’t get it. It will be interesting to see if any of her “heavy-hitting” supports will employ her after this is done for anything close to the $60K she made as capital project coordinator, the $80K she made as COS or the $90K+ she would have made as mayor. Wonder what they think she’s worth on THEIR payrolls!
Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:01:01 AM"

I was WRONG, I have recently been informed from someone very close to the
Brewer camp – she did not start this campaign with 20% it was 27%. She spent the 200k to DROP 7 points. But I must give her credit, she definitely has the point dropping strategy down…after the TV ad yesterday, it’s pretty clear it won’t take near that much to plummet to the bottom.

WHEWWWW…I feel like new person – I’ve cleared my conscience and taken responsibility for my “mis-speak”…DB try it, IT FEELS GOOD!

Anonymous said...

Jay Luneau is a local attorney. Very good guy, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

Script of new Delores Brewer commercial:

"Several years ago I was attacked and raped in my home by the Garden District rapist.
I refused to allow it to destroy my integrity.
I helped put the rapist in jail and rebuilt my life.

In the first primary, I was also unfairly attacked by my opponent, Jacques Roy, but his untruthful attacks only make me fight harder and stand stronger.
Jacques Roy has disrespected our community.
I want your vote, but first, our community deserves respect. "

Anonymous said...

An earlier posting from a Brewer veteran said that attempts to try to reason with Brewer had made her true friends outcasts. How sad. Can you talk to her family?

Anonymous said...

Jay Luneau?

Hell of a guy, but you have to have heard the story of how their paths once crossed to appreciate just how funny that is.

Anonymous said...

No. The family won't talk to anyone who wanted her to get out.

Anonymous said...

People who tried to explain that getting out is actually better in politics were kicked to the curb. Now look what she is going through.

Anonymous said...

That commercial is Fletcher at his best.

Anonymous said...

its sad because back in the spring and early summer the mayors race was ms brewers to lose. then the AHA scandal broke and the infamous "sparks fly over cleco audit" video.

bloggers on here tried to give ms brewer advice on what she should do to turn her campaign around yet her campaign continues to do the opposite of what good common sense would indicate.

Anonymous said...

Luneau is a fellow Southern graduate and a good democrat.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Not so, Brewer spinner, One can not have their integrity stipped from them. Integrity is an internal personal set of values, not a hair rinse. Delores never had any integrity to be removed.


One entry found for integrity.
Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
Pronunciation: in-'te-gr&-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY

Friday, October 20, 2006 10:53:40 AM

Anonymous said...

Jacques Roy is a scumbag!

Anonymous said...

Bridgette Brown is a scumbag!

Anonymous said...

Jacques and Bridgette along with the rest of their scumbag crew will rape the utility fund of millions of dollars. That is yet another form of rape.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up, Francis.

to Anon 11:58:10

Or should I say, Fletcher?

You're attempts to paint Jacques and Bridgett with the same brush have been ignored but not unnoticed.

Everyone, let's be clear about this: Jacques would not touch B. Brown with a 10 foot pole. The first set of ass-cheeks to hit the curb once Roy is elected will belong to Bridgett. Kelvin's will be right behind hers.

The MAIN intention behind last Thursday's press stunt was to plant the impression that Jacques and Bridgett are in cahoots. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Fletcher, you can leave that dog at home: it won't hunt.

As for the new commercial from the DB Campaign... jaw-droppingly repulsive.

Anonymous said...

After her ad on tv do these Brewer backers think anything they ever post again will be taken seriously. Days ago I said we were witnessing the flopping of a half dead fish. It has now died. You fools can try and tie Roy to Brigette or to anyone else but with what Delores has done to herself - she has "disrespected" her self she is now reduced to nothing.

Her and her family should slip out of town, at night, and go into hiding. That commercial is the most desperate, say nothing piece of shit I have ever witnessed. How she could do that - how in the hell could she lower herself to the depth?

Anonymous said...

whoops...should be "your attempts."

Apologies to the grammar/spelling police.

Anonymous said...

She stated Roy also unfairly attaced her. This seems to indicate the "rapist" unfairly attacked her. Is there a fair rape? Could someone have fairly attacked and raped her?

Could it be the "rapist" refused to come back the next day when she asked for seconds after determining the quality of the product and, in retaliation, she jailed him?

Anonymous said...

This is the Brewer line on this commercial (reposted from CenLamar):

You people are all out of touch with this campaign.

Jacques Roy attacked Delores and called into question her integrity. When you attack someone with lies and spin (thank Bridgette Brown for Jacques ammo) it's stripping them of what takes many decades to earn.

If you people cannot see the connection then you are delousional and true loyalist to Jacques. Keep in mind that if someone you know was raped physically and then some young kid tells the community that this person is a liar how you would feel. Lying about a person so as to destroy their image is a form of rape. It is rape of their honorable image in the eyes of the public.

Anonymous said...


a plant, Brassica napus, of the mustard family, whose leaves are used for food for hogs, sheep, etc., and whose seeds yield rape oil.

I don't get it.............?

Anonymous said...

Jay Luneau currently has two frivolous lawsuits against the City of Alexandria where he is representing folks who are trying to take advantage of accidents to enrich themselves. One trail lawyer in city hall will be enough.

Anonymous said...

what frivilous lawsuits? whats their docket numbers?

Anonymous said...

Luneau is a good guy but he has bigger ambitions than "City Attorney". John Flynn will be the City Attorney.

Anonymous said...

