Monday, December 18, 2006

Oh my God!, I've been outed !!!

For God's sake people, my ownership of this blog has never been a secret. Those of you who ACTUALLY know me, know that I do not readily have the time to "sit" on this blog. I have a business, a new daughter, home renovations, community involvement, etc ...

If this blog is so unpopular than why have a vast array of similar blogs e-blossomed? They have actually capitalized on the name through their highly intelligent creativity (same name different blog company, or by the spelling of Antics with an "x"). Why? No original thought process ... "Beam me up Scotty" ... I did not know that Alexandria had so many parrots.

Jacques, good luck my friend, it's a hard battle to fight but fight the good fight ... there are individuals within this community who think for themselves, do what they can for the community and now matter how much unfiltered horse manure is spread, are still able to grow healthy and useful "seedlings" not weeds.


Quint Carriere


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Anonymous said...

Your anger is apparent in your tone. The City through its Council couldnot give a certain class of citizen free electricity. To do so is equivalent to the donation of public funds which is expressly forbidden under the state constitution.

Art. VII sec. 14(B) of the Louisiana Constitution, prohibiting the loan, donation or pledge of public funds and property, contains this exclusion: "Nothing in this Section shall prevent (1) the use
of public funds for programs of social welfare for the aid and support of the needy;...."
So this could be a way to give free electricity to the poor. Of course, with the current utility and gasoline costs, we could all soon be poor. Merry Christmas to All.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, the person who called you arrogant sounds a little bit like a former employee of your father's.

I think you know her name.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Greg.

Anonymous said...

Just saw last night the movie with Will Smith and his son. A true story called "The Pursuit of Happyness" An inspirational film leaving everyone feeling good about themselves and the possibilities for all in America. Great Academy Award winning movie. Got to be the best of the year. A wonderful time of the year to view it. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Not a her sorry.

Anonymous said...

Why does someone stating their honest opinion of Lamar have to be a former employee with an axe to grind? Is it not possible that a work a day Joe is tired of listening to Lamar's utopian ideas and voiced an opinion? Is it possible that someone that has to work two jobs to provide a roof over the family and utilities is not exactly filled with glee concerning poetry reading, personal expression of individuals view's of life presented in essays and the myriad of other cultural bullshit high society defienes as entertainment?

Is it possible a large majority of the taxpayers would rather see the cost of city provided services reduced in order to have more disposable income then funds psent for studies on water parks and other equally brilliant ideas?

Is it possible that some people really don't appreciate a member of an old moneyed family, raised in a safe, secure, moneyed, lack of for nothing environment continously telling us what we need? Is is possible that the average citizen that can just aford to buy fish bait to take his kids fishing at Kincaid doesn't appreciate constantly being dogged by someone able to reside in a palatial manor at the lake. Lamar cannot and will never understand the thinking proces of the common man but yet he knows the answer to our cultural needs.

A marina downtown is one of the latest proposed projects - not a marina designed for use by the average citizen but a "Hampton's" type Marina for the moneyed set. Alexandria kicked out those trying to enjoy the entertainment provided by the waterfront - one of the points of justification for the bondoggled navigation project - because of "appearance" of the house boats.

A few dayum good law suits setting the boundaries on what the city fathers can do and can't do would probably stop a lot of this blue blooded know what is best for us low lifers projects.

Lamar you (along with your haughty friends) are condescding towards those that disagree with you. Anyone disagreeing with your message is belittled and insulted. Oh, and by the way, I am not a former employee. Just a person that doesn't give a shit about you, your ideas and your family.

Anonymous said...


"When I decide to respond-- in praise of the private investment and the emerging nightlife and music scene (I wasn't talking about barbershops)-- I am somehow displaying arrogance?"


"Quint Carriere’s Cenla Antics, located at Mr. Carriere’s blog, for those who have never visited it, essentially behaves like an unmoderated bulletin board, in which posters anonymously express opinions in an unorganized, cascading fashion"


Anonymous said...

I disagree that it is "happening" downtown. There are a couple bars that have established a clientelle and they will migrate when a new pub opens. A guy like Isadore is so dynamic and creative that he is bound to develop a following but I don't think that equals a trend of sufficient strength and volume to make downtown survive in a market of <45,000 people. What can you hope far - another bar, another coffee house, an eating establishment - neat stuff to think about but how viable. The Diamond Grill is an upscale establishment. There are a very few that can afford to eat their weekly. Most people will reasonable go there 2 or 3 times a year on special occassions. With a small, financially limited, stagnant population like Alexandria's that doesn't add up to enough customers to bode well for long term survival. And Lamar loses a lot of potential support because of his unwarranted condescension. Like the hoola hoop, and pet rock, Lamar's trendy attraction will pass as those who humor him grow weary of his bullshit. Isadore is a visionary. Lamar is just a loudmouth.

Anonymous said...


"To my critics on Cenla Antics, you seem to have fundamentally missed the point. Perhaps this will be treated as a statement of “undeserved arrogance,” but when my assertions are being countered by accusations of “socialism” and personal attacks (By the way, my grandmother goes by one name, not two. And she doesn’t have blue hair), I can only conclude that you’ve misunderstood me."

Please educate me as to how you pronounce Joanne as one word?

Anonymous said...

Lamar makes a huge jump when he equates smart growth, neighborhood development, and increased population density with downtown rehab. Why not make the epicenter Bolton Ave. or Chester St. or Jackson St. where there is already some general public acceptance.

Anonymous said...

lol lamar is correct in his assessment of this "blog" because it isnt a blog -- its a message board.

a "hamptons type" marina downtown if thats what is indeed planned is troubling -- all we want is a relatively cheap downtown pier for the boaters to tie up at and which would create a few jobs for people to provide services to the boaters. also the boaters would bring money into the downtown restaurants and shops. the city was wrong, wrong, wrong to terminate the electricity to the houseboaters presently moored downtown and we support any lawsuit that would clear this up.

Anonymous said...

Just in: Mayor Jacques Roy has announced a new program to subsidize fishing lures.

Anonymous said...

Raise your hand if you voted for Brewer.

Anonymous said...

Awesome about the fishing lure subsidies. It'd also be nice if Mayor Roy were to give us inner-city folk more opportunities to fish.

How about this?

Instead of any of this downtown stuff, which has been proven to only make people rich, why doesn't Mayor Roy create a series of catfish ponds throughout the city?

Down with downtown.

Catfish ponds and free fishing lures for everyone!

Anonymous said...

"Please educate me as to how you pronounce Joanne as one word?"

Joanne is one word, you moron.

It has two syllables.

Anonymous said...

"the city was wrong, wrong, wrong to terminate the electricity to the houseboaters presently moored downtown and we support any lawsuit that would clear this up."

How so? No matter how long something has been going on does not excuse the fact that it is wrong and should be corrected. Mayor Randolph set those wheels in motion and Mayor Roy closed the book. The whole idea of a marina is for the enjoyment of the multitudes. Those river dwellers provide no meaningful economic stimulus and have essentially tried to lay claim to public property?

How long would you let me pitch a tent in your front yard before you took steps to have me removed forthwith???

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly we saw that questioned whether the City had the authority to remove the boats, stating the Corps of Engineers had control over the waterway and property. He or She asked that if anyone could find evidence to show different to please state so - well in the Courthouse in conveyance book 1273 beginning on page 540 is an agreement between the Red River Waterway Commission and the City of Alexandria. This agreement also ties the cooperative endeavor being signed to the Memorandum of Understanding between the RRWC and the Corps for property beginning at the OK Allen bridge and heading south as far a Bogan Street. I believe that would include the area where the houseboats were previously tied up.

The agreement grants full sovereignty over the property to the City of Alexandria. All of this was signed in 1989. The agreement also says the City can set fees for use of the property. So it would appear the City acted properly by following through - especially in the case where one of the boats lie sinking in the river - is that really what you would want people to remember - a sinking boat?

Anonymous said...

"Just in: Mayor Jacques Roy has announced a new program to subsidize fishing lures. "

Please don't forget - we do have a company here that makes fishing lures. I would hope that if they were in trouble someone would step in and see why and what could be done to keep the jobs at home.

I am quite certain you were trying to be sarcastic in referencing the marina.

Anonymous said...

Nobody has moved the houseboats including the piece of shit that is floundering. We cut their utilities. I think we had every right to do so and I think that if we want to establish a marina it should be done in some regulated fashion. Where does the waste from these boats go? If you want Charles Fine and Company shitting upstream from your fishing spot be my guest but public health requires some sort of protection. Do some business with Fine and then decide how "honorable" he is.

Anonymous said...

guess you're right from a legal standpoint but we still think that the city acted in an elitist and bad faith manner.

Anonymous said...

if you're concerned about red river pollution then you should be interested in stopping the proposed catahoula parish landfill where they want to bring all the garbage from new orleans and deposit it on the banks of the red river.

Anonymous said...

Elitest? Chuck Fine married the heiress to the Weill Company and they got all kind of bucks (but know friends). It's some of those Jews "We" are so fond of.
By the way, I looked up that kook rabbi and he is generally held in disrepute in the jewish world. He appears to share you view of the jewish people. Some of his best friends are jews.

Anonymous said...

an unmoderated bulletin board, in which posters anonymously express opinions in an unorganized, cascading fashion"


No its not. That is fact.

Anonymous said...

we havent brought up judaism or rabbi yisorel dovid weiss in this thread so what gives? also we dont know mr. fine or even that he is or isnt jewish. the subject was the houseboats and red river development.

Anonymous said...

"We" can't go goosesteping around as a vocal proponent or Iran's and David Duke's antisemitic posture without having it hang over into "our" other positions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

don't we mean "yawns"?

Anonymous said...

I noticed that. "We" is kinda the Louis Farrakhan of the rednecks. Go to his page sometimes. He is a fervent follower of the appellate process but on the rest of the stuff "we" don't get it. He seems to love the constitution and understands absolutely nothing about it. Kind of a strange duck(s). I never know if that kind of hate monger is dangerous or not. Guess we'll see.

Anonymous said...

For purposes of clarification, I did not intend to imply that the opinions expressed on this blog are "unorganized," just the subject is constantly changed and this sometimes makes it difficult to follow who is saying what to whom.

Merry Christmas.

And I don't think a Bolton/Jackson/Chester rehab is mutually exclusive with what's been going on downtown. IMHO, both are good ideas.

Anonymous said...

ya lamar and it makes it easy for unscrupulous commentators to jump in and change the subject in order to break the momentum of the subject under discussion -- such as we have just seen done.

Anonymous said...

that's what happens when we're not given daily topics to discuss - the thread goes from one subject to another.

Anonymous said...


"Earned a Bachelors of Arts in English, with a concentration in Creative Writing, and Religious Studies."
“Lamar White, Jr is an emerging writer with a voice of effortless energy and sympathic wit.” -

And you have difficulty with the useage of the English language by your statements appearing to imply things you did not mean?

Anonymous said...

We Saw That is the local split personality of David Duke and the Rev Shorter of Woodworth's. His anger, bigotry and confusion far surpassed Leapen Louis.

Anonymous said...

Ooops! "We" must be a tad sensitive about "our" "cultural bias" and skinhead philosophy. We are sorry. Let's talk about the houseboats.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, with your educational resume so proudly posted on your blog site I believe you are extremly proud of you command of the English language.

Seeing as how you are so much more educated in the arts and language than us average folks please explain to me how the following does not clearly state the posters on this blog site do not post in an unorganized, cascading fashion:

"...posters anonymously express opinions in an unorganized, cascading fashion"

It is my understanding that your handicap is of a physical nature, not mental and your educational resume clearly reflects a keen mind so ar you bull shitting us into believing you did not mean to dismiss us as unorganized?

