Monday, February 26, 2007

A litte Q & R a/k/a Que'in and Riverfest

Having been involved in RiverFest before my venturing into the depths of Que'in on Red, I can state emphatically that one was not chosen over the other by the city nor were sponsorships ripped from the moorings of Riverfest.

The idea of Que'in came about while I was on the board of RiverFest. The thought came from Pineville's concern over the turnout on Pineville's side of the river. It came to me that as Louisiana at that time did not have a barbeque festival of significant notice, this would be a perfect venue for the Pineville side. I approached first fellow board members Rich Dupree and Mayor Fields with the idea. As it would have had beer tied to it, it was never fully pursued. I have envisioned this part of RiverFest (yes it was to be a part of RiverFest) to have taken place at Lake Buhlow, contained behind the fence. I knew that it would overshadow RiverFest at some point in time and having had the discussion with fellow board members and others not associated with RiverFest, decided that it would be better as a seperate entity.

In the formation of Que'in, a decision by the committee was made to associate the festival with Memphis in May. Mulitple dates for the festival were sent to Memphis for approval. Memphis in May picked the date for the festival, no one in Alexandria had a say in that decision. We are in the Memphis in may circuit of events. This is important as the orginal idea also included bringing people from outside the area to Alexandria. Last year several of our entrants were from outside the state. This year we expect even more.

As to the absurd statement that Que'in went after the same sponsors that RiverFest used and drained the coffers, I can state this: As a business owner here in Alexandria, once you are known for giving to the community you are unindated with requests from everywhere, asking that you support their endeavors. You do what you can, but there is only so much to give and the decision to give is on the giver not the taker.

Before I close I will state this fact: While on the board of RiverFest, we did not have full board participation during the festival and at most meetings. The Que'in committee was there in it's entirety during the operation of the festival and we were never at attendance less than a quorum.

It is with sincere sadness that I heard RiverFest will not happen this year, I personally worked 4 years with other dedicated individuals to make it a success. My board term expired last year, however, had I been asked to remain, I would have done so and worked equally as hard to ensure it's future. But the two festivals have nothing to do with one another except in the conception of the idea of Que'in.

If you wish verification of the following statement, check with Myron Lawson, Charles Frederick Smith, Chuck Fowler, Lisa Harris, Mayor Fields, Rich Dupree and former Alexandria Mayor Randolph.


Anonymous said...

Possibly the Pineville bunch wanted to wait until they went back into office without opposition to show their true support for alcohol? Once they get all those alcoholic eating places in Pineville a festival with beer will be possible.

Anonymous said...

Thats true isnt it. They opposed alcohol every single time they ran with opposition and this time they waited until they got reelected to start the alcohol talk. Seems like I remember that they gave themselves a raise right after they got reelected last time. That seems sort of dishonest. How does one go about recalling someone?

Anonymous said...

There are several preachers in Pineville that are looking into just that.

Anonymous said...

Good. Maybe we can have an election where they have opponents and they have to stand on their own and answer some questions. The Bishop fella thinks he can run for Police Jury. Those same preachers have decided to work to NIX that little fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Being of the Catholic persuasion and believing that God does inspire all gifts to mankind, the evil is not in the alcohol but in the immoderation of the individual consuming it. Moderation is the key to being master of our gifts. As one looks at the seven deadly sins, gluttony applies to alcohol as well as food. Am I to understand that the citizens of Pineville are not able to exert self control and there is some sort of force field protecting the folks in the dry areas from sin? I don't really understand. Please enlighten me.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but I don't recall anytime when anyone at Pineville City Hall ever said they were in favor of selling alcohol in Pineville.

I do recall Bishop, Bouche and Van Mol all saying they were in favor of putting it to a vote.

Big difference.....

Anonymous said...

Alcohol is coming to Pineville, you can bet on it. Since the Supreme Court decision out of Sabine Parish, there is no way Pineville can stop the sale of alcohol any more.

All it's going to take is a single lawsuit, and you will have bars, package liquor, you name it.

It's coming, get ready...

Anonymous said...

These same people who are screaming on here about this topic continue to make the trek accross the bridge into Alexandria for a nip or two and drive back across the bridge afterward. This does not make any sense and is totally hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

why do you take 2 baptist fishing instead of 1? if you only bring 1 he will drink all of your beer. if you bring 2 they will just watch each other.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that over 50 preachers are meeting this week to form an army to combat the Pineville alcohol idea. The trial baloon is about to get shot down by the angry hordes. Who's riding in it?

Anonymous said...

This does not make any sense and is totally hypocritical.

That is not true. The fact that you know a few Baptist who might take a drink does not prove they, or the non-Baptists opposed to alcohol, are hypocrites. What is hypocritical, as many from Pineville tell me, are politicians who say one thing in a campaign and then do the opposite once elected.

Anonymous said...

I am a Christian first and a Baptist second. I enjoy a good drink occasionally and don't hide the fact. My parent's, who were non-drinker's, taught me that the Bible does not say that drinking is a sin. It says that doing anything to excess is.

Several years ago, when faced with a vote to sell alcohol in Pineville, I voiced my support in favor of the proposal. I will never forget my mother's responce. She said, "I like bacon, but that doesn't mean that I want a pig pen in my yard."

Anonymous said...

Please ask your mother what is accomplished by having Pineville dry: does it stop or even reduce alcohol consumption and does it increase the amount of auto travel associated with alcohol useage and does it help Pineville when those tax dollars remain on the west side of the Red. The argument reminds me of Footloose.

And your mama really needs to work on her metaphors.

Anonymous said...

Technically speaking, a dry Pineville increases the number of people driving back from across the river after drinking. Seriously, most arguments I've heard for keeping Pineville dry are flawed.
Statistical data about lower crime rates usually are from dry counties, where you have to drive more than 5 minutes to buy liquor. Same with most other statistics - a dry city should have little impact on the rate of consumption in general. While I don't mind the idea of limiting sale of liquor to restaurants, I doubt that it would be legal.
As far as the tax dollars and the Economic Development impact is concerned, allowing alcohol sales has always made lots of sense. The number of restaurants that have decided against Pineville in favor of greener (or not dry for that matter) pastures is sad.
So what am I saying here? 1. Pineville should not be dry 2. preachers, with few exceptions, are hypocrites 3. kudos to Fields & Co
Just my 2 cents

Anonymous said...

