Sunday, May 07, 2006

Cenla Antics

Cenla Antics

In reading today's issue of the Town Talk, I was rather taken a back to find that this blog has attracted so much attention. Although I appreciate Mr. White's request of posting authors using their real names, he seems to not understand that it defeats the purpose of the blog. Would Mr. White stand and deliver if he had a problem with his neighbor? (use a scenario that fits here folks). I think not ... it would cause undue harm to relationship that needs to work. Hence the anonymity postings on this blog. Mr. White I applaud your interest and your intent; however, I do not think that it will work in all cases.

Now Mr. White to stir the pot a little. IF the Town Talk and KALB actually did a little investigative reporting this blog would be a moot point now would it not? In they're selective reporting, they have sewn the seed that created Cenla Antics. So Mr. White, in finding the answers to the many questions being asked by the public, would not the "real" media use unidentified sources?

In closing, I am aware that I need to spend some time on archiving old postings. I hope to have this done within the next week or two. I would also like to address a statement made on this blog a few postings back. I have never deleted any postings on this blog. In my opinion to do so would again, take away from the purpose that created this blog.

I remain,



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Anonymous said...

Cleco is a publicly traded corporation that pays a reasonable dividend and is owned by thousands of people. You can be an owner of Cleco and share in the profits if you wish. Add it up and you will see that the profits are not exhorbitant nor out of line with the investment they have on the line. Hell if they put their cash in CD's they would make almost as much. Your city council fucked up and you are still paying for it. I agree that the PSC is retarding private enterprise and we would be better served with competition wide open but Cleco has served this community well. It has done more to bring in industries than any other entity in cenla. The city gov't has stolen so many more millions than cleco has enjoyed in profits that it's not even close. Get rid of thieves downtown and on the PSC and enjoy utility rates that are always consistant with the market.

Anonymous said...

Who are the credible blacks out there you keep talking about. Name names and let's get them in the race.

Anonymous said...

Well OK, so lets see. The Council appointed Harry and wants him to stay because he is going to "give them hell" and "kick their ass" and he has been going along with them thus far just to get them fools off-guard. Man, that was one hell-of-a strategy. Those guys are really gonna be shocked when they have to start paying retail for them fancy council suits. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Roosevelt Johnson is going to win the Mayor's race and I am shaking in my boots. It will be a disaster. Maybe I should sell my house now while it still has value.

Anonymous said...

Relax, tomorrow one of my daughters has decided to add a little ebony to our ivory tribe and after four(?) martini's, I'm sayin"what the f***". If I had been doing my part, maybe we would have had more of a milk chocolate, working our way to a white chocolate city. Can't we all just get along. Take a lesson from ol' two step Harry - if you can't beat, sell 'em some high style suits on credit and chill. Don't be so quick to sell the house, we might need a party crib. How do like your Courvasier?

Spanky da Ladies Man

Anonymous said...

Look, its not a theory, CLECO has a history of stealing. Look at the $20million + they had to pay back yesterday or the money they paid back to Ruston. IT is wrong that Alexandria has always bought electric from CLECO without even watching them as they have raped and pillaged all of us. But when we are paying more to see that they are making record profits is as offensive as the oil industry making record profits while we pay more at the pump. The difference is that unlike gas or telephone I have NO choice but to take it up the ass from CLECO because there isNO competition they get 100% of the Alexandria business. WHY?

Anonymous said...

If you know Alexandria politics you'd bet on Fuller vs. Roy in the run-off. There are three major whites and three major blacks in the race. Fuller is the strongest of the black candidates. Most of you on here would not know that since you hail from silk stocking homes. Go down on lower 3rd or lincoln road and take a poll. Sams and Brewer will split the small and getting smaller republican vote in the city limits. Roy will have the still large, white democratic block solidly in his corner. This is very easy to figure out if you really know the demographics.

Anonymous said...

Brewer should get out like most of her supporters hope and are actually saying privately. She will and save her friends the uncomfortable moment of having to tell her no when she asks them to help or give her more money.

Anonymous said...

After the wedding, I will give you a view from the 'hood ( I got connections now) you know, bridging the gap and stuff. I still say it will be Rosie and Jacque but, tomorrow may tell a different tale. To the Anonamouse that is buzzed about CLECO raping the citizens, go back and read the blog from the first thread and bring us a report on where you have been. It's kinda dark up there ain't it. Show up at the polls, bring a neighbor, and quit your bitchin'. Jeez, these people are starting to irk me. Ebony and ivory, together in perfect harmony......

Spanky the Converted

Anonymous said...

Bitch at Cleco if you want but your anger is misplaced. A company owned by stockholders, little guys like you and me, is not your enemy. The theiving bastards stealing 60% or more of your income if you include fed. and state income tax, local, parish and state sales tax, property tax on your business, property tax on your home, occupational business taxes, taxes on utilities, phone services, cell phones, and hundred of other taxes that are hard to see, are your enemy, not Cleco who is paying millions in taxes and providing employment for hundreds if not thousands in La. You are not focusing on the ones who are taking much of what you earn and making you think they are protecting you from the evil capitalist pig CEO's. Same shit the communist pushed for the last 50 years. Get rid of the real parasytic, preditor bastards right here in city hall.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to bore you folks but, this is cheaper than counseling. What has me bugged about today is not the wedding, it's the fact that it is at my second ex-wifes house and she has an Israeli flag fluttering around the front door. What a magnet for the upscale Mesican-looking folks with car bombs. Yeah, here I am - blow me up. And my future in-laws probably don't get along with camel jockeys either, getting overcharged for their MD 20/20 and crack pipes. What a world we live in. When ya'll hear the boom, just know my thoughts were of the good citizens of Alexandria enjoying the new sports arena. Well, wish me luck and have mercy on an aging hippie redneck who feels cutlurally challenged.

Spanky the Internationalist

Anonymous said...

Hey Biff,
Maybe you could share some middle east culture with me sometime since you know about all of that rule of thumb stuff. I am feeling kinda lost these days not knowing who to be insensitive to. Seems like everybody belongs to some cultural group that gets offended when I make a joke like this " a little boy and girl were comparing equipment and she says where's mine? Little boys says God pinches em off the stupid ones. " Any way, if you could help me with that culture thing Biff, I would be very appreciative. To think I coulda been mayor.

Anonymous said...

spanky, all you need to know about mid east culture is 3 million very busy evil jews are keeping a billion mooslims toiletless. mooslims should work on getting indoor plumbing and then go for world domination.

Anonymous said...

So that is why I always thought they were full of crap. I must learn to trust my instincts more. Thanks

Anonymous said...

It is utterly amazing to me that the blog owner would refuse to accomodate the users and start a new thread. I've got high speed broad band and it takes forever to load. I can imagine what the dial-uppers are enduring. Come on guy. You established the successful forum for the public to vent and inform. Why wouldn't you do a little maintainance just to be nice and responsible? Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Must be a Republican.

Anonymous said...

Hey Spanky, these should get you through the day:

Al salaam a'alaykum


Whassup my homey/dawg*

*one may be substituted for the other

Anonymous said...

i agree. what is the cost/problem with starting a new thread?

