Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New Thread! New Thread!!!!

My humble apologies fellow blogians! I have been traveling out of state as of late, and am even now adding this thread from the great state of Texas. My cell phone was very active today with calls about Senator Vitter's visit to Alexandria today as well as Bobby Jindal's visit as well.

I am sure that our city councilmen are behaving a bit more conservatively these days... they may be next. The President of the New Orleans council resigned yesterday after being indicted by the feds after being caught accepting kick backs. His "take" was less than $15,000. He should have run for Congress where you are able to take $90,000 and allow it to go unreported!


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is no way the council loses this one. The lawsuit itslef is proof that the council has the right to seperate representation.

Where in all of juris prudence does it say that someone that has the power to sue you, also has the right to select your attorney?

This will once again be egg on the admins face. Good Gosh Almighty, when will this end???

Anonymous said...

One argument that I'm getting tired of hearing is "that is not allowed by the city charter."

OK, let's get one thing very straight; the city charter is not some holy grail of legal documents. It has flaws in it, and much like the US Constitution, the charter may call for an amendment is this case.

The charter cannot be drawn up in such a way that the council is forced to be in legal jeopardy, by not allowing for it to obtain proper legal representation.

It was allowed once before, and it will be allowed once again. It's a basic tenet of our founding principles: "and to have the Assistance of Counsel for defence." (if I remember correctly, it's the 6th amendment), and "nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." (14th amendment)

Anonymous said...

You'd think a city with 3 lawyers at the top would want to promote the hiring of attorneys. It's good for business, after their one and only term is done.

Anonymous said...

The council does not want a lawyer to defend them they want a lawyer to go after Chuck Johnson. He won't kiss their a** like Kelvin Sanders did. They have a vendetta against him and want to try to pressure him to quit. They may need an attorney now. What is Trey Gist's role with the council? Couldn't they just replace him with one of these attorneys that they think they need.

Remember, after Roy started, they tried to appoint Kelvin as their "free" attorney, and Chuck ruled it illegal, then they tried to hire Briget, then they tried to hire un-named "auditors/investigators" and now these two attorneys.

Maybe one of the 5 should go to law school or take some classes.

They are up to something. Roy is trying his hardest to do the right thing.

We need to find someone to run against Myron.

Anonymous said...

I think I told you people that the water would get a little hotter if the council did not do the right thing. It is just now starting to bubble.

AlexVideoBlogger! said...

August 28, 2007 City Council Meeting Video:

Anonymous said...

The individual with the crystal ball attempting to attach names to postings needs to reflect upon the history of Alexandria and stop trying to mdisrepect someone by associating them with Aymond and WST.

When Snyder and other Mayors were in power city employees, most especially garbage department employees, were required to cash their checks at Cleveland Guillory's store on Upper third. Naturally there was a fee for this service and the fee was split.

I do not know about now but for many, many years Caplan's men's store has been the supplier of uniforms for the Alexandria City Police. I find it hard to believe that, properly bid, Caplan's won the bid year after year. I could be ever so wrong.

Alexandria has steered business to many favorite local Contractors. It will be proven, in time, that alledged professionals working for the City are not knowledgeable of their profession or contract law. It will also be proven that when a state employee was attempting to obtaina permit to use Alexandria owned utility poles the state employee was told if he would use a local electrical contractor the permitting process would be far easier.

It will be proven that, in order to, in my opinion, save her job a recently terminated Assistant City Attorney was desirious of delivering a trophy settlement rather than negotiate a contract dispute in a professional manner.

It will be proven that when a City of Alexandria employee takes it upon himself/herself to modify a contract by issueing edicts the employee becomes personally liable for the ensuing debacle.

Now whether this is the rantings of your Mr. Heath or someone that knows the inside machinations of the City is immaterial. Parts is parts, facts is facts.

Your little game of trying to discredit Mr. Heath just evidences there are secrets in the electrical distribution department and the city attorney's office and you are trying to divert attention. Nice try but that method was taught in BS 101.

Actually, the postings are not Mr. Heath's but someone who knows him well and is very, very knowledgeable of a situation.

Anonymous said...

Talk about clairvoyance - Spanky was able to predict, with some accuracy, that if the council and the administration got into a race-based death struggle for control of the city, things would get hot. Is he magic or what????

Anonymous said...

Don't ever tell me Mayor Roy is not a politcal genius. He has now managed to arrange Brewer's entire legal team into a circular firing squad.

Anonymous said...

Who or what places the authority of interpreting the City Charter in the hands of the Mayor and City Attorney's Office? Shouldn't the Council have a right to believe they are just as authorized to decide what the Charter says.

What provisions are in the Charter to settle a dispute concerning the Charter? What provisions are in the harter establishing that a citizens group consisting of 40 lawyers determining an action is legal or illegal is the method to utilize to interprete the Charter?

Anonymous said...

I want to know what other local businessmen are in the group with Mr. Upton?

Anonymous said...

Another perverted Homo Republican busted. US Senator Larry Craig reaching under the restroom stall. These Family Value Republicans can keep their values. Mark Foley, Maxwell's man Vitter, now Craig. All won election preaching ethics and Family values. Pleeeease.

Anonymous said...

If you want to know what other "businessmen" are in the group, just check out Ms. Brewer's last host committee list, minus Jock Scott.

Anonymous said...

Our mayor has managed to surround himself with those people who lied about him, insulted his family, and attempted to destroy him politically. Those that helped Roy get there are totally forgotten. There must be a lesson about Roy in there somewhere.

waterslide said...

I think the lesson is: that even people who mis-voted are smart enough to know that our council is not smart enough to know.

Anonymous said...

To anon 852: I am a friend of the mayor and I share your trepidations about Jacque's "new friends". I've seen so many politicians make this fatal error before, it is very disturbing to me. I only hope he comes to his senses quick before he is devoured by the wolves who sought to destroy him last year but failed.

Anonymous said...

Now, the big question is whether the mayor's old bitter enemies/new republican friends will abandon Maxwell and support Chris?

Anonymous said...

Provosty may court Jacques but he will never accept him as anything but borderline white trash. Jacques obviously craves some enhanced social status and thinks the way to get it is catering to the self-annointed social elite. They will mistreat him just like they discarded Delores when she no longer was useful.

Jacques forget where and who he came from. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

It appears Roy's mentor(s) is/are teaching him rule by confrontation rather than compromise. It is extremely strange Chuck is so openly defiant of the Council - makes one wonder.

I, though not the spokesman for 40 lawyers, can find no method in the Charter to determine if an issue is legal or not.

Roy advises this Ordnance dilutes Chucks authority. He has no authority. He is merly the City Attiorney. We did not elect him or annoint him. It seems he has caused the Mayor to put the Council in a position of needing a lawyer due to a lawsuit between the two branches of government. Does that mean in an attempt to have the Ordnance declared illegal he has legitimated the Ordnance?

Actually the matter is where it should be - in the Courts. Which brings up another unanswered question - Can the Mayor/City Attorney file a lawsuit against anyone, must especially the Council, without Council approval?

I am told all other governmental agencies with legal representation must present a request for legal action to the governing agency for approval. If this is so did Roy sue as a citizen/individual or as the Mayor?

Anonymous said...

This situation must be due to a power trip by Johnson. His disrespect for his elders, members of his own race, the elected representatives of the people and members of an equal branch of government to the Mayor while he is a mere hireling is amazing.

"Burning Bridges?" Something wonderful must be in store for his future.

Anonymous said...

Part of Roy's mandate per the charter is to enforce adherance to the charter. If he must file suit to do so, then he must. And he did. I keep checking Greg Aymond's and WST's site to see if they post a .pfd of the TRO against them MFs.

Anonymous said...

Some of the posters on here think that Chuck Johnson's allegiance should be to his black council brothers rather than his client. Sorry, that was Kelvin Sanders' and Tiffany Sanders' gig.

Chuck Johnson won't forsake the people of Alexandria, his client, because Bridget Brown and Myron continue to bait him.

Anonymous said...

"(3) See that all laws, provisions of this charter and acts of the council, subject to enforcement by him or by officers subject to his direction and supervision, are faithfully executed."

I beg to differ - "and acts of the council, subject to enforcement by him..." The Council is mentioned seperatly and is certainly not subject to his direction.

Anonymous said...

Enforce provisions of the Charter AND other crap - beg if you want - U is wrong.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this lawsuit is going to be decided by the court, or by the legal scholars on here?

Anonymous said...

About Mayor Roy's new found friends...Ever heard "keep your enemies close"...Ever heard that "politics makes strange bedfellows?" Both apply here. Anyone who questions why Mayor Roy would accept their overtures does not understand the political process.

Anonymous said...

I am ready to answer any of your legal questions. Please give me your city credit card number.

Anonymous said...

Dear Political Sophisicate:

So you are telling me that the loyal Roy supporters get a kick in the ass while his attackers get the contracts. That's good to know. We won't make that mistake again.

Is it too late to attack Roy's character, ethics, intellect, and family or do I have to wait for the next election?

Anonymous said...

Why do you say Roy has forsaken his own supporters? Please provide specifics.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who the 40 lawyers are, but I suspect that at least one of them is using this "dispute" and an unsuspecting press to get his name out to run for judge next year.

Anonymous said...

Roy doesn't need specifics - he knows precisely what I am talking about. Albin Provosty, for god sake!

Anonymous said...

!!!!!NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!NEW THREAD LOVER!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the City Council is gonna be OK. The city injunction suit went to Jock Scott's old law partner and best pal, Harry Randow. Good Luck Chuck!

Anonymous said...

For everyone here that has believed the city council would prevail in their attempts to subvert the city charter by hiring outside counsel, it is obvious that you will not be convinced until the judge issues a final judgement so there is no point discussing it further until that comes down.
Furthermore, has it occured to any of you that Myron and company are still concerned over further actions by the ethics board? If not, why do you think he keeps asking if everything is over? He knows what is up and has violated the law by even mentioning it in public which is another strike against him.
Where is Larry English?
Where is Bridgette Brown?
Where is Kelvin Sanders?
Is it possible that they are now understanding that they need to keep a low profile while being investigated?
Yep, folks, certain city council members are digging themselves an ever deepening hole.
I am just waiting for the wailing and gnashing of teeth to begin.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Bridgett Brown...check this out. She is a member of the Louisiana State Police Commission. Louisiana law prohibits political activity as per Louisiana Revised Statute 14.2. Does anyone know if Ms Brown contributed to any of the council members or other politicians????? If so, what is the penalty?

