Tuesday, March 13, 2007

David Vitter endorses Giuliani

Senator Vitter has joined the Giuliani Presidential campaign as the Southern Regional Chair.

Rudy's qualifications for President, in my opinion, are credible. Althought his philosophical leanings are quite liberal for the Republican party, Rudy has to win over the conservatives in the south to have a winable campaign. If he promises to follow the parties philosophies and not his own he can win over the conservative religious south. This I believe, will be the only way to truly win the vote. His personal life may bring up a few points of interest but after the Clinton years, can one really introduce Rudy's rather tame lifestyle? After all what is the definition of "is"?

Having personally met Mr. Giuliani, I found him to be both personable and cordial. His energy is postive and focused. This is not to be consrewed as a personal endorsement, as I have not met (so far) any of the other possible or declared candidates. More to come ....


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Anonymous said...

check out the anti-breaux comercial on youtube.


i like it!

Anonymous said...

Please do not illegally copy posts from my website onto this one. People on this blog have made it clear they do not care about the matters that I bring up. Therefore, please comply with their wishes and do not bring my posts onto this blog. If you would like to respond to my posts, from my website, please do so there.

Anonymous said...

sorry, but i had no idea that it was your blog.

Anonymous said...

is that really illegal?

Anonymous said...

It's not copyrighted so it is legal but why would you want to contaminate a perfectly good site with that misinformation and bile. It is remarkable that greg recognizes our reaction to him, yet continues to make his deposits like dog crap on our lawn.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard the story of the old western town, Oakville? It seems the town was unruly and dangerous for the town folk, so they elected a Sheriff. He was no gunfighter, just a plan citizen, but he had a heart for the town and was determined to clean it up. He strapped on his double holstered pistols, picked up the sawed-off shot gun and told the towns people if they stood with him, he would clean out the town. They picked up their weapons and walked with him. When the wild bunch walked on the streets, no one from town stepped back, but the sheriff stepped up and demanded they leave town, “or else”. Suddenly the street was blazing with gunfire, no one ran, they all stood with their sheriff. When the smoke settled, the sheriff was still standing, a little taller in the eyes of the town’s people and the wild bunch was defeated. There was a small group that chose to stay and wait for an opportunity for another battle. But, the sheriff stood tall for 20 years and no one challenged his ready hand. Then, with advancing age, he retired, and the town elected a new sheriff who within a year had foolishly shot himself and the disabling wound would never let him lead again. So, not knowing what to do, one of the townspeople stood up and said, “Let me be Sheriff, I will not run!” Though the townspeople were not sure this one could handle the job, since no one else wanted to take up the mess the wounded Sheriff left, they said yes and gave him the badge. Much to their surprise, he was very effective, and soon the town began to boom in population, so many wanted to live in the clean town of Oakville, with its effective Sheriff. By, alas, the old guys from the Wild Bunch began to take him out to dinner, brag on him to their friends, and introduce him to people who could really make Oakville grow. Bribe would never have worked, but pride in building Oakville into a large city was too enticing. He began to meet with these throw backs from the days of unruly behavior and dangerous streets, and was assured they would never try to return the town to its former filth; after all, this would only be a little dirt that came with great prosperity. The Sheriff said this was a good idea and began to talk to others, only to find out that the Wild Bunch did not persuade the town’s people who had fought to get rid of the filth. They told the Sheriff, “No way, we will rise and fight again”. Therefore the battle lines formed again, the towns people strapped on their weapons, the Wild Bunch strapped on theirs. As they began to approach the place of battle, unlike the old Sheriff who took the lead and stood during the battle, this Sheriff took off his guns, watched out the window of his office, and decided to let the battle rage and when the smoke cleared he would congratulate the victor and tell them, “I was always with you”. And then he would go to the hospital visiting the wounded, attend the funerals, and tell the losers… “I was always with you.” What a Sheriff… just what every town needs… someone to start the trouble then wait on the sidelines for the smoke to clear…

Sound familiar? It should. Just look to the North side of the Red River.

Anonymous said...

That's some of the worst writing I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

WHY has no-one mentioned the sudden appearance of an otherwise unknown attorney from Monroe at the executive session on Monday? Who is that? Why has she never been mentioned before? Why isn't Billy Guinn right on top of the 'facts' as he has been so quick to jump on in the past, jumping all over this? Is it because he isn't an investigative reporter at all, simply Ken Juneaus B-O-Y.

Why is Kelvin Sanders not allowed into the meetings? He has more knowledge than anyone else about the Cleco case, or he should given the repeated assertaions by the administration that the City Attorney is in charge....why wouldn't the former city attorney-who has been handling the case be welcomed into the meetings?

What is really going on-and why isn't anyone asking?

Anonymous said...

Could it be this Monroe attorney has been on the "case for a while" - yeah - like since Jacques took office - just so they could say they have a female attorney and shut down every argument Bridgett has to remain on the case?????

