Monday, December 18, 2006

Oh my God!, I've been outed !!!

For God's sake people, my ownership of this blog has never been a secret. Those of you who ACTUALLY know me, know that I do not readily have the time to "sit" on this blog. I have a business, a new daughter, home renovations, community involvement, etc ...

If this blog is so unpopular than why have a vast array of similar blogs e-blossomed? They have actually capitalized on the name through their highly intelligent creativity (same name different blog company, or by the spelling of Antics with an "x"). Why? No original thought process ... "Beam me up Scotty" ... I did not know that Alexandria had so many parrots.

Jacques, good luck my friend, it's a hard battle to fight but fight the good fight ... there are individuals within this community who think for themselves, do what they can for the community and now matter how much unfiltered horse manure is spread, are still able to grow healthy and useful "seedlings" not weeds.


Quint Carriere


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Anonymous said...

Good for you, Q!! Although I have fervently disagreed with much of what has been said on the blog, I cannot dispute that it's existence during this last campaign moved some folks into action. It changed my way of thinking about many things Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

Well Quint, you are finally out of the closet! Wondered when it would happen. Glad it had nothing to do with the arrests at Buehlow in Pineville.

Keep the "thread" going, I believe that Central Louisiana is a better place with the blog(s) than without. Of course, flattery is best exhibited by all the copycats around. Concordia Underground, We Saw That, etc.

Anonymous said...

I for one realize that you are providing this Blog as a service to the community, and free of charge. I also realize that updating it requires your time. I also realize that I am free to not use it if I do not like it.
I do not know you, but thanks for providing this Blog and taking the undeserved heat.

Anonymous said...

we dont consider ourselves copycats of this blog because we didnt even know about its existence until lamar wrote about it in the town talk this past march. we didnt know about cenlamar until that time either.

but anyway, thanks for the new thread.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I actually created my blog before I learned of Cenla Antics as well. But kudos for revealing your identity; I hope that, in some small way, it may inspire others to speak openly.

And thanks for the new thread.

Anonymous said...

Concensus Ditto! Good job, and Thanks.

Anonymous said...

dr. fill said...
Apparently, Mrs. Dr. didn't mind that he had been married 4 times before her. How do we know that she wasn't the cause of the breakup with #4. I personally think that it's wonderful that two dynamic, productive, and well-educated and beautiful people found each other and are now in love. Where is your romantic spirit?

Anonymous said...

wow, it looks like a virtual "who's who" of cenla bloggers. where are sooth, biff, and spanky?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like these two people deserve one another. Anyone who has been married 4 times and working on the next one, well, I would run the other way as fast as my little feet would carry me.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit! Booooorrrrinng!

Anonymous said...

I found it interesting that the Dec. 10 editorial regarding prosecutors reducing tickets in Alexandria/Pineville completely left out the real speedtraps. For example Woodworth collected $971,529.00 for 2006. Just under a million bucks. They have zero crime and a population of 1500 people, how is this justified?

Anonymous said...

anon 9:22
Maybe Woodworth is doing something right not to have any crime. Alex should take lessons from them.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Woodworth is doing something right not to have any crime.

Criminals can't afford the speeding fines.

Anonymous said...

Thanks all ...

If I could regulate the bombastic and socially inept, the self rightious and morally deceptive, I would do so. It is unfortunate that when you have a "open mic/karaoke" forum, everyone thinks they can sing. So much for Vox Populi

Anonymous said...

Quint, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The voice of the people often stands between the individual and tyranny! Our voices may be off tune but I say keep on humming.

Anonymous said...

Quint, it takes a certain kind of guts to begin a discussion that you know has little chance of bearing fruit. Regardless of the result, such discussions are necessary, if for no other purpose than to discover the pulse of the community.

We all got lucky when your "experiment" proved so insightful.

Survey says...Cenla Antics is an worthwhile asset.

The feathers and bones have spoken.

Anonymous said...

Quint, it takes a certain kind of guts to begin a discussion that you know has little chance of bearing fruit. Regardless of the result, such discussions are necessary, if for no other purpose than to discover the pulse of the community.

We all got lucky when your "experiment" proved so insightful.

Survey says...Cenla Antics is an worthwhile asset.

The feathers and bones have spoken.
feathers and bones have spoken.

Anonymous said...

quint, though i still don't know who you are, kudos on this blog. certainly a lot of the posts grade an F, but regardless, this blog is providing an outlet to shine some light on behind the scenes shenanigans. well done, and keep up the good work. i was certainly hoping the new thread would address the number one issue facing alexandria--the waterslide--but i will of course defer to your sense of priorities.

Anonymous said...

Biff, go have a cup of coffee @ P.J.'s and you will probably meet Quint. Hey Quint, thanks for the forum and your contribution to our community.

Anonymous said...

And Scarlett is Gina Gore? She outted too?

Anonymous said...

What a dissappointment. I always pictured Scarlett as being some prominent classy maven. I was hoping for a Crowell or a Provosty or a Bolton. Who(m) the hell is gina gore?

Anonymous said...

So Delores was getting some of her philosophical guidance and inspiration from somebody named Gina Gore. I'm glad that I didn't give her more money.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully, the City of Alexandria has elected to move the committee meetings out of the small meeting room and into the larger chamber.

Anonymous said...

This blog has ruined my life! I am totally addicted. The rest of my life has gone to hell because of the amount of time I sit here reading all this. But it sure is an enjoyable addiction...............

Anonymous said...

lol welcome to the club.

Anonymous said...

A note from my carrier in today's Clown Talk advising that the Clown Talk no longer as a customer service dept. And if you call the old number, the call will go to South Carolina and they will not do anything to ensure you receive your paper.

Just another advantage of a large company ownership, I guess. They are now so busy chasing national advertisers that they no longer give a damn if the local subscriber gets thier paper or not.

Anonymous said...

I see there is a letter to the editor of the Clown Talk regarding adopting English as the official language of Louisiana. Does Becky Hammel not know that we almost lost our traditional French culture because of the ban on speaking Cajun French years ago? This is why we have an organization called CODAFIL (I believe I got the acronym correct). Louisiana of all states, one that embraces it's rich heritage as a melting pot of cultures would be shooting itself in the foot to adopt such a law.

Anonymous said...

Correction guys - that's CODOFIL - Council for the Development of the French in Louisiana. It was created in 1968 by the Legislature. Sorry for the misspelling in the previous post.

Anonymous said...

The Clown Talk had a Customer service Department? If you are a rural subscriber - say in the Forest Hill/Glenmora area and your paper is not delivered on Friday, Saturday or Sunday guess when you get it if you call in - Monday. Only bright spot is there is nothing worth reading in it to start with and usually the same articles are reprinted day after day so you really miss nothing.

Anonymous said...

The Clown Talk often brags about the numerous awards won by their employees. These awards are awarded by fellow members of press associations usually with a majority membership of folks employed by the same umberalla corporation.

Let me see this year we will award the Clown Talk the x award and next year we will give them the y award because it is somebody else's turn to win the x.

Anonymous said...

So, now, in addition to CODOFIL, we’ll need:

CODOCIL (Creole, Czechoslovakian)
CODOEIL (Ebonics)
CODOGIL (German)
CODOSIL (Spanish)
CODOVIL (Vietnamese)

Sorry, but I prefer soup (melting pot) to salad.

Anonymous said...

I note another ruthless baseless attack on the ACLU by a preacher that used to be sane. The ACLU has never suggested that it is opposed to Christians practicing and embracing their faith and this preacher can do all the Christmas shit he wants as long as it does not become a government sponsored or endorsed thing. Same with Muslims and Jews and KKKers and black separatists and atheists. This previously sane preacher can read the King James bible all fucking day but he can't read it over a public school PA system. And he wants to. It's not that he doesn't have enough rights - it's that he feels others have too many.

WWJD - he'd tell this nut to shut up and love thy neighbor. But that ain't the part of Christianity that the rev. practices.

Anonymous said...

Actually we don't need all of those, the legislature in their foresight (for once) when they adopted the 1974 constitution inserted Article XII giving all of us the right to preserve, foster and promote our respective historic lingustic and cultural origin. The main reason CODOFIL was formed is that we were losing touch with our "Frenchness" since the legislature removed every language except English from the public school system in 1921. I haven't found where that particular amendment has been changed since it was adopted either.

Interestingly enough in 1918 the State banned German from all walks of life and then re-instated it in 1921.

Anonymous said...

I stopped my Clown Talk subscription when my dog stopped shitting on the floor and since I don't have a bird cage.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 12/20 8:56:23 AM: Obviously, you are unaware the founder of the ACLU was an avowed Marxist.

Anonymous said...

During my usual information gathering, this morning, I was reminded of something I learned in elementary school (back when we actually learned something of import): The word "American" ends in "I Can." Today, it would seem the word has morphed into "American't." Sweet.

Anonymous said...