Anonymous said...

is it just me, or does anyone else find it extraordinary, utterly amazing, and unbelievable that "good government lawson" is supporting roy?

Anonymous said...

I got the greetings down, I just can't get my sag to bust right. It looks a lot like Larry the Cable Guy from what I can see in the mirror. This multi-culturalism stuff is lots of work.

Anonymous said...

Where is all this "Lawson-Roy" alliance info. coming from? If its true, its a problem for a reformer like Roy. Has Lawson made a public endorsement?

Anonymous said...

Biff is just up to his tricks again. I will verify and report back after the wedding. Thanks for the advice Biff.

Anonymous said...

the biff doesn't play games. he doesn't post without two sources

Anonymous said...

Whoever suggested going to must be joe betty. It is just a website for her gawwwden district houses.

Anonymous said...

tell me, joe betty, who i admire very much, is not supporting harry "i have to sell my downtown building" silvers.

Anonymous said...

Tell me Biff is not supporting Marc (I have to cover up the fact that I was a spouse abuser for decades) Lampert!

Anonymous said...

Lawson is NOT supporting

Anonymous said...

If you'd been walking around in the sand for the last 2500 years eatin' camel shit (bactrian or dromendary} whichever, you'd probably be a terrorist too. These fuckers hate anyone who has succeeded in any way. They can build nothing but they can destroy everything. For the U.S. to continue to talk with these cretins is an insult to every American citizen. This isn't about the jews or Israel, but about stopping the most evil, brainless, irrational, psychopathic animals in the history of the world. There is no compromise between food and poison. There is no compromise between those who want to be left alone and those who want to destroy what they cannot be. Anyone can see this and everyone knows exactly what is in reality happening in the middle east just as we all understand what is happening in this little cesspool called Alexandria. Luckily we can escape Alexandria by moving a few miles, but the stench goes a long way. The problems are miniscule here compared to the Middle East, but the pinheads who are in line to run the show are so woefullly inept at anything except pursuing power and money that we have about as much chance of an efficiently run city as Beirut has of being a vacation mecca for the fall season.

Anonymous said...

Reformer: "to make better as by stopping abuses; improve; to cause (a person) to behave better" are some of the definitions. So, Jacques Roy is the reformer we need to elect. Roy's election would be one of the greatest mistakes we could make. The city council has been trying to take control of everything as it is. Roy has absolutely NO experience in governing, hiring/managing, planning, etc. None, Nada. His inexperience would be a disaster with Myron being mayor de facto. If Roy had any kind of decent practice, he would not have time to waste on the mayor's race. Lack of success as an attorney will not translate into being a successful mayor.

Anonymous said...

What a foolish thing to say. The best mayor we ever had, Randolph, was a lawyer with absolutely no administrative experience (and very little legal experience). Face it. You have lawyers making city decisions right now (Sanders, Provosty, Gist, Brown) but they are not always in the best interests of the city. I am told by other lawyers that Roy is a gifted attorney and straight as an arrow.

The most important thing to consider about Roy is his motivation for wanting to give the city a new direction. He, more than anyone else, is painfully aware of the broad-spectrum fuck job our city government is giving Alexandrians and he has shown a willingness to expose and correct it. I hope we don't let this opportunity pass. If you want change, you have to support either Roy or Sams. If you want change that will work, you have to support Roy.

Anonymous said...

I don't doubt that Roy is a bright man, but it will take more than just being a bright guy to run the city. The person needs to be adept at compromise and understand that this city consists of many types of people. Roy, in my experience, is one of those that has to be right at all costs, will use deceit and trickery to win, and has been very uninvolved in community work. What qualifies him to be Mayor -- being young, male, and white?

Anonymous said...

You anwer your own questions and concerns. If you want somebody "bright" what are your choices? You have Rollover Rosevelt who has never understood an issue sufficiently to take and independent stand and speaks in memorized catch phrases; Charles F. Smith, need I say more; Delores who has demonstrated consistant poor judgment and no consensus-building skills; John Sams who is intelligent but certainly not a healer, and Jacques.

Roy is a good lawyer and I imagine that he has gone to the mat to represent and advocate for his clients, as is his sworn professional duty, but if you will take a minute to talk to him instead this anonymous assasination game, you would realize how reasonable, open-minded, and receptive to ideas he really is.

You obviously don't want Roy because you see him as a threat to your candidate's chances and that's OK but play fair.

Anonymous said...

"say it ain't so". i hear you. wife beating is unexcusable. i have no personal knowledge of lampert engaging in that activity. i would need to know a lot more. we have all sinned. and people change. if it is still a continueing pattern it could very well change my vote. everything i know about harry is positive. that aside, my prime motivating factor in deciding to vote is regime change. the very fact that harry in his kalb interview said all the other council members said they want him to run is reason enough for me not to vote for him. and i do think he pulled a quick one on his initial appointment. my reading of the town talk made it clear the council ONLY would appoint someone who promised not to run. that is the factor that eliminated lampert, and i clearly understood, it also insured harry wouldn't run.

Anonymous said...

Roys announcement is tomorrow, Monday , at noon ...I say we wait and see what he has to say.

Anonymous said...

The half-wits on the council got caught in a Tommy Wright (you know, pants around the ankles) when it looked like nobody would run against Lampert. They realized that he would not bend over at their whim and when elected, will stand up to them. Ergo, they crawfish on the original RRR (Ranson Replacement Requirement) that the appointee would commit not to run. These morons are a complete waste of space.

Anonymous said...

roy should get 10% tops. if he wanted to be mayor, why not earlier? the regime is betting that that ten percent will eliminate delores or sams from a run-off and they cut a deal with one of the blacks in the run-off. i hate to see roy used like this. understand i AM a sams supporter

Anonymous said...

Joe Betty Sterkyx is lending her name and credibility. It's Johnie Varnado who will be heading the campaign and drawing in the voters.

Anonymous said...

JoBetty's credibility ain't much of an asset in my crowd. Doesn't Varnado have all these big contracts with England Authority and the city. Don't they have to buy stuff thru her? What's that about. She's obviously in with the council.

Anonymous said...

did anybody read Leonard Ford's letter today in the TT. He advocates one of the blacks getting out of the race to insure that another black is in the runoff to be the first black mayor. I wonder what reaction would be if we advocated a white candidate to step aside in insure a white in the runoff. This is blatant racism but is excused if a black says it. I for one am tired of the double standard..Your thoughts??

Anonymous said...

Check out Lampert for your self and you will see that the statements I have seen on this site are only the tip of the iceberg. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Explain Johnnie Varnado's connection w/Silver, please.

Anonymous said...

What exactly does the Provosty firm really have to lose if their gal loses? And surely they must have a backup plan. Who would replace them if they were on the outs.

Anonymous said...

Is that the troll lawyer and the cerebral pigmy I read about earlier?

Anonymous said...

Anymous, I read the letter from Mr. Ford, and I was appalled at the blatant racism. What was more alarming is that he said that this wasn't a race issue, or something to that effect.