Any attempt to parse the Delores rapeogram to try to make some logic or truth of it is futile. It is an emotional appeal without reason.

The rape analogy fails on a number of different levels: the intergrety arguement doesn't work because that described a set of personal principles to which a person subscribes - nobody and take intergrity from another; and rape suggests an unwilling victim - Delores is entirely responsible for her reputation as a liar and a crook. She cultivated that reputation through years of her public life and selfish disservice.

Anonymous said...

A lawyer found to have filed a frivluos lawsuit can be disciplined by the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, and can be ordered to pay the costs and legal fees of the other party by the judge making such a ruling. It is interesting that you say those cases are pending, yet you have already determined that they are frivluos. Guess the doctor who says something is wrong with the plaintiff's is also "frivilous". Or are they as frvilous as Delores' consortium claims against State Farm? Sounds to me like you don't know your head from your ass, or have been successfully sued before for your own neglignece, or both.

Anonymous said...

Town Talk Article:

Brewer ad says she was Garden District rapist victim and is now being 'unfairly attacked' by Roy

A new television commercial by Alexandria mayoral candidate Delores Brewer implies that she is being victimized by candidate Jacques Roy just as she was victimized by the Garden District rapist years ago.

The ad aired on KALB-TV on Thursday night and again today.

In the ad, Brewer speaks directly into the camera and says:

"Several years ago I was attacked and raped in my home by the Garden District rapist.
I refused to allow it to destroy my integrity.
I helped put the rapist in jail and rebuilt my life.

"In the first primary, I was also unfairly attacked by my opponent, Jacques Roy, but his untruthful attacks only make me fight harder and stand stronger.
Jacques Roy has disrespected our community.
I want your vote. But first, our community deserves respect."

Roy declined to comment about the ad when contacted by The Town Talk.

Brewer has not yet been reached for comment, but The Town Talk is trying to reach her.

Roy and Brewer finished first and second, respectively, in the Sept. 30 mayoral primary that featured seven candidates. They square off in a Nov. 7 runoff election.

Right after the primary election, both candidates pledged not to engage in negative political campaigning.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:41 You are the scum of the earth. I am not surprised at all that you are supporting Roy. I sincerely hope your mother or sister or wife or daughter never has to experience such a degrading experience. Now you, that's another story.

Anonymous said...

3:02:36, you do understand the Roy campaign neither forced her to repeatedly lie or caused her unfortunate rape. It seems to be that she would benefit from handling both these things the same: just pretend the rape didn't happen. That's how she is handling the lie.

Anonymous said...

Rape - My Webster's has several definitions I'm sure on of these applies in Delores the Dumbass' mind:

1) a European herb - guess that's not it.

2) to seize and take away by force - well hell she's still here so that's not it either.

3) an act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force. see remarks above.

4) sexual intercourse with a woman by a man without her consent and chiefly by force or deception - Ok that's it - NOT!

5) an outrageous violation - well you know since Bill Clinton didn't think it was sex this has to be the winner!

The question is what did Jacques violate again? Oh yeah her integrity. Well Webster says inegrity is an umpaired condition - soundness; firm adherence to a code of esp. moral or artistic values - incorruptibility; and the quality or state of being complete or undivided - completeness. So far I can't say I ever thought DB had integrity by this definition.

She certainly hasn't appeared to be sound nor incorruptibile. This is the woman who formed a company and tried to get AHA business while her husband was selling them insurance? What is it again he violated?????

Anonymous said...

ok I have yet to see Brewers TV ad. What does it say?

Anonymous said...

Rape is a horrible experience. My own mother was violently raped about 20 years ago. But to compare that violent crime with someone campaigning for mayor against you is downright sick. I have never seen such a thing on a political tv commercial. There is an extremely troubling lack of judgement on behalf of the candidate and anyone else who is behind this. What does her husband think? Shouldn't he be horrified by this? A person who would put this on tv could not possibly handle the job of being mayor. In fact, IMHO, she needs serious psychiatric treatment. Some on this blog have expressed anger. However, I am merely sad for this poor, troubled soul.

Anonymous said...

See script of commercial on this blog at the posting of Anonymous 10:10:58 a.m. Friday.

Anonymous said...

sorry..I say the db add

Anonymous said...

"I'm just trying to regain my integrity," she said. Brewer quote from the Town Talk article.

She sure is going about it in a strange manner.

Anonymous said...

Delores is probably one of those people who would outlaw the game of tag at recess because someone might get hurt. If she can't handle the "heat" her opponents put on her during the primary then maybe she needs to go home and bake cookies. She is not a "tough" woman as she is trying to portray in her latest ad. If she were, she would have answered the questions in the Committee meeting asked of her and not made up 3 stories about the meeting with the attorneys in Baton Rouge. She can't handle pressure.

Anonymous said...

That is the script for the D. Brewer ad. It's also on Town Talk website and Cenlamar Blog.

Anonymous said...

It's just amazing that Brewer blew her lead and her momentum by being so incredibly stupid. Dr. Sams was able to keep his mouth shut and keep from imploding for over a year. We ended up with the wrong republican.

Anonymous said...

I hear that Dr. Sams, a loyal republican, had decided that, regardless of his differences with Roy, he cannot endorse or even vote for Brewer. He has come to that painful realization since Sept. 30th.

Anonymous said...

Roy has showed his maturity, leadership, and executive temperament thu this Brewer onslaught. I never had serious doubts about Roy but watching his campaign has put me at total peace.

