Monday, November 13, 2006

Once upon a time ...

And so most stories begin (or it was a cold, dark night ... but I am trying to look ahead here), Jacques has come out of the gates with a good start. The race however is a 4 year stretch. Will he change the face of Alexandria politics? Will it be better or worse?

Perhaps this blog might be used by the citizens of Alexandria to impart our wants and desires to our new adminstration. If you want investigations, ask for them here. If you want something brought to Alexandria ask here.

Why doesn't everyone on this blog say or do something positive on this thread? We can get back to the slaughterhouse next thread.


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Anonymous said...

Forgot to add Exit 49 a Woodworth continue onto Valentine Lake Road and come out out Gardner. Sounds like a ine loop road to me. It would also be easy to go to build a road from Highway 1 to the I49 Woodworth connector.

Anonymous said...

IMHO, the term "obstructionist" should be reserved for Brent Caplan, who whined so long and so loud about the replacement of the south traffic circle that the whole project got posponed for God know's how many years, making any real developemental progress to that area virtually impossible since, while it won't be changed for an undetermined number of years, it will be changed, and nobody wants to end up on the short end of the new design. Brent Caplan deserves a very special place in Alexandria's history for that single incredibly selfish and shortsided move. The fates appear to have punished him with a brand new customerless store on North Mall Drive. He could rent out his parking lot for skating parties - he sure isn't using them to park customer cars. Justice is really not all that sweet because we still have a dangerous and nonfuntional south circle. I doubt that Caplan will be that thrilled to see a spectacular flow of traffic and commerce between Jackson and Hwy 28.

Anonymous said...

I may be young, but my guess is that if you build a house right now in an isolated location near farm land or just empty lots, that 30 or 40 years from now, there will be something built there. You should be glad that your city is growing. traffic may increase down versailles. at least they are putting in more houses and not a walmart in your backyard.

Plus, maybe it will be better for your neighborhood for all the traffic to go down versailles to 28. right now, the traffic is cutting through the neighboorhood, down the residential streets. Many, many cars cut through Belleau Wood, down Lark, to Highpoint to Windermere to get to 28. Not everyone travels from Jackson to macarthur to 28.

Anonymous said...

How do these businesses like Caplan's, Schnack's and Weiss & Goldring's stay in business with almost no people ever seen in their stores. Can they survive on just a handful of affluent clientel? And how do they wield so much influence as to stop rational projects such as the location of I-49 and the south circle project. The impact of the I-49 downtown route has been tremendous and cost the citizens of this community an unbelievable amount in money and quality of life. A few families benefited and thousands were adversely affected. The questions being raised on this blog may hinder the repeat of such lack of vision and backroom plots to use the taxpayers' money for the benefit of a few good ole boys.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are right. The point is that it is proper to at least ask the question, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I thought that was what all this "Smart Growth" was about. Instead of random placement of residential neighborhoods and commercial districts and main transportation arteries I thought they wanted a planned considered pattern of growth and developement to that a person who builds a $600,000 home in Landmark knows that it's value won't be decimated by some random decision of some planner. It's important that people invest in homes and neighborhoods and communities and in order for that to seem like a good idea they need to know that the city's plan of growth and in-fill is. That's why I voted for Roy.

Anonymous said...

Where is it written in stone, that there must be growth? Believe it or not, some people have chosen to live here because of Alexandria being smaller that other cities. Some people place quality of life ahead of economic growth. I am not saying that growth is bad, but you must realize that there are other opinions out here.
I was raised outside the City limits on a farm. We had City power and water, because the City made a deal with CLECO, well over 40 years ago, not to service that area in order for the City to get the revenue. Now, the City limits line is at my family's property. Property that we farmed, hunted and raise horses on, is planned for expropriation for an overflow wastewater pond. Although there is land off of Hudson Blvd., and within the City limits, engineers said that if for housing development.
So yes, while growth is inevitable, I feel that it should have the least possible adverse impact on the people living there. I do not think that the City has given this much thought.

Anonymous said...

Greg we have movement without growth so we are becoming a hollow community with life on the periphery. And without ecomic growth our kids have to move away for opportunity and a promising future and many of us would perfer that our family stay somewhat intact. Also, I think that communities are like sharks - if they quit moving forward they die. Look at Boyce and Cheneyville.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Aymond,

What family land of your is under expropriation proceedings? Why haven;t we seen this on Council agendas?

Anonymous said...

Dear "my only posting, ever ",

I must fervently disagree with your assertions that I attacked a concerned resident merely because he/she asked as question. I am not against questions, I am against uniformed decision making. That resident did not have the facts and had not researched the matter. They were simply asked to withhold judgement until doing such. Reread my posts, I am not the one who retreated to vulgar naem calling, I invited him/her to look at the plans and get the facts. What a horrible idea!!

The squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Those against something always speak out while those for it usually sit idlely by. Democracy is about the majority ruling not the minority.

Finally, I do not have one cent of financila gain at stake in this project. Like several others have stated here, I simply see it a the beginnings of the solution to trafic woes in that area.

Anonymous said...

By the way, to the party so offended by typos and bad spelling, I apologize. I am trying to do this on my daughter's laptop and the touchpad makes sustained typing almost impossible for me. I am slightly familiar what what is on this blog and in the news and I would hope that you could forgive us our trespasses and be grateful that people are interested in our future.

Anonymous said...

By the way, by the way, while I would like forgiveness and understanding for my occassional typo, please know that I am not the blogger affectionately called "asshole" who just posted so poorly that I am convinced that English is not his native tongue.

Anonymous said...

City Engineers have met, over a year ago, with rural landowners, of land in and out of the City along the Chatelain Lake Canal. Previously to that, Tom David contacted the landowners along the nearby Railroad Track, about acquiring, in addition to the land for the pond, an access road across their property extending from Hudson Blvd. over to the Rodriguez estate purchased by the City. I myself, was in those meetings.

Anonymous said...

Greg, don't worry. David will take good care of you. After all, he's Jacques' "Vision" point man.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! Since one cannot fault the logic or fact of my postion, one finds it necessary to attack my grammar and typing skills.

Case closed!

Anonymous said...

The property you're referring to is the site acquired by the City for a future water treatment facility, as I can appreciate we MAY need at some point in the future. However, that property has also been pitched several times for economic development projects - including Union Tank. Now Greg, are you telling me that if UTLX had said this is where we want to be you would have fought any necessary City right-of-ways, roads or infrastructure and annexation for that plant to be built in an area desperate for economic growth?

Alexandria has had plent of obstructionist in its past 40 years. They lost the chance to land an auto plant. They lost plenty of other job opportunities. A resident looking out for the solitude his present neighborhood provides and for the rights of his chilren to ride their bicycles safely down the street is not what I would call an obstructionist.

He and his REALTOR may have been uninformed at the time he purchased his home of any future growth and development plans. This, perhaps, is the one area REALTORS fail their clients everyday in this town. They know their industry. They can provide great service in that aspect, but ask them about growth, ask them about capital projects either city or the parish or even at the state level for our area and they can't tell you. They can't even tell you if the developer has plans to expand the subdivision you might be moving into. Now I am making this statement in general. There are definite exceptions to this rule.

In regards to the question about Woodworth legally forbidding trucks off the I-49 exit to connect westward - I believe Robinson Bridge Rd is Louisiana Hwy 22. Technically they cannot prevent truck traffic, unless the road is not "weighted" for truck traffic. Since they just replaced several bridges with the upgrades to take sewer, water and a larger gas line out to the Interstate, it should be built to proper two-lane highway standards providing for truck traffic. Much like traffic through England AirPark cannot be restricted, despite what certain people believe.

Anonymous said...

Dear Asshole:
There were a number of factual and practical arguments against your position, all of which found you not only wrong, but mean. I am sorry that you didn't take the time to read and understand them.

As to your typing skills, we all make errors but statistically it seems like you could have posted perhaps two correct words in sequence. Its a matter of degree - and the liklihood that you don't have one.

Now - case closed (klozed)

Anonymous said...

Greg, are you telling me that if UTLX had said this is where we want to be you would have fought any necessary City right-of-ways, roads or infrastructure and annexation for that plant to be built in an area desperate for economic growth?

If you would look at the Rodriguez property acquired, for the then propsed treatment plant, it borders on has access on Louisiana Hwy 1. It would not be enclosed simply because of a lack of a second road from Hudsdon.
But your use of ovstruction is exactly the point. I do not feel that wanting to hold onto rural land, outside the City limits, that has been the home site of families for several generations is wrong. If you feel that the City can only grow by displacing and having no concern for the people who live there, you are one of those that Sen. Joe McPherson introduced legislation against. Many in the US are obstructionists, and belive that, in this country, the right of private ownership is greater than economic development of a city. Expropriation powers were intended to be used for public safety, not so some could get richer. Hudson Blvd., for example, has empty land for City uses, but there seems to be a move to save it for developers to make money, and instead displace rural families out of the City. Yes, my friend, myself and many others feel that is wrong and un-American. There is something unequal, under the law, when the government acquires land for a private business and then gives it tax breaks, that are not available to all citizens who go into business. I guess it boils down to, are you willing to do away with the people and way of life that built this area, all so that a few can get richer.

Anonymous said...

Ooops before anyone thinks I am ignorant, I do know how to spell, I just don't know how to type.

Anonymous said...

"There were a number of factual and practical arguments against your position, all of which found you not only wrong, but mean. I am sorry that you didn't take the time to read and understand them."

Such as?

"As to your typing skills, we all make errors but statistically it seems like you could have posted perhaps two correct words in sequence. Its (sic) a matter of degree - and the liklihood (sic) that you don't have one."

Wrong again!!!

Thanks for reinforcing my point: when the facts fail you resort to personal attacks; what a brilliant strategy. I have given you credit for your spelling and gramatical errors in my quotation.

Anonymous said...

This is where you are WRONG Aymond. I worked with McPherson as I have on several occasions in the area of economic development to make certain we can have progress and try at the same time to protect citizen's rights.

Would I have worked to get things in place IF that had been the site UTLX had wanted. Damn straight. Not because I would have benefitted. And it simply isn't a few people benefitting. That's where closed-minded short-sighted people don't see the big picture.

UTLX is by now means comparable to the Versailles Extension. But in the case of the plant development let's consider this Mr. Aymond. The company projected 850 jobs, 800 which would be filled by local hires. That is just to start with. You then have 50 people transferring to our region who will need houses, schools for kids and jobs for spouses, all adding to our economy in regards to property and sales taxes. Since the skills training and wages paid are well above most jobs presently in our area, these 800 persons who are fortunate enough to be hired there will receive jobs with great healthcare and retirement benefits, along with increased pay rates and opportunities for their future. Katrina has attracted most of our skilled workforce southward. We now have young people being trained in areas they never would have been trained in and have the opportunity to be in as one of the first employees, leading to better opportunities for them as well.