17:272. French language and culture; teaching in public schools

1) As expeditiously as possible but not later than the beginning of
the 1972-1973 school year, all public elementary schools shall offer at
least five years of French instruction starting with oral French in the
first grade;

R.S. 43:204. Advertisements to be in English; duplication in French permitted A. When advertisements are required to be made in relation to judicial process, or in the sale of property for unpaid taxes, or under judicial process or any other legal process of whatever kind, they shall be made in the English language and may in addition be duplicated in the French language. B. State and local officials and public institutions are reconfirmed in the traditional right to publish documents in the ...

25:651. Council authorized; membership; powers
utilization and preservation of the French language as found in the state
of Louisiana for the cultural, economic and tourist benefit of the

R.S. 1:51. Acts and contracts in French language; effect

Any act or contract made or executed in the French language is as legal and binding upon the parties as if it had been made or executed in the English language.

Anonymous said...

My paper carrier suffered a work related injury. She developed a type of Tennis Elbow from throwing that thin piece of crap. She started folding it like an airplane to lessen the injury but that failed also. We are about to be in a total information vaccum when KALB begins CBS in our area. Suddenlink will drop the best damn station in Louisiana, KLFY. If it weren't for the internet posting of the Advocate and the New Orleans paper we'd have nothing. Sad but the Advocate does not offer home delivery in Pineville but I have scouted out the locations where I can buy one. Deacon

Anonymous said...

The founder of the ACLU is dead. Just like Christian understanding and love for thy neighbor. Think of all the stuff you want to do and substitute the word Koran for bible and Kwanza for christmas and a torah for a cross and mein kampf for the 10 commandments. If you can still live with, go for it.

Anonymous said...

Many of the early popes were murderers and rapists and the present pope was a Nazi youth, and quite a number of your conservative christian ministers were/are pedophiles, perverts, adulterers and hipocrits. That doesn't make Christianity bad or the ACLU bad. The ACLU protects our right to be Christian and our right NOT to be Christian. That's why the Mayflower left England - not for the purpose of starting a moving company.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the Vatican and it's leaders helped many Nazi SS soldiers sneak out of Germany and into South America as the fall of Hitler's regime was approaching.

Just because the ACLU protects both sides of the argument does not make them evil hate mongers. We all should understand someone - whether it's the ACLU or another organization has the right to stand up for our opposing view - that is what many of our ancestors left their homeland for when they came to America.

The truly sad thing is the American Indian got the shaft as we all sought our individual freedom from oppression. They are their own sovereign nation after being ran over by us - the immigrant nations - and have seen their "country" defined by us in regards to what they now own and don't own. The reality is we, the immigrants, are the ones who should be questioning are "Christianity" not whether the ACLU has any moral values.

Anonymous said...

The founder of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin, whenever he claimed religion at all - To make himself and his designs more credible or more acceptable to the masses? - cited Unitarianism. Essentially, Baldwin was a Communist.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12/20 12:12:58 PM, you are in desperate need of heavy doses of Shelby Steele.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Bob Galloway used to be a pretty cool guy but he must be in the grip of some sort of mental decline. I spoke with someone that visited the rev. and he said that he had greatly changed and not in a good way. Kind of a shame.

Anonymous said...

12:24 let me assure you I do not suffer from "white guilt" my great grandmother was full blooded native american - a descendant of one of the last great warrior chiefs - Quannah Parker.

Anonymous said...

"I stopped my Clown Talk subscription when my dog stopped shitting on the floor and since I don't have a bird cage. "

If I could just break the habit of walking to the driveway, picking up a paper so that I have something to "look at" while taking a crap, I would drop my subscription too....


Anonymous said...

"If I could just break the habit of walking to the driveway, picking up a paper so that I have something to "look at" while taking a crap, I would drop my subscription too...."


Anonymous said...

You must read the paper while walking back because the town talk is to thin to last through a good crap

Anonymous said...

Well, Mother is petite!

Anonymous said...

Just like the fleece on Mary's little lamb, GoPac is once again as "white as snow". We domocrats were worried when we thought that y'all might know about minorities.
We should have known it wouldn't last. It's bad enough that y'all got Al Gore's sister.

Cenla GoPac Officers
Wayne Ryan, Chairman
Larry Jeane, Vice Chairman
Garland Lawrence, Secretary
Chuck Tosten, Treasurer
Quint Carriere, Fundraising Chairman
Peter Moriarty, Precinct Chairman
Blake Cooper, Candidate Recruitment
Gena Gore, Community Outreach Director
Dallas Hixson, Volunteer Enlistment Chairman

Anonymous said...

Dallas Hixson, Volunteer Enlistment Chairman

Is this Soothsayer? Speak oh feathers and bones.

Anonymous said...

Just a little FYI:
CenLamar has moved.

The new address is

Anonymous said...

I thought Wiggin was big part of GOPAC...whats the deal?

Anonymous said...

And I heard Wiggins and his wife split up too! Is that also a fact?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12/20 1:52:01 PM, so quit whining and start a casino.

Anonymous said...

Dear Quannah-nonymous:
I am sorry what pale face did to buffulo. You give New York to us for beads. Now we have Hillary for senator. Heap big thanks. You have good treaty with Big Chief Mike Wahlder. Good moovum.

Anonymous said...

When they talk about "Smart Growth" and the development of affordable housing "downtown" are they confining it to the area beween the RR tracks and the Red River? Is Roy's view that narrow? I just read something on Lamar that seems to suggest that the council would have to essentially forget about and even discourage Highway 28W expansion and developement. Does Roy want to make Alexandria quaint or successful?

Anonymous said...

The proposed idea for downtown was first to establish the boundaries for the commercial business district as being I-49, MacArthur (Hwy 165/71), the River and Overton (essentially the overpass from Purpla Heart connecting to I-49). Establishing this as a development district allowed for both commercial projects and mixed use projects to qualify for incentives they presently do not qualify for. The boundaries could be expanded at any given time.

The principles of smart growth seek to best utilize the existing infrastructure to meet the needs of a growing community and to capitalize on the existing growth without over extending that infrastructure. It would not mean to ignore the current growth patterns, but it would mean to turn inward at the same time to areas of the city which have become blighted for one reason or another and look for ways to reviatlize those neighborhoods and bring a quality of life back into them - one being good, affordable housing. Downtown is just one piece of this puzzle.

Almost every neighborhood can be looked at and considered under the basic principles. These principles when coupled with the ideas of planned unit districts would rid some of the eye sores in the neighborhoods and provide a means for home ownership, as opposed to high rates of rentals in many less desired areas, as well as providing more modern housing that is better insulated thuse lowering utility costs.

Anonymous said...

cussed her said - you have just proven your complete ignorance of our Native American Hertiage. Quannah Parker was a Comanche who rode with the Apache Geronimo. They have no relations to the Jena Choctaw and don't have a casino.

If you want to see a third world country within our own border visit an Indian Reservation.

If you want to see a third world country consisting of white people visit the Appalachain Mountain area.

If you want to continue your ignorance and think your supporting the Indians your ancestors stole land from then go gamble at the Paragon and the Tunica Biloxi will be happy to take your money.

As for Hillary - you can have her and the State of New York.

Anonymous said...

The very best potential resource we have for affordable neighborhood oriented housing is that area generally between Vance Ave. and the bayou bordered by the Bolton High campus and City Park Blvd./Park Place Drive. The structures are there, the neighborhoods are there, the infrastructure is there, the need for revival and improvement is there, and it is surrounded with wonderful quality-of-life features like the zoo, the mall, the bayou, tennis courts, the Bolton campus, walking trails, mass transit service, proximity to grocery and other merchants, etc. - but most of all, it is achievable. Why try to pour all our resources and place all our bets on downtown condos projected to cost $200,000. Let's make the City work - then let's make it quaint. I know that Lamar craves the grandeur of downtown Alexandria-past (occupied by people under 27 years of age) and can personally afford the luxury of those pipe dreams but Mayor Roy talked about priorities and "quaint" needs to be way down the list.

Anonymous said...

Memo to everyone in the US: If you are non-Mongoloid, go back to your family's continent of origin. Now.

Anonymous said...

The proposed idea for inward growth is nothing but a plan that would allow old Alexandria money that presently owns worthless land in the inner city disposes of the assets at an inflated value. This is the reason I-49 was put in where it is. The old money refuses to gie up screwing the average folks. Enough money has been spent trying to bring people downtown that it is unreal. People go where they want to go and this is ususally age dependent. People do not go where they feel unsafe, lack access to shopping, doctors, etc.

In order for a resident of the "revitilied" inner city to buy groceries they would have to travel to the outer limits of the City. At present a white person desiring to buy clothing suitable to their taste would have to travel to the outer limits of the city.

Why don't we get Mr. Harry to agree to reopen a clothing store downtown and one of the larger supermarket chains to open a grocery store downtown. Better yet wonder why Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart, etc have not opened up super stores downtown.

You want progress for Rapides Parish open two malls one somewheres in the Glenmora, Forest Hill, Wodsworth area and one in the Ball, Tioga, Kingsville area. The one we have now is nothing but a gathering spot for roving gangs of trash intimidating decent folks. You know where the decent folks that can get there shop - Lafayette.