Anonymous said...

anyone who hasn't seen the ad yet can view it on CenLamar

Anonymous said...

If Delores Brewer equates the primary campaign with rape, what could she possibly equate to dealing with the Alexanadria City Council if by some miracle she should win? Armageddon? If she can't handle Jacques Roy presenting some documenrted facts about her, how could she possibly deal with that snake pit at City Hall?

Anonymous said...

Quote from singer Billy Ray Cyrus:

"The people at my record company asked me if I could write a song about LIFE; my life, my relationship with God, and where I come from. Well, I can't write a song on purpose, my songs come in a moment of INSPIRATION or DESPERATION."

The closer the election gets the more negative your campaign becomes. What happened to the gracious lady that stood on the stage the night of the Sept, election? That night there was a lady with great INTEGRiTY, POISE, AND CONFIDENCE that would have suited you well in the final weeks of the campaign for mayor. Did your campaign managers or your political strategist convince you that the character and grace you presented to the public on the eve of the election was not the image the citizens and voters of Alexandria wanted to see.

If this is the case, personally, I'd say fire them all, apologize to your voters and run a "cleaner campaign" without the fingerpointing and inneuondos. The incident several years ago, is a matter you dealt with back then and I would imagine something you still with every day. But, don't trivaize it by using it as a campaign tool, to stir emotions in search of voter empathy.

Run on the issues. State where you stand on the issues facing the next mayor who rakes over, and go from there. If you are truly honest and straight-forward with your voters, they will stand behind you.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:37 pm

Anonymous said...

I can sum this all up in a few simple words......

Delores Brewer is NOT a politician.

She is LOST, like a child who wanders in in the middle of a movie and wants to know-- ...

Anonymous said...

The Republican Party is endorsing her? I think when they see this they'll be embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Reposted from CenLamar:

"Brewer Ad Picked Up By New Orleans Times-Picayune Online (

Headline: La. politician likens opponent to rapist, expects people to vote for her."

wow, I for one am embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Delores most certainly is a politician - just a bad one. She was crazy to spout the wore "integrity". Her basic lack of integrity was the distance she could never make up.

Anonymous said...

wore = word

Anonymous said...

wore = word

Anonymous said...

I have not seen a single entry from a Brewer supporter since the ad aired last night . That says a lot. I think if Delores were to bow out now gracefully I think she would be met with understanding and compassion. Cross over into next week with this type campaign and the negative one that I hear is coming and I am not so sure. In either case I see no way for this to continue. In a few days the financial disclosures come out that show who has paid for Delores Campaign since the first primary. I feel fairly certain that the list of contributors will be posted on here and I wonder if those who have financially encouraged this poor lady will want the light of day to expose who they are. I for one am glad that I did not contribute. I feel really sad for Mrs Brewer and her family. Someone who cares about her and who is close to her PLEASE give her a hug and try to convince her that her integrity will begin to be restored once she ends this. Please.

Anonymous said...

Horseshit. Her integrity cannot be restored because she never had any. She is intentonally doing this to her family, friends, Ned, and Alexandria. Make excuses for her if you want but I hold her completely responsible for the agony she has and will caused. Why are we all pretending that the Roy family has no feelings?

I hope we make Delores and example for other greedy people. Albin won't miss a step.

Anonymous said...

Sunk to new low! 7:03 A. M. You hit the nail on the head. Times Picayune picked the ad up. This is state, next national. Another black eye for Louisiana. Delores is finished in this community in every capacity. No chamber position for her. Business men would nix that in a heartbeat. She has shit in her mess kit and her life in Alexandria is over. It is a shame that Albin and his ilk will continue to do just fine as the blue blood silk stocking boys seem to do. I don't think their political influence will ever be the same however. And their social standing has taken a big hit, which will hurt them much more than the political part. This is not over and will continue to backfire. But don't think for a minute that she is just a pawn and was not vigorously in favor of this political ad. You could see she was into it 100%. She was scary in her vitriolic intensity, almost psychopathic desperation. She has totally shocked her base supporters and they will never be in her court again in any sense, economic, political or social. She is now the proverbial "turd in the punchbowl" and just will not be heard from again after she withdraws or gets the dogshit beat out of her. I see no reason for Roy to open his mouth for the rest of the campaign. Maybe go to church, kiss babies and smile at little ole ladies, but nothing else. Take a vacation and plan your inauguration.

Anonymous said...

Oviously everyone on this blog missed the point. She is not saying Roy is a rapist nor is she trying to equate in any way that the garden district rapist is anything like Jacques Roy. She is saying that the strength required to cope with being raped is now needed to cope with his negative campaign. I know that it is pointless to post this but I feel that it is necessary. She is a victim of the Garden District Rapist and Jacques Roy. Jacques attack on her character is the only other thing in her life that was aggressivley taken from her. I hope that it goes national. That would be the best thing possible. Then the entire country will be looking at this town and all of Mr. Roys dealings including the Cleco scandal and his cohorts misbehavior that is quite substantial. Trust me, the worst thing for Jacques is that the Nation looks at his dealings. Jacques and his father and his brother and his friends will all be under a microscope for a long long time.

Anonymous said...

National attention would be great for Delores. Then she could explain what KALB would not broadcast. The Cleco issue is so deep that Delores has only scratched the surface. Trust me when I say that Jacques is not happy about the outside world peering in on how he and his friends and family get their money.

Anonymous said...

The FBI would have a field day in this web of deciet. There is so much dirty shit that goes on in this town that Jacques and his minions will run for the hills. I wonder how many times he has rewritten his contrct with Sansing since Brewers press conference?

