Monday, December 18, 2006

Oh my God!, I've been outed !!!

For God's sake people, my ownership of this blog has never been a secret. Those of you who ACTUALLY know me, know that I do not readily have the time to "sit" on this blog. I have a business, a new daughter, home renovations, community involvement, etc ...

If this blog is so unpopular than why have a vast array of similar blogs e-blossomed? They have actually capitalized on the name through their highly intelligent creativity (same name different blog company, or by the spelling of Antics with an "x"). Why? No original thought process ... "Beam me up Scotty" ... I did not know that Alexandria had so many parrots.

Jacques, good luck my friend, it's a hard battle to fight but fight the good fight ... there are individuals within this community who think for themselves, do what they can for the community and now matter how much unfiltered horse manure is spread, are still able to grow healthy and useful "seedlings" not weeds.


Quint Carriere


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Anonymous said...

I'm not Aymond and you're all cowards for not telling me your name cause I'll sue anybody who says I'm short and fat because I'm really an agent for the CIA sent here to investigate public wrongdoings for the most corrupt ethics board in the country who cleared Edwin Edwards on 71 different charges during his years in public office so if you will come by my office where I can video tape you and record our conversations so I can doctor them later, I'll be able to get my old job back as atty for WW#3 so I can continue to pad the bills and make thousands of dollars off the public, and later bring ethics charges against myself because I failed to prove Roy Hebron hooked up an illegal water hose.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to tell us that Dupree doens't have a college degree....

Anonymous said...

...and Dupree dosn't have a college degree....

ya happy now?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How did Charlie Dewitt come out of his surgery?

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen the boy wonder here lately. I guess Lamar decided to stay on his own blog where it's safe.

He can't stand being bombarded with facts.

Anonymous said...

The L person seems to be occupying his time reposting the postings found on the we saw that bigot's site. Now if that isn't a pair - a jew hating racists aligned with a silk-stocking silver spoon in the mouth offspring of a power hungry old family.

Anonymous said...

Some people when they see that crusty cow puddin' in a field just gotta poke it.

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen the boy wonder here lately. I guess Lamar decided to stay on his own blog where it's safe.

Maybe he has other irons in the fire?

Anonymous said...

I noticed that We Saw That is a defender of Lamar and Lamar appears to be a deciple of We. Maybe there is more to Lamar's "WHITE" name than I originally thought. At least Delores Brewer had the class to identify and repudiate We Saw That for what he is, That Lamar fancies himself racial and social aristocracy is not surprising - that he would be extreme enough to embrace and follow an extremist nutbag is a surprise and a dissappointment. One would think that a person with Lamar's family, personal and educational experiences and misfortunes would have a broader view of society. Oh well, Henry Ford and Charles Lindburgh were great American racist motherfuckers. Maybe we will get condos in the W&G building after all. I noticed that Harry Silver is offering all his prayers in Jesus's name. I don't know if he is that big of a whore in front of the council or when you get to be 86 years old you tend to hedge your bets.

Anonymous said...

Well, I noticed that lamar advertises and has links to Greg Aymond's blog and We Saw That but makes no mention of Cenla Antics. I thought is was just an oversight but apparently it is an intentional slight. How "fair and balanced" is that???? Methinks lamar would like the mind and heart shaping franchise for cenla. Too bad I was excited when he burst upon the scene but I mistook his egocentric arrogance for courage. They tend to smell the same at first. I don't think it rubbed of on our mayor. He still seems pretty well anchored in reality.

Anonymous said...

If I recall correctly, we asked Lamar to stay on his own blog. Now, we are wondering where he is? Frankly, who gives a _____!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not wondering where he is, just why he didn't turn out better.

Anonymous said...

Lamar is like 3 day old fish...they stink when you unwrap them.

Anonymous said...

I see Aymond has beat a fast exit also. Take these blowhards and hit them with a few facts and they run for the hills.

Anonymous said...

I see Aymond has beat a fast exit also. Take these blowhards and hit them with a few facts and they run for the hills.

No, I have not left. I have simply realized that many of the posters on this blog lie, care little about true facts, too cowardly to place their real names to the absurd things that they post and jump to conclusions based upon rumor and inuendo. It is a waste of time to post any serious information here. I sometimes will still read it for entertainment purposes though. Thank God that our political leaders do not take this blog seriously, as you will soon see. Many of you dislike me as much as I dislike what you type on here.

Anonymous said...

10) Political leaders can ignore this blog at their own peril. They can no longer do things on the sly, and not expect that it will be brought into the light. They may not take posters seriously, but the information provided here will always be available to anyone interested.

Anonymous said...

Hey still didn't answer the questions concerning Pineville...why do you want to see just Dupree's e-mails if you aren't on some type of vendetta against him?

...and I know the quote is true Aymond. I heard you say it in the hall outside the mayor's office, right by the bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

They may not take posters seriously, but the information provided here will always be available to anyone interested.

And who is interested, and who does anything about it? This blog will not decide issues for politicians and law enforcement, and all on here simply want to bitch about stuff and not report it. If someone reports something fishy on here, the pro side attacks them defending those that they report on, and then get in a pissing match with supporters of the other side.

Anonymous said...

i was looking at cenla antics and noticed that quint doesn't link to lamar's blog, but he does link to cenla gopac.

quint doesn't link to lamar and lamar doesn't link to quint... so what?

Anonymous said...

11) Seems like a read that Alexandria workers were misusing city vehicles. Then lo and behold a news story to that effect. Same for Dewitt and cancer. So someone's been reading and then acting.

If the politicians ignore the blogs, then they'll just have to act surprised when their name appears in a new story.

Anonymous said...

What's the deal on Billy Allen?

Anonymous said...

i too wish someone would tell me about billy allen. FYI Lamar is Jaques new mayoral assistant

Anonymous said...

and I know the quote is true Aymond. I heard you say it in the hall outside the mayor's office, right by the bathrooms.

HaHa, Aymond wasn't likely in Pineville City Hall. lol

Anonymous said...

---> HaHa, Aymond wasn't likely in Pineville City Hall. lol

Wrong buddy, he was there with some other guy and was almost yelling he was so pissed. Not only did I hear it...there were numerous other people who heard it too.

Anonymous said...

Not only did I hear it...there were numerous other people who heard it too.

Name them or at least some. What was the date?

Anonymous said...

Don't remember the exact date, first week of December.

And you stupid shithole, If I ain't gonna post my name here for Aymond to sue, what makes you think I'm gonna provide the fat little fart someone else's name for him to sue?

That's the deal with Aymond...he just wants you name so he can have you served for some BS and cost you a bundle in court.

He looses just about every case anyway, but it still costs to defend yourself.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the other blog guy got a deadhead job with the new administration. If that is true, I need to know nothing else about how the next 4 years are gonna pan out.

Anonymous said...

I am quite sure that is not correct, after all he promised that he didn't have a job in the new administration and he was just involved out of patriotism, citizenship, and altruism. Don't tell me that he lied to us. Can't be.

Anonymous said...

Why do you find it so unusual that Roy offerred the position to Lamar? I posted many, many times that Lamar had his nose stuck so far up Roy's ass it wasn't funny. Lamar was Roy's front man on this blog I stated time and time agin that all Lamar wanted was his chance at the trough and he now has it. Watch all the money that will be spent downtown.

I fail to understand why intelligent people could not figure him out. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, never has had a real job but rather a position in a company formed for him by his momma, he is the grandson of one of the most heavy handed politically involved bitches in the world. And you are amazed he is a mayoral assistant?