14.2 Prohibited Political Activity.

(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) (below), no member of the State Police Commission and no classified member of the State Police Service shall:

1. Participate or engage in political activity, including, but not limited to, any effort to support or oppose the election of a candidate for political office or support or oppose a particular political party in an election;

2. Be a candidate for nomination or election to public office;

3. Be a member of any national, state, or local committee of a political party or faction;

4. Make or solicit contributions for any political purpose, party, faction, or candidate;

5. Use or attempt to use his position to influence, punish or coerce the political action of any person, including a classified member of the State Police Service;

6. Take active part in the management of the affairs of a political party, faction, candidate, or any political campaign;

7. Take active part in an effort to recall from office an elected public official, or seek, solicit or attempt to influence or coerce any person, including a classified member of the State Police Service or of the State Police Commission, into participating in any such effort or attempt to influence or coerce any person into signing a recall petition; or

8. Directly or indirectly, pay or promise to pay any assessment, subscription, or contribution for any political party, faction or candidate, nor solicit or take part in soliciting any such assessment, subscription or contribution, and no person shall solicit any such assessment, subscription or contribution of any classified employee in the State Police Service.

Anonymous said...

Spanky just shut up already!

You crowed and crowed about the illegal meeting, and if the TT is correct, the AG has now dismissed the case with absolutely NO legal reprecussions against the council. None whatsoever.

Now you tell us this lawsuit is the death knell, and there's more to come. Good God man, let it go. The BLACK council members have legal standing, too.

You're intellect and legal advice on this matter falls so short of the mark that it is just an amusement of sorts.

In fact, if the council would sell tickets to your rants, maybe we could save the money on building waterslides and spray parks.

Anonymous said...

Are we just a might touchy? Do I detect wailing?

Anonymous said...

Don't make me stop this car and call Louis M. for you

Anonymous said...

Everyone including the mayor, the city attorney, the AG, the DA, and the KKK, agree that the meeting was illegal and wrong. Why doesn't that matter. They did wrong, again, and will get away it again without any real consequences other than a warning and a small penance. This time is was a bullshit TV rerun there was nothing to undo but they did a wrong illegal dishonest thing and that's what counts.

Anonymous said...

Spanky do you realize that all you do is talk? Famous words of the spank one:

[[Everett Hobbs letter to the Town
talk is evidence that corrosive comments made here and in other forums are proof that the ties that bind the gang of five are beginning to weaken.]]


[[You know you can step down gracefully or you can defend your seat in court along with the rest of your buddies. You should be getting a taste of what is in store soon. There is more to come.
Love Ya Man, but it is time for you and the gang to go.]]


[[The actions merit removal under the charter. My strategy is to bust one out and have the council appoint their replacement and then bust another out. And so on and so forth until the next election and until we break up the crap that is going on right now.]]


[[Hide and watch. Sunday, July 22, 2007 6:51:00 AM]]


[[As for the folk that were tired of hearing about filing a suit for the removal of councilmen, that will be the trump card.]]


[[Mr. Hester has become quite the spectator sport - lots of armchair quarterbacking and strategic advice from the anonymous bush dwellers, etc. Do your thing your way. We shall benefit from your courage and activism.]]


[[They have given the ball back to the AG's office and it will be interesting to witness what Mr. Foti's actions will be. Is this possibly the opportunity that he has been waiting for to prove that he has the interest of the states citizens at heart?]]


[[Any problems that they have created by their actions call for their PERSONAL attorney to address those items.]]


[[I would bet that AG Foti would love to accent his chances of returning to office by being a government corruption fighter.
We shall see]]


[[mmm, not necessarily checkmate as this Town talk article indicates more moves in store.I think I told you people that the water would get a little hotter if the council did not do the right thing. It is just now starting to bubble.]]


[[Yep, folks, certain city council members are digging themselves an ever deepening hole. I am just waiting for the wailing and gnashing of teeth to begin.]]


Anonymous said...

Has any one seen or heard from Sheriff Hilton lately? Just wondering....

Anonymous said...

CLA RAY should pray thanksgiving everyday to the good Lord up above that things are so bad in Alexandria such that not many are paying attention to the UNAMERICAN attitude of the Pineville thugs that are running that city. Regardless of the reason a person has we ALL have a right to demand from our government accountablity. UNLESS you live in Pineville.....just read this crap. What price to protect ones political career will the City of Pineville charge their citizens.??

Article published Aug 29, 2007
Pineville e-mail dispute has cost taxpayers more than $17,000 so far
By Karina Donica
(318) 487-6342
The legal wrangling between the city of Pineville and local attorney Gregory Aymond over access to five years worth of e-mail records belonging to Mayoral Chief of Staff Rich Dupree has cost taxpayers more than $17,000 so far.
The Town Talk made a public records request concerning the cost, and in a response letter, Pineville city officials said that through July, the city has incurred $17,470.65 in costs related to the litigation.

That total does not include some indirect costs such as time worked sorting confidential from non-confidential e-mails, according to a letter from the city’s representing attorney, Mark F. Vilar.

The cost is about three times the amount of money the city requested Aymond pay for “hard copies” of the non-confidential e-mails.

The case, which is now pending an appeal with the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeal, began when Aymond sent a public records request in October.

Following the request, Pineville officials filed a lawsuit against Aymond, arguing that the request was too costly to produce and a burden to taxpayers. Aymond later countersued.

Part of the disagreement centers on whether the Louisiana public records law allows for the e-mails to be provided in electronic form -- as Aymond has requested -- or in “hard copies” as the city has offered.

With no answer to that question and no quick end in sight to the dispute, the case’s price tag for taxpayers continues to rise.

Some members of the community who are aware of the case said the amount of the taxpayer cost is shocking.

Alfred Forest, owner of Big Al’s Guns in Pineville, said he is unaware of specific details of the legal battle surrounding the e-mails, but he frowned at its cost.

“I don’t understand all there is about it, but I think they are blowing it out of proportion,” Forest said. “They could do a whole lot better with that money. That’s too much of taxpayers’ money on that.”

Joy Forest, Alfred Forest’s wife, agreed. She also said she believes in the public right to request records, but also in Dupree’s right to some privacy.

Lamar Johnston, who works in the city of Pineville, said he is skeptical about the city’s handling of the request.

“You are supposed to be able to get the information. It seems ridiculous to me. I don’t see where it should be such a hassle for them to get him (Aymond) copies of it,” Johnston said.

Attorney Jimmy Faircloth, who is representing Pineville in the case, said people need to understand that if the city would have responded to Armond’s request without the involvement of the court, the cost would be much higher for taxpayers.

“Mr. Aymond put the city in a position when he made that huge request and wouldn’t agreed to anything else than a shrewd request,” Faircloth said.

He added, “By filing the suit, the city wasn’t happy about it. That was the path of the most efficiency. That is the least expensive way to deal with this request.”

Faircloth said the lawsuit is all about saving the money for the city as it attempts to comply with the request within the parameters of the open records law.

“If folks are upset, they need to be upset at Mr. Aymond, not the city,” Faircloth said.

Aymond said the city’s cost is unfortunate and an unnecessary expense for taxpayers.

“I think is a shame that the city of Pineville would waste money to that extent, which is still growing, when they could have done this by simply complying with the law and putting it on a CD or a DVD for approximately a dollar,” which is an estimated cost for a CD or DVD, Aymond said.

Aymond said he is in the process of filing a supervisory writ, pending 9th Judicial District Court Judge F. Rae Swent’s written reasons for judgment.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I suppose it depends on your point of view. I cannot quarrel with the words you quote from me and stand by what I have said.
Take off your rose colored glasses and look for yourself.

Anonymous said...

There is still a very unfortunate story underlying all of this chaos. The wealthy have bought themselves back into City Hall. Time and time again, it seems the common people unite to elect working peoples candidates and the wealthy elite always worm their way back in to control the strings. It happened in the 5th, now its happening in the City. Is it even worth the fight anymore?

Anonymous said...

Will it be malfeason committed by the Mayor or malpractice committed by the City Atty IF the appeal court agrees with Mr Aymond?

Anonymous said...

It is always worth the fight.

I don't see how you think that the working people are being represented now. The turnout in the last elections was pitiful - absolutely pitiful - and that is not a racial issue - blacks and whites are equally complacent.

Utility bills are crazy because the council failed to follow recommendations that were paid for by us to bring our power station up to par several years ago.

Our utilities and streets are in disrepair and there is no money available for those issues because the city council has done such a fine job to this point.

I could go on but have ad nauseum for the last two years.

Citizens must care enough to get involved. Whining about it does not good.

Anonymous said...

I don't know anymore Spanky. A huge part of the Roy mandate was a movement to replace the old blue-blood guard that had ruled Alexandria for over a century. Durng the election, his opposition was made up almost wholly by this shrinking segment of the City. I open the paper today and it appears that we have gone back in time.

Anonymous said...

Your city government is open to every one regardless financial status - but you must assert yourself.

The businessmen, attorneys and other concerned citizens that have banded together are concerned about their interests just as you should be concerned about yours.

Have you stopped to think that if business interests are damaged by our local government that the folks that have money and business interest decide to leave town, jobs go with them.

It is very important for folks to realize that we all need to work together under a government that is just and follows the law because failure to do so invites anarchy.

What do you think protects you from people more powerful and wealthier than yourself.

Anonymous said...

What do you think protects you from people more powenul and wealthier than yourself.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 8:01:00 PM

Answer: Everyone is more powerful and wealthier than me and nobody protects me from their averice and bullyying. Thanks to Roy's pragmatic conversion to a Provosty, we are alone again. And eventually, they will treat Roy with the same disdain that he has treated us.

Anonymous said...

Can the Mayor, in his position as Mayor, file legal action against the Council or must he do it as a private citizen? if he can do 9it as Mayor why wouldn't he file for an injunction everytime the Council overrides a veto? Kinda negates the reason for having overriding authority.

Anonymous said...

"why wouldn't he file for an injunction everytime the Council overrides a veto? Kinda negates the reason for having overriding authority."

Shouldn't you be outside waiting for your school bus?

He vetoed because it was in violation of the charter.

Ask your civics teacher today. Maybe you will get extra points or something.....

Anonymous said...

While your waiting for the short yellow bus think of this: A court of law has not ruled the Ordnance is in violation of anything.

That is what is wrong with this highly intelligent, smart mouthed crowd of geniuses we have locally -they have all the knowledge and answers. The legality of this is unknown territory. An opinion of a drolling short yellow bus rider does not make it so. A final court ruling makes it so.

Don't know why the 9th Judicial is having a hearing on it. Hell all the intelligent ones of Cenla hasve already rendered a verdict.

Now once again I ask can the Mayor, in his capacity as Mayor, file a legal action against the Council? If he can and he utilizes the Office of the City Attorney to file the suit are we to believe the City Attorney's Office has to provide counsel to defend the Council?

Wipe the spit off the side of your mouth sonny boy before you get to school.

Anonymous said...

Sec. 1-2. Rules of construction.
In the construction of this Code, and of all ordinances, the following rules shall be observed, unless such construction would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the council:
City. The words "the city" or "this city" shall be construed as if the words "of Alexandria, Louisiana," followed them.
City council, council, governing body. The words "city council," "council" or "governing body" shall mean the council of the City of Alexandria, Louisiana.