Anonymous said...

No, anonymous, 8:09:04--you are wrong. The WORST thing that could happen for Mrs. Brewer is for this to go national. None of those other issues would be a part of the coverage. It would all be about calling her opponent a rapist because he aired negative campaign spots. Your candidate (probably your mother) would be destroyed in ways you never imagined. I was a huge fan of Mrs. Brewer. This is the worst campaign decision I have ever witnessed. She is never going to recover from this. Particularly if it goes national. Alexandria will be thrust back to Tillie Synder being featured in the National Enquirer. Please pray this does not happen to your candidate nor your city.

Anonymous said...

This is bigger that just a Mayors seat. This is about control of the State. The bait has been taken hook, line, and sinker.

Anonymous said...

I guess we will just have to wait and see. By the way, I am far to ugly to be the child of Delores.

Anonymous said...

Delores, that's really a silly notion about the contracts between Roy and Sansing being rewritten. How lame can you get? You got nothing on Roy, so you make up shit. DB, you know your own former strategists couldn't come up with anything on Roy. But, no you cannot accept that. So, now, your minions just make up stuff. Plus you have the nerve to compare him to a rapist! SHAME on you. The only solice I can take from this is the knowledge, IMHO, that for this you will be judged--by God.

Anonymous said...

"Oviously everyone on this blog missed the point. She is not saying Roy is a rapist nor is she trying to equate in any way that the garden district rapist is anything like Jacques Roy."

You may believe that she did not intend to link them, but the PERCEPTION of us and many others in town is that she did.

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY!!! You stated the point perfectly!!!

Anonymous said...

Light will be shed on this town and its back alley deals.

I believe Iron Maiden said it best with: "Run to the Hills."

Anonymous said...

If the perception of this town is that they are linked then does it really matter? Jacques still comes out filthy.

Anonymous said...

If you think that Roy is squeaky clean then you should reevaluate your perception. That dude is one low down dirty scoundrel. Everyday people say how he took advantage of them because he knows the law. Ask him yourself. Say "Jacques, have you ever taken advantage of anybody because you understand law better than them?" If he says no then he is a liar.

Anonymous said...

Address the issues instead of trying yet again to dodge them. It seems the Brewer Bunch can only slam. Too bad we see through your sham............

Anonymous said...

Actually, that's a good point. The Brewer folks are trying to find ways to suggest that Roy could be, under the right set of circumstances, a liar. With Brewer's liarship, it ain't nearly that difficult.

Anonymous said...

"Everyday people say how he took advantage of them because he knows the law. Ask him yourself. Say "Jacques, have you ever taken advantage of anybody because you understand law better than them?" If he says no then he is a liar."

Yeah, I guess I would rather have a dumbass for a lawyer that has no grasp of the law and how to use it to his or her advantage in representing a client. Moron.

Anonymous said...

So Jacques is a good lawyer that is able to use the laws passed by the Legislature to obtain justice for his client under those laws. And how exactly is this a bad thing? Isn't that what Delores hired the Provosty firm to do against State Farm? I'd still like to know if she paid them their normal exhorborant fee for that, or if they all violated the state's Ethics laws.

Anonymous said...

I just lit a fart....

Anonymous said...

"Everyday people say how he took advantage of them because he knows the law. Ask him yourself. Say "Jacques, have you ever taken advantage of anybody because you understand law better than them?" If he says no then he is a liar."


Damn. I can only hope that as mayor he will take advantage of his knowledge.

You're a f**king idiot.

In fact, at this juncture, all of you Brewer people are f**king idiots. That's why Jacques won't respond to you. You're not even worth it.

Watch out though. You're all about to be embarassed. Nationally.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"I just lit a fart...."

Saturday, October 21, 2006 12:45:11 AM

Did you singe your arse?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"I just lit a fart...."

Saturday, October 21, 2006 12:45:11 AM

Which one are you, Beavis or Butthead?

Anonymous said...

Now brewer has fletcher speaking to the paper directly for her. She "was beat up pretty bad" by Roy". No she was beat up bad by the voters!
Second, pointing out brewer's lies when she was running on "honesty" ( remember her first mail piece and first words out of her mouth at debate) is not akin to rape or battery; it is exposing her FULL record that she couldn't dodge.
Now , after promising not to go negative , she has lied to the voters again.
Tell me , when did she ever have any integrity to regain!

Anonymous said...

"Tell me , when did she ever have any integrity to regain!"

Somewhere between when she was born and the time she learned to speak.

Anonymous said...

Alexandria cannot afford for this to go national. This is beyond Delores and Jacques both. Alexandria and Central Louisiana have become recognized for being small rural areas that can get big projects done. We attracted union tank. P&G competed and won the liquid line contract. StarTek chose us over two other cities in the south. All of our business success goes down the tube if this goes national and we can blame Delores the Dumbass and Roy Fletcher. Maybe they should move to Monroe and help out there. Monroe lost State Farm and now they're losing Guide. They need some more negative national attention we don't!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it hurts for this business to hit the public eye. Look how amazingly good Roy is looking. He coulddn't have engineered or bought or even hoped for this kind of personal boost. The unfortunate and painful message is still that Brewer has no regard for other's feelings or welfare. If her son is unable to hear the stuff that is being said about her by everybody everywhere, it is a blessing. He may end up wishing he were blind too.

