Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays!!!

I have a request of all you bloggers. I ask that for just one day, no one insults anyone or intentionally misconscrue facts in an attempt to assasinate someone's character.

When I read the postings, sometimes I want to hit DELETE for the entire blog. I am in total agreement with Horace. If you haven't jumped in to help out, then you have no say. Let's start 2008 intelligently.

Merry Christmas ... Happy Chanuka ... Merry Quanza ... Merry Hajh (??)


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Anonymous said...

Mayor Roy must sense his political future closing in on him.

Marshall ruling went against his wishes.

Goins ruling went against his wishes.

Attempts at knocking out Roosevelt are looking slim.

Which means in the next election, ole Jacques is history.

Wonder what that means for lil Chris?. I imagine folks will come out of the woodwork, to take him on, once lil bro is beaten. Maybe he won't even run, with the financial beating he's taking right now.

Might also spell trouble for young Sheriff Chuck? He might survive if he completely distances himself from perceived "losers". But he's pissed off Slocum and Robinson supporters, and already has an uphill battle. Goddard & KALB won't save him next time.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the 3rd Circus affirmed Swent. Johnathan "too good for the hood" Goins gets to run. Another Lawson puppet. What if he gets elected and he and Myron disagree over a vote? Rent will double the next month.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Roy is doing very well considering all the crooks on the council. Things will not change unless we the people get behind him and encourage and support him. It is much better now than with Ned. Go to some meetings, make noise, let those crooked council members know how you feel.

Anonymous said...

Really? what has Roy done?

CLECO settled?
Bentley opened?
Crime down?
Fast track projects completed?
Inspired other good candidates to run?
Catered to the council with SPARC?
Red light cameras for more revenue?
Another taxing district?

I'm not impressed.

At least Ned helped us recover from John K, this mayor had a running start with all Ned did. Now he's just crawling along.

Anonymous said...

Cleco almost settled.

SPARC was mayor's idea, not council.

Bentley hasn't been sold to a group of people who want to buy it with taxpayer money. Boo hoo.

More police on the streets.

Fast Track was never supposed to be done in a year and a half.

Marshall and Roosevelt have multiple challengers.

I haven't seen a red light camera yet.

No new taxing district.

Bridgett Brown off of Cleco case.

Council no longer runs the daily operations of the city.

Anonymous said...

Just read the letters from Larry "I gots a 5th amendment right to speaks my ignorant mind" English on the Town Talk website. He says that Chuck's response is same as telling Bridgett Brown to jump in the Red River. Got a pair of cement shoes here that are just her size. Talk about polluting the river. And Larry needs to go back to law school for letter writing class. Where is the City of Alexander, you dumbass?

Anonymous said...

To my fellow bloggers, forgive the lengthly post, but I cannot let Lamar's bullshit go unanswered.

Cleco almost settled.
SPARC was mayor's idea, not council.
Bentley hasn't been sold to a group of people who want to buy it with taxpayer money. Boo hoo.
More police on the streets.
Fast Track was never supposed to be done in a year and a half.
Marshall and Roosevelt have multiple challengers.
I haven't seen a red light camera yet.
No new taxing district.
Bridgett Brown off of Cleco case.
Council no longer runs the daily operations of the city.

Thanks for the spinning update Lamar…

Here’s the truth.

Cleco is far from being "settled," and your boss is enlisting more attorneys every day to "protect the city’s interests." Wonder what his personal share of the settlement will be?

SPARC is not the mayor’s idea. But if you want the mayor to take credit for that bloated, kick-back filled plan conceived by another "sweetheart deal" consultant...fine!

Bentley???? Not yet. The parties involved have not come to an agreement on who gets what share of the public money pie. Jacques’ share if the deal hasn’t been settled yet.

Number of beat cops on the street has not changed and Alexandria’s police department remains the second most corrupt department in Louisiana, right behind New Orleans. So says the FBI. Maybe that’s why they have 4 extra agents here looking at public corruption.

Fast Track? Nothing this mayor does is fast, except skipping off to Natchitoches for a taxpayer funded love fest with the council.

Yes, Marshal and Roosevelt have multiple challengers, and come election time, so will Jacques. Don’t get too comfortable with your patronage job Lamar, it won’t last long.

Red light cameras? Give it time. Since Lawson controls the city, the cameras will appear when the kick-back price gets right.

No new taxes? See previous answer concerning Lawson’s involvement.

The last two share the same answer...Are you kidding me???? Lamar, you’ve been spending a little too much time with Jacques’ older brother partaking in recreational pharmaceuticals.

Let's not forget who the Roy boys are. They are the second generation spawn of Edwin Edward's bag man.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous for Mayor!

Anonymous said...

Me? or the other one?

Anonymous said...

This could have only been spun by the Provosty/Brewer contingent who are the only folks truly injured by the progressive administration change. I'm quite sure that the firm deposit book is much lighter nowadays. It doesn't seem to have affect Roseanne's calorie intake, however.

And don't worry about the Roys, all successful lawyer elevated by their peers to honored positions in the profession and the community.

Meanwhile, you just keep listening to Albin, Jock, and Mary Jo.

Anonymous said...

I see where Jacques finally realized that Chuck Johnson didn't know litigation from Shinola and took him off the Celco case. That is a sign of progress.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the old Provosty clan thinks if they just lie and shit talk about all the good that's going on, then they'll get their cushy million dollar contract back.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Bridget will give Ned and Albin some of her Cleco loot - after all, they are responsible for her windfall contract.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint, but I have never met Provosty, or Brewer. My observations are from watching the Roys act in an undignified, and frankly immature manner.

Jacques came on board immediately calling out certain (Obamaish) council members, only to have that cause attach itself to a former KKK member, and then limp off and die.

I watched his brother, thru clenched teeth, take credit for voting against the pay raise, only to show how pissed he was when Jindal vetoed it, by basically saying you could no longer take the gov at his word.

Well if you voted against the raise, why would you care that he went back on his word? What a weasel.

Both Roys have proven that they are not public servants, but self-indulged politicians.

And I lump their crony, Wagner right in there with him. Lie upon lie. The Godard story, the PIO incident, hires going against campaign promises, "vacation" seminars, hiring Roys brother-in-law to run the uniform division, drug use charges now proven false, the cost of "new image" while promising to use that money for more patrols. And that's just off the top of my head in only 5 months!!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to add lil Chris voted against funding 4-laning Hwy 28.

Anonymous said...

Obamaish council members?

Where the fuck do you live?

Cause it ain't Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

Who is Roy's brother in law with RPSO?

Anonymous said...

The fact that Roy singled out the black council members over a secret meeting means that I don't live in Alexandria?
I don't follow your logic.

Roy's brother-in-law is named Hopewell and is over the uniformed division, although he's never been a uniformed officer (so I've been told).

Anonymous said...

People of Alexandria need to wakeup and call out all of the council members that make it difficult to pass anything.This is why Roosevelt is drawing oppostion. If people want real change they need to vote off Myron,Hobbs, Louis, and Roosevelt. I hope Jim Villard starts this trend by beating roosevelt.

Anonymous said...

Villard at Large sounds good to me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it. Obama = all black politicians.

If you live in Alexandria, you'd know that no one on the city council is capable of being a presidential frontrunner.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hopewell is a fine man who was a U.S. Marshall also. He is a great addition to the sheriff's office.

Anonymous said...

"If you live in Alexandria, you'd know that no one on the city council is capable of being a presidential frontrunner."

Neither is Obama, that;s why I used the term Obamaish.