(C) Except for the purpose of inquiries and investigations under section 2-08, the council or its members shall deal with city officers and employees who are subject to the direction and supervision of the mayor solely through the mayor, and neither the council nor its members shall give orders to any such officer or employee, either publicly or privately.
(D) Any citizen, including city employees, may bring suit in a court of proper jurisdiction against the mayor or any councilman for violation of provisions of this section.

Paragraph C implies the Council cannot give the City Attorney directions unless the matter is presented to the Mayor and the Mayor instructs the City Attorney. Hell of an independent legal representative.

Anonymous said...

The consequences of wrongful prior restraint like TROs and Injunctions are pretty harsh. One doesn't ask for an ex parte order prohibiting another's conduct or actions without substantial grounds or one will get their ass handed to them professionally and financially.

See, it can be answered without all of the borish insults and displays of questionable breeding.

Anonymous said...

Nice Person thank your for your civilized reply. The point I am confused on is the following: The Charter provides that any citizen can file legal procedings against "employees" of the City. Roy is a citizen of the City.

Does it allow the different branches of government to file legal action against other branches of the government.

To me it is a simple question. To me it is an unanswered question by the Charter. Now I realize that every member of Alexandria's blue - blood society has decided this case in favor of Roy. I would like to know what the "law" actually says. One should use fact and law in reaching conclusions not the opinions of some 40 people in Alexandria. Had it been known that we were going to decide fact based on citizen committees maybe the Alexandria 5 may have wanted to gather their own concerned citizen group.

However, in their behalf, at least their appointed representative Upton did not see a vision. Now we have the opinions of the Alexandria 5, the Alexandria Mayor and City Attorney, the gaggle of 40 and the Lord speaking in visions.

I think one can see how one can get lost in all the rhetoric and desire simplistic solutions based upon law.

Anonymous said...

Po but happy, you are spot on brother. I've seen some strange bedfellows, but this one kinda makes me nauseated.

Anonymous said...

Are there 40 bluebloods left in ALexandria?

Anonymous said...

No, but there are numerous ones that think, due to lineage to old names and double first names their blood is blue. Blue blood wannabees who just can't stand to give up the government largesse their families have received for so many years.

Anonymous said...

Roseanne has a "largesse". Does it count?

Anonymous said...

There seems to be some misconception that our city government is somehow a cash cow to be milked by anyone that can attain elected office.

If you have evidence that anyone has personally benefitted financially outside the course of properly conducted business, it is your responsibility to to report the abuse.

Everyone in this town would do well to take issues of race out of the curent discussion and decide what is right and wrong.

For those that cannot separate the two issues, then maybe some introspection is in order.

To those who are now labeling others as "bluebloods", does it not strike you that maybe you do not know these people and that they may actually have the good of the community at heart? They may actually be working in your interest but your blind hatred will not allow you to see that.

As a matter of fact, you may want to participate in the group as it is forming to represent all citizens.

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact, you may want to participate in the group as it is forming to represent all citizens.

Name us a few non-blue bloods they have contacted to be in their group. How many members do they have from the Sonia Quarters?

Anonymous said...

Spanky does it strike you that we may know who the blue bloods are. You seem to think you are the only one knowledgeable of Alexandria, where it came from and where it is going.

Where has it been posted about the time and date of the meetings of the citizens group. Where has the public been invited. If you will check you will find throughout the years the same family names have been on committees and the joe and jane six packs have been left to side.

Alexandria has always been run for the benefit of a few first families. If your knowledgeable about our history you can go back and see deal after deal being cut for these families.

Let me give you two examples of ignoring citizen input. The present downtown location of I-49 was placed there against the desires of the majority of the citizens but it sure did buy out old dead property.

How about an election whether we wanted a high rise bridge or what. Overwhelming support for a high rise bridge so, naturally, we get a low rise bridge that has to be opened. Don't get what the majority desired but get to pay for it.

Everything in politics in Alexandria was designed to take care of the silk stocking folks. The original third street white and jewish merchants in order to insure they were not stuck with dead property when the city expanded away from the River. One of these days there will be another MacArthur Drive type loop around Alexandria (I-49 was supposed to be that loop) and MacArthur as has 3rd and Bolton Ave property will be dead.

I didn't come in on a turnip truck yesterday. I have seen the supression and explotation of the blue collar workers by our lumber barons, politicians and the like. I have seen skin and bone cows delivered to nearby state institutions and healthy fat animals removed and run through a local auction house. Population count of cows stayed the same invetory was straight.

Yes I have seen the far side of the river and seen the blue bloods blead joe six pack dry.

Of course I also have seen your postings Spanky where you just want to stir shit up instead of worrying about solving problems.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Spanky knows where the Sonia Quarters are? Where the Oil Mill Quarters are? Spanky you know where Long Harris is and Short Harris. Ever seen the Eat-aBite Cafe.

How many "blue gum, nappy headed" residence you'll got on this committee.

Anonymous said...


A long time ago before the days of the yellow school bus stopping at every corner in the City limits there were two lumber baron brothers. Each brother had a daughter and, as things happen, the daughters were the same age.

The lumber baron brothers were so proud of their daughters that each brother gave their daughter each abrand new pink mustang convertable to drive to school when they became elible for a drivers license.

The blue collar children were walking to school, riding bycles to school or riding the city bus.

The school age residents of the oil mill quarters were walking to and from school. Young black elementary students and high school students enjoyed this excercise for it was a refreshing walk each day through inclement weather - heat, cold, and rain. Yes the little chirrin were happy and singing as they walked from Bolton and Rapides to Peabody on Lower Third in the early hours of the morning and back again in the heat of the afternoon.

Yea spanky I know blue bloods. I know the Chester Street. the Marie Street and Garden District families. As Alexandria expanded westward the blue bloods moved with the City. They satarted off around lee and second (the old YWCA home as a blue blood house) and moved when the commoners got near.

You tell me about this city and how fine a government and elite first family citizens we got.

It does me good to see, as they near the meeting time with their maker, therir donations to civic good. Why didn't the pay their workers a liveable wage. Why did the pay in saw mill script and require them to shop at the saw mill commissary and live in saw mill housing? Giving millions to institutes of higher learning now really helped their workers raise their families.

Anonymous said...

The fact that "Roseanne" as you call her is back on the public till through her hubby by virtue of Roy is simply so "twighlight zonish" and disturbing to me that anything you say Spanky is really irrevlavent.

Anonymous said...

Hey Fable, the bluebloods did not just prey on minorities during their rise to power in the earlier part of this century.

Anonymous said...

Spanky - Speaking of blue bloods and deals - has the City ever gotten out from under all the equipment leasing deals it had going with Mr. Nunnally. Not bad being involved with a copier leasing company and being the City Attorney. Of course no one was aware of those deals and hell it did not even involve Bridgitte, just white folks.

How about Mr. Nunnally's numerous stops for drunk driving and his brother sliding out of drug problems by leaving the area for South Louisiana.

Yea the City Attorney's Office has a fine upstanding record.

Anonymous said...

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:33 am Post subject:


Aymond, like him or not - is within his rights. If Dupree, as a public servant, has communications that are exempt from the sunshine laws, he should have marked those as he went, preparing for a public records request that could come one day - that would cost him less that a few minutes every day.

To paraphrase my mother, Dupree's p*$$poor planning is not Aymond's problem. The city of Pineville should have simply told Dupree that he should have separated his emails all these years, since he didn't, either spend extra time separating or they will all be released regardless. Besides, we all use e-mail every day, how hard is it exactly to go through flagging some and leaving the rest alone?

And then in a move to utterly insult everyones intelligence, they come up with the idiotic statement of 'electronic records could be altered' - after saying that, they have to attend a court ordered computer class. That's sort of like saying you can't check out a DVD at blockbusters, because you might cut out or change something - Faircloth should be honored for making the single most asinine statement of the year.

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Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:19 am Post subject:


Fields has obviously become delusional enough that he believes he can tell us the sky is red and everyone will believe him. He is mistaken as is his arrogant attorney. What is clear is that they are hiding something and that they are willing to spend thousands of our dollars to do so. Does anyone believe that it is right for the City of Pineville to sue someone for exersizing their right to public documents? That is exactly what they have done. Poor judgment by the Mayor of Pineville, stupid advise by the Citys Atty or panic by all to cover up whatever it is that they are hiding. I suggest that this is nothing short of malfeasance to waste tax dollars for this purpose. The sad thing is that after all of this is over the information will still have to be given up and we will all see what they have sought to keep secret. It may be even more interesting when we find out if anything was deleted which will occur when the next lawsuit is filed by a citizen to disclose the contents of the hard drive.
Did the Town Talk imply that the City has also paid Dupree to go through his own emails?

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Joined: 16 Apr 2007
Posts: 107

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:59 am Post subject:


Excuse me but did Faircloth actually say that they filed a law suit to save money? DUH like that ever saved anybody money.

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Joined: 01 Aug 2007
Posts: 5

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:13 am Post subject: EMAILS?????????


What for? Why does Aymonds need or even want the emails?? Is it just to stir the pot?? If so my man needs to go into the woods and do a eval on himself...

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Joined: 11 Apr 2007
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Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:17 am Post subject:


It doesn't matter what for ... that's the beauty of the whole concept. And if Dupree doesn't like it, he will have to find himself a job where he doesn't have to answer to citizens.

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Joined: 02 Jul 2007
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Location: Pineville, LA
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:36 am Post subject:


"Excuse me but did Faircloth actually say that they filed a law suit to save money? DUH like that ever saved anybody money."

I had a problem with that statement too. How does a lawsuit come out cheaper than just copying e-mails to a CD? Sure, if they had to go through and separate and organize all of them so they don't release anything that may be confidential, I understand the time involved in doing that costs money, but it would have had to be done anyway. Actually, it's something the city should have been doing as they received e-mails. Move the confidential ones into a confidential folder, move the others into a public folder. I already do something similar to that myself, and my e-mails aren't public record!

The ONLY way I can think of that filing suit could possibly save the City of Pineville any money is if there's something in those e-mails that might result in a substantial lawsuit against the city.

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Joined: 16 Apr 2007
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Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:43 am Post subject:


Thanks ET that is the exact thing I was thinking.

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Joined: 31 Jul 2007
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Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:55 am Post subject:


Public Officials should concentrate on learning the law and the true meaning of it instead of fighting it. It is just common sense that instead of printing copies on paper, just put the files on a cd for 25 cents and be done with it. The law is meant to keep everything in the "sunshine". If Faircloth would be made to pay the lawsuit cost, then maybe he would not be fighting this so hard. It is easy to spend other people's money. It does not matter why this man want the emails. He has a right to them no matter what he wants to do with them. Its time for government officials to start following the laws of this state.