So, in this case, I fully believe the 800 citizens from Central Louisiana who will be employed at this plant, the increased amount in sales and property tax as a result of this facility and the attraction of additional industry and the opportunities for those receiving training more than outways the rights of a few property owners who MIGHT have needed to give up a SMALL portion of their property for right-of-ways for utilities or additional access for this facility. Anyone who does not belieive this, is definitely an obstructionist.

I also agree that the persons who own the land currently and might have been asked to give up that portion should be MORE THAN compensated, which is what Sen. McPherson's point was as well. Government should not just take someone's land and give it to another private entity. That I do believe firmly in. Asking for R-O-W and access for new roads and streets is not taking someone's entire property and turning it over to a private entity. These would remain publicly owned, and serving the general public, providing growth and infrastructure for additional development opportunities, including residential, which is what now has to be argued under the Constitutional Amendment. You see, we can no longer argue economic development as a public purpose, unless the courts say something different.

Since UTLX chose another site, all of this is of course, mute, but I am certain this site will be presented to industry again, and I least we know what the road blocks to developing and creating this particular area for more jobs will be.

Anonymous said...

Sir, I don't wish to take sides or form judgments prematurely, but the fact that willingly answer to the name "Asshole" certainly tells us someything rather dark about you.

Anonymous said...

THE LAND FOR THE VERSAILLES / 28 PROJECT WAS DONATED...for the anon who wanted to know. Legit question, I thought.

BTW-Brent Caplan does not have, nor has ever had the stroke to hold up the north circle---no matter how much whining he does.

Anonymous said...

you mean the South Circle?

Dan Tierney Smith said...

My parents purchased a new home at the corner of Lark and Versailles in 1987. Before that, our nextdoor neighbor used to use his backyard as a driving range, firing shots across a yet non-existent Raphael. About a decade ago my parents tried to get a blinking red light installed at that corner because of all the kids from ASH racing home to Charles Park after school. The city put up a four way stop, at least, but after the extension I'd expect a real light to go up at that corner.
As a kid we used to go nuts in the undeveloped area at the end of Versailles, playing in the ditch that separates it from the Tanglewood area. It also broke my heart when they put up that soulless condo complex from Lark all the way to the Latter Day Saints. We played pickup waffleball and soccer since I was in kindergarten in those fields. So things change, but it's true most people living in that area for at least the last decade saw this coming a mile away. Now my dad's thinking of selling my childhood home. Life goes on man.

Anonymous said...

Who are the landowners who stand to make the most off of the fast track Versailles/28W project. And who donated what and for what reason?

Anonymous said...

10 Reasons Why I Am Thankful and Irritated During this Thanksgiving Season

As the 2006 Thanksgiving passes, I thought I would take this opportunity to list out 10 reasons why I am thankful and irritated during this season.

The GOOD list

* I am thankful that I live in a country where I can freely worship a God I want to without being killed or decapitated.
* I am thankful I live in a country where I can still say Merry Christmas in a retail store, and perhaps only offend just a few customers.
* I am thankful that I can choose who to vote for without being coerced, threatened or killed. Of course, I get criticized all the time by libs that I interact with; but that’s a given living in Nancy Pelosi land.
* I am thankful that I live in a country where I CAN vote.
* I am thankful that I can assemble and protest (even though I don’t); I’ll leave that up to the libs; they do a pretty good job at it.
* I am thankful that I don’t live in a country that’s terrorized by suicide bombers daily. Although, I am not totally convinced that my future grandchildren will be able to say the same thing when they grow up.
* I am thankful to live in a country that has given me the opportunity to work hard, get an education (without the Government’s help) and provide for my children the things that I didn’t have when I was growing up.
* I am thankful I live in a country where I can blog about the idiocies of the left and constantly poke fun at their insane actions and idealogy.
* I am thankful that my daughter goes to a school that still recites the pledge of allegiance. If you don’t know it, you can learn it here.
* I am thankful that only 60% of the US population actually vote. Too bad voters weren’t required to pass a litmus test before entering the poll booths.

The BAD List

* I’m irritated that all my neighbors are uninformed liberals.
* I’m irritated that Bush is soft on illegal immigration. I wish he would grow some cojones and start offending the left more often.
* I’m irritated that the ACLU fights for everyone’s civil liberties except for Christians.
* I’m irritated that the ACLU defends scumbags like NAMBLA. Next thing you know, they will make claim that the Megan’s Law website in California (and others like it) are unconstitutional.
* I’m irritated that Sean Hannity is so PRO-REPUBLICAN. I do love Sean and agree with him 99% of the time but in his eyes, all republicans and the decisions they make are the right ones.
* I’m irritated that most extreme liberals hate Jews and can’t even give a valid reason as to why. They support Palestine, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations and believe that Israel is the one that should STOP the violence. The fact is that if all of Israel’s neighbors disarmed themselves, there would be peace in the Middle East. If Israel disarmed, there would be millions of murdered Jews.
* I’m irritated that the mainstream media only focuses on the bad news in Iraq. The fact is that there is allot of good news that most people don’t see, hear or read about.
* I’m irritated that the Niners still suck this year.
* I’m irritated that it’s no longer Merry Christmas, but Happy Holidays. Another attempt by the left to be politically correct and not offend others. Remember, tolerance to all religions except Christianity is what is really going on. Even the liberal cable news station CNN reports that most Americans prefer to say Merry Christmas.
* I’m irritated that Vanished is not airing the last three episodes on television. I’m seriously bummed about this one.

Anonymous said...

Who are the landowners who stand to make the most off of the fast track Versailles/28W project. And who donated what and for what reason?

Donation by definition essentially means "for free." Therefor the landowners do not make anything. Now with a mjor arterial road in place in opens up significant property for further development. Remember N. Mall drive five years ago and look at it now. Expect the same things near the Versailles/28 intersection. All these things are good for the tax base.

And because I know you will ask: No it is not uncommon for the City to sponsor a major artery to spur development. Shreveport has done it several times.

Anonymous said...

"Donation by definition essentially means "for free." Therefor the landowners do not make anything. Now with a mjor arterial road in place in opens up significant property for further development. Remember N. Mall drive five years ago and look at it now. Expect the same things near the Versailles/28 intersection. All these things are good for the tax base.

And because I know you will ask: No it is not uncommon for the City to sponsor a major artery to spur development. Shreveport has done it several times."

No, I think he/she was asking what landowners stand to benefit from extending the road. What landowners own land that will front the Versailles extension?

Anonymous said...

I least we know what the road blocks to developing and creating this particular area for more jobs will be.

You are absolutely right, unless there is a compelling public purpose, utilities, fire, flood and police protection and etc..., I am absolutely on thie side of private property rights. I think it is toally against the principles which this country was founded upon to take land, that has been in families for generations, simply to provide more jobs. Be careful with that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the dew" argument, because it might come back to bite you in the ass. Roads through rural land makes it difficult for livestock, so it, in effect, takes the majority of the property. If you think more jobs is important for Alexandria, put it in Alexandria. I suspect that such isn't done because it is more profitable to sell empty city land for residential and commercial construction. Also, stick you factories on the rural people, rather than having them next to your homes. All I am saying, is that in Jacques' smart growth, thought is given to rural expansion so that it has the least negative impact as possible for the traditional uses of those lands. I also wonder if the Chatelain Canal areas, outside the City, are federal wetlands?

Anonymous said...

The donated property is from the Davis' who are primary owners in the Lakes District. They donated the portion needed for the branch which will break off and connect into the a main thouroughfare ending up near the commercial frontage of their subdivision development. So yes, they have something to gain by donating right-of-way. In turn, they will get more traffic to spur commercial development within their commercial portion of their subdivision.

Anonymous said...

First Aymond, just how many cattle are being raised in the area near the Rodriguez property? I have driven from Hudson out to this site several times, and driven up and down Cotton Gin and Sugar House. I recall only seeing a couple of horses next to a few homes - not ranchers or cattle farmers. We're not talking about going miles out of the City and taking over 500 or even 1,000 acres of land here. In the scenario, it would have been a portion of land to provide additional access and infrastructure right-of-way. Your attorney, surely you're smart enough to figure that much out.

Your argument about where to stick a factory makes absolutely no sense. Most industrial development is going to occur on the outskirts of the City. Why???? Because these type developments require anywhere from 100 to 1,000 acres these days. And guess what???? They want to be good neighbors. They don't want property taken from little old ladies or families. They want willing sellers and neighbors who want the jobs and the industry in the area. They ask for information such as how close are schools and how many residents are within 1 mile of a site when they look. They want buffer zones. They don't want to impede on someone else.

Anonymous said...

I have driven from Hudson out to this site several times, and driven up and down Cotton Gin and Sugar House.

My own brother keeps between 30 and 60 horses. A neighbor has horses and pigs. Few of the animals line up along Hwy. 1 to watch cars pass, and you would not have seen them without trespassing on a four wheeler. Sugarhouse Road does not cross Chatelain Canal, so they could also not be seen that way.
My point is simply that many place private property rights over that of economic development.

Anonymous said...

Many many years ago the government decided to defend Ameria there was a need for an Air Force base in Rapides Parish. Now the government could have gone out to the underdevloped land in apides Parish, taken land only good for growing pine trees and built whatever. No, they had to remove some of the finest agriculural land in the nation from farming to build England Air Force Base.

Now this concrete campus basically sits, survivng off the largesse of the government and basically of no use to anyone. Esler Field was the civilian air terminal, was a military installation and could have been expanded. No not with the forward thinking politico's we have. We need two facilities siting idle costing taxpayers money. At one we spend funds so the La Air Natinal Guard can have their own litle Air Force and the other so the wealthy can play golf

England is a high price golf course hosting a high priced restaurant and hotel with little or no other use that Esler could not provide.

Tell me about the lofty plans, ideas and goals of City Planners. Build your wastewater treatment plant at England and leave private propety owners alone.

Anonymous said...

I hate to bring up the nastiest political spots ever aired in Alexandria, again but...
I thought ya'll would want to know that my son's political science class at LSU in Baton Rouge is going to view the Brewer rape and pig spots and discuss them in class next week. Not exactly the publicity most of us would choose for Alexandria. Apparently, the rape spot is listed as the "most offensive political ad ever" on, a nationally known website. It can be pulled up for all to see at

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe the political science students will learn the valuable lesson that you actually can go too negative for voters to swallow. Also, maybe they'll learn the lesson that a positive, visionary message can and will resonate with voters. This race illustrates those facts perfectly (76% Roy, 24% Brewer).