The scary thing only 4 years ago, Obama was only a locally elected politician like our council members are.

Anonymous said...

"Neither is Obama, that;s why I used the term Obamaish.

The scary thing only 4 years ago, Obama was only a locally elected politician like our council members are."

Obama IS the Democratic nominee and frontrunner.

A man who was a state senator from Chicago four years ago and is now a US Senator is a lot different and a lot less scary than a city councilman from Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

"Obama IS the Democratic nominee and frontrunner.
A man who was a state senator from Chicago four years ago and is now a US Senator is a lot different and a lot less scary than a city councilman from Alexandria."

Thank you for that enlightened comment Lamar. We know you adore Obama.

Anonymous said...

Hopewell is NOT Jaques brother-in-law. Where did you get that?

Anonymous said...

Of course you are right. Who could possibly be more qualified and a better bet than a Yale graduate, jet pilot, Governor of Texas? I accept responsibility for my Obama choice. Do you accept responsibility for "W"?

Poor old Millard Philmore and that drunk, Grant, are no longer fighting for last place in presidential rankings.

Anonymous said...

To the speculator, I think you are right: Alex is Crone 1.
I am also amazed at the marshal candidate that know nothing at all about the operation of the office.

Oh well, carry on!

Anonymous said...

The person never said that Hopewell was the Mayor's brother in law....he said Hopewell was Roy's brother in law (As in Chris Roy, Jr.'s brother in law).

Anonymous said...

"Of course you are right. Who could possibly be more qualified and a better bet than a Yale graduate, jet pilot, Governor of Texas? I accept responsibility for my Obama choice. Do you accept responsibility for "W"?"

Uh, was that supposed to be offensive? Yes, I accept my vote for "W". We could all be strapping on kevlar for our trip to work each day, but W kicked A** amd took names. You wimp!

I bet you moisturize, get pedicures, have your hair highlighted, and spend time in a tanning bed.

Anonymous said...

I also voted for George Bush and would again.

Anonymous said...

That makes you geniuses among the the 17 % of our nation's voters that don't hold W in complete contempt and disrespect. Even intelligent republicans (probably about 419 in all) recognize what a complete disaster W is for our nation, our military, our image abroad, and the republican party. Republican candidates won't let him anywhere around them.

And you are right about the manicure and moisturizer: I happen to be both well groomed and well educated.

Anonymous said...

Let's see... unemployment is up. A surplus is now a huge deficit. Bin Laden is still alive. Thousands of our troops have died in a war we should have never gotten into in the first place. Meanwhile Afghanistan continues to be a safe harbor for Al Qaeda.

Yeah, he's done a GRREEEAT job.

Anonymous said...

"And you are right about the manicure and moisturizer: I happen to be both well groomed and well educated."

OMG! What a puss you are!

I just hope AlQaeda is patient enough to wait until your Brazillian Wax is finished before they attack again. The sight of you must have them quaking in their boots.

And you can thank W for you being safely able to enjoy that latte over a copy of Oprah's latest book of the month. What a limp, wet noodle you are. No wonder people want to kill Americans.

Anonymous said...

And to this idiot:

"Let's see... unemployment is up."
Wonder how much that has to do with the Dems refusing to drill for oil, and its effect on rising gas prices?

"A surplus is now a huge deficit."
During a time of war? You're not a stdent of history are you?

"Bin Laden is still alive."
And doing what exactly, hiding? Certainly not terrorizing us!

"Thousands of our troops have died in a war we should have never gotten into in the first place."
So we should have just ignored 9/11 like Clinton did after the 1st Twin Towers bombing. Yeah, that realy worked. They never tried that again did they?

"Meanwhile Afghanistan continues to be a safe harbor for Al Qaeda."
Really, you've been there? Or, you just believe the media lies, i.e. the surge would never work.

Even Obama has admitted the conflict has improved, and we will need to drill for more oil.

You're to stupid to opine, please stop.

Anonymous said...

I am a fool to try to reason with anyone who still claims to support Bush. They continue to spin the fantasy that 911 and Iraq are somehow related and one justifies the other. I am grateful that the rest of our country will eliminate Bush and Cheney and the weak minds that followed them.

but the fact that you consider pussy a bad thing tells us a little something about your resentment of all things female. Maybe your mama did this to you???

Anyway, in 90 days we will know who is right and who is wrong

Anonymous said...

Once again your lack of intelligence is an indicator of your support of the dem. party.

I used the word "puss" - cat, (1530) but probably much older than the record. A conventional name for a cat in Gmc. languages and as far off as Afghanistan; it is the root of the principal word for "cat" in Romanian (pisica) and secondary words in Lith. (puz), Low Ger. (puus), Swed. dial. katte-pus, etc.

Your need for constant primping in order to prop up your obvious lack of self-esteem brings to mind a pampered kitty.

Your front runner is suddenly tied in the natl polls with a very unprimped McCain. The more he talks the more votes he loses. We'll be rid of him and Landrieu in 90 days.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you that dems really aren't as well-educated as they claim.

It's the Taliban that's leading a resurgence in Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the chamber is not buying into the Bentley deal.

Anonymous said...

What is this new position that Mayor Roy wants to create? Diversity officer? What a crock! Is the mayor trying to curry favor in the black community? He should learn the lesson that Hillary Clinton learned in her campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nominee. After all those years of Bill and Hillary kowtowing to the blacks, Hillary got stabbed in the back by the blacks. Roy needs to realize that in the next election the blacks in Alexandria will boot him out of office no matter how many jobs he has created. So Mr. Mayor, save the City the $60,000 plus you want to pay this diversity officer. What a waste!

Anonymous said...

He's running scared.

Ned part deaux

Anonymous said...

You don't know shit about the black community.

Anonymous said...

I am always amazed at the chutspa of the black community in asserting that only someone of their race can possibly understand their plight but they speak with authority on issue affecting the white community without challenge. Also, while "diversity" is a good thing, that is not the goal or function of the administration. It's about quotas, quotas, quotas, set asides, affirmative action (which is neither affirmative or action) and buying minority votes. Roy is 20 years behind the curve on this and is listening to the loud but selfish voices of folks like Bridget Brown and her ilk. When the truth about how she ended up on the Cleco matter finally comes out, the only bar she will belong to will be Charles F. Smith's bar on Third St.

Anonymous said...

I have never understood why most people gravitate to the negative. The post of Diversity Officer could foster communication between people of all walks of life which is the stated purpose. Since black folk are in the majority in Alexandria and now feel they are "in power", they must realize that they now set the standard for how they will treat a minority. Most white folk believe they will muck it up and use their new found status to even the score by extracting wealth through giveaways and corrupt practices. Since there are misconceptions between balck & white, rich & poor, Mayor Roy's proposal seems to be a natural extension of the condition we find ourselves, which is a polarized community with no catalyst present initiate interaction. I say the new position could not hurt and there is much more positive potential that there is negative backlash by having a community function as just that, a community.

Anonymous said...

I say the new position of diversity officer is a waste of $60,000 of city money.

Anonymous said...

Roy should have that of that before he blindsided only the black members of the council with the secret meetings BS, and before he started secretly plotting to defeat only black council members in their races.

Anonymous said...

It seems that I have stumbled across the real motivations of Lamar White, racism and elitism.

Came across this long story about how rich, white Chicagoans are pushing out blacks and immigrants for housing in downtown.

Isn't that what Lamar calls smart growth?

However, the story admits that it doesn't solve the city's problems, just shuffles them around.