He stood back anoymously and slung mud at Brewer continously while appearing to be a goody goddy two shoes.

Most everyone but I pitied the little alledged "handicapped" worm. I don't view the offspring of devious people through rose colored glasses. Trite but true the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree and he has an excellent teacher - Grandma. The blog's response to postings of the truth - kill the messenger. Totaly amazing how moneyed families can still pull the wool over folks.

Lamar exemplifes the old saying same game, different players. Silvers now has his hero in a position to help.

Anonymous said...

I ain't worried about him lying, it is the Mayor's actions in which I would be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

I think Roy's appointment of Lamar has done Roy tremendous harm.

Anonymous said...

We all know what you say is true, but what does it say about Jacques.

Anonymous said...

When we attempt to discredit Lamar let us not forget the merciless trouncing he dealt Scarlett. That, in itself justifies some degree of respect.

I personally am anxious for Spanky, Biff, and Sooth to weigh in on this. Campaign colleague Billy Allen's life has taken an interesting and unfortunate turn I understand.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell was jacque Roy before Lamar and his yuppy friends made him the greatest thing to hit Alexandria since sliced bread? Lamar, his family and friend annointed Roy and Alexandria just followed them like lap dogs. Neither Roy nor White have any experience in running anything but now the two greatest minds to ever hit Alexandria are going to save us.

HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR Delores must be laughing her ass off.

Now the only thing to figure out is which one (Lamar or Roy) is the whore and which one is the pimp. Seems like Roy owes his all to Lamar.

Anonymous said...

You folks are the most paranoid and envious people I have ever encountered. When you are sucessful everything is fine. But don't dare let some other poor sumbitch have any success. You all cry foul then. He has connections, his granny bought Roy for him for Christmas. God Lord...give the guy a chance. Roy and lamar and the whole bunch may be the biggest bunch of duds we have ever seen. Or maybe, just maybe they do have good ideas that will make this hell hole of one horse town a better place to live. I for one am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. What are our alternatives? We can always throw them out of office and give the town over to a raving lunatic physician, a mentally ill post menopausal blue blood, or a bunch of self serving thugs who think that they are somewhow due their turn although they have none of the skills needed to run a city.b So please...put up or shut up!

Anonymous said...

AMEN! AMEN! you sorry sons of bithches don't have the gall or skills to doing anything else but bitch about the changes. Exert your venom to those who have the balls to step up to the plate and sit back and be the monday morning quarter back. Sounds like some of you are those who sit back and wonder what happend while the rest of us are making it happen. GO SAINTS!! EAT A BEAR.

Anonymous said...

Now it all becomes clear. The other blog guy has achieved his goal and his motivations have become apparant. Now the little Hitler will sit at the right hand of the power seat of Alexandria. Does the term megalomania come to mind? Were we warned? I see his little goose steppers are already gloating. I guess we'll be invading Avoyelles Parish next. Well at least we know who holds the strings of the puppet.

Anonymous said...

Paranoid and envious? Hardly. Stupid? Yes. The voters of Alexandria were so starved for good government they believed this charlatain and his pure motives. Funny you Lma backers manage to twist and spin. The entire race the little piece of shit professed how he had no personal gain in mind. He was only acting as a person desiring good government.

It was obvious the little whore was pimping for Roy for personal interest but nobody wanted to believe it. Any negative report about the worm, his drunkard father or bitch grandmother and the grandmother's desire to Lord over everything she touches was met with a cry of foul.

The blue haired bitch tried her best (along with her afro-american suck asses) to destroy the Parish form of Government by pitting her WIB Board against the Police Jury. She destroyed the choir at the church because of her meddling with the hiring of a friend's son as music director and when the pastor fired his dead ass she had the pastor fired.

The family's history of dictatorial interference goes on and on yet no one wanted to here about it. Shouldn't talk about dead people and grandmothers. Poor lamar. Well you wanted him - you got him and Roy isn't a damn bit better. He aligned himself with the inner circle.

Same old blue haired double names just riding a different horse.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:32 - exactly what skills do Lamar and Roy possess that qualify them to run a City?

The fact is the people wanted a change so bad they were willing to let this charlatan and an unknown lead them down the primrose path. Alexandria you got (and will get) what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

You want to see who Lamar and Roy are in league with - copied from the Jew hater "we saw that" web site:

"The Cenla Antics Blog, which allows people to post anonymously and use whatever language they choose and any unsubstantiated lie they care to post, is "hotter than Hell" over the announcement that Mayor Roy has hired Cenla blog operator and property manager, Lamar White, Jr. to work on his staff. Lamar has made an announcement on his blog site at:

Lamar and his family have been the object of attack on Cenla Antics, since the beginning of the recent Alexandria mayoral campaign. Some of the anonymous posters on that blog have even made foul and totally uncivilized attacks upon Lamar's deceased father.

Several observations are made by this appointment, and the early diatribe against it on Antics. First and foremost, apparently Mayor Roy cares very little about the defamatory insults posted on Antics. Antics, which is owned by an officer of the local Republican GOPAC, Inc., and upon which many GOPAC members post upon, appears to have been a pro- Republican Delores Brewer blog. Some of the most vicious and false attacks upon, then, candidate Jacques Roy, were found upon that blog. Also, though many have known of Lamar's appointment for some time, the claiming to be in the know bloggers on Antics had no clue."

Anonymous said...

From Aymond's web site:

"The Cenla Antics Blog, whch allows people to post anonymously and
use whatever language they choose and any unsbubstantiated lie they
care to post, is "hotter than Hell" over the announcement that Mayor
Roy has hired Cenla blog operator and property manager, Lamar White,
Jr. to work on his staff. Lamar has made an announcement on his blog
site at:
Lamar and his family have been the object of attack on Cenla
Antics, since the beginning of the recent Alexandria Mayorial
campaign. Some of the anonymous posters on that blog have even made
foul and totally uncivilized attacks upon Lamar's deceased father.
Several observations are made by this appointment, and the early
diatribe against it on Antics. First and foremost, apparently Mayor
Roy cares very little about the defamatory insults posted on Antics.
Antics, which is owned by an officer of the local Republican GOPAC,
Inc., and upon which many GOPAC members post upon, appears to have
been a pro- Republican Delores Brewer blog. Some of the most
viscious and false attacks upon, then, candidate Jacques Roy, were
found upon that blog. Also, though many have known of Lamar's
appoinment for some time, the claiming to be in the know bloggers on
Antics had no clue.
I am a Republican that voted for Jacques, due to his
intelligence, honesty and ability, especially when compared with the
complete lack thereof by his opponent. While I probably will not
agree with all that Jacques and Lamar do, I am confident that it
cannot even begin to approach the alternative we would have faced
with Brewer on her upper crust crowd. I wish Jacques, with Lamar's
help, much success with the improvement of Alexandria."

So we have at least two sucking up to Lamar and Roy.

Anonymous said...

Aymond must figue he may get legal work by sucking up. If you followed his political postings he turned from being anti-Lamar to pro during the past few months.

Aymond your efforts will be to no avail. Nobody wants you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all, I discount We as a psychopath and you should too. The wisdom of accepting a position in the Roy administration really isn't the issue. And he has the only necessary qualification - Roy wants him. But to expect people not to remember his high-road double-barrelled moralizing, and profession of ideals and ethics, wrapped in repeated statements that he had no interest in personal gain or influence and would not be an official part of this administration, turns out to be a mega-lie. That fact will curtail his effectiveness and limit his value to the administration.