Anonymous said...

"Why is Kelvin Sanders not allowed into the meetings?"

Why don't you open your door and let a rattlesnake enter your house?

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg, you fat, sloppy, sad excuse for an attorney...ANYTHNG posted to any blog is public domain and can be copied and reused at will.

Geeezzzzzz you have to be the dumbist asshole in Louisiana! And there are plenty here to compare you to.

And to this guy: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:22:00 AM

Either you are Jason Parks or you're a liar. Parks got the house he's living in now because of a settlement he got from the city of Pineville and now, despite the insurance company bending over backward to fix his current house, he wants the city to write a check, and completely buy the house at a price he names!
He refuses to let a court of law decide the case because he knows that they won't give him the outragous settlement he's demanding.

Parks is a leach trying to make another fast buck with the taxpayers of pineville picking up the tab.

Hey Parks...how many grapes have you slipped in in Wal-Mart?

Anonymous said...

"Geeezzzzzz you have to be the dumbist asshole in Louisiana!"


I'm thinking he/she is the no worse than the second "DUMBIST" asshole in Louisiana!!!


Anonymous said...

Funny thing about Pineville officials. They are so obvious these days with their TOTAL reliance on image over substance that they are predictable and moveable. Unfortunately their IMAGE is rapidly being deteriating as the public finds out more of the truth on the competence and ability of their public officials. And, they are so predictible. This nice man gets crap flushed up into his house and what does Pineville Officials do when no one is looking at them? NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING. When the light is shown on their ineptitude they say what they ALWAYS say. Uh WE CANT DO NUTHIN BOUT IT CAUSE WE GOTS OUR HANDS TIED. They even get their atty to chastise the guy for going to the media. What did he say? " Its unfortunate that Mr Parks chose to go to the media to influence the City " Well HELL thats the ONLY way to get Fields and Dupree motivated. Shine the light of truth on their little kingdom and expose their laziness or incompetence. Sooooo What happens when Mr Parks WENT to the media? Exactly what you would expect from an administration that is hollow and has to rely on image. They got off their ass and got the insurance company doing what they COULD have forced them to do months ago. Makes it look like their first response about" our hands are tied" to be yet ANOTHER lie told by FLIPFLOP FIELDS . SOOOOO, moral of the story is......If you want Fields , Dupree or any of the bobbing head councilmen to do anything all you have to do is let the TRUTH out to the public. So, If you have a problem call for Clarence but have to talk to Rich and nothing happens, make your next call to KALB ,KLAX or the Town Talk. Shame but true. Proof is right here in the Parks situation.

Anonymous said...

"How to Secure a Copyright
Copyright Secured Automatically upon Creation
The way in which copyright protection is secured is frequently misunderstood. No publication or registration or other action in the Copyright Office is required to secure copyright."

Now, who is the dumb asshole? Before arguing law with a lawyer, please seek legal advice. Next time you may avoid looking stupid.

Anonymous said...

The case I go to trial on in May, in which Pineville has now stipulated its liability for the defective sewer line, involves the loss of rental income to property destroyed by sewage backup. The reason my client finally decided to sue is because Pineville's sewer superintendent told him he will just have to live with it because the City has no money to fix its lines.
However Pineville can give thousands to the Aces and LC, and decorate the City, and pay for expensive trips for the Mayor and staff. Pineville's below standard infrastructure cannot support growth. Water that goes out during a storm (due to lack of generators), sewer that backs up into dwellings, hooking sewer to waterlines, insufficient water pressure to its newest hotel, and impossible to navigate roads (like Hwy. 28 East), are just a few to mention. The "smoke and mirror" act is catching up with the Pineville politicos. They forgot that they are there to serve the public.

Anonymous said...

"On Feb. 6, the same day he filed papers establishing his exploratory committee, Giuliani appeared on "Hannity & Colmes," a political talk show on the Fox News Channel. In his interview with Sean Hannity, Giuliani discussed some of the issues, including abortion, gun control and gay marriage.

He emphasized his record on supporting adoption as an alternative to abortion, the importance of gun control in driving down crime...."The Daily Reveille; By : Jack Collens; 3/21/07.

This is just an example of Giuliani's liberalism. Additionally, he appointed more Democrats to the bench in NYC than Republicans. Giuliani gets an A for excellent leadership and compassion during 9-11, however, our daily lives would be ruined by him. Giuliani, and now perhaps Vitter, is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Anonymous said...

cleco case; so how much is ems to receive, if anything; should ems be paid anything at all; in the final analysis, ems principals promised cleco their secrecy - for money; then promised the city their secrets - for money

in the end, did ems do anything in the related cleco case to earn any money at all? shouldn't the ratepayers receive a refund, proportionate to what their utility bills were?

Anonymous said...

Did you create that Breaux comercial? Is so then it seems like copyright infringment but if not then you are breaking the same laws by posting the comercial on your blog. Right?

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