Anonymous said...

England does not sit idle and of no use to anyone. When it first re-opened as a commercial business park, J B Hunt was providing training and jobs in our community. They have since vacated. Pride International, prior to its owner and managment running the company in the ground provided jobs to almost 200 persons - good paying, skilled jobs I might add. Time Trend before it lost its contract with IBM and the changing dynamics within the hardward world was also providing jobs at England. England, IMHO has not been agressively marketed, nor will it ever been. England is intentionally set up to not compete with the marketplace for tenants.

They have done a wonderful job providing a retirement facility, re-using the schools and hospital facility. Without the learning center, there would be very little opportunity for some of the educational programming we have access to in our region.

The commercial air service we receive at England could never have been accomplished at Esler. Like you, I have a problem with the golf course. I believe it's stupid for both the City and England to have 18 hole courses so close to each other.

As for Esler, the National Guard pumps dollars into our economy every time Esler is expanded. With Jackson Barracks off-line and the growing need for additional command functions outside the hurricane zone, Esler is looking like the possibility for that location. Additionally, when you combine the facilities at Esler with the JRTC at Fort Polk, the staging area at England, the Marshall training facility in Grant Parish, we have the beginning of a new industry - a new opportunity to grow Central Louisiana. This, however, will take time and planning, along with pulling several governmental entities together and getting federal support, along with defense contractors and other contractors to consider our area.

Anonymous said...

England is a miracle story from any angle. Talk about the Phoenix. I think we owe it's success to the leadership and hard work of Jim Meyer. Without Meyer I doubt it would have ever come together.

And of course, since then, it has remained in the capable hands of the England Authority abley led by Bridget and her colleagues.

Give credit where due.

Anonymous said...

For all of those that wish to see Alex remain stagnant, I'm sure there are some Cold War era bunkers and england that need reuse anyway!

Anonymous said...

Spec Attn: "South Circle shaft Saturday, November 25, 2006 9:27:03 AM "

IMHO, the term "obstructionist" HAS BEEN EXCLUSIVELY reserved for Brent Caplan, who almost single-handedly destroyed (@ least for the time-being), replacement of the South Traffic Circle. I do however believe that a "fresh set of eyes", read Mayor-Elect J Roy & Staff having a very real opportunity to, @ some point in the not too distant future, TO somehow re-instate this improvement project. Thereabout bringing real developmental progress to Central Louisiana...
I don't pretent to be utilizing my view from "rose-colored glasses", just my faith & hope that Right will in fact triumph over Wrong as has previously been the case regarding this matter.
The part about this fiasco perpetrated upon the tax-payers & citizens by Brent Caplan is that his whole premise seemed to be pertinent towards his store IN the Alex Mall, the move which was conducted following to the store on North Dr across from Lowe's was extremely disturbing to many & I along with many others will be very content to watch his "new" store dry up & wither @ that intersection!!! This deed shall receive proper punishment in good time.

It'd be great to have the purview of the "Soothsayer", "Biff" &/or "Spanky" to get the read from "feathers n bones & goat entrails", and whatever other mystical insight available out the in "blog land"...
Thanks for allowing me to sound off

Anonymous said...

I think you missed my point. I am not talking about England AirPark today. I am saying the original confiscation of land by the government was stupid. All that prime agricultural land taken out of production when there were so many more sites available. Claiborn, Livingston Beuregard, Esler, etc.

As far as the Guard removing property from production and the tax rolls we have the Ball NCO Academy, Camp Villiere, Jackson Barrakcs, the old Minden Army Ammunition Plant, Esler Field, Camp Livingston and the list goes on.

Seems like the is plenty enough unused government land to put in a watertreatment plant then taking more land out of use. Why doesn't somebody dream up a valid use for the old Navy Reserve training facility, the Army Reserve Training facility. There is enough unused land at England to put in the water tratmentplant. Stop taking more and more private land and use what you have.

Keep in mind land is one thing we are not making anymore of. After that one day of firmament making the land making process shut down.

Anonymous said...

On the day of "firmament" all land was not created equal. Thing about the topography of some of the sites you mention especially Claiborne or Livingston. Rolling hills are not conducive to building mile long airstrips. Did you know Barksdale used to be a cotton field?

As far as using one of the for govt. sites none of them offer what the proposed site off Hwy. 1 does - the Red River. Plus there are safety considerations to putting a water treatment plant smack in the middle of a populated area. Need I remind you that chlorine gas a a very effective chemical weapon during WWI? Finally, just to show that not all of the sites you mention have to cuurent vaule: Did you know that the Water Works District 3 surface water treatmnent plant is the old Camp Livingston plant that was allowed to remain in service? THe building even bears the original name of "Water Purification" circa 1942.

Any other questions???

Anonymous said...

Government confiscation of private property is still theft and should never be an option.

Anonymous said...

Well first of all expropriation is only necessary if the owners refuse to sell through normal means. Even then the govt. must show compelling reasons for the public good to expropriate. Expropriation is not confiscation; through the judicial system a judge sets the fair market value after appraisal etc. and said amount is transferred to the former owners.

For example, when Camp Claiborne was built, the affected land owners where compensated and given time to relocate. Sure its not perfect but the former owners are not left out in the cold either.

Most importantly, the water treatment plant is not on the radar right now. Not quite sure how all this furor started.

Anonymous said...

Never forget! Some believe theft is wrong and don't steal, some believe theft is OK and they act accordingly while there are those who think theft is wrong but if they are joined by others, a gang or a city of folks then the size of the gang justifies theft. I'm afraid there are a large number in the last category. They are the ones who justify eminent domain. They justify the theft as being for the good of a great number but in reality this concept impedes progress as does any anti-freedom concept.

Anonymous said...

I never had any questions to start with so I fail to see where you can anwer unasked questions. I was merly stating my opinion. You are going to sit there at a keyboard with your arogant attitude and convince me that even during WWII large land leveling projects could not be conducted. Dayum when did they build the Panama Canal. Chlorine gas - gee Waterworks 3, seeing as how you mentioned it, had a chlorine incident recently didn't they. Must not be a big deal the waterworks never tried to recoup damages.

Of course after the 1927 high water we didn't levee the entire Mississippi River. Yup back in the olden days they couldn't have gone out to Forest Hill or Ball and leveled land.

I guess way back then if you lived in a mountainous city you didn't have an airport huh?

Anonymous said...

Oh and I forgot to ask that water treament plant on Hudson Blvd would that be considered in a congested area?

Or is it OK to build a watertreatment plant and expose the residents to chlorine in the quarters?

Anonymous said...

The Rodriguez property was purchased by the City as a possible "future" site for a wastewater treatment facility. It has been presented as a potential industrial site when it meets criteria.

The potential for land at England to serve as a wastewater treatment plant may and I will say this again may exist. Here are some considerations: (1) England is an active airport, with jets taking off and returning daily. Accidents do happen. (2) The north side of the airport is being converted for military deployment and by this I mean they can deploy HOT - with live ammunition. You know things that go boom! (3) There is the old dumpsite at the northside of the airpark which IMHO will never be deeded over to the Authority because it will never be considered cleaned by the Air Force.

Now with these three statements made, there is potential land on the north side of the airpark, to the west of their spur and north of their original treatment plant. All three of the above statements impact this area. I for one, would prefer to have my water treatment facility in a more safe location - not subject to possible jet fuel contamination from planes, not subject to past contamination from buried God knows what from WWII and on, and not subject to being potentially blown up by a mishandled piece of live ammo.

Anonymous said...

If you're referring to the Navy training facility on Casson Street - that belongs to the City now - I believe they use it as a teen center.

Anonymous said...

"Must not be a big deal the waterworks never tried to recoup damages."

It wasn't a big deal because it was in the middle of the old Camp, ino therwords the middle of nowhere.

The plant site is actually between Hwy 1 and the levee, south of Hudson, not exactly the heart of the quarter based on population.

I respect your opinion but also believe that opinions must be tempered with facts.

I cannot agree more with the concerns raised about remaining environmental issues at England.

Dialogue is a two way process, if you can't handle it don't participate.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Patrick of Boyce was killed in a head on collision.

Anonymous said...

Re: Anon/Sunday,
November 26, 2006 9:34:29 PM

CenLa K-9 Training Facility @ 501 Casson St - That bldg does in fact belong to the City now. It is not a Teen Ctr, IT IS now utilized exclusively by CenLa Law Enforcement K-9 Teams as their Training Center... The Casson Street Community Center (Teen Center) @ 815 Casson St you refer to is no more than 100 yards west(same side of the roadway & towards I-49).
No insult intended, clarification only...

Anonymous said...

Chlorine gas - gee Waterworks 3, seeing as how you mentioned it, had a chlorine incident recently didn't they. Must not be a big deal the waterworks never tried to recoup damages.

In August, 2003, a trucking company delivering chemicals, mixed the wrong chemical in the wrong tanks, at District 3's treatment plant at Camp Livingston. For the evacuation and cleanup, the District expended approximately $100,000.00. About 40 plaintiffs sued the Waterworks and its insurer and that case has recently been settled. The Water District sued the trucking company, hhowever that suit was filed more than one year after the accident (beyond the one year prescriptive period). All lawsuits arising out of the chemical spill have been settled, and dismissed. However, nothing has been announced as to if the Water District revovered any of its funds, or if any action has been taken against its attorney.

Anonymous said...

Expropriation is not confiscation; through the judicial system a judge sets the fair market value after appraisal etc. and said amount is transferred to the former owners.

No its not outright theft, it is just not allowing you to exercise your freedom to choose to sell or not. It is similar to me being able to buy your house even if you did not want to sell it. Under the greater good theory, if I have a larger family, you and your smaller family must sell it to me. That is what expropriation means. Historically it was limited to limited situations, like military, fire, levees, roads and etc..., now government uses it for economic purposes. And while the new industry is given tax breaks, if you open up your own individual mom and pop store, you get no such breaks.
This lack of free will over your property and un-equal taxation isn't in Russia or China, it is here in the US.

Anonymous said...

That's a really crazy interpretation of expropriation for economic development, when it can be applied, and why it is sometimes necessary.

The only way the government can expropriate property for the purposes of economic development is if a confluence of factors are all in place.

First, it has to be used a tool of last resort.

Second, its future use has to revitalize the area and create new jobs, thus serving the public good.

Third, it has to be used as a way of improving blighted neighborhoods.

In America, there are certain checks against personal freedoms, even freedom of speech, that protect the greater good and ensure our liberties. (Threatening someone with physical violence, for example, may be considered a criminal act. And we may have the right to bear arms, but we don't tolerate militias bent on overturning the government).