Anonymous said...

Metoyer's reaction to the Wally Fall "braids joke" was pitiful in its racist overtones. She just can't hide her hatred of whites period.

Anonymous said...

Roy's backers definitely don't want Delores in a run off with their black since She is the only white that can possibly win. Roy will come out just fine.

Anonymous said...

What about the school board races? I see Kenneth Doyle and Bonial are running.

Anonymous said...

Varnado lives in the district and would rather see Harry win than Marc Lampert. You folks are in denial. Lampert is NOT the man for the job.

Anonymous said...

What are the demographics of this garden district? Will a black enter? When the specifics come out about Lampert's past, and they will, he is toast. What a shame Rick is no longer there. Lampert suporters need to find someone else fast or move to Silver and have a come to Jesus talk or whatever his tribe responds to.

Anonymous said...

I have known Mark for over 30 years (since he came back to town after law school) because I think I was maybe his first or second client. I believe his office was on Jackson St. and he had some ugly green wallpaper. I'm use to Alexandria-Pineville rumours and lies because they pop up every campaign and divorce. I never lived with Mark but I always visited in his homes and knew his wives (it seems like he had a bunch of them) and I don't care what the rumours are, I think they are lies and that says more about the folks against Mark than Mark. I understand that Mark's first wife has since passed away but the other ones must be arround here. Maybe they will speak up or maybe all this will just blow over.

I live in Tioga so I can't vote but I can talk and I sure hope that those garden district people who seem to know and trust Mark have their say. As long as the people get to choose the next councilman I don't think it matters to Mark one way or the other.

I don't know Mr. Silver personally although I have bought many gifts at his store over the years but one thing for sure - he sure likes to fight dirty.

Anonymous said...

Ted S needs to get a real job and stop the smear tactics on Marc. A vote for Harry is a vote for Charles Smith/Myron Lawson to have a rubber stamp. For those on Albert Street this means that Harry votes as Charles/Myron tells him to vote. Rick Ranson wholeheartedly endorsed Marc which says volumes about the race. On Sept 30 send Harry & Ted back to the mall not city hall.

Anonymous said...

I was going to write a book about a real estate developer in cahoots with the city council to neglect large parts of town to drive property values down by using agents who acted like they cared about historical districts while the council made sure that crime would spread by not properly funding the police department. Then I decided it was too far-fetched an idea until I looked around town.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the last post. the mere fact the present councilmen have endorsed or told harry they support him is reason enough not to vote for him in my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

Last week I heard on the local talk radio station that the occupation held in LOWEST regard of all was realtor. Joe Betty Sterkyx's ethics and conduct in using the garden district as her cash cow went a long way toward creating that public perception. Spanky - put me down for 3 autographed copies.

Anonymous said...

All Wally was trying to do was show the board how screwed up their braid rule is. The fack that only BLACK rubber bands are allowed shows that the board ASSUMES only the black boys will braid their hair. Wally knows all the little blond white junior high boys are going to braid their hair just to get away with it. If Metoyer thinks one mans braids are racist, wait till they all show up with them on Halloween, where they will be in complete compliance with the dress code.

Anonymous said...

One chapter was about how a hospital didn't want to spend the extra money in construction cost to bridge a street, so they got the same developer to lay a blueprint on how to coordinate a transfer from the state so the city could sell the street to the hospital all the while keeping everything quiet so the citizens would not be aware and by the time the jackhammers were bouncing, the citizens would just be realizing what happened. And they would say, "What happened?"

Anonymous said...

The only smearing that Ted S. needs to worry about is the dribble on his chin after he gets through trying to sell a customer one of his overpriced suits. Of course, he can always use one of his overpriced ties to wipe it off.

Anonymous said...

The "Revitalization" chapter tells a tale of an ugly, EPA shackled property transformed by its mere location, location ,location, to an environmentally friendly, landsaped, pigeon roost. Since that mean ol' hospital put a building in the middle of the main access to downtown, the council had to beautify the next best access by putting a sport complex on the ugly property. It never made sense, but the council studies it until it does and that is how the city gets a $139 million pigeon roost while the fanfare builds enough interest downtown to have a hell of a white elephant sale. (Mind you, I only work in fiction)

Anonymous said...

So was Harry on the Rapides General Board that wanted 4th Street and on the city council that gave it to them? He IS council material.

Anonymous said...

The chapter "Power for Sale" is an exercise in double entendre. A salvage group has promised a certain councilman that the payoff will be big when he is able to persuade his counterparts to offsell the city power plant. Every time a related expense arises, he nearly chokes and exclaims " we don't even use the thing." No one has ever had an explanation of how a paid for plant with only maintenance, fuel, and staff is more expensive than a rate that contains also future construction, cost of transfer, and executive bonuses, so to say the plant is "innefficient" justifies selling it, cheap. No one factors in the cost of not having a plant and being left to the prevailing rate of power producers that also use the same fuel as the gone forever power plant. There will be a few happy people, and to their minds, the only ones that count. ( Did you get it? Power for sale, power for sale.)

Anonymous said...

Will someone please post a list of power players attending Jaques event at noon? Some of us have to work and can't make it.

Anonymous said...

Its at NOON...JUST for you so YOU and your bigshot friends can go at Lunch!

Anonymous said...

Massive turnout at the Roy announcement. Well over 200. I forgot just how big the number of white democratic voters is in Alexandria. Average age 30-35, plus Harold Chambers.

Anonymous said...

I saw lots of folks I know and don't know. I would have to say it was a good cross section of the community. I almost tripped over Harry. He's a nervous little man. It would be hard to pin an average age on the crowd as there were all ages there. Several attorneys since lunch break allows them to walk from the courthouse. All I can say is that I am thankful that Jacque is running and I will be greatly fooled if he is not genuine. I know he got a peek behind the curtain and I only hope he is half as incensed as I am.

Anonymous said...

And standing just under the overhang......2 of DELORES supporters....rats off a sinking ship..

Anonymous said...

I saw that too. The noon event was truly inspiring . Something Ive not gotten from ANY of the other announced candidates. I think unless he just forgets who he is Jacque Roy may very well be our next Mayor. Now, if more of those Brewer supporters who are not too enthusiastic could join the 2 or 3 at Roys announcement and convince her to get out NOW , then I am sure he will win.

Anonymous said...

We just got back from the announcement. IT was the most enthusiastic group of people Ive been around in a while. And it was composed of a lot of young people but also some other folks and minorities. I would say that 200 is a conservative number and considering that it was in the heat of NOON on a Monday at a place few of us know how to get to I am VERY impressed. It might be time for some of the other candidates to really do self evaluations on whether they truly want to go forward.

Anonymous said...

ROY for Mayor!!!

Anonymous said...

I would say that the owner of this blog does not even read this blog at all. The few comments that have been made to this blog about the length of the threads would have gotten me if I owned this blog to start a new thread. It's amazing this person has only opened two threads on here. Dial-up users like myself have to wait forever and a day to lad this page if we can get the whole page to load. The person who owns this blog needs to realize this is not like a bullentin board where the registered users can start new threads on their own. We all should move over to the "Captain Obvious" blog that was started, at least he will start a new thread quickly. There are already five threads on there. At least he cars about the users of his blog.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic turn out at Roy announcement. Honesty it was at least Double the number at any of the other announcements and I should know ive been to all of them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Quiet please, the voices are giving me another chapter.

