For God's sake people, my ownership of this blog has never been a secret. Those of you who ACTUALLY know me, know that I do not readily have the time to "sit" on this blog. I have a business, a new daughter, home renovations, community involvement, etc ...
If this blog is so unpopular than why have a vast array of similar blogs e-blossomed? They have actually capitalized on the name through their highly intelligent creativity (same name different blog company, or by the spelling of Antics with an "x"). Why? No original thought process ... "Beam me up Scotty" ... I did not know that Alexandria had so many parrots.
Jacques, good luck my friend, it's a hard battle to fight but fight the good fight ... there are individuals within this community who think for themselves, do what they can for the community and now matter how much unfiltered horse manure is spread, are still able to grow healthy and useful "seedlings" not weeds.
Quint Carriere
Monday, December 18, 2006
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1702 Newer› Newest»Who am I to insist that Walmart provide healthcare to their employees? I'm the guy who pays for their medicaid healthcare when they don't have insurance. Is that not a subsidy? If Walmart doesn't provide some healthcare benefit, the public does. Take that, freemarket guy.
Personally, I like the story of the Music Man better; it's slightly more contemporary than the Rainmaker or the Pied Piper allegories, and it resonates with younger audiences.
Plus, it would allow me to say things like, "We've got trouble, right here in River City."
Big, big trouble.
Incidentally, the word "impostor" is a synonym for charlatan, and one could argue that anyone who uses a fake name to conceal his identity in order to disparage and insult someone else is, in fact, an impostor.
a person who practices deception under an assumed character, identity, or name.
Happy New Year.
Then again, Waterslide, you may be right: Sooth was missing the requisite "feathers and bones" line.
Being a Walmart greeter paysm more than a teachers aid in rapides parish. Walmart's pay isn't that bad, for a job requiring no skilss or training. Low wages should inspire you to work harder and do more with your life. If Walmart greeter paid the same as brain surgeon or even garbage man, who would do those jobs?? There must be some incentive to work hard and aquire skills and training.
Why do employers have to provide health insurance??
"But that's typical of people in power, call Wal-Mart. And Wal-Mart knows who Edwards is, he's out there trying to destroy Wal-Mart."
Which is exactly why Wal-Mart issued a misleading, ridiculous press release to the media.
They're threatened by Edwards calling them to task, so they want to make him look like a hypocrite.
Hey, I don't know if that was the real sooth or not, but the guy has a point. Why are we so eager to follow Lamar? Yup, he has a bunch of ideas, but so does any classroom full of 7 year olds. The devil is in the details, and so far Lamar hasn't given us any clue as to how he would bring his ideas to life other than "let the taxpayers foot the bill for the good of the community."
Who decides the good of the community??? Lamar???
Nahhhh, the sooth imposter may be just that, an imposter...but he's got a point.
Exactly. Instead of passing on the costs of health care to already overtaxed and regulated employers, the government should provide universaal health care, just like it does to Congressmen and Senators.
I'm the guy who pays for their medicaid healthcare when they don't have insurance. Is that not a subsidy? If Walmart doesn't provide some healthcare benefit, the public does.
I don't have insurance, and you have not paid shit toward my last two hospital bills. Give me your address so you can pitch in and pay your share.
trial lawyer stole in class action law suits,
He didn't steal it, judges and juries awarded to plaintiffs who were damamged. Edwards then collected a percentage as his fee for doing the work, much as you get paid to do your job. Was your anti-lawyer head up your ass or elsewhere whn Delores tried that lying lawyer bashing shit on Jacques?
Hey Waterslide, let me answer you pinhead!
You say this guy who says he's sooth wrote it? Just because he urges caution before we play follow the leader with Lamar? No! It's just an opinion different than yours...period. You ain't the authority on anything...get used to it.
Wants to make this a better place to live???? For who? Everybody? Don't come to us with ideas and ask that they be paid for with taxpayer dollars when one self interest group is getting the majority share of the benifit.
Charlatan??? Anyone who sets themselves up as an expert, and doesn't have the qualifications, is a fake, period. Let's ask Lamar. Where are your credentials as an expert on anything? Your English degree??? That qualifies you for NOTHING in the real world. Tell us Lamar, what the hell have you accomplished on your own, with out the assistence of your Daddy's last name amd your Grandma's connections...not a damn thing.