In fact, this quote pretty much sums up the futility of wasting tax dollars on downtown: "Joel Kotkin, perhaps the most prominent of the downtown debunkers, declares flatly that, until families begin turning up in significant numbers on downtown streets, we are talking about a blip rather than a major cultural phenomenon."

Why are we spending $40 million for a blip? It's policy that our young mayor seems to unfortunately been sucked in to.

Anonymous said...

Interesting reading.

It really shouldn't matter what race is living where. Any city govt. should focus on providing superb police, fire, and utilities, while providing an attractive business atmosphere.

An idea centered around restoring downtown to attract a certain race and class of people is offensive, and has no place at the public policy table!

Anonymous said...

I noticed Lamar chose to opine on his blog. Of course, since I did not agree with him, he accused me of not understanding what I had read. Insinuating that I had only read the first three paragraphs. Yet he failed to mention that the quote I used (and one he also posted) came from the end of page 3, of a 4 page article.

Anyway, I digress. He still seems to believe in the idea “build it, and they will come.” Earth to Lamar, that was just a tag line from a movie. I will illustrate the futility of your point by tossing one of my own over the cliff. Sen. Stevens (R-Alaska) proposed the “bridge to nowhere,” because like you, he thought he was smarter than us average people.

The taxpayers have spent millions on the infrastructure of our downtown. It has outlived its usefulness. It is now the responsibility of govt. to meet the demands of the people where they live, not to entice them to live where they choose not. And like Sen. Stevens, if you and the mayor cannot see this, maybe you’re not the right men for the job.

Anonymous said...

Finally, a post from someone that "gets it." Welcome to the club sir.

Anonymous said...

Lamar is not nearly as bright as he believes himself to be. Plagiarism is one of his specialties.

Anonymous said...

At least Lamar does something besides sitting on his ass and anonymously talk shit. And to those of you who constantly bitch about elected officials, if you had the balls to use your real name you could run against them. Most of you are a part of the problem, not part of any solution.

Anonymous said...

"At least Lamar does something besides sitting on his ass and anonymously talk shit. And to those of you who constantly bitch about elected officials, if you had the balls to use your real name you could run against them. Most of you are a part of the problem, not part of any solution."

Understand, we have no problem with Lamar's activities, it's the nature of those activities that seem to be a problem. Misguided efforts are almost always counterproductive. With Lamar, it's a question of common sense and his lack thereof.

I also noticed that you neglected to sign your own name to your moronic response.

Anonymous said...

Our lack of courage or public identity does absolutely nothing to detract from Lamar's initial lie and subsequent pandering. I note that nobody has ever indicated what, if anything, Lamar does for his city salary.

Perhaps he generates that verbous bullshit that the mayor tries to pass for elequence. If so, he needs to give the money back.

Anonymous said...

Curious that there aren't any Holleman's listed in the phone book here.

Anonymous said...

anagram for:
L(amar) Manhole

Anonymous said...

At least Lamar does something"

Now you see the problem I'm having. It's the doing something with tax dollars that pisses me off.

Let downtown become a govt. hub, and use the infrastructure money to advance police, fire, and utilities along the corridors experiencing growth.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, much of what is being written on this blog regarding the prerogatives and agenda of the SPARC project and related downtown redevelopment initiatives is misleading and inaccurate.

I have always enjoyed participating in a healthy discussion on smart growth and development strategies, as long as that discussion is civil and honest. Such a discussion has been difficult, if not impossible, to maintain on this particular website.

In large part, this is because this website was created to advance a particular political ideology; it's never served as a place that welcomes a substantive discussion on the issues. Throughout the past two years, it's remained a haven for people who seem to believe consensus is constructed around maligning and misrepresenting the intentions and actions of anyone who belongs to another political party.

It's just not productive. Believe it or not, we probably agree much more than we disagree.

I would welcome a real conversation with you folks, but as long as this blog is burdened by those who prefer scoring cheap political points over fostering a civil conversation, I will continue to doubt that this is an appropriate venue.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Lamar, there can be no conversation with your, or your boss. You arrogantly presume that you're the smartest fellars in the room.

Tain't so.

Da proof's in da puddin'. Just how long did it take you to post on your blog, that the above poster had only read 3 paragraphs of that web article, just because he didn't get the same take as you did?

Yet in the comments section of your blog, another poster --assuming he's not the same guy-- linked to an article with info that also disagreed with you. And immediately you accused that author of "mangled" stats.

So good luck with your proposed conversation, Most folks are smart enough to know to talk past you, because your part of thar gabfest would be in talking down.

Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately Lamar, there can be no conversation with your, or your boss. You arrogantly presume that you're the smartest fellars in the room.

Tain't so.

Da proof's in da puddin'. Just how long did it take you to post on your blog, that the above poster had only read 3 paragraphs of that web article, just because he didn't get the same take as you did?

Yet in the comments section of your blog, another poster --assuming he's not the same guy-- linked to an article with info that also disagreed with you. And immediately you accused that author of "mangled" stats.

So good luck with your proposed conversation, Most folks are smart enough to know to talk past you, because your part of thar gabfest would be in talking down."

Very quickly-- and aside from your snide remarks: I believe the blogger who sourced from the National Review article cherry-picked quotes in order to espouse an argument that was not promoted or espoused by the author of the article.

The person who responded to my post concerning this subject is a colleague and friend, and I am quite certain that he did not intend to support this argument. He referenced another source in order to illustrate the scholarship conducted (seven years ago) about smart growth impediments to home ownership, scholarship that I personally find to be dubious.

Anonymous said...

How funny, Lamar. To be your colleague, he has to be a professional house pet like yourself. I mean, really, what are you (besides cute and entirely self-absorbed)?

Anonymous said...

"Curious that there aren't any Holleman's listed in the phone book here."

Curious that you can figgure out how to turn on your computer.

1) It's the world wide web...remember?

2) 32% of americans today do not have a "land line" for phone service. They use cellular, thus no listing. And, the percentage is growing.

3) The phone book you are most likely using lists only Alexandria, Pineville, Ball, Bunkie, Deville, Leesville, Many, Natchitoches, Tioga and Woodworth. If this is the center of your universe, no wonder your intelligence is so limited.

Anonymous said...

It's really quite simple: if Holleman's objective is to NOT be anonymous, he can provide us with sufficient personal information to identify him. Otherwise, giving us some bogus name is like calling himself Green Lantern or Batman - a gimmick. I frankly don't expect him to show up. He is probably an nom-de-lamar.

Anonymous said...

Get over it. Lamar was a novelty. He was a young educated well-spoken kid from a prominant if controversial family and he lucked in to a youth and optimism tide stimulated by Jacques Roy (actually by Ned, Delores & Albin). The novelty has worn off and he shows up as an dishonest egotistical political parasite who preaches a philosophy he cannot live. Let him be. When the smoke clears, Jacques will have far more to justify than Lamar and Billy Allen. If diversity is truly a goal then we need our share of know-nothings and do-nothings.

Anonymous said...

"It's really quite simple: if Holleman's objective is to NOT be anonymous, he can provide us with sufficient personal information to identify him."

Just who in the hell does this pious asshole think he is? Are we now at the point where a person's opinion is not valid unless he sufficiently reveals enough personal information to satisfy the Lamar Natzis?

And at what point will the information stream be deemed sufficient? When the name is revealed? How about an address? Place of employment? Drivers license number? SSN? How about publicly revealing his children’s names and where they attend school? Would that be enough information to make Holleman credible in the eyes of Lamar’s Gestapo?

The nerve if this sawed off runt of a spoiled rich kid who can’t piss with out instructions!