And all of the laudatory comments about his appointments on his blog are from folks that have or seek contracts with the City (Gilchrist, etc.) and they are such Roy sycophants that they would praise an appointment of Bin Ladin if it could get them closer to the trough.

If truth and honesty and transparency are as important as Roy and White say they are, then this is a bad move (or a move done in a bad way).

The demand for honesty, like Roy's new traffic plan, is a a two-way street. (been saving that one)

Anonymous said...

2 things. First, I think it is wrong to equate or associate the rather firm opinions and positions of Greg Aymond with the pathologic muttering of We Saw That. Aymond has won many our grudging respect through his postings and the fact that he has never taken a cheap shot at anyone, despite some the nastiness we have visited on him. We Saw That, on the other hand, is just the troll that we, as children, always feared under the bed or in the closet. His paranoia and fear will destroy him from the inside.

Secondly, I think that Roy and White would both have to admit that White's conduct in joining the administration after he pledged not to, creates a legitimate issue. The question is: do they respect us enough to address it?

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, I have long been a major detractor, attacker, and insulter of yours on this blog. In fact, I named you "Scarlett" because of your naive support of an obviously dishonest and insincere campaign. I hereby humbley apologize. And let me save you the trouble: "YOU TOLD ME SO"

Anonymous said...

It is never too late to admit a mistake and correct it. That is exactly the path Roy should take and as quickly as possible. This appointment will backfire on him and people will remember the deceit involved when he comes back for help in his next race, especially if he wants to move up. If he doesn't dump this snake oil salesman it will be like Edward"s aides Johnson and Vidrine. It doesn't take much poison to ruin a wonderful meal. He will poison not only the city but his personal political career. If he doesn't have the balls to right this wrong, he will have lost the respect of many of his best supporters, not the biggest contributers, but the ones who voted for him and got him elected. 70% can change to 30% in a heartbeat. I, however, believe that his (Roy's) true colors are now apparant and that this was planned from the start with his (Roy's) complicity. He destroyed the fake facade he had built and he is now naked before the voters. Untrustworthy, deceitful, dishonest, and devious. He has the perfect ally in his new appointment. Birds of a feather. Oh, well, where's the vasoline?

Anonymous said...

12) Seems ole Roy has just term-limited himself (to one term).

BTW, we shouldn't fret over the fraud's appointment. It was only a "white lie," after all.

Anonymous said...

Sheer over reaction. Roy is good and White is good. It just occurs that the spokesman for truth and integrity in city government should have waited a respectable period before doing a reverse on his word. Roy won't suffer long or much for this mistake but it is just bad form. I guess it's like Pres. Bush said about having "political capital" from his election. If Roy would devote less effort to being magnificent with his histrionic verbage and more to getting stuff done, I would be happier with my donation and my vote. I suppose that there was always a danger that a person of his passion and youth would believe the stuff said about him during the election Time, maturity, and an ass-kicking city council accompanied by natural adveresity will cure most of that. Look at the up-side - Bridget and Abin are gone . . . . I think!???!!!?

Anonymous said...

verbage = verbiage
Sorry, I suppose I should proof before I publish

Anonymous said...

Lamar never said he wouldn't become a part of the city. I'm sure this isn't the big shot appointment that all of you wish it were.

This is sheer overreaction and grandstanding by a group of people who only voted for Roy because their first choice freaked the entire city out.

Gena, good work on the Brewer campaign. Welcome back to Cenla Antics. I see Quint invited you to join his little club. You're so important.

Anonymous said...

Albin's gone. Bridget's not.

Anonymous said...

A bunch of sore, whining losers whose day in power has ended. They didn't vote for Roy. Don't be fooled. They're phony blueblood Republicans who voted for Brewer and can't stomach a change.

Gena, now that you've been outted too, I wonder if your numerous misleading posts on this blog under the name Scarlett passes the four part test for Rotary? Aren't you a member of Rotary, Gena? Or should I say weren't you a member of Rotary?

Anonymous said...

Well Scarlett, ya gotta admit that dishonesty and insincerity is every bit as ugly as we said it was. We just didn't think that it would apply to US this soon. You deserve a chuckle.

Anonymous said...

Lamar's posturing and pandering were noted by several on this blog months ago and his motivations were questioned as well. I believe his lust for power was exposed then, but his followers stuck by him with a vengeance. I would like to hear from Adolph's little storm troopers now and see if any have seen the light and headed for the border, or will they stick with their savior. Achtung!

Anonymous said...

You will note many Brewer supporters left her in a quiet fury after her duplicity was exposed. I think Roy's supporters will leave even faster. He really shit in his mess kit this time.

Anonymous said...

I predict "Anybody but Roy" signs will dot the landscape during the next election in which he runs.

Anonymous said...

I doubt he will buck the Whites.

Anonymous said...

Look everyone!

It's Scarlett, who is known in the REAL WORLD as Gena Gore!

Gena worked her butt off to help spread the good news about her dear friend Delores Brewer, but when the going went tough, Gena, I mean Scarlett, abandoned ship and left her dear friend out to dry.

No worries, though, because Quint Carriere promptly made Gena a member of his little club, the club that created this blog, Cenla GoPAC.

Now, Gena can continue to do her community service work in an official capacity, as one of Quint's many anonymous henchmen on his blog.

I don't really want to play, Gena. You smell like pesticide.

Anonymous said...

If Roy has any desire to be anything but a one term mayor he needs to dump the little pimp and dump him fast. Lama pimped the populace and Roy was/is his whore. Lamar - according to his own statements - was just a concerned citizen and had nothing to gain. Bull shit.

He fucked you people and him and his ass sucking buddies continuy to fuck you. Going to be an amazing 4 years. Watch how the Whites and friends win. Silver's building is as good as city bought.

Anonymous said...

Aymond's continuing ass sucking support of Lamar and Roy. From Aymond's web site. Give it up Aymond the City is not going to hire you. Aymond havn't you figured it out by now that noone has any use for you and your bullshit?

"Being fed up with the liberalism and lack of backbone of Jimmy
Carter, I switched my party affiliation to the Republican Party. I
was thrilled to listen to Ronald Reagan campaign at the LSU Assembly
Center in 1980. The Democratic Party came, in my opinion, to stand
for anti-religion, a weak military, too soft on crime, too much
government spending, higher taxes, and far too much government
control in our private and business lives. I was extremely happy
with the presidency of Ronald Reagan. The Republican victories in,
all but the most recent, elections, showed that the Democratic Party
was too liberal for the majority of elections.
However, through the reign of the Bush clan, I have seen the
darker side of the Republican Party. My party has gotten away from
the grass roots people oriented issues of Ronald Reagan, and have
returned to the old sterotype of being anti- common man and
seemingly totally out for big business. The promises of support of
religious and moral issues are still being made, however nothing has
changed. The present Republican party seems only interested in
views that will get them votes from the common man, but
rarely "walks that walk".
Perpetuating that appearance is the Republican organization
called Cenla GOPAC, Inc. At least one GOPAC officer, Samuel "Quint"
Carriere, owner of PJ's Coffee and Tea, was outted recently and
admitted to being the owner of the local blog Cenla Antics. Two or
more GOPAC members are known to regularly post on that blog.
In the name of Free Speech, Antics allows people to post
messages, anonymously, and say anything they desire, no matter how
untrue, unsupported by facts, defamatory and cruel, sexual and
outright devoid of all civility and human deceasancy. If Carriere's
position on the freedom of speech is what he claims it to be, one
wwould even be allowed to post child pornography on his blog. Even
the dead are cruelly attacked on his blog. Calls for name, dates
and proof of allegations on that blog go unheaded. Carriere allows
defamatory posts to remain on his blog, even after he he seen proof
that prooves those allegations false. Unethical and unlawful
conduct of public servants is dismissed on Carriere's blog, when
those allegations are raised against one of their cronies. In fact,
vile and viscious attacks are then made against anyone reporting
such, and even their families.
Republicans at all levels should be outraged at our party's
association to the Cenla Antics blog. A free and open blog can still
be operated, to serve a true community service and provide opposing
views and discussion, without reorting to "fighting words" or the
defamtion of the living and dead. Despite the claims on Antics,
such have at no time been legally or historically a form of
protected free speech.
Wake up Republicans, before it is too late, the vulgar joke of
what has become Cenla Antics, has become an embarrasment to our
Party. Our Party can hardly claim the moral high ground, when
associated with the likes of Cenla Antics."