Anonymous said...

this is getting out of hand. some neighborhood kids are having a scavenger hunt. the top of the list was 1. a wooden coat hangar. 2. a plastic paper clip. 3. delores' integrity

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me where I can find a twelve step program to help me overcome my addiction to this blog? I am wasted! I sit here for hours on end reading each posting. My yard is a mess, my house a disaster area and my car a rolling pigsty. I have neglected my friends, my health and my work obligations. I need help! Whatever am I to do after the election?

Anonymous said...

Is it my imagination or are Brewer signs disappering from her supporters' yards? Or should I say "former supporters"?

Anonymous said...

Make that: disappearing!

Anonymous said...

I can hear Jay Leno's first question to Barbara Bonnette now, "Isn't Alexandria, Louisiana where Looney Tunes is sponsoring a mayoral candidate?" 18 days - That's all folks!!!

Anonymous said...

"this is getting out of hand. some neighborhood kids are having a scavenger hunt. the top of the list was 1. a wooden coat hangar. 2. a plastic paper clip. 3. delores' integrity"

Ha ha ha biff. too funny

Anonymous said...

it's getting worse! america's most wanted is featuring the nation wide man-hunt for delores' integrity.

Anonymous said...

Why wasnt this story reported in Town Talk.

Roll Call: Rep. Rodney Alexander's office sued for sexual harassment

Published: Friday October 20, 2006

A Republican Congressman's office is being sued for sexual harassment, according to Roll Call.

"Rep. Rodney Alexander (R-La.), already enmeshed in the ex-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) page scandal, now faces a new controversy as a former staffer has sued his office for sexual harassment," John Bresnahan reports.

Excerpts from Roll Call article:

Elizabeth Scott, Alexander’s former scheduler, claims that Royal Alexander, the Congressman’s chief of staff, “engaged in a course of misconduct” that included “inappropriate sex-based comments, ogling and touching” and “sexual advances,” according to Michael Hoare, Scott’s attorney. Scott told the Congressman of his aide’s alleged improper behavior but the Louisiana Republican took no action to correct the situation, Hoare said.

Adam Terry, Alexander’s spokesman, called Scott’s action a “frivolous lawsuit” and denied that any impropriety had taken place.

“The Office of Rep. Alexander values its employees and conducts all personnel matters in compliance with the Congressional Accountability Act and House Rules,” Terry said in a statement. “As a result, we believe that the facts will show there is no basis for this lawsuit, and we look forward to proving this in a court of law.”

Scott, 26, was employed by Alexander from the fall of 2005 through June 2006, first as an unpaid intern before moving up to take over as the Louisiana Republican’s scheduler. She was paid at annual rate of $30,000, according to House disbursement

Anonymous said...

ha ha thanks anonymous 10:55:12 AM we have been wondering why we have been receiving googlers the past few days looking for "rodney alexander lawsuit"

Anonymous said...

10.26.06 bangor/maine.

Bordens, a Fortune 500 distributor of dairy products, announced plans today to place Delores Brewer's integrity on all of it's milk cartons, to help her in the frantic search for her integrity.

Anonymous said...

Why wasnt the Rodney Alexander Story reported on KALB or Thedeadpelican or anywhere but ROLL CALL??

Anonymous said...

we sent the link to the raw story to chad over at the dead pelican whether he uses it or not is his call. since when does the town talk or kalb report anything that really matters? lol

Anonymous said...

looks like we spoke too soon: chad has the story in giant black letters above the dead pelican logo LOL
thanks chad.

Anonymous said...

here is the website of michael hoare the attorney for elizabeth scott the woman who is suing turncoat rodney alexander's office for sexual harrassment.

Anonymous said...

Michael Hoare certainly has the perfect name! Last time I was at his digs, the piano player was drunk and the beer stale. And also, Royal is so boring he couldn't harass himself so this is another October surprise and will die after the election.

Anonymous said...

I don't know but I heard the rumor 3 times in the last 18 months of Rodney having an affair with a staffer shortly after switching to the elephants. Is this the same woman?

Anonymous said...

I've heard the same rumor about Rodney having an affair... but no, I don't think this is the same woman.

Anonymous said...

his beeyutiful wife says Rodney comes home to her her every weekend. "Family is more important than politics and Pussy"" Rodney says.

Anonymous said...

how was school?

how was wrestling practice?

you horny?

we need to be discreet.

we'll probably have to drink at my house so we don't get busted.

Anonymous said...

mark foley is creeping me out. i better tell my sponsor, rodney alexander.

i bet he'll do something before this old creep ends up molesting someone!

Anonymous said...

What has happened?

Anonymous said...

Ooooooo, ooooo, oo, ooooo

Anonymous said...

LSU 38 Fresno St 6

Anonymous said...

Delores got an endorsement today from a former Mayor - Carroll Lanier. So What???? Why you ask - ok here goes -

1) Carroll Lanier is presently listed in every online directory as the procurement contact for the Alexandria Housing Authority. Wasn't this where she tried to get a contract and where her husband sold an insurance policy? hmmm....

2) He states as the first Mayor under the Home-Rule Charter he is best qualified to say who is the most experienced to be Mayor. Well, ok, except for one little item I found. The infamous John K. Snyder sued Lanier and then utility director Robert Lawrence for failing to perform their duty, voilation of the Charter, the State Constitution, the Code of Ethics and City Ordinances when they failed to implement an energy cost adjustment formula at the detriment to the City.

Now, as a result of the suit, the Council passsed a resolution, which I believe still holds true today stating the Mayor cannot sue without approval of the Council, so Snyder lost his appeal.