Lamar, I’ll be damned glad when your one term wonder boss is swept from office and you are thrown out with him.

On you own you haven’t accomplished anything, including that degree from Rice you claim to have earned. Anyone who is well read knows that Rice is not much more than a diploma mill. Pay your 4 years tuition and pick up your sheepskin. You have had no career, except those busy boy jobs arranged through Granny. Jacques Roy hired you as a favor to your family so the purs strings will be open during his re-election bid.

A bid that is doomed to failure.

Go out into the real world, and accomplish something on your own. And stop plagiarizing others for fodder for those self aggrandizing blog stories.

Anonymous said...

Lamar will never be totally irrelevant as long as he remains the target of rabid morons like the previous poster. Lamar is what he is and that's OK. It just happens to be much less than he pretends to be.

Both he and the mayor engage in dictaphone masturbation: they get off hearing themselves talk.

Anonymous said...

U.S. News & World Report ranks Rice's undergraduate program seventeenth among national universities. According to the Princeton Review's 2007 rankings, Rice ranks first for "Best Quality of Life," third for “Best Overall Academic Experience for Undergraduates,” and among the top 20 schools where students “Never Stop Studying.” The same publication named Rice first in the nation for “Lots of Race / Class Interaction.” In the 2008 edition of the Princeton Review, Rice was ranked as the #1 "Best Value" private institution.

Undergraduate admission is highly selective [1] with offers of admission made to only 22% [2]of its applicants for the Class of 2011. Of the 727 who enrolled, 76% were among top 5% in their high school classes. 19% of the freshman class were valedictorians. Verbal SAT scores for the Class of 2011 were between 660 and 760 (for the 25th and 75th percentiles of this class respectively), while SAT math scores were between 670 and 780 (again, for the 25th and 75th percentiles of the class) . The middle 50% of ACT scores ranges from 30-34 on a scale of 0-36. Approximately twenty percent of undergraduates are National Merit Scholars, and Rice has often enrolled the highest percentage of National Merit Finalists in its freshman class among American universities. No university enrolls more National Science Fellows per capita than does Rice.

Comprehensively, the 2006 Academic Ranking of World Universities, popularized by The Economist and produced by Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Institute of Higher Education, ranked Rice amongst the top 100 institutions globally in terms of quality of scientific research leading towards numerous awards.[2] Also, in the annual rankings by the The Times Higher Education Supplement, based on a subjective peer review by scholars, Rice finished amongst the top 150 schools internationally.[3] In Washington Monthly's College Ranking (which ranks colleges by what good they do for the country) Rice was ranked #26. These rankings highlight the emphasis Rice places on its undergraduates, yet also signal the school's ability to maintain a reputable research environment at the graduate level. Rice University possesses an endowment of $4.7 billion (as of 2007), fifth-highest per student among U.S. universities. The generous exercise of these funds allows the university to charge lower tuition and room and board than its peers, as indicated by its $29,960 tuition and $21,157 average freshman total need-based gift aid, leading it to be mentioned as a “Best Buy” school.[4]

Anonymous said...

Please learn how to cut and paste a link to an article instead of taking up a ton of space on this blog and copying the article verbatim.

Anonymous said...

You ignorant cowards who use this blog for smear tactics and trash talking have published your crap to be read by 37 people so far today. HaHaHa.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of Nazis, but what is a Natzi?

Anonymous said...

"read by 37 people so far today. HaHaHa."

. . . . and you iz one of 'em . . . .

I don't think Rice is to blame for Lamar anymore than Yale is to blame for Bush. Lamar probably functioned quite well at Rice. The real world seems to be giving him the problems.

Anonymous said...

Let's all agree that it's not Lamar's fault. Our, in over his head, mayor is the one that put him where he is, and is entirely repsonsible for Lamar believing that his ideas are suddenly viable.

Make sure you hold your nose, and pull the lever for the other guy in the next election, and all this will all be over with.

Then, maybe we'll have someone who will at least listen to us about the needed improvements to our fair city, rather than someone who thinks they know all.

So I agree, quit mentioning Lamar. It's Roy that sucks.

Anonymous said...

Lets see, we could have John Sams, Charles F. Smith, Rosie Johnson, and (shudder) the disastrous Brewer/Provosty combo - we did right then, if only Roy would do right now.

Lamar is not a factor. If the mayor had confidence in him he would have given him an actual job with meaningful responsibilities.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Honestly, this is just sad, mean-spirited politics.

Pile on.

Anonymous said...


"Lamar probably functioned quite well at Rice. The real world seems to be giving him the problems."

"...there can be no conversation with your, or your boss. You arrogantly presume that you're the smartest fellars in the room."

"... a professional house pet"

"Go out into the real world, and accomplish something on your own. And stop plagiarizing others for fodder for those self aggrandizing blog stories."

"Both he and the mayor engage in dictaphone masturbation: they get off hearing themselves talk."

"...he generates that verbous bullshit that the mayor tries to pass for elequence."

"The novelty has worn off and he shows up as an dishonest egotistical political parasite who preaches a philosophy he cannot live."

"Lamar believing that his ideas are suddenly viable."

And even Lamar himself agrees with this one:

"Lamar is not a factor. If the mayor had confidence in him he would have given him an actual job with meaningful responsibilities."

And what does our resident socialist have to say about this accurate assement of his worth?

"...this is just sad, mean-spirited politics."

No Lamar, it is what is the public thinks of you and your ideas. How does it feel to be worthless?

Anonymous said...

Worthless to an anonymous blogger?

It feels liberating.

Anonymous said...

we're sooooo glad you feel liberated from your fantasy of self importance.

Now, how about working on your plagiarism?

Anonymous said...

Plagiarism isn't something you need to work on, really. Just copy and paste.

Anonymous said...

Today is a good day. A day that could really give this site a boost, for it is the first day of school and maybe, just maybe, some of you will be there instead of engaging in juvenile insult swaps.

Anonymous said...

Lets talk about something other than lamar. What is the take on the 3rd Circuit battle between Flynn and Eddie Knoll. Who will win that war?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, the most qualified candidate will win the 3rd Circuit seat and that is Loren Lampert by a large margin.

Anonymous said...

"Plagiarism isn't something you need to work on, really. Just copy and paste."

Ahhh so that's how you got through Rice huh Lamar!

Anonymous said...

"Honestly, this is just sad, mean-spirited politics."

What are you, in kindergarten? Do you think this is the election for most likely to succeed of you sr. year in high school? Politics is a contact sport.

Decisions by your employer could mean the livelihood, and in some instances the very lives of citizens. Don't play the victim. Man up or go him.

Anonymous said...

Let's be consistent here. If Lamar is essentially irrelevant, leave him the fuck alone. If you feel that he is a party of influence and gravity, then have at him, but in a meaningful way. Don't just call him a meany - tell him what he did wrong.

Anonymous said...

(See above)

Anonymous said...

"Politics is a contact sport".

Only for ill-mannered uncouthed morons like you maybe. Show us the rule or the law that says it has to be that way.

Anonymous said...

Dear Crybaby,


Anonymous said...

Lamar didn't do anything wrong his Mother did in giving birth to the suck up worm.

Anonymous said...

What a totally immature thing to think, much less say. What possible constructive end do you hope to accomplish with such absurd sophomoric mean-spirited silly cowardly bullshit as that?

Many of us recognize Lamar for the dishonest arrogant parasite that he is but why on earth would you even think about saying such unrelated and unintelligent things. I assume that you are a person that never does well in a fair fight. This is a perfect medium for you - until you are caught.