Decent folks ain't going to go back downtown. There is nothing there for them. No matter how hard Lamar White and others try to sell their revitilizing the inner city bullshit it will not happened. Alexandria is dead, those that can afford to move out have and those that can't are slowly dying out.

Give them a water slide. All the problems this area has and a mayoral candidates solution was a waterslide. So out of touch with reality.

Anonymous said...

Us non-mongoloids are in our continent of origin Chief Awrapahoe. It was called Pangea.

Anonymous said...

You don't try to bring downtown back to what it WAS, you recreate it into what it can be based on what's there now. You have an anchor with RRMC. Build around that with one planned district. You have the arts on the other end combined with media, build off that. In the middle you have government, legal, banking, and tourist support for both ends.

Limited, targeted housing can support all 3 areas.

As for the idea suggested for the area near Bolton HS and City Park - that IS what smart growth is about. Looking for areas that are in need of revitalization. Bringing those owners or stakeholders together and formalizing a plan for that area. Much of that area has been brought back to its formal glory by young professionals - most who work at Cabrini and related clinics.

As for the Mall comments, most cities and developers have realized consumers want what's called life style centers now - they are NOT enclosed malls - they are open space, but not strip malls. Essentially they are malls without roofs and often laid out very similar to the traditional mall, but offer more open space, green space with benches and places for meeting and sitting. Restaurants over indoor and outdoor seating. Stores have entrances both on the parking lot as well as the promenade side of the storefronts for convenience. Shoppers can either park and spend the day, or park and run into the one store they need to make a quick stop at.

Anonymous said...

Smart growth is getting the ignorant politicians and their hanger-ons to get their greedy paws out of the taxpayer till. Those that are financing development can determine where they want to spend their money and we will all be better off where ever that takes us. If downtown happens to move to the west, so what. Quit fighting reality and forget the area that was downtown 50 years ago, It is gone is now on the move. No one needs to steal anymore money for bullshit projects to enrich a few parasites. Anon 11:26:23 hit the nail on the head. No matter how many times the folly of pumping more stolen money into a bottomless pit is pointed out, some brokedick developer{big hat no cattle} always comes up with a new plan if just a few more million is spent.

Anonymous said...

A thought: The first "banquet" I ever went to was a banquet at the Betley sponsored by the 4H and was to give out awards and trophys won at the Fair. I know how the Bentley was and would love to see it that way again. We had the Paramount, The Joy Theater, even the Rex Theater, Damicos (fine food or fun depending on your desires.) We had Kress and Weiss and Schwarzberg and JC Penny's and Woolworth and Sears. We had Santa on the City Hall Lawn and the little Church, Wellan's with the Christmas display.

Notice HAD, HAD, HAD, HAD. WAKE UP IT AIN'T NO MORE. You got New York style, crap music, crime, etc.

You stay at the Bently what are you going to do for entertainment. A convention at the Riverfront - what do the attendees do after the convention day is over, walk the Bayou Rapides mugging path?

Get your heads out of your 1950's ass and realize that magicically remembered downtown Alexandria no longer exists and never will again. The roving gangs of dope peddlers ain't going to revert back to being nappy headed rastust. They are going to continue to prey on the old, infirm and thbose unable to defend themselves. We gonna beautify downtown and Coutee can't control Prostitution blocks from his office.

Get real. Not many taxpayer's left to contribute to Lamar White's smoke dream of a golf course for the darkies.

Anonymous said...

Has the thought occurred to anyone that the individual responsible for creating the legislation for GAEDA (which pays the director $105,000.00 per annum)is term limited? Will be interesting to see how long the present Director of GAEDA lasts and who replaces him.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I would just like to know what this man does to earn $105,000 a year????? This is absurd. He tries to take credit for the Sports Tournaments when the Conventions and Visitors Bureau has been working on this forever. Those people over there at the Conventions and Visitors Bureau work their a___s off and this guy tries to take credit for it. Give me a break. When are these people going to wake up and realize we don't need to be spending this kind of money for this guy. Let's see, how many economical development organizations do we have here now?

Anonymous said...

Just wait and see what GAEDA does for Councilman Harry. Then maybe you'll understand.

Anonymous said...

GAEDA is also getting a lot of press for the Bentley deal - I would like to remind everyone the $105,000 man is NOT involved in the deal. GAEDA is getting credit because their chairman is involved. He has repeated he is not doing this as the GAEDA chair, but as a business person from Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

Points to ponder:

1) What does the $105,000 man from GAEDA really do?

2) What does the six figure man from CAP really do?

3) I could ask the same for ACCED except they don't have a staff person.

Anonymous said...

Maybe our new, young and enthusiastic mayor would like to look into this and maybe save the taxpayers some $$ by eliminating the redundancy of all of this.

Anonymous said...

How can our "young mayor" undo what was done by legislation passed in Baton Rouge. GAEDA is just a golden parachute for term limit. The one being limited out was the sponsor of the legislation.

Anonymous said...

Get your heads out of your 1950's ass and realize that magicically remembered downtown Alexandria no longer exists and never will again.

A few have watched the Fields of Dreams movie too many times. "Build it and they will come" was fiction, not real life dead downtown. Additionally, I ain't walking blocks through the rain to much of nothing.

Anonymous said...

You guys have only part of the story on the sponsor of the legislation - he sponsored it alright and then the council "hi-jacked" the authority he created. Ever since then the man has not thrown his weight around to help Alexandria the City out too much. He'll work to protect the area, just not the City.

Anonymous said...

Uh - one problem - I wasn't around in the 1950's so I guess I don't have a 1950 ass to stick my head up. I'm not advocating for what was in regards to downtown - trust me. You have to build on what's there and what will always be there. RRMC is not going to walk away. The federal and district courts, along with city and parish courts aren't going anywhere. The City government seems intent on staying put. I doubt the arts district is going to go anywhere, same for The Town Talk (unless they move totally out of state). Build around what's there, don't recreate what was. Other cities have done this and have been successful. It doesn't require a full loving embrace by every citizen either. Their needs can be met in other areas of the City.

Anonymous said...

Reread Anon 12:31:57: Many agree that the downtown area was wonderful from WWII until the 70's, but as the Bible says, " When I was a child I spake as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things" We must grow up and realize downtowns do also. When they do, they leave home and move away. Alex downtown has headed west. Ditto!

Anonymous said...

I would not look for the Parish courthouse to stay downtown indefinately. The building is already a wreck and costs a fortune to maintain. The roof leeks and all the departments are crowded beyond usefulness. The jail is 1/6th the capacity of towns of similar size and that contributes to the crime problem. Elevators never work for 3 days straight and Otis has a substation in back hall. Parking was horrible and is not much worse thanks to the Utility Office on Murray that has no parking of it's own. I look for it to move to Hwy 28 where it can accomodate the parish.

Anonymous said...

my two bits? of course downtown will never be what it is in the 50's. that aside, many major louisiana cities with similar demographics to alexandria have managed to revitalize their downtown. i think it's important, and if properly done will be a big asset.

Anonymous said...

i think it's important


Anonymous said...

OK Biff, but considering the powers that be, what are the chances of it being properly done? Joe Fuller, Myron Lawson, and Harry Silver are involved. You figure the odds.

The corrolary is that if it is done poorly it will be an expensive disaster done at the expense of real progress. Look at both sides.

Anonymous said...

Who says those 3 have to be involved and have to be the leaders? Two are voting members of the Council, yes they have the power to influence policy at the City level in determining whether a development district is established and whether or not private entities looking to take advantage of the remaining years on the federal incentive program and the state incentive the designation of development district would bring can move forward. Fuller on the other hand is one vote on the jury.

Anonymous said...

Why spend millions to try and rebuild something 90% of the taxpayers don't care about and just want the most efficient means of running the essential business of Alexandria. If it is more efficient to move to newer bldgs in areas with parking and less crime for the convenience of the citizen, then that should be allowed to happen. This city has been allowing the people in power to restrain growth to the areas that they and their cronies owned property for over 60 years. Let's face it, nobody gives a shit about a dozen or so downtown blocks of slum property. Anyone in his right mind wants the only growth possible to occur and that is to move the necessary facilities out to where the people who pay the taxes want their downtown to be. Follow the money. Follow the progress. If left alone without govt force, natural progression will be for the new downtown area to end up where ever it should be.

Anonymous said...