Anonymous said...

spanky, heed those voices.

Anonymous said...

It's not quite clear, something about garbage, smells bad. I am sure it will come to me.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Spanky should write a chapter about how the electric department profit is used to fund the bus service. If we sell to CLECO how will the black man get to work??

Anonymous said...

What you talking about Willis? Even the lady passing out garbage bags had been indoctrinated to say "Utilities are a non-profit item" Use this is the test line trigger the next time you pick up your bags. "The city ought to give me these free bags because they sure make it up on the utility bill." Wait for the response. Did you hear the bell?

Anonymous said...

In case you are wondering how I have so much time on my hands, it is because time is all I have. I really did want to run for mayor but am unable to shake hands because I am quadrapelegic just below the ears, down. My disability has made my brain grow to twice its normal size and potency, so I felt with my extreme intelligence, I could give something back. I am starting to tear up and it is making my eye cursor hard to use. If I can deliver this novel before I go, maybe that is the best I can do.

Anonymous said...

Marc Lampert has been beating women since the early "60's. Several he married after he had beat them. And I'm not talking slapping around either. I'm talking severe beatings. Check this our yourself. Check acquaintances who knew Marc and the women. Check out the women's friends and family. Check ER records. Ask the surgeons who worked on them. Check out neighbors. Check dentists who replaced teeth knocked out. I don't need to name names because the abuse these ladies suffered, we do not want to revisit upon them, but the issue is too important to let this sociopath off. His inferiority complex, justifiably I might add, initiated his lust for power over those more intelligent, and being a physical coward he chose women as his easy mark. Power and control is his motivation in his relationship with women physically and he uses his methods psychologically with others. Just imagine him with the power an elected office will offer. There are many, many people in Alexandria that can testify to these facts. If you want to know the truth check it out yourself. Don't rush in to defend this fella unless you do.

Anonymous said...

did anyone see harold chambers at the roy party today? is he just a puppet for the master?

Anonymous said...

I just read all the comments from today and have the following observations:

1) Someone stated that Rick Ranson is backing Marc Lampert. As someone who drinks coffee with Rick on a regular basis, I can tell you he is NOT INVOLVED in the District 4 race. Unfortunately, he IS involved in Delores Brewer's race and I'm afraid my good friend is backing a loser.

2) Chambers is running for mayor vicariously through Jaques Roy. Harold will never get over how and why he was fired and this is his way to get revenge.

3) It's interesting how certain people already know who the next mayor will be. What geniuses! A lot can happen over the next few weeks. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

How and why was Harold fired? And against whom is he seeking revenge? How could the blacks on the city council gain control over Harry? Why would he subject himself to anyone's control at this stage in his very independent life?

Anonymous said...

Anyone connected with the city administration for the last 20 (pre-dating the LEPA contract) wants a heat shield in place. I will have to ferret the Chambers - Roy connection, but I do not necessarily believe it at this point and suspect anonymouse of spreading false info as that is any candidates achilles heel in this race. You can bet 25K wouldn't pay my attorney if I was discharged on the prima facia evidence presented in the media. That was a token settlement to show blood to the crowd.

Anonymous said...

Town Talk reported this afternoon that a loud wooshing sound was heard throughout many parts of the city. Most suspect it was the air being let out of Delores' campaign.

Anonymous said...

Harold took the fall for the current administration. He had been running the city for the past 20 years, and he wants his power back.

Anonymous said...

Believe it, Chambers IS backing Roy!!

Anonymous said...

big deal. its an open event ANYONE can show up. but it might be interesting to note that it was Roys disclosure of Chambers violation of the executive committee closed door meeting re cleco that was used as the cause to fire him. very likely its CHAMBER supporting Roy NOT visa versa..but tell you what.....I am sure Roy will take his vote..what do you think? Hell, Delores worked with Chambers for years. Do you ever recall her turning him in? Which is worse? Of course if chambers is against Lawson and Smith then Hell, I hope he is on Roys side.

Anonymous said...

You know what it tells me if Chambers IS supporting Roy? That much of the Randolph support will be with Roy instead of Junior League Brewer. For all the negative one need only remember that it was Chambers who had direct contact with all of Neds support all of these years and certainly he still has influence with many of them. So, Chambers at Roys event? If this was supposed to have lessened the Roy announcement by Brewer supporter you might want to think again. Yet another nail in her coffin.

Anonymous said...

Roy's entry into the race squeezes Paul Smith out of any hopes to be in a run-off. Will Smith qualify?

Anonymous said...

Smith does not or should not want to unleash all of the disclosures that a candidacy would heap upon him. Ive seen it and the Mayors office aint worth it.

Anonymous said...

my information re smith, which is about three weeks old, but very reliable, is that smith intended to run and was willing to spend his drop money from the state to run. he claimed to have a poll that said he had a very high name recognition. i hope he didn't pay a lot for his poll. that aside, i find it fascinating that fuller is going to run. i would think the regime would put the muscle on fuller not to run, possibly insuring two blacks in a run-off now that roy is in. i need a goat entrail to read to get to the bottom of this. is myron behind this roy move, or is it the old lebanese mafia? i need info!

Anonymous said...

Fluller takes home less than a thousand dollars a month. How does he sustain a lifestyle that would require a couple of hundred grand a year? Who out there can shed light on this? I think he is a serious player in the race.

Anonymous said...

Anybody know anything about the FBI investigation of Alexandria politicos?

Anonymous said...

look, fuller has quite a base. and he is the police jury president. arguably the most formidable candidate in the race. and that my fine friends is utterly amazing and at the same time sad. he hasn't had a job for 30 years and lives like a king. what gives?

Anonymous said...

Hey Biff, Tell us about the old lebanese mafia.

Anonymous said...

I predict Fuller and Brewer in the finals and Fuller wins by a knockout.

Anonymous said...

We need another Tillie Snyder to at least expose the theives and help send them to Angola. Our guys in office here make Dollar Bill Jefferson look like a rookie. It would be nice if the feds would take them down before the election so maybe some decent folks would run.

Anonymous said...

merely mentioning the lebanese mafia has put my life at risk. i can't say anymore.i like it here and would hate to be put in the witness protection program and have the feds move me to beach front property in carmel.

Anonymous said...

Fuller v. Roy, Roy wins big. Fuller v. Brewer, Fuller wins big. Its gonna be some white v. Fuller. This is about to get interesting.

Anonymous said...

roy will pull down 8-11 tops. he is not gonna be in a run-off. too little too late.

Anonymous said...

While biff might have his goat guts, nothing beats a few white chicken feathers and a couple of dried wing bones...

Survey says! Fuller is in this thing because he believes that in 5 or 6 years, Rapides Parish will move towards a City/Parish form of government similar to Baton Rouge.