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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:46 pm Post subject:


The comments of the Pineville city attorneys are just plain ridiculous. The only "confidential" emails that should be in the hands of any official of the city of Pineville are matters relating to private personnel issues. These can be redacted with a simple deletion of personally identifiable information. Everything else should be fit for public consumption. That's the whole point of a FOI request...we elect, pay and charge the folks at city hall to represent us...they are merely extensions of's like requesting our own stuff. That's just basic civics. I read in the paper some time back that Faircloth's excuse for not putting the material in digital form is that it would be too easy to alter them. That's a steaming pile of "you know what." Such matter can be imaged on a CD, and such images can not be altered. The actions of city hall and their hired legal guns virtually scream that they are hiding something. Blaming Mr. Aymond is smoke being blown you know where. Want to know what cost so much, if indeed it did cost as much as they say? Here's what: the efforts being exerted by city officials to "sanitize" the records so that when they have to turn them over -- and they will -- there'll be no
"smoking guns" for anyone to get upset about.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Klacker Aymond for that cut & paste from the TT.

Anonymous said...

You gotta wonder what sort of inconsiderate sociopath would cut, paste, and post 30 inches of bullshit on a site like this. What would be the point - particularly if one happened to have their own web site on which to cut & paste and plagerize to their little hearts content.

Ya think this might be the "under the porch" guy that is so obscessed with peckers???

Anonymous said...

Folks,Don't be fooled. That was not Aymond. That was the Roy PR machine working to change the subject from Roy's desertion of the voters who thought he was a return to grassroots principles.

Prior to the election, I read post after post of you being warned about the Roys. No one wanted to listen. Now look at what a mess we have.

I think the previous poster was dead on when he said this wasn't about race but about genealogy. The "bluebloods" are not giving up power easily, and because "those people" cannot be controlled is this happening now.

Roy has now accepted backing from an exKlaner and now Brewers Crew. What more proof do you need?

And even though you promised not to post anymore, you didn't say that you wouldn't use a 30 in. cut and paste attempting to change the subject, Lamar.

Anonymous said...

Isn't CLAY RAY Fields the honorary president of the state Louisiana Municipal group? What a fine example for the rest of our towns to follow.

Anonymous said...

What is stopping you from creating your own "citizens group" ? Anyone can meet with a group of friends and then attend the council meetings. From what I understand, this group is people who know each other as friends and began discussing the issues and decided to get involved. Start your own group, and meet somewhere. (not here)

Just because someone hasn't invited you to join their group doesn't stop you from making one of your own.

Anonymous said...

Well said. but it would be nice to have diversity and learn to work together for the common good. While that probably won't happen, it is a worthy goal.

By the way, I had a metal fab shop one block from "short" Harris, have had plate lunches from the Eat-a-Bite, wet a line in the Oil Mill Quarters three weeks ago at the new fishing pier, and know the Quarters.
As a kid, I also swam in Sandy Bayou chasing catfish, played behind the levee on Lower Third, roamed Hodges Auction Barn, rode in the Acme Brick pits, on and on.
Shopped with my Papaw at F&F, packaged meat from Rapides Packing.

Not much has changed for a lot of folks.

They still hate because of the color of someone's skin, destroy their neighborhoods, complain because no one will hand them the world on a silver platter, think that they can politically dominate Alexandria and somehow get a check, as well as blaming their shortcomings on other folks because they have been held down. While it may have been true at one time and I do remember those days, It has not been true for quite some time now.

We have had groups of people that came from rice fields from the other side of the earth with nothing but the clothes in a bag, not knowing our language, with no money or place to live. They worked together with the help of charitable folk and have become a vibrant and prosperous part of our community - all the while the same folks that claim to be held back remain the underclass.

The same story unfolds all over America everyday.

At some point in time I would think the folks that think they are being held back would look in the mirror and ask themselves what the problem is.

Being hateful, spiteful, destructive, lazy, uneducated and racist drives away opportunity for you and your family. Insulting people that try to help you turns them away.

I have taken the opportunity to travel all over the United States and overseas to know that I live in a great country - and am the master of my destiny.

You folks should try it sometime.

Anonymous said...

Where is the new fishing pier in the Oil Mill Quarters? Need to check that out.

Anonymous said...

Which Harris was Eat-a-Bite on Spanky?

Anonymous said...

Long Harris & at the end of the walk path off 16th Street by the canal.

Anonymous said...

And the water keeps RISING.....

The comments of the Pineville city attorneys are just plain ridiculous. The only "confidential" emails that should be in the hands of any official of the city of Pineville are matters relating to private personnel issues. These can be redacted with a simple deletion of personally identifiable information. Everything else should be fit for public consumption. That's the whole point of a FOI request...we elect, pay and charge the folks at city hall to represent us...they are merely extensions of's like requesting our own stuff. That's just basic civics. I read in the paper some time back that Faircloth's excuse for not putting the material in digital form is that it would be too easy to alter them. That's a steaming pile of "you know what." Such matter can be imaged on a CD, and such images can not be altered. The actions of city hall and their hired legal guns virtually scream that they are hiding something. Blaming Mr. Aymond is smoke being blown you know where. Want to know what cost so much, if indeed it did cost as much as they say? Here's what: the efforts being exerted by city officials to "sanitize" the records so that when they have to turn them over -- and they will -- there'll be no
"smoking guns" for anyone to get upset about.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:28 pm Post subject:
I have tried to follow this story in the news. Could someone please tell me what do they expect to find in the emails? It must be something really damaging for such persistance. Anyone in the know out there?
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Joined: 05 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:22 pm Post subject:
"I have tried to follow this story in the news. Could someone please tell me what do they expect to find in the emails? It must be something really damaging for such persistance. Anyone in the know out there?"

Doubtful, Aymond just has a vendetta against Mr. Dupree.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:21 pm Post subject:
I doubt that there is "nothing" there and that this is just a vendetta. If there was nothing there then the City of Pineville would have been anxious to show that there was nothing and thus shut up the vindictive Aymond. Aymond has them on the hook for something and their efforts to hide whatever it is makes that very clear. .........this whole denial and stonewalling makes me want to call this whole affair.... PINEVILLEGATE.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:36 pm Post subject:
Has all the makings for a Frank Peretti novel, anyone here read, This Present Darkness?
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Joined: 26 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:53 pm Post subject:
All this really does have the trappings of a novel setting, the L.C struggle, the alcohol debate, the red river, political backbiting and religious fervor. Assorted colorful characters all in the steamy deep south small town. John Grisham, Frank Peretti, where are you on this one. Nevermind, I think I will write it, I could use a couple million extra.

There really is no reasonable spin that Faircloth or Fields can put on this abuse of trust and power. We elect people with some level of trust and respect in them When our elected officials begin thinking that they are something more than our elected servants or believing that they are put into office by God or hold office by some right then they begin believing that they are above the law and that the office belongs to them then they betray that trust and erode the respect of the people. Fields is following the classic example. He comes into office due solely to the missteps of Leo Deslatte and begins believing that he is more than a fortunate man. He goes from serving the public to promoting his own self and own career. I am not the first person to notice how he spends so much time trying to promote himself and how little substance what he says or does realy has. It becomes more about IMAGE and less about serving the Public We see it in our National Government in our State Govt and even in little ole Pineville. This whole mess is an example of just that. We the PEOPLE have rights to watch over our temporary elected servants. We have a right to see what they are up to. We have a right to see what they are doing . The fact that Fields has hired a City atty who either acts on his own or who Fields allows to say stupid things such as "we are saving the people money" by suing a citizen. What arrogance. It says a lot about what Fields believes the intellegence level of the public is. Shame on all of you . For our elected officials to act with such disrespect of the people is either a sign of an inflated self image OR it is desperate acts by our public servant to protect himself from either political or criminal harm. In either event the fact that Fields has spent all of this money to protect his chief of staff is terrible. Whatever they are hiding is going to come out. Whether Aymond gets it or whether I or someone else demands it because the publics right s are much more important than Mr Fields political future. Much more. And this request for public records that Mr Aymond has made is just the start. All this cat and mouse game started by this administration has only brought more attention to what is and is not happening at City Hall and there are people other than Aymond willing to expose it . In the end Mr Fields, the People win.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:05 pm Post subject:
Am I the only one that is thinking that if they are admitting to $17,000, the real cost is probably around $30.000 or more. How high is the water mama, she said it's ten feet high and rising.
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Joined: 03 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:30 pm Post subject:
Maybe it is time to start holding not only the Mayor but the Alderman accountable for this abuse of power.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:44 pm Post subject:
Seems to me that Mr. Aymond know a lot more about the law than Mr. Faircloth and Mr. Faircloth is just trying to shift the spotlght off the real facts.

Gatorman, I can assure you that the Pineville officials know what the law is, they just don't want to follow it for some reason. How do you say coverup.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:45 pm Post subject:
Seems to me that Mr. Aymond know a lot more about the law than Mr. Faircloth and Mr. Faircloth is just trying to shift the spotlght off the real facts.

Gatorman, I can assure you that the Pineville officials know what the law is, they just don't want to follow it for some reason. How do you say coverup.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:26 pm Post subject:
Once again, politicians are picking and choosing (also called censorship) which emails, when the law says ALL.

Why is it so much money? Follow it! How many lawyers are they paying, that are NOT in the PINEVILLE charter?

Once again, the unwashed citizens are being called 'unclean' again, and while we turn around and ask, "Who?", the politicians doing the crime are getting away with it!

Time for all of Pineville to rise up, call for a recall now, today, before more can befall the citizen. Do you, the other readers, get it? The politicians don't care about us, just what they can get for themselves, and what they can sell out from under us!
"No one is to be more feared than an enraged author" -- French proverb
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:45 pm Post subject:
bear, you have hit on something very true here. Obviously those lawyers know the law, so what were they counting on by fighting this. The perception that everyone would view Dupree and the rest of Pineville as the obvious "good guys" in this scenario and Aymond as a villain on a quest for vengeance.

The strategery is failing because they crossed the line when they filed suit. If they had just produced the e-mails no one would even remember this right now.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:49 pm Post subject:
How much of that money went directly to j faircloth??

stupidity that can't be fixed. if there were NOTHING to hide, those emails would have been turned over as requested. why is it that everyone else is held accountable for following rules/laws, yet these city officials are buying time for what??? Perhaps to hide more from the citizens of P-ville?

Change, it doesn everyone good. Remember this when election time rolls around.
Wake up people.

Anonymous said...

To Spanky

I agree with your post and the concept of personal responsibility. But, I must remind you that black folks ultimately did not choose to come to this country. Vietnamese, Mexicans and others have made a conscious decision that America was the place for them and were willing to make every effort to get here. And, when they arrived, they were welcomed with jobs, government assistance, and opportunities to master the language. It offends me when people compare the experience of black folks in this country with the experience of immigrants and aliens in this country. That is like comparing the civil rights battle to the new fight over immigration. To me, it's like comparing apples and oranges. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!!!

Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud

Anonymous said...

I'm not black, and I don't appreciate Lamar cutting and pasting all that crap to try and change the topic of the Brewer crew coming to the rescue of Roy, and letting the same group back in, when we thought we voted out in the last election.

Anonymous said...