What I haven't discovered is this - during Lanier's term - which by the way is sandwiched between two Snyder terms - was he involved in a utility scandal that could have saved the City money????? Did he fail in his duty as Mayor? If not, then how did someone like John Snyder walk back into office?

How can a one-term Mayor know who is best qualified to serve? If Delores doesn't win, will he get her a contract with the Housing Authority? If she wins does he have a position in her cabinet?

Anonymous said...

great sleuthing anon and great questions. ^5

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, I has occurred to me to wonder why it is beneficial for the Brewer campaign to continue to run a repugnant commercial and solicit the endorsement of Carrol Lanier. We have all witnesed the reaction on this blog and in the media to her commeercial, so it is not my imagination that people are reacting negatively. My conclusion at this point is now that it is part of her strategy to make this race so repugnant that voters will stay away from the polls. If she can hold her base, then she has a chance. I think it is time to consider this as a possibility and encourage everyone to go to the polls that we can. If voters are disheartened to the point that they fail to show up, the outcome could swing from the obvious. This old administration is renowned for dirty tricks and Carrol Lanier is a player also.

Anonymous said...

wow spanky you could be on to something there because the few people we have asked about the commercial and who arent online dont have computers and dont know about this blog or any other blogs etc think that the commercial sealed ms brewers fate. so its a thought that most people thinking that roy is a shoo-in stay home and ms brewer turns out a strong base (assuming there is one left lol) could like you say "could swing from the obvious" very interesting times we live in. as always thanks for the food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Jacques, here is your next ad.

I would welcome a debate on the issues and would do so if the drama that surrounds this campaign had not been created. It is time for your serious thought as to your future in Alexandria and the part you will play as a citizen. If you buy into the hype and are discouraged from voting, you will have made your choice. Stand strong. Vote

Anonymous said...

I predict that the Brewer team, the Republicans, the social elite and the hanger ons do have a plan and justification for their repulsive actions. "The end justifies the means". They will or have convinced themselves that once Delores gets in, all will be well and she will revert back to the smart, competant golden one to lead the city forward and fatten most of their wallets. I think you are definitely on to something. The diehards will not back off or quit. Too much to lose. I don't think their whole plan has been exposed yet. Beware!

Anonymous said...

Let us assume half the turnout. That will make 3500 the breakover point. Can either candidate get 3500 votes to the polls? Bizzaro becomes reality.

Anonymous said...

Consider this fact. We on this blog, particularly the frequent flyers with known noms-de-antics have been consistently wrong, by about a mile, in every prediction and analysis we have made. I think our logic is flawless, our vision clear, and our political justment and savy scores have remained right arround zero. Let me posit this question: What if we are wrong again about the public perception and reaction to the Brewer commercials, the impact of the Lanier endorsement, the result of the blue-haired chrone phone banks, and the new Brewer direction in general. I understand that her present aim is to get out the female vote. I am told that her reception in the target groups has been excellent since the commerials started. Note that she is still running ths thit out of them and we are still prematurely announcing her demise.

The fact that we have ALWAYS been wrong doesn't mean that we are wrong again but that sure is the smart way to bet.

Anonymous said...

Carol Lanier = George Bowden Jr.. Tiiley was much smarter.

Anonymous said...

I think another factor that we are overlooking is the enormous arrogance of the Roy campaign. When it was born it was real grass-rootsy and everybody felt involved and included. Now he is insulated by his handlers in ways reminicent of the Nixon Whitehouse. Jacques used to call me every week or ten days to test the air. I have not been able to get thru to him or get him to return my phone calls since Sept. 30th. What does all that mean? i don't know but it sure makes me uncomfortable. I think that Jacques forgot what his campaign and his message and his constituency was all about.

Anonymous said...

lol cant argue with you there dead horse. in the open primary we thought that the negativity was going to hurt mr roy quite possibly knocking him out of the runoff. we thought that voters would turn to the older more experienced ms brewer and she would finish first followed by joe fuller or roosevelt johnson with roy coming in 3rd. the opposite happened.

Anonymous said...

We Saw That:
Not only that but we were sure that we sensed this strong wave for change on the Council with a "throw the bums out" mentality sweeping the community but we were completely wrong. I think our faulty reasoning starts with two basic misconceptions:
(1) people give a damn about good government and honesty and progress;
(2) The people who do care about good government and honesty are necessarily "for" it.

How can we possibly put our faith in an atmosphere where Provosty and Lawson, and Bridgit and Hobbs are allowed to survive polically? I am not optomistic.

Anonymous said...

Could it be your not that important dead horse?

Anonymous said...

true, but we cant give up hope. no matter who wins we bloggers will still be here to uncover and bring to light unethical, shady, criminal conduct etc. believe it or not the elites really do read and follow this blog and other blogs in the community.

Anonymous said...

You are so right dead. People are only opposed to corrpuption if they are not part of it. I truly believe that most vote for a candidate they think they have the best chance of gettin something off of.

Anonymous said...

Of course I'm not that important, but that was what the campaign was all about, I thought. I'm a regular old dork but I felt involved and interested. Maybe the candidate hasn't changed, and the circumstances have. Anyway, at least I feel my pain.

Anonymous said...

Well dead horse, there doesn't seem to be too much support or enthusiasm for the "we don't know shit" position. Wonder why?