Anonymous said...

Lamar says:
"Because ultimately, we all benefit from a healthy and vibrant downtown."

I ask...How so?

Explain yourself Lamar, tell us where we ALL will benefit.

You cannot explain this Lamar. If the truth were known, only a few will benefit from the millions of taxpayer dollars the city would have to pour into this money pit.

I would venture to speculate that you are one of those few, waiting in the wings to feed at the public trough.

Anonymous said...

Maybe instead of being an unorganized blog this may be a blue collar blog while Lamar's is an elitist, silver spoon, double syllable, old money blog site.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what it would take to split the City of Alexandria in half along some natural boundary. Say have a West alexandria and an Alexandria. Have evrything located on the East side of Mac Arthur be the City of Alexandria and everything on the West side of macArthur be west Alexandria. Have two governments. Agreements could be reached on a pay as you go for shared services - sanitation, fire, police, etc with an view in mind to eventually to disassociate all city functions from each other.

This would allow Lamar, downtown revitilizers and the Garden District folks to pursue the rebuilding of the inner-city and those that elected to move from the city to pursue their direction.
However, each city must fund their own activities. I fail to see how a walking path along Bayou Rapides and under I-49 serves any useful purpose for folks living out Jackson Street extension as well the city owned Hwy 28 golf courses cannot be very attractive to transportation limited inner city folks.

This way each city could determine exactly what the citizens desired and pay for it themselves.

What does the Jackson Street Extension taxpayer owe the Acadian Village taxpayer other than paying a portion of shared services.

As an example the subsidized bus service. One would think few residents living in the western part of the city need bus services. If the inner city citizens need the service let them fund it.

One only needs to look at the racial makeup of the City council to understand what parts of the City the collected funds will be spent in. I think it would be a safe statement to make that a disproportionate portion of collected funds come from those that have elected to move out of the downton ghetto.

If the area of Alexandria populated by drug dealers, boom boxes, natives meeting on the village path chating while playing crap musi and blocking traffic, whores working the street, uncontrollable high crime rates and other negative spects is not the area in which I want to live why should I have to support that area? Wonder why the professional, educated contributing to society Black members of the Community are not rebuilding older homes in the inner-city such as the white folks do in the Garden District?

I will tell you why - because of polyannas such as Lamar viewing the world through rose colored glasses while singing Kum By Ya (probably misspelled as if I care) who think they are the Savior of the City think in their liberal viewpoint everything is going to be wonderful. They believe all the little children of God are going to stroll hand in hand down the walking paths of the ghetto.

Check out Martin Park, Airview Terrace, subdivisions along Horshoe, etc. Wonder why all those self respecting Blacks live there instead of "downtown"?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:43:49, beautifully said. You may not have a BA in English and Creative writings with a tad of Religion thrown in, but we understand every point you made.

Anonymous said...

I don't want anyone to moderate my anonymous, unscrupulous postings I make in an unorganized, cascading manner you pompous, pious prick. And you aren't a socialist, you just want our free speech moderated by the likes of you two cretins "Lamar and We Saw That" Right!

Anonymous said...

Our country's freedom was fought for and our country founded by ragtagged unmoderated lovers of liberty who would love and feel at home on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Liberty or Death is a little strong. I'd settle for a little respect and tolerance. Lamar is, as has been said, close minded and arrogant. We Saw That is just a run-of-the-mill creep. Other folks on here may fight but at least they listen.

Anonymous said...

7:43 has taken a purist view of the situation and offered a simple solution. However, I feel it is much more complicated.

1) There are older people who happen to live in the area of Bogan Street and Acadian Village as well as other parts of South Alexandria. These people OWN their homes and have for their entire lives. Their way of life was intruded on by these gangster, sidewalk hogging, baggy pants crime wave punksters that now rule the neighborhood. They have been good, upstanding citizens, going to work everyday, paying their taxes, voting in elections and hoping and praying every night when they go to sleep their not broken into and raped and pillaged.

2) Many of these crimesters were moved from their rentals into areas that previously were well kept lower income neighborhoods with few crime problems BECAUSE someone decided I-49 should go through downtown. There is a neighborhood just off Monroe - the streets include Eastwood and Westwood - I can remember going over and visiting friends during the 80s and not being afraid to drive over there at night. I can't say I would dare do that now? Why, people have been relocated for one. The housing project has been infested with trash instead of families - you know it's bad when a kid can go to school and tell you who has the whores, the drugs and the guns. The sad thing is these AHA police are off duty RPSD officers and they aren't going to do anything. The AHA isn't going to kick them out either inspite of what the Federal Law says.

So, my question to you is this - do we as citizens of this City now owe something to homeowners who have now found themselves surrounded by garbage? What if the trash had been moved in on you? We have seen a decline in Martin Park, Airview Terrace and Deerfield. Is separating the City really the answer?

Believe me I am not being Pollyanna, just realistic. In order to WIN at this game, it's going to take all sides of the City working together.

Anonymous said...

"Where, when, and to whom? I do not need your schooling on the rate structure, I know more than you have forgotten.

Sunday, December 24, 2006 8:25:56 PM"

I've sat with the former Chief of Staff (the only real one), the former Utility Director and several members of the Council. As far as forgetting, it helps when you take really good notes and have them put things in writing or provide you with the information.:-))

Anonymous said...

"It is my understanding that your handicap is of a physical nature, not mental and your educational resume clearly reflects a keen mind so ar you bull shitting us into believing you did not mean to dismiss us as unorganized?"

Lamar may be physically disabled, but you are obviously mentally and morally impaired. Learn how to read and then maybe Lamar won't have to explain a perfectly logical sentence.

You know what you're showing to everyone here? Your ignorance and your jealousy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Quint for being unmoderated and proud. One day you may find yourself on the wrong end of a very serious defamation suit.

Anonymous said...

"Congrats Quint for being unmoderated and proud. One day you may find yourself on the wrong end of a very serious defamation suit."

Quint's just providing a forum for idiots to express their idiocy.

There's a reason people like Lamar have the mayor's ear and people on Quint's blog are relegated to anonymous posting. I seriously doubt Lamar or any of his haughty friends would ever sue the coffee shop guy over the morons who post on this blog.

Anonymous said...

"Quint's just providing a forum for idiots to express their idiocy.

There's a reason people like Lamar have the mayor's ear and people on Quint's blog are relegated to anonymous posting. I seriously doubt Lamar or any of his haughty friends would ever sue the coffee shop guy over the morons who post on this blog."

Even though I agree with you, we're both anonymous morons. Haughty, arrogant...... and anonymous.

I've been trying to understand this blog's obsession with Lamar White, and I guess it's just because he uses big words and has a fancy education and morons can't understand multisyllabic words. But then... I guess I'm being haughty and insultin' the workin' man.

Anonymous said...

"I've been trying to understand this blog's obsession with Lamar White, and I guess it's just because he uses big words and has a fancy education and morons can't understand multisyllabic words. But then... I guess I'm being haughty and insultin' the workin' man."

How dare you use a word like multisyllabic! Only queers and socialists say words with more than three names.

Anonymous said...

How could anyone consider your collective tone condescending? The unfortunate result is that no one listens to your ideas - even the good ones.

If you look at the Town Talk poll, over 40% of the people are paralyzed by fear of violent crime. If the mayor doesn't address that and restore confidence in our safety and security to be able to move about without concerns for personal safety, we will go nowhere. You may have seen me at the mall last week - I was the white person.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that the moronic assholes of this blog state they support free speech, and then turn right around and attack We Saw That and Lamar for posting their ideas. Many dumbasses like some of you should not be allowed to reproduce, vote or own a dog. Intelligent people can debate and express opposing positions without resorting to personal attacks, dumbasses like many of you lack that mental capability. Sucxh a shortcomming comes not from being working class nor poor, it is more of a medical problem of having one's head stuck up one's ass.

Anonymous said...

geeze louise! what is with all this lamaraphobia? he's a young man who is obviously committed to improving alexandria. he should be congratulated and others should be encouraged to step up to the plate.
this class hatred needs to be canned. It's hardly lamar's fault his detractors were raised in a single-wide. rather than jumping lamar every time he posts, try a reasoned, positive suggestion you think is better. the venom and hate from your posts is really saddening.

Anonymous said...

Biff, not really fair. Many have posted opposing well-reasoned views not against Lamar but against his views on where downtown rehab fits in the heirarchy of stuff to do and have shown why they (we) think that large-scale committment to that objective is counter-productive at this time. Lamar's condescension toward any opposing view gives rise to the universal bad manners on both sides. You are right about us not needing the bad manners but you are wrong about the "net" value of the discussion.

We Saw That is a different problem. There are still lots of American Indians and New York Italians and Irish, and southern Blacks, and Jews who know what ignorance, intolerance, and bigorty can do and they obviously respond negatively. Iran, after all, doesn't just want to destroy Israel - they want to destroy the US and Canada and England.

When one stirs an ant bed with his fingers there are certain things he might expect.

Anonymous said...

"Many have posted opposing well-reasoned views not against Lamar but against his views on where downtown rehab fits in the heirarchy of stuff to do and have shown why they (we) think that large-scale committment to that objective is counter-productive at this time. Lamar's condescension toward any opposing view gives rise to the universal bad manners on both sides. You are right about us not needing the bad manners but you are wrong about the "net" value of the discussion. "

Could not have been stated better. Lamar's fixation is dowtown Alexandria and the Bringhurst Golf Course. That is all he offers as the salvation of Alexandria. Let anyone else post a suggestion that doesn't involve music, bars, Brigette's Brothers' condo's etc downtown and he immediately explains how the poster's idea is unorganized and his idea is utopia.

Where will the resident's of "downtown" shop for food, for clothing (not all of us desire to shop at the New York City haberdashery) conviently park, go out at night with a feeling of safety and security. Quality of life to Lamar is a Pub, a poetry reading and green space. Lamar has lived on the "dole" receiving a stipend from his family. Let him have to have a real job, support a wife, children, pay real bills and his polyanna rose colored visions will change.

No, Lamar is not a visionary. Lamar is only interested in a spin game designed to allow the old double namers and double syllablers to make a profit off of dead property.

Hell at least all Biff wants is a waterslide.

Anonymous said...

"But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt: You dissenters don’t go downtown much, and even when you do, your experience of downtown is limited to the courthouses and government buildings"

Sort of presumptious on Lamar's part but hey Biff woul not have any problem with it after all Lamar is addressing the single widers/

Anonymous said...

There are still lots of American Indians and New York Italians and Irish, and southern Blacks, and Jews who know what ignorance, intolerance, and bigorty can do and they obviously respond negatively.

Oh so anyone who holds differing views from you is ignorant? Perhaps you have access to We Saw That's I.Q. scores and college transcripts so that we can be enlightened as you? Obviously, many may think that it is you, not We, that is ignorant. Just being politically correct and brainwashed, does not make you all knowing.

Anonymous said...

double namers and double syllablers

Well at least this debate has educated some as to the difference lol

Anonymous said...

"We create opportunities for the creation of a coherent arts and music community and a vibrant nightlife, two essential quality of life components that attract and retain large employers."

Uhh what about the creation of grocery stores, schools, parking, front yards, back yards, a place to plant a tree, a little flower garden, maybe a little vegetable garden.

Oh I know Lamar's generation cares not about what constitutes a home to those striving for betterment of their famil. Wonder if the downtown condo's will be restricted to families having no children. The kids can't legally go to the pubs so where do they go for fun?