What is young lamar supposed to do to gain that credibility? How about this...leave Alaxandria for a few years and gain some experience of your own, not on your family's coat tails. Then come back and maybe we'll listen.
Very clever Lamar...but I caught it in your reply post of: Friday, December 29, 2006 3:07:25 PM
Deflect, confuse, make fun of, trivialize, it's all an attempt to evade. Why don't you just answer the Sooth?
What have you ever done to deserve all the attention? Just what are you an expert in anyway? Why should we listen to you? Should we cater to you because you're in a wheelchair? You expect us to hang on your every word? Answer us lamar...tell us why your ideas will work. Justify what you say. Prove yourself first, that ask us for our hard earned dollars.
I'm in a wheelchair??
For the guy griping about the Walmart employee medicaid that he has to pay, your gripe is with the govt not Walmart. I agree you should not have to pay to provide medicaid to anyone nor Walmart.
Sooth or the imposter DOES make a good point with his comparison of the two tales - Lamar vs. the Rainmaker. Choose the Piped Piper or the Music Man Lamar, it doesn't matter, the case Sooth is making would be the same.
You have returned home after spending time at an "ivy league" like institution and done what? Borrowed ideas from others by reading articles on smart growth and by talking to others in the community. Your current Wal-Mart story began as a discussion here, which you at least gave credit to those participating in that discussion for.
I will not bash you for being your father's child or who your grandparents are, we cannot choose our family. Everyone uses their connections, whether it be family or friends to get ahead and to get things done, if not, they're stupid or liars.
The perception is that you have set yourself up to be the "saviour" of the City - at least downtown. While it may not be reality, that is the perception, and well you're educated enough to know what perception is.
NOW, if you have actually done something project wise, let us know. Give us something to show you have some credibility other than just knowledge. What is your experience?
5:16 just because he is handicapped doesn't mean he's in a wheelchair - there are plenty of handicapped people that aren't you idiot!
Here is your answer, Lamar--- knowledge is credibility.
That's why people listen to you.
Knowledge makes people credible.
Hallelujah and Amen. Thank God we live in America.
Whoa, Boys! I don't think Lamar sets himself up as the "Leader". Let's face it, Lamar brings another side to the argument. He's a kid with good, progressive ideas. Maybe he is not right about everything, but at least he has an opinion, is trying to help to move Alexandria forward, and can actually spell and use proper grammar. So what that he is a White. Big deal. Get over it. If you have a gripe with his grandmother, father or whomever, it has nothing to do with him.
I think the point people are making is "Who in the fuck is Lamar, what has he achieved in life, where is his English degree {with religious studies accentuated} from, has he ever had a real job, when, where, min. wage or what. All we have is pie in the sky bullshit, silly ruminations of ole tired socialistic diatribes and quite frankly immature childish rantings. I'm gonna need some substance to listen to anymore, considering everything he has said so far is a conglomeration of ignorant, misty eyed, trite phrases. I guess it doesn't really matter if he does have something to hang onto in regards to qualifications since he has not made one logical argument to back up his fuzzy ideas. He may be a god among men, but he comes off as a duffuss to many. It is not his detractors' fault he can't competantly espouse his ideas. Anybody can say they want to bring Alex into the 21st century, make downtown like Austin, Texas and solve all of the social ills in central La., but give us something of substance or shut the fuck up, go back and become proficient in some area and then come back and begin to participate with other citizens as equals rather as their erudite holy leader.
Maybe he is a kid. Even so his opinions are just that. You decide. I've listened to them and I'm afraid I know junior high school kids who understand the real world much better. Hell, everyone has an opinion, and even people without great grammar can be rational and have opinions which are valuable. Lamar just ain't ready to have much of a voice as it is worthless in the real world. He might try poetry or breathe more incense.
Hey, I agree, name one good progressive idea Lamar had. People with good progressive ideas make millions in the marketplace (Jobs, Gates, Walton,etc). Good luck, Lamar, but Gates and gang didn't talk about it, they did it.