Dear Proud, I strongly disagree with your historical perspective and find it difficult to understand why you are proud. You spend your time and our resource, s justifying the fact that you (as a race and cultural group) are unable or willing to compete with anyone else academically, intellectually, or socially. You are the ones telling your race that they can't be expected to take tests and be measured against accepted standards because you are black. You demand equal rights but refuse equal responsibility. No other group in history has had the same level of support and forced legal advantage. None of the children that we provide 3 meals per day for or provide free medical services and social services and legal services were brought here in the belly of a ship. You elected to give birth to them here in America. Now accept responsibility for their upbringing and development and quit telling us to reduce our expectations of them because they are black.

As to being loud, I know. I hear the bass speaker on your car 4 blocks away.

Anonymous said...

To Self respect beats pity:

Your generalizations about an entire race of people and unfounded comments suggesting the most ridiculous form of stereotype about African-Americans proves to me that you, my friend, are the purist form of illogical racist. And, the most frightening part of your personality type is that you probably are someone in this community that I know and see having coffee or lunch and smile so graciously in my black and proud face. You my friend are worse than a Klansman. He hides behind a sheet; you hide behind a handshake, a smile, and probably a well-polished desk. I'm sure I'll see you at Rotary, Kiwanis or even the Chamber.

Say it LOUD, I'm Black and I'm Proud

Anonymous said...

If generalizations and stereotypes accurately apply, then they are fair and provide significant information. You embrace stereotypes and generalizations in attempts to explain away poor testing results, or high crime rate, or illegitimate births, or family structure, or economic dependency and to claim your bizarre basis for your entitlements and affirmative action and set-aside programs. You opine that my opinion differences make me a social blight. I think that your statements are without historical accuracy, logic, truth or responsibility. I think that your attempts to excuse certain behaviours and deficits are far more harmful to your race than those of us who espouse equal rights and equal responsibility.

I doubt you feel as negatively toward Reverends Sharpton and Jackson. Do they make divisive generalities and stereotype groups? When you recite the Rotary creed does it have meaning or are you there for the meal?

Our nations has many different types and looks and origins of people - and we all matter- all of us.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

What has a big head ,walks like a puppy dog, with sugar in his pants?

Anonymous said...

The walk path goes both ways. The pier is downstream and has a nice, large parking area with picnic benches and pits. Even my son thought it was pretty neat.

To Black and Proud,
I am proud of my fierce warrior Choctaw ancestry and it was not my choice that you folks aided the white devils to take my peoples land. But I am over it and live for today. I suggest that you do the same in honor of your ancestors or buy a ticket to wherever else you want to live in this world and be a pain is someone else's ass.

Anonymous said...

Dayum Spanky your father didn't have a welding shop did he?

Anonymous said...

AMEN Spanky -

Every single time I hear someone bring up the mistreatment of any race for that matter which was brought over hundreds of years ago to this country against their will and enslaved I want to remind them there were other people here first. They had everything taken from them. Yes, we're going to hear that now they have casinos. Well guess what - not all tribes do. Most American Natives live in poverty. They might as well be living below the border or in Africa, India or another third world country. Their education system is below any urban system in the US. Their unemployment rates are higher than any urban center in the US. Yet, I do not hear them bitching and moaning about repariations.

Having had the benefit to to study actual historical documents thanks to the Amistad Center and courses at Tulane, I feel the need to remind some of those who want to complain about slavery that their own people sold them to the slave traders. The same occurred in Latin America. The more powerful tribes would conquer the lesses tribes and the "sell" them to the European conquerors or traders so that they could in turn remain powerful and not enslaved. YES, it was a tragedy. But if we continue to look backwards, we can never move forwards. Education and understanding is the key to acceptance and the ability to move oneself up in the level of society.

Anonymous said...

See Daphne.
Learned people may differ.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not black, and I don't appreciate Lamar cutting and pasting all that crap to try and change the topic of the Brewer crew coming to the rescue of Roy, and letting the same group back in, when we thought we voted out in the last election."

Lamar's not your cut and paste culprit.

Anonymous said...

looks like BLACK & PROUD is no longer "LOUD". I guess she got the message.

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way when I saw the cut and paste. We were having a great discussion about the Alexandria elite being handed the keys to the City once again and some idiot trys to kill the discussion. It isn't going to work. I thought the last election was about change. One of the primary goals was alleviation of the blue blood stranglhold on the City. They did everything in their power to destroy Roy, they lost, and now they're right back in power with the new leadership. The gang of 40, the elitist attorneys, everybody is right back in place like there was never a huge mandate to toss them out. Then, people wonder why our citizens are jaded about politics? Damn, just damn.

Anonymous said...

Man, you're right, that was a great discussion about made up bullshit and stuff that is not really happening. We need to get back to more of that.

Anonymous said...

Our citizens are jaded about politics because of that four letter word - work --, which is what it takes to get involved and talk to your neighbors to find common ground. It is also very inconvenient to lift your finger to push the little keypad to do another little four letter word - vote --. It is all just too hard. It is much easier to grab a beer and the remote and bitch.

Anonymous said...

We have a representative to stand up for us now, after our fund raiser for Maxwell this week.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your purchase.

Anonymous said...

Spanky there were a lot of people that worked this past election and worked for change. What do we have now? The very people we heard so much talk against from our Mayor happen to be the firm which he ran to, in fact, left the council meeting to go directly to, to file suit. What has he proven? One, he was not a candidate of change. Two, he just publicly proved the council's point - there is an imbalance of power between the executive and legislative branch. He proved they need their own attorney. He had a ton of supporters in the room. One of them should have filed as the private citizen and the public take might have been different.

All of this fighting has got to stop. Upton and his group are correct in one aspect - this is not doing the existing or future business community one bit of good.

Anonymous said...

I hear he got a big boost after the dems went after Jindal's religion. Appears that one of his opponents have been pushing that issue, even including it as a poll question. That is now coming back to haunt them. Folks are associating that as an attack on God, rather than a candidate. Even democrats are running from that decision. Dumb and dumber.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure that is a correct read. The message is that Jindal is different from us. He looks different, he has a funny name and talks funny and is dark skinned and looks down on protestant religions. I think that stuff will resonate above I 10 more than they think. It isn't logical or reasonable but it sends an effective subliminal message to the christian right and closet racists among us - and there are many.

Anonymous said...

Maxwell will look out for our interests. We don't want Beard or Roy, they are just interested in helping the old people.

Anonymous said...

Maxwell should help the nursing home owners, that's where the money is.

Anonymous said...

What makes you think Maxwell will so anything for anybody? He never has..

Anonymous said...

Jacques has sealed his brothers fate, and the religion attacka are doing the same for Beard.

People do not like to mix the two, and the dems made a big mistake in trying.

Anonymous said...

His speach to the Nursing home Owners at Tunk's, said Beard was the most qualified to be sheriff. Roy was most qualified to be a judge. He said he himself most qualified to be representative because he was a Vitter paige for a few months.

Anonymous said...

"It isn't logical or reasonable but it sends an effective subliminal message to the christian right and closet racists among us - and there are many."

That is just plain stupid. That's why you saw so many jump to Aymond's defense when the AG basically tossed the case. Roy couldn't run away from that issue fast enough.

That's the old way of thinking that got us 50 years of school desegregation. We finally get rid of that, and you expect that the public will go back to it?? That type of thinking which is why Beard, Roy, and the dem. leadership are losing so badly in this election.

And the evidence for that statement is: Jindal is a lock, Kennedy switched parties, no Rep. statewide office holder is drawing opposition, but all Dem. statewide office holders have multiple candidates.

To believe that racism and religion is the winning ticket is a joke, but don't let me dissuade you. If you think it's the right tactic for Beard or Roy, by all means keep it up. In fact, you should put that on your mail-outs for Beard & Roy.

Anonymous said...

--effective subliminal message--

Hell, I have to agree, if its gonna put in you in office, don't make it subliminal, make it the focus of all your campaign literature.

Anonymous said...

The AG's office did not toss the case. The city council must still arrange for time to be briefed on the open meeting laws as arranged by Chuck Johnson - (the attorney that never works in the council's interest). Failure to follow through will result in a re-opening of the complaint and further action. The ball is in the council's court, so we are awaiting the outcome of their actions.

When you twist the truth, it must be somewhat recognizable to be believable. This is a good forum to practice your skills though. I will continue to give constructive criticism as you hone your craft.

Anonymous said...

Our MONEY is on Maxwell.

Anonymous said...

On the Other Hand - Have you ever heard Bobby Jindal give a speech or even speak at all? Obviously you haven't. The only thing you notice about Bobby Jindal when he talks is that he is far ahead of most of us when it comes to information and details. He is one of the most intelligent and down to earth people you'll ever meet. I have personally heard him give his testimony a number of times and he is so far from looking down on anyone. You obviously have the wrong "take" or you're just trying to "stir the pot".

Anonymous said...

Never trust anyone that changes their name.

Anonymous said...

To many observers and voters, when Jindal speaks the most obvious impression is that he is different from us. That will have a huge effect in Louisiana voting booths. I don't think anyone doubts his intelligence or his talent. The question is "can we trust this strange foreign-looking guy"? I don't know how he can successfully overcome that perception. His name was Piyush. That he changed it to Bobby shows that he recognizes the problem.

Anonymous said...

Additionally, it is curious that "Bobby" gave himself that name when was 5, his "real" name is "Piyush." His brother Nikesh apparently does not go by "Nick."

Anonymous said...

No the question is "can we trust politicians that look like us"? And I remind you that Jindal looked good enough to almost become governor last time he ran.

Anonymous said...

Hell No,

I'm a democrat and our message needs to be: We hate religion, we hate darkies, and we hate gay folk!

C'mon Beard & Roy, yell it loud and proud! I with ya!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No the question is "can we trust politicians that look like us"?

What nationality is Maxwell? Does he have a convenience store?

Anonymous said...

"Never trust anyone that changes their name." - Billy Blythe(right after he won the presidency in 1992)

Anonymous said...

When he speaks he sounds different from us???? Well I would hope so, afterall he is educated, has a grasp of the English language, and has not been hiding out in some God forsaken backwoods place tossing about ethnic slurs and bashing religion. Instead he has been gathering information on what is wrong with not only this country, but our state. Perhaps he should have just come parked his mobile home in Deville and he would not have had to work so hard to learn that lesson - Louisiana is primarily an uneducated state, with most of the white majority (which by the way is dwindling in most cities) is still living out the race riots and civil rights battles of the 60s. The Conferederate Flag is still proudly flown above a mass of chicken coops and dog pins. No wonder our median income remains low, our poverty numbers continue to increase and our educational attainment numbers continue to drop.

GET OVER IT! He's different and that's probably a good thing. Look what the likes of Edwin Edwards have brought this state - empty promises and scandal. Mike Foster was too busy learning how to fly helicopters and getting his law degree on our time to care what happened. Blanco was an emotional and intellectual train wreck post Katrina. We need someone different. If you don't like it move to Mississippi or Alabama. Better yet, I hear there is a whole county in Alabama that does not have a single ethnic person living in it - they are 100% caucasin. Go there.

Anonymous said...