Similarly, many people believe that the right to own property is an unimpeachable freedom. It is not. Nor should it ever be.

Moreover, the property owner receives fair market value for their land (often more than FMV) whenever it is expropriated.

Consider that these cases are only taken as a last resort, when the property owner is either not financially capable of doing a major development himself or when they are completely unwilling to negotiate.

Also consider that in many of these cases, the undeveloped land in question could be legitimately linked to an increase in taxes and a thinning of resources for the community at large. If I am holding onto 150 acres of blighted property in a prime location and am unwilling to sell or develop, I am literally costing my community money. If a major employer wishes to locate on this property and ONLY this property and I, the property owner, refuse to even look at their offer (because I believe in land-banking for eternity), I am personally costing my community jobs.

People are sometimes unreasonable, and sometimes, the government has to act against unreasonable people for the common good.

I know this will generate some disagreement, but there are blight standards and legal precedent that dictates when such a case can be pursued.

Anonymous said...

To anon, 12:37;41 I have a right to be unreasonable with my property, whether it is a small personal item, my gun, my transportation, my home or my life. No one has the right to take my personal property regardless of the euphamism you choose to use for it. There are always those that can justify theft if their gang is big enough. Laws can be made to make theft legal and judges can deem it so, but it is still theft and still wrong. The 88 year old couple who have lived in their old house for 65 years and raised their family there may not want to give up their life for a fair market value of double, triple or ten times fair market value. That is their life, their everything, their memories and would be lost without it. Your progress is yours to pursue, but not at the expense of even one individual's property rights. The concept of property rights is essential to freedom and without it you do not have the right to your own life. A population with property rights is hard to be dictated to, while one without is a dictatorship. When is the greater good served? When it is 2,000 people served, you and a dozen, you and one other or just you. Come on, this is elementary and your argument is too transparent. Theft is theft period.....

Anonymous said...

No taking somebody's property when they don't want it taken is unreasonable. To hell with you and your economic development.

Anonymous said...

Whatcha bet the chap who wants to take your property is a lawyer?

Anonymous said...

I was shocked to hear of the death of Boyce Mayor, Julius Partick. While many remember him for his political career, I will remember him as my high school science teacher.
In the early 70's, at a time of forced school busing and high racial tension, Mr. Patrick came to Poland High School from Wettermark. Mr. Patrick was one of those type of teachers that they make movies about. He took great interest in his students, and was widely liked by all. I can remember his science class gave him a suprise birthday party, the size of which I do not recall for other teachers. We missed him when he was transfered from Poland, and he will be missed in this final transfer.

Anonymous said...

Whatcha bet the chap who wants to take your property is a lawyer?

Naw, usually its a politician along with an engineer looking to make a buck.

Anonymous said...

Confiscation, expropriation and theft are mother's milk to the Hitlers, Stalins and Mussolinis of this world. One can easily see how many among us could go along with the expropriation, confiscation and theft of our property rights and therefore our liberty. How many people have become enslaved over the history of the world in the name of "common good" Amazing that there a people right here who want to control you for the "common good" At least we can expose them on this venue, at least until they try to take away our free speech, for the "common good" of course.

Anonymous said...

Betcha if the government wants to expropriate YOUR property, the first person you call to save your ass and your property is your lawyer. Betcha when your 13 year old daughter gets knocked up by a 23 year old MacDonalds worker or when you wife finally gets tired of your shit and moves into a trailer with her personal gym instructor, the first person you call is your lawyer. I betcha when your dear old daddy dies and you can't even write a check for the employees at his 85 year old engineering business, you call your lawyer. And when all that happens remember the reservations you have about the profession and consider calling your dentist or pastor instead. Let us know how it works out.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:37 thanks for the great explanation on how expropriation has actually worked in Louisiana for years. Since we passed the Constitutional Amendments this year, we can no longer use economic development as a public purpose. However, many people feel this will be challenged in court in light of the recent battles at our supreme court level over TIF districts.

Louisiana rushed to get property owner protection rights on the books after the New London case. What most legislators didn't understand is that we already had some of the strongest property rights laws on the books. Expropriation has always been used as a last resort, never a first choice. In fact, most industry would prefer to choose a secondary - even a lesser site, than have a public body go this route to make their project work.

By the way, I am neither a lawyer nor am I an engineer.

Anonymous said...

Dear Wife's Lawyer,
We always forget the good stuff, like when you want to adopt a baby or you want to write a will to make sure your family is provided for, or when you and your family want to buy a house or a farm or a camp, you go to a lawyer. Yes lawyers will wage war on your behalf but they also are instrumental in the good and happy parts of our live. I hope everybody out there has a lawyer they trust and can talk to, whether you ever need them or not.

Anonymous said...

To the Lawsyer's Wife:

Yes your right. When we need legl representation we attempt to seek out a capable, honest lawyer to take care of our problems. Remember two things

1. It is a proven fact that most of the politicians are lawyers - see Ned Randolph, Chris Roy, etc as just local example. Civil legislation is normally dreamed up by a lawyer, written up by a lawyer and passed by lawyers. I am sure the lawyers will dream up legislation not in their best interest.

2. There are many fine, honest, capable lawyers. I happen to utilize the services of one I consider incorporates all the above character traits plus many more. The only problem is (and I know this is trite) it is the other 98% of the lawyers that give lawyers a bad name and thusly course the 2% good ones to look bad also.

Anonymous said...

Some one help me with this I think thought. The basic documents that our Constitution derives from are agreements negotiated between non-land owning serfs and the Lord of the manor and other Royalty. In the olden days voting was a privelage of only the landowner. Land ownership was so prized one of the outcomes of the Civil War was 40 acres and a mule.

Private ownersahip of land is sacred in this nation. The way government confiscation of land is heading all it takes is a bunch of moneyed silk stockings and a friendly government to deprive an individual of his land in the name of progress. Conceivably if it was determined a strip mall would benefit a large number of citizens the local governing agency could "confiscate" land, provide tax breaks to the new businesses, provide, at taxpayers expense, the infrastructure and pay the ex-landowner a fair market value.

What is fair market value for a home - not a house but a home. If it is family land your forebearers raised their families, worked the land, passed it on down through generation instilling a love for the land in the family so some damn lawyer can come up with a law to take it away from them and build another Wal-Mart.

Anonymous said...

It is not a stretch to think that those people who get are interested in law, study law, choose it as their life's profession, and get a doctorate in law, would be at the forefront of writing, proposing, using, interpreting, and fighting laws (legislation). Who would you suggest: barbers, obstetricians, interior decorators???
Lawyer conduct is the most closely regulated professional conduct that there is. If lawyers mislead clients, don't return phone calls, charge too much, or just screw up, they get drug thru the wringer by the state bar - ask any of them.

I find that most people feel like you do - they don't like or trust lawyers except for theirs. I guess it's the nature of an adversarial profession. It must flow from the fact that when we choose up sides it's us and our lawyer against the world.

And I don't know if politicians go into law or lawyers go into politics but it seems like a natural and logical combination. Why, look at Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.

Anonymous said...


Lawyers don't make laws. Legislators make laws. We chose the legislators every 4-6 years and they have to be responsive to the public interest and feelings and needs of their consituents.

But you say, 60% -75% of us are uninformed and don't even bother to vote. Whose fault is that????

and none of the Alexandria city councilmen or Rapides Police Jury or Pineville City Council are lawyers - that should make you secure and happy.

Anonymous said...


Lawyers don't make laws. Legislators make laws. We chose the legislators every 4-6 years and they have to be responsive to the public interest and feelings and needs of their consituents.

But you say, 60% -75% of us are uninformed and don't even bother to vote. Whose fault is that????

and none of the Alexandria city councilmen or Rapides Police Jury or Pineville City Council are lawyers - that should make you secure and happy.

Anonymous said...

It is a proven fact that most of the politicians are lawyers - see Ned Randolph, Chris Roy, etc as just local example.

That is not proven at all. As of last year, lawyers only made up a little less than one-third of the Louisiana Legislature.

Anonymous said...

When you save up to build or purchase your "dream" home, and work through the years to plant trees and watch them grow, and maybe build your own patio or deck, have memories of your children growing up in that home, how does "fair market value" replace that?
If that property has been in your family for several generations, how does "fair market value" replace that? If it is rural acerage, where your neighbors are your friends and relatives, how do you replace that?
I am all for economic growth, but not at the price of doing away with the fundamental right of private property ownership. My family's land has had property taken for a levee, a highway, a gas line, and more land has been sought to be taken. We have used that land to hunt and raise horses fr 3 generations. So yes, you can bet your bottom dollar, I oopose the taking of any more of it just so some people can make more money.
Governments should remember that feelings for property rights have been so strong that, in the past, people have even died in defense of their property.

Anonymous said...

"It is a proven fact that most of the politicians are lawyers -"

"That is not proven at all. As of last year, lawyers only made up a little less than one-third of the Louisiana Legislature."

You noticed the word Louisiana in my posting didn't you. See that is what I love about you illiterate
bastards. You read what you want to read not what is written.

It is a proven fact as far as this nation as a whole most politicians are lawyers. Congress if full of them.

Anonymous said...

Let's use Mr. Aymond's example - his family's property has been taken for (1) a levee, (2) a highway and (3) a gas line.

With the exception of the gas line, how have any of these directly made anyone money?

The levee has protected not only Mr. Aymond's property, but surrounding property from flooding. I would hope he would think that would have been a justified cause.

The highway - would you rather we not be allowed to travel north or south along the route for which your property was taken? Again, I would hope you would feel that was justified. And by the way, DOTD must pay some form of compensation and their appraisals are generally well above what is considered fair market value.

As to the argument that any piece of property can be taken for a strip center or WalMart - this is exactly what people were trying to prevent as diffent bills were introduced last session. Specifically the intent was to provide measures to prevent big box retailers from benefiting from expropriation. There may be a case in Louisiana where one has, but at this time, I can't recall one. To do so in Rapides Parish would be extremely difficult.

Expropriation for retail also brings up the issue of taxing districts for retail. Specifically in Rapides TIF districts cannot be used for retail facilities, hotels or convention centers. They can be used for specific limited use. The most amazing thing about this is Joe Fuller wanted to use TIFs to increase our tax base. Now his foundation for this statement was to go recruit retailers, which is strictly forbidden by the legislation.

At this point, most of the expropriation discussion is also a moot point since we adopted the amendments. Once the land is taken by the public entity it must remain in the hands of the public entity and be used for public purpose. It cannot be transferred to a private entity. Many attorneys are interpretting this to mean public bodies cannot even lease to private entities.

Anonymous said...

Congress if full of them.