I understand Saddam will be executed in less than two hours. How can we see this as it is history?
Ok! To all of who laugh at some of the folks ideas of "downtown revitilization" what else to you expect? Would you like to see your city to rot from the core, would you like for "your" city to just crumple from neglect. Tell me, what is your idea for Alexandria? How about some more urban sprawl and fancy wal-marts for all of our children.
I am truly hurt that I was called a Pinhead and told to "get used to it" by an anonymous person. I don't think that I will ever be able to talk to another anonymous person again. Thanks dude, hope you are happy.
What the hell are ya'll talking about on this thread. Lamar never said he was God! Why the bashing? COME ON baby's in a sandbox! He is just a zealous young man with opinions. We ALL have them. So..try not to be so harsh unless you be judged as well.
What is wrong with urban sprawl. I like the wide open spaces and growth that is natural works fine with me. I've watched the powers control development downtown and elsewhere in Alex. and I prefer letting business and homeowners go where they wish rather than be told where they need to be by Lamar and you.
If the zealous young man can't stand the heat, he should get out of the kitchen. His admirers must be really weak if that is their hero.
You are welcome to judge every opinion on make here or anywhere else and if mine are as worthless and bazarre as Lamar's then destroy them and show me the light. I want to learn, not just command and be obeyed.
L to the izzA, M to the izzAR
Nobody is telling you where you need to go. Get a grip on yourself.
And Lamar is not my hero, he is simply another opinion. One that you obviously don't like.
We don't dislike Lamar, he is just irrelevent, of no consequence, with no substance or capable of uttering anything worth listening to.
We can't bash Lamar but he who has produced absolutely nothing in life can denounce one of the greatest achievements of free enterprise in the history of the world. His tired rhetoric is not even original but ancient rehashing of old socialist hogwash. What would all the people who are making $17K be doing if Walmart did not provide them with a job. I promise you there are many people in Alex working harder than Walmart employees who make less. Maybe if Lamar ever had to work in his life he would have learned something, but I think he is worse than irrelevent, he is dangerous. Fools rush in and he is both a fool and rushing in to a debate of which he knows nothing. I have heard not one original idea from him in the last year. What a joke and that he has a following is scary. This is probably how David Duke and Hitler started. Wow!
The Failure of the War on Poverty. We're learning the depths of poverty in New Orleans that has been run by Democrats for who knows how many generations, and we are witnessing the failure of the ......entitlement mentality........, we are witnessing the failure of the welfare state, we are witnessing the failure of the war on poverty, that's what we're witnessing, that's the real lesson to learn. You have the media reality that is created in conjunction with the Democrats and the liberals, and then you have reality. You have what is, and then you have the creation of an alternative reality by the media. The media reality is that somehow the government's not big enough, the federal government isn't big enough, the federal government is not peopled by the right leaders, the federal government didn't care about these people because all this is a manufactured reality.
Anonymous @ 8:10,
Apparently all your good at is sitting at home on the computer thinking of clever ways to talk pretty trash. Tell me? What are plans..
How much does lamar make a year?? What exactly is his job?? Superblogger?
Anon 8;40;03; I'm gonna talk some pretty trash and give you the plan man. Leave the hell alone our local business men (meaning any entity that owns and runs a business in Rapides Parish) and let them decide where to establish them, what to pay their employees and what to charge the customer, which in reality is always determined by the market. Then you and Lamar can sit at home and watch how the real world will work unempeded by leaches like you. The only fly in the ointment is leaches like you who hate capitalism and people who can build something and don't need or want to be around parasites and preditors like you. Sounds like a great plan to me, why don't you help us out with it and maybe someday you'll be able to really earn $17K a year. It is hard to build a bridge but almost anyone can blow it up. Quit blowing up bridges someone else built with their brains and money, Go earn some money of your own and in the process you might develop your brains and then you might be able to develop some ideas and plans that people like us would listen to. Maybe, but it is not guaranteed by anyone and especially not the govt. Another good plan you might adopt, don't ya think?
Great to see a good man hang. Bye Bye Saddam! Amazing how it only takes under 30 days in Iraq between sentences and execution. Sounds like they got one thing right.