2. preachers, with few exceptions, are hypocrites

Give us the names of the preachers, and what specifically they said or did that was hypocritical? Or are you simply stating a generalization without any facts to back it up? Are you a citizen of Pineville? Do those citizens have a right to make a choice?

Anonymous said...

Well thank you that clears it up for me. It's the Preachers who are hypocrites and NOT the politicians that promise one thing and then months after reelection do something different. That makes sense. My mistake.

Cenla Antics said...

I will be upgrading our blog over the next few days. A few things may dissappear so I am told, so I am apologizing in advance.

For those detractors who fancy me as the devil incarnate, I am not deleting anything. If it dissappears its the technology not me.

In changing I will state this, I merely built the canvas, you are the artists. To change threads I must post a personal thougth that you either run with or change. Are there any links that you wish me to add or subtract? Anything else you would like me to see if this blog can do?

Cenla Antics

wst... said...

thanks for asking - prohibit anonymous commenter's. let everyone who wishes to comment get a display name.

wst... said...

sounds interesting smelly. who is the republicans going to run for those seats? please dont tell us one will be cry-baby randy pantiehill.

Anonymous said...

for once i agree with we saw that. make it so commenters have to have a isplay name.

Cenla Antics said...

You do realize that requiring everyone to post with a screen name merely adds one step to the process. You can still hide behind a screen name or use different accounts.

It is true that everyone knows Gena is Scarlett and that I am Cenla Antics, but who is We Saw That or Smelly Pelican????

Cenla Antics

Anonymous said...

To Greg Aymond...
"What is hypocritical, as many from Pineville tell me, are politicians who say one thing in a campaign and then do the opposite once elected."

Please enlighten us Greg. Who are the "many" you have consulted with in Pineville? By your own admission, I thought you were hated and villified on that side of the river. If this is true, who would bother to speak with you?
Also, name any politician who actually said one thing and DID another?

Anonymous said...

i realize that people can still hide behind there blog handle but at least it would become a little more interesting. anything is better than an "anon" spewing venom. i would like to differentiate b/w scum.

Anonymous said...

Please enlighten us Greg. Who are the "many" you have consulted with in Pineville?

I am sorry, I am not at liberty to say who. Several are former and present employees of Pineville, some are members of Pineville churches. I belive that the number of posts on here, and those who have signed their names to letters to the editor of local papers, show that there are in fact people in Pineville who feel that their elected officials have not kept their promises about alcohol.
I am sure that you can understand about people desiring anonymnity, as you failed to put your name to your post.
As to someone taking a different stance now, I would suggest you read Bill Sumerall's July 29, 2002, Towntalk article entitled "Dry vs. Wet". In it he states that Mayor Fields "doesn't believe the longtime alcohol ban - dating to the early 1940s - has really hurt the city economically.
"I'm not an advocate of alcohol here in the city of Pineville," he said." This is totally opposit of what Mayor Fields stated on KSYL radio.

Anonymous said...

Again Greg, I bring you back to your own words. You did NOT give an example of any elected official in Pineville who said one thing and DID another. Your words Greg, not mine. As it stands now, no elected official in Pineville, at the Police Jury, or even our State Legislators, had TAKEN ANY ACTION to change the status quo.

You said Greg, that Pineville officials said one thing and DID something else. Again Greg, tell us what official did what?

As to Fields, his position has never changed. He has always stated that on a personal level he is against the sale of Alcohol in Pineville. However as Mayor, he has also supported the right of citizens to vote on this issue.

It is you, Greg who should check your facts before you speak. In Fields' radio interview, he NEVER said he was in favor of alcohol sales in Pineville. He did mention restaurants that wished to sell and stated that the people needed to decide this.

Be very carefull what words you place in other's mouthes Greg...those words may come back to haunt you.

As to hiding behind Anonymous, I will not do it any longer. My name is Greg Aymond.

Anonymous said...

Well, that was a totally confusing post.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Fields, in his February, 2007, broadcast on KSYL, explained at great lengths that he believes certain eateries would locate to Pineville, if they were allowed to sell alcohol. Staying dry, he explained, did have an economic impact upon Pineville.
Yet in 2002 he said that he "doesn't believe the longtime alcohol ban - dating to the early 1940s - has really hurt the city economically.
"I'm not an advocate of alcohol here in the city of Pineville,". Those are clearly contradictory statements.
I also fail to understand you using my name instead of having the courage to use your own.

Anonymous said...

Aymond you complete ass. Are you trying to tell us that a city's economy cannot change in 5 years???

Let's see, in 2002 there was no Union Tank Car, Plastipak, P&G expansion, Calvary Chemical, RRMC expansion, Pollock Prison Second Unit, or a host of other medium size businesses who have located here. In addition, in 2002, the northside of the river did not have more housing starts than the south side.

In 2007...all that has changed. Shouldn't the Mayor of a growing city modify his economic outlook as the economy itself changes? If you say're way out of touch with reality Greg.

However, you have avoided the other guy's question and still have not addressed Fields supposed change in opposition to Alcohol. I listened intently to that interview and NEVER heard Fields say he was in favor of Alcohol. He did say that alcohol sales should be left to a vote of the people.

Your hatred of Fields is leading you to lie about him Greg.

So, answer the other guy's question Greg. What has Fields DONE that is in opposition to what he has said?

Don't lie greg, and don't try to avoid the question, just answer it.

Anonymous said...

Today, Billy Gunn reported in the Towntalk:
"Roy also said all attorneys the city employs are picked by the sitting city attorney, Charles "Chuck" Johnson, and that Sanders had no legal standing or role in the case.
"The council will not usurp 1 inch of the authority of this administration," Roy said.
After the meeting, Roy said that some members of the council have "a fundamental misunderstanding of the separation of powers" between the mayor's office and the council, which the City Charter spells out."

Three cheers for Mayor Roy, for providing such leadership to a City which allowed its council to run wild for so long. Also kudos to him for doing something about the City's vehicle policies.

Anonymous said...

Contgrats to Mayor Roy. I know he is only doing what he was elected to do but that in itself seems to merit praise these days. Wouldn't it be great if his example could bring integrity back in vogue.