If he is Mayor when the transition takes place, he is in the catbird seat to become Mayor/President of Rapides Parish.

"The Man Who Would Be King..."

Also remember that this race is not about Republicans VS Democrats, or Liberals VS Conservatives. It's all about Black VS White and who is entitled to the graft money. With this in mind, Roy gets the white vote, Brewer is perceived as part of the problem. CFS, Johnson, and Fuller are viewed by whites as corrupt. However, in the black community, Fuller is considered a Robin Hood. Also, the black preachers think Johnson is not trustworthy, and they believe that CFS is just plain stupid.

Look for Fuller VS Roy in the runoff. Roy wins by 3 percentage points.

Anonymous said...

Fuller is the consumate politician. No political function occurs that he is not present and insures he gets the press coverage. However it would be difficult to find in his many years of being a politician one thing that he has accomplished positive for the Parish and certainly he doesn't have the intelligence to handle the City of Alexandria.

Additionally, though gossip says otherwise, Fuller and Lawson do not dislike each other enough to not work together for their common good - not the common good for the community but the common good of Fuller and Lawson.

Fuller and Lawson used the race baiting tactic to the ultimate extreme while Lawson was a Police Juryman and Fuller still does.

Read this into your goat entrails and chicken bones - Fuller and Lawson are racial bigots - color im material except green. Together they will use any excuse to enhance their own net worth and power.

Anonymous said...

If it would not have been (and still) for the White Police Jurymen straightening up the mistakes and messes caused (and still being caused) by the Black Jurymen either from ignorance or dementia the parish would be in a bigger mess then it is now.

Many a Black instigated screw up has had to be covered up and straightened up by the White Jurymen and White Parish employees.

Anonymous said...

Michelle, when you interview JOE FULLER ask him about WHY he and the Mayor of Pineville are such enemies and how he would get around that feud to work with the City of Pineville

Anonymous said...

Ye..what is that about?

Anonymous said...

michelle, ask fuller how he has survived with out a job for the last 20 years. seriously, ask him what jobs he has held that would prepare him for being mayor.

Anonymous said...

Lawson's political machine has qualified for school board district I.

Anonymous said...

You keep saying it is too late for Roy..we haven't voted yet. It's not to late untilthe last lever is pulled on election day. ROY FOR MAYOR. We all know that Brewer is not going to change anything. She is part of the good ol boys regime and everyone knows that plus she has mis spoke on several occasions. How do we know that she will not "mis speek" when elected Mayor..we don't. How can you trust someone who has a record of this (think about the times we don't know of that this has happened)

Anonymous said...

who is lawson's man for district I school board?

Anonymous said...

if you want change, you want sams.

Anonymous said...

You people who are against Brewer obviously did not watch the City Council meetings after she became Chief of Staff. She went "toe to toe" with those guys on numerous occasions. She is not a pushover. I am so tired of hearing about how Delores is one of the "good ole boys". She is the one who brought up the City Charter and she intends to live by it. She is a strong person and will be a great mayor. I don't see her calling people up and badmouthing the other candidates and getting furious when they won't change their vote. Your boy needs to grow up a little. In an important position such as this, we need someone with experience and maturity. BREWER FOR MAYOR!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm MATURE!! Sorry I must have mis soke????!!!!??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

John Sams for Mayor to finally get someone with integrity and backbone to stop some of the foolishness of the current administration and council.
Sams for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Folks - I would encourage us not to burn bridges at this juncture. WHOEVER CAN BEAT JOHNSON, SMIFF, FULLAH, RED, ETC. IN A RUNOFF - FOR MAYOR!

Anonymous said...

Sams has integrity? Wow how quickly one forgets. Isnt SAMS the same one who lied about where he was living so he could keep his power with the School Board?. Isnt Sams the one who hired that nut fromt he Radio station 104 to spread shit about his opponents ? No Sams tries to act like he is about honesty but he is a liar too


You guys are hilarious! I like Biff and spanky! The entrails and all its prophecy yuk goats and all. I would like to put a face to you.

Lady anonymous I agree with your on
Mrs. Brewer. I'm not able to vote but I have lots relatives in Alexandria who will.


Anonymous said...

Carolyn, my life too would be in danger, (well, not really cuz I sleep light & pack heat) if I reveal my true identity. I did enjoy your husbands book. While he may not write in the classic style, he verified many questions I had about events in our quaint little town.

Anonymous said...

Now may be the time to initiate a city parish form of govt. Jacksonville Fla.{fairly successfully so I might add} did it in the '60's I believe and actually we would have a better chance of an orderly gov't with whites having a say in the operation of the cities of the parish. Our population would increase as a city if the whole parish was incorporated and businesses who will just be too afraid to come to a black run city would gladly move to an area which was enlightened enough to become a new central Louisiana place for many different kinds of businesses. The only thing holding us back are the backwood antics and old ways of the rural power brokers, who like the guys who ran Alex during the 40's thru 70's can't give up their little power grabs. If it would ever work, now is the time for someone to go for it. How bout it Delores or Sams. If you ain't part of the good ole boys, show me something now. Right!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tommy Cicardo could then be our mayor.


Very funny! But if he could and would ,lots of people would get pink slips.

Still lots of bad apples in the barrell and no one to take command!

There is no accountability!!!!!


Anonymous said...

is fredell griffith going in unopposed for Sam's seat on the school board? you have 2 more days to qualify.

Anonymous said...

Who the HELL is fredell griffith ??

Anonymous said...

puhleeze tell me what qualifies little lord fauntleROY to be our mayor?

Anonymous said...

>50% want and trust him. Democracy you know - unless you want the council to decide who is mayor also.

Anonymous said...

i think it is a valid question. what qualifies roy to be mayor?

Anonymous said...

Roy will get indoctrinated by Chambers. Chambers needs Roy to be his mouthpiece. Michelle - you might ask Roy if Chambers will have a place in his administration.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope not. Harold was part of the problem with the current administration. He is known for his abuse of power and influence. Especially when it came to helping out his bro in-law. He was also the one who "sold" 3rd Street to HCA so they wouldn't have to build over the existing road. He also tried to sell the Youth Baseball Complex on masonic to Cabrini. Fortunately word got out on that before it was done and public opinion forced them to cancel the deal. He also robbed the capital budget of the City for several years so that he could get "his" golf course developed. So many other little time.

Anonymous said...

Word has it that at Chuck Wagner's announcement event, over 275 name tags were written. According to the Town Talk, only 50 people arrived. Ha...Slocum wished!! Next time, Town Talk, don't go right @ 04:00 pm when the event starts, but observe and count yourself the 275 name tags...Slocum is shaking for sure.

Anonymous said...

Chambers is a major player in the Roy campaign - that's a fact - no matter what anyone says.

Anonymous said...

The one time I saw Delores go toe to toe with anyone, she embarassed herself and damaged her campaign. Hardly a display that would impress an outside business looking for a stable political climate in which to locate.

Anonymous said...