You have sold me, count me in on the "Hinduism band wagon" for Piyush.

Anonymous said...

Lots of people have nicknames.

Do you think "Mike" Foster's name is really Mike?
Is "Ned" Randolph's name really Ned?

Is "Buddy" Roemer's name really Buddy?

Is "Bill" Clintion's name really Bill?

Is "Jeb" Bush's name really Jeb?

So what if "Bobby" Jindal's name isn't really Bobby, what does that have to do with anything???

Anonymous said...

What a conceited dumbass. You can be highly educated, fly a confederate flag and own a dog. Being a liberal, homosexual dope head atheist, doesn't make one educate. And you can live in Deville and still vote for Jindal. Go back and read your Chairman Mao red book.

Anonymous said...

Don't make the Beard & Roy voters angry. They really thought they were onto something. Now that they know religion and race ani't gonna win elections, they are panicked.

Anonymous said...

What you say is very true.

I was there when certain camps talked about stopping religion from having a place in our local elections. That was one of the reasons certain candidates got ino a race. They re indeed upset.

More to come, if I don't get outed.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans are imploding. Senator Craig resigned for homosexual mis-conduct in a public restroom.

Anonymous said...

But if he had drowned a woman by driving his car off the bridge that's OK, right?

Anonymous said...

I told Lance to give Larry my number. I am trying to help the Republicans with Family Values. lol

Anonymous said...

Yeah right. Like you lefty Liberals can help us with Family Values. Bill Clinton.....Ted Kennedy.....John Kennedy.....Barney Frank....Lyndon Johnston.....the married governor (McGreevy) or something like that, who resigned recently because he was gay and having an affair with a male employee while he was also picking men up in rest stops. Need I go on???? We really need your help.

Anonymous said...

When are those pervs gonna realize, that if they get elected as a dem, then they can get caught and nothing will happen to them?

Anonymous said...

whats up with the stupid saggy pants ordinance? we all know the council has not read the charter. i guess they haven't read the constitution either.

Anonymous said...

"One of the primary goals was alleviation of the blue blood stranglhold on the City"

Ya'll cannot believe that Roy is "regular" folks. That would be like CFS having a degree from MIT.

Anonymous said...

We bought another one, and got a Peach of a deal.

Anonymous said...

How do you CFS did not graduate from Mississippi Institute of Technology? After all J'acqeus Roy got his Bachelor's Degree from the Sam Houston Institute of Technology majoring in bovine digestive habits.

Anonymous said...

If CFS had graduated from an institution of higher learning in the Newnited States, he would fluent in the english language.

Jacques is fluent, he just uses much too much of it.

Anonymous said...

fluent or effluent?

Anonymous said...

Lawyer Faircloth is an absolute genius. He managed to cloak a KKK member with legitimacy, celebrity, and stature. There is not a single Madison Ave. firm that come near to that level of accomplishment. Our local paper now chronicals Greg's quest for freedom, liberty, and people's rights, and Greg considers himself an authority on every social, legal, religious, moral, and political issue in the world. The world must be waiting to view his feeling about stem cells.

Anonymous said...

Wrong interpretation. No one sees Aymond in ny better light considering two other non-KKK related citizens have seen the e-mails and found nothing.

All this has doen is lower the journalistic integrity of the Clown Talk (if that even was possible).

I believe my mother said it best "birds of a feather..." Or was that my father? No it was my aunt at Thanksgiving dinner. No, wait she said "pass the gravy." It must have been my grandpappy. He liked to bird hunt.

Anonymous said...

Reread today's Clown Talk It is a jumble of cobbled together crap that has been hanging on a peg waiting for a need for filler. The paper consists of week before and last weeks news, news that has been reported elsewhere and is now of no interest.

Additionally the Clown Talk is championing Blaymond's (blame it on everyone else)cause for their own benefit. The Clowntalk cares nothing about Blaymond or anyone else. They concern themselves with the bottom line and if Blaymond right to utilize the right to public documents is weakened it weakens their access.

However the best thing from the Clowntalk's viewpoint, having no truely qualified reporters or editors they just cut and paste crap from Blaymonds blog and have a front page story that 90% of their readers care nothing about. It did fill a hole in the paper though.

The Cliowntalk would champion the cause of the devil if it enhances the bottom line. Find real, timely news in the fish wrapper.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if anything is there. Aymond and all of us have the right to look, and to look on a disc. This is our right, including Aymond. Go get the law changed if you don't like it. And name one person, besides Pineville workers and lawyers, that has seen ALL of those emails? We are not stupid to belive that Pineville is spending all of that money if nothing is there.
Nest time you try to bullshit people try to do a better job.

Anonymous said...

As an example of the Clowtalk cobbling together stories and taking credit this story was published on August 19, 2007 with a by-line from a member of the National Guard. Notice the "Originally Published date".

"Leesville man retires after 30 years in National Guard
By Spc. Tresa Allemang
199th Brigade Support Battalion
Public Affairs Representative

Sgt. 1st Class Edward Meyer...

Originally published August 19, 2007"

This exact story appeared in today's clown talk minus any attributing to the author and shows:

"Originally published September 3, 2007"

This is your local newspaper. In order to fill space rather then sell you just white paper they steal and reprint a story previously run as current news. One would think think that the Lady Editor of the Town Talk would pay more attention to journalstic principles and attempt to produce an original product.

Seems as though the Clowntalk owes one of America's finest an apology for plagarizem (sic). It is sicking that an alledged professional organization stoops to this level.

Anonymous said...

Typical Cental Louisiana reaction and reasoning, make statements without knowedge of the law. The law allows a person to view public records free of charge. Blaymond wants copies free of charge. When you go fishing buy your own dayum bait don't expect me to buy it. Oh where does the law say he can obtain copies on an electronic medium. Let him go to Baton Rouge and get the law clarified or spend his money geting a court decision.

Blaymond is a buffon and a joke (in my opinion) looking for his 15 minutes of fame and retribution against those that cost him his political gravy train.

I wonder if Blaymonds new found celebrity status makes him a news worth personality who now can be slandered and cannot retailiate?

Anonymous said...

I support Aymond's efforts to grant people reasonable access to public records. My point was the degree of celebrity and popularity Faircloth has generated for the Aymond's cause and his image. Aymond is what Aymond is and there is no changing or diluting that fact but you can change, at least temporarily, the public's perception.

And yes, no question about it, that Aymond has sufficiently inserted himself into the public arena to be considered a public figure under slander and libel law. I am quite sure that Jock Scott and Lewis Marshall are still slapping their thighs over Aymond's entirely bogus demand letter. But this is another example of the Faircloth-created celebrity. If Aymond passes gas, the Town Talk reports it.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it ironic? Mr Duprees ONLY selp advertised qualification was that he had "friends' in the media and he could be the PR guru for Claray Fields. Those same media friends that have given Clayray and the bobbing heads 5 years of fluf public relation stories is now reporting the facts and the take the credit shift the blame administration of clayray is finally being revealed. Sure looks like the hangerson in the adminstration sure don't like it. When it was positive propoganda it was "great reporting" . Pineville could just call them up , issue a press release, notify their friends and POOF a story that was nothing short of political commmercials. Maybe the ole saying about not being able to fool ALL the people ALL the time is really true. Wonder what time it is on the DumpDupree clock at City Hall?

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone...Is this guy an idiot or what?

"It doesn't matter if anything is there. Aymond and all of us have the right to look, and to look on a disc."

No, you ignorant clown, you have the right to look, but you don'y have the right to force a municipality to make copies of the original source coded dogital files. You do have a right to possess analog copies of the documents, audio tape, or video tape...for a state mandated fee.

Get a life dumbass.

Anonymous said...

...and to this idiot:

"is now reporting the facts..."
September 03, 2007 11:03:00 AM

Please oh enlightened us one "fact" that the ClownTalk has reported concerning the Aymond VS Pineville e-mail saga that is true?

Just one true fact that they reported....just one.

Anonymous said...

That Aymond requested the emails and instead of responding within 72 hours that the City of Pineville first delayed responding at all and then attempted to delay any response and then when they responded did so to request that he limit his request. All in violation of the law. Those are all facts. There are many more

Anonymous said...

They reported that Dupree did not segregate his emails when he either sent or received them as is recommended by most governmental bodies that understand that emails are subject to public records request. Of course as an editorial comments I have to wonder if that was the whole point. Make the disclosure of the emails so difficult tha you can make them financially unavailable to the public.

Anonymous said...

Once again I post here because Greg Aymond refuses to allow me to post conflicting views on his site. Greg, don’t you think people tire if your “cut and paste” news blog? Perhaps you don’t post any original thoughts because you have none.

Here’s the content of my attempted post at Aymond’s little site. Hope those here enjoy:
New bed buddies, Aymond and the ClownTalk. Gee Greg, you must be on top of the world now that Gannett’s rookie reporters are spewing the media giant’s self serving line in their regurgitation of your e-mail spin. Those who can reed and have a little technical knowledge know just how empty your arguments are.
First we all know that you do not have any clients who seek Rich Dupree’s e-mails. If so, you would have done what any ethical attorney would do. Go to Pineville City Hall and look at the e-mails yourself. Locate and date the ones that might be damaging to Dupree and request those copies. You might spend what Greg???? $50.00?? And, you get to bill your client by the hour for looking. That makes sense.
No Greg, you’re a liar. You have no client. You have no money and you can’t pay for what you requested.
This is not about access, because the public HAS access to those e-mails FOR FREE!
This is about a cowardly, inept, attorney who slept through meetings, getting revenge because he was rightfully fired. You might be able to fool the un-educated, out there Greg, but those who know you, know the truth about you. Foti will be replaced soon Greg. What do you think the new AG will think of your actions?

Anonymous said...

You're wrong peabrain. Check the public record against the law. Pineville responded in a letter from Pineville's custodian of records, within 3 days as required by law.
In that letter she told Aymond that his request for ALL e-mails could not be granted because ALL e-mails include privilaged info.

Nice try

Anonymous said...

I do not know if anyone else has answered this but I have to ask. WHAT possible emails would someone of Duprees education and responsiblity would even fall under the confidential exceptions? HE is not over personnel and thus any emails to or from him involving the privacy of an employee would seem to be a vioation of law itself. He is not a lawyer and I guess if the atty were sending information to him on a City lawsuit that might fall into the exception but I dont see how he could know anything or have anything to add to a conversation re ongoing litigation. Economic devolpement information is NOT protected by the law. I doubt someone of Duprees level would have much information exchanged in that area anyway except to tell them who did know something and how to reach them. So, what possible exceptions to the Public records law could even apply? All of this lends itself to suspicion that they are just hiding stuff that woud be harmful to either Dupree or Fields. Any communication regarding political matters would appear to be illegal if the facts are similar the case down in Ascension parish where the policy juror had to resign for using public computers tos end out political emails. Emails about personal matters would also seem to be illegal. We pay for the computers for public functions if he has used it for personal use or business then that would seem to be illegal too. So, all of this mystery seems to lend itself to an appearance that something is amis.