Anonymous said...

i watched the meeting on channel 4. i was really impressed with the way our mayor handled kelvin s., everitt hobbs and the rest. He was very testy with sanders and put him in his place quick

Anonymous said...

Has the "public access" channel been selectively censored? I wanted to see the heated exchange over the councils attempt to re-hire Kelvin Sanders. Has it been deleted from the tape or did I just miss it today?

Anonymous said...

He was firm with Kelvin. Personally I think the what the Council did to Kelvin was wrong. They should have never brought him into this situation. Kelvin served the City well. If you had worked with him directly you would know that. He is very broad minded and is willing to try new things within the confines of the law to help this city grow. He became a pawn in a sense, used by the Council to get what they wanted and by others.

The Council used him last night to try to make a point. Jacques made it perfectly clear he was not going to allow the Council to take control of the day-to-day again.

I have to respect the fact Kelvin stood there, in the midst of the arguments, and stated very clearly no he wasn't the City Attorney, he wasn't asking to be that, he had performed that duty and didn't want that job. I honestly don't believe this was his idea. It was a power play by certain members of the Council, just like having the Melancon person ask about Washington Mardi Gras.

The real question is where was Trey while all this was going on? He's usually at the table with Nancy and Donna.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reply Kelvin.

Anonymous said...

I watched the re-run on Chanel 4, of that council meeting, and when Mayor Roy said he would not go into executive session, all of the sudden the video stopped. Was there more after that? If so, why isn't it being shown?

Anonymous said...

That's my point. I think its been censored. The part with the unknown man questioning about the Washington Mardi Gras has also mysteriously disappeared. NOT A GOOD SIGN for you 1st Amendment buffs.

Anonymous said...

Could one wonder if it has been determined that the business as usual actions of some city personnel in important positions are compromising the City from a legal standpoint?

Maybe Roy has his hands full trying to stop things like the boxing match donations, the supposed excessive cost of festival entertainment, etc, etc.

As you well know the city monitors the blogs and reacts negatively to any criticism.

Anonymous said...

9:29 - I posted at 9:03 and I can assure you I am (1) not black, (2) not male and (3) my name is NOT Kelvin. You ASSUME too much.

I stand behind my post - he was being used, has been used and I hope will not let himself be used any longer.

Anonymous said...

Roy is a liar and anyone who believes that all attorneys the city employs are picked by the sitting city attorney, Charles "Chuck" Johnson is just as idiotic as Jacques. Chuck has absolutely NO power whatsoever. Jacques is the Mayor, the City Attorney and the Chief of Staff. He makes ALL the decisions and those who are in his administration are his pawns. It may very well be time for a change in the City of Alexandria, however, developing this kind of relationship with the council is going to get him NO WHERE FAST. He better enjoy this term in office because it will definitely be his LAST.

Anonymous said...

I think Mayor Roy is doing a great job thus far. If he finishes his term like he has started it, I will vote for him again.

Anonymous said...

Man, that's heady stuff, standing there defending the charter. I voted for Roy because he was the best candidate but until now, I never suspected greatness.

Anonymous said...

Heard something interesting over coffee this morning.

Word is, Bridgette Brown has been thrown off the Cleco case by Roy.

Stand by for hissy fit in 3, 2, 1....

Anonymous said...

That would be great news. Bridgette was only on the public trough due to her connections. She was a totally waste of money.

Anonymous said...

She was also sitting front and center at the council meeting when our mayor and kelvin got into thier heated exchange. to anyone who saw it or was there. Did it look like mr. hobbs was giving hand signals to someone in the audience? also, looked like kelvin was doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I saw Bridgit and that other big black lady that lawyered at Provosty's until they didn't need a token anymore. Bridget always said that Ned was affraid to fire her or Kelvin because that was up to the council not the mayor. I guess she was right. Ned was affraid to fire her and Kelvin, BUT NOT JACQUES ROY. Remember when Caroll Lanier was telling everybody that Bridgit would be Jacques' city attorney???

Anonymous said...

Looks like Jacques is even winning over those 2000 Brewer voters. He's stepping up to the plate and his huge political capital makes him very powerful. Good job Jacques!

Anonymous said...

It's called "bustin up the playhouse" and playing by the rules. We do have a very well constructed city charter that allows for representation of all citizens. Think about the two at-large council members for a moment. When a segment of the population becomes energized to vote for at-large then you have two swing votes on the council. As concerns and power shifts it will be reflected in who is elected and who those two will vote with. Our system of government is working although it may appear rocky at times. Governance always entails an ebb and flow of influences and a convergance of alliances that is reflected by the citizens level of participation. Voting is the single-most important crystallizing event in deciding representation, but everyday involvement is just as important. These folks work for us and they do listen. How they act is determined by the influences they come in contact with between elections. Pick up the phone and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

The large lady from Provosty is Daphne Robinson. I think she will do better now that she has to depend on being smart (which she clearly is) rather than being black (which she clearly is).

What are Delores and John doing these days?

Anonymous said...

Way to go Mayor and Harry!!

Anonymous said...

What did Harry do? It looked to me like Harry and Chuck were actively supporting the Kelvin Sanders deal. Chuck made the motion, I think.

Anonymous said... put the highlights of the meeting the video blog...very entertaining...

Anonymous said...

I have a Mac and the KALB blog won't play on my computer. What am I doing wrong? (Other than buying a Mac)

Anonymous said...

there is nothing wrong with your mac. it is you. you should download either the VLC player, or a DIVX player. Also it would not hurt to get windows media player.

Anonymous said...

you should switch your web browser. safari sux. get firefox. go to to download it. that should rectify the problem.

Anonymous said...

Apple kicks ass!

wst... said...

Alexandria City Council Friction <---- heres the link but the video doesnt seem to be playing yet.
kalb snip:

Tuesday, February 27th the Alexandria City Council opened up a discussion about the Cleco litigation and how the flow of information was being handled.

This is the first time the city council and Mayor Jacques Roy displayed any public friction. If you are following the development of the relationship between the council and mayor you will be interested in our blog and the public access video we have posted.

Cenla Antics said...

Upgrade complete. Unless anyone wants font and color change or page layout. I have added a hit counter to the blog to answer the question of how many actually visit the blog and don't post. To the technologically challenged and conspirists: this addition and modifications to the blog are NOT tracking methods.