Anonymous said...

dead horse, part 2 - has anyone really seen Jacques out and about? Outside of standing in the median just after the press conference he appears to have gone totally underground. I'm not sure why, but something tells me he is gathering the troops. He has been planning, just as he would going into court, his next move. He wants to stay true to his promise on election night to stay positive and focus on the issues. I have a feeling we're fixing to see the game plan unfold just as his opening statement would at court. Presenting the facts, to the voters and then just before the election giving his summation.

I agree that he has to be back out in the neighborhoods - esepecially those he split with Roosevelt. They have to be motivated to come back to the polls.

As for Delores, I don't know what group of women she is winning over. Most who I talk to feel sorry for her because of the rape and feels she needs to seek counseling. She apparently isn't over it, as I can imagine, no woman would ever be. They do not understand the need to use it as a symbolic sword to throw oneself's upon and say that she rose to the challenge then and therefore can do so again. They are equating her with our idiotic Governor Blanco who simply needs to go home to her children and grandchildren.

Anonymous said...


In a move that her few remaining blind supporters are calling bold, brave and necessasary but political experts and anyone with a shred of common sense are calling offensive political suicide, Delores Brewer is expected to announce later today that she is switching parties. It is unknown at this time how the Republicans will react to Ms. Brewer deserting their party so close to an election, since any mention of her name causes a rapid exit by any Republican within earshot. Ms. Brewer is expected to announce the switch at 6:00pm. The announcement will be at the office of her new political party-The Pity Party. Stayed tuned for more developments....

Anonymous said...

1:17:51, ya make sense. In fact, everything that Biff and Spanky and Civil and 38% of We SaywThat statements made perfect sense. They just happend to be wrong. So I don't disagree with you or oppose your viewpoint. I applaud it, BUT-
I am telling you what information I get from the Brewer campaign and if we choose to ignore it, we do so at our peril. The pros are involved in this and it isn't like the ASH straw vote anymore. Brewer is targeting very specific voters with a very specific crafted and directed message and their metrics says it is working. Underestimating Fletcher because you disagree with his tactics or strategy could be a lethal mistake and everybody seems to be making it.

Thus far, no one on here has been willing to even consider the possiblity of error, no mater how obvious it may be.. If it is a mistake, it will be a huge mistake.

. . . . and couldn't he just call or write once in a while????

Anonymous said...

1:17:51, ya make sense. In fact, everything that Biff and Spanky and Civil and 38% of We SaywThat statements made perfect sense. They just happend to be wrong. So I don't disagree with you or oppose your viewpoint. I applaud it, BUT-
I am telling you what information I get from the Brewer campaign and if we choose to ignore it, we do so at our peril. The pros are involved in this and it isn't like the ASH straw vote anymore. Brewer is targeting very specific voters with a very specific crafted and directed message and their metrics says it is working. Underestimating Fletcher because you disagree with his tactics or strategy could be a lethal mistake and everybody seems to be making it.

Thus far, no one on here has been willing to even consider the possiblity of error, no mater how obvious it may be.. If it is a mistake, it will be a huge mistake.

. . . . and couldn't he just call or write once in a while????

Anonymous said...

No way. Rodney Salamander is going to endorse her. He HATES a party switcher.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he could call and write - after all it's not like he went to Siberia or something :-))

I agree that we cannot ignore Fletcher and the blue-hairs. Those ol' bitties see their power dwindlin' away and they are going to pull every rabbit out of every hat they can so to speak. Jacques needs to get his 20-40 year political machine motivated and moving forward again. The silence is killing him. I'm not saying he should be responding to her, I am saying he ought to be out there saying something on his own behalf. Let her respond to him.

Anonymous said...

Please don't underestimate the blue-haired chrones. Most of them made their fortunes at Kramers or Hixons and they have nothing to do all day but watch Home Shopping Network, and work for republicans. The two-namers are the really mean ones. Avoid them at all costs. They haven't killed their husbands yet - just emasculated them so that they don't present a problem.

Roy may be doing the exact right thing. I agree that it would be a huge mistake to write off the Brewer campaign as sheer folly. I smell smoke.

Anonymous said...

I suggest y’all be mindful that all the “blue-hairs,” “ol’ bi[dd]ies” and “blue-haired crones” were, at one time, in their 20s. “Age” happens.

Anonymous said...

I smell smoke too. I sense the machine is getting oiled up to drag voters to the polls for Brewer. The Machine is what happened in the city council races too. The Machine does not have to be that large to have influence. If it was only 3000 votes that are carried to the polls, what influence would that have? The number could be as small as 1500 which is more realistic and manageable. It is typically Democratic but could that explain the announcement if it is true about Delores switching parties? Jacques may not have asked permission to run from the Machine so support cannot be assumed.

Anonymous said...

Age can be a process that brings grace, wisdom, and inner beauty. It doesn't have to transform you from a nice lady and somebody's parent into a complete bitch. Maybe that's what happens when a republican stops ovulating.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

"In a move that her few remaining blind supporters are calling bold, brave and necessasary but political experts and anyone with a shred of common sense are calling offensive political suicide, Delores Brewer is expected to announce later today that she is switching parties. It is unknown at this time how the Republicans will react to Ms. Brewer deserting their party so close to an election, since any mention of her name causes a rapid exit by any Republican within earshot. Ms. Brewer is expected to announce the switch at 6:00pm. The announcement will be at the office of her new political party-The Pity Party. Stayed tuned for more developments...."

I suppose we'll have to wait to find out if this is true or not.

But, for the record, I personally asked Mrs. Brewer, way back in April, if she would ever consider switching parties.