Using the logic that the houseboats are an eyesore, let us then bulldoze parts of the city which are also eyesores, i.e., most of the slums in Alexandria. Have you GONE THROUGH some of the shithole sections of this town???
Where will the people who live there go?
To Lamar's house?
I just visited We Saw That (morbid curiosity I suppose) and he lashes out at Judge Randow, the 3rd Circuit, and the Gold Law Firm. It's obvious that "We" has no real comprehension of the substance or the process of the law. He rambles on and at first blush, one might think he knows of what he speaks but not so. My analysis is that he spends his life trying to find someone or something to blame for his inadequacies. Oh well, I guess it passes the time.
Way to bring your Saturday morning hate together in a nice little package. Racism and Lamarism.
You ask a logical question on this blog and you are called a racist and Lamarist whatever the hell that is. Why is it the liberal elite who produce nothing can resort to implying the people who question their stands are just racist or some other evil person. Logic stings so they just lash out accusations without thinking and that is fine because they are who they are. And they are exposing themselvins in a very unflattering light for all the world to see right here.
Is "We" black? **
**not an attempt at ebonics, but a well constructed inquiry
How did race get into a discussion about a law suit between a white dr. and a white lawyer in front of a white judge? You might be trying too hard. Quit straining - that's what killed Elvis.
Read Thomas Sowell's column in the TT today. It adds a little to the recent discussions on private enterprise and the progressives and govt who are so determined to eleminate it.
"How did race get into a discussion about a law suit between a white dr. and a white lawyer in front of a white judge?"
I was referring to the bulldozing of eyesores comment, not the we saw that comment
We Saw that does have a valid point. When most lawyers around here charge a few thousand or less, for a child custody case, I don't see how the Gold firm charging over $80,000.00 can in any fashion be considered as being reasonable.
The case was heard over a period of days and included the testimony of several lawyer experts and material witnesses and the court rendered its decision based on all that information and the controlling law and argument of the parties. Then the entire transcript was reviewed by the appeals court and the parties were given an opportunity to argue to the 3rd Cir. panel. Randow's decision was affirmed. The point is that there are a lot of facts and legal factors involved in complex litigation. You can't just vote down Randow like it was American Idol. I agree that We Saw That lacks a basic understanding of and respect for law.
Is that really what killed Elvis?
I don't have much respect for lawyers, judges or the courts as they exist today, but a rich Dr. just got pissy because he lost the case and I guarantee his hourly fee is more than any at the Gold firm and certainly more than Randow makes.
My five-year-old nephew was told by his father that, after Christmas, he would need to go through his old toys and pick out the things he didn't play with anymore to be disposed of. When my nephew resisted, his father tried to turn this act into a good deed, explaining that they would be giving the toys to poor children.
My nephew asked, "Why don't they have toys?"
His father replied, "Because their parents can't afford to buy toys for them."
My nephew paused and said, "Then their parents should work!"
Quite poignant for such a small tot.
This kid should be posting on this site rather than us. It's the old "The Emperor's new clothes" story in real life. Out of the mouth of babes etc.
Did you explain to your nephew that he had toys and didn't work any harder that the other kids whose parents were on the skids. You need to explain that he is a lucky little fucker and needs to have feeling for those who aren't.
I'm always amazed at the cruelty the do gooders are willing to heap on those that don't agree with them, even if it's a young kid. They have all kind of "feelings" for those who refuse to produce, but hate those lucky little fuckers who happen to be born into a family of producers. Incidentally I bet that lucky little kid does work harder than a lot of the others who are on the skids and that his parents instill the values needed to succeed in him. He will work for his allowance, learn to be respectful of folks who work and to disdain mournful, pathetic, socialistic asshole like you.
His father replied, "Because their parents can't afford to buy toys for them."
My nephew paused and said, "Then their parents should work!"
You bunch of uncaring assholes. Sure there are a lot of people who don't work and are supported by the government dole, but there are also people that are broke due to failing businesses, lost jobs, catastropic illness, death of a wage earning spouse and numerous other reasons. A lot of you on this Blog need to have a short dose of being broke to learn some empathy for people who are poor through no fault of their own.