Cenla Antics

wst... said...

sounds good. you might consider adding emily metzgar to your sidebar and also la news links as they link to cenla antics.

emily metzgar

la news links

page on la news links with cenla antics link:

Anonymous said...

I really think you should consider the prudence of taking advice and direction from someone with an Adolph Hitler logo???

Anonymous said...

I hear that Joe Despino gets to keep his car.

Anonymous said...

The large lady's name IS Daphne R. Robinson. She is DAMN smart and considers herself to be big, black, and absolutely beautiful. The gig at Provosty was great, but she has definitely moved on to bigger and better things. Questions for her about her competence and legal acumen can be addressed to her directly rather than through the anonymous postings on this blog!!

Daphne R Robinson

Anonymous said...

No questions Ms. Robinson. Your job was to be a negro lawyer at the Provosty Law Firm and you really did it quite well. Congratulations on "movin on up" to bigger and better things.

Anonymous said...

Well channel 4 is running the missing part of Tuesday's Council meeting now. Did Harry Silver say the word "bastard"? And for those who didn't know it, Harry also publicly came out of the closet and announced that he IS NOT a Baptist.

Anonymous said...

So, since the issue of public servants using public cars for private use is being talked about in Alexandria, what is the policy re use of public cars by employees in Pineville?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch on to the fact that Charles "Chuck" Johnson (The new City Attorney, at least in title) personally went to Kelvin Sanders' office (the former City Attorney) to ask him to serve as substitute counsel on the Cleco case. This is probably because Chuck has no idea WHAT THE HELL HE IS DOING. Also, Mr. Roy attempted to quiet Mr. Sanders when he told the council that Chuck came to him and asked for his help.

Anonymous said...

Roy is sitting on a powder keg with this cleco as is the council and if they aren't careful it's going to go off right between their legs.

Anonymous said...

what is the policy re use of public cars by employees in Pineville?

Must be pretty lax, since Rich Dupree drives his City car to work the Aces games.

Anonymous said...

Wrong. The motions to substitute council that Johnson delivered to Kelvin were documents informing the court that Johnson was now attorney for the city and Kelvin was not. They took Kelvin totally out of the picture on a case by case basis.

Anonymous said...

what is the policy re use of public cars by employees in Pineville?

Must be pretty lax, since Rich Dupree drives his City car to work the Aces games.

As I understand it, other than the mayor and police and Fire, the only people who have city cars to drive home is Rich Dupree, Chief of Staff and Public Works Director, Charlie Moore.

And by the way, Dupree does NOT use his car for ANYTHING but city business...period!

Anonymous said...

It was great fun cheering for Jacques during the elections but now is the time that he genuinely needs our support. We wanted somebody with the brains and conviction and courage to stand up to the council abuses and bullying and we really lucked up. I was worried about where Chuck Johnson would fit since he used to be Myron's boy but the Feb. 27th meeting resolved that concern.
The person who introduced the legislation to circumvent the mayor's charter prerogative and bring in Kelvin was none other than Chuck Fowler. I am forced to attribute that to an unrelenting history of gutless stupidity. I am told that the Roy Administration had explained the separation of powers to the council, in writing, and in person, on a number of occassions. Tell your councilman that support Roy's efforts to follow the law and the charter and don't want this administration to become totally ineffective like the Randolph era.

Thank god Roy knows that he has to nip this usurpation crap in the bud and is refusing to let it get out of hand. His statement that he would not allow the council to usurp on inch of administration authority was the gauntlet we had been waiting for. The sad thing is that by leaving Hobbs, Silver and Lawson on the council, we left Jacques to fight the fight alone.

Anonymous said...

And by the way, Dupree does NOT use his car for ANYTHING but city business...period!

Your right, he hasn't used it to attend an Aces game since he learned someone was checking the license plate out last year.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm. I wonder who the anonymous poster is that keeps chewing on Rich dupree's ass and accusing him of everything but the Pearl Harbor attach??? I am thinking that perhaps "anonymous" is Aymond's nom-de-cheapshot. Too bad. Greg was on the verge of approaching "legitimate".

Anonymous said...

The fact still remains that council members have crossed the line by giving direct instruction to city employees that alone would warrant removal from office by any proper person filing suit. The council should be so warned to heed the admonition of Mayor Roy and work within the bounds of the charter.

Anonymous said...

Nope wasn't me. Apparently you will never believe that I am not the only person that smells something fishy about Dupree, and there is little I can say to change that erroneous belief.

Anonymous said...

Not to change the subject but my prediction is we'll lose the steel mill project to Alabama. Blanco will be seen as an leader who can't even bring her own citizens back home and get the southern part of the state stabilized with the failure of the Road Home progam. South Louisiana, afterall is where they plan to put this thing and will need thousands of workers. She can't even get thousands of people to commit to moving back to New Orleans.

And don't think for one minute the Germans aren't aware of what's going on in this state, their consultants are US based.

We would be wise to remember how fortunate we are to live in Central Louisiana, where all politics were set aside to pull off keeping P&G, providing a means for them to expand and bring new companies with them; providing an atmosphere for Union Tank to want to choose Central Louisiana over another part of the state and having other companies give us a second and third look for their considerations. Yes, we play hardball and sometimes dirty amongst ourselves, but when it comes to pulling together for the greater cause, we have proven we can to that.

Anonymous said...

"Nope wasn't me. Apparently you will never believe that I am not the only person that smells something fishy about Dupree, and there is little I can say to change that erroneous belief."

So why did you post this Greg?

Anonymous said...

Your right, he hasn't used it to attend an Aces game since he learned someone was checking the license plate out last year.

Noooo...Dupree has NEVER used his city owned vehicle to attend or work at any Aces game....PERIOD!

Anonymous said...

Breaux supports Bobby Jindal!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the observations about Alabama and the steel mill. Beside that, they have a history that predates the civil war for steel production from Birmingham to Bessmer with a ready and able workforce. The strategic Mississippi location is our draw but north of Memphis already exist a steel mill at Caruthersville MO and Blytheville Ar. Those mills have slowed production over the past few years due to lagging demand with the resulting idling of satellite plants ( roll mills & pipe mills).

Anonymous said...

How about the huge Chinese demand (Spanky, those are the Mexicans in the orient).

Cenla Antics said...