Anonymous said...

That was very articulate.

Have you ever considered a career as a journalist?

Seriously, are any of you GoPAC members interested in working with the city or do you just want to criticize every decision that has been made, regardless of the facts?

If so, I predict a long and treacherous eight years for you, where you suddenly find yourselves not invited to the same meetings you used to frequent and you become the laughing stock of the entire city... which you're quickly becoming.

I suggest you learn how to get along with the fresh faces in city hall. It's going to be hard. You spent nearly $200,000 trying to get Brewer elected, only to be undermined by some kid with a blog and a trial lawyer who uses big words. That's gotta be painful, but if you don't seek counseling to deal with your grief in an adult way, you're only screwing yourselves.

Anonymous said...

As a postscript, I see a trend here. Aymond uncovers institutional corruption, and you do everything you can to defame and discount the guy.

Lamar uncovers the slimy tactics used by Brewer, and now, he's the enemy too.

I guess it just sucks to be the loser.

Anonymous said...

This is just pure projection. You wish you were in power, and now anyone who is in power is somehow power hungry.

Anonymous said...

Gena, do your anonymous postings on this blog fulfill your responsibilities as community outreach director for Quint's little club?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Gena. I was made temporarily insane by your pesticide perfume.

I really don't want to play.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett is obviously quite effective. And pesticide is designed to get rid of the likes of you. Delores lost but you didn't. You still make them blow their bowels.

Anonymous said...

"Scarlett is quite effective."

Don't you mean Gena is quite effective, Gena?

If your pesticide is so effective, how on earth did you lose, Gena?

Anonymous said...

Now we know the tact the little storm troopers are to take. Diversion. Change the subject. Bring back Scarlet or Gena or whomever to divert attention to the reality of the pitiful events of this weekend announcement of deceit. Then attack free speech and the person who provided it to us on this blog. Now we know why Lamar and his lemmings hate free speech so much. It is just like sunshine to an albino. Makes them stand out in a crowd and hurt like hell. Attack Republicans even though the folks who are most vocal are Roy supporters or neutrals. Lamar's deception is of no import, nor surprising; however, Roy's was shocking to many who worked hard for him and his candidacy. I don't know this Qluint guy, but he has had a lot more shit heaped on him than Lamar, and he's done nothing but provided a forum for free speech. Yeah, just like Hitler and his SS, the new Third Reich in town cannot tolerate free speech and will not stop until they stop it. Don't let that happen. Keep blasting them with reason and like all school yard bullies they will fold.

Anonymous said...

the announcement of deceit????


you are truly pathetic.

Anonymous said...

the most vocal are not Roy supporters. the most vocal are cenla gopac members like gena gore who is still upset that her friend didn't get the job. get a life, you loser.

Anonymous said...

So, all those seeking patronage from Brewer are upset that Lamar got a job in the new Administration? That seems perfectly logical and well reasoned! Guys, just because you missed out on what you considered to be your gravy train doesn't mean you have to be upset.

Oh, and to those who are referencing Lamar as being a whore, remember that you and some of the rest of the GoPac crew whored yourselves out for nothing. Time wasted and cash donated got you nowhere but the bottom.

Anonymous said...

they're not just at the bottom. they're the laughing stock of the entire community.

Anonymous said...

My God. Are these little twerps over 12 years of age yet? I don't think so. This sounds like an invasion of the adolescents. Are you guys even old enough to be on this blog?????

Anonymous said...

Obviously, these people don't know what they are talking about. They don't even know who the players are. funny.

Anonymous said...

All of the posts after "One more bully's" just prove every point he made. Although he did omit the adolescent name calling to which the Hitler Youth always resorts. They of course do this when they are exposed and in their little blind panic, can't think so they just go back to third grade tactics. This hurts Roy and it will haunt him in a lot of ways for quite awhile. Lamar will come out just fine as he has a cushion. I am interested if any of his clique are ready to admit he has been exposed as a fraud, liar and inherently dishonest. I'll bet not many will as it takes a certain type to tag along with another parasite.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, Quint, go back to New Orleans and leave the rest of us alone, you loser.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't HURT Roy. It hurts you. Awwwwwwwwwwwww.......... poor baby.

Anonymous said...

You are correct, the citizens are hurt more by the deceit of the politicians. Nonetheless, stupid actions on their part which exposes their real motivations and modus operandi come back to bite them in the ass. Remember, the higher up the flagpole the monkey climbs, the more of his ass he shows.

Anonymous said...

Lamar Lemmings can spin this any way they want but the botom line is Lamar is a whore and a liar. Roy has term limited himself by this appoitment.

Voters do not foget treachery and deceit. Next elecion payback will be hell and I prdict a rocky career as mayor for Roy.

You start an administration dealing with the devil you lose your credibility. We saw that, Aymond Lama and Lama Lemmings. What a crew to running Alexandria.

Wonder if the City Council is laughing. Wonder how hard it will be to work around a racial bigot, a handicapped student of religion, an idiot savant lawyer and a coonass lawyer?

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts:

To the best of knowledge the announcement that Liar Lemar has been appointed as a Mayoral Assistant has only been annonced on Lmar's web sie. Is his appoinment fact and wonder why Roy hasn't announced it.

Normally the politician makes announces an apointment. Seems unlikely that a new appointee of the Governor or President would be the one to announce the appointment. Is Roy so ashamed of this appointment that he doesn't want to announce it or is Lamar now so powerful he has ursurped the privileges Seems Lamar would have been courtous enough to let Roy announce the appointment.

Wonder what part of the City Lamar is going to run? Didn't Roy state he views the Mayor's position as an executive position wih assistants rnning the various functions of the city?

Seems as though Roy has bedded down with dogs just to raise the social position in Alexandria long denied his father. Bet the ubermayor will be Grandmaw White.

Anonymous said...

"Voters do not foget treachery and deceit."

If they don't forget it they must love it. Look at the City Council election. They either forgot their treacher and deceipt or they decided to reward them for it.

This is the honeymoon. There is virtually nothing that Roy can do wrong right now. The glowing picture of Ned smootching up Jacques is still freshly glowing in the public recall.

The net effect will be that Lamar will receive a well-deserved discredit. Hopefully, he will be neutralized and his damage will be limited.

So how many times to you folks have to repeat the same absurd insults at Roy before you become rational? That number is apparently pretty high.

Anonymous said...

to: Sunday, January 21, 2007 9:28:29 AM

please dont try and drag us into your political daisy chain. we have no position in city of alexandria government or any government. furthermore, we've never met jacques roy the person, lawyer, candidate or mayor. we've never communicated with him telephonically, email, fax or by any other means.

if you followed our blog like you claim then you would know that we were perturbed at mayor roy's appointment of kay michiels and charles johnson and we also opposed his keeping secret the quick & associates coughlin-saunders report.

so please get your facts straight before you attempt to use our name to smear someone else.