People who fall on hard times and are hard working individuals will find most people who earn a decent living willing to help them. It is you, asshole, who wish to steal from one group to give to another you think is deserving that we disdain. Charities were started by those who had earned enough money to benevelently aid those who deserved a little boost. You want to feel good about yourself by forcing others to give to a group of non producers while you produce nothing yourself. Hey, if you want to do more than we do, you are free to do so, but I'll bet a lot, the people you are trying to lay a guilt trip on contribute thousands of dollars a year more to charity than you ever have. And most who are broke are broke because of a number of reasons, generally of their own making. Reality is reality and you need to understand it rather than rant at those who do.
You miss the point. The only difference between the lucky little fucker and the have-not kids are their parent's luck or productivity, or blessings. Make sure that the lucky little fucker looks down on the kids that aren't dressed as well as he is and make him understand that it is because he is somehow better. Oh yes, and get him one of them WWJD bracelets to show that his distorted little heart is in the right place. And call me in 20 years to let me know how it worked out.
Got Plenty's got the message. The poor little kids will probably be OK. Some one will give them something and they will most likely appreciate it much more that Lucky Fucker and his piles of toys. The real loser here is Lucky Fucker because he missed a chance (thanks to his father) to learn somthing about empathy and sharing and understanding and brotherly love. Remember the Xmas story you told Lucky Fucker about the little drummer boy. Man his daddy must have been a real loser.
The last two posts prove my point, there are people who hate productive folks and those born into their families. Their concept of life is so distorted I can't began to explain the extent of their hatred on this blog. I hope most understand that because someone chooses to be productive does not mean he is evil or should share the guilt the nonproductive want to pile on him. The kid whose uncle profiled was pounded by those who claim to be empathetic, compassionate and caring. I hope that most see through their charade and understand that there are people like them who will hate you because you are virtuous. Don't accept their guilt trip.
The fella who believes luck is what is holding him down will always be down. He needs to define luck and all the other words he uses before he speaks again. Isn't it funny how the honest, hard working folks are the luckiest.
Why would you assume that those who have sympathy for the less fortunate hate or resent the more fortunate? Nobody said or even implied that. Many of us really do believe that it is more blessed to give than receive. I'm sorry that you display such anger and resentment toward the less fortunate. You are precisely what we don't want Lucky Fucker to become. Selfish people are usually miserable people.
Aren't you?
I don't hate or resent anyone nor did I say I had no sympathy for the misfortunate. I didn't call the little kid a "little fucker", the do gooder did, nor am I angry. I also have no resentment toward the less fortunate nor have I given anyone reason to believe that that is a fact. And you, kind sir or ma'am are what we want "lucky fucker" to become? Let's see, when productive people want to keep what they earn and share it as charity with those they wish to share it with, they become selfish and all the while you are benevelent and kind. If anyone including you believe your mindset is one of charity to man, I salute both them and you. Why were you exhibiting anger while pounding the "little fucker" as you so described him. Doesn't it seem you are the angry one? You don't want "lucky fucker" to become a moral, honest, competent, intelligent productive member of society? Maybe one who is dependent on others would be better. You need to realize words have meaning and to excrete the same old tired diatribe of the parasite is not going to work anymore. And if you think giving is better than receiving, have at it. I never said it wasn't nor did I try to keep you from giving everything you have. I hope you give plenty, and are happy, but something tells me you are not. Also, the two previous posts I alluded to prove the point that they hate the productive.
"I bet that lucky little kid does work harder than a lot of the others who are on the skids and that his parents instill the values needed to succeed in him."
The "lucky" kid probably did have values instilled, unlike the poor child (through no choice of his own to be born) whose mom smokes crack or meth and whose daddy ain't there. So what do you suggest we do? Bulldoze them too? It is not the child's fault. Just let that creep in your mind for a minute.
Anonymous @ 8:58 AM
Well, looks like i struck a nerve. First let me tell you..I'm no leech! I work very hard for the little amount of money that I do make. You have no idea what type of work i do, and i'm surely not on welfare. So don't go making assumptions about things YOU don't know.