If Fields and Dupree are so open and honest why not address this threat to their reputation and either put the emails on their webite or invite KALB, Town talk and anyone else to come to the City hall and look at ALL of them. not just hte ones that they have put together thus far but ALL of them including the 1000 that the atty has kept seperate but not indicated that they are priviledged. ...This only gets worse for the city and for the players at the City. Too late for the plumbers boys.

Anonymous said...

Aymond. If you have already found something why not please share it here. If you have ANYTHING that would explain the types of things you think you will find tell us.

Anonymous said...

To this lame brain: Monday, September 03, 2007 11:40:00 AM

Not reported as fact, mentioned as an editorial comment and I challenge the ClownTalk to show me some sort of manual for government procedure where somebody instructs anybody to "segregate his emails when he either sent or received" and that it's "recommended by most governmental bodies..." The fact is that these policies are written by each individual city. There is no Blanket policy. If the editorial board at the ClownTalk wern't so foggy headed from their afternoon adult beverages, they would know that.

Anonymous said...

Like it or not Dupree is Chief of Staff, second in command in Administration. He has access to ALL personnel files, and is privileged to ALL ongoing litigation the city is involved in.

Anonymous said...

but segregating emails would be a good idea wouldn't it, truth seeker. why are you so opposed to good ideas? have you ever had one? your irrational anger and nastiness tells me that you are not just an ordinary innocent bystander - you are one of the gored oxen. you need to take j. reister to buhlow and work out your anger.

Anonymous said...

Budget meetings on Thursday afternoons to avoid public review. Budgets that could be put on their websight maintained by one of the alderman kept in secret. Committees handpicked by the mayor to "suggest' to the council the passage of another pay raise for the Mayor and the newly elected alderman , $100,000 spend on a bike track built and then abandoned without ever being used, roads taken from the parish and brought into the city for imporvement that just so happen to lead to the Mayors neighborhood, spending public money on bs trips and junkets for the Mayor his cronies and family to Washington, Baton Rouge and to such important events as the racist Black Mayors Conference , switching his political support from reformers to such people as Roy Hebron and Rick Farrar both of who have opposed Fields in the past but who he now evidently belives is best for his politics, A city council that votes 100% in unison with one another. The very same type of prediscussed voted that got the Alexandria Counsil in trouble for violating the open meetings law, rumored plans to overlook his current qualified policmen to specifically hire an african american policeman from Alexandria as the new chief of police , dividing his support from the preachers and the religious right who were the foundation of his original support by backstepping on his campaign promise to oppose alcohol sales and now openly supports it in violation of his promise........supporting for election to the police jury an alderman who is currently facing criminal charges for cruelty to a juvenile ..........and now spending tens of thouands of public money to fight the discloure of emails which might reveal even more about all of the above. And MUCH more that has not yet been revealed....but will.

I think it fair to say that the bloom is off the rose. All of the above are facts. The Spin interns employeed by the COP can write all they want as they have today but the truth is that Fields and his traveling road show, including those writing today are on the collision course with the truth and their declining popularity and the publics increasing awareness. IT is so bad that someone even as low as Aymond can make headway with pulling the curtain back and revealing the truth.

Anonymous said...

It is a shame. It is just like Fred Baden. Starts out as a man of the people and began to believe that God had put him into office and that it belonged to him. He found out he was wrong. Fields is doing the same thing and is about to find out as is the hangers on that think they can ride his coattail.

Anonymous said...

Fox News tore CFS to pieces.

Anonymous said...

To this hilarious asshole:

Monday, September 03, 2007 12:10:00 PM

OK pinhead...prove it...
You're so full of shit your eyes are brown. You claim that this load of crap is fact??? I'm laughing in your dumb ass face....

Bring it on....

Anonymous said...

Actully they are green. But since the small list of facts caused you to have such a profane response 2 things become clear. 1) you are either the person involved, a family member or hired supporter and 2) I hit the nail on the head and that is why you responded so violently. Prove it? Well, many of he the things I listed are already matters of record. The others will be soon.
Which on of the items most disturbed you ? Perhaps I could give you more details. As if you do not already know them. Reality does not get better for you guys buddy. Get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Monday, September 03, 2007 12:09:00 PM

Thanks Greggy for that post.

BTW, why won't you let this guy Reister post his opinion to your site? What are you so afraid of?

The guy has tagged you pretty good Greggy, you haven't laid a glove on him...Why won't you debate him here?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Blaymond for all those Pineville conspiracies. Wonder which one of your fairy tales consitutes an infraction of a law. All your doing is, ala J'acques Royboy the Mayor is, spewing copious amounts of legalese sounding bullshit that contains no fact. As stated if you had a client you would glued to a computer at Pineville City Hall racking up billable hours and expenses. You are merly trying to get your revenge and trying to find something that will bring you a settlement offer.

Why do you concern yourself with what goes on in Pineville? Revenge - strictly revenge. You have great expectations of uncovering something that will bring you great sums of money, an official apology and a recognition of your greatness. Reality is your a broke bufoon without the resources to pursue a case and no clients to represent.

What successful Attorney locates himself in his brother's plumbing shop in the industrial district. You need a life with less hatred and bitterness.

Anonymous said...

Like you ?

Anonymous said...

To: Monday, September 03, 2007 12:43:00 PM

I'll be your Huckleberry...which of your "facts" would you like me to de-bunk first?

Anonymous said...

Lets start at the top. Take them one by one.

Anonymous said...

No response. Not surprised. Happy Labor day.
I see from ad you took out in the Town Talk today that the City of Pineville is closed . Duh. How much of our money did you spend on that waste?

Anonymous said...

Budget meetings on Thursday afternoons to avoid public review
Sorry, doesn’t happen. If it did, the City would be required to post such meetings under the open meetings law. Check the record, no such meetings have occurred. Now, you may be intentionally trying to mislead by not being specific…Individual councilmen do meet with the Mayor to discuss the budgetary needs of each individual district. But except at budget time, there is no schedule to these meetings Greg

Budgets that could be put on their websight maintained by one of the alderman kept in secret
No “secret” here Greg. Stop being so sinister. Pineville’s budget, just like every other city in Louisiana, is available to anyone who wants a copy. Go to city hall and get yours. I don’t have any idea why it’s not posted to the website. Why don’t you go to the next council meeting and make that suggestion

Committees handpicked by the mayor to "suggest' to the council the passage of another pay raise for the Mayor and the newly elected alderman
Really???? Like to see you prove that one Greg. This is just another product of your twisted little mind.

$100,000 spend on a bike track built and then abandoned without ever being used
Hmmmm another lie Greg. Fact is the money spent on the bike track was appropriated during Leo Deslatte’s tenure. Also the track was used for 2 seasons then shut down because the Volunteer Citizens Group that promised to maintain the track…disbanded.

Roads taken from the parish and brought into the city for improvement that just so happen to lead to the Mayors neighborhood
And other roads taken into the city lead to Ace Hardware, Wal-Mart, P&G, Plastipak and others. Are you saying that this “road” that you refuse to name leads exclusively to the Mayor’s house? Try again Greg, your spin is getting weak.

Spending public money on bs trips and junkets for the Mayor his cronies and family to Washington, Baton Rouge and to such important events as the racist Black Mayors Conference
All public office holders travel Greg. When the mayor travels anywhere on public business, the city pays his travel expenses. Everyone else who happens to travel with him, like family, pay their own way. I challenge you…name a “junket” Fields has taken, show me receipts where the city paid for someone it shouldn’t have. You cannot because it didn’t happen. Besides your comment, “racist Black Mayors Conference…” leads me to believe those KKK ties aren’t fully cut Greg.

Switching his political support from reformers to such people as Roy Hebron and Rick Farrar both of who have opposed Fields in the past but who he now evidently believes is best for his politics
Come on Greg….now you’re taking a shot at the man because you don’t like who he chooses for his friends?

A city council that votes 100% in unison with one another
When was the last time you were at a city council meeting Greg? I haven’t missed a council meeting in 16 months. I’ve never seen you….and from your stature, you would be hard to miss. Fact is that the votes taken are not always in lock step with each other. But, the Pineville council do work together as a team, something your council in Alexandria does not do.

The very same type of prediscussed voted that got the Alexandria Counsil in trouble for violating the open meetings law
Name one time this has happened, and prove that it did. You can’t because it does not go on. There are committee meetings before every council meeting. They are open to the public. You should go sometime Greg. They openly discuss what is on the agenda and make recommendations to the council. Nothing is hidden, and like me, you’re welcome to go see for yourself.

Rumored plans to overlook his current qualified policmen to specifically hire an african american policeman from Alexandria as the new chief of police
Gee Greg, another KKK slip? If the candidate scores high, and is qualified…who cares what color he is…unless you’re still a member of a racist organization

Dividing his support from the preachers and the religious right who were the foundation of his original support by backstepping on his campaign promise to oppose alcohol sales and now openly supports it in violation of his promise
This issue is another dead horse Greg. I know that your legal skills are limited, but even you should know that the only way that Pineville will sell alcohol is 1.) If the petition process is followed and it’s voted in, or 2.) The Supreme court says the local option election Pineville already held is vacated. Pick a pastor who has sat with Fields and discussed the whole issue with him, and ask him where his support is. Post that statement here and let us see who he is. Fact is you cannot…because the division you cite, among the vast majority of pastors does not exist.

Supporting for election to the police jury an alderman who is currently facing criminal charges for cruelty to a juvenile
Two things Greg. Innocent until proven guilty, and the juvenile in question was his own daughter who had to be removed from a party where the host was serving liquor to minors. Bishop’s daughter was drunk. Bishop’s ex filed the complaint. The two have been going at for years after a nasty divorce. The host tried to call the mom many times before she was forced to call Bishop. The daughter was out of control. A better question is…Where was mom while her minor daughter was at a party getting drunk at 2:30 in the morning?

And now spending tens of thousands of public money to fight the disclousure of emails which might reveal even more about all of the above. And MUCH more that has not yet been revealed....but will Gee Greg, sour grapes? The fact is that Jimmy Faircloth was right. You don’t have the money to pay for what you requested so you pitching a hissy fit? If you really do have a client, why don’t you just go to city hall, VIEW all the e-mails, rack up a few billable hours, and make a note of the e-mails you want copies of. You’ll make money…and the total copy cost will be what??? $35.00??? The nasty little secret is that you don’t have a client and this is all BS. You know as well as I do that this is not about public access….anyone can see the e-mails for FREE! This is about a disgruntled shyster lawyer throwing a tantrum because he got fired from the public tit. Face it Greg, you deserved to be fired…Butch Lindsay said so and he’s the one who got the process started. The rest of the board just did what Lindsay instructed them to do. But relax Greg, you’re not the only one who has felt Lindsay’s knife in their back. You're just too stipid to realize that Dupree's vote to can you was one of 6. It was Lindsay, who was gunning for you, and Lindsay who eventually got you. He cleaned his trail by getting rid of everyone he could that did you in.