Why should a bunch of numbnuts on the council determine the entire concept of downtown. Originally downtown had the courthouse, city hall and the other bldgs were privately owned, such as hotels, businesses, retail outlets, lawyers, huge banks without branches, major national stores, doctor's offices, grocery stores, drugstores, restaurants, movie theaters(Paramount, Joy, Rex} churches, synagogues, cathedrals, railroad stations, bus stations, Navy station, stately southern homes, car dealers(Ford, Buick, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Chev, Cadillac etc), Telephone company, Bowling Alley, Bars, Lounges, and many other private businesses that I have overlooked. My point, all of the private businesses have naturally moved own, as progress required if they wanted to continue to survive. Govt just need to follow suit. There is nothing left there that is not receiving some govt subsidy. What does it take to convince everyone, that everyone who made up downtown 60 years ago has move elsewhere, ergo downtown is now where they have gone and will be where they go in the future. If you can get all the businesses that left to come back down in that little crime filled area, come talk to me, until then try it the rational way and quit trying to save an area that only has a courthouse, city hall and a bunch of old abandoned bldgs left.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Who will lead the charge for a new courthouse? The Judges? I doubt that seriously. They can't make a collective decision about a thing.

Anonymous said...

We'd probably be better without a new courthouse or city hall anyway. Let those assholes stay down in that cesspool they love so much. I'll gladly pay my taxdollars for that.

Anonymous said...

For you guys to keep preaching the folly of revitalizing downtown is just amazing. Anyone who needs to have it explained to them is just plain dumber than dirt.

Anonymous said...

If crime is the only reason for not revitalising downtown, then the answer to the problem is obvious! Anono 101

Anonymous said...

I don't think the move is to return us to our WW2 existance. We happen to have wonderful and beautiful historic places and the river and many think that it would be better to develop them than to let them continue to deteriorate. I understand and support that. I don't support those who can think of nothing west of Bolton Ave. The historic preservationists and downtown development interests are steadily blowing in the mayor's ear and he seems to be doing their bidding.

Anonymous said...

You people who don't want downtown revitalized don't get out much, do you?

Anonymous said...

Would someone please tell me why revitalizing downtown is so much more important and urgent than vitalizing the rest of Alexandria.

We need to make inteligent choices for the benefit of everyone, not just the Diamond Grill crowd. And no, I don't get out much. I work two jobs, my wife teaches highschool, we have 2 children, a mortgage, 3 cars, am paying off college loans, and the cafe circuit is not in our budget or our lifestyle. Are there more like me or like you?

Anonymous said...

Thomas Sowell, in his op-ed intoday's Town Talk, wrote that "reaction usually passes with time, especially since there is nothing the public can do about it -- either to change the decision or to remove from the bench those who made it."

Many politicians today have this notion, that there is nothing people can do about what the government does. However, they have forgotten the words of Thoma Jefferson, in the Declaration of Independence: "it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." Beware politicians, there ARE options.

Anonymous said...

Are there more like me or like you?

There are more like you and me. I am concerned with my lack of health insurance and high medical bills, how to afford gas to drive to work each day, how will I pay my high utility bills, and crime. It infuriates me we have all of this talk for economic development going on, which usually means using my taxes to help the rich get richer. If a property owner downtown wants his property to become more ttractive and appealing, let him pay to do it just like I have to do. If he wants a performing arts center or a golf course for his entertainment, let him pay like I have to do for mine. POWER TO THE PEOPLE, DOWN WITH MARIE ANTOINETTE.

Anonymous said...

Who will lead the charge for a new courthouse? The Judges?

Actually, it would be a decision for the Police Jury.

Anonymous said...

Another group of corrupt assholes living in the home of the massive kickback. They can stay downtown too. And to 4:23:57 A.M. when I do get out, I sure as hell don't want to go downtown to a second rate restaurant among a host of delapidated buildings or go to a phony baloney concert that sustains itself with other peoples' money.

Anonymous said...

re downtown, i didn't mean to infer that the city needs to drop millions on grandiose projects downtown. that has been tried with little result. i do think the city should have a plan though to encourage business or whatever to locate downtown. we shouldn't just abandon it. i was thinking along the line of perhaps lower property taxes for a period of time for renovation etc. or even credits. both sides of this issue have very valid points. i just think there is a middle position, that does not involve dumping millions to be shared by political cronies, but gives incentives to those willing to risk their own capital on downtown enterprises.

Anonymous said...

To 5:37:59, You are not important to the crowd who uses your money to finance their elitist bullshit idea of what is stylish and gay. How gauche of you to deny them their rightful pollyanna vision of the way a downtown area should be.

Anonymous said...

Many of us wish if incentives are given for businesses, that those should be given to outside businesses to move to Alex and locate wherever they want to provide jobs and support our infrastructure with their taxes which will benefit everyone in the community, not just the few who have personal gain or elitist desires. I don't want to give money to someone to move from a productive area where they are already located and doing well in Alex back to downtown for some warm fuzzy reason or to compromise even though it makes no sense. Admit the earth ain't flat and move on and quit trying to convince everyone it is. Biff, emotions and sentimentality should not be sustained with money taken from people who do not share those emotions or sentiments, or even from those who share them but realize we can't afford them. Let reason provail and in the long run everyone will be better off, including the momentum of the natural course of Alexandria Downtown.

Anonymous said...

I am having a little trouble understanding the Bentley deal. The terms have obviously not be agreed upon or the conditions met. A Baton Rouge group is pledging to spend $16,000,000 to by and restore a hotel to it's hey day glory and is planning to start spending somebody's money before they buy it. They are still actively negotiating with the Dean group for purchase agreements. The buyers must have been promised a boat load of concessions and financing options that will somehow fall upon the city's shoulders. Somebody has convinced them that they can fill up and keep filed 186 $250/night 4 Star hotel rooms. Does it make sense to any of you. How do you think the city sweetend the deal? Will Marshall go to work for the Bentley maintenance department or stay with Patel? Will CFS's squeeze open his investment boutique at the Bentley or stay with Patel. How does the Weiss & Goldring Bldg. figure into it?

Anonymous said...

The Bentley project is estimated at $14 million. They are not spending someone else's money right now - they're spending their own. They worked an operational agreement which allows them to being renovation prior to closing with Dean - much like when a residental buyer is allowed to move in prior to closing and pays the seller rent for a period of time.

They haven't been promised anything. There are numerous financing options available for hospitality type projects. These guys are experienced in doing these kind of projects - afterall one half of the parternship is responsible for the Sheraton in downtown Baton Rouge.

W&G has nothing to do with this project.

Anonymous said...

You didn't mention how they were going to keep a 4 Star hotel - at 4 Start prices -full - strategically located between between a hospital and a New York Highstyle Shoppe.

Are there any contingent liabilities or guarantees from the city?

I think that restoration of the Bentley is wonderful. It's just that when things sound too good to be true . . . .

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what, if any, offers the City has made to the prospective Bently buyers'?

Anonymous said...

Where will you be able to park, if going to the Bentley?

Anonymous said...

I am an American who truly belives in equality. Therefore, I am opposed at, federal state or local, money and deals being given to businesses at Engalnd or downtown, which are not available to mine and other businesses located elsewhere. It just aint American, its elitist and opens more avenues for government corruption and favoritism. Give the same breaks to all, or none.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:07 these same incentives are available to you. That's what people don't understand. They tend to think these credits, deductions, abatements, loan guarantees, etc. are ONLY offered to the new guys - well, guess what????? They're also available to the existing companies.

Anonymous said...

Parking - well let's see - there's a garage next to the Holiday Inn that's public which no one uses, that can be used should people valet their cars. There's also a City owned lot that was formally used by the Bentley adjacent to the levee. AND guess what???? The city owns the land the Holiday Inn sits own and the public has rights to use the parking lot fronting Jackson near the Riverfront Center.

Parking is something that can be worked out through CEAs just as it has been for the leased land with the Holiday Inn.

Anonymous said...

The multi-story parking garage between RGH and Patel Hotel I believe to be city owned, city built, and city maintained. If Ratcliff didn't build it you can use it for a water slide. I have never seen more than 3-4 cars there. If it does not belong to the city, please advise.

Anonymous said...

I have often wondered why it is obiously economically viable to utilize high-rise parking in New Orleans that is both reasonably priced and conveniently located. Could this reality possibly inspire a developer to build high rise parking downtown? If so, the city could aid the process by removing on-street parking and returning the streets to two way traffic. Of course, the question becomes the chicken and egg proposition of commerce vs. parking.

Anonymous said...

". . . . ere I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, 'it ain't about you 'cause you is too white' "

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.

Anonymous said...

The high rise garage is city owned and was built to accent downtown parking and overflow from the convention center. I am wondering how locating it on the periphery instead of centrally was going to induce a person to ditch their vehicle for what could be an eight block hike? Possibly smaller loctions in greater number may be the answer. It also appears that structurally, you could park a compliment of Abrams tanks there. There is also no fee which goes to prove that people will not use a poorly devised scheme, even if it is free. The city should defer the parking remedy to private enterprise while finding the devices to make it attractive within the scope of city responsibility stopping short of actual investment.

Anonymous said...

The high rise garage is city owned and was built to accent downtown parking and overflow from the convention center. I am wondering how locating it on the periphery instead of centrally was going to induce a person to ditch their vehicle for what could be an eight block hike? Possibly smaller loctions in greater number may be the answer. It also appears that structurally, you could park a compliment of Abrams tanks there. There is also no fee which goes to prove that people will not use a poorly devised scheme, even if it is free. The city should defer the parking remedy to private enterprise while finding the devices to make it attractive within the scope of city responsibility stopping short of actual investment.