I don't knock anyone off any platforms. I'm ALL for small business and local communities getting together and building for a better future.
I hardly consider a new Wal-Mart in our community building bridges for future generations to enjoy. It's yet another concrete slab future children to skate on.
All Wal-Mart is good for is running other local businesses out of town. Places like hardware stores, shoe stores, candy stores, you name it and you know it. So exactly who's side are you on. Not the peoples!! Your just to hasty with your actions and words my friend.
Have I ever intimated any ill will to those less fortunate? I just said don't hate the productive because there are those who have been born into a situation less benign. If you want to know what is in the best interest of those who come into the world in a situation that is not as perfect as some, I submit to you that the capitalistic system offers them more than any other in the world. Whatever help you may provide is helpful, but in this country, liberty provided will serve them well. I wish them well, and when I choose I will help people who I deem will benefit from my help. It is of course my choice, not yours, what I contribute. As I do not assume to tell you what you should do regarding the less fortunate, you do not have the right to demand what I should contribute. Did I say it was the child's fault? I did not. Did I say to bulldoze them? I did not. Don't put words into my mouth. I believe I know what is best for them and I think it is the free market system which has made this country successful and I also believe it is the socialistic welfare system that has produced these kids that are born into such dispair. Regardless of the cause, I resent you, while reviling the productive, honest, working people society, implying you somehow care more for the suffering of the children born into a life basically a product of the welfare state than I or other productive citizens. If you feel guilty about the child whose mother smoked crack and father who abandoned him, that is your choice. I do not. I did not contribute to that situation and I refuse to accept unearned guilt. I do of my own free will, have the right to help in a situation of my own choosing involving children who may benefit from such help. I do not need you to command me however. Maybe you should list the myriad of things you are doing personally with your own money to alleviate the situation of these children before you denigrate the ideas of those who have specific ideas of what will benefit them in the long run.
Untrained job applicants are not willing to become employed at slightly less than minimu wage and be taught a trade. What with the drug problem America is expeienceing and the desire to make top dollar though one lacks the ability to perform finding decent employees is next to impossible. The current generation entering the work force cares littles for anything but a good time and maximum wages. Does not desire to start at the bottom and be taught a trade but would rather just draw top dollar or remain unemployed.
A person willing to be a responsible employee, show up at start time, take care of company equiment (realizing the equipment is what makes your paycheck) and give 8 hours of work for 8 hours of pay is impossible to find. We need to start breeding employees with 4 hands - one to hold the cigarette, one to hold the cell phone, one to hold the cold drink and, possibly, one to work with.
A person desiring to work, be responsible and taught a trade has no problem finding a job. I would hire them in a minute.
To 7:40.10PM I am a small business owner and I don't resent Walmart. In fact I don't believe you can present to me a list of small businesses that have been run out of town by Walmart. That is simply a myth. We have tons of gas stations, pharmacies, grocery stores, appliance and television stores, furniture stores, liquor stores, shoe stores, clothing stores, gift shops, tire stores, auto stores, garden stores, florest, nurseries, hardware stores, optical shops, pizza stores, bookstores, video rentals, restaurants, jewelry stores, Optometrists, seafood markets, plumbing supply stores, electrical supply stores, swimming pool supply stores bakeries, donut shops, barber shops, and yes candie shops too many to mention. My point. Give freedom a chance and no one loses. No government subsidies just freedom.
"Slightly less than minimum wage should have read slighly more than minimu wage". Most job applicants are only interested in benefits. It takes an employer approximately one year to realize any profit on an employee that has to be taught a trade. For that year the new employee is a negative as for as profitability.
One thing people need to look at is that for many years our "trade schools" have taught auto mechanics, electronics and welding. The quality of teaching cannot be that great when we cannot supply qualified welders to build tank cars. The trade school system is a joke and solely a haven for minority malcontents looking for decent money and a title.
"Maybe you should list the myriad of things you are doing personally with your own money to alleviate the situation of these children before you denigrate the ideas of those who have specific ideas of what will benefit them in the long run."
I work with these children every day of the year except summers and holidays. I teach my own children hard working values and applaud those who do the same. I just want everyone to see the other side. Maybe I came across too harsh in my attempt. I can be a bit passionate.