Anonymous said...

There are not absurd insults being hurled at Roy; au contraire, it is Roy who has hurled the biggest insult in some time at us. The appointment of Lamar. And he does not have the courtesy of hurling it himself, he must get his appointee to hurl it instead. What a pitiful bunch. "When I was a child I spake as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things." When will Roy become a man?

Anonymous said...

We Saw That apparently your biggotry and hatred has clouded your ability to read and comprehend. Re-read your posting relative to this site's reaction to the news about Lamar's appointment. If it isn't slanted pro Lamar and Roy and anti this blog I don't know how to read. Your remarks relative to the attacks on Lamar's deceased drug addictive father, on his family, the freedom of speech enjoyed by even you on this site clearly indicate the desire to curry favor with L&R..

Have you turned against this site because we object to your jew bashing and sheet wearing.

It would seem by your involvement in the happenings of this blog you yourself have drug you into the postings.

May you rest in hell you bigoted son of a bitch

Anonymous said...

"We", you greatly overestimate you influence and importance. The only thing you are used for is to warn our children what they could become if they are not careful. Your postings should carry a warning label from the surgeon general. You are lucky that you can identify with others who are as pathologically embitterd as you. And your right to rant is protected by the constitution that you neither respect or understand. Ironic, huh?

Anonymous said...

I disagree. We Saw That seems to be the only thing that all the participants on this blog and Lamar's blog agree on. It unites us in disgust and, to some degree, pity.

Anonymous said...

I just flicked over the "We saw that" to see if he was the bigot everyone says and saw an article about Sam Eakin and his assault on the Gold firm. We saw That thanked him. A most biased article I might add, giving only one side of the situation. I believe Sam Eakin is the son of Sue Eakin, sister of Joanne White. Could it be a link between the White's and We Saw That? Maybe if he checked out all of the family members of just these two girls he would have enough to keep him writing for years. Just follow Sam and the lives he has hurt through his bankrupt businesses and history of deceit, you might find a consistancy here with the Lyles legacy. These people make the Kennedy's look like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. But of course they are exempt from the truth, just as the Kennedy clan. If you are so gauche as to bring to light their actions, it is you who are meanspirited, regardless of the harm they have heaped upon countless others. I think I will check out We Saw That a little more and maybe more interesting connections will become apparant. Maybe this is why he wants to shut down this site and silence free speech forever. Could be.

Anonymous said...

Are We Saw That and Lamar in cahoots? Whacha bet further investigation leads to very interesting informative revelations.

Anonymous said...

And now to some more interesting news that could potentially come back to bite our royal highness Gov. Blanco on her big fat ass....

Oreck, the famed vacuum cleaner manufacturer was recruited out of New Orleans by then Economic Developmnt agency head Michael Olivier to Mississippi. Yes, this is the same Michael Olivier who now heads up our State Department of Economic Development and who sought out Olivier as an attempt to stop him from stealing our companies.

Well it seems that Oreck is now giving up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. the rising costs of insurance and lack of available workers is driving them out of state. Are they returning home to Louisiana?????? NO - they're headed to Tennessee.

It would seem that a man who could steal away a Louisiana company, would be able to work with this company to keep them in the Gulf Coast area - especially since there are plenty of places along the Mississippi and Louisiana border to put this facility and they could share the workforce that has retreated to the Northshore and onward towards Baton Rouge.

Yes, we have let another company slip away, much like the numerous oil companies have done in fleeing New Orleans, that is except for Shell. We will soon have very little to call our own - perhaps only Tabasco (which is now manufactured off the island as well), Zapp's and whatever the latest Zatarain's and Tony Chachere's blend is being marketed.

Home grown Louisiana companies are fleeing this state while her highness and her handpicked guru are their backs turned or are off on another adventure to Asia, the Middle East, or wherever it seems safer to be than Baton Rouge.

Anonymous said...

Hardly. "We" is the antithesis of the educated cultured liberated empire builder. I am surprised that lamar tolerates such a blatent psycopath on his site. Lamar's problem may be that, in order to remove him, he would have to dislodge We's firmly attached lips from lamar's ass. Lamar do respond to a compliment.

Anonymous said...

Dear Doubt It: please enlighten me as I am unfamiliar with the history of their symbiotic relationship.

Anonymous said...

actually, zatarains was bought out by mccormick & company

Anonymous said...

Actually, symbiosis suggests a mutually benificial existance - I think this is one way. We seeks acceptance and identity with someone he sees as respectable and patrician. I doubt Lamar would urinate on him in real life.

Anonymous said...

Aymond, I do not know why you want Rich Duprees emails but if it is your right under the law then it is your right but one comment on here just kept laughing in my head. WHAT kind of high level communication do you think there might be between Rich Dupree and any business prospect. How do we get water? How do we get a road? How much is a license? Get real, politicians and their hangerson always want to take credit for any kind of development but common sense truth is that Businesses invest millions of dollars because they think they have customers NOT because Rich Dupree has anything to do with it. Seriously what impact good or bad does anyone think that Dupree has as far as economic development issues? None. So I doubt that there are any emails that amount to anything as far as businesses and therfore very little harm that Aymond could do them. Put this stuff into perspective. Who really gives a care. Unless there is corruption or improper activity. And no one expects to find that.

Anonymous said...

What is Kay Michels chief of staff of Alexandria and Dupree Chief of Staff Pinevilles education and backgroud that make either of them qualified for the job? Just wanting to know their qualifications not looking for opinions of them good or bad.

Anonymous said...

The qualifications for those jobs are that they be appointed by the mayor and approved by the council. They have both satisfactorily met those qualifications. The qualifications for the mayoral appointment are that they meet the personal criteria of that appointing mayor. ***

*** I suppose there are INS and child labor standards which the current appointees obviously meet.

**** This inquiry must be from other than Aymond because he likes Kay.

***** The job description of Chief of Staff is whatever the mayor says it is, so qualification is in the eyes of the mayor.

Anonymous said...

Ok, well then what is their back groud experience and education and how do they compare? And No I am not Aymond and do not particularly like the man, the myth or the legend. But I do want to know about these two people who are serving our two cities.

Anonymous said...

It seems strange that someone does not know the supposed family history of Grandmaw White. As legend goes the girls were raised dirt poor in and around Lecompte/Cheneyville. They were so poor they had flour sack drawers (only 1 pair between the two.)

The girls reacted differently to being poor and raised during the depression. Sue raised herself up by her bootstraps through education and the education field. She has constantly tried to give back to society, research and promote the local area and istory. Fine Lady.

Grandmaw on the other hand took being poor hard and was determined that no matter what she had to do she would never ever be poor and powerless again. She was determined to rise from being born in poverty and a social nobody to being a person of wealth and social acceptance. It mattered not what she had to do to acomplish her mission in life. This caused her to become dictotorial, dominant, and basically a power hungry bitch. If you didn't know it you would never know the two are sisters.

Now I cannot attest to the above personally but converse with any born and raised there senior citizen you hear the same story.Grandmaw Joann, supposedly, is the main gossip topic and the Lecompte High School reunions.

I have said time after time after time The White branch of the family - Lamar Jr included, is power hungry and money hungry. Grandmaws personality is such that, supposedly, Lamar Jr. mother cannot stand her.

I do know this - anyone that does not bow down to her dictates feels the pain of her stinger. This is well known by church members, employees at Cenla Works, etc.