Humor for the day .....

Swiss accidentally invade Liechtenstein Fri Mar 2, 8:51 AM ET

What began as a routine training exercise almost ended in an embarrassing diplomatic incident after a company of Swiss soldiers got lost at night and marched into neighboring Liechtenstein.

According to Swiss daily Blick, the 170 infantry soldiers wandered just over a mile across an unmarked border into the tiny principality early Thursday before realizing their mistake and turning back.

A spokesman for the Swiss army confirmed the story but said that there were unlikely to be any serious repercussions for the mistaken invasion.

"We've spoken to the authorities in Liechtenstein and it's not a problem," Daniel Reist told The Associated

Anonymous said...

The Chinese have a huge appetite for scrap iron as they find profit in refining scrap to processed steel due to the low labor expense their economy experiences. In other words, they don't pay much. You may remember that the Chicoms have lost many men (thousands) in coal mine accidents in the past few years as they are not concerned with worker safety either. So you make my point for me, we will be competing with the chinese for the steel market. Also, in northern Mexico, there is the beginning of a robust steel industry as Laredo, TX is the major transfer point for Mexican steel into this country and El Paso TX shares an ASARCO plant with Mexico. Does this mean that we will be competing in a global market on a global wage rate? Being that we have no prior union steelmaker organizations here, are we as taxpayers subsidizing the destruction of our own economy? Just asking.

Anonymous said...

This particular project while being promoted as a steel mill will actually be a rolled steel mill - they will bring in plate and roll it for use in the states. It appears there won't be foundry type work on site. What's amazing it the people at the state seem to forget we have a mini-mill not far from the location they have chosen in Bayou Steel, a company that has been in and out of bankruptcy over the past years. Perhaps they should help our existing company find a means to function on the right side of the accounting sheet instead of running off potential other projects who are now afraid this one project will suck up all of the available power and workforce.

Anonymous said...

CENLA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY: What are the thoughts of CENLA on this great school and program going on at Donahue Family CHurch?

Anonymous said...

So how much did our mayor and first lady spend at the Mardi Gras in D.C.? I guess it was to save teh post office that was never slated to be closed. Or maybe it was just another way for hizzoner to feed his ambitions.

And he should be more civil to the city council. His youth is beginning to show with that minor tantrum he had this week.

Anonymous said...

He should be more civil to the Council? Give me a break! Those guys are completely out of control and applaud Mayor Roy for cracking the whip on them.

Anonymous said...

as former city attorney, Kelvin Sanders, told Mayor
Roy: "das you opinion, man".

Anonymous said...

It's really not about chosing sides: either we obey the law or we don't. Nobody has ever refused to do the illegal or improper before Roy. I heard Fowler tell the mayor that he didn't know that the administration was not advised of the move but the truth is that the administration had warned to council repeatedly that the Kelvin Sanders bullshit wouldn't fly. At least we have proof that Fowler is taking his orders from Myron, whether out of fear, self-interest, or simple stupidity. Why would Fowler admit that he would make such an off-the-wall inflamatory illegal motion like that without any understanding of what it meant. And like always when he didn't understand that the city water wells needed backup power and shut down the city, he lacks the balls to accept responsibility and tries to play the white victim. We are in big trouble with the council and the only thing standing between us and banana republic status it the Roy administration.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Roy did exactly as I hoped he would when I voted for him. Yes it is time to work together - within the guidelines of the charter and in the public's interest. So, let's all get on board the soul train-soul train - if you miss it I feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

I finally found Lamar's city job description:


Main Entry:
\ˈyü-nək, -nik\
Middle English eunuk, from Latin eunuchus, from Greek eunouchos, from eunē bed + echein to have, have charge of — more at scheme
15th century
1 : a castrated man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace 2 : a man or boy deprived of the testes or external genitals 3 : one that lacks virility or power

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I finally found Lamar's city job description:

Lamar has just started work for the City. Rather than your asinine juvenile remarks, can you point to something he has done wrong for the City? You probably will not hear many of his accomplishments, because he works in a role supporting the administration.
Explain exactly what you meant by your eunuch post. Any fool can be derogatory, but do you have any specific facts, because just calling somebody names, with nothing more, is a waste of space on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Greg, only you would define someone's contribution by whether or not anyone can prove that he has actually done anything "wrong". The greatest probability is that he has done nothing at all, right or wrong. There is all sorts of controversy and mayhem swirling arround the city and Lamar is nowhere to be found. Nobody can deny the fact that he is "silenced". His web site used to be pithy and stimulating and now it is totally without substance except for an occassional music announcement or city commercial. That, I believe, meets the definition of "sold out" and "eunuch". And the last thing that I want from a person of your persuasion or history is approval or support. If you don't like my posts, don't read them.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the citizens of Alexandria for voting Jacques as mayor. What a stunning victory in telling the council to back off.

Jacques, I am so proud of you!!!

Also, why is it that some of you have such a problem with Lamar? He is much smarter than you bunch of gooberheads, and has more balls than you do!

Anonymous said...

The problem is not with Lamar's intelligence (which seems to be highly over-rated) but with his veracity and value. Of all of the Roy appointments, Lamar's is the only one NOT accompanied by a job description or sphere of responsibility. Lamar is not working for mama now - he is a public employee hired with public funds to do public work - and we are entitled to some justification or report card or result or something. That same $35,000 that Lamar is getting could have hired another police officer.

Anonymous said...

Where is the investigative reporting regarding the school board? Debbie Morrison followed her husband to Baton Rouge and caught her husband, Bill, in bed with an employee who working under his supervision, Mary Moore. Why didn't Dr. Jones take action against Bill Morrison?? Where's the justice?

Anonymous said...

The fact that Lamar hasn't been updating his blog is probably a good thing.

Roy didn't hire Lamar to blog. He hired him to work for his administration. A lot is going on behind the scenes and judging by what has been coming out during the past three months, it looks like Roy is doing a good job.

Anonymous said...

That, I believe, meets the definition of "sold out" and "eunuch". And the last thing that I want from a person of your persuasion or history is approval or support. If you don't like my posts, don't read them.

Give us facts of exactly what you do not like about Lamar working for the City. If you have questions about what he does, or is doing, have you asked anyone at City Hall? Has he "sold out" or does his job take up most of his time? Rather than speculating, why not ask and find out? Report back to us please, once you have some facts to replace the childish name calling.