Anonymous said...

Would not think New Orleans is a good example to use in justifying a position. Katrina has given business an excuse to get the hell out and those than can are. Going to have a lot of high rise empty buildings in New Orleans.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, some of you haven't been to Chamber or other functions at the Riverfront Center or the Holiday Inn. The parking garage is utilized almost to capacity. IMHO....highrise parking is the most practical solution to downtown revitalization. Of course, security is a must. I wondered if minorities are the only ones qualified for all of the grants and loans mentioned earlier.

Anonymous said...

Alexandria's commercial growth has always headed west. It is the only way it can grow. The business community (non-jewish) moved from 2nd and 3rd to Bolton Ave. and then from Bolton Ave to MacArthur Dr. Gus Kaplans opened in the shopping center, grocery stores opened In addition to Gus Kaplan opening up his location the downtown Jewish retailers, by and large, skipped Bolton Ave and established branch opeations at the Mall and the Jackson Street extension shopping center and gradually phased out their downtown operations. Security went from Second Street to Third Street to the present location near the mall. Caplans builds on North Mall Drive. Then along comes the Jackson Street extension commercial growth with banking and other major businesses.

If I-49 would have went to the wst of Alexandria that would be your new area of development.

The trend is away, boy I say again AWAY, from Third Street and all the old money, throwed awa taxpayer money and starry eyed children's visions of sugar plum is not going to bring it back.

Anonymous said...

Lamar's conclusion:
"Because ultimately, we all benefit from a healthy and vibrant downtown."

Lamar's theory seems to be if we spend more money downtown, downtown will be worth more money. OK

He says that downtown development should not be to the exclusion of improvement of other "blighted" or deteriorating areas or neighborhoods. So what we are talking about is rehabilitation, not development. Is that "smart"?

Lamar says that this won't be putting all our eggs in one basket. Just because you subdivide a basket, it is still one basket for "egg" purposes. I think it is becoming about Lamar winning. He wants recognition as a sage and a prophet. Lamar does not appear to be suffering from low self-esteem.

Anonymous said...

Lamar's conclusion:
"Because ultimately, we all benefit from a healthy and vibrant downtown."

Lamar's theory seems to be if we spend more money downtown, downtown will be worth more money. OK

He says that downtown development should not be to the exclusion of improvement of other "blighted" or deteriorating areas or neighborhoods. So what we are talking about is rehabilitation, not development. Is that "smart"?

Lamar says that this won't be putting all our eggs in one basket. Just because you subdivide a basket, it is still one basket for "egg" purposes. I think it is becoming about Lamar winning. He wants recognition as a sage and a prophet. Lamar does not appear to be suffering from low self-esteem.

Anonymous said...

Lamar is championing the revitilization of downtown to the detriment of other areas - how about the sewerage issue in Penny acres, open ditches in the quarters, numerous health issue - in order that those stuck with property dowtown can come out smelling like a rose. He is attempting to justify that music, dance, art, etc are more important than; bringing Samtown/Woodside into the modern era with sidewalks and closed ditches; more important than the residents of Penny Acres walking arolund in sewerage even though they have been promised improvements for years and years; providing the inner city citizens with a golf course (why does everything designed to improve the life of Blacks imvolve sports?); more important than the many real issues facing us that Bridgitte Brown's Brother selling condo's can't solve.

He has a polyanna view of life, belittles and dismisses those that dare disagree with his "know what's best" mentality and well represents the old money of Alexandria. Without his stipend (read still having the silver spoon in his mouth) he would be just another neer-do-well struggling to make a living. He has never lived a "real" life, was raised in the lap of luxury, attended an out of state liberal university and now is going to educate us ignerent folks.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of regular folks with a lot of downhome common sense been commenting since I signed off this morning. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the disabled will walk several blocks from a parking garage to get to something downtown? Do you think that a lawzy ass, like me and may others, will take that walk? Do you think that someone will make a several block sprint in a rain storm. The answer is NO. If you believe in democracy tell us how much downtown revitalization and golf courses will cost us, and let's take a vote.

Anonymous said...

Downtown Revitalization (Field of Dreams) starring Kevin Costner.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is too extreme. Lamar thinks restoration of downtown is everything and others think it's an anathema. I think it's a good thing but relatively low priority.

Anonymous said...

If it's so damn good, then you pay for it, most folks just have no desire to finance it. No one is forcing them to pay money to let nature take its course, that is free. We want the natural progress that costs us nothing as opposed to the enlightened way that requires theft of our assets.

Anonymous said...

Why should some get tax breaks by doing the bidding of a few politicians and planners, so they can compete with the rest of us at our expense. I don't like financing my business competitors. Save the tax incentives for large industries that provide jobs and taxes every one can benefit from.

Anonymous said...

Lamar reminds me of the homosexual who can't come to grips with his sexual nature. He just can't admit he is a pure socialist and wants to be the one to enlighted and lead the plebians. Noblesse Oblige's a bitch.

Anonymous said...

I have to pay taxes so that your kids can get an education. That doesn't benefit me directly but I understand a public purpose. If you give money to your church, that doesn't help me but you get a write off so my tax burden is greater. How do you feel about that shit John Wayne? Helping people is good, even if it's other people. Quit being such a Grinch.

Anonymous said...

Property in Penny Acres is listed as 1R on the tax rolls indicating it is outside the City Limits. Talk to the Jury about your sewer and drainage complaints.

Anonymous said...

You should realize Lamar is just a young pup who has yet to get his feet wet. He went before the Council and laid out his entire plan on bringing back Bringhurst not realizing there was a process and that a request for proposal was needed. In putting his entire plan out there in a public setting anyone could have ripped off his ideas, made improvements and stolen the project from him.

He is well read, but not well experienced in making projects happen. Give him a break guys. He is well intentioned.

In order for smart growth to actually occur the issues of no sidewalks and open ditches in the Samtown/Woodside area would definitely have to be addressed. Even more than those two issues, the larger issue of property owners allowing their property to decay would need to be addressed. Most of the property there is occupied by renters, not home owners. This should tell you we have a "slum lord" problem in our area. If you will remember a few years ago the Town Talk, before they got rid of their investigative reporting staff, actually ran stories about landlord who weren't keep their property up so tenants could have gas heat in the winter. Some of these landlords are prominent Jewish families - including judges - well at least one was a judge.

These are the true issues that have to be addressed. You can't ignore the growth out 28 West and the need for downtown to be regenerated while addressing those issues. All of this has to take place at the same time. You cannot sit back and focus on one area of town. This is what created the "slum" and "blighted" areas we now have in the first place.

Attention has to be given to all areas of the City. Fast track looked at all districts and selected small projects in most districts which could have an immediate impact and then the larger project of Versailles. Good planning can address the sidewalks, ditches and drainage problems. Pre-planning can prevent a water shortage and increase the capacity at the waste water plant. We have to become more proactive. BUT WE MUST DO SO WITH PUBLIC INPUT. Government should not be deciding what happens in your neighborhood - you should have a say.

Anonymous said...

The incentive programs are not racially based. Some are based on business size, but none are based on race. What a dumbass question!

Anonymous said...

incentive programs are not racially based.

Absolute bullshit. Ever here of minority grants, set aside programs, minority small business loans ?

Anonymous said...

If a business wants to relocate downtown and have a parking lot, let them pay for it, not me.

Anonymous said...

You bunch of niave people. You think that downtown is the only part of town where the city is investing tax money. Who in the hell do you think is paying for (subsidizing) the new sewer line that serves the elitist gated subdivions along 28 west. We are that's who. If you want to build a subdivision out in the middle of a cow pasture then you should be required to pay the true cost of development.

Who is going to pay for (subsidize) the new turn lane and traffic signals for the new Wal Mart on 28W. Us, that's who. And we are glad to do it because lord knows we need a good corporate citizen like Wal Mart. How did we survive without them before they brought their high paying jobs with great benefits and their community involvement.

The truth is that most development in this town is being subsidized. If developers had to pay the true costs of providing sewer, water, gas, road improvements, drainage, fire, police, and sanitation they would be developing projects in areas that already have the infrastructure in place to support the downtown.

Here is another thought to ponder. Downtown was once the center of retail, banking, entertainment etc... Then everyone moved out to MacArthur Drive, the Mall, Jackson Street etc... Fast forward 25 more years. By then those areas will have become tired derilict, mainly because most of them are inhumane spaces designed for cars...not people, and we will have moved on to the next promised land. Then our children or grandchildren will be arguing about how to revitilize the old strip commercial areas and the Mall. Do you see the pattern here? We cant just keep abandoning these parts of the City because they no longer fit our idea of utopia. At some point there will not be enough money to continue subsidizing sprawl while still maintaining the older parts of the City.

Anonymous said...