I wonder why Lamar has to check out the current topic de jour of ths site in order to have something to pontificate upon on his site. He opines at great length on the Wal-Mart rate of pay. I wonder how much income Lamar actually realizes from his supposed Property Management activities, whether he developed these customers on his own or where they giving by Mother and Grandmother.
Lamar certainly has an opinion on many things but does he have any actually experience in the areas in which he knows the solutions too.
One would think without the insurance money proceeds from Daddy's "accident", Momma's stipend and Grandmothers funds Lamar would be another of our educated but broke experts.
Anonymous @8:45:46 PM
You are obviously jealous of Lamar for some reason. Why else would you bash him. So, so, simple.
Typical of today's "free thinkers" where by expressing a thought is bashing. Take it to the bank Lamar ain't been there, ain't done nothing and didn't buy the T-Shirt. His English degree with religious studies and surviving on the stipends of others qualifies him to know what is best for the working man.
Jealous - no. It is common knowledge that he has been taught well by his "better than tbhou" Grandmother and his knowledge of what is best for the common man exemplifies his Grandmother's teaching. She like power also. Ask the folks in the choir at church.
Actually he is a pompus asshole with visions of grandeure which makes him an easy target. Hell now that folks don't have Aymond to bother what would we do without little Lamar?
I should have added that my brother's retort to my nephew saying "Then their parents should work!" was "Yes, but that's not the kid's fault."
I don't appreciate people calling my nephew a "lucky fucker" just because his family is full of people who work for what they have. I understand the concept of the viscious cycle of poverty, but I disagree that I should have to work hard and hand over my money to people who sit at home and watch TV, drink, or just laze around all day. I disagree with that BIG TIME. If it weren't MY money, I wouldn't give a shit what they did.
To the person who said: "Sure there are a lot of people who don't work and are supported by the government dole, but there are also people that are broke due to failing businesses, lost jobs, catastropic illness, death of a wage earning spouse and numerous other reasons." THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE THE WELFARE SYSTEM WAS MEANT TO HELP. Welfare, food stamps, WIC, and Medicaid were designed to be a temporary crutch (except in the case of truly disabled or elderly). But it has become a way of life for SO MANY.
I don't care if you all think this makes me a bigot, a jerk, unsympathetic, or an asshole. The whole damn system needs to be revamped so the "lifers" are made to get off the government dole and WORK FOR A LIVING.
All of this anit-Lamar rhetoric is symptomatic of the backwards thinking within our corporate limits. He may not be right but you know what - he has the balls to propose ideas and back them up with research and example. In the end we may not implement Lamar's strategy but his ideas may be the impotus that spurs to think outside if the box. Tragicly, the average blogger does not offer alternatives to Lamar's ideas they siply try to attack and discredit him. I must say that this trait has been readily apparent since Day 1 of this blog: if you do not agree with an idea or position you should immediately attack the presenter on a personal level being sure to throw in a few profanities for added effect.
Grow up people. If you don't like an idea, fine. Propose something better or shut up! It's time for the personal attacks to stop and stop NOW!!!!!
I think the personal and family attacks on Lamar are infantile. Get a life.
You "ain't" seen nothing yet. In 2008 we will elect a Democratic President. Watch the rapid expansion of benefits to those less fortunate. The chronic welfare receipiants, the dregs of society, those to lazy to get off their dead ass and get a job and the illegitimate baby making machines are the power base, along with the different lifestylers, of the Democrats and the party is going to reward their members.
I have a life. I have a very fullfilling life filled with many assets that "I" earned. No one gave them to me, I didn't need a wet behind the ears grandson of a silk stocking family to lead me to the promised land. I earned them through the sweat of my labors and by taking risks.
I just happen to think Lamar is full of shit. He has no credentials, unless God spoke to him during his Religious classes, to become the local guru as to what is best for us. He has no background, training or certification in anything useful in a working world. Yet he pontificates from his mountain on high as to what us mere mortals need to make our life complete. He learned his attitude from aprofessional - Grandmother.
So fuck em.
I happen to think you are full of shit.