Anonymous said...

There is a concept that when a child is born the slate (mind) is blank. Knowledge, folkways, mores, worm ways, parasitic ways and any other ways of Lamar are learned traits - learned from, normally, immediate family members.

Typically the Mother and Father have the most input on the ways of the child. Lamar, I think, was still in his formulative years when his father died. His Mother must have imparted his personality traits and his often reference to his disability his crutch.

Might be moronic bullshit or whatever but I still say the Mother gave birth to the worm and the family imparted his ways.

I am deeply sorry my opinion differs from you and your response to my thoughts are so negative. This leads me to believe you are a Lamar suck up so go get fucked.

Anonymous said...

I understand why you might disagree with Lamar. What amazes me is how much you obviously loath and fear him. He's got a $30 city job, for god's sake. Beginning cops with high school diplomas and GEDs make more. Why are you so threatened? What intimidates you most: his wealth or his education? Get some therapy (not to mention testicles)

Anonymous said...

You misunderstand I don't loath or hate Lamar. I pity him. He has never had to earn anything on his own, is incapable of performing as anything other than being a political suck up propaganda machine and his future depends on the largesse of others. It is obvious that, other than his own ilk, he has no respect from others.

He is truly to be pitied, merly a pimp for the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

This is getting out of hand.

Anonymous said...

I pity him for having to deal with you ignorant bigots fucktards.

Anonymous said...

Are you fools still trying to relive the Roy Brewer race?

Far more important things are going on and this blog is obsessed with a mayor's assistant.

Anonymous said...

Good job to the council to stop the unneccessary positions in city govt.

Don't cave. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

How much of this has to do with Myron's sister not getting the big job that she filled for years?

Anonymous said...

unnecessary positions as in the directors of human resources and community services.

think before you speak.

Anonymous said...

So noone's been doing those jobs? Yeah, right.

Also, don't get fooled by the Delta Queen BS. Can anyone spell...


Anonymous said...

Someone was Human Resources, they were promoted to "Diversity".

How can the council explain the refusal to hire TWO black folks?

Anonymous said...

"Alexandria Board of Adjustment & Appeals. (Joke!) Tuesday, Aug 12 2008

Alex attended a session of this board Monday afternoon.

Why he wasted his time is beyound me."

Alex = JoBetty Sterkx whose husband is on that board.

Anonymous said...

Lamar sounds like just another mainstream democrat to me. There's nothing particularly smart about him, but there's nothing that is deserving of the shit published on this website.

I'm a Republican that has sometimes voted for a democrat, usually in local elections. I vote for the best person. 95% of the time it's a Republican. I'm over the mayor's race, although I'd rather have a real fiscal conservative in office, we don't have the numbers yet. Plus Alexandria is really divided among whites and blacks.

Because this is known as a Republican website, we need to be aware of how democrats can use the mean shit against Republican candidates. It's been done in the past.

Anonymous said...

Red Pelican, I agree. We have to pick our battles. Lamar's an easy target because he makes it easy, but he's not important and neither is his boss.

If you saw them behind the scenes, I bet you'd see a lot of Jindal ass-kissing.

Anonymous said...

Because this is known as a Republican website, we need to be aware of how democrats can use the mean shit against Republican candidates.

What about the mean shit that infests this blog against non-Republicans, such as Mayor Roy and Lamar? Mean shit is used by all on this blog.

Anonymous said...

"What about the mean shit that infests this blog against non-Republicans, such as Mayor Roy and Lamar? Mean shit is used by all on this blog."

To liberal, socialist Democrats like Lamar and his ilk, the truth is "mean shit."

Anonymous said...

I wonder who is in charge of checking the references of potential hires over at City Hall...? whoever it is is NOT doing their job...maybe that is the person the mayor should be looking to replace.

I would have thought that the mayor would have not continued to be adamant about his choice for Human Resources Director after he heard some job history on his choice tuesday night.Amazingly, the smugness is still there.


Anonymous said...

Roy sounded stupid on the call-in show this morning. Trying to blame Roosevelt. Roy is acting like he's already beat, and the election's not for 2 more years. Pitiful actually.

Anonymous said...

People in the Roy admin.


You people are the biggest group of immature, self-obsessed people I've ever seen. From the Town Tlk article by Hess, to Lamar's blog, and the aforementioned radio whine by the mayor, GOOD GOD people. Enough already.

How assinine for the myor to say: Look at Baton Rouge. We're not as bad as them.

SHUT UP YOU IGNORANT SL*T! (sorry that was an SNL flashback. I'm feeling much better now). Are you really that afraid of TV camerman???

Anonymous said...

and you are obviously the paragon of maturity and wisdom.

Anonymous said...

I really could not believe that the mayor's call in, and Hess' letter came on the same day.

Yeah, that was just a coincidence. If a former camera operator strikes that much fear in you, maybe you should quit now.

Anonymous said...

Roosevelt Johnson and Martin Johnson are both Johnsons and both black but they ain't the same people. Martin Johnson's got class and Hess was being petty. Roosevelt Johnson is a know-nothing egomaniac and Roy is right.

Anonymous said...

Dale, the truth isn't mean shit. The truth is obvious, except for liberals like Lamar. However you're not gonna win an argument against him by just being mean to him.

Anonymous said...

. . . . one down . . . .

Anonymous said...

It's so easy for you conservatives to rest on the monumental accomplishments of Bush, Gingrich, and Cheney. Think of how you would feel if these guys hadn't been so successful and and wise.

Anonymous said...

very sad about les

Anonymous said...

Les who?

what happened?

Anonymous said...

Never I know.

What a loss.

I hope we are fortunate to find someone as passionate about our community and Zoo.

Big shoes to fill.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Michelle Malkin is an ignorant cunt.

Anonymous said...

She didn't write the article about the myths, you dumb fuck....she just reprinted it.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


This word is like a hand grenade, toss it into the discussion and all reasonable thought ceases.

The trouble with the use of this word in this case is that it just doesn't apply.

Malkin posted this disclaimer about the Christian Science Monitor before re-printing the article.

"The paper carried a must-read op-ed today on the Jena 6 case, and I’ve paid to republish it in full here."

The word "plagiarist" more accurately describes Lamar White, who regularly steals the work of others and claims those efforts as his. Change a word here, add a biased sentence there and presto! Another Lamarism.

If anyone deserves the label plagiarist, It's Lamar White.

Anonymous said...

you're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

dale holleman said...

Dale, I suggest that you study up on the laws dealing with the "Fair Use Doctrine", and then you may see exectly how full of shit you are.

What happened, did Lamar kick your ass as a kid or something?

Anonymous said...

"What happened, did Lamar kick your ass as a kid or something?"

Wow, what a joke! Somebody out there actually thinks Lamar could kick anybody's ass.

What's he gonna do? 'em to death?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is you that needs brush up on your terminology. The Fair Use Doctrine is associated with copyright law.

On the other hand, plagiarism is a matter of moral stature.

Is it legal for Lamar to steal other people’s ideas, words, and concepts and claim them as his own? Perhaps.

However, while it may be legal for Lamar to plagiarize others, it is morally reprehensible for him to do so. While Lamar holds himself out to be a man of honor, one whose thoughts and words provoke thought in others, we actually find that Lamar is nothing but a sly thief. Lamar takes the intellectual product of others and claims that product as his own.

If Lamar cannot formulate his own positions, concepts, and opinions, what worth is he to the discussion at hand? Lamar merely regurgitates the thoughts of others, adding the socialistic viewpoint of the radical left.