7:05 yes, there are minority set asides - that typically deals with public bid projects. As far as true incentive programs that have been discussed here, they are not racially biased. SBA grants and loan programs are not racially biased, State incentive programs are not, Federal Renewal Community programs are not. Some programs limit the type of entity and program that can apply - those are usually private foundations. lose the chip on your shoulder.

Anonymous said...

"You bunch of niave people. You think that downtown is the only part of town where the city is investing tax money. Who in the hell do you think is paying for (subsidizing) the new sewer line that serves the elitist gated subdivions along 28 west. We are that's who. If you want to build a subdivision out in the middle of a cow pasture then you should be required to pay the true cost of development."

I am not naive nor stupid. But you sir or madam have completely mis-stated the facts.

The new sewer main along Hwy. 28W will serve St. Andrew's along with all future development along that corridor. What you miss is that the subdivision developer installed all sewer and water throughout the development. Did you know that the new main along 28W is part of the City's master plan to have a treatment plant on the W side of Alex.? Does it make good since to keep pumping and lifting sewerage all the way back to Hudson Rd. on the SE side of town? Did you know that a lift station was planned near Vandenburg long before St. Andrew's was? Oh, and by the way, St. Andrew's is not gated and for that matter neither is the Lakes.

Like it lump it; those are the facts.

Anonymous said...

"The truth is that most development in this town is being subsidized. If developers had to pay the true costs of providing sewer, water, gas, road improvements, drainage, fire, police, and sanitation they would be developing projects in areas that already have the infrastructure in place to support the downtown."

Do you dream this stuff up in your sleep??????

Right now a developer installs all roads, water, and sewer improvements in any new development without help from the City. So, in fact, they are paying the "true cost."

Did you ever stop to think that these developments generate tax revenue during construction and property tax revenue for decades to come?

This is an example of the narrow minded thinking that must be obliterated from thought processes if we are to sieze opportunity at hand.

If it so bad here leave!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lApparantly rational thought has no place on this blog. Insanity reigns. Go ahead, you fuckers and make downtown a fucking wonderland at the tune of millions of dollars. Let the taxpayers foot the bill. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

leave lamar alone, you jackasses!

Anonymous said...

This is an example of the narrow minded thinking that must be obliterated from thought processes if we are to sieze opportunity at hand.
If it so bad here leave!!!!!!!!
I was born and raised here, so I ain't leaving. Call them community leaders, civil minded or what other elitist blue blood name you wish, but it is the working class man and woman that built this town, not the community leaders. Your revitilization is nothing more than the rich getting richer on the backs of the workers, who can barely afford the necessities in life. You are free to buy bricks and trees for downtown out of your own pocket, if you wish. About the only thing the City does for me is give me traffic tickets, tax notices and picks up my garbage. The city gives me no tax incentives for my business, so I do not want it to give any to blue blood civic leaders. Equal privileges and rights for all. Give me lower taxes and utility bills, and until then stick your golf courses, downtown revitilization, and performing arts centers up your elitist ass.

Anonymous said...

Those who don't understand what Lamar is actually saying need to go back and read the entire thing.

You're either illiterate or lazy. He's not arguing that downtown is the end-all, be-all-- or that it should take precedent over other worthy projects. He's saying that downtown is important-- and it is.

Grow up and stop being jealous of a smart, young mind who is passionate about improving our city and our image.

I don't see the harm in having someone who cares deeply about our future as an active voice.

I've been thinking about the way some of you treat this young man, and it seems like your vitriol is inordinate.

Do you feel financially or intellectually threatened?

What is your real motivation?

Because your counterarguments are flimsy, factually inaccurate, and ad hominem.

Lamar, if you read this, keep on keeping on. Thank you for your love of our city.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:47, You sound like a drunk idiot.

I guess you had fun at GG's tonight.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:47, you sound like a hard working individual who wants to decide how to spend his hard earned money rather than Lamar and his socialixt buddies. I am totally opposed to the initiation of the use of force, but I can't help but believe many out there would be tickled pink to see Lamar bitch slapped.

Anonymous said...

In the recent mayoral campaign, we witnessed a symptom of a deadly malady: Most, in this town, are not about healthy competition, but are downright adversarial – vicious and antagonistic. Outrageous envy is the culprit, both corporately and individually, spawning myriad toxins. While we may have physical community, we have little, if any, community spirit, which is requisite for health and growth. Unless and until we honestly recognize and solidly address our dysfunction, everyone, to one degree or another, will suffer for it.

Anonymous said...

community spirit = let us working class people finance the projects the rich decide to be best for us. Keep in mind that Jacques stirred us up to get rid of the rich-republican clique that sought to continue running this town, asnd we have no inention of creating another elitist group to take its place.
"Growth" seems to be a word of almost religious significance to many. Yet the masses of people are more worried about affordable health care, high taxes, gasoline prices, crime and basic city services. Bringing in industry, such as Union Tank Car and the like, has absolutely no benefit to the masses, if the increase in the public fisc which they generate is used on golf courses, arts centers, downtown revitilization and other projects which have very little impact upon the daily lives of most citizens.
I do agree, however, that Lamar, and like minded people, should not be attacked for voicing their opinions. The should simply realize that they do not speak for all of Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

"Your revitilization is nothing more than the rich getting richer on the backs of the workers, who can barely afford the necessities in life.....Give me lower taxes and utility bills, and until then stick your golf courses, downtown revitilization, and performing arts centers up your elitist ass."

My kind sir,

Had you afforded yourself the opportunity to calmly read and digest my reply, you would have seen the NONE of my comments related to downtown. You brought up Hwy 28, and new subdivisions, and infrastructure in said developments. Not one iota of YOUR original post had anything to do with downtown.

Please decide on your talking point before you burden us with your rants again. By the way, my ass is not elitist, I work for a living; the point of my posts was simly to set the record straight.

Are you really interested in a frank and open dialogue or do you simply seek a platform for your dillusional, illogical, and misinformed epistle.

Anonymous said...

All this "working people" talk sounds a little pinko to me. Working people are replaced every day with machines and Pakestanis.

What we love and need and respect is "thinking people" like Lamar and Bridget.

Anonymous said...

Just because I consider myself a working person does not imply that I am uneducated, illiterate, or uninformed. In fact, I am college educaed, but I worked for what I have no one gave it to me nor am I a benefactor of the public trough.

A good mark of a thinker, is his ability to collect and digest the facts!

I, sir, cannot be replaced by a machine or a Pakistani.

Anonymous said...

First let me say I will be more than happy to tell UTLX to take their $100M plus plant to Monroe and give the 500 people who now work their jobs in Monroe.

Second, the plant is outside the City so the City is not getting property taxes, only seeing a benefit of any sales tax increase and any property tax from from the few people the plant tranferred down who happened to have bought homes in Alexandria.

The winner in this deal is the Parish and the current 500 people in our area who are employed there and now, don't have to be employed somewhere else. They include people who were working weeks at a time out of town, maintaining two households, working everyday out of town driving back and forth at $3/gal gas, people who previously had no technical skills and now do thanks to the training program, and people who just tired of the pay and low benefits at their old job.

No, 850 jobs doesn't benefit the masses, what is does is begin to increase the level of skills and wages among the masses.

And for the idiot who keeps screaming about their not being incentives for his business, please post what your business is and how someone can reach you.

Anonymous said...

The simple truth is that we are a capitalistic society and real growth is based on how to make a buck. Capitalist ( builders, retailers, industry, etc.) will move to the area of town where they can make the most money for their investment.

Downtown or any other area for that matter, will not sustain development until this basic principle is fulfilled.

Development districts give tax incentives that can draw a business. This is one way to draw business to a particular area of town. I'll bet the new Bentley deal is fueled by federal grants and tax incentives that this group has learned to use to make $$$. After all of the PR bull, the Baton Rouge investors are out to make a buck.

When downtown provides a better opportunity for a businessman to make money than Hwy 28 west, rest assured that businessman will come to downtown.

He's a thought although not very practical: With your tax money level (a la Sam's nuke) main and 3rd streets and build shops similar to what Bossier City has on it's river front. Put parking on 4th and 5th with shuttles running around the clock. Rent the space to retailers, doctors, lawyers, restaurants, anybody at below market rates. Will this revitalize downtown? Maybe not! Does our metropolitan area have the population to support such a development? Probably not. If it did some developer like the company out of California that developed Bossier's riverfront would have already come in and done it. With the property values in downtown being less than hwy 28 west or east, you can bet developers would want to buy the cheaper property downtown if, and that's the problem, if they could make a buck. They just don't think downtown is a place to make $$$$$$$.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for trying to turn downtown around. I just think we need to get realistic about it.

Oh, and by the way, I would have just one thing to say to Bridget Brown: YOUR FIRED!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Working guy:
You are absolutely right - my point, exactly.

Anonymous said...

The City Council wants to fire Trey Gist and hire former city attorney and Lawson Incubator Occupant, Kelvin Sanders to be the Council Attorney. It would appear that they think Kelvin did a good job of fucking the administration when he was the Administration attorney. I think that it is up to the administration in general and Chuck Johnson (former office mate of Kelvin's at Myron's place) to go along or stand up. This will be the acid test.