Anonymous said...

Gregg you can stop sucking up to the City Administration. They are not going to hire you. Slid back under your rock and just concern yourself with your hatred for WW3 and Dupree.

The City of Alexandria doesn't need lawyers of your ilk.

Anonymous said...

Greg, to my knowledge we have never been told what his job is. Do you know and are just keeping it onder that hood of yours:

Anonymous said...

Greg Aymond said: "You probably will not hear many of his accomplishments, because he works in a role supporting the administration."


"Any fool can be derogatory, but do you have any specific facts, because just calling somebody names, with nothing more, is a waste of space on this blog."

Seems to me that this is exactly what you have been doing to Dupree, Greg. What’s the old saying about practicing what you preach?

Anonymous said...

"Also, why is it that some of you have such a problem with Lamar? He is much smarter than you bunch of gooberheads, and has more balls than you do!"

The only idiot I know of who would make such a statement is Lamar himself.

It's pretty much common knowledge that Lamar's degree was bought, and his balls are a result of Grandmama's influence. He’s like a hothouse rose, pretty on the surface, but take him out of Alexandria into the real world and he becomes a mediocre, bottom feeder, incapable of supporting himself.

Anonymous said...

When we talk about Lamar's job, why can't we just talk about his job: what it is, what he does, who he reports to, why he is needed. Forget all that crap about his grandmama. That's none of our business. We are paying him to do a job and the only one who seems to be able to discuss it with some authority is some KKK lawyer misfit. Does that make sense?

Anonymous said...

"He’s like a hothouse rose, pretty on the surface, "

Wow, how gay is that????

Anonymous said...

OK let's do it simple. What is Lamar's job description?

Apparently part of his job is exciting and interesting to Greg. Greg claims Dupree has no training for his position so let us find out if Lamar has the education and training for his position.

Greg your so slimy when you suck up.

Anonymous said...

That's all folks want to know, Greg. Aside from being a magnificent but delicate little flower (blossom in Roy parlance), does he have a meaningful governmental function or is it enough that he so inspires you. Certainly you recognize the public's right to know on the western side of the red river. "a hothouse rose" - apparently Greg lacks no personal affection for this newest of civil servants. I wonder if it makes the pointy part of his hood stiff??

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that this is exactly what you have been doing to Dupree, Greg. What’s the old saying about practicing what you preach?

That is not so at all. With Dupree, I have alleged that he covered up Roy Hebron's free waterline, and was removed, for that vote, before his term was up by the Police Jury. Other facts submitted on Dupree, cannot, by law, be discussed. I also claimed Dupree was a liar, and when I was asked to post the tapes, I did so.
When I find something wrong in government, rather than anonymously posting it on a blog and simply bitch about it I attempt to gather proof and report it.
As a matter of fact, my reporting has gotten 3 Water District 3 board members removed by the Police Jury, one resigned after consenting to an Ethics Board ruling, Roy Hebron has been charged with ethics violations and must face a hearing in Baton Rouge next week, and warning letters have been sent out by the Ethics Board to the councilmen of Pineville and Water District 3 warning them not to accept gifts from their contractors, and there are several other things pending. I have personally apprehended two thieves and held them for the police to pick up.
So I do something, not just sit around and bitch. I will also continue to do similar things to ensure that laws are obeyed by our government officials, no matter how unpopular it is. I urge you all to do the same, and perhaps our government will better serve the people.
To clarify, I do think that Dupree lacks sufficient training and education for the job he holds, but that is up to Pineville. My personal dealings with Dupree has shown me that he is a liar, covers up wrongdoing of other politicians, dislikes those that are better educated than himself, and plots behind people's backs for political self-advancement. That, not his education, is my objection to his being in government.
I am not privy to what Lamar does for Mayor Roy, but I would suggest that you ask Lamar or Mayor Roy that question, Then you will have some facts necessary for criticism, if it is warranted. Simply calling someone derogatory names does little to improve government. And keep in mind that Lamar does have a college degree, regardless of how it was obtained. Perhaps Dupree should get someone to purchase him one also.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Also, why is it that some of you have such a problem with Lamar? He is much smarter than you bunch of gooberheads, and has more balls than you do!"

The only idiot I know of who would make such a statement is Lamar himself.

It's pretty much common knowledge that Lamar's degree was bought, and his balls are a result of Grandmama's influence. He’s like a hothouse rose, pretty on the surface, but take him out of Alexandria into the real world and he becomes a mediocre, bottom feeder, incapable of supporting himself.

Sunday, March 04, 2007 6:54:00 AM

Nope, I am not Lamar. I am twice his age, and I am a female.

Dear, I am afraid that the White family does not have enough money to buy Lamar a degree at Rice. Lamar earned it.

Anonymous said...

Does Gregg have a large S printed on his sheet- Greg the Super Hero Aymond

Anonymous said...

If you're curious about what Lamar's been doing, why don't you just ask him? I've talked to him a few times since he got the job and it seems like he's doing a million different things at once.

In case you haven't noticed, the Roy administration has been very busy lately.

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone can assure us that Lamar is doing a bang-up job but nobody seems to have a glimmer or clue as to what that job is. How will we know if he needs a car or an assistant or a raise? How can we be sure that he can't be replaced with a trained beagle. Is his job to keep Jacques' verbiage magnificent and aloof - to nourish the blossom, as it were. Please tell us.

Anonymous said...

No Aymond probably isn't a super hero. Nut it sounds like he is a good citizen, and we need more like him.

Anonymous said...

another objective assessment of Aymond by Aymond . . . .

Anonymous said...

Someone please explain to me WHY an auto policy is necessary for City of Alexandria employees and do those same reasons apply to Pineville employees? What is the policy re autos being used by City of Pineville employees? I see several non emergency employees driving all over the place in their autos. Whats the policy? What should it be? We pay for their GAS too don't we?

Anonymous said...

Why should anyone have to ask Lamar anything. The duties of the new hires have all been published except for Lamar. His position is just payback to Grandma. He has no duties probably other then steppin & fetchit.

Anonymous said...

His position is just payback to Grandma. He has no duties probably other then steppin & fetchit.

Prove it.

Anonymous said...