And biff you wonder why the somewhat mature generation rails agains Lamar's outlandish projects for spending taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

One doesn't need an IQ score to evaluate the intelligence of an adult living in America that doubts the holocast. I really don't think that We's hatred is a function of his intelligence or lack thereof. In Hitler's case is was a deep seated feeling of inferiority. I, for one, think it's more an issue of mental pathology than mental deficiency.

And maybe you are right and more people see the world thru We's eyes. But I don't think so. Perhaps other posters will tell us.

Anonymous said...

I just answered my question. The children can play on the levee - no more houseboats as safety hazards but high crime area, they can ride their bi cycles along the walking path down beautiful Bayou Rapides and behind old dilapadated Monroe Street buildings, play on the gravel areas under I-49. Hell of a lot of opportunities for family outings in beutiful downtown alexandria.

Does anyone actually realize how little, if any, the Alexandria waterfront is used. Isn't it weird that most boaters use Buhlow's landing instead of the one behind Rapides (could it be crime. Isn't it weird that upriver is a sandy beach with volleyball nets, b-b-q pits, etc. Isn't it weird that all Alexandria had going for it were the houseboats and an unused dock.

Can one wonder what were the houseboats hurting? Can one wonder why it was felt they had to go? Is it possible that the houseboats were visually unappealing to some? If it was the half sunken boat couldn't the owner of that Boat been instructed to fix it or move it?

What it is is that the owners are obviously residents of single widers and their houseboats did not meet Lamar and Friend's definition of area beautification.

At one point in time the presence of the Boats must have met with City approval. If not, I am sure the Electrical Department would not have provided utility hookups.

Wonder what blue haired, double named, double syllable controlled civic organization decided the boats did not benefit the appearance of the City?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Chuck Fine and his turds, I wonder the qualit of the wase water released into the environment by our Hudson Street sewerage treament plant. I wonder what major body of water it is pumped into. I wonder if it is fully treated and meets the drinking water standards. I wonder what is done with the crud that is skimmed off during the processing treatment.

In years of old it was not uncommon to se rubbers and other non-bio-degradeable trash hanging from branches and other stuff in the River. Wonder what we do with the wet whips, rubbers, needles, etc that are flushed.

Certainly someone that knows where Chuck Fine shits should be knowledgeabl about other possible containmenants.

Anonymous said...

There are two entirely different threads here. Some are talking about lifestye and saying that they don't want to live downtown and that it would not suit their existance. That is a matter of personal taste.

There are those who do not think that devotion of scarce resources to reinhabiting downtown is a prudent choice and that is a matter of judgment.

It is difficult to integrate an intelligent discussion where taste opposes judgment.

Lamar would personally like the lifestyle that he anticipates from modeling downtown (if there is such a thing) after (much) larger uban environments where there is sufficient population (quantity and quality) to support Lamar's ideal. The detractors fit in two incompatable categories: I don't want to live that way vs. it won't work. Apples and lemurs.

Anonymous said...

"I've sat with the former Chief of Staff (the only real one), the former Utility Director and several members of the Council."

Kind Sir,

Might I remind you that both of these gentlemen were dismissed from their employ for reasons which have yet to be completely disclosed. Coud it be discussions like these??

Just because it was discussed doesn't make it legal.

Now please escuse me, I have to go finish the plans for my 500 lot development in Echo. I plan on requesting all City services and according to you I should have no problem getting them. Thanks fro your contribution to making me insanely rich.

Anonymous said...

we've never denied the so called holocaust and if you had bothered to listen to rabbi yisroel dovid weiss' speech to "the holocaust - global vision" freely available on the website here then you would have known that neturei karta doesnt deny it either.

as far as president ahmadinejad -- there is nothing that he or iran can do to destroy america. if america is destroyed it will be because god willed it. president ahmadinejad merely has pointed out that america must follow god or vanish. and you know what hes right.

when we stop and consider what men like rabbi weiss and neturei karta who have devoted their lives to serving god, studying the torah and what they actually preach which is peace, fellowship and brotherhood for all versus what the zionists and zionist israel do which is not godly or biblical under either old or new testament standards which should be self evident to anyone whos ever read a bible -- we will take the godly scholar's word and view every time. and you should too.

Anonymous said...

"as far as president ahmadinejad -- there is nothing that he or iran can do to destroy america."


Do you realize than countless men and women dies to protect your right to have an independent blog?

You honestly bel;ieve than Iran is not a threat to America or the western world. By that I can only assumne that you have no qualms with unstable and self-annoited men of "God" posssessing nuclear weapons. Let Iran drop a few in the middle of Saudi Arabia and see ho you like walking to work.

I've always found your comments insightful and your contribuition to the blogs meaningful until today. Now I'm just scared!

Anonymous said...

But whose god, whose religion, whose truth? There are many (and I'm betting that you are one) that don't acknowledge the validity or equality of other faiths or viewpoints or "gods" if you will. The god that militant extremist muslims want you to follow is not the same one that Pres. Bush and Jimmy Swaggart promote. Your rabbi says that jews are meant to be wanderers and never have a home. Nice. And I think most American jews are not zionists. Their home is the USA.

Anonymous said...

lol yall are too much sometimes. let us turn our attention back to waterslides, downtown condo's and so forth.

Anonymous said...

Now please escuse me, I have to go finish the plans for my 500 lot development in Echo.

I hope you plans include a revitization of Nell's.

Anonymous said...

To 6:45:20AM You state most on this blog don't want intelligent debate or allow opposing positions to be debated and then in a very intelligent openminded manner call us moronic assholes, dumbasses, should not be allowed to reproduce, vote or own a dog, lack mental capabilities and have our heads up our asses. How enlighted! How Liberal! How tolerant! I guess you have now set a beautiful example of the form intelligent debate should take. Please everyone, take note and atone. We have been shown the way.

Anonymous said...

If I have to drive through pot hole infested streets, using gasoline I cannot afford, and have my car, which I park a mile away, broken into by crack using thugs, my trip to the downtown Irish pub does little to improve my quality of life. Also what arts and culture are we talking about? Yankee New York culture, with operas and ballet, or our culture with country and cajun music?

Anonymous said...

When you are caught, you're caught. Sometimes "lol" is the best you can come up with.

Anonymous said...

When you are caught, you're caught. Sometimes "lol" is the best you can come up with.

Anonymous said...

actually we were thinking of proverbs 26:4 but we were trying to be nice about it.

Anonymous said...

"lol yall are too much sometimes. let us turn our attention back to waterslides, downtown condo's and so forth. "

You opened Pandora's box but we shall close it.

Look around; you are in the South aka the Bible belt. Here are 3 rules which will help you immensely.
1) There is only one God and we celebrated the birth of his Savior yesterday.
2) We will defend the USA and the flag to the last shotgun shell.
3) The Sainted will win the Super Bowl.

Any questions?

Anonymous said...

. . . just about the first three . . .

Anonymous said...

Has everyone not determined yet that We Sw That is a bigoted mentally unstable person?

Little if any credibility should be given to WS's posings.

Anonymous said...

The White Real Estate organization controls and has controlled thousands of properties over the years. They own quite a bit of property and condos etc. What percent of their property and money is invested in downtown? Paul White seems to be pretty astute and a wise investor, so why so little of White money has found its way downtown? This is not to say Lamar is in anyway mistaken in his beliefs, I was just curious as to this oversight by his family's businesses.

Anonymous said...

Re: Downtown.

The plain and simple truth is that I have never argued for a large-scale, wholly publicly-financed revitalization.

I have stated that the encouragement of downtown revitalization is one of many important components to improving quality of life-- and I certainly understand that there are several other elements that must come into play before such a project could come to full fruition, though I believe we are witnessing a small-scale revitalization right now (This is why I reject the notion that it's a dead project-- because private investors and "visionaries," coupled with specific incentives and a few small beautification projects, like the streetscape improvements, have already made parts of downtown vibrant again).

I also understand that, for many, there is a lifestyle choice between so-called urban living and suburban living, and that given the variety of housing options one has in Central Louisiana, the majority of the population will always opt to live otherwise.

Downtown living, once again, is just a component of an overall vision; it is not the panacea.

We're finally touching on some good points here: Families probably won't want to live downtown, but that doesn't mean that young professionals, artists, and those from the New Orleans area seeking a safe "second" home wouldn't be interested; indeed, many of them have already expressed their desire for such a project. The problem, of course, is that these things just don't happen overnight. Hopefully, the reopening of the Bentley will facilitate more redevelopment, but this remains to be seen.

If I have ever come across as condescending, this was certainly not my intention; different people read the same sentence different ways. For instance, some people, when reading my statement regarding Antics's lack of organization, thought that I was implying that its contributors were themselves unorganized, and although I thought I was being clear that the blog itself is sometimes disorganized, as subjects change frequently. My apologies.

If we are to grow as a city, we must have concern for people in each and every neighborhood-- young and old, black and white, single and married.

One of the main reasons I have voiced my support for downtown is based on the fact that in ten years from now two workers will be retiring for every one that it entering the workforce, which will require Alexandria to attract and retain young people. Young people, by and large, have slightly different expectations of what they want out of a city-- and they are frequently transient, which means they don't mind moving around a bunch until they find what they are looking for.

Certainly Alexandria is faced with more immediate and pressing needs, and I can understand those who want to table any discussion of downtown revitalization until other problems are addressed first.

I simply think we can make it part of the conversation, and those who have followed my blog throughout the past nine months know that I have often written about a variety of issues-- not just downtown and not just Bringhurst Golf Course.

I hope that we can continue to have a positive and productive discussion without the need to focus inordinate attention to those who only hope to drown out said discussion by engaging in personal and irrelevant attacks.

At least we can try.

Anonymous said...

Once again Lamar, you've proven yourself to be a measured voice of reason and logic.

I hope you remember that only a few months ago many of the same people who are posting on this blog were writing about how Delores Brewer would make a better mayor than Jacques Roy, and they haven't forgotten the role you played in showing people her hypocrisy.

Politics is a rough sport, a never-ending grudge match. Sometimes, people don't even know what they are fighting for, just who they're fighting against.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Please elucidate on what this English Lit grad has produced and his qualifications as spokesman for downtown development.

Anonymous said...

"Please elucidate on what this English Lit grad has produced and his qualifications as spokesman for downtown development."

Easy. Go read his blog.

Anonymous said...

What's the bitch? Lamar thinks one of the areas where we need to consider development is the downtown area. How could anyone possibly take issue with that assertion? Lamar has moderated his position in response to our observations and concerns. Get off the rag, please.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that some individuals are attacking Lamar from a "political" standpoint. Lamar can take it though, he is one tough dude. Although we may not all agree with his ideas, thank goodness he is trying to generate them.

Anonymous said...

Thank god we are starting to actually listen to one another instead of all this defensive insult. And it ain't political. The only ones who remember that other candidate's name are about a dozen creditors and some seriously dissappointed donors. Oh and Roseanne.

Anonymous said...

What's the word on Trey's replacement with Kelvin?

Anonymous said...

I think getting something going with our would be cool. I love how people in Natchitoches cruise down the Cane for a little dinner and/or entertainment downtown. They also have boat parades and the like. There are ALWAYS events downtown in Natchitoches for the whole family (all kinds of festivals, concerts, etc).

If not Alexandria downtown/river revitalization, where then? Where could we have a cool gathering place for citizens and visitors alike? Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

oops, our our = our river

Anonymous said...

How 'bout we dam up Bayou Rapides and make a huge reservoir and direct all of our efforts and resources into developing it. And then we drive to Nact. and ride on Cane River???

Anonymous said...