WE HAVE TO KEEP TALKING AND THINKING AND WORKING FOR CHANGE!!! WE DESPARATELY NEED A DIFFERENT CAST OF CHARACTERS AT CITY HALL. We are lucky as hell. We have a bunch of people with post-graduate degrees and professional credentials offering themselves to us. They can't possibly have selfish motives or conflicting interests because they are a bunch of doctors and lawyers. CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE!!!

Anonymous said...

Tommie Cicardo for Mayor,????that would really fix the city RIGHT? The city will be years getting over his reign at the APD. If he could run the skeltons would fall out of the closet for years..

Anonymous said...

if chambers is on roy's team, that hardly bodes will for change. again, i ask the blog, exactly what qualifies roy to be mayor?

Anonymous said...

Well, I plan to vote for Sams but I can answer that:
he is educated
he isn't part of the current problem
he has as much administrative experience as any one else running
he is exciting and motivating and involving the younger elements of our community
he knows and understands the major problem with city govt. because of his Cleco litigation
he doesn't need the job
he has a reputation for honesty, veracity, and sincerity
he is a proven fighter
he is a democrat and non-blueblood

Anonymous said...

Ah, good morning Alexandria. It is good to see you waking up.

Anonymous said...

Fredell is a convicted thief and has been arrested for more serious crimes. Her father was a local politico/hanger on named Fred Scott. I don't live in the district and cannot run. If you allow her to walk in unopposed - you deserve what you get.

Anonymous said...

That last Sams pumper lost all credibility with the "he is a democrat" line. Sams is a true blue right of the far right republican.

Anonymous said...

you misread. the sams' pumper was explaining roy's qualifications, not sams. that aside, i would question his/her assertion that roy has administrative experience.

Anonymous said...

Imagine District I, which is a majority white School Board district, going from Sams to Ferdell, now that's some irony.

Anonymous said...

Biff, I think the statement was that Roy has as much administrative experience as anyone else in the race. Brewer actively disavows any responsibility for any of the current administrative fuggups because she was just a poor working girl. Sams has never run a biznezz. He is professional like Roy and manages a practice. As an attorney I imagine that Roy is trained to recognize many of the pitfalls that arise in administration. I am not discussing the other actual and potential candidates because I don't see any credentials at all among them.

I agree with "change guy". Change means Sams or Roy. You pick but I think their administrative experience is essentially equal.

Anonymous said...

anon, i don't disagree, and the difference may be insignifigant. sams is older, so has more years in running his business, but so what. sams has had two terms on the school board which might be considered a plus in his column over roy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Word has it that at Chuck Wagner's announcement event, over 275 name tags were written. According to the Town Talk, only 50 people arrived. Ha...Slocum wished!! Next time, Town Talk, don't go right @ 04:00 pm when the event starts, but observe and count yourself the 275 name tags...Slocum is shaking for sure.

Don't know what this boy is smoken' but I was there at the Wagner Silk Stocking event. I did count the noses, although it was difficult because they were so far stuck in the air.

Survey says! Max number of people there at any given time....121. Mostly the Alex blue bloods who have tried to do business with William Earl over the years and been rebuffed.

Slocum has the Sheriff Department political machine behind him and will roll over Wagner like a battle tank over a Coke can.

Anonymous said...

Roy may not have any experience but neither do the others except Deloris. He has youth & integrity on his side. we've seen what CFS and Deloris COULD DO and I'd like to have a new face in there..We need a change or don't complain when utility bills are sky high!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Leonid running Chuck's campaign? FEAR LEONID!


Anonymous, yeh you, hiding in in the blogishere. Answer this if you can 1) What did Tommy Cicardo do that was so bad as you put it
"his reign with skeletons." You must be getting your info from the TT, or you were reprimanded. Usually that is the problem. The new reign lets you do your on thing. NO ACCOUNTABILITY!!!!

Carolyn Cicardo

Anonymous said...

Biff, you and I need to get together and compare prediction techniques. While we agree on the results, I contend that chicken feathers and dried wing bones are a lot less messy than the goat entrals method you prefer.

For the record, the feather and bone method offers far less odor, is more portable, and cutsdown on the yuck factor. Besides, truly fresh goat entrals are difficult to obtain and have a very short shelf life.

Anonymous said...

soothsayer, thanks. i consulted my "divining for dummies" book, and chicken feathers and dried wing bones are just as effective. you can't imagine the blow flies that the goat entrails on the back deck attract. from now on i am strictly chicken feathers and dried wing bones. and my neighbors thank you also.

Blogger said...

I'm not sure where you're receiving your information about Harold Chambers, Mr. Anonymous, but it's simply untrue.

Mr. Chambers did show up at Jacques' announcement event. So did many other people, including City Councilman Harry Silver, whose name was missing from the TT's coverage of the event.

As someone who speaks to Jacques on a daily basis about his campaign, I can guarantee that Mr. Chambers is not a part of this campaign.

Jacques hasn't even spoken with Mr. Chambers since the announcement.

Jacques, of course, has not made any decisions about the people he'd hire once in office, and he believes that making these decisions prematurely would distract from the job at hand-- getting elected.

Also, Jacques, at this point, is not even sure that he'll appoint a chief of staff; he's taking a fresh look at the way things are typically organized.

I understand why it seems sensational that Jacques and Mr. Chambers have already made some sort of "deal," but this is a complete fabrication.

Moving on...

Anonymous said...

wow lamar. you sure seem to know everything about roy's campaign down to his most intimate thoughts. are you his campaign manager? and do you speak with his authority, because that last post sure sounded like authority?

Blogger said...

I would never assume to speak for anyone unless I had their prior permission.

That said, no, I am not his campaign manager. But, as I said on my blog, I will be actively working in support of his candidacy.

Anonymous said...

lamar, i understand, and have no problem with that at all. but since you do speak to him on a daily basis, would you mind asking him for the blog if there were any set of circumstances he would hire harold chambers to work under his administration? thanks. and believe me the blog would love to know his answer.

Anonymous said...

lamar? testing one two three. test test test.

Anonymous said...

Got the chance to meet Jacque Roy today and hear his platform. No, Chambers is not going to be connected with Roy. He also plans to increase the Police Force Size, sell surplus City equipment, and basically clean house & start over.

Sounds like we need a 36 year old to bring in new ideals and run the City of Alexandria the way it should be...for the people by the people.

Blogger said...


I invite you to call Jacques personally. He would enjoy answering any questions you have, even the hypotheticals.

You can reach him at 487-9729.

Anonymous said...

anon, let me get this straight. you met roy today, and he told you chambers will have no position under his administration? well, if that is true, and i am not doubting you, then lamar, who talks to roy on a daily basis, should have no problem confirming this to the blog. just how did your meeting go? hi, i'm jacques roy, and i won't be hiring harold chambers? interesting. i want an answer from lamar. i wonder how many of the reformers would be jumping to jacques band wagon if they knew he intended to involve harold chambers in his administration in ANY capacity. but listen. i am a reasonable guy. if the blog is not interested, or doesn't care if he uses harold chambers or not, i will quietly go back to reading my goat entrails. i personally think with out a denial from lamar who admits he speaks with roy daily, then roy's mantle of reformer is in serious jeopardy. again, lamar....test one, test test test. will you at least ask him? i suspect if you think it is a non issue, then something is up.