If you repeat a lie over and over again, it can become the truth.

Lamar does have a job description and a set of responsibilities.

Let's be clear.

No one's job description has been published, and the Roy administration isn't in control of what the Town Talk chooses to publish.

Your vendetta against Lamar's grandmother is the only reason you've singled him out. It is obvious to everyone but yourself.

Jacques Roy doesn't even know Joanne White. Your theory is absurd.

If you want to know what Lamar has been up to, ask him.

Anonymous said...

Any reading of the city charter will show that the council has the right to hire advisers. To have Roy declare they cannot hire Sanders as an adviser is incorrect. If they wanted to hire Sanders as a lawyer representing them or the city, then he would have a point. Based on what I heard on KALB blog, that's not what was requested. The council only wanted someone to advise them on what is presented to them by the administration. It is an independent body that has the right as outlined above. If anyone can prove that false, cite the specifics prohibiting the council from hiring an adviser. I for one would not want an administration run by someone who built their reputation on spreading claims of fraud against the city to be the one handing down to the council what action they should take. And I would not want to rely on the opinion of the city attorney hired by said mayor to give them objective advice.

Roy may not have much respect for the council members, most of whom do not have his education, but he has the obligation to treat them with respect in public. He needs to show the maturity and restraint he showed during the second phase of the mayoral campaign.

And one last point: Has Roy been paid by his one-time client? If so, does that not present ethical problems since his client could stand to gain from the outcome of any audit? If he has not been paid, the ethical problems would be even greater IMHO.

Anonymous said...

Sure, the council can hire staff advisers, but the exception to that rule is legal advisers/special counsel. You're trying to split hairs here over a rhetorical distinction. The city attorney is the only person in the government who works under the direction of both the council and the mayor, and he determines how the city will be represented. Go back and listen to the meeting.

Read Section 4.02 Article II of the Charter. It states, "The city attorney shall serve as chief legal adviser to the mayor, city council and all divisions or departments, offices and agencies, shall represent the city in all legal proceedings and shall perform any other duties prescribed by this charter or by ordinance. "

Anonymous said...

Roy's client is not involved in the city's case against Cleco. Separate case.

Anonymous said...

So I guess Rick Ranson ain't gonna be Delores Brewer's chief of staff. With Rick leaving the bank and going to work for the Rapides Foundation, there must have been at least an ember of truth in all of the election smoke about Ranson's job performance and security at da bank.

Anonymous said...

Nope, I am not Lamar. I am twice his age, and I am a female.

Dear, I am afraid that the White family does not have enough money to buy Lamar a degree at Rice. Lamar earned it.

Sunday, March 04, 2007 10:52:00 AM


Ahhhh and that would make you, in your mid late 40's or early 50s, still clueless as to how the real world works.

Despite your errant opinion, university degrees are routinely bought at Rice, and other schools as well. All a student has to do is pay tuition and show up. As long as the money keeps rolling in and the curriculum is non-technical, they pass. After all, it's not like they are sending an unqualified engineer into the world to build sub standard bridges. In a degree program that is highly subjective, an accomplished con-artist like Lamar can weasel his way into a passing grade with ease.

Lamar's "degree" is nothing more than proof of his ability to use a sligtly better than average command of the english language to spread bullshit.

But you fail to grasp the real message here. Lamar could never survive in any place but Alexandria. His limited talent, experience, and intelligence are prerequisites for certain failure in any environment but here; where Mama’s money and Grandma’s influence protect him.

I also wonder why a woman twice his age is so defensive of this young charlatan. I guess even an aging matron can become a power groopie. Or, perhaps you engage in certain fantasies with Lamar as your focus of attention. Either way, a woman your age should know better.

Anonymous said...

to this guy: Sunday, March 04, 2007 7:35:00 PM

If you think Granny has not made herself and her wishes known to Roy, you're an idiot!

I immagine the conversation went something like this: Hire my grandson, pay him a reasonable wage, and see that he doesn't have to work too hard...or you will be a one term mayor.

And Granny can and will make good her threats. Roy knows it...

Anonymous said...

university degrees are routinely bought at Rice, and other schools as well. All a student has to do is pay tuition and show up. As long as the money keeps rolling in and the curriculum is non-technical, they pass.

How much was paid? What person was the money given to? Was it by cach or check? Are you full of shit?

Anonymous said...

I personally would like you to refuse to engage in all of this absurd Lamar stuff and just tell us what, if anything, Lamar's job is. Your conduct is unreasonable but my question is totally reasonable. I am amazed that nobody has a glimmer of a clue what Lamar does (although Aymond says he's busy as a little bee and doing a hell-of-a job at something). One would think that politically, Roy would want to show some value and justification in paying the campaign's moral compass whose only personal declaration was that he "would have no official position" in the administration. If it's a payoff, better to get that out and over with now. If it's legit, say so.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should file "no-official-position" Lamar with "won't-run-Harry" and "read my lips George". Truth and honesty have no place in government.

Anonymous said...

"How much was paid?
What person was the money given to? Was it by cach or check?
Are you full of shit?"
Monday, March 05, 2007 5:44:00 AM


Hmmm, four questions from someone who is obviously challenged in his reading comprehension.

Since you did not understand the verbiage of my post the first time, I assume you will not understand a second, third or any subsequent reading.

Because I am kind to dumb animals, I’ll make this easy for you...

1) The usual ammount of tuition at Rice.

2) I assume the school's admissions office.

3) I haven't a clue.

4) No.

Simple enough for you now?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of sour grapes from: 1) Somebody who didn't go to college; 2) Somebody who flunked out or 3) Somebody who got a mail order diploma.

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought, now that Lamar is a "public employee" why don't you just try to send a formal request to Rice for his transcript. They probably won't give it to you, but since politicians, football players and other "public" people have had their privacy rights trounced upon lately in regards to their resumes and college transcript, why not Lamar.

Get over it!

Anonymous said...

who cares? lamar is a good guy and is probably doing a good job...whatever it is. i am confident that he will display accountability if necessary.

i am still full of glee that roy fired BB. that was something Delores wanted to do. now that the election is over it is good to seer roy demonstrating simular ideas. that tells me the social consciousness transcends political party.

Anonymous said...