We can talk all we want, but it ain't gonna happen. Spend all you want, private or public, but even though I heard the same great things were going to happen downtown when I-49 was diverted, after wasting years of benefits if only the original plan was adhered to, and everytime the Bentley was sold, nothing changed except perpetual decline.

Anonymous said...

seriously, shouldn't we have more of a claim to fame besides Cenlabration?

Anonymous said...

The made up Black holiday of Kwanzaa, and its celebration Thursday in Alexandria, teaches us two lessons.
First, there will always be racism as long as Blacks choose not to assmilate American society and place themselves separate and apart. Those acts are, in and of themselves, examples of Black racism.
The second lesson we learn is that the politically correct politicians will stoop to any low level in order to garnish Black votes.
As you know, Kwanzaa was started by a California Black activist in the 1960's, has nothing historically do do with American slave origins in West Africa, and is a money maker for its inventor, who sells the things he associates with his new made-up holiday.
Read more about Kwanzaa at:

Anonymous said...

shouldn't we have more of a claim to fame besides Cenlabration?

Yes, I foresee Alexandria's downtown being swelled with hundreds of thousands of visitors, greater than Mardi Gras, for our new annual Kwanzaa festivities. Add some rap music, watermellon and Bar-B-Qued chicken to the mix, and you have a hit. For those that wish to utilize the Red River for such festivities, a catfishing contest would be nice.
Happy Kwanzaa all !

Anonymous said...

If you think for a moment that this is an equal opportunity city, go to the council committee meetings and the council meeting. You will learn how it must have felt to be black in the 1950s. I'm surprised that they let us use their water fountain or rest room.

Anonymous said...

2:38....Your post about Delores Brewer is total Bullshit!! Delores doesn't have a hypocritical bone in her body. You, however, should give it up and get a life. Delores made some major mistakes in her campaign, but being a hypocrit was not one of them. It's time you move on to some real issues here. Ones that matter, maybe.

Anonymous said...

If you took all of the hipocritical bones out of Delores's body, she would be a flacid sack of protoplasm, lying defaming double-crossing protoplasm. If you want to move on, start with the truth. Delores no longer matters but what she did and said, do. And will for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

being a hypocrit was not one of them.

Delores saying Jacques was a trial lawyer who sued people, while she sued State Farm for injuries received by her son = hyprocrit.

Anonymous said...

so much for the peace...

Anonymous said...

Alexandria still has a problem with racism.

Downtown and south Alexandria are perceived to be black areas of town and therefore crime-ridden and not worthy of public investment-- regardless of the facts.

Whenever money is spent for improvements in these areas, people say it's a waste.

Just for fun, let's think about all the millions of dollars in our tax dollars that have been used for developing 28.

There's a multi-million dollar sports complex located at the edge of town--- built on land we're renting. A complex intended to be used by children--- even though there isn't a single kid in the entire city who can ride their bike there.

There's a multi-million dollar golf course built by our tax dollars which loses almost a half a million a year-- and conveniently built around farmland that was almost immediately developed into a subdivision where the cheapest home still costs over 200K. Oh but when someone says we should spend a little bit of money on an inner-city golf course it's a waste.

There are roads, gas lines, electric lines, streets, signs, and much more in neighborhoods where you have to make over 90K a year to even consider living out there, and this was paid for and brought to you by our tax dollars.

Oh and there's a new Wal-Mart we're helping to fund. Isn't it exciting? A big employer where people are paid an average of 17K a year without benefits. The rich get to enjoy their nice neighborhoods, close access to a publicly-funded golf course and sports facilities, and a nice new Wal-Mart-- while the poor are bused in from the dead inner city which has been deemed unworthy for investment.

Have any of you ever stopped to think that maybe the millions and millions of dollars we taxpayers have spent and the millions we lose every single year on projects out on 28 may actually be the real reason it has become a growth corridor?

Have any of you ever looked at the budget long enough to realize that we're actually spending millions more to help out the rich than we are to improve the living conditions of the poor?

A few of you say it's the free market. It's not.

I can't believe that some of you have the audacity to bitch about the crime problem but if a solution ever involves spending money to improve neighborhoods and bring in businesses that increase the tax base you say it's a waste of money and socialism.

A few of you don't seem to realize or care that millions more has been spent on special projects and development out on 28 than has ever been spent downtown or in south Alexandria during the past five years.

A few of you don't seem to realize or care that our tax dollars are being used to fund special projects and developments that primarily benefit the upper middle class and the rich.

You want to play the working class game. Well I am working class-- and it's about time we recognize that Alexandria has been half-assed about downtown and south Alexandria and full-forced about 28 and Twin Bridges.

Anonymous said...

Crime is due to a lack of morality not to poverty. May escape poverty to make something of themselves and the vast majority of persons living hrough the depression did not turn to crime.
Poverty is an excuse for crime, not a cause. A lot of poor people do not resort to burglary or selling crack.

Anonymous said...

Go see the movie "The pursuit of happyness" and then come back and whine about poverty. You complain about the middle class and the rich getting benefit of tax dollars. Who do you think pays the tax dollars in this country. When you pay no taxes except sales and receive free housing, medical care, legal representation, food stamps, welfare, you should quit bitching about not getting more tax dollars directed toward the slums you create. Bring all the out of parish or state businesses to downtown you want, we just don't want tax incentives used to relocate businesses from one area of the city to another as it benefits no one other than that particular owner and does nothing to increase the tax base. And don't bitch about the $17K jobs Walmart brings. I'd rather people be making a decent wage than unemployed and having to support them with our taxes. We brought in a company willing to pay $35K and train the workers to boot, and they could not fill the positions. Make excuses all you want, but don't blame the people who are having a large portion of their income confiscated and get a portion back with utilities and roads. The portion they pay far exceeds the pittance they get back, since a big chunk goes to pay for the things for the "poor" mentioned previously. Let's get the facts straight before lambasting the upper middle class and the "rich" And we bitch about the non existent socialism. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Morality is just on reason for crime. There are plenty of people without morals who aren't out raping, killing and stealing. Instead they're out cheating on their wife, husband, kids, employer, etc. They're lying to their boss, spouse, kids, etc.

Education is one reason for crime. And I don't just mean Johnny can't read. I mean basic education like how to keep a house, how to keep one's self clean. Basic life skill education - how to choose the difference between right and wrong. The things most of us grew up with, but those in high poverty areas didn't because they have been in single parent homes or worse brought up by their grandparents or an older sibling left at home to watch over them while mom or dad was out working at that $17K job.

The "free" system - checks in the amil every month, food stamps, reduced lunch, reduced rent, etc. have all worked to create a cycle that has in essence "rewarded" people for staying on the system. While well intention the welfare-to-work program sought to move people off the welfare rolls, but did not provide stop gaps for childcare assistance, job training, and life skills training.

Yes, we have a company willing to pay $35K per year and offer training. Here's the kicker - people won't come to work once they're hired. They come every single day during the probation period and then begin to skip on a regular basis. Why? Because they haven't learned you have to get up and go to work everyday to keep that job. Something most of us are taught growing up.

"The Pursuit of Happiness" is ONE man's story of brining himself and his son out of poverty. Let's remember that ONE man's story. There are others who have done the same thing. Still there are many more struggling everyday to accomplish this same goal. I would prefer to support those trying to make a difference in their life and the lives of their children than those who are continuing cycle. They have learned to milk the system and are teaching their children the skills to do the same. At some point, we have to force them off the merry-go-round.

Anonymous said...

If you liked Pursuit of Happiness, you will love Peter Pan.

Anonymous said...

As soon as someone (read business person) builds something downtown that someone actually wants to visit, there will be downtown revitalization, and until then it will not be revitalized. People go where there is an attraction, plain and simple. Private business is the answer, not forcing the taxpayers to build something just for the sake of building it.

Anonymous said...

Congress created the generations of dependents with all their social programs and until we ween the suckers off the teat they're going to continue sucking from the public teat.

Anonymous said...

Boats docked at the river. Boy did the city ever miss an opportunity to garner some under the table monies! Think of the consultant fees etc., they could have reaped from developing a money-making marina on the Red. Do you think they actually knew they had no jurisdiction over the docks???

Anonymous said...

To 10:20:19, The Pursuit of Happyness was a true story, numbnuts. Peter Pan was fiction. And I assume you must not have liked the movie "Pursuit of Happyness" which says more about you than you know. And yes, I did like Peter Pan when I was 6.

Anonymous said...

" Do you think they actually knew they had no jurisdiction over the docks??? "

The City has complete control over the docks according to a CEA with the Red River Waterway Commission and an MOU with the Corps of Engineers. What the hell are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Here's what I'm talking about. Copied from the TT "Your mail" section.

Boats aren't in city's jurisdiction

I would like to start out by thanking the people of Alexandria who believe in our cause. Many have spoken to me personally, telling me that they support us and do not understand why the city wants us out so badly.

Please allow me to try to shed some light on the story of the downtown river boats. The Army Corps of Engineers has had jurisdiction over the land where our houseboats are moored for more than 100 years. They decide on the rights of boats occupying the land at high and low tides along the Red River. I have not received anything from the Army Corps of Engineers that would prevent me from docking my boat at my address, 202 Main St., boat dock H.

Please examine the beginning statement in Robert Morgan's front-page article in the Dec. 15 Town Talk: "Time ran out Thursday for owners of a group of house boats illegally moored on the Red River." If this is not an unsubstantiated misleading statement, Mr. Morgan, then please show me the deed of rights along with the descriptive plot plans which prove the city or the Red River Waterway Commission possesses the right to force us to leave. When I went to the City Council meeting not one of the members could show me that either the city or the commission had the governing power over the land where we are docked.

I would also ask Kevin Sanders, the Alexandria city attorney, to furnish evidence that they have the right to stop us from mooring our boats at our addressed boat docks or from receiving electricity from the city at the same addresses.
Assistant city attorney Laura Sylvester states in the Dec. 15 story that "We're not trying to be ugly about this. If (these people) don't know their lights are going to be cut off, we want to give them notice. The original 90 days was given to give these people time to make arrangements." Marcus Connella, acting director fo the city's utility department, and Michael Vajcner, superintendent of distribution, both also state that I did not receive notice of power shut off. When I arrived back in Louisiana, I phoned the number my neighbors had received. I was told not to worry about it, but then on Dec. 14, they called me and said I had 10 days before my power will be shut off. Why am I not being allowed 90 days' notice like everyone else to make proper arrangements?

I appeal now to the citizens of Alexandria to note that if the city or the Red River Waterway Commission can force us to move our houseboats without showing any legal standing, what prevents them from forcing you off your property without proper legal process? You could be next if you allow this to happen to us.

Robert C. Tanner

Anonymous said...

What is a CEA and a MOU?

Anonymous said...

My question is this. What do you think makes you entitled to city utilities and services? You and the other nesters recognize no sovereignty or authority on the part of the city to govern or regulate your conduct. We know nothing about your waste disposal and safety system. Can 125 people live on your houseboat. Can I walk up and untie your boat and push your ramp in the river.

Mr. Tanner, there is nothing unusual about your position. You would like to enjoy all of the advantages and protections of the city without recognizing the city's authority to regulate and govern your conduct. If your boat catches fire, who will you call? And who says what can be put there. Your floating double-wide is an eyesore in and of itself but the sinking junker next to you offends from afar. Do you really think we want to join you in resisting the authority and governance of the city that you want to depend on for services and protection? You are not a pioneer - you are a freeloader.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. Tanner needs to hire a lawyer who can tell him all about the fifty laws he and others have been breaking by having their boats freeloading off of city services.

I am all for the idea of a marina, but a bunch of floating trailers near the amphitheater is not a marina; it's an eyesore.

Anonymous said...