Anonymous said...

lamar! jesus joseph and mary! roy doesn't know me. my call won't even be returned. you are the one with the inside daily phone call with roy, YOU ask him if he will hire harold chambers. i am begining to wonder if something is foul in denmark.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Delores could be Roys chief of staff. That way whe could try again to do the job right.

Anonymous said...

Pam Webb qualified for John Sams seat today. Hmmm. I wonder what he thinks about that.

Blogger said...

Biff, he's expecting your phone call.

You can tell him you're Biff from Cenla Antics, and that should be sufficient.

But you're right about one thing: Jacques is running on a platform of change.

Personally, I think that alone should tell you what you want to know.

Anonymous said...

Does Mr. Roy have to go through Lamar White Jr. to speak to us or could he actually speak for himself or is he just a puppet for White and peers? He sounds like Christine to Lamar's Phantom of the Opera. Come on boy and be your own man or just let Lamar qualify.

Anonymous said...

Why should Sam's care that a physician's wife is running for his old seat?

Anonymous said...

Is Lamar Jacques' mouthpiece and maybe on his kitchen cabinet pulling the strings

Anonymous said...

Saying Jacques Roy is a bright new face out of the blue who will change the good old boy world to a new open mayoralty is like saying Rob't Kennedy Jr. and Ted Kennedy Jr are part of the new guard. Get real. Ever heard of Sookie, Chris, Edwards etc. Ever read the front pages of the Town Talk during the '70's? Do some research puhleeze.

Anonymous said...

It is good to eliminate the Chief of staff slot to have direct contact with department heads with no loss of data in communication. It is not wise to be talking about cleaning house as there are many key people that may not be easily replaced that do good jobs with the city. Besides that, working relationships don't develop overnight. The Town Talk editorial advocating slash & burn sounds macho but is an innefective management strategy. It is also possible to alienate 800 voters (city employees) immediately and persuade them to walk four others to the polls and there will be no run-off. 6000 votes in the first election could easily preclude a runoff. While change is what I am after, let's not advocate throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Anonymous said...

Hey, some of you guys need to get out more. Just because there is minor contact or someone is related to someone else, does not a dynasty make. Some of the babble you folks engage in illustrates just how small your worlds are. If you want to talk to Jacques Roy or Dr. Sams or Roosevelt Johnson, pick up the phone.

Anonymous said...

lamar. i asked you a simple question which you dodged. will roy make a statement that he will not employ chambers in any capacity? you speak to him every day about his campaign. it's not a complicated question. i have met sams maybe three times. i admire what he did with the school board. i don't have the advantage of talking to him daily, but bigawd give me five days and i will have a signed statement from sams that if chambers was the last person alive in alexandria, sams would not hire him to empty the trash. you on the other hand have totally honking dodged the issue. and to you roy "reformers", if you think roy's reluctance to state he would never hire chambers is not an issue, i say to you alexandria deserves what it gets. how many of you would vote for roy if there was ANY possibility that he might hire chambers? answer the damn question lamar. i'm going to bed.

Anonymous said...

lamar. i asked you a simple question which you dodged. will roy make a statement that he will not employ chambers in any capacity? you speak to him every day about his campaign. it's not a complicated question. i have met sams maybe three times. i admire what he did with the school board. i don't have the advantage of talking to him daily, but bigawd give me five days and i will have a signed statement from sams that if chambers was the last person alive in alexandria, sams would not hire him to empty the trash. you on the other hand have totally honking dodged the issue. and to you roy "reformers", if you think roy's reluctance to state he would never hire chambers is not an issue, i say to you alexandria deserves what it gets. how many of you would vote for roy if there was ANY possibility that he might hire chambers? answer the damn question lamar. i'm going to bed.

Anonymous said...

Biff, Lamar's right. If you've met with Sams THREE times already, then why not pick up the phone and call Jacques? You'll be able to get all of your pressing questions answered, and then you can hear it from the horse's mouth. Then, and here's the kicker, you can return to your computer and write about it.

Anonymous said...

Anonomous said

"Why should Sam's care that a physician's wife is running for his old seat? "

He should care because his last goal was to "save Bolton High School" Pam Webb was a huge supporter of Bolton and Penny Toney. She might undo all of Sams so-called hard work.

I am guessing that he is NOT happy.

Anonymous said...

Sams is about to find out that he can't just hand his school board seat over to his friend Ferdell without a fight. This is not an oligarchy where seats are passed down through the ranks to the chosen few.

Anonymous said...

About Roy cleaning house if elected...There are almost 1000 city employees most of us protected by civil service. No one can just uniltateraly come in and "clean house" I will admit that there are certain employees who no one would miss if they disappeared you can't fire them without going through a fairly lengthy and combersome process. Lately there has been a move to get rid of some of the deadwood as there are numerous younger and smarter people entering the city workforce who are making these old timers look worthless.

There are also 50 or so unclassified employees who can be fired at a moments notice. But remember, most of the division director positions and chief of staff are currently being held by "temporary appointments". These folks are allowed to be division directors but still get to keep their civil service protected positions also. As a result, they can be fired from their "acting" positions but still get to go back to their old jobs.

One other thing to consider is that all of the assistant director positions are vacant. This was a result of egotistical directors who didn't want to share their power. So if Roy fires the remaining directors and there are no assistant directors, City business will come to an abrubt halt. The new people wont even know where the paper clips are, how to find files, or turn on the computer. The smartest thing Roy or whoever wins could do is keep the existing directors, get the assistant directors positions filled, and then replace the directors with new people after the initial transition is over.

There are lots of good employees who work for the City. Most of us want change as much as the residents do. Any new Mayor would be wise to embrace the employees and get as much input from them as possible. We know more about the inner workings of City government than anyone because we live it every day.

Anonymous said...

Biff, I ran over a goat today in of all places, Wise street. I wasn't going to stop, but I saw some crackheads drop to their knees and make the sign of the cross while trying to flag me down. I just could not resist, so through a hail of chicken bones and MD 20/20 bottles I made a u-e to get back to the impact site. The poor goat was still twitching when I stopped and I noticed I had knocked the stuffing out of him. The fellas kept pointing and they would hit the pipe again and point some more. After I walked around the poor goat three times, It dawned on me what they were trying to say. On the concrete, bigger than Dallas, the entrails read -ROY. If'n I'm lyin', I'm dyin'

Spanky the Believer

Anonymous said...

Sams has friends??????? You must be joking.

What in the world will that man do with his free time when he is NOT elected mayor and is no longer on the school board.

I believe the whole city will somehow have to suffer his wrath. He will not go away quietly.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I wouldn't jump to conclusions about cleaning house. I thought the Town Talk editorial article was innapropriate and their sneaky way of assigning actions and motives to people that have not said anything to that effect. What needs to go is the chief of staff position, because it hinders communication, and the current city attorney along with several of the councilmen. I support our city employees and feel they need to be dealt with in good faith as well as supported. Yonkers, NY just experienced a blackout that lasted for two weeks and the last substantial power outage we had was when we had the hurricane a couple of years ago and power was restored by nightfall over most of the city. Our folks are great in my opinion, although there are exceptions as anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I'll take him drinking and feed him peanuts.