As to Lamar’s pugilistic prowess, that has remained hidden. However, had he engaged in any sort of fisticuffs with me, at any time, he would surely have been disappointed in the outcome.

Oh, by the way, the word is exactly. Perhaps you should use a dictionary to check your spelling also.

Anonymous said...

PS: I have a tiny, tiny penis.

Anonymous said...

Dale: Have you ever heard a news boradcast or read a paper where they report or announce the AP news?

So no, I don't think that repeating what news gathering agencies say, with proper credit, is a moral vice. What I think is that you are just going out of your way to attack Lamar. You aren't fooling anybody, as you don't pull out your moral judgment on anyone else that uses others source information.

Anonymous said...

It seems that debating the fine differences between plagiarism and copyright infringement is impossible with those that have no knowledge of either.

For the knowledge of the uneducated posters who comprise Lamar’s minions, a plagiarist is one who:
"commits literary theft : presents as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
(Reference Webster’s)

This is the epitome of Lamar’s writings.

Lamar has not injured me in any way, so your theory of some unanswered past grievance is laughable. However, Lamar is a fake, and a charlatan. He is a man who has taken much and given little. He lives off the largess of the taxpayers and contributes nothing to the public good. He presents himself as a learned expert on many subjects while in reality, his only expertise is in the silent theft of another’s ideas.

His position is not the result of some earned effort, but rather the result of been bestowed with a last name that is favored by the current occupants of the Mayor’s office.

Lamar’s talent in non-existent, and when the temporary residents of City Hall vacate the premises, Lamar will slink away to the shelter of his rather nefarious father’s fortune.

Good Riddance.

Anonymous said...

I think Lamar and Mayor Roy are doing a fine job. So everyone doesn't agree with you numb nuts. Last election a majority off the voters also disagreed with you. I guess we will have to wait till next election to see what the voters still tyhink. One thing is for sure though, you don't devine who will be our next mayor Dale.

Anonymous said...

PS: My boss at the call center won't let me take bathroom breaks, even when I need to BM! I've had several accidents this year. Does anyone know who makes the best adult diapers?

Anonymous said...

What the hell does "devine" mean?

If you mean being prophetic, that would be spelled "divine."

If you mean to determine, that would be spelled "define."

Quit being like your idol Lamar, by making crap up.

Anonymous said...

Dale: 5

Rabble: 0

Anonymous said...

dale holleman said...
PS: I have a tiny, tiny penis.

Monday, August 18, 2008 8:37:00 AM

No, you ARE a tiny penis.

Anonymous said...

Greg Aymond
comments on "We Saw That":

"As "United States Navy Admiral Hyman G. Rickover told a subordinate who used the royal we: "Three groups are permitted that usage: pregnant women, royalty, and schizophrenics. Which one are you?"

Anonymous said...

whoever said martin johnson has class is way off base. He is in with brigett brown so thick. He is part owner of fulton hotel and guesthouse. How does he get this kind of money on a bankers salary. He's connected to myron,everett, and dumbass roosevelt. He bad news for alexandria. Follow the money.

Anonymous said...

fucking thugs. you think bragging about how you can beat up a disabled guy is funny. just a bunch of impotent bullies.

Anonymous said...

OOPS, he did it again!

Mayor Roy has already hired Greg Foster? No wonder he was pissed at the council. He knew his stupidity would come back to haunt him.

Seems he got caught with his hand in da cookie jar.

He needs a public lesson in humility from the council (even of I'm not big fans of the council).

Anonymous said...

Assistants don't need council approval. Directors do. I hear Foster was the council's choice for HR, but when Roy wanted to keep Page as a mayoral assistant, Rosie got pissed. Page was supposed to be Rosie's campaign manager.

Foster was hired temporarily as an assistant to make the transition.

Anonymous said...

Figures. Roosevelt is one of the most dishonest people I have ever met.

Anonymous said...

Then you've never met the Roys.

Anonymous said...

When a Roy screws up they seem to do so in epic proportions.

Anonymous said...

I meant to add, isn't this akin to Roy accusing the council of a secret meeting?

I mean he acted behind the council's back without having it discussed in a public forum. Isn't that what he accused the council of doing (well certain council members anyway)?

Anonymous said...

The Roy philosophy is: How could anybody object to hiring high dollar negros? This new HR director has a history of sexual harrassment charges at his previous gig. If there is a pile of dog shit within miles, Roy will mange to step in it.

Anonymous said...

I love the local joke that Roy promised transparency and we are starting to see thru him pretty regularly.

Anonymous said...

What a joke!

TA Messina claims to have played for LSU!

I remember him as a kicker at Menard. He couldn't hit a 30 yard field goal then, and he damn sure didn't play for LSU.

Anonymous said...

Sorry dumbass, but he did play at LSU

Anonymous said...

"Sorry dumbass, but he did play at LSU."

Really??? Prove it! A team photo or roster will do nicely.

If he played 1977 to 79 then he has to be at least 50 years old....

Where's the grey TA??? Love that "Just For Men" look. If he's covering up his age, and the fact that he played for LSU, what else is he hiding?

Anonymous said...

Dandy Don has a website that is considered the authority on LSU Football history.

On that site, he has a listing called "Where Are They Now?" The list contaons over 350 former LSU football players from the 1940's to present day.

Several entries on that list are players that currently reside in Alexandria

TA Messina is not on that list...wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Chevallier was the put returner for the Washington Redskins, however, and James Byrd performed with the Four Tops in 1972.

Anonymous said...

you fucking dumbass, that site doesnt list EVERY player residing in La. that has played for the tigers. not only that there are duplicates, wrong names and apparently has not been updated since 02. Half the players he lists as still playing in the nfl havent played in years. of course you bunch of pussies arent big enough to say this shit to a person's face, you just hide behind your anonymity.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Now there's the intelligent, cultured, civilized, literate, mature, T.A. that we have come to know and love. Jesus! If you're too fuckin stupid to survive APD, you ain't smart enough to drive a moped.

Anonymous said...

"Roy said he didn’t have to let him know. He is being paid, and that is completely up to the administration and not up to the president of the City Council, adding that hiring Foster under a existing line item is legal."

Tsk, tsk.

It appears that someone hasn't leaned to work and play well with others.

Seems he DIDN'T learn all that he needed to know in kindergarden. Maybe he should spend another year there, with the way he's been acting lately.

Anonymous said...

What kind of idiot is this mayor?

He gets rebuffed by the council last week, and then refuses to communicate ANY with them, so they rebuff him again today. But only after they find out that he's already hired this Foster guy.

And when questioned by the news, his staff says they will let Foster go if he's not confirmed?

Why not just put an ad in the paper that says "we illegally hired this guy with council confirmation?"

How else do you explain letting him go if he's not confirmed? If he's hired by the mayor, then he should stay hired no matter what the council does.

How do you spell Jacques? S-T-U-P-I-D

Anonymous said...

Because there is nothing illegal about the way Foster was hired, numb nuts. You're either purposely ignoring the facts or you're just plain dumb.

Anonymous said...

"Councilman Myron Lawson said making council members aware of the hiring was matter of being 'considerate, if not proper.'”

From an expert on the subject of being considerate and proper. This city will never move forward with council members like Lawson, who is only concerned with what is in his best interest.

Anonymous said...

"there is nothing illegal about the way Foster was hired"

And there's nothing illegal about leaving dirty dishes in my sink, but when you expect someone else to clean up your mess, eventually it begins to stink.

Our mayor is immature, and like the newbie he is, he's wanting someone to change him before his odor attracts attention.