Robert Tanner didn't make the post. I was merely responding to another post about jurisdiction of the dock.

I'm sure that if the city had a method of sending utility bills to the boats they could begin collecting fees for the boats being docked there. That was my point; the city is missing a big opportunity by NOT developing the area as a marina. They could regulate the boats that dock there, etc. By paying their share of the utilities as every other resident they should be entitled to the same service as any other citizen on dry ground, many of whom AREN'T paying their fair share but freeloading off taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

"And don't bitch about the $17K jobs Walmart brings. I'd rather people be making a decent wage than unemployed and having to support them with our taxes."

17K a year without benefits is not a decent wage. It's a crime that one of the world's richest companies pays its workers so little. The Walton family is worth over 90 BILLION dollars, yet they can't even afford to pay their employees a living wage.

Why should we be excited about this?

Yeah, it's good for 28 to have a retail hub, but c'mon, face the facts, Wal-Mart is not a good neighbor.

Anonymous said...

If people who work at WalMart hadn't made poor choices in their lives and gotten a good education and gotten off their lazy asses and did something worthwhile with their lives they wouldn't be stuck in dead-end jobs. Someone has to do them and if they want more they should have done more with their lives! I'm tired of hearing about how bad WalMart is. If people didn't want to work there they don't have to.

Anonymous said...


* In Wal-Mart's America, workers are paid poverty level wages even when they work full-time.

* In our America, workers are paid a living wage with proper health and retirement benefits.

* In Wal-Mart's America, wealthy companies shift their health care costs onto taxpayers like you and your families.

* In our America, corporations live up to their responsibility and provide their employees with adequate and affordable health care coverage.

* In Wal-Mart's America, suppliers are forced to make their goods cheaper even if it means shipping U.S. jobs overseas.

* In our America, we value U.S. jobs and companies that buy and sell "Made in America."

* In Wal-Mart's America, women are paid less than men.

* In our America, women and men are treated equally - fair pay for everyone.

Educate yourself. Read the facts:

Wal-Mart may have once been a great American institution, but they're not anymore.

Anonymous said...

We sure don't mind all the sales receipts/taxes they generate though, do we?

Anonymous said...

You can't have it both ways. If you like being able to buy a Korean color TV for $84 you can't expect Walmart to pay their sales people like neurosurgeons. And foreign manufacture: you can't pay somebody $22/hour to make a microwave in Detroit and still sell it for under $50. What goods and services cost the manufacturers and retailers controls what we pay at the counter. If you want them to pay a lot more then you be prepared to pay a lot more. No magic - just math. Now how do you like Walmart??

Anonymous said...

"You can't have it both ways. If you like being able to buy a Korean color TV for $84 you can't expect Walmart to pay their sales people like neurosurgeons. And foreign manufacture: you can't pay somebody $22/hour to make a microwave in Detroit and still sell it for under $50. What goods and services cost the manufacturers and retailers controls what we pay at the counter. If you want them to pay a lot more then you be prepared to pay a lot more. No magic - just math. Now how do you like Walmart??"

That's just not true.

The people who work at Wal-Mart aren't trying to become rich, and no one is asking Wal-Mart to pay its employees like neurosurgeons.

It's hard enough to try to make a living and raise a family on $7 or $8 bucks an hour, but what happens when your kid has to go to the hospital and you can't afford health care? And even though you work for the one of the richest and most powerful corporations in the history of the world, they don't provide you with benefits.

A study conducted in 2005 found that "Wal-Mart can cover the cost of a dollar an hour wage increase by raising prices a half penny per dollar. For instance, a $2.00 pair of socks would then cost $2.01. This minimal increase would annually add up to $1,800 for each employee. [Analysis of Wal-Mart Annual Report 2005]"

We're not talking about drastically increasing the cost of goods; it's just pennies on the dollar, and it would make a huge difference in the lives of the thousands and thousands of people who work at Wal-Mart.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like the pay, don't work at walmart. If you don't like their treatment of employees, don't shop at Walmart. Walmart the only job you can find, do like me get student loans and a part time job and work your way through college to get a better paying job.
Another option, if you prefer government control of everything, move to Cuba. See all you bitchers at Walmart.

Anonymous said...

Your tax dollars pay for Wal-Mart's greed

* The estimated total amount of federal assistance for which Wal-Mart employees were eligible in 2004 was $2.5 billion. [The Hidden Price We All Pay For Wal-Mart, A Report By The Democratic Staff Of The Committee On Education And The Workforce, 2/16/04]
* One 200-employee Wal-Mart store may cost federal taxpayers $420,750 per year. This cost comes from the following, on average:
o $36,000 a year for free and reduced lunches for just 50 qualifying Wal-Mart families.
o $42,000 a year for low-income housing assistance.
o $125,000 a year for federal tax credits and deductions for low-income families.
o $100,000 a year for the additional expenses for programs for students.
o $108,000 a year for the additional federal health care costs of moving into state children's health insurance programs (S-CHIP)
o $9,750 a year for the additional costs for low income energy assistance.
[The Hidden Price We All Pay For Wal-Mart, A Report By The Democratic Staff Of The Committee On Education And The Workforce, 2/16/04]

Anonymous said...

what happens when your kid has to go to the hospital and you can't afford health care?

Same thing that happens to my self-employed ass that cannot get health insurance due to a previous condition. I do agree, however, that there can be little justification for politicians, government workers, the elderly and the poor, to have medical coverage while the working classes that pay for all of that do not.

Anonymous said...

"if you prefer government control of everything, move to Cuba"

what are you talking about?

wal-mart prefers to shift the burden of paying their workers a decent wage and providing health care onto TAXPAYERS.

that's why they're one of the richest and most powerful corporation in the world-- it's not about the cost of manufacturing. bullshit.

it's about maximizing profit by passing on responsibility to the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

what subsidies and incentives did the city of alexandria provide in order to get wal-mart to build a new store on 28????

Anonymous said...

"I do agree, however, that there can be little justification for politicians, government workers, the elderly and the poor, to have medical coverage while the working classes that pay for all of that do not."

Amen to that.

Anonymous said...

"what subsidies and incentives did the city of alexandria provide in order to get wal-mart to build a new store on 28???? "

A box of 1,000 $25 gift cards to Target.

Anonymous said...

Hey did anyone ask Robert Tanner if he still has lights?????????

Anonymous said...

it's about maximizing profit

Also know as the capitalist free market system. Tell you what, why don't you get all of the Walmart workers to combine their money and start a competing company, and while they stuggle to get a return on their ivestment they can pay all of their workers decent wages.
I don't know many that invest in a business who don't seek a profit.

Anonymous said...

I didn't notice any taxpayers paying anything on my last Rapides Regional bill.

Anonymous said...

Does TARGET take care of their workers? I hope so, I really love me some TARGET shopping.

Anonymous said...

the point I would like to get accross is that cursing low wages and outsourcing and foreign manufacturing is also cursing low consumer prices. And people that talk about buying only American goods - there are hardly any left. Almost anything that is made in the USA has foreign components and work. The unions kept insisting on more wages and benefits and less work and they just about managed to fuck the american worker out of american work. It ain't Jesse Jackson, it's Jimmie Hoffa.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to pay your town folk at poverty level, treat them like the dog scum they are, and take more money away from your local business. Goodnight John Boy. Goodnight Mary Ellen. Goodnight Security. Goodnight Purple Cow.

Anonymous said...

"Also know as the capitalist free market system. Tell you what, why don't you get all of the Walmart workers to combine their money and start a competing company, and while they stuggle to get a return on their ivestment they can pay all of their workers decent wages.
I don't know many that invest in a business who don't seek a profit."

Wow. Someone is really committed to the Wal-Mart way.

The thing is, Wal-Mart is at the top of the Fortune 500, second only to Exxon-Mobil, and the biggest employer in America, generating hundreds of billions of dollars in profit every year that line the pockets of a handful of Walton siblings and major stockholders.

Last year, they earned a profit of $315 billion, a 9% increase. Their commitment is to their stockholders, not to their employees and not to this country.

You can talk all you want to about how Wal-Mart is just taking advantage of free market capitalism, but if it weren't for the billions of dollars in incentives, which are framed under the guise of economic development, Wal-Mart would be having a more difficult time expanding. That is the truth.

When a Wal-Mart comes to town, along with the promise of new jobs and increased tax revenues, the per capita income actually drops between 2%-4%. Why? Because although Wal-Mart does create jobs, these jobs don't even pay a living wage.

Right here in Alexandria, we're prepared to pay for hundreds of thousands of dollars in infrastructure just so the people who live out on 28 and the small handful of developers who stand to profit from this expansion will have a closer place to buy their groceries and electronics. The very same people who have absolutely no problem spending this tax money and rewarding Wal-Mart with tax incentives, property tax abatements, and new infrastructure (or spending our tax dollars on a multi-million dollar "public" golf course or a multi-million dollar sports complex in an area where NO ONE LIVES) are the ones who have a problem spending public money on any projects that may benefit the very working class they seek to employ.

Studies have shown that it only makes economic sense for a community to incentivize a Wal-Mart or a similar big box employer in a blighted neighborhood, because its presence may actually help to curb crime. Plus, although the pay is bad, at least people in blighted neighborhoods can have the opportunity to find a job closer to their homes and a place to shop.

Read "Shopping for Subsidies: How Wal-Mart Uses Taxpayer Money to Fund Its Never-Ending Growth."

Anonymous said...

"Does TARGET take care of their workers? I hope so, I really love me some TARGET shopping."

Yes they do. 68% of them receive some type of health care benefits, compared to Wal-Mart's 37%.

Anonymous said...

"When a Wal-Mart comes to town, along with the promise of new jobs and increased tax revenues, the per capita income actually drops between 2%-4%."
should read

When a Wal-Mart comes to town our size, along with the promise of new jobs and increased tax revenues, the per capita income actually drops between 2%-4%.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is bliss and the Walmart bashers are the most gullible, blissful folks around. They just can't stand freedom. No one is forcing anyone to work at Walmart. If you don't like it quit. Don't shop there if you think the millions of shareholders who own it are being unfair. You understand the economic principles of the free market, but you want your cake and eat it too. If you pay higher wages, you must lay off workers and thus increase unemployment and simultaneously raise prices, which reduces sales, thus income, so more must be fired to keep stockholders from bailing out because your profits are falling and thus your stock price. Stores close, more unemployment, no property taxes, income taxes from previous employes, no sales taxes since no sales are occuring etc, etc. blah, blah blah. This so simplistic I hate to waste my time repeating economics in its most basic element. It seems most people who work for a living understant perfectly the importance of Walmarts in our economy and that is a win, win situation for everyone

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of hearing about poverty in America. There ain't no poverty here. Poverty is those pictures of little kids with snotty noses and ribs showing and a hand out hoping for a touch of food and water while flies and vermin surround them. And guess what, look at their gov'ts. All socialist, with no capitalistic pigs to take advantage of the poor, which is another bullshit subject. The rich ain't taking from the poor. The poor ain't got much. It is the poor who benefit from the rich, whose brains provide them with the actual necessities of life. The ignorant poor didn't invent electricity, penicillin, computers, telephone, antibiotics, refridgeration, etc. What would happen to the poor, if tomorrow, the rich disappeared. They would croak. Who need who? Get real and understand the world or continue be in the dark and remain mired in a world of unproductivity.

Anonymous said...