Anonymous said...

like an elephant?? elephants never forget.

Anonymous said...

Still hadn't heard from Jocks on the Chambers matter. How come no one was really worried about Harold before the blacks marched to the sea. Hell, now Harold was the one that ucked fupped the city for the last fifteen years. If Ned was running and Charlie and Harold were still there I bet no one would openly be looking for their heads on the chopping block. Maybe I'm missing something and just out the loop, but I don't think the big four who were fired in the last years of Ned's reign was a result of a WASP backlash against Ned. As my mama used to say, "sounds like nigger doin's to me"

Anonymous said...

spanky, i am laughing out loud. i enjoy a good night on lower third sucking down 40s.

Anonymous said...

They are sucking down a lot more that beer or malt liquor. They sucked down $100,00 to study a water park, $380,000 for a "strategic plan" that could have been devised by a highschool senior, and we can't imagine the millions in bogus legal fees to their buddies for doing zilch. We gotta have a big time change.

Anonymous said...

sucking on lower third. most heartily agree. and again, my humble opinion, sams is the man to cut that shit out pronto.

Anonymous said...

Out of the Loop, all folks heard was " the future is so bright, I gotta wear shades" talk and they saw new stuff jumping out of the ground and it looked like prosperity and put their city government on autopilot. It is our fault as citizens because we have elected what we have and have not used the safeguards at our disposal to check abuses. That time is now over because folks are paying attention now and it is a recent now. I have been saying this for two years at the expense of folks thinking I am nuts. There is going to be change. Number one is that we as a city have got to get over racial bias. Race is used by both sides to make excuses and throw up smoke screens while screwing the people in their business. That is an "us" issue. The real "us vs. them" issue is crookery v. honesty and the crooks have been gaining the lead. Talk to your neighbor and get out the vote.

Anonymous said...

The mayorial candidates shouldn't worry too much about the city employess, a very few of them live in the city and can vote. I would like to know what the candidates idea would be about hiring city residents to fill the city jobs.??

Anonymous said...

The big question, will Roy clean house and get rid of the legion of city attorneys that have been amassed like opposing armies by both sides. That is a major question in my mind.

Anonymous said...

The legions of attorneys evolved out of distrust and disloyalty to the client - the city. Roy will recognize that dynamic and make sure we get our money's worth from legal counsel. I predict that through diligent search, he will be able to find a lawyer that is not a Lawson tenant.

Anonymous said...

According to The Northside Journal's editor, the one thing that separates Roy from the rest of the pack is his disconnect with the current administration. I agree.

Survey says..... If Roy is to keep this considerable advantage over the current list of candidates, he must publicly distance himself from Harrold Chambers, and fast. The public must perceive that Roy is independent. In politics perception is reality!

The feathers and bones have spoken...

Anonymous said...

soothsayer. that was my point last night. lamar says he speaks to him daily, he seems to know roy's thoughts and plans, and lamar flat refused to ask roy for the blog if chambers will have anything to do with the roy administration. i'm a sams supporter. you all know it. but IF i was a roy supporter, it would bother me greatly that roy/lamar are dancing around the issue. face it, if chambers has any possibility of being in the roy administration, then it is not gonna be a regime change, but business as usual. and understand, i am not even slamming chambers, my point being is how can you claim to be a reform candidate for change, and even consider using arguably the most powerful man in ned's administration for years. something is wrong here and all it would take is assurance through lamar or even roy that that WILL NOT happen. and if that doesn't happen, i might suggest you re-evaluate your support for roy.

Anonymous said...

Biff, although you are an admitted Sams supporter, I haven't stated that I support Roy. I did point out the logic of the NSJ's editor. Roy's biggest club to use against the opposition is his own independence. He sacrifices that weapon when he allows any association with Chambers or anyone else currently affiliated with the mess at City Hall.

As to Sams, his biggest weakness is his public statement that he thinks the Alexandria Mayor is a part time job.

Since you are a Sams supporter, and agree that in politics perception is reality, don't you agree that Sams should release a public statement that he has re-thought the time required to effectvly administer the affairs of Alexandria? Don't you agree that, should he win, he should resign from private practice?

If he does not do this, be prepared for the onslaught. The other candidates WILL use this against Sams.

Anonymous said...

soothsayer. i heartily agree. sams needs to address this issue in greater detail. we need and deserve a full time mayor. sams has better be a bit more specific about how juggling his practice and mayoral duties will impact the time he spends as mayor.

Anonymous said...

Biff and Soothsayer....Goat entrals, chicken bones and feathers, they are sooooooooo 20th century!

Get with the times boys! Technology moves on! I use a digital algorithm processed by the latest Intel chipset to predict the logical progression of voter opinion.

Gigabytes fellas, gigabytes!

Anonymous said...

scarlett, if you are still on the delores boat, it might be time to consider putting on a life jacket and reporting to your assigned station at the life rafts.

Anonymous said...

Scarlet, thought you said adieu. Welcome back. No one said yet why Jocks can't speak for himself and everyone has to beckon to Lamar for second hand wisdom from Jocks.

Anonymous said...

Look at the invite to the $500 soiree' at David Brewers house for Delores and it tells you all you need to know about how independent she is and how much change you are gonna get. Hell, if we elected Harold mayor it would be better and more change than Delores. At least he would rid us of all those folks that screwed him.

Anonymous said...

Jacques, Get the hell as far away from Lamar as you can if you want to have a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

If you don't think Lamar has the ability to move a lot of votes in this election, you obviously haven't been paying much attention lately.

I don't agree with him on a number of things, but he's young, engaged, and articulate.

Why wouldn't you want him on your side?

Anonymous said...

You people need to get a life....AND a job.

Anonymous said...

No shit. Let the campaign run its course.

All will be revealed in due time.

Anonymous said...

Chambers has retired so to speak. He will not be involved in Roy's administration. If that's all you guys have to bitch about, then that's SAD.. We need a change and ROY is that. There were 200+ people Roys party.. pick onsomeone else. Should we be wondering if Alban is going to be part of Deloris administration? Or Kelvin? Or Deborah Randolph??? They were at her kick off. Grow up or find something else to bitch about. If that's the only problem you have with Roy then get over it.......

Anonymous said...

Don't you want to call J Roy? I know now, if you call him and ask him about his intentions he will know your idenity. You can't hide behind a username. Ha...I knew you were chicken...

Anonymous said...

Jacques Roy blogged. Michele's interview on the KALB site now. Biff can quit his hand-wringing over Chambers now. The question was answered. Chambers will not be COS, nor involved in the campaign, nor a part of the Administration.


Anonymous said...

daniels, not to belabor a point, he said chambers will not be chief of staff. he said he may not even have that position. he was in the middle of touting chambers knowledge when michelle changed the subject. he certainly did not say he would not hire chambers in some capacity. at least that is what i saw. did i miss something?

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