I would not be surpised if a former WIB assistant to Grandmaw (The one that is/was the concubine of Malcom X Larvadain) and now works for the Trade School doesn't wind up in City Government.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way Grandmaw panders to the politically important Blacks, as in having a Black Police Juryman's preachers wife hired by WIB as only one example, in order to garner their support. She plays them like a fiddle in order to have the race card to play. She does play hard ball with those that cross her.

It is a good thing Lamar Junior doesn't have the set of balls his grandmother has.

But why worry about all this you were told over and over again about the snakes and the response was "Poor Lamar" and kill the messenger. Lamar will enrich himself at the Alexandria taxpayer's expense.

Doctor's run for Mayor now doesn't look so bad does it? And I don't think we have seen anything yet.

Anonymous said...

BUT , if the Mayor decided GRANDMA WHITE were qualified to be Chief of Staff then well, she would be qualified. Did i understand that right?

Anonymous said...

Well, thats what the previous poster implied.

Anonymous said...

The position we are discussing is actually mayoral assistant and I think that pretty much is tailored to SI think that Roy selected someone with education and law credentials who could probably adapt to whatever his requirements are or become. Lawyers probably can communicate better with other lawyers.

The answer is yes, Granny White could have been appointed. Incidentally, Granny was one of the sweethearts at LSU, a cheerleader and a campus beauty. Granny was a fox.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there another sister who married rich and used her dead husband's money to buy Walnut Grove Plantation? And didn't she have a kid who was in a drug induced stupor his adult life? Rebuilt downtown Cheneyville with ice cream partors etc. Sounds like anyone else we know? All with unearned wealth I might add.

Anonymous said...

Granny was more of wolf in sheep's clothing.

Anonymous said...

Recent events have us believing that young Lamar White has been named to Mayor Jacques Roy’s inner circle. Although this could be another over exaggerated statement on the part of young Lamar, (the lad seems so intent on public recognition for deeds yet done) we believe young Lamar would not risk public ridicule by posting something like this that was not true.
A few things come to mind. Either young Lamar has been hiding his light under a basket, so to speak, and is far more intelligent and experienced than he had demonstrated on this blog, or Mayor Roy is turning out to be a horrible judge of experience and character. A third possibility exists…that is Mayor Roy just feels sorry for the lad, however this too causes us to question Mayor Roy’s thought process and priorities. The COA is in need of a rapid transfusion of talent to set right 4 years of mayoral neglect. To appoint people of such obvious inexperience and limited talent is not in the best interest of the city.

Survey says: This move by Mayor Roy is both a surprise and a disappointment. We shall watch carefully.

The feathers and bones have spoken.

Anonymous said...

Why was We Saw That pandering to Sam Eakin, Sue Lyles Eakin's son, then?

Anonymous said...

doesn't unearned wealth spend just like the other kind?

Anonymous said...

I suspect that the City Attorney appointment will be the one questioned and attacked in historical retrospect. Granny White would have been a more reasonable choice.

Anonymous said...

On numerous occassions pre- and post-election Mr. Roy mentioned an open process for consideration for appointments. What happened to that process? When were openings advertised? Who was on the short list?

Did it even happen??!!??!!??!!

Anonymous said...

The city attorney ad was on the wall at Myron's office where all the other city legal talent comes from. I just can't believe that with all the experienced, skilled, and respected legal talent at his disposal, he hired the only remaining Bridget-Kelvin-Myron office mate. I find that staggering.

Anonymous said...

In answer to your question as to how unearned wealth spends, why not look at how the Cheneyville flash spent it and also how Lamar spends his. Usually unearned wealth is spent unwisely as it means little to the recipient, unlike someone who had to work hard for theirs.

Anonymous said...

You think he can spend unearned wealth without a care, wait until he has a hand in spending the city's.

Anonymous said...

If memory serves, Lamar vacations about 3 weeks out of every month so his damage will be limited by his absence.

Anonymous said...

Still curious about Lamar making his own announcement about his appointment. Is Roy that shamed? Does this indicate who the power family is behind the throne?

I don't think I have ever seen the appointee announce the appointment. Was/is Roy a puppet of the White crowd?

Sure seems awful presumptious on Lama's part. But what do I know?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they were saving the announcement for the lobby of the Bently which will open in October, uh November, uh, December, uh, January, uh soon.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, your hatred of Lamar White has more to do with his family and less to do with his education and skills.

You really are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

"I have said time after time after time The White branch of the family - Lamar Jr included, is power hungry and money hungry. Grandmaws personality is such that, supposedly, Lamar Jr. mother cannot stand her."

Hahaha. You obviously don't know Lamar Junior. His mother is not the only person in the family who can't stand Joanne.

After Daddy died, they kicked Junior's family out of the business. Your musings and theories are interesting, but all of this stuff about Joanne White couldn't be further from the truth.

Anonymous said...

If it is true that Junior can't stand the grandmother either, then I guess all that speculation about the White family pulling Roy's strings are out the window.

Damn! I was enjoying that crazy talk!

Anonymous said...

Why is this blog about someone and their family.?..I mean...who cares?

Anonymous said...

Yea Yea Yea more Lamar Lemming spin. Typical Lamar ass sucker response spin it so the others appear stupid and only the Leader and Lemmings appear intelligent. Lamar is an ass kissing liar who has never had to earn a cent in his life. He has accomplished nothing and will accomplish nothing. He was trained in power brokering at the Grandmaw's knee and no amount of spin is going to make that go away.

Come on Lama tell us how much you dislike your Grandmother White!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i dont know lemar,,,dont know his mother grandmother next door neighbor.....who gives a shit about this kind of stuff? At least if you want to attack them personally then leave your name.Otherwise its equivalent to calling on the phone and hanging up

Anonymous said...

Apparently anon 4:44, by your own admission, you don't know much about anything. Believe a poster asked about Hero Lamar's kin. The family ranges from ownership of bed & breakfasts to having had palatial manors at Kin Caid to political involvement.

Anonymous said...

Ya can't have it both ways. A history of Lamar and his family of a power mad pattern of deceit, cannot be overlooked. He got what he wanted, an appointment that put him in the public eye. Now the public is observing carefully. All of the parts of the puzzle are coming together to tell an interesting story. Try as you may, it will not be stiffled. If any of the facts mentioned today about the Lyles and Lamar are incorrect, refute them now, or you shut up your pathetic attempt to divert attention.

Anonymous said...

And you guys were Where when Rich Dupree went from calling football games for high schools and selling ads for a religious radio station to chief of staff for the city of Pineville. He had no experience in administration whatsoever, no education beyond high school, no recognizable talent whatsoever to offer to the City of Pineville. All he had was political contact, first with Leo Deslatte and then with Fields. Sounds like at least Lamar has some education and some experience and some talent. Why are you so much on Lamars ass and not on the void in any qualifications for a greater position in Pineville? I see no difference except that the position that Lamar is getting is less than the one held by Dupree and Lamar is more qualified. Why no outrage about that? Why because you opposed Roy and this is nothing but sour grapes. Otherwise equity would direct you to show the same disgust for what is going on across the river as far as appointments.

Anonymous said...

Actually we supported Roy, numbnuts.

Anonymous said...

Answer the Question!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We don't live in Pineville and ya'll's fuckups don't affect us as much.

Anonymous said...

And you answer the 100 questions posed today about Herr Lamar.

Anonymous said...

That's a really good point.