Read the Town Talk comments about the story, few folks agree with the way your boy tried to sneak this one in.

Anonymous said...

myron lawson and bridgett brown are behind this whole charade. they've been trying to form their own kingdom on our taxdollars for over a decade and now they've got jonathan goins to carry their corrupt torch. they lie to everyone. they all live in mansions in white neighborhoods yet they try to make people think they're being discriminated against all the time. bridgett wants hers before anyone else get theirs. she doesnt care anything but the money she can milk out of the government.

when these thugs start talking about too much spending, you gotta wonder why. they spend, spend, spend on the most ridiculous shit in the world.

it's because most of them don't take their job seriously and only think about scratching backs and then pretending to care about spending whenever an election is near.

Anonymous said...

I took your advice and read 4 pages of comments on the TT site. Many upset folks with the mayor.

Also, saw this

Seems the TT staff is sick of the mayor's crap too.

Anonymous said...

robert morgan can't find the charter. the charter is free online. what a fucking joke of a "reporter."

Anonymous said...

Hello Fellow Bloggers! My name is Kyle Davidson and I'm from Alexandria. Although I now live in Baton Rouge, I check in on CenlaAntics for a good laugh every now and then.

But the latest entries about TA Messina have caused my blood to boil. Anyone who would claim to be an LSU Tiger Football player, when they really aren’t, is nothing more than a lying coward.

I am responding to this anonymous coward and I’m NOT afraid to identify myself.

"you fucking dumbass, that site doesnt list EVERY player residing in La. that has played for the tigers."
"of course you bunch of pussies arent big enough to say this shit to a person's face, you just hide behind your anonymity."

Just to set the record straight I sent an e-mail to Michael Bonnette, Sports Information Director for LSU Football. I asked for copies of LSU’s rosters from 1977, 78, and 79.

I received an answer from a young lady named Brianne Mickles, an assistant in that department, who attached a PDF of the official roster from 78 and 79. She said the 77 roster was unavailable when she went to answer my request.

There is no Messina listed on the official roster for either year.

Of course if we have made some sort of horrible mistake, TA Mesinna can just post to his website any of his photos from his days as a Tiger, or any listing that shows he was part of the team in any way.

They will be verified of course.

I will be happy to forward the PDF of the rosters to anyone who requests them.

My e-mail address is:

Michael Bonnette is:

Brianne Mickles is:

Once again, I am:

Kyle Davidson
Baton Rouge LA

Anonymous said...

I think Messina just got nuked.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that some people criticize the mayor for providing detailed written communications to the council. The council has placed the mayor on the defensive by it's less-than-honest approach to the mayor-council relationship. Written communication, particularly on detailed public business, is the only way to go. That Marshall is not sufficiently progressive to embrace that practice is a problem in and of itself. For some strange reason he likend his relation ship with Roy to the relationship with his wife. There is some basis for that since he is obviously trying to do to Roy that which he does to his wife in their bedroom. What a grandstanding buffoon. I hope the voters don't miss their chances to make some meaningful changes on the council. They could have gotten rid of Lawson, Hobbs and Silver last time.

Anonymous said...

WOW! this blog flatlined after the truth about TA Messina came bubbling up!

Anonymous said...

Nobody has taken T.A. or his daddy serious in about 30 years. It was kinda amazing that he would say such outlandish shit and ask for public confidence after he failed so miserably as a peace officer and managed to embarrass the department and city administration with his antics. But for civil service, he would not have lasted 8 months.

Anonymous said...

According to civil service disciplinary records, TA Messina got a 90 day suspension for altering traffic tickets, a felony. Sure, (wink,wink) he retired…in reality he was forced out. Retire or be fired. TA Took the retirement.

By the way, the disciplinary records of ALL police officers are public record. Anybody can get copies.

Anonymous said...

I would just like to say... TA you couldve come up with a better lie than I PLAYED for LSU!! Are you kidding me, you stoop that low to try and get the LSU fans to vote for you because you are scared. That is pretty low on your part and apparently people already think its a joke because they have done the research. Did you actually think people would believe that?!!? Honostly, it seems that TA will say anything just to get more votes because obviously he isnt to confident. By the way your interview this morning, BRAVO!!! HAHA!!!

Anonymous said...

TA should improve his own "quality of life" before promising to do it for his community!! How do you sleep at night?! These lies literally just blow my mind. Your little lies are pretty amusing actually, Im having fun trying to prove you wrong and show Alexandria how idiotic you are.

Anonymous said...

hey so Ive come to realize maybe TA was the waterboy for LSU!! PAHAH!!

Anonymous said...

Chevalier has the most experience to be our next city marshall unlike T.A. i spelled marshall right!

Anonymous said...

"John M. Sharp, the lead counsel for the city of Alexandria in the multimillion-dollar Cleco case, has been accused of professional misconduct and soon could lose his license."

OK, how much longer can this nightmare continue?

Why are we being punished with Roy as our mayor?

His crack legal team, who recently won a lawsuit barring the council from having their own lawyer, hired a guy to lead the CLECO case, who will soon be disbarred?

MAYOR ROY, please RESIGN, so we can start fresh with somebody that has just a little common sense!

Anonymous said...

Chevallier knows absolutely nothing about the office or the job. It's scary how little he knows about anything related to the office he seeks. He's looking for a fat check.

Anonymous said...

Its weird how you say Chevalier has no experience. Yet Meynard has no law enforcement experience what so ever. T.A. Messina is a big joke. He takes advantage of the powers he held while an officer. He thought he was the law.The only reason why T.A. is runnin is because he was forced to retire from A.P.D. Hes the one that wants that check. Byrd can barely talk or walk yet be a city marshal. Chevalier has the experience. He retired from A.P.D. and retired as warden of DC3.

Anonymous said...

Okay obviously that is not the reason he seeks to be our next city marshal. Chevalier is one of the hardest working men I know, it took him many many years to get to where he is today. He also didn't lie his way to the top!!! He also has yet to lie to the public unlike T.A. The comment before stating that all T.A. wants is power is sooo true and I know this on a personal level! He is nothing but a liar and only seeks the attention of the innocent public!! When I found out T.A. was running I thought it was a joke. Nothing good will come out of that marshal office.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about TA. I have been at two civic clubs where Jimmy spoke and the fact is he knows NOTHING about the office. How can you possibly think he could effectively lead an office that he hasn't bothered to learn anything about. He knows nothing about the budget or functions and has admitted about a hundred times that he does not know what the job pays. He is stupid or is he lying? After about the 5th time he is asked it seems like he would get off of his ass if for no other reason than to avoid the embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

"Chevallier knows absolutely nothing about the office or the job. It's scary how little he knows about anything related to the office he seeks..."

Really? Let's see:

Chevalier has a BS in Criminal Justice and a Masters in Criminal Justice Administration.

FBI Academy Graduate

Retired from RPSO with the rank of Major.

Warden of Rapides Parish DC3 admistering a 4.5 million dollar budget.

Retired from APD with 21 years under his belt.

His Civil Service record is unblemished. Think Messina can claim that?

The Alexandria City Marshal is the Law Enforcement arm of the Alexandria City Court. Who do you want running the show? A man with a spotless record and a Masters degree? Or some sleeze ball who was forced into retirement because he committed a felony?