In the 105th Congress there are only 11 more lawyers than bankers and business people.

at the beginning of the 101st Congress in 1989, 184 members (42%) of the U.S. House of Representatives were lawyers (47% of the Democrats and 35 % of the Republicans). Sixty-three senators were lawyers, roughly equally distributed between the two parties (Ornstein, Mann, and Malbin 1990: 20-21, 26-27). At the beginning of the 102nd Congress in January, 1991, 244 of the 535 members of both houses (46%) claimed attorney as their profession (Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report 1/12/91: 118).

With the notable exception of Morgan's work, however, much of the empirical work from the 1960s and 1970s, based mostly on roll call vote analysis, found no differences between the behavior of lawyers and non-lawyers in legislative bodies (see e.g., Derge 1959, 1962; Gold 1963; Schmidhauser et al. 1971; Green et al. 1973; and Berg et al 1974). Finally, Eulau and Sprague (1964) published their landmark work on lawyers in politics, which established the conventional wisdom that lawyer and non-lawyer politicians do not behave differently because of the convergence of the professions of law and politics. id.
Therefore, I do not think your lawyer statements are based uop the facts.

Anonymous said...

The levee, the highway and the gas line ARE the types of expropriation that I do agree with, if there are not available alternatives. However, as was suggested earlier, taking for a second access road to a proposed industrial site is not acceptable. Also, taking rural land for a proposed waste water treatment pond, without looking at vacant property on Hudson next to the already existing Sewage plant, with the statement that Hudson property would be used for future residential construction, is not acceptable. I do not believe that taking hunting lands, of people outside of the City and who are not on City sewerage, is justified for the good of those (including me) inside the City.

Anonymous said...

Any more tapes greg?

Anonymous said...

Unless of course u want my head between your legs for a while

Anonymous said...

I have nothing against Mr. Aymond but I must ask how this blog, set up of for generalized dialogue on the recent and future local elections, keeps getting hijacked by Aymond for the purpose of hashing and rehashing and re-rehashings his grievances with and complaints about just about everyone in the civilized world. Mr. Aymond has his own site devoted to all things Aymond but I venture to guess that there is not much exchange or interest there so he insists on burdening us with his grudges. How does it keep happening?

I have noticed several appeals to Mr. Aymond's finer nature but none have been able to touch, or even find it. Just asking.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though I have to be a constant defender of Aymond though I don't desire to be. Aymond's latest postings have been within the confines of the subject being discussed. He is presenting his view as others have. He has not brought up any of the old bull shit nor has he monopolized the conversation. All you dead dick motherfuckers want to do is jump on his ass. Dead Horse fuck off and leave him alone.

Anonymous said...

It appears the Dead Horse is nothing but a shit stirrer. Aymond was abiding by everyone's wishes and stopped posting the same old stuff over and over. The intent is to destroy Aymond because of personality conflicts. Dead Horse you need to take your unhappiness elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Say it a thousand ways and try to justify it anyway you want, but theft is theft regardless of whether the use of the stolen property is for something you find more compelling. If you compromise your principles you wind up in a hazy mess where anyone can justify any immoral act. Don't be fooled by that trick. Theft is theft, period.

Anonymous said...

A is A is right. If you think it is right to steal someone's property, then just say you believe theft is right under some circumstances rather than hide behind a bunch of euphamisms and hypocritical, legalistic bullshit. Theft is either right or wrong, no grey area here. Have the balls to say you support theft if you do and quit trying to have it both ways i.e. supporting immoral acts while implying such acts are moral.

Anonymous said...

Good we have to use such offensive language to get our point across? I'm sorry, but I've always found that such language speaks to one's character.

Anonymous said...

I would say that legalizing theft is more offensive and to do so says much more about someone's character than dropping a few BS's along the way. You have picked a nit but failed to address the elephant it resided on.

Anonymous said...

" Any more tapes greg?"

Monday, November 27, 2006 1:21:42 PM

Speaking of these tapes..I thought they were the "smoking gun" which would prove Aymond to be pure as the wind driven snow.

I have listened to them a number of times and they prove two things:
1) Aymond is a crappy lawyer
2) Dupree is too nice for his own good. I would have hung the damn phone up in Aymond's face.

Anonymous said...

I have listened to them a number of times and they prove two things:
1) Aymond is a crappy lawyer

Your interpretation of what was said seems to be in the minority. How exactly did it prove Aymond is a crappy lawyer? Was it perhaps the part where Dupree asks him to continue to handle cases? You bunch of dumbasses are so hung up on trying to get him off Dupree and Hebron's asses you will make any ignorant statement. Dupree must be a total idiot if he wants a crappy lawyer to keep representing him.

Anonymous said...

Aymond does not have to be a happy lawyer for clients to be dissatisfied. It would not be unusual when clients change lawyers under peaceful circumstances to permit the old lawyer to complete the matters he is currently working on rather than pay the new lawyer to start from scratch to familiarize himself with the matters. It is not unusual for clients to try to sooth the lawyer's feelings by attributing the separation to some obscure reason rather than being direct and honest and saying that replaceement is just what the board thinks is best.

The amazing thing is that Aymond acts like a jilted lover or a pouting child over the discharge instead ot being professional, taking it in stride, and moving on. My guess is that Aymond had too many of his financial eggs in the Water Dist. basket. The surrepticious taping of a client is really pretty outrageous conduct in itself.

And then to whine endlessly on this or any other public forum is unprofessional, unbecoming, and unsual. And it never fucking seems to end!

Anonymous said...

correction: "does not have to be a crappy lawyer"

Reminds one of the movie "Fatal Attraction". Breaking up can be ugly.

Anonymous said...

Geeze, perhaps somebody should open an attack me Blog.

Anonymous said...

Would you be kind enough to take your Dupree vendetta there and spare us? It sounds like an idea.

Anonymous said...

Greg, I think that you would have a problem with finding disagreement with Puleez. He/she says that lawyers don't necessarily get released because they are crappy but for a variety of reasons, some good and some bad, and the lawyer handles it professionally and moves on. Many of us think the issue is the way you handled your dismissal from the water district. I don't think it's professional or ethical and it certainly isn't mature. This is not an attack. You stick you obsession in our faces constantly and this is just an honest observation of your behaviour. If you are a good, smart, talented attorney then there must be some personality problem that is creating this estrangement from the community and your client base. Think about it for your own good. Not an attack - just a comment.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Town Talk is calling in it endorsement favor from Jacques. There really is no free lunch.

I hope Roy remembers that we elected him, not the Town Talk, and continues to do the right thing for the right reason.

Still no announcement on city attorney or cheif of staff just 5 days out from blast off.

Anonymous said...

"Your interpretation of what was said seems to be in the minority. How exactly did it prove Aymond is a crappy lawyer? Was it perhaps the part where Dupree asks him to continue to handle cases? You bunch of dumbasses are so hung up on trying to get him off Dupree and Hebron's asses you will make any ignorant statement. Dupree must be a total idiot if he wants a crappy lawyer to keep representing him.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:58:34 AM

No you assinine idiot. Listen to the tapes! Dupree is just one voice on the board. Collectively, they decided NOT TO RENEW HIS CONTRACT! Idiot. The question is why! If you listen to the tapes you know Dupree said that personally, he has lost confidence in Aymond. Other board members, have publicly said that Aymonds fees had gotten out of control. Whatever the reason, if Aymond had continued to prove himself as a decent, honorable lawyer, he would still be employed by the board!

Sheeeesh! What a slow boy!

Anonymous said...

Greg Aymond said:
"Geeze, perhaps somebody should open an attack me Blog."

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 6:25:09 AM

If I do, will you go there with your endless whining Aymond? ...and stay there?

Anonymous said...

"You stick you obsession in our faces constantly and this is just an honest observation of your behaviour."

I agree, and Aymond's obsession seems to be Dupree, not WW #3, as evidenced by his failed attempt at "payback."

I think Aymond is just plain jealous of Dupree. Although Dupree does not hold a college degree, he makes more money than Aymond, is well liked in the community, and holds a job of public prominence. All of these things Aymond covets and cannot obtain. On top of all that, to have Dupree even consider voting to cancel his contract with WW #3 must be the ultimate insult. For someone with Aymond's mindset, this was the last straw. Aymond has developed a psychopathic hatred for Dupree and is burdening all of us with his vendetta.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the City of Pineville/Water Board are just coming back to work from Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

How about if Dupree would have proven to be a decent honorable person he would not have been fired by the Police Jury from the Waterworks District. Seeing as how all the attention s on Aymonds getting fired. Dupree got canned two years before his appointment ran out.

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way Dupree's experience level on the Board was 6 months so what qualified him to determine if Aymonds is competent or not. Dupree was just the Hatchet man. Only fortunate thing for Dupree is his nose was far enough somebody's ass for Clarence to hire him despite obvious lack of credentials.

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way Dupree's experience level on the Board was 6 months so what qualified him to determine if Aymonds is competent or not. Dupree was just the Hatchet man. Only fortunate thing for Dupree is his nose was far enough somebody's ass for Clarence to hire him despite obvious lack of credentials.

Anonymous said...

How about if Rich Dupree had any qualifications as anything he would have a larger resume then Gospel Singer, radio announcer and sports boradcaster.

If, and a mighty large if, he makes more per annum the Aymond is because he is slopping at the public trough of Pineville. Simple question - what qualifications does Dupree possess to run a city?

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to find out the actual reason the Police Jury fired the three Waterworks Commissioners. If it was due to illegal activity does Pineville have a criminal as a Chief of Staff?

Anonymous said...