These people aren't being fair. They're more concerned with Lamar's family life than his education, talent, and skills, which he clearly demonstrated during the election and which Mayor Roy obviously recognized and appreciated.

This is the way most political leaders determine their team. It's not uncommon for someone who worked on a political campaign to find a job within the administration, particularly someone who shows loyalty and intelligence, two things that seem to be missing among the local Republicans who post on this blog.

Anonymous said...

If Dupree's appointment was an outrage, and you see no difference between it and Lamar's, why are you not outraged?

Anonymous said...

None of you really supported Roy. You're REPUBLICANS who think you're promoting your party and agenda by attempting to defame and publicly humiliate anyone who stands in your way. You're cowards, sore losers, and, in a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black, the most power hungry group of people in town.

Anonymous said...

I believe he said there is a difference: Lamar is educated, qualified, and talented whereas Dupree was a radio announcer with a high school education who is in a position of greater importance, chief of staff. Learn how to read.

Anonymous said...

Loyalty and intelligence, maybe, deceitfulness definitely.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of us are about both. Obviously neither of these individuals are qualified . Same ole political spoils system . People who can not make it successfully in the real world that the rest of us have to live in (Dupree hawking ads ) get elevated by who they know and not what they know or what their qualifications truly are. The same appears to apply to Lamar. I guess the system is what stinks.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..... no intelligent life here Scotty. Beam me up.... please.

Anonymous said...

There is no deceit. He wrote about the candidate he supported, and as someone who was also intimately involved in the Roy campaign, I can guarantee you that unlike your golden girl, Roy did not offer or suggest any job to any person until after he won the election.

Lamar didn't have anything to gain, because Roy never promised anything. He took up for Roy because he thought he was the best man for the job, which is his democratic right.

Anonymous said...

And Lamar's qualifications, which have been requested hundreds of times on this blog, are???? And his talents include, also requested numerous times, what?

Anonymous said...

You agree that your guy Dupree at least had a couple of jobs, selling ads and calling football games. More than Lamar.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

That Lamar was hired is of no real moment to me. My disappointment is in Lamar breaking his promise not to have a position in the Roy administration. But folks don't care. Harry Silver was appointed on the condition that he not run but he ran and won. I didn't like dishonesty in Silver or Brewer or White. But it really doesn't seem to matter.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I don't remember Lamar ever saying he wouldn't be a part of the administration.

I sort of always thought he would become a part of it.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a bunch of anonymous people trying to discredit the two people who use their real names.

Anonymous said...

For all you conspiracy nuts among us, how about this? Oreck of the vaccum cleaner business is married to a Pineville native. Her deceased father was in real estate. The Whites are in real estate. Maybe there is a connection there somewhere?

I am being sarcastic about the above connection. Just because facts are true, and the ones I mentioned above are, doesn't mean putting them together will result in one big truth. However, some posters here seem to believe that to be the case.

Anonymous said...

"You agree that your guy Dupree at least had a couple of jobs, selling ads and calling football games. More than Lamar."

What was Dupree's education again?

Anonymous said...

I think that all of us remember accusations that Lamar would get something out of the Roy election and Lamar always maintained steadfastly that he would have "no official" position in the Roy Admin. You know it. I know it. Everybody who participated in this gangbang knows it, and to deny it is tantamount to Delores's misspeak or figure of speech. Delores didn't get away with it. Jacques will. But this will follow Lamar all the days of his public life.

Anonymous said...

Diversion is the tactic of the Hitler Youth and it works, just as telling a lie often enough makes it appear as the truth. I think no one has refuted any of the comments yet about the Lyles and their progeny.

Anonymous said...

That is a callous lie. Lamar never said he was not interested in being a part of Roy's administration. After all, he was a member of the campaign. It's not that far-fetched.

You, sir, are the real deceiver, as you have been incapable of producing one shred of evidence proving contrariwise.

Your blind jealousy of Lamar has manifested a number of lies and half-truths all aimed at discrediting the guy before he's even had a chance. Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

And you're not getting anywhere with the Lyles stuff because there's nothing there.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Lamar has inherited the confused enemies of his grandmother, even though their only problem with him seems to be that he was born.

Anonymous said...

There is such a common thread in the defense of Lamar now, and on previous post defending his every comment over the last year that it makes one wonder is it Lamar himself. It does seem like maybe two at the most are coming to his defense, maybe just one.

Anonymous said...

There is such a common thread in the attacks on Lamar that I WONDER if it's just one or two people. No, I'm not Lamar, but I guess I'll defend the guy... so I must be a nazi or something.

Anonymous said...

It is also interesting that Lamar and his ilk are always implying that if anonymity is used then the veracity of the individual must be impugned; however, they never attach a moniker to their remarks defending him. Verrrry Intersting!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was all of GoPac and the evil Republicans, which number in the ????teens??? which have been blasting Little Lamar FauntleRoy. Could just one individual know so much about the Whites, Lamar and the Lyles. Hell, he's omnipotent, let's have him or her as an advisor to the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Mayor would be better off having no advisors and just view Cenla Antics for some concrete ideas based on logic and reason, something he will never hear from his latest appointment, if in fact he has made one.

Anonymous said...

Lamar plainly said, on more than one occassion, that he would not hold an "official" position in the Roy administration. I'm not going back thru 5000 postings just to prove. I bet if you ask him he will admit it but say that circumstances changed his mind or he doesn't consider mayoral assistant to be an official position. But he damn well said it and I doubt he would be foolish enough to deny it. Delores Brewer and Richard Nixon tried to hide lies with lies. It eventually breaks down. If they had responded with the truth laced in a sincere apology they would not have suffered for their deceipt.

Anonymous said...

Wait, remind us again, what has Cenla Antics ever produced other than defaming people, insulting their extended families, deceased relatives, and intelligence?

That's right... NOTHING. Not a single idea. Just a bunch of drivel.

Anonymous said...

Lamar never said that. NEVER.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to find one individual that attached his name to a defense of Lamar. I think Aymond did once maybe, and We Saw That, but I can not recall another. What's good for the goose......

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to think of one individual who has ever attached himself to a criticism of Lamar. Not a single one.

You already named two who defend him, but you can't name a single person who has signed a real name to criticism.

Anonymous said...

I know someone who has attached their name to defending Lamar... the mayor of Alexandria, Jacques Roy.

Anonymous said...

"Ah never had sexshull relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky."

OK, Lamar.

Anonymous said...

Looking back on it.... no no no, you're the liar. Lamar never said he wouldn't be a part of the administration.

Anonymous said...

Just ask him: no "official" position. Let's not waste our time with: didn't- did too. I can not imagine anyone not remembering it. He said it more than once.

Anonymous said...

13) For all you "whiteheads" that believe the un-nanmed blogger denied interest in a Roy admin. Read it in his own words.

A blog titled "the Home Stretch. Vote for Roy" from Sunday, Sept. 24th:

"On a personal level, no one has promised me anything, and I do not expect anything."

If Brewer or Sams had uttered these words, the whiteheads would have been throwing expletives at them as fast as they could be typed, but of course no name gets a pass.

Grow up, he's either deceived you into believing in him, or you're too drugged to admit it.

Anonymous said...

"No one has promised me anything, and I do not expect anything"

Beautiful and exactly the way the political process should work.

Lamar wasn't promised a job and didn't expect a job, but he got one because Roy recognized his talent and his skills.

Anonymous said...

We who chose to remain anonymous are not constantly calling for free speech to be denied. It is the Lamar Lemmings and Lamar himself, so if you don't want anonymous post, why are all of you anonymous. Or is there only one of you. We chose to remain anonymous and find nothing wrong with you or anyone else doing so, but it is you who keep harping on wanting our identity known.