Anonymous said...

A major blunder to replace trey with Kelvin.

Anonymous said...

brains trumps brawn said...

What an elitist arrogant statement. Many people that work and are not engaged in retail sales and downtown development are highly intelligent.

Anonymous said...

People that characterize them as "working folks" exclude, by definition, those who wear suits or practice law, medicine, creative and artistic endeavors, etc. I venture to say that self-employed professionals work harder and under more pressure than those who consider grease and dirt under fingernails as a badge of the "working man". There is unfortunate snobbery at both ends.

Anonymous said...

re: Trey vs. Kelvin
A blunder for who? In an administration heavy with lawyers, Trey would be able to function in a positive productive way. That was not his assignment in the previous adminstration. Kelvin, on the other hand, always openly displayed loyalty and dedication to Myron & Company and against administration interests (including protection of Bridget) and the council may sense the need for protection with Roy upstairs.

Anonymous said...

This is to announce the winner of the Fisrt Annual Christmas Decoration Contest in Park Place in Alexandria. It is with great pleasure to name Dr. John Sams as the winner. Dr. Sams has as created an absolutely stunning display in his front yard with a used toilet. And lucky for all of us living in Park Place, the trashmen will not be aound to remove this display until after the holidays. We are all so delighted that as our guests arrive to enjoy the holidays with us, they can view this delightful display. Such good taste! It is such a shame that the voters of Alexandria were not aware of Dr. Sams' decorating skills before the mayoral primary. Can you imagine what he could have done in decorating City Hall for Christmas? I bet Alexandria could have easily surpassed Natchitoches in drawing visitors to view the decorations. In the meantime, if you want to view Dr. Sams' residential Christmas display, simply drive by 119 Park Place. But be prepared! There will surely be hundreds of cars lined up to see this seasonal wonder!

Anonymous said...

I venture to say that self-employed professionals work harder and under more pressure ...

I am a self - employed professional that wants lower taxes, health care, lower utility bills, and ooposed downtown revitalization at public expenses and wants the same breaks and advantages given to other businesses and industries. And guess what, I am also highly educated.
Opposition to inequality in the expenditure of public funds is not limited to illiterate people who get their hands dirty working. I would also like to see how well the higher classes would make it without the carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, garbage men and etc...

Anonymous said...

A blunder for who?

It would be a blunder for Alexandria. Trey is intelligent and knows what he does, Kelvin is a dumbass. I am not a Trey Gist friend, however I have opposed him and have had to deal with him, as well as Kelvin, and I can assure you that Trey is the more valuable asset.

Anonymous said...

if downtown is just about the rich getting richer, than what the hell is 28W about?

Anonymous said...

Someone cmmented earler in response to one of my prevoius posts that developers pay for the cost of roads, utilities, and drainage in their developments. While this is true, they do not pay for the cost to upgrade existing or non exisitng infrastructure such as roads, bridges, storm drainage, electric, gas, water, etc needed to service these isolated developments. You have to understand that htey are not operating in a vacuum. These developments on the edge of time cause a ripple effect of increased infrasructure costs that are paid for by all of us...not the developers. The property taxes do not generate nearly enough money to offset these costs. In this area the majority of tax money is generated by sales taxes. Again, if the developers want to build in isolated areas (sprawl) without the subsidies then let them do it. I for one do not want to pay for it anymore.

Anonymous said...

Listen, there is no other municipality in the entire Nation that allows the council to have its own lawyer, period. The Charter does not authorize it and its ridiculous. A mayor and council have one lawyer i.e. the City Atorney, to it advise it as a collective unit. All this partisan crap between the Mayor and Council has to stop, and having one lawyer for both groups would be a good place to start. Whoever heard of a council hiring its own lawyer to make sure the mayor doesn't screw them? That's a little inherently divisive, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I don't blame the council for wanting a lawyer and one that they can trust. Roy certainly has enough lawyers surrounding him.

Anonymous said...

Just drove through Park Place to view the award winning decorations in front of Dr. Sams residence. As with other, more cliched' Christmas decorations, I am sure the toilet in Dr. Sams' front yard has some extra meaning! Could it be that it represents that Dr. Sams' poltical career is down the toilet? Or perhaps it indicates that Dr. Sams doesn't give a cr*p about how his neighbors feel about having to look at that sight through the Christmas holidays? Thank goodness the Amos family on Park Place and the Robinson family on Marigold have done such wonderful jobs with their decorations. These two residences are a joy to behlod this time of year.

Anonymous said...

One lawyer is probably too much, but we certainly don't need to pay for two. Remember these people are representing us, the city, not the mayor or council. Let's just have one representing us and let the chips fall where they may.

Anonymous said...

For the person telling us to leave Lamar alone. Gladly. But wait, it is Lamar who should leave us alone. We are not advocating forcing Lamar to do anything, or be taxed for any of our wild schemes, so how 'bout Lamar doing likewise and let us be.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you have to view the toilet, but I am so grateful to you for the laugh. I only wish I knew about the display earlier when we took our kids out to see Christmas lights. His grand display surely trumps the laser light show on Versailles, no?

Anonymous said...

"We are not advocating forcing Lamar to do anything, or be taxed for any of our wild schemes, so how 'bout Lamar doing likewise and let us be."

Lamar has been a good boy this year. Now, about those "wild schemes" of yours, I'm watching you...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lamar is Santa and we are his little elves. Nowwwww I unnerstand, yes Virginia, there is a Sanna Clause.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Lightbulb.

Anonymous said...

You made me drive all the way from Pineville to view the Sams Yule Toilet - another discarded john. I hope some teenager doesn't lay a yule log in it. Next year we are going with Festivus.

Anonymous said...

"Someone cmmented earler in response to one of my prevoius posts that developers pay for the cost of roads, utilities, and drainage in their developments....Again, if the developers want to build in isolated areas (sprawl) without the subsidies then let them do it."

What developments have been constructed in such isolated areas that massive undertakings to extend infrastructure where required? Please name one!!!

Realizing that the City is in the electric utility business and realizing that the vast majority of similarly situated companies that provide the same service are regulated by the LA Public Service Commission, lets look at the LEGAL obligations of said regulated companies with respect to extending electric service.

LA RS 45:122 Extensions of services and facilities, requirement of

The Louisiana Public Service Commission has authority to require electric public utilities furnishing electricity to make extensions of their services and facilities whenever the revenues to be derived from the proposed extensions will be sufficient to provide a fair return upon the fair value of the facilities used and useful in rendering additional service.

If you build a 120 lot subdivision adjacent to the current corporate limits and request electric service from the City you receive that service. Cleco, Entergy, or SWEPCO would similarly be obligated to provide you service because thay have a resaonable expectation of a fair return. Considering this precedent, the City is not acting out of turn extending services to new developments.

By the way, you do realize that the people using these services pay a bill every month?????

Anonymous said...

No, you are wrong. The City's attorney does not represent US. He represents the City and guess what? Sometimes our interests are adverse to the city. That's why we file suits against the city related to personal injury, zoning, elections, etc.

Anonymous said...

Lamar is a peddler of property. Nothing more, nothing less. He is an offspring of a double named blue hair. Instead of asking us to leave him alone why not ask him to stop proposing his schemes of wasting taxpayers money on dead property in order to that his friends can regain the value of their assets.

It is amazing to me how this area has lasted as long as it has without the guidance of Lamar White Jr. He seems to have the answer to all our needs - revitilize downtown while singing music. Hell feed them cake also.

Anonymous said...

There's only one slight problem with your PSC comments. The City is NOT a regulated utility company. When the City chooses to raise or lower its rate it does so freely. It doesn't have to go through the PSC like Cleco, Entergy and SWEPCO - which by the way is now owned by AEP. Yes, the City has the option to allow developers who are building outside the exiting City limits to tie on to our water, sewer and gas systems, as well as our electric sytems. In exchange these subdivisions are annexed into the City prior to accepting them onto the system.

As a result, we get to expand our utility infrastructure, which by the way, makes money to cover SERVICES (like the bus, the zoo, those free concerts Lisa Harris books, and other stuff you all probably don't attend) and the City can collect property taxes. Additionally, the City can collect sales taxes on all those building materials being sold to construct those new homes. Gee, I wonder why they continue to let sprawl happen?????? Could it be that it's paying the bills????????

Anonymous said...

The answers have been here all along, we just haven't been reading the same material Jr. has. Apparently all we need to do is go seek out the latest trendy books and we could save Alexandria from the depths of destruction.

Anonymous said...

"Lamar is a peddler of property. Nothing more, nothing less. He is an offspring of a double named blue hair."

Pleeeeeeasse! At least Lamar has the gumption to propose ideas and think outside of the box.

I am sorry that you have fallen prey to this blogs one downfall: when you disagree with a person's point don't dispute it in fact, question their lineage. It makes you appear intelligent, well-intentioned, and well versed in the facts at hand.

In the end, he may be wrong but at least he is trying. What have you done?????