TA Messina is a dirty cop and a known liar. He's unfit to hold any public position of trust...period.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Mr. Holleman. T.A. is definitely a dirty cop, and whats really bad is the fact that we don't really know what else he did. He just got caught comitting those crimes, who knows what else he has done behind closed doors. One of my friends who knew nothing about him, at all said "is he a drunk". HA!! Thats bad when someone asks that and they have no clue about who you are!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, just to note. Even if Chevalier didnt know how much they pay then he surely wouldnt be running just for a fat check!! HMM, thats why T.A. is all for it and he is just wasting his money. SAD SAD SAD LOSER. I honostly dont think this is even a race.

Anonymous said...

John Sharp was not hired by the current mayor. He was hired by the former mayor. Quit trying to blame Roy for everything.

Sharp is part of the Bridgett Brown/Kelvin Sanders group.

Anonymous said...

Uh, excuse me.

The current mayor decided Brown needed to go, why keep the thief?

Anonymous said...

yeah, kelvin sanders and bridgett brown hired sharp. you must think we're all as stupid as you are.

Anonymous said...

Bridgette Brown deserved to be fired. She wanted millions of our money for zero work. She got her lawyer to file some bullshit class action suit to fuck with the city's suit. She's now saying she should get paid before we do. And she didn't do anything except whine about discrimination. Funny when you think about how the city attorney is also black and he's the one who fired her.

Anonymous said...

To the pinheads that say Chevalier doesn't know how much the Marshal makes, let me clue you idiots in on something...nobody knows!

ALL Marshals in Rapides Parish get a salary paid by the Police Jury because they are PARISH Employees.

But they also get a percentage of the fees collected by the court, fees for serving warrants, probationary fees, etc. The Marshal's money comes from so many different sources NOBODY but the Marshal himself knows exactly what the Marshal makes.

I have known Chevalier for more than 30 years. He's no dummy.

Anonymous said...

If he don't know the $ he dpn't know the job
t know

Anonymous said...

"some sleeze ball who was forced into retirement because he committed a felony?"

Oh, so now you are the judge and jury and decided who is gilty of a felony and without a trial. One is not a felon unless convicted. Has T.A. even been charged with a felony?

Your ignorance and hatred for Messina is clear. At least try to stick to the truth and not make stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah thats because they gave him an option to retire or get charges pressed. Obviously he didnt want to go to prison so he retired hes tellin everyone he retired to run for city marshal. First of all hes a dumbass for even trying to run. Him and Meynard are in a race to see who can put more signs out. WOW what great city marshals they are.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, so now you are the judge and jury and decided who is gilty of a felony and without a trial. One is not a felon unless convicted. Has T.A. even been charged with a felony?

Your ignorance and hatred for Messina is clear. At least try to stick to the truth and not make stuff up."

If this poster is actually TA Messina himself this post shows what a dumbass he really is. In law enforcement we often talk about the three “Cs” Committed, Charged, and Convicted. There are plenty of white collar criminals who commit felonys but are never charged and convicted.

TA’s civil service disciplinary record shows he was suspended for altering a warrant. That's a felony. This is fact, not rumor. Get a copy of his record like I did, it’s a public record.

TA Messina is a crooked cop, his record shows it. Just because he happened to manipulate the system enough to avoid formal charges by a grand jury doesn’t mean he’s clean.

Now...When is the great TA Messina going to post those LSU team photos from 77, 78, and 79? Let’s see him explain that lie away.

Anonymous said...

If Messina engineered the 911 attack that still doesn't make me feel any better about Chevalier knowing absolutely nothing about the job he is running for. I agree that he is an educated and experienced guy. That's what makes his complete ignorance so scarey.

Chevalier and Byrd need to release their medical records.

Anonymous said...

"...that still doesn't make me feel any better about Chevalier knowing absolutely nothing about the job he is running for."

Ok peabrain, I’ll bite. Exactly what is it that makes you think that Chevalier knows nothing about the Marshal’s job? Go ahead, spell it out for us. Don’t just throw the hand grenade, have the guts to tell us your reasons for making such a statement.

We’re waiting….

Anonymous said...

I heard him address two civic organizations and he couldn't answer any questions about the office. He looked positively foolish. But hey, don't listen to me: ask him yourself. He doesn't have a clue.

It's interesting that you are personally insulting me because of my statements. I suspect you are not a neutral party. Please don't blame me because your candidate is stupid.

Anonymous said...

I heard him address two civic organizations and he couldn't answer any questions about the office. He looked positively foolish. But hey, don't listen to me: ask him yourself. He doesn't have a clue.

It's interesting that you are personally insulting me because of my statements. I suspect you are not a neutral party. Please don't blame me because your candidate is stupid.

Anonymous said...

"It's interesting that you are personally insulting me because of my statements. I suspect you are not a neutral party. Please don't blame me because your candidate is stupid."

I am personally insulting you because you are obviously an idiot.

Let's try this again, maybe you have a reading handicap of some sort.

Exactly what is it that makes you think that Chevalier knows nothing about the Marshal’s job? What specific questions were asked that he could not answer. If you were there, which I doubt, you would be able to recite the questions that Chevalier could not answer.

We're waiting....

Anonymous said...

Just calm down. I'm sorry your candidate is so ill-prepared to run for, much less hold the office of City Marshal. If you are truly interest maybe you can help him learn something about the job so he won't look like a deer caught in headlights when asked a specific question.

I am not your problem. Jimmy is your problem. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone saying that no one ACTUALLY knows how much the marshal makes. It is a percentage and changes from year to year. So the real question is does T.A. actually know what he makes??!! I bet hes never been asked that. Hes an idiot and also I agree with "him and Meynard are out to see who can put the most signs up". Chevalier is working his ass off meeting with everybody and any body. He does not have a racist bone in his body unlike another candidate that I know. I have not seen anyone else but Chevalier meeting and greeting. T.A. is dirty and a coward, karma will come and bite you in the ass. And so if you did pull up Chevalier and Byrds medical records, it would be medically related unlike T.A. which would state that he is an alchololic....

Anonymous said...

Wow Jimmy Chevalier doesnt know a damn thing bout the office haha just cuz he doesnt know how much he gets paid doesnt mean a damn thing except hes not in it for the fat check like messina and meynard are i mean sorry if hes actually trying to better the office and change some things

Anonymous said...

You gotta be kidding. If somebody doesn't know the financial ins and outs of an organization he can't have a handle on the budget or the operation. You keep saying that he is no worse than other candidates. Big fucking deal. He is obviously no better. Anybody that runs for a job they don't know or understand is definately not about public service. I hope somebody worth a shit gets the job and nobody has mentioned that person here yet.

It takes more that saying "I WANNA BE THE MARSHAL"

Anonymous said...

Back to the CLECO thing.

Roy announced that Sharp would be lead attorney on 7/28. Two days later, he was recommended to be disbarred. WTF?

Sorry, but that's not the council's or Ned's fault, that's all on Roy. Sure doesn't speak well of Roy's ability to research nor read people.

Means Roy's absolutely a big part of the city's problems.

Anonymous said...

The important thing is that when this shit came out, they got rid of the guy immediately. You act like Roy knew about this beforehand but the complaint was just made public. It's embarrassing for the city and the people who hired him but it ain't our scandal.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it does take more than just saying I want to be the marshal and no other candidates are going to meet the bar. T.A., god help us if he gets elected, but he will last what a month before they find out he has taken money or is doing something ridiculous AGAIN.. Who actually wants someone who thought it would be okay to let inmates run around town getting drunk. I have kids to protect and thankfully he doesnt live that close to me. Could you imagine your kids are playing outside and all of a sudden here comes some inmates riding dumbasses horses. I mean literally I would flip a lid to think that one of those men may have been a murderer or a child molester or whatever, it doesnt matter. That man does not need to be in office!!!

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