DATED: October 12, 2006 OPINION NO: 2004-416b

RE: In the matter of Wes Hebron

The Board of Ethics (the “Board”) pursuant to the authority contained in LSA-R.S. 42:1141, conducted a confidential investigation concerning information that Wes Hebron, as an appointed member of the Board of Commissioners for the Rapides Parish Water District No. 3, may have violated Section 1112B of the Code of Governmental Ethics (LSA-R.S. 42:1101 et seq.) (the “Code”) by participating and voting on matters pending before the board involving his brother, Roy Hebron.
On the basis of information obtained during the investigation, and with the concurrence of Wes Hebron, the Board now makes the following essential:
Willie Wesley (“Wes”) Hebron served as an appointed member of the Board of Commissioners for the Rapides Parish Waterworks District No. 3 from 1997 to 2004.
Rapides Parish Waterworks District No. 3 was created in 1949 by the Rapides Parish Police Jury to provide water service to the Rapides Parish area.. The powers and duties of the waterworks district are exercised by its appointed Board of Commissioners.
In order for a resident to receive water service, the district requires that the property owner tap into an existing, district-owned water main. District policy, also, requires that the property owner run his own line across privately owned property to the public water main.
Tapping into an existing water main does not require board approval. A resident would submit a request for water service and pay a tap fee to the district. The tap fee includes a $75 security deposit, a $30 connection fee, a $10 inspection fee, and the cost of labor and materials needed to install a meter and connect it to the water main. The resident would be responsible for any costs for connecting his residence or business to such meter.
Requests to upgrade an existing water line or install a new water line to service an area are subject to public comment and must be approved by the Board of Commissioners for the Rapides Parish Waterworks District No.3.
At the January 14, 2003 meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the waterworks district, the Board voted to approve the upgrade of a water line located on Dryden Road to address low water pressure issues in the area. Such concerns were brought to Board President Tommy Hollingsworth’s attention by Roy Hebron, Mayor of the Town of Ball.
Roy Hebron is the brother of Wes Hebron.
While the Dryden Road project was underway, Roy Hebron contacted Jimmy French, General Manager of the waterworks district, to request that a water line be installed on a privately owned road, hereinafter “No Name Road”, that intersected Dryden Road. Such road leads to property owned by Roy Hebron and his wife where they were constructing their residence.
At the time of Roy Hebron’s request there was only one other house on No Name Road. This house receives water service by a line the owner ran to a meter located on Burma Road that taps into the public water main.
At the time of Mr. Hebron’s request, there was no existing water line down No Name Road. His request was for a new line to be run by the waterworks district on the privately-owned road.
Mr. French informed Mr. Hebron that his request required board approval, acquiring rights-of-way and servitudes, the allocation of funds for such a project and approval from the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (hereinafter “DHH”).
Subsequent to his conversation with Mr. Hebron, Mr. French was verbally instructed by Board President Tommy Hollingsworth to add the new water line installation down No Name Road to the Dryden Road project.
Proper approval from the Board of Commissioners for the waterworks district, and from the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals was not obtained prior to the installation of the pipeline down No Name Road.
Board President Tommy Hollingsworth instructed district employees to discuss with Roy Hebron the size line to run on No Name Road. Roy Hebron instructed district employees on where to run the line and what size line to use.
The installation of a 4 inch pipeline was completed on January 28, 2004. The line was laid on the south side of the road running east to west, and at the end of the road, it turned and crossed the road in order for the water line to be connected to Mayor Hebron’s property at the property line.
The waterworks district incurred $5,385.73 in expenses in installing the water line down No Name Road.
In March of 2004, when the district’s crew was installing the water mains on No Name Road, it was discovered that the waterworks district did not have a servitude on No Name Road.
The Board of Commissioners for the waterworks district became aware of the installation of the pipeline without their approval and on April 13, 2004, the board voted to initiate an investigation into the matter. Wes Hebron voted to initiate such investigation.
Roy Hebron tendered to the Jimmy French, the district’s General Manager, a conditioned payment of $5, 401 to reimburse the expenses incurred by the district in the installation of the pipeline down No Name Road. The Board of Commissioners voted to reject the payment and to request an unconditioned payment. Wes Hebron voted to reject the payment and to request an unconditioned payment.
No reimbursement has been made.
In August of 2004, the Board of Commissioners voted to accept the line run down No Name Road to Hebron’s property in the district’s system once the line meets the requirements set by DHH and is approved by DHH. Wes Hebron voted to accept the water line once the conditions had been met.
Section 1112B of the Code of Governmental Ethics provides:
B. No public servant, except as provided in R.S. 42:1120, shall participate in a transaction involving the governmental entity in which, to his actual knowledge, any of the following persons has a substantial economic interest:

(1) Any member of his immediate family.


Section 1112D of the Code of Governmental Ethics provides:

D. No appointed member of any board or commission, except as provided in R.S. 42:1120.1 and R.S. 42:1120.2, shall participate or be interested in any transaction involving the agency when a violation of this Part would result.
The following terms are defined in Section 1102 of the Code and are relevant when analyzing the above Sections:
(13) “Immediate family” as the term relates to a public servant means his children, the spouses of his children, his brothers and their spouses, his sisters and their spouses, his parents, his spouse, and the parents of his spouse.

(21) “Substantial economic interest” means an economic interest which is of greater benefit to the public servant or other person than to a general class or group of persons...

It is the opinion of the Board that Wes Hebron violated Section 1112B of the Code of Governmental Ethics by participating and voting to initiate an investigation into the water line running to his brother’s property, voting to whether to accept or reject payment from his brother, and voting on the acceptance of the water line which serviced his brother’s property. Section 1112B prohibits a public servant from participating in any matter in which his immediate family member has a substantial economic interest. Roy Hebron clearly had a substantial economic interest in a water line which was run to his property and which appears to have only benefitted him. Therefore, Wes Hebron was prohibited from participating in such matters when they came before his board for consideration.
The Board is authorized to impose civil penalties pursuant to LSA-R.S. 42: 1153 and LSA-R.S. 42: 1155 upon finding that a violation of the Code has occurred. In this particular situation, given the facts outlined above, it is the conclusion of the Board that the interest of the public would be served by the imposition of a civil penalty of $1,000, all of which is suspended based on his future compliance with the Code of Governmental Ethics.
For the foregoing reasons:
IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Board finds as a matter of fact and as a conclusion of law that Wes Hebron violated Section 1112B of the Code of Governmental Ethics by participating and voting to initiate an investigation into the water line running to his brother’s property, voting to whether to accept or reject payment from his brother, and voting on the acceptance of the water line which serviced his brother’s property. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that a civil penalty of $1,000, all of which is suspended based upon future compliance with the Code, be and is hereby imposed upon Wes Hebron.
By Order of the Board this 12th day of October 2006.

s/Robert L. Roland s/Hank Perret
Robert L. Roland, Chairman Henry C. Perret, Jr., Vice-Chairman

s/Dr. Herbert V. Baptiste, Sr. s/John W. Greene
Dr. Herbert V. Baptiste, Sr. Judge John W. Greene

s/E. L. Guidry, Jr. s/Gwendolyn P. Hamilton
Judge E. L. Guidry, Jr. Gwendolyn P. Hamilton

Absent and did not participate. s/Michael T. Johnson
R. L. Hargrove, Jr. Michael T. Johnson

Absent and did not participate. s/Ascension Delgado Smith
Joseph Maselli Ascension Delgado Smith

s/Dolores R. Spikes
Dr. Dolores Spikes


The undersigned (a) stipulates to the facts found by the Board; (b) waives the procedural requirements contained in Section 1141 of the Code; (c) admits that his conduct, as described above, violated Section 1112B of the Code; (d) consents to the publication of this opinion; (e) agrees to comply with the conditions and orders set forth in this opinion; and (f) agrees not to seek judicial review of the findings and actions taken in this opinion.

s/Wes Hebron 8/28/06
Wes Hebron Date


Anonymous said...

Good Aymond. Re-re-re-re-re-reposting all this shit certainly makes it more believable. Good god Aymond - you are one selfish sick MF.

Anonymous said...

Who is David Pugh?

Anonymous said...

Aymond is not posting it I am. Don't want you North Rapides folks to lose sight of the fact that your Waterworks District Board that fired Aymond violated oh so many ethical standards.

Anonymous said...

Actually one can conclude the entire board committed illegal acts and hoped by firing Aymond the illegalities could be covered up. That didn't work so now we gonna discredit Aymond. Turn about is fair play.

Who is David Pugh?

Anonymous said...

David Pugh for Sherriff!

Anonymous said...

"Subsequent to his conversation with Mr. Hebron, Mr. French was verbally instructed by Board President Tommy Hollingsworth to add the new water line installation down No Name Road to the Dryden Road project."

See this part is especially interesting. Absolute power corrupts. The former sheriff, still a member of many many boards, feels he is more important than the Board and above the Law. Hollingsworth partnered with Jack Dewitt, former Parish Manager, must really operate their many joint committees in a democratic manner.

Anonymous said...

In 2005 David Pugh as owner of KJA Communications was doing business with the WIB, with the Police Jury, numerous municipalities and state agencies. He also was the owner of EMS. Something interesting is here. What is the connections? Only thing that would make it any more interesting is if he is/was a member of the Board of Waterworks District #3

Anonymous said...

Are there any formal allegations against Dupree (other than Aymond says he a doo doo head)?

Anonymous said...

Are there any formal allegations against Aymond except the ranting and ravings of the board members of waterwork #3 and city of pineville? Whole lot of Aymond bad mouthing going on but there hasn't been any of these spineless Bastards sign their name.

Reason is even though Aymonds, in Dupree's 6 months of experience, is incompetent as a lawyer he is afraid Aymond will file a lawsuit against him. To chicken shit to back up his ranting and raving.

Anonymous said...

Actually I think Dupree's stupidity saved him. The waterworks Board played him and he did nothing illegal the other Board members did. Hollingsworth used Dupree as the hatchet man. Hollingsworth is the one that has been found to have committed an illegal act but the inner circle of Rapides Parish protects him. Is that a knocking sound I hear in the distance?

Anonymous said...

Tommy Hollingsworth, in my opinion, violated LSA-R.S. 42:1116 by ordering Water District employees to install a waterline to the home of Ball Mayor Roy Hebron, circumventing Board policies and State Law
regarding Dept. of Health approval. Hollingsworth also, in my
opinion, in doing such he violated R.S. 14:134 (malfeasance in office.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one sick and tired of reading about Greg Aymond and Water Works #3? You can only beat a dead hosre just so much! Will someone call the coroner to come declare this topic dead?

Anonymous said...

Apparently you are the only one. Every time Aymond settles down some silly son of a bitch stirs him up again. Aymond just doesn't have the willpower to ignore the childish schoolyard bully tactics.

He was participating in a conversation with some of us when an asshole like you started on his ass again. So if you fuckers would stop kicking the nest the wasps will stop stinging you.

Anonymous said...

And you insult the few bloggers left on this site by believeing we think all these anoymous posters are many different people. One at the most two assholes are the ones doing all the ppostings and Rich Dupree is probably one of them. Convince the rest of the bloggers to leave him alone and the site might gain some respectability.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if anyone has noticed but by and large the good bloggers have left.

Anonymous said...

And I might add I am not Aymonds. I am just feed up with these spinbeless pieces of shit doing anoymous hatchet jobs on people. As I have stated time and time again this blog should go away. It serves no good. It merly provides hateful people a places to attack others.

Anonymous said...