"Ignorance is bliss and the Walmart bashers are the most gullible, blissful folks around. They just can't stand freedom. No one is forcing anyone to work at Walmart. If you don't like it quit. Don't shop there if you think the millions of shareholders who own it are being unfair. You understand the economic principles of the free market, but you want your cake and eat it too. If you pay higher wages, you must lay off workers and thus increase unemployment and simultaneously raise prices, which reduces sales, thus income, so more must be fired to keep stockholders from bailing out because your profits are falling and thus your stock price. Stores close, more unemployment, no property taxes, income taxes from previous employes, no sales taxes since no sales are occuring etc, etc. blah, blah blah. This so simplistic I hate to waste my time repeating economics in its most basic element. It seems most people who work for a living understant perfectly the importance of Walmarts in our economy and that is a win, win situation for everyone"

Bullshit. Complete and total bullshit.

Other big employers, including big retailers, have absolutely no problem keeping costs down while, at the same time, providing their employees with a living wage and benefits. As someone else mentioned, it would take only a fractional, minimal, infinitesimal increase, 1/100th of a dollar, to drastically improve wages.

You need to go back to school, because your purist understanding of free market capitalism does not match up with reality. They milk from our tax dollars so that they can maintain their ever expanding retail empire.

This isn't just a conversation about Wal-Mart. It's also about how cities are lured into the trap of believing that by incentivizing Wal-Mart, they'll be better off.

It's about what a small group of real estate developers did to encourage the city to incentivize the world's largest employer and 2nd wealthiest company to locate in an area of town where no one lives and where, if you even want to buy a house out there, you need to be in the upper middle class. Our tax dollars paid for this! We paid for the Links and for Johnny Downs and for roads and lights and sewage, millions and millions of dollars, so that the blue bloods could finally sell off the cow pastures they've been holding onto for fifty years... and so they could build a nice neighborhood around a PUBLIC golf course on the edge of town (Anyone who thinks this was just a coincidence must be blind).

When it comes to talking about improving our inner city or our downtown, some of you people say that this is not the will of the free market. Give me a break. This is a tautological argument, because cities can help dictate which areas thrive and which falter.

Anonymous said...

"I'm sick of hearing about poverty in America. There ain't no poverty here. Poverty is those pictures of little kids with snotty noses and ribs showing and a hand out hoping for a touch of food and water while flies and vermin surround them. And guess what, look at their gov'ts. All socialist, with no capitalistic pigs to take advantage of the poor, which is another bullshit subject"

If you just close your eyes and pretend that poverty in America doesn't exist, then it won't exist!

Take a drive through Samtown/Woodside and the Sonia Quarters and then report back about whether or not there is poverty in America, you blind bigoted fool.

Oh and those governments in Africa aren't socialist; they're DICTATORSHIPS.

Anonymous said...

CEA - Cooperative Endeavor Agreement

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

Anonymous said...

Socialist premises lead to dictatorships and I never said that the subsidies to the rich were anymore moral than subsidies to the poor. I'm against subsidies to Walmart too. That's the kind of bullshit that occurs when gov't gets involved. I am only saying the manipulation of the free economy will reduce the efficiency inherent in it, regardless whether industries are using gov't to manipulate it or unions are. The leave us alone part of Laissez-faire capitalism is essential for everyone to benefit. Your indignation is justified, I just believe government has cheated you, not free enterprise. The immoral dealings you mention would not be possible if not for the government power that can manipulate economic activities by the power it is granted. In capitalism the only power is in the freedom of the marketplace which one cannot manipulate with govt interference. Much of what you say is true, but with further thought I believe you can see that without the excessive govt control economic progress will benefit everyone and the poor will benefit exponentially compared to the well off. And incidentally, retail outlet wages will increase proportionately to the decrease of taxes heaped on them. Also do you think local retail stores in the mall pay more and give more benefits than Walmart? I doubt it. Clerks are clerks and the clerks skills are much less at Walmart. I mean, how much should a "Greeter get for a salary" What about the little old ladies handing me the toasted treat of the day, or the lady who initials my receipt as I leave the store. These people are happy to have a job and I believe Walmart would survive with out them. Who else is even willing to give them any job? Hold govt to a similar standard to Walmart and you will see who benefits the folks the most. Walmart who deals in free trade or the govt who deals in force.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:45

You seem like a smart fellow, and I agree that we must hold our government as accountable if not more accountable than a company like Wal-Mart.

I am not certain whether or not I agree or completely follow your notions of laissez-faire capitalism and maybe this would become more clear upon further discussion.

I believe in the government's right to tax its citizenry in order to pay for services and fund projects that serve the common good.

However, I think that the millions of dollars the city of Alexandria has spent on special projects out on 28W- the Links Golf Course, the Johnny Downs Sports Complex, roads and infrastructure for new subdivisions, and incentives and infrastructure for Wal-Mart- represent a massive special project which has only benefited those in the upper-middle class.

When one considers the fact that 40% of Alexandrians live below the poverty line, it is hard to understand why this special project has taken our attention, money, and energy away from our real needs.

This doesn't mean I believe in doling out millions of bucks so that people can enjoy an urban downtown.

I just believe there are areas of town we should be more focused on than 28, and if this free market is really as powerful as some like to say it is, then let the free market take care of downtown and use our tax dollars on providing services and funding projects in areas where the working class needs them most.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Dammit. I meant to write "let the free market take care of 28."

I think the city should spend some money on downtown, because it is important. I also believe that there are probably other areas of town in greater need and we should focus on those more.

Anonymous said...

"Sammy Walton,"

I've read your posts today, and I was wondering if it would be okay to quote them in a future post on CenLamar. I've gotten some grief before when quoting bloggers without permission. Just wanted to know if it's okay?

Anonymous said...

As long as you don't make me look like an idiot, Lamar, it's okay.

Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

Ask Pineville City governement about Walmart. Do you realize how many millions of dollars of city sales tax that behemoth has generated for Pineville?

Anonymous said...

Ask Pineville City governement about Walmart. Do you realize how many millions of dollars of city sales tax that behemoth has generated for Pineville?

That's because there's nothing else to do in Pineville.

Anonymous said...

Wal-Mart knows what it is bringing to the table inregards to tax income to municipalties long before they ever get to the negotiating table. Have you ever stopped to think that every single location they choose needs an upgrade of some sort? For example - the next location in Oakdale required turning lanes and signals on a state controlled highway. The same applied to the Pineville location. In order to accomodate the anticipated traffic and to make it "easier" for people to access Wal-Mart and the Mall, a road was extended across Sterkx and Lee to the Interstate in Alexandria. The Marksville store required the same road improvements. These examples don't even bring to discuss utility upgrades, drainage improvements and the like.

Wal-Mart dangles the sales tax receipts and these $17K jobs out in front of community leaders and convince them to pay for these improvements, knowing well in advance they are needed when they chose the site.

Many towns are now passing legislation limiting the size of big box retailers - all of them - and what will be allowed in their town. Last night I watched via Kevin's Sites 5 clips from an independent film couple who are making an effort to cross the US off the Interstate and not to stay at or eat in any establishment that is owned by corporate America. They are spending their money with mom and pop ran places of business.

One town they visited reminded me of Bunkie when both Wal-Mart and Winn Dixie pulled out. Basically, not much was left in regards to retail. The community formed what's called "The Merc" it's a locally owned retailer providing the same service as their former Wal-Mart. They shop in the local grocery as opposed to driving to the next town over to the Super Center.

Austin tried to pass legislation limiting big box stores. Wal-Mart fought back and won. They've done so in several communities.

One poster noted comments from a study about the cost of Wal-Mart. UC Berkeley has done a complete research project on what it costs the State of California. It's very enlightening and makes one wonder how Wal-Mart can even build another store in that state.

Several states are now passing legislation to force Wal-Mart to offer healthcare to their workers. I believe Pennsylvania was one, but don't quote me.

The incentives offered by the State - basically enterprise zone would be the only one a retailer would qualify for - were never intended to be used by retailers. They have found a loophole that needs to be closed. Some parishes and cities refuse to grant the local sales tax rebate. Rapides Parish, according to their own guidelines shouldn't grant the rebate, but they have been known to. Recently Jerry Wood noted they were going against their own rules and refused to grant the rebate to Walgreen's. The City of Alexandria and Pineville both have been allowing the rebates.

Until the loophole is closed, which can be done possibly in the next session, all retailers will continue to profit from the system.

Anonymous said...

The Links Golf Course and Johnny Downs Sports Complex were not funded with discetionary general revenue. They were paid for with a specific tax approved by the voters.

Anonymous said...

"The Links Golf Course and Johnny Downs Sports Complex were not funded with discetionary general revenue. They were paid for with a specific tax approved by the voters."

Either way, it's still bullshit.

Anonymous said...

True...but I just wanted you to have the facts about the funding straight.

Harold Chambers raided the general fund as well as various capital accounts to "pad" the funding though. And, if you remember, the location of these facilities wasn't decided until after the tax was passed.

Anonymous said...

"Harold Chambers raided the general fund as well as various capital accounts to "pad" the funding though. And, if you remember, the location of these facilities wasn't decided until after the tax was passed."

Chambers so desperately wanted to be a blueblood that he practically sold his soul to them.

It's disgusting.

Anonymous said...

It's not that Wal-Mart does not pay healthcare benefits. It's that according to the Maryland legislature, they don't pay enough. So they're demanding this legislation, demanding that Wal-Mart pay 8% healthcare benefits and if they don't, then they must pay whatever. You know, if they pay 6%, then they must make up the difference from 6% and 8% and pay that to the State of Maryland. If they say, "Screw you," then they get a $250,000 fine. They also have another course of option. They can move or they can reduce their stores to 5,000 employees and make them change the legislation that way. Any number of options Wal-Mart has. But in terms of saying that it's legislating morality, it's a good point. I understand it, but I think there's a better way to express this. Legislating socialism. They are legislating socialism. This is the government -- in this case, the state government -- telling a private business how it must run its affairs. Now, some might even call that a vestige of fascism. Some might say you're getting very close to fascism here when the government starts telling everybody in business at an increasing rate how they have to run their business, allocate funds, and so forth. It's almost extortion to boot, because if Wal-Mart doesn't do what the legislature says, then Wal-Mart must pay the legislature. So they're legislating socialism at the Maryland legislature.

The market does this in a free market system. Now, I will agree with you that there are always going to be examples in business, just like in politics or just like in your neighborhood, where there are some people that go to extremes and violate the natural rules of order and they have to be dealt with. But this is the Maryland legislature targeting one business! And it's extorting money from this business. If it doesn't spend the money on its employees the way they say it should, they've got to pay a fine or pay the balance of the money to the state of Maryland. This is not a regulation.

So many people throw fascism and communism and Nazism. Fascism has a specific definition that the left has now broadened to include a whole -- basically Fascism is conservatism, if you believe the left. But go look it up and you will see that I'm right. This is dangerously close to it. It's not it yet. But you say in 15 years that you've never heard me come out in favor of regulation. It was just two weeks ago that I said, "We've got all these corporations losing tons of billions of dollars and these corporations paying themselves, these CEOs paying themselves millions and multiple millions of dollars," and I said, "If they don't do something about this themselves they're going to invite government control over it, and that's not good." This is just another first step, by the way. If the Maryland state legislature can tell you how much you have to pay in healthcare benefits to your employees, they might then decide how much you have to pay them, period. You know, you talk about a slippery slope? I mean, this is the kind of thing that is a slippery slope

Anonymous said...

It's an affront; it's an offense to liberalism that something like this, like Wal-Mart, could become so big and so successful in the middle class, because liberals look at themselves as the providers for the middle class, and it just offends them, and so they have this arrogance toward these people. They have an arrogance toward most everybody: can't do what's right in life, can't make the right decisions, not smart enough. There is a contempt and an arrogance for these people, and when these people have this product and this place and the people that work there are happy and the people that shop there enjoy the benefits they get from shopping there, it just makes them mad. They say, "How come they don't appreciate us?" and these people become enemies -- and so the shop, the whole company, must be attacked and shut down so that liberals will once again control those people's lives and fortunes.