Anonymous said...

He trying with century old outdated ideas of social manipulation of others assets. Not one new idea has been postulated by Lamar, just the tired old socialistic bullshit. Incidentally in todays TT Thomas Sowell recommended a booK "Sprawl" which he said debunked the concepts put forth by the socialist planners. Maybe we should read it and see if it has some new ideas and puts to rest the old. I plan to, will report later.

Anonymous said...

That is unfair. Recent posters, including me, have challenged Lamar's propostion with logical well-reasoned objections. They(we) do so on here instead of Lamar's page because Lamar, IMHO, lacks true objectivity and he attacks those that don't support his rather narrow view, with condescension. Lamar is a real thought and dialogue provoker but all of his postings reflect an undeserved arrogance. I have more respect than ever for Roy because he knows that Lamar's strength is helping with pie-eyed oratory to the Chamber and NOT the day to day direction of the city. Nobody has talked about Lamar's linage for months. It ain't about where he came from but where he is trying to go.

Anonymous said...

"There's only one slight problem with your PSC comments. The City is NOT a regulated utility company. "

I totally concur, reread my post and you will see that I recognized that point. I was simply trying to present a basis for comparison against other real world, and quite frankly, more prevalent situations.

"When the City chooses to raise or lower its rate it does so freely."

Not so! Rates are set by ordiance; may I direct you to Chapter 26, Article V, Sec. 26-84. Rates may only be adjusted by amending this ordinance which requires discussion and vote before the council. When was the last time the electric rate was raised. By my recolelction its been much longer than the last time Cleco or Entergy raised theirs.

By the way, AEP consumed the holding company which help not only SWEPCO but also WTU, PSO, and CPL.

Anonymous said...

Your response is the equivalent of "you can't fire me, I quit". Your information and therefore you premise are dead wrong. And your dumbass comeback on the city utility rates: they can't raise them at will, it requires an ordinance". What do you think an ordinance is if not the legislative will of the city??? Just apoligize and leave.

Anonymous said...

"What do you think an ordinance is if not the legislative will of the city???"

When was the last time they were raised??????????????

Given the current perception of utility rates don't you think any notion of a rate increase would be met with a virulent public outcry??? I serously doubt it could be rubber-stamped through our legislative body. Remember, half of them are up for re-election in 2008.

Give me a break. I will not leave as long as idiots like you are allowed to post their mindless rants at the risk of destroying the truth.

Anonymous said...

"Your information and therefore you premise are dead wrong."

Please defend your statement with substantiated fact including citation where appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Citations: see 11:40:52 supra and cogent discussion of your premise regarding the unfettered obligation of COA as a regulated utility, to provide expanded services. You might want to write that one down.

Anonymous said...

Question: can Alexandria alter its utility rates at will.

Answer: yes

Excuse me, but it would seem with your self-proclaimed brilliance, YOU WOULD SOMEHOW, EVEN BY ACCIDENT, GET SOMETHING RIGHT.

merry christmas & festivus

Anonymous said...

Qualifying is only 44 months away, why don't you go line up right away. You are depriving some village of their idiot.

Anonymous said...

"Citations: see 11:40:52 supra and cogent discussion of your premise regarding the unfettered obligation of COA as a regulated utility, to provide expanded services."

I must agree with 11:40. He/she never says that the City is regulated but rather draws parallels between what the City does with respect to new developments and what the private sector does. It appears he/she proves that the City is acting in a prudent manner consistent with the private sector.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the new promo for news on KLAX? What? When did this happen?

Anonymous said...

What originality - what wit - what intelligence. I don't understand why you can't come up with your own jokes. You make up your own history and law.

You could show a small amount of poise and grace by admitting your mistakes. It would make us so proud of you.

Anonymous said...

to: jungle balls cenlamar reported this almost two weeks ago here but so far we havent seen anything about it in the msm.

Anonymous said...

I am 11:40:52 and YES I do know that it takes an ORDINANCE TO RAISE OR LOWER THE RATES MORON! The point I was making is this - the City, with Council approval (just to make you happy) can at will negotiate rates (and yes this means take them up or down). They do not have to seek special permission from the PSC. They do not have to show how it will impact other rateholders.

If they wanted to give electricity to a certain class of persons they could do so. They ONLY thing they can't do is forgive the surcharge for on electricity.

Are you satisfied now that I understand what the hell they can and cannot do?

If you don't like the way the City, with Council approval, is running the Utility system, then move out in the Parish, drink from a water district, put in a treatment system, have Cleco for your electric and Atmos for your gas and quit bitchin' about the expansion of services you think you're paying for.

Anonymous said...

"If they wanted to give electricity to a certain class of persons they could do so."

Dear Sir,

Your anger is apparent in your tone. The City through its Council couldnot give a certain class of citizen free electricity. To do so is equivalent to the donation of public funds which is expressly forbidden under the state constitution.

The citizens are not bearing even 25% of the costs of expansion. Go look at the Utilities budgets and tell me they have enough money to run a line out their front door!!!

Anonymous said...

You misunderstand. I am not criticizing our lovely city. I am criticizing your lack of grace and poise. I frequently say incorrect stuff and when caught, I say "oops". Thus far it has served me well.

Anonymous said...

It appears Lamar is showing his arrogance by not responding to us here, but instead writing on his blog about us. Well, let's just say this for the record - Yes, something is happening downtown. Yes, Isadore and Destin are being successful. btw - does anyone else seem to know that Destin is related to Lisa Harris???? Or was that a big secret?

You see Lamar, there's more going on than you know.

Roland Von Kurnatowski with Tip's began looking before UTLX was even announced. That's how long it took before we could get that project off the ground.

Mr. Von Kurnatowski called asking about vacant property in the immediate downtown area for Tip's. It seems once a local ED group became involved a property owned by someone with some influence at the City wanted the project steered towards the Broadway corridor where she had a piece of property in need of rehab. Fortunately, the head of the group was shown the light and why Tip's had to be in the location it is now in order to be successful. For once, the politics at play, lost out.

Cyntreniks had already developed with Bob Dean. If it hadn't been for that they wouldn't have been approached by some of our City leaders to bring life back to the Bentley. Let me repeat that - WE APPROACHED THEM. They weren't looking for another project at the time.

There was a barber shop that opened downtown about 4 years ago. It lasted just over a year. Why? It seemed no one would support the old style barber shop with a shoe shine man. That was something from long ago in downtown.

Trendy bars, poetry reading and the like to attract the art crowd and the more sophisticated night life lover is what is going to work. hat you can't forget is that is not all Alexandria is. We have to fill the void for others as well and that is not going to fit downtown.

So while we have somethings "happening downtown" they just haven't started to occur - it's been a long haul my friend, something I wish you had been there to work through from day one. Some day, you'll learn what it is to walk that fine high wire, balance the politics, get the votes in hand, and get the project done. Until then, I guess you'll just have to keep reading.

Anonymous said...

Trust me 4:59 if they wanted to give something away for free, there's always a way. How do you think $1M was spent on a bridge to a private business?

Anonymous said...

I agree whole-heartedly except that nothing I said was wrong.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me 5:38 for my bluntness. It appeared you were arguing with someone else for quite some time between my original post and the last one where I stated I was 11:40:52. Apparently I did not realize when I first posted that it was necessary to explain every single detail of how the City goes about deciding it's rate structure. From now on, I will make certain the put all of the details in every post and try to do so in a nice friendly manner as to not upset you further. I cannot however, speak for the other person you were arguing with during my absence.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe I have either - I've actually been in a meeting where giving electricity away was discussed - that's how I know it's possible.


Anonymous said...

Anon 5:45,

Perhaps I am missing your contention. I write about the quality of life benefits of a revitalized downtown on my blog, and then I am criticized, anonymously, on this blog.

When I decide to respond-- in praise of the private investment and the emerging nightlife and music scene (I wasn't talking about barbershops)-- I am somehow displaying arrogance?

If there is some sort of turf war between Mr. Carriere's blog and mine, I was unaware; I have no problem responding on this blog-- and I have done so numerous times in the past.

Regardless, I am aware of the basic facts of your post, though I wonder why you chose to write anonymously.

It's no secret that Destin Harris is married to Lisa. I'm not sure what it has to do with anything.

Regarding Tips:

According to Martin Johnson last night, the City contacted the Tipitina's Foundation two years ago. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the city and the state were actively pursuing Union Tank Car well beforehand.

Indeed, UTLX announced its intentions to build a plant in Alexandria on June 22, 2004.

Still, I am not interested in arguing the time line of events-- because it's not relevant (and it's not what I was writing about in the first place).

All the best. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

"I don't believe I have either - I've actually been in a meeting where giving electricity away was discussed - that's how I know it's possible."

Where, when, and to whom? I do not need your schooling on the rate structure, I know more than you have forgotten.

Anonymous said...

then you damn sure ain't chuck fowler

Anonymous said...

Lamar, let's just say GAEDA was involved in TIPS long after the first inquiry had occurred. The call came from them, not vice versa.

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