Anonymous said...

And what are those talents and skills that Roy recognized that has eluded everyone else in the Universe?

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see Roy defend his pick, but he must to appease the powers that apparantly pull his strings. Will he hold his nose, cross his fingers or just revert to his lawyer upbringing to wax poetic o'er L'l Lord FartLamar?

Anonymous said...

I also worked on Jacques Roy's campaign and transition team. I can guarantee that Jacques never talked about giving anyone a job during the campaign, including Lamar, who told me that he wasn't really looking for a job with Jacques anyway. However, during the transition, Lamar's name was brought up many times by many different people. It's important for politicians to have loyal and intelligent people on their staff. Lamar proved his worth, and that is why Jacques asked him to join his team. I doubt the Brewer supporters and those who have resigned their positions of importance in government will ever want to accept this obvious fact, but it's true. This was all clean and above board.

Anonymous said...

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on us. Shame on us. But maybe we will wise up now.

Anonymous said...

"Lamar proved his worth. How?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, shame on you for not being in the know anymore and for being over-reactive, mean-spirited, and bigoted because our mayor is composing his team.

Anonymous said...

And who are the many who recommended Lamar? I have not heard from them, or if they exist are they ashamed to come forward?

Anonymous said...


He wasn't afraid of you. He wasn't afraid to tell the truth about Brewer's tactics, and he was an unabashed and intelligent supporter who used facts to back up his arguments.

Anonymous said...

There are many of us. They just don't read this silly, hateful blog.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First of all, I was a Roy supporter also and everyone was pointing out Brewer's lies. I originally gave her the moniker Misspeak. Lamar was not the only Delores detractor.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I was a Roy supporter also and everyone was pointing out Brewer's lies. I originally gave her the moniker Misspeak. Lamar was not the only Delores detractor.

Anonymous said...

Yes, bigoted. I believe he was demeaned as just a handicapped student of religion.

That's how you idiots see the world-- cripples, darkies, socialists.... it's all very sad and disturbing.

Anonymous said...

I have read on here 100 times certain people defend the Mayor of Pinevilles selection of a radio ad salesman as his choice for CHIEF OF STAFF of a whole City. Despite the fact that Duprees sole connection with Fields was as a political "consultant' in Fields campaign. The response to those who questioned the selection of such a person SOLELY because of his political connection and not upon any identifyable qualifications. WAS that the MAYOR can choose ANYONE HE WANTS and that HE ALONE decides if someone is qualified and HE alone is the judge of that person. Well, the same should hold true for anyone that Jacques Roy chooses. So , using the logic of the very same people who defended Fields I say that Roy says Lamar is qualified so HE IS QUALIFIED.

Anonymous said...

Well congratulations, do you think you deserve a job too? Is that what this is about? An anonymous blogger who called her Misspeak?

Anonymous said...

That makes me as qualified as Lamar.

Anonymous said...

No... no it doesn't. At all. You're an anonymous blogger. He's a guy with an Ivy League level education who graduated at the top of his class and is unafraid to speak his mind. You're just an anonymous disenchanted Brewer supporter.

Anonymous said...

i guess we're now going to hear that education doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

separate questions:
1. Is he qualified?

2. Did he lie?

Anonymous said...

1. Yes.
2. No. He said he wasn't promised and didn't expect anything. There's no deception here. I know Jacques Roy. He didn't promise anything to anyone.

Anonymous said...

This is not about Jacques' promise. Lamar, to bolster his credibility and in response to accusations about him being in for some benefit, declared that his motives were entirely altruistic and that he would have no official position in the administration. This is not Roy's dishonesty - it's White's.

Anonymous said...

But they were altruistic. Jacques didn't pay Lamar to support him, Lamar didn't expect a job from Jacques, and Jacques didn't promise him a job.

Anonymous said...

Ok Class…enough of the character assassination crap! Please pay attention and see if you can understand and accept this basic principle…Jacque Roy WON the election…and is entitled to appoint his staff based on criteria, that he doesn’t have to share with you! If you don’t like it, “pony-up” and put your name on the ballot in 2010. Whatever the reason that Roy chose Lamar White or why Fields chose Dupree in Pineville, are choices that are THEIRS to make. On every level of elected office, from federal, to state, to your local preacher…each have certain appointees that they have to have trust, confidence and faith in. Your say in the matter comes at the ballot box. In the case of Roy, his win was a landslide. For Fields, no one even made it to the starting gate to oppose his appointees or re-election. Time will tell if those choices were smart, but the personal attacks on this website are as funny as Brewer’s pig commercial…and about as successful!

Anonymous said...

And by the way Lamar never said he wouldn't have an official position in the administration. You're lying.

Anonymous said...

All this verbous bullshit and Aymond's rannting while operating as an anonymous in his ongoing crusade to destroy anything and everything related to Dupree and Roy has been strangely silent on the appointment.

Nothing in the Clown Talk or on Kalb.

Hmmmmm. Is Roy ashamed of the crippled little religious studier grandson of a darkie lover? Did I miss any group?

Anonymous said...

Bigoted: See Above Post

Lamar's just a cripple in your mind, and anyone who cares about the plight of African Americans must love the "darkies," whatever the hell that means, you stupid bigot.

Anonymous said...

It will be in the Town Talk tomorrow. Roy's not ashamed of anything. The blogs just broke the story first.

Anonymous said...

Apparently he is not going to be going to Advanced Religious Studies for his Graduate degree - Read his spin carefully.

"On a personal level, no one has promised me anything, and I do not expect anything. No one has ever told me what to write, for better or worse.

I support Jacques Roy, because I recognized, from the first letter he sent me in early July, that he truly wants good government. And I know what my naysayers will say: That I'm star-eyed and naive, that I'm too close to Jacques to have an objective perspective. Perhaps these are valid criticisms, but it doesn't make them relevant.

Let me make this clear: I simply want what is best for our community. (I've never claimed to have all of the answers, but after reading and writing about Alexandria every single day for five months, I think I have a good handle on the issues). In two years, it's possible I'll be in graduate school. Contrary to the opinions of some, I do not have a vested financial interest in any candidate. My immediate family has not donated a dime to any political candidate. And after a lengthy due diligence period on the downtown Weiss and Goldring building, my family's company has decided to move onto other projects (primarily, improving our existing inventory). As many of you may know, my two objectives are to reopen Bringhurst Golf Course as a non-profit and to create a truly independent press. That's it.

I hope that my opinion will be read for what it is: That of someone motivated and inspired by the opportunity for change, someone who has carefully followed this campaign, someone dismayed by the insider deals, the lies, the consulting contracts, and the lack of transparency, and someone willing to speak out, even if it means catching a lot of anonymous grief."

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we can agree on this:

If Lamar declared that he would have no official position in the Roy administration and he accepts such a position, he is a liar. How can you possibly disagree with that premise.

We can leave it at that conditional philosophical impass. The facts, whatever they are, will surface.

Anonymous said...

Lamar never said he wouldn't be in the Roy administration. He said he wasn't promised and didn't expect anything.

Anonymous said...

No, your wrong Lamar is not just a cripple in my mind. He is a liar, a double speaker, a whore for power and a cripple.

He is so handicapped Mommy had to start him a business but he is smart enough to help run Alexandria.

Actually Lamar is a worthless piece of shit and soon all will see that.

Anonymous said...

This is almost worse than your girl Delores's rape ad.

"Lamar is a cripple and he crippled me during the primary election."


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