Anonymous said...

"It's an affront; it's an offense to liberalism that something like this, like Wal-Mart, could become so big and so successful in the middle class, because liberals look at themselves as the providers for the middle class, and it just offends them, and so they have this arrogance toward these people. They have an arrogance toward most everybody: can't do what's right in life, can't make the right decisions, not smart enough. There is a contempt and an arrogance for these people, and when these people have this product and this place and the people that work there are happy and the people that shop there enjoy the benefits they get from shopping there, it just makes them mad. They say, "How come they don't appreciate us?" and these people become enemies -- and so the shop, the whole company, must be attacked and shut down so that liberals will once again control those people's lives and fortunes."

Give me a f**king break. No one is claiming that Wal-Mart should be permanently shut down--- just that it should be a better corporate citizen.

No one is jealous of Wal-Mart's success. You should just recognize that they're not actually helping the middle class because those of us in the middle class are actually footing the bill for all of the tax incentives and infrastructure improvements that Wal-Mart demands.

You're completely missing the point.

You sound like a realtor I know.

Anonymous said...

Why Lamar. Certainly you can quote our postings. Unfortunately, when you have quoted us in the past you always used us like the "before" picture in the weight loss ad - not very flattering.

Anonymous said...

Sammy, you miss the picture. Most if not all of the grievances aimed at Walmart are related to the govt interference. The answer is not to condemn Walmart for trying to keep govt off their back or using incentives, it is to have the gov't quit giving incentives, rebates, unnecessary services etc. Your gripe is with govt. And yes, many do hate Walmart, especially the liberal, we know what is best for you crowd. You know them, Maryland for example. And saying that if Walmart doesn't do something, it will invite the govt to regulate them is like saying if the Jews didn't hit the road in Nazi Germany it would invite and justify the Holacaust. If you want to understand economics and capitalism, read Lugwig von Mises, Thomas Sowell, Greenspan, Freedman, Adam Smith and it becomes simple. These people are just not taught in many schools & universities or even mentioned in the mainstream media. We are however bombarded with Keynes and a vast array of liberal socialist bullshit. We pretty much can see the value of capitalism, but few have the justification and history at their disposal. Of course it is what made this country the greatest in the history of the world.

Anonymous said...

Sammy, Walmart can demand all the want, but since only the government can legally use force, no harm is done. I agree, your gripe is with government giving in to Walmarts so called demands. But it seems to me that most are dying for a Walmart to come to their community and only one small group wants to stop them, with the use of government force I might add.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Wallmart can demand all it wants

Anonymous said...

I know the people living in the Kincaid/Cotile/Gardner area will be happy about that darn WALMART. Used to live out that way and that would have been nice.

Anonymous said...

where exactly on 28 W will it be?

Anonymous said...

"what subsidies and incentives did the city of alexandria provide in order to get wal-mart to build a new store on 28????"

The incentive is to get Wal Mart out of the hood. That way, it doesn't become a hangout for juvenile delinquents who can easily walk there and spend the day or welfare recipients who shuffle along the aisles in their slippers screaming at their 7 snotty nosed kids.

As for the poverty issue: I agree with those who say that poverty is self inflicted. Get off your ass, get off the government teat, go to school and/or get a job. I see help wanted signs all over this city. But people don't want to work for their money when they can sit at home and get the same amount from the government or by stealing it or selling drugs.

I see no end in sight. What is going to happen to change all this?

Anonymous said...

Government simply steals more from producers and gives some to the slouchers to keep them in power with their votes. People are fleeing the crimeridden slums the government creates. Walmart will be built, thousands will shop there, hundreds will be happily employed and the community will benefit from all the taxes the shoppers, owners, and employees will pay. The only ones not happy will be those who hate free enterprise and feel more comfortable with the elitist, socialist, liberal intelligentsia forcing on the rest of us what they know we need. The truth will help us see an end to this. The posting of the truth on this site and the pictures of the welfare state failures in N.O. shown around the world after Katrina are some of the beginnings of a turnaround.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for shining your light on poverty. Far too few people know how much fun it is to live on SSI payment of $600/month, the wait in a free clinic at charity for 5-7 hours so your child can receive some medical attention, to wait for a bus in the rain and hope some hoodlum won't threaten you or roll you for your tennis shoes before you get to your destination; to live next door to a crack dealer and hope that a stray bullet doesn't catch you or your loved one by accident; and to live in a place where your kid can only know and associate with other unmotivated uneducated uncooth people who can train him to sell drugs and take whatever you want from whomever has it: be it money or car or drugs or sex or life. And the best part of it is that your kid will almost always be a chiip off the old block because he never knows any other way.

Anonymous said...

but the MOST fun is to have some Drs kid or some lawyer's kid tell you to snap out of it - Colin Powell and Ray Charles did. I love that one.

Anonymous said...

No wonder all these folks chose to be poor . . . .

Anonymous said...

"The incentive is to get Wal Mart out of the hood. That way, it doesn't become a hangout for juvenile delinquents who can easily walk there and spend the day or welfare recipients who shuffle along the aisles in their slippers screaming at their 7 snotty nosed kids.

As for the poverty issue: I agree with those who say that poverty is self inflicted. Get off your ass, get off the government teat, go to school and/or get a job. I see help wanted signs all over this city. But people don't want to work for their money when they can sit at home and get the same amount from the government or by stealing it or selling drugs."

Wal-Mart will not be closing its other location. It will just be opening a new one on the other side of town. So you can throw out your "incentive" argument.

If it is true that our local government used incentives and will be paying for all of the infrastructure costs in order to make this cow pasture into usable land for a new Super Center, we should hold our government accountable b/c Lord knows Wal-Mart can afford to build a new store without any government assistance.

That would be free market capitalism in action.

Your hatred of the poor is just ignorant and bigoted. Sure, there may be people who have no motivation to stop living off of the government teat, but there are others who want to improve their stations in life-- and when the only job available is a $7/ hour assistantship at Wal-Mart with no benefits, it's not easy to go part-time, take out a bunch of student loans, and go back to school-- especially if you have a family to support. You're asking poor people to take responsibility for their lives, and that's fine-- but you should also demand that employers like Wal-Mart and members of our local government also take responsibility for their actions.

The Wal-Mart health care criticism is not limited to Maryland. Do some more research,instead of just reading the first thing that came up on your cursory Google search. It's a nationwide debate.

Anonymous said...

The governor of Lousiana no doubt handled one of the worst natural disasters that has ever occurred in the United States. We know that the response of the local and the state government were inadequate, and the federal government's own emergency response agency was overwhelmed by the local and state's inadequacy. But what we truly didn't know is why the federal troops arrived so late to Lousiana...until now.

The memos that the governor recently released to Congress clearly shows what factors hindered the rescue effort and in the end helped in killing the thousands of residents in Lousiana:

1. The Fight for Control
Unlike the rest of the governors that federalize troops immediately in emergency disasters, the governor of Lousiana seems to have been inherently more concerned of who looks better on the press; hence, she refused to give command and control to the national military of all the National Guard in the state.

2. Pride Will Be Your Downfall
The amount of pride shown on the side of the Lousiana's governor confuses me. She wants to gain control of the National Guard in the type of disasters she has no experience with. She expects aid from the federal government when she gives no control of the resources. And if the documents are true, there were Democrat Congressmen already planning for a PR push against the Bush administration to blame shift the issue. This was DURING the tragedy. Wow.

3. Lack of Training for Governors
She apparently didn't know all of her options and those around her didn't either. This begs the question, are we electing and promoting officials to the highest offices of the land and not require them to go through Governor's Basics 101?

4. A tip for the governor and other governors
I've helped coordinate aid efforts during Hurricane Charley with charities and also aid programs through my own employer. There's one thing to always remember when you are conducting these types of operations: Have one command and control center, or in layman's terms -- federalize your troops ahead of time so there's no confusion!

I feel absolutely sad for the families that were affected in Katrina. The only thing we can do now is to finance the recovery efforts and hopefully learn for next year's hurricane season.

Just in case the rest of the governors didn't catch it...federalize your troops under one command when there's a natural disaster and let's not help kill anymore civilians through pride.

Anonymous said...



The Nation’s Worst Governors (in alphabetical order):

Kathleen Blanco, Louisiana:

Failures aren’t born. They’re made. Before Hurricane Katrina, it wasn’t the job of Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco to plan for the evacuation of the elderly and poor from New Orleans. Afterward, she wasn’t in charge of the federal response. But it was her job to give her constituents heart by looking decisive, steadfast and capable. Even if she wasn’t. When it mattered most, Blanco appeared “dazed and confused,” says Bernie Pinsonat, a bipartisan political consultant in Baton Rouge, La. When NBC’s Matt Lauer asked her whether it was hard to find words to reassure the public, she tried to muster optimism, then circled back to despair. “You know, our people out here are so fearful. They’re so worried ... It’s a nightmare.” The public might have forgiven her. But, Pinsonat says, “you’ve got to convince them you’re in control.” Instead, Blanco waited seven weeks to appoint a recovery commission. She was slow to call the legislature back into session to deal with a nearly $1 billion decline in tax revenue. Her suggested cuts—to education and health care—came under fire last week as unrealistic. In 21 years in state politics, Blanco, a Democrat, was always cautious and deliberative. But those qualities have turned into liabilities, TIME reports.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Haley Barber and The GOP! Mississippi no longer poorest state!

Anonymous said...

The govt has pumped billions into fighting poverty and poverty and associated crimes have only worsened over the last 50 yrs from the great society until today. I believe the minimum wage jobs you may make fun of are the best bet. You can't start as CEO. I started at a minimum wage job, actually less at twelve years old as a paper delivery boy and went to minimum wage after high school and put myself through LSU. Never making over minimum wage. The free market is available for those who want to progress. It's not race or coming from a background less than ideal, it is the govt and Jesse Jacksons trying to keep many in a poverty mode so they can control them. Give freedom a chance and let churches and other voluntary charities do the rest. Nothing could be worse than the govt efforts over the last 50 years.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember a law passed two years ago making it illegal to drive in the left lane unless you were passing a vehicle. I see no reduction in this habit which is worse in La. than any state I've ever driven in. I see Troopers and policemen doing this every day and just wonder if any tickets have ever been given for this dangerous activity.

Anonymous said...

"I believe the minimum wage jobs you may make fun of are the best bet"

The minimum wage needs to be increased.

Anonymous said...

OMG - check cenLamar!

Lamar saves the world. In a single opinionated posting that would make the Dalai Lama look like Carnak, Lamar solves Iraq, Darfur, American society, and, of course, 3rd St. He announces that he is looking into some other issues of global import. There will be an OPEC summit at House of Java. As I understand it, Lamar's brother, Mark, is the assistant massiah. He gets to carry the stone tablets.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about?

That was a question and answer session earlier today with JOHN EDWARDS.

Anonymous said...

Well, OK, I apologize but the Carnak reference was pretty goddam cute anyway.

Anonymous said...

So was the line about House of Java.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's make the minimum wage $50,000 a year and solve all our problems.

Anonymous said...

Lamar's self promotion knows no bounds.

Anonymous said...

yeah i mean his name is on practically every billboard in town.

Anonymous said...

The Great Society, the war on poverty has resulted now in over $6 trillion being transferred from the producers of this country to the recipients of the aid, and guess what? We still have the same people who authored the program complaining about the same problems. We still have abject poverty. We still have people going to bed in the country hungry. We still have children that are in dire straits, blah blah blah, despite six trillion dollars. What's missing in this?