Could you make a global warming thread? I would love to hear the local opionion about a global issue of this magnitude.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Lamar and Rice Univeristy might like the discover the IP addresses, and names, of those who are accusing them of fraud and criminal conduct.

Anonymous said...

To: Monday, March 05, 2007 7:43:00 AM

And I assume you went to Rice also. I can tell by your limited understanding of the current discussion and your class ring flashing as you lifted your hand to pick your nose.

Anonymous said...

but, what is Lamar's job?

Anonymous said...


Are the Voters of Pineville Being Set Up?
In the Sat, Mar 3, 2007, edition of the Town Talk, Mayor Clarence
Fields stated: "I'm not interested in seeing the face of Pineville
change," Fields said, adding the court ruling "is unfortunate. "

However, Pineville officials knew that change could be coming,
Fields said Friday, and explained that's why he has had a more
conciliatory tone concerning alcohol.

"You have to be ready for it," he said. "We have to know (what) is
looming out there. You have to have some measure of control."

Well, Mayor Fields, in the recent weeks, has been touting alcohol
sales in Pineville for reasons of economic development. After
catching severe heat from his voters, he now says alcohol sales may
come to Pineville because of a Court ruling. Why did the Mayor
publicize that court case? Is he trying to urge someone to bring a
lawsuit so that he can now get the heat of his back?
Mayor Fields, have the backbone and integrity of former Pineville
mayors, and come out and state, in plain English, do you favor
alcohol sales in Pneville or not. Sounds like typical political
double speak going on here. Do you need to weight the votes before
you can make up your mind?

Anonymous said...

Lets settle the Lamar job desription debacle once and for all. Lamar is an unclassified City employee. For those of you not familiar with the inner workings of municipal govenment it means this. Lamar works for the Mayor. Lamar does whatever the Mayor asks him to do. The qualifications for the job are as follows: The Mayor hired him and the Council approved it therefore he meets the qualifications. The salary he is paid is whatever the Mayor wants to pay him. All of the non civil service mayoral assistants and appointees fall under the same criteria. So...if you can convince the Mayor that you can or are willing to do Lamar's job better than him for less money then the job is yours. Otherwise, shut the hell up about Lamar's job. If you can't, perhaps some counseling will help you to deal with your obsession with this topic.

Anonymous said...

You obviously think that despite the fact that he is a public employee and was the poster child for openness, candor, and governmental trasparency, it is none of our business to know why Lamar was hired and what his responsibilities are. I can dig that. That still does not overcome my grand amazement in discovering that nobody on the planet knows what Lamar was hired to do. All speculaters welcome.

Anonymous said...

There is NO question about who is responsible for alcohol coming to Pineville no matter whether it be by lawsuit or by election. Mayor Clarence Ray Fields let the Genie out of the bottle. No matter how hard they might try to run from the results it will be his legacy. The fence riding and double talk does not hide the absence of conviction about anything but his own political reputation.
It is definitely harder being a leader than giving out certificates and cutting ribbons.

Anonymous said...

What local elections do we have this fall and who are the participants? (known or rumored)

Anonymous said...

nobody on the planet knows what Lamar was hired to do.

Mayor Roy does. He hired him, ask him.

Anonymous said...

I hear all the squalking about Mayor Fields bringing alcohol to Pineville, but all the screeching in the world won't make a lie the truth.

#1) I have never heard Mayor Fields say he supports alcohol in Pineville, and have never seen it reported that he said this.

#2) Pineville won't ever become wet without a vote of the people.

#3) The Mayor cannot call for such a vote.

#4) If someone sues The Parish to sell alcohol this is not the Mayor's fault.

Anyone who cannot see this is either an idiot or has a political agenda, and is not at all interested in the welfare of our city.

Cenla Antics said...

All state wide elections, State Senators, State Representatives, Coroners, Tax Assessors, Police Jurors, and Clerks of Court.

I will be adding a new thread this evening.

Cenla Antics

Cenla Antics said...

AND Sheriffs ....

Cenla Antics

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time to put the Pineville Alcohol Sales on the ballot - all it takes it what, 3,000 signatures? Maybe time to move Pineville forward - and I'm sure if you get 3,000 signatures (and the baptists picketing) you will have the most interesting election day and the highest voter turnout in a long time. How about it, I think there is 3,000 progressive minds in this city ...

Anonymous said...

Lamar was hired to placate Grandmaw. That is what he was hired to do. One thing about the lad he, apparently, has loyal buddies. They suck up and defend him.

Anonymous said...

"Lamar was hired to placate Grandmaw. That is what he was hired to do. One thing about the lad he, apparently, has loyal buddies. They suck up and defend him."

You don't have to be a loyal buddy to see that you have some serious jealousy problems and are completely uninformed.

Anonymous said...

Lamar Kool-Aid Drinker------>Monday, March 05, 2007 5:10:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for you Fields supporters its not LIES from anyone else but people like you and others who are on the payroll or politically dependent on da man. Its the words right out of the mouth of Fields that tells the tale. Its too late to say he didn't say he was for Alcohol . The article on Feb 1 states clearly that he supported a change in the current prohibition of alcohol sales. He repeated it on KSYL on Feb 4 and in newspaper again on Feb 5. HIS WORDS. The ONLY reason for him to call a press conference to inform the public about the Supreme Court ruling was to Cover his ass and to invite someone to file suit. Irresponsible and despicable. And it is Fields and people like YOU that seek to tell lies and think that if you say it enough times it will be the truth but THIS time it will be different. Many are watching this time....

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for you Fields HATERS, you don't want to face reality. Fields has taken a very sensitive subject and tried to frame the debate so EVERYONE is heard. If you are so convinced that Fields "called a press conference to cover his ass", then call Billy Gunn at 487-6397 and asked him who called whom about the Sabine case. The fact that Fields will respond when a reporter questions him is a reason he is so well liked by people on both sides of the river.

Anonymous said...

Guess what. Our numbers are growing rapidly.

Anonymous said...

Is Fields incapable of answering for himself? Why did he meet with the press at Faircloth's office? Mayor Fields said he has known about the case for some time, so why couldn't he answer questions? Why did Mayor Fields tell others that he had called that press conference?

Anonymous said...

There was no press conference called you asinine idiot. Fields met with ONE reporter at Faircloth’s office because Billy Gunn requested LEGAL OPINIONS about the current law.