She told me (and two other people who were having lunch with us) that she was a Republican and would never switch.

And even though I'm a Democrat, I respected her for staying true to herself.

Anonymous said...

Spanky, look for Myron. I heard they cut his legs out from under him but that remains to be seen. I know Myron was talking to Antoon but he really needs to keep the whole gang together and that means Albin and whoever the drags along (Delores in this case) to be able to continue hie reign unimpeded. Myron is amazing. Everybody knows that he is a liar but he tells them the lies they want to hear and they just purr. Fuller or Sams could have neutralized Myron. I ain't so sure bout the rest of them.

Anonymous said...

Update me a little more on Roy Fletcher and his previous campaigns. How good is he? How much does he cost? Who is footing the bill? Where is he from? Is he national or just state?

Anonymous said...

Well Lamar, I suppose the only remaining inquiry would be "would Delores lie?"

Delores was born to be republican and the only possible reason I can imagine her switching would be to close a deal with Ned. That being said, if she switched now, could that have some effect on the election process. Rodney and the other party transvestites switched BEFORE QUALIFYING OR AFTER THE ELECTION.

Anonymous said...


i can think of a much better reason for delores to switch-- because she'd have the advantage of being the first democrat on the ballot.

yet more evidence that delores is capable of doing anything to fool people into voting for her.

Anonymous said...

IF the switch is true, is Delores so nieve to think that we will forget about the lies and she can then pick up the black vote?
I am a Republic who wasn't supporting her anyway.

Anonymous said...

just Google Roy Fletcher (but sit down and cross your legs first)

Anonymous said...

How can she change her designation on the ballot after she qualified and ran as republican. Why doesn't she just get Albin to get Myron to print up another official democrat party ballot that shows that she is endorsed. He did it for Harry. That's even sweeter, that way Roy helps fund the deceipt.

Anonymous said...

roy fletcher inc

Anonymous said...

Brewer to switch!

Somebody git de net cause ya'll hooked a whole crowd.

Anonymous said...

Well, they fooled Lamar and he went to a private school!

Anonymous said...

Roy Fletcher is Brewer's advisor; so, who is Roy's? Come on Lamar, what is his strategy and how does he maintain his momentum and avoid the inevitable drop in the polls as a result of all the negative ads?

Anonymous said...

Isn't Tom David in a roundabout way related to Roy. Wasn't Jacques' grandmother Camille Gravel's sister. And they are in turn related to the David's. My geneology knowledge sucks, but I think there is some connection here. And I guess it doesn't really make a shit, just daydreaming. Maybe his mother was a David. Anyway, who is he supporting now? Tom that is.

Anonymous said...

I called Delores at 6pm to see if she was in fact, changing parties.....They said she was in the "ladies" room and couldn't come to the phone.


Delores Brewer took a crap at 6pm tonight....

That is all........

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Bridget Brown is the daughter of Delores's mother and Mandingo Randolph, a black servant on the Colfax Kottten Plantayshun? Not that it matters? Noting implied there. Just curious. Never mind. Don't mind me.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind me.


Anonymous said...

Not true poopy. There phone bank is in the toilet. Them blue-haired chrones have bladders the size of a cashew.

Anonymous said...

Just trying to figure out why Pan American Engineers was supporting Delores with cash when relatives might be occupying the mayor's office. That's all.

Anonymous said...

Get your own pen name 7:24:52

Anonymous said...

Pan American Engineers has done pretty well during the Randolph years. David and Pat Moore take a big bight of the city's budget every year. David would like for things to stay the same and that means Albin/Myron/Delores.

Anonymous said...

When you try sneaky shit like that to try to hint at some hidden agenda or connection for Roy, I think you need some help. Why don't you change yours to "Malicious Horseshit Anyone""

Anonymous said...

I heard that Tommy David, of Pan American Engineers, is under investigation, by the State Ehtics Board, for illegally giving gifts to public officials.

Anonymous said...

Did Tom David contribute to Delores---yes or no? Is he related to Roy--yes or no? I don't really give a rat's ass I am just curious. And why do you use the same pen name as I used? The purpose of pen names is so we will know who to answer. And what is sneaky about a question? What is weird is your malicious irrational response. Now I do wonder if there is an African American in the lumber business.

Anonymous said...

I am constantly amazed how someone can make a simple comment or ask a casual question which in turn initiates a venomous, hateful retort, totally over and above what should be called for. Are some just incapable of rational discourse? Incidentally is the nutcase in question a Roy or Brewer supporter?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I heard that Tommy David, of Pan American Engineers, is under investigation, by the State Ehtics Board, for illegally giving gifts to public officials."

This shows how little you rumour starters know. It is not illegal for a vendor to give a gift to an elected official.

Proof: What in the fu** makes you think a vendor - seller to the governmental agency - is subject to the ethics code. If you had a half of an ounce of sense you would realize the ethics code apply to public employees.

It is illegal for a governmental employee to accept a gift unless you take them out to eat and the gifted meal consist of only that what can be consumed at the time.

Now before you get you panties in a wad you said gift. A bribe is a total manner. I can gift (seeing as how we have decided ebonics is ok on this website) and dayum public official I want and will not be breaking the law.

I cannot bribe a public official. A bribe is giving a public official something expecting something in return.

Anonymous said...

I just lit another fart...

Anonymous said...

Stop that. My name is anonymous. Your name is now "Malicious Fart Lighter"

Anonymous said...

I don't think Brewer supporters have a very good sense of humor.

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