Self-reliance is the way to fix this. Capital is the way to fix this. If you want to fix Third World poverty, export capitalism to them, not just raw dollars which their Third World thug dictators are going to steal it all. Those Third World pimps, we've sent enough money over there. These people ought to be driving limousines and living in houses encrusted in gold for all the money the world has sent to the poor all over the world in all of our years. But no! The poor are still poor. They're still dying in famines caused by communist governments or Islamofascist governments as in Ethiopia or now in the Darfur section of Sudan. If you want to save people, get rid of tyranny; get rid of communism; get rid of Islamofascism; get rid of dictatorships. Don't prop 'em up with all this whining and moaning and bellyaching and false tears about how the rich aren't doing enough, especially this country.

Anonymous said...

John Edwards is looking for a running mate, maybe you should consider throwing in your cowboy hat.

Anonymous said...

Walker, you are right on. And John Edwards, while living in a multimillion dollar mansion bought with the millions this trial lawyer stole in class action law suits, who dons his jeans and typical rolled up sleeves work shirt, jumps in to help the poor. There are two Americas alright, the workers like Walker and the parasites like Edwards and the poor. I would think Louisiana has had all the Edwards it can stand. He wants to redistribute the wealth, great. When he gives 90% of his $70 million net worth to the poor, he can start asking me for more, not stealing it from me.

Anonymous said...

Correct, Lamar does know bounds. He must have "free" self promotion.

Anonymous said...

Don't discount Edwards just yet, his wife is a very likeable. She has been very candid about losing a child and battling cancer. My conservative republican mom thinks she is great.

Anonymous said...

Lamar remains charming in the face of meanies.

Anonymous said...

It appears Wal-Mart doesn't fit with Smart Growth -

this from the Times Pic:

Members of Smart Growth Tammany and developers who want to build a $200 million retail center south of Covington have signed an agreement that will prohibit a Wal-Mart Supercenter, a Sam's Club and other "big box" stores in the proposed Colonial Pinnacle Nord du Lac center at Louisiana 21 and Interstate 12.
The agreement, Wainer said, prohibits "big box retailers of all sorts," including Wal-Mart and Sam's Club, in the development along the northern side of Interstate 12 where the parish plans to convert a closed rest area into another interchange for the state highway.

It also calls for the Wainers to limit the development of land north of the center site, bordering Flower Estates subdivision, to single-family homes.

In return, Smart Growth Tammany will drop three lawsuits contesting the project. The group is also pledging to cease all opposition to the development and withdraw any letters of objections to state and federal permits sought by developers for the project.

Much of Smart Growth Tammany's opposition centered on the Sam's and Wal-Mart, which members said would aggravate traffic congestion on the interstate and the Louisiana 21 corridor.

Anonymous said...

And the poster who said Maryland isn't the only on with a healthcare issue is right. Pennsylvania State Representative Jake Wheatley has asked their Department of Public Welfare to investigate "whether corporations are abusing the tax-funded Medicaid program.

“We need to protect taxpayers from subsidizing large corporations that can afford to provide health care to their employees,” Wheatley said in a statement.

“Wal-Mart is making billions in profits, while pushing people onto medical assistance at a time when 100,000 people in Pennsylvania were in jeopardy of losing benefits,” said Jonathan Stein, general counsel at Community Legal Services in Philadelphia. “The situation only makes life difficult for other poor people who could only look to Medicaid.”

Of Pennsylvania’s 10 largest employers, Wal-Mart has the highest percentage of employees enrolled in the state medical assistance program for the poor and disabled.

About one in six of Wal-Mart’s 48,000 employees are enrolled in the Medicaid insurance program, at a total cost to the state of more than $15 million a year, according to state data.

In New Jersey, a similar bill, which would track the employers of residents receiving state FamilyCare health-insurance benefits, recently passed the Senate. An unofficial study of FamilyCare recipients found that Wal-Mart led all other New Jersey employers, with 589 employees and their children on the rolls.

Anonymous said...

John Edwards is a cutesy Huey Long populist, à la Edwin Edwards. Wonder if Johnny and EWE are distant cousins… *Barf*

Anonymous said...

All you right-wing conspirators have been on here bitching about these wretched (ratshit) poor people for not grabbing the gold ring of success despite the fact that they had to leave school in the 9th grade because their mama was a crack whore and there was nobody to raise his/her siblings. Well here in John Edwards you have a poor boy of humble beginnings who pulled himself up by education and professional excellence and became wealthy, successful, and famous, all the while maintaining himself as a decent faith embracing family man who had dealt with tragedy and strife, only to retain his committment to us commoners and the protection and elevation of the "least of us" as you evangelical christians like to say. He's young, he's smart, he rich, he's handsome, he's decent, he's experienced, he's qulified, he's well-known, and he's southern. How can you fault that combination. He's even better than Lamar because he actually has a job. Vote for Edwards and help us overcome.

Anonymous said...

Who are you to demand that I pay my employees' health insurance or medical bills, even by using my taxes to fund medicaid. Why don't you just demand I pay their rent, car note, utility bill, clothing cost, grocery bill, entertainment bills, liquor bills etc. plus pay them a salary you think is high enough. Forget the laws of economics, let's just do whatever you want in whatever feelgood dreamworld you wake up in today. If you think that Walmart greeter should get $20 or $30K a year plus benefits, then I guess that's the end of discussion. No need for reality checks in your world. Also it is not Walmart's problem the medicaid system is so screwed up and wants to include everyone possible. Fix or eleminate medicaid not Walmart. Incidentally when you eleminate Walmart and other evil industries, who's gonna fund medicaid and all the other welfare programs?

Anonymous said...

Edwards has basically changed his position on issues. He apparantly thinks by becoming an even more tax and spend liberal and appealing to the vast welfare recipient world he will have a much better shot. And he may be right. The truth has little value in the world of politics.

Anonymous said...

Why do the apologists for those who can't make it or refuse to try, think it is not the responsibility of the churches and other charitable organizations or the responsibility of those who are advocating charitable works, but the responsibility of those who disagree and want to decide of their own free will to whom they give their charitable contributions or to give none at all if that is their desire?

Anonymous said...

Arkansas' Huckaby and Oklahoma's J.C. Watts! Theres a GOP ticket for 2008! Look what Huckaby left in Arkansas after willie and hillie raped it! And JC? One of 13 true americans that walked the articles of impeachment across the floors of congress!

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that if not for Walmart, all those folks would have health insurance, much less jobs?? Before Walmart, when you got "stuff" at mom and Pop stores, did they provide insurance?? I doubt it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the John Edwards situation and Wal-Mart, there is something seriously wrong with this man, and I have known that there is something seriously wrong with this man for as long as he has been in public. This guy has an image and an aura that follows him around that is as phony as a three-dollar bill. This story, he outsources his Christmas shopping. He has a volunteer go into a Wal-Mart in North Carolina to get one of these PlayStation 3 things - how about the hysteria over that? Hell, people are being robbed standing in line. People are being held up after they get their PlayStation 3. Anyway, here's Edwards, he sends in this volunteer to get this PlayStation 3.

He's giving speeches all over the country, the minimum wage has gotta go up and he uses a volunteer, he wouldn't even pay somebody a minimum wage to go and stand in line. He had called Wal-Mart and wanted to have his volunteer go to the front of the line. The real thing about this -- and Wal-Mart issued a statement, I think they've pulled the statement, but Wal-Mart, they said in their release: "On the same day Edwards was criticizing the company in a conference call with union-backed activists, the volunteer staff member had asked a Raleigh, N.C., electronics department manager to obtain a PS3 for the ex-senator's family." On the conference call talking to these union guys, Edwards repeated a story about his son Jack (we're talking six-year-old son here) his son Jack disapproving of a classmate buying sneakers at Wal-Mart.

There is no six-year-old that buys anything anywhere. The parents do. But what is the point of this story? "If a six-year-old can figure it out, America can definitely figure this out," Edwards said, saying that Wal-Mart's not a place to go shopping. Wal-Mart's done more for average Americans than the Democratic Party in all its years. Folks, there's two things. If this story is true, if a six-year-old Edwards kid is berating friends because they get stuff from Wal-Mart, that's pathological. Can you imagine what's going on in the Edwards house? How does the kid know what Wal-Mart is, and how does he learn to make fun of people who go there, if not for his parents? He's been taught to hate, this kid has. If it's not true, if Edwards just made this up, then we have serious problems here. I'm not convinced which side of this story, which version is true.

Anonymous said...

"He's even better than Lamar because he actually has a job."

That's unfair. Lamar does have a job. Why do you people take pot shots at him every chance you get? It's getting old.

Edwards is a good candidate.

Anonymous said...

walker, get the story right.

Edwards told The Associated Press that the volunteer "feels terrible" about seeking the game unit at Wal-Mart a day after his boss criticized the company, saying it doesn't treat its employees fairly.

"My wife, Elizabeth, wanted to get a Playstation3 for my young children. She mentioned it in front of one of my staff people," Edwards said. "That staff person mentioned it in front of a volunteer who said he would make an effort to get one. He was making an effort to go get one for himself.

"Elizabeth and I knew nothing about this. He feels terrible about this. He made a mistake, and he knows he should not have used my name," Edwards said.

Edwards said the volunteer was "a young kid" unaware of what he called flawed Wal-Mart policies. He called the Wal-Mart statement an effort to divert attention from its own problems.

So what? A kid who volunteers for Edwards stands in line for a ps3, without Edwards knowledge or permission, and this proves Edwards has been wrong all along about the way Wal-Mart treats its workers???

Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

Charlatan: One making usually showy pretenses to knowledge or ability: FRAUD, FAKER.

Has anyone considered the fable of the rainmaker? The tales goes something like this. A con-man and his crew enter a town on the verge of draught. They talk up the seriousness of the draught and convince everyone that disaster is about to befall the town. They make the situation seem much worse than it actually is and volunteer to find a rainmaker to cure the problem. The Rainmaker arrives with promises of an easy, painless fix to the town's problems. All the town has to do is cough up the money for the Rainmakers services. Naturally the Rainmaker takes the money and fails to produce results.

Now, let’s take a long look at Lamar. Ask yourselves what has this young man done, other than use words and promises, to deserve the Messiah like following he has gathered? Like the Pied Piper, the masses are following the pretty music, without knowing that the Piper will lead them to an un-pleasant end.

Consider that even your curious visits to his website, just to read his latest self-aggrandizing proclamations, lend him credibility and contribute to his “hit count.”

Ask yourselves if this young man of untested ability, limited experience, and suspect credibility, deserves your attention.

No, Lamar has done nothing to injure me personally nor is he capable of doing so. We live in a free society, and Lamar is within his rights to spew his snake-oil pitch to anyone who will listen. My message is caution towards one who promises much and delivers little.

Anonymous said...

just can't let this Edwards thing go, folks. This is Kerryesque. This is Clintonesque. This is not normal, it is not loving, it's duplicitous. I mean, here you have a man reputed to be a legitimate contender for the Democratic presidential nomination. I'm trying to restrain myself here because this is simply -- I don't care about him trying to get a PlayStation 3. It's very typical of somebody who thinks he's better than everybody else and prominent would call up a volunteer, "I don't have time to stand in line, I'm John Edwards." So send some schlub to do it, don't pay him anything. No, no, no, no. Send a volunteer, don't even pay him minimum wage, which is one of the Democrats' big issues.

But that's typical of people in power, call Wal-Mart. And Wal-Mart knows who Edwards is, he's out there trying to destroy Wal-Mart.

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