It would appear that supporters of political corruption, on the north
side of Red River, anoymously attack me on the Cenla Antics blog. One
continual attack is that I was actually fired by the Water District due
to Otha Haily discovering that I was defrauding the Water District
through my billings. One blogger even posted that they had turned me
over to the District Attorney's office, and challenged "just as the
Well, to take that anonymous coward up on his suggestion, I sent a
public records request, for any such information, to the District
Attorney and to Waterworks District 3. Last week, Greg Jones, the
attorney for Water District 3, wrote to me to tell me that it had no
such records, and went on to say that he had heard no such allegations.
Just uploaded into the files section, is the letter I received today
from First Asst. D.A. Andy Van Dyke. He says that he also is not aware
of such complaints. This allegation is even more funny, since it was
Otha Haily and his finance committe which approved my bills every month.
One of my favorite allegations is that I was confronted by a judge in
Bossier Parish for falsifying video evidence in a domestic case. Not
only would a judge have turned me over to the Bar for that, which none
did, I have never even seen the Bossier Courthouse. Of course that
anonymous liar refused requests to provide the case names and number.
It is amazing to what lengths the fine Christian fathers of that
part of the Parish will go to to protect their good ole boy network of
graft and corruption.

Anonymous said...

"The week before Thanksgiving, his Dishonor, Roy Hebron, sought to get
Deputy Sheriff, Doug Byrd, fired from his job, for having the audacity
of filing an ethical complaint against Roy's fellow traveler, Tommy
Hollingsworth. Apparently when he received his copy in the mail, Tommy
broke another state law, about not revealling matters given to the
Ethics Board, and went crying like a baby to Roy. Perhaps that smell
you smell comming from your kitchen is your goose cooking.
Fortunately, Sheriff Hilton and Chief Deputy Slocum stated that they
were not going to get involved in Roy's intimidation and vendetta.
Roy, perhaps you and Tommy should bone up on the crime of "public
intimidation", and see if it applies to you."

"fellow traveler" A masonic code phrase for each other. When a Mason meets someone he thinks may be a Mason he ask: Are you a traveler? Then, if so, they do the secret handshake and but bump.

North Rapides is still under the domination of the Masons.

Anonymous said...

Greg - how much money were you wringing out of the Water Dist. per year? That might explain your poor sportsmanship.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone left but the few dipshits rambling about some shithole water district and the stooges involved in stealing a little water from the taxpayers? If we give them some bottled water and a chalkboard on which to confine their rantings, will they go away?

Anonymous said...

You learn hard. This isn't Gregg. This is me. How much is the present attorney "wringing" from the WaterDistrict. Why don't you file a freedom of information request to see the legal billings during the Aymond time and now. Nothing Aymond post on here will be believed so go ask the waterworks. Somehow I don't feel you are really interested jst stirring shit.

Anonymous said...

Of course it's Greg. And why don't you just tell us how much cash you drained out of that poor little district. You are big (no pun intended) on the public's right to know.

"This isn't Greg" - give me a break!

Anonymous said...

Try this one. Tommie Hollingsworth is a retired Sheriff. He drew in 2005 a little more than 4,000.00 from Waterworks #3. Now let me see if I can find out how much he drew from 911

Anonymous said...

Someone give me a Hari Kari knife.

Anonymous said...

Any odds-on favorites for city attorney or co-pilot?

Anonymous said...

The posts I have made on this blog carry my name. Anny others are not from me, and I don't really give a shit if anyone belives it. Also, please do not copy posts from my website on to here, as it is totally counter productive. Thanks to those who have supported me, but you cannot make a silk puse out of a sow's ear. You are welcomed to my webpage if you want to read what I write, and you can even post a reply. However, beware, my site has an idiot and bull shit filter.

Anonymous said...

I heard Billy Allen.

Anonymous said...

You heard wrong.

Anonymous said...

Aw Civil - ruin it, ruit it!

Anonymous said...

Damn Greg
I have a sik puse but don't know what to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Bulletin! Bulletin! Greg has just locked himself out from his own site at 6;11;04 P.M.

Anonymous said...

Send the Hari Kari knife to Aymond.

Anonymous said...

Is Bush gonna turn Iraq over to Syria and Iran?

Anonymous said...

Did Delores set back the local Republican Party to the point that Alexander's seat may be in jeopardy?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever get the scoop on the $50,000 plus mobile home the contractor provided Dewitt?

Anonymous said...

Give Roy a break. He can't cure 20 years of sloth in 3 months. The secret is to set the bar high and downsize and let Charles Darwin run his course.

Whatever he does he still has the council to contend with.

Anonymous said...

lWhy does the roof leak?

Anonymous said...

Are all of Delores' heavy contributors now in the good graces of the new mayor's entourage?

Anonymous said...

The roof doesn't leak....the walls leak. In a nutshell, the brick veneer was not installed in a manner that allows for the water absorbed through the brick to drain out through the weepholes at the base of the building. The masonary sub didn't clean the mortar out of the cavity between the brick veneer and the CMU wall. Apparently this causes the water to collect in the cavity and seep into the building through joints in the CMU wall. Looks like Ratcliff is going to have to remove all the brick and redo the entire building.

Anonymous said...

Did Delores set back the local Republican Party to the point that Alexander's seat may be in jeopardy?

No. For the most part, Brewer damaged Republicans and women in local elections. That’s bad enough. Not that she could have won, mind you, but she could have been a trailblazer, demonstrating the viability of Republicans and women in leadership positions.

The 5th Congressional District is quite large. Therefore, if Alexander is vulnerable – and, I think he is – it’s a do-it-yourself project.

Anonymous said...

What lawyers have contracts with the city now and how much money is being allotted to these contracts? It seems that waste could be eleminated by totally shaking up the "legal dept and associated legal representation" in Alex. Exactly what jobs can Roy eleminate and what jobs are secure regardless of the need?

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, a city runs on it's lawyers. Not one single act or policy or direction or project is free of actual or potential legal ramifications and it will always cost less to do it right than to correct it down the line. I think the Roy can be trusted to use available legal talent prudently and you can expect him to favor his friends and supporters when all other considerations are legal. Roy is particularly fortunate in that he has two excellent legal minds in his father and his brother, who he can completely trust. I think the days of a Provosty-like player running the show to someone's unfair advantage will be over and that is what I welcome.

Anonymous said...

I regret that this blog, which was an enjoyable source of public information and speculation, has descended into anarchy. From the posts, Mr. Aymond seems to have nested here, squelching all reasonable discourse on any subject other than Greg Aymond.

Most of the conflict centers around the comings and goings of a small rural water district in north Rapides parish.

The remaining combatants seem to divided themselves into two camps, those who believe Mr. Aymond and those that wish he would go away.

To those engaged in combat detrimental to this blog and those who frequent it, I make this offer.
I will endeavor to ascertain the un-biased truth of the entire WW#3, Hebron, Dupree, Aymond affair and post my findings here. However, I make this offer conditionally. Once these facts are posted in a neutral manner, without any omission or slanting, this conflict will be over. Agree or disagree, the subject will be closed. We move on.

If there is enough positive response to this suggestion, we will proceed. If not, I intend to find a new blog and encourage the reasonable posters to do the same.

The feathers and bones have spoken.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think we should know who is telling the truth and who is not. Then we can put the aymond bashing crap behind us.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, you should really like Aymond. He recognizes dishonesty and corruption and exposes it. He has done so over and over and over again. People have tried to stop him by filing charges against him with the bar and they all fail. I do not like his delivery anymore than you do but as a fellow Republican I like the fact that he is not afraid to stand up for truth and ethics. I say keep up the fight Mr Aymond.

Anonymous said...

soothsayer. i am with you. let's get this damn tempest in a teapot behind us. i am well past giving a damn about who is right or wrong. in the big scheme of things alexandria is facing, it's a popcorn fart. let's move on. in fact, my vote is to ban aymond from this site. he's causing it to turn into a broken record. enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

Count me in, Sooth. First, you need to get Aymond (in all his identities) to agree to this resolution. Otherwise, we will continue to be subjected to this interminable bullshit.

Anonymous said...

OK Sooth. Ya got a mandate provided that he of whom we speak, goes along with the deal. My impression from previous pleas and entreaties is that he gets more out of our anguish than our being informed. He has told his stories more often than Uncle Remus. He never seems to tire of his diatribe. How about it Mr. Aymond. Do we have a treaty??

Anonymous said...

Part of next week's agenda:


48) To consider adoption of a resolution electing a President of the Alexandria City Council.

49) To consider adoption of a resolution electing a Vice-President of the Alexandria City Council.

Anyone hear whether or not CFS will be re-elected President of the City Council?

Anonymous said...

I would think that CFS would be a likely candidate since he have all dat sperienz. Also, he makes the perfect foil for the real ringleader, Myron. Myron calls the tune and poor old Charles catches the lightning. Who else could Myron pick? Perhaps Handsome Harry the Habedasher???

Anonymous said...

Did anyone go to the farewell party for Ned last night? Who was there? Anyone interesting?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it matters who the Council President will be, but you know their sphincters are tight with Jacques coming in. He'll straighten them out. He'll turn them into jelly. You'll see.

Anonymous said...

It would appear that you have a far greater comprehensive understanding of anal sphincters that the Alexandria City Charter. Hide and watch to see if the council president matter.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be so sure about CFS. I hear there may be a new sheriff in town.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:18:49 AM <------ To this Anon poster:

Shall Aymond keep up the fight with ot without his white hood?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Aymond, we all assume you are an honorable individual and if you aggree to the terms outlined in my previous post, we have a basis on which to proceed.

However, let's be clear on this! Once the facts are posted....there will be no additional posts on the WW#3 matter. It's over!

If you agree to this Mr. Aymond you only need to say so. We trust your word.

The feathers and bones have spoken

Anonymous said...

"Shall Aymond keep up the fight with ot without his white hood?"

See what I mean. Trying to settle this blog down and return to respectability and some piece of shit has to still stir. Why not make everyone agree to knock of the bullshit relative to Aymond?

These people are not interested in acting civilly all they want is to destroy Aymond and he has a right to defend himself. In fact I withdraw my agreement. That agitating fucker pissed me off. Aymond you post anything you want.

Anonymous said...

I make a motion that this blog be shut down.

Anonymous said...

Soothsayer, I will say it once again, the only topics I have discussed recently are expropriation and Julius Patrick. However, without any proof, none of you believe that.
You, as I have offered all on this blog, are welcome to call me and come by my office to see whatever you want on this matter. Who you really are, and whether you are truly unbiased or not, is of interest to me.
Just like the rest of the bullshit said anonymously on this blog, I see no way to prove that I am not posting what you complain of, except to ask you to notice that I sing my real name to my posts. That is all I can say about it, and I don't really give a dam about what many of the non-factual dumbasses on the blog say. It is clear that speaking facts on here to many that are on this blog is like talking to a wall. So call me if you want, the choice is yours.

Anonymous said...

i say we vote aymonds off the island. let him tilt at windmills on his own blog.

Anonymous said...