Once again fellow bloggers, I'm sorry for the length of this post. Since Greg censors his site and will not let me post there, and this answer was necessary, I was forced to take up the space.

Anonymous said...

There is a mushroom cloud over Aymond Aymond just got nuked.

Anonymous said...

Blaymond is, in my opinion, a clientless lawyer, not respected by the Courts according to the posted transcript from the last e-mail court hearing, nor intelligent citizens of Cenla and is merly seeking revenge for losing to his access to the public teat. He is a malcontent and a shit stirrer.

He believes his Clowntalk fame and championing Royboy's cause is going to elevate his status. Notice how fast Royboy ran from him. Royboy has enough trouble getting himself accepted into Alexandria social circles much less weighted down with the baggage a racist like Blaymond.

The Ethics Board and AG Office's each have a special file for stuff received from Blaymond. It is round and sits besides their desk.

If it is true that Blaymond's oath of membership acknowledged once a Klucker always a Klucker (and it is apparent from his web site it is so) Royboy now has a Klansman aligned with him attacking the City Council.

Rant on Blaymond.

Anonymous said...

Don't you realize that it doesn't matter what we think or what the facts are, Aymond wins. He is a bad guy that looks good because he has sold his view to the paper. Curse and insult him if it makes you feel better but it won't change the score: Aymond 1; decent society 0.

Anonymous said...

Correction on that score.

Publics rights .. 1

Pineville Hypocrits ....0

Anonymous said...

How can he be a bad guy looking good because he sold his view to the paper? In order for that to happen the Clowntalk would have to have credibility.

My parakeet would not crap on the Clown Talk. Told me if that is the best I could do don't do anything.

Clowtalk employees should actually be embarrassed to admit they work for that yello rag.

Anonymous said...

Nobody on here reads the Town Talk but everybody somehow is able to quote it and reproduce its articles and cite it as an authority when it agrees with you. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

able to communicate with parakeet = bird brain

Anonymous said...

No wonder Aymond is scared to death of Reister. The guy took Aymond apart piece by piece.

Anonymous said...

What I want to see is someone actually shut Aymond up, even on his blog. I don't see where he'sscared on any of you assholes so far.

Anonymous said...

You people are the dangerous ones and probably would love the former USSR.
Citizens are entitled to view public documents. period. It is the law.

Anonymous said...

Spanky said: "....Citizens are entitled to view public documents. period. It is the law."

You're right Spanky, and so far Pineville has allowed any citizen who wants to view those documents to do so for FREE! If they wish to obtain copies of those public documents they may do so, subject to a state mandated fee schedule.

It is the law.

Anonymous said...

Of course you are right dumbass, if they want copies they have to pay for them. Problem is that here nobody wanted paper copies. Judge Swent's opinion on WeSawThat says the records were to be produced in the most economically way possible. Maybe even a numb nuts like you can see that a 25 cent cd is more economical than $3k or more for paper.
Regardless of the opinions all over the internet, it will be judges that decide this, not Pineville's bullshit artists.

Anonymous said...

Take a moment to review this blog and see how many times you have said the exact same things in the exact same way. Is there some purpose in repeating everything about 79 times? Why don't you do something constructive and make fun of Lance.

Anonymous said...

To this poor, fool: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 3:13:00 PM

Before you stick your foot in your mouth, you might try reading what the Judge actually wrote instead of blindly repeating what some other poor fool wrote on here.

The Judges opinion on the question of production begins with the statement: "The court declines to order the production on a CD at this time."

She also says: "In any event, the issue of cost is not before the court at this time and the court will not, without more, [information]order the production one way or the other."

So...what say ye now that the entire blog knows what a fool you are?

waterslide said...

Maybe we should ask Jock Scott's opinion on all of this mess. Shouldn't he be trying to represent someone at this point.

Anonymous said...

What was the gathering at Myron's office late yesterday afternoon? There were lots of cars there. Figured it was either a huddle re: Judge Randow postponing the ruling or perhaps a fundraiser for Kelvin Sanders, candidate for state representative, District 26.

Anonymous said...

This Pineville stuff is BORING! Who cares? Pineville is and always will be a sleepy little town located in the shadow of its big sister, Alexandria. Fact is, very few people would live there if Alexandria wasn't close by to provide health care, restaurants, the arts, shopping and most of the business opportunities. The one thing worth noting about the place is its cooperative city alderman. The Alexandria Council should work with one another and with the mayor like their counterparts in Pineville. Also, the leadership of Alexandria, Pineville and surrounding areas must work together to market the region. It's our only shot. But it makes me lol to hear about the Pineville leadership developing an inflated opinion of themselves. They are big fish in a VERY small sea--excuse me, fish bowl at best.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to give legal advice to anyone that needs my services. I went to law school and studied very hard. I know the law and the law knows me. Please do not be scared to ask me anything.

Anonymous said...

Don't get too cockey there: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 8:17:00 AM

After growing up in Baton Rouge, graduating from LSU and living in Atlanta, Dallas, Memphis, and Miami,
I can assure you, Alexandria is a backwater bump on a pig's hind parts.

Anonymous said...

You gotta love these assholes that declare that they have been everywhere, done everything, are amazingly sophisticated, refined and educated beyond common comprehension, and are back in Alexandria to assume their rightful executive position in their daddy's convenience store. We are so lucky to have you back. May we elect you Grand Poobah of Cenla?

Anonymous said...

No...I won't be here long enough to serve. I'm retiring from the VA in April of 2008. I have had enough of listening to pompous pricks like you complain that the Viagra doesn't work anymore.

Anonymous said...

Ah, federal civil service - a true renaissance man. Please return to our community and share your mastery of the art of getting by with minimum effort and your attempts to achieve invisability. Were you on the maintenance crew at Walter Reed? Sorry your viagra doesn't work any more but you don't need it to screw us taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

People like this guy:

Thursday, September 06, 2007 3:09:00 AM,

Is why people like me leave at the first chance of retirement. I have practiced medicine for 27 years. I enlisted as a Marine Corps Corpsman when I was 19. After 4 years I got out, finished my education and went to work at the VA taking care of the heros. During that time I have met many great men, and treated some true heros who sacrificed their own body for my freedom. For this I will always be grateful.

But every once in a while you meet some REMF like the last poster why spent his time in the service scheming about ways to get more than he was willing to give; that is if he had the guts to serve at all.

27 years is enough. I'm not going to lance the boils on your ass any more, or scrape your feet, or listen to you moan how your country has screwed you over. You didn't do a damn thing to be called a hero, so don't expect a hero's treatment.

Unless you have crawled through the muck and slime of a tropical jungle to put one of your buddy's intestines back in his gut, or watched a buddy's face as his own heart pumped out his life's blood all over the deck of a don't have the right to pass judgement on me or any other corpsman.

And you sure don't have the right to question my service as a physician to the veterans of this country.

Anonymous said...

I went to the town talk beb site and finally saw the "banned" city council meeting..No wonder the council did not want their constituents to see that video! And whats up with Myron? He must be banging BB for him to be sooooo interested in making sure that she gets involved. Comments??

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sorry you developed such contempt for the GIs. I would naturally assume that your medical effort is as mediocre as your healing attitude of resentment for all those poor ex-military bastards that come to you for comfort with their end-stage COPD and you treat them like something you accidentally stepped in.

On behalf of a grateful nation, we thank you. Just be careful. On the outside, patients have rights.

Anonymous said...

Damn, just when I thought the Alexandria City Council might start showing some common sense, KALB TV is reporting today, that after a closed door meeting regarding the CLECO lawsuit, some member of the City Council wants Bridgette Brown re-instated to the City's leagl team. I hope the Council member will explain to all of us why this is such an important issue. What can Bridgette Brown bring to the table?

Anonymous said...

I don't think the VA Bandit is a physician but rather a medical paraprofessional - nurse or other assistant. I don't think any physician would stick around with such a deep-seated disrespect for veterans unless he/she was so monumentally inept that only the VA would tolerate him/her. I hope he/she has adequate retirement because he/she would get his/her ass kicked in the real world where people demand reasonable service and courtesy. Now you know what our poor veterans are up against.

Anonymous said...

Just read the Town Talk story online titled "Did the Alex City Council tell mayor to stay out of CLECO case?" Geez, which is it, was the directive issued or not? The story states, "The Alex City Council apparently issued a directive to Mayor Jacques M. Roy to cease and desist all involvement in the CLECO case, but a local attorney says the council did not take such action." Why does the TT state that the council "apparently" issued the edict when Jock Scott says it did not?

Anonymous said...

Three surprises IMHO among candidates qualifying to run for office in Rapides Parish...
First, Jerry Guillory qualified to run against Joe McPherson in Senate District 29. (Jerry's candidacy will only serve to help Joe raise more $)
Second, Steve Coco, axed Ch. 5 anchor, axed radio personality, now in the BarBQue catering business qualified to run for Police Jury against Jerry Wood and Charlie Stewart, son in law of former Sen. B.G. Dyess. I'll place my bet on Stewart here.
Third surprise, Victor Kirk qualified to run for state house Dist. 26 seat in a field that includes Herbert Dixon, Kelvin Sanders and Mary Wardsworth. This is interesting because Victor Kirk works for Israel Curtis--running his clinic on Willow Glen. Curtis previously declared his support for Kelvin. But I can't imagine Kirk running without the blessing of Curtis. Does this indicate that there a rift between Curtis and the triple headed monster called Kelvin/Bridgett/Myron? Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Thursday, September 06, 2007 6:29:00 PM

Thank you for that report Aymond, you may continue to cut and paste since you're incapabile of original thought.

Anonymous said...

The present intramural litigation in city government will give everyone an opportunity to require public answers under oath from our councilmen. Roy can expose the cancer at city hall or continue to conceal it but now he is responsible for the outcome. Let Lawson take the 5th. Then the Feds get to pay their dreaded visit.

Anonymous said...

There is a frightening silence about the Cabrini park grab. The mayor clearly assured us that a solution was in the works and would be in concrete the week after we foolishly renewed the taxes. It is very frustrating for the ordinary guy. Somebody should keep their word about something. Do we need to ask Jock Scott? Is he in charge now?

Anonymous said...

Oh my yes the Democrats have a lock on family values:

"The executive director of the state Democratic Party took a leave of absence Thursday after he was arrested on a count of third-offense DWI.

John Daniel “Danny” Ford, 31, was arrested Thursday by city police, Parish Prison booking documents said.

Besides being suspected of driving while intoxicated, Ford was cited for driving over the median, failure to signal and reckless operation of a vehicle, booking documents said.

Ford, 143 Cloud Drive, is out of jail on a $20,000 bond, documents show."

Third Offense - isn't that prison time?

Anonymous said...

Not if you are the executive director of the state Democratic Party.

Anonymous said...

If Danny Ford was the local President of MADD then his crime would still be DWI but his sin would be hypocracy. That's what you republican dick-sucking wife-betraying cheating stealing advocates of traditional family values don't understand.

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