"Here's another lil tidbit. Some of the Superintendents are sucking up to anybody that will hold still long enough in hopes that their hidden secrets won't be found. Lets see if the Acting Directors can see through the smoke and do the right thing. So far one of them hasn't."


As we've said many times before, if yu know something you have a duty to speak up. What dept? Is it illegal, unethical, or both? Give us something to work with.

Anonymous said...

I think what Aymonds is saying is that he is likewise tired of our shit and invites anyone wishing to discuss his passionate causes further to contact him at his office. He is mad at us and no longer wishes to be a part of any non-Dupree related dialogue. Oh yeah, and he would like to beat anonymous's butt.

Anonymous said...

I heard the holiday ceremony downtown was nice last night.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind Greg discussing issues on this blog, but I am intelligent enough to decipher his meaning on the first posting and it is insulting to me to have to see his comment 10 or 20 times. Why say the same thing in 50 different ways? If he is astute as he seems to think he is, it should be obvious that others feel the same way and if he had any sense of fair play he would honor the majority who welcome his comments but not repetitively.

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Aymond has bid our little humble blog farewell. Don't kick the hive.

Anonymous said...

It's just amazing to me that Roy has been able to keep his major appointments a complete secret. Just amazing. Nobody seems to know anything.

Anonymous said...

So, do current city department heads come to work monday, or stay home??

Anonymous said...

Is anybody out there?

Anonymous said...

"Is anybody out there?"

No, you are it. The blog is in your hands. Do with it what you wish.

Anonymous said...

Hobbs is the next council president. Next question please.

Anonymous said...

hobbs is the next council president indeed...cfs is pissed. of course, he would be pissed if he was going to be pres again. i hear the c.c. fears that he is just a little too close to the edge since the election.

Anonymous said...

Greg Aymond, Alexandria City Attorney

Anonymous said...

"hobbs is the next council president indeed...cfs is pissed. of course, he would be pissed if he was going to be pres again. i hear the c.c. fears that he is just a little too close to the edge since the election."

interesting. i hear the same thing. seems like cfs is holding a grudge against the winners. he really thought he had a shot at mayor and he got less than 1,000 votes.

Anonymous said...

CFS did not think he would get elected Mayor. He knew he would. After all he has got 17 years of experience. He DESERVED to be mayor. He is angry at Roosevelt for trying to be mayor, it is plum disrespectful. Roosevelt has only been on the council for 2 years. He hasn't "earned" mayor.

Anonymous said...

Does Hobbs get the official city council saloon to help him move the city "faahwadd"?

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how CFS could survive his district council race in 2 years. I know opposition is already lining up and at work. That guy Lou Howard is after Smith big time.

Anonymous said...

get a life you stupid blog queers

Anonymous said...

When does Chuck Fowler get a turn at the gavel?

Anonymous said...

Chuck Fowler is white, he doesn't get a turn.

Anonymous said...

And it doesn't help that Chuck Fowler is a moron as well.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the blod address to steel magnolias or something like that?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say Chuck Fowler is a moron in comparison to the others on the council. it is all relative.

Anonymous said...

"get a life you stupid blog queers"

i think you may be in denial about true love of blogs.

Anonymous said...

Chuck may be a moron but I bet his IQ is 25 points higher than Hobbs.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Aymond, your post of: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 4:21:38 PM...does not answer the question posed to you.

Will you agree to the proposed terms?
If so, I will endeavor to parlay your willingness to cease fire into some sort of truce between you and your detractors north of the river.

However, this "truce" must begin with you.

I await your reply.

The feathers and bones have spoken

Anonymous said...

To soothsayer and that tub of lard Aymonds. Let me identify myself, I'm Aymonds "detractor"

Yes I have a reason for attacking Tubby every time he pokes his head up to spread lies about the public officials and everyone else in Tioga and Ball. But i will sign on to soothsayers long as Tubby shuts his lying mouth about the the folks up here, I won't rip his fat little head off every time he shows up.

I will tell ya'll this though, there is another guy on here, not me, that is a pretty big dude. Aymonds tried to call him out to a fistfight and this guy laughed in his fat litle face. I can tell you Aymonds don't want any piece of this guy. Ya'll might want to check in with him...he hates that lying little toad as much as I do.

Sigh me up as Anon-1

Anonymous said...

steel magnolias blog is aka sheriff race 2007

Anonymous said...

I am not giving my word to any cowardly chickentshit who will not even identify himself. Additionally Soothsayer, whoever you are, I have said I did not place those posts on here. Therefore your initial position is that I am a liar. I will have to know who you are and speak to you before I will be stupid enough to agree to anything with you to make you look like the blog hero. I see it as a no win situation, in that some other anonymous coward can still copy stuff off of my site and post here and I will still be blamed for it.
This is absolutely the last time I will say this to you dumbasses. I did not make those posts you are bitching about, anyone who wants to see or know what information I have can set an appointment up at my office and we will discuss it. Also, any of you brave talking mouth runners can find my addresses in the phone book. This stupid shit has gone on for several months, with none of you believing anything I say, nobody actually whiping my ass, nobody expressing a desire to see what evidence I have. I want law enforcement to investigate all of this, I do not give one dam in Hell what some dumbass on a blog, who take as fact anything they read thinks. Call me Soothsayer, if you want to show who you are and if you can convience me that you truly have an open mind. Otherwise, piss off.
The Feathers and Bones have Spoken !!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sooth,
I am not a party to this piss fight between pro and anti aymond factions but this response, if it is truly aymond, clearly defines the kind of person you are dealing with. He appears to repeatedly state that he doesn't care what us "chickenshits" think, never-the-less, he continues his aimless rambling rant on this site - over and over and over. One should probably conclude that aymond is a sick cookie with obvious sociopathic tendencies. Most folks with a touch of self-esteem and empathy would disappear from a sight where they had garnered such disrespect and insult. Thank you for trying. Some toilets just don't flush.

Anonymous said...

As everyone can ascertain from my previous posts, I hold no ill will towards Mr. Aymond. I have treated him with the utmost respect. Obviously, we all wish this blog could return to a forum for all, where personal vendettas and dishonest, self serving posts do not monopolize the discussion.

My offer to Mr. Aymond and his detractors was made in an attempt to move the discourse to another area, any area, which does not consume the entire blog.

As evidenced by a willingness of Mr. Aymond’s detractors, in comparison to Mr. Aymond’s last post, it’s painfully obvious that it is Mr. Aymond who is the instigator and the party unwilling to “bury the hatchet." For this reason, among others, Mr. Aymond’s honesty, integrity, and true motivation for the hostility, could be questioned.

I, for one, intend to shroud him. To me, he is no longer a viable voice. He has succeeded in destroying any credibility we may have generously bestowed upon him.

How you all treat Mr. Aymond in the future is up to you.

Indeed, the feathers and bones have spoken.

Anonymous said...

Greg Aymond wrote:------> Iam not giving my word to any cowardly chickentshit who will not even identify himself.

What makes you think your word means anything Aymond?

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here laughing my butt off! And you folks wondered why this tub of crap got fired from Water Works #3?

Now the real Tubby turd floats to the surface!

Anonymous said...

OK, we all have done everything we can possibly do to get along with this idiot and he continues to be nothing more than a pest. I think it’s time for Antics to step in and start deleting Aymond’s comments.

If Antics doesn’t do something, Aymond will destroy this blog.

Anonymous said...

I fail to understand the objective in constantly insulting Mr. Aymond (although his history and conduct make it easy). We are asking Mr. Aymond to please consider our interests and feelings and desires and to alter or cease his offensive conduct on this site. Everybody is making such a big deal about a client replacing him with another lawyer. It happens every day in every way for every possible reason. If a lawyer pisses his/her client off, they usually get another lawyer. That doesn't necessarily mean that they think you are a bad lawyer - they may get rid of a lawyer because he is too damn good and is causing problems. Whatever the reason, everyone is in agreement that they had a perfect right to do what they did and did not require just cause or any reason at all. So why rehash that another 30 goddam times. Mr. Aymond doesn't like Mr. Dupree. That may or may not matter to Dupree but I'm pretty sure that it does not matter to us at all. I would hope that Mr. Aymond would comprehend this at some level and that his detractors would quit pouring alcohol on jock itch.

Unfortunately, there are some folks who do not care how unhappy or frustrated they make others, even, as in this case, when most of the others are innocent bystanders. One can not reason with those people and simply beg for frustration by even making the attempt.

I would also suspect that it is quite likely that Mr. Aymond's conflict will end violently. That will be a shame. When middle-aged men fight, somebody usually gets seriously injured. They suffer, their family suffers, the community suffers. And then they care - but it's too fucking late!

Anonymous said...

Sanity Police I agree with a great deal of your postings and disagree with some.

Aymond will not end violently. He is being goaded by cowards. If these bloggers were interested in doing anything but make his life miserable they would, if civilized and intelligent, settle their difference with Aymond elsewhere.

They know he cannot resist responding. What they refuse to accept he is not the one that keeps posting the truth about Norfth Rapides folks under the nome de plume anonymous - I am.

This blog has degenerated into a dog fight designed to destroy people. Let the games begin. I personally am having a ball. A curious thought past my mind - how do we even know that Aymond posted that response to Soothsayer? It could have been one of the shit stirrers. North Rapides is a little enclave full of political hacks and has beens still swilling from the public trough, all united by a cvommon organization and are scared of what Aymond will reveal.

An example is Hollingsworth. It would be, I think< eye openiong to know exactly how much he is stroking the citizens for as many committees as he is on. He apparently thinks he is all powerful - he is the one that ordered the water line to Hebron's house be installed.

Oh well - let the shit continue. Some folks never realize they should have let a sleeping dog sleep.

Anonymous said...

Let us see if this is so:

Tommy Hollingsworth - Mason

Toney - Mason

Jack Dewitt - Mason

William EarlHilton - Mason

Dewey Helverson -= Mason

What's his name Searcy with Dixie Printing (the father)- Mason

The list of good old boys, as has been told to me, that are in key positions that continually help each other to enrich themselves at the taxpayers expense, goes on and on.

Anybody care to add to the list.

Anonymous said...

James Mason

Mason Jar

Mason Dixon

Herbert Dixson

Victor Herbert

Victor Mature

Victor Ola

Ola ngzine


Zina Oliver

Oliver Twist

Peppermint Twist

Peppermint Patty

Cow Patty

Cow Jumpted over the Moon

Moon Over Miami

Miami Vice

Moon River

River Phoenix

Phoenix Magnet

. . . . . have at it, guys

Anonymous said...

Magnet for Chicks
Chicks with Dicks
Dick Tracey
Tracey Morgan
Morgan Brewer
Brewer of Beer
Beer Mug
Mug Shot
Shot by the APD

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