Actually I order my coffee on-line from Costa Rica. When you can afford it go first class. I typically have those items utilized in my hobbies customed built and if I wore underwear it would be of the finest quality. I have it made. I earned it through my knowledge, my ability to comprhend and learn and by providing the customer a quality product at a fair price.
Also, I don't have a wrought iron fence where I post signs bad mouthing those I have a disagreement with.
In essence, I am happy, financially secure, and as long as Bud Light is sold, will enjoy life.
Life is truly good.
Anonymous @8:45:46 PM
Typical of today's "free thinkers"... I hardly call what your saying as thoughts. You have no thoughts other than negative retort. Your words mean nothing. Grandma this, mother that, seems you know the family well. Well enough to know personal stuff. I think your a creep. And you know it!!!
Name one thing Lamar has produced. Name one original idea. Name one job Lamar has finished. Why did he quit Rice. Who the hell is he that we who have made our way in life should listen to.. Hell, most of us are twice his age, and made 100 times what he has earned. We employ people, support the community etc. What has that little fucker done other than preach socialism and denigrate those who acutally do procuce something. You little lemmings that follow him need to get used to the taste of salt water.
What do you care what he has produced? Are you jealous of him? He sure is a hell of a lot smarter than you are. Geez...just shut up.
"Actually I order my coffee on-line from Costa Rica." yeah, and i bet it's "fair trade".
"and if I wore underwear it would be of the finest quality. I have it made". To fit your especially fat ass.
Lamar didn't quit Rice. He graduated at the top of his class.
He is smarteer than we - he has to plagarize the topic of the day from this site, he has to post others work in order to have an opinion and has little, if any, participation on his site. Yes he is smart. Only problem is what is he smart in other than living off of family stipends. Yes I know the family well. He is just a high class welfare recipiant - from the family instead of the state. Jealous - sure yea your right. I so envy the little spineless non-producer.
Wow. You sound truly disturbed. Has he hurt you personally, or are you solely bashing him because of envy? I think you should go see a counselor about that.
So what if he lives off his family money, which incidentally I have no idea. How does that harm you? It's not like he's taking money out of your pockets. Deal with it.
Wouldn't it be interesting to know what benefits and what guaranteed salary level Caldwell White Real Estate provides their employees?
Wouldn't it be interesting to find out if Caldwell White actually has employees or are they independent contractors thus provided no benefits or guaranteed salary level?
Wouldn't it be interesting to find out what projects Caldwell White is involved in in downtown, in any of the quarters, in Samtown/Woodside and out 28 west?
The White family doesn't own Coldwell Banker anymore. They sold it to Pelican in Lafayette over two years ago.
Ha ha....wouldn't it be interesting if you had the facts???
Dear Lucky Fucker's Uncle,
I don't want anybody to take anything away from you or force you to give or force you to do anything. I would hope that you would feel concern for others as a natural part of your makeup and you would be inclined to want to help the helpless. Not the lazy and shiftless (your shorthand for you-know-who) but the truly unfortunate. I would hope that you would want others to be happy and fulfilled and I would also hope that you would impart your generous and caring values to little Lucky Fucker. If your brother told little LF that it wasn't the little poor kid's fault and that we should want them to be happy, then the little Fucker really is lucky. That was not the original message however. I promise you that if you instill values that make Lucky want to work at Manna House or CASA for the betterment of others he will be a much better and much happier and much more productive Fucker.
By the way, I am a well-educated and relatively successful professional, not a parasite. My family and I give willingly and proudly to those that need help and we want no credit or recognition for our acts of kindness but I assure you that it has its own great reward. Try it.
What do you expect him to do...he's only like 22 0r 23. You probably live off of your wifes money.
St. Nick,
First of all, I'm an aunt, not an uncle.
Second, you act as if I have a differing opinion from yours. I do not. I wholeheartedly agree that we should help the less fortunate. I resent, however, being forced to help the lazy and shiftless, not the helpless. Yes, I am forced. They do not ask my permission when they take taxes out of my paycheck. They do not ask me where I think the money they take from me should go. They take it and do with it what they wish. I realize that I have a voice at election time, but it's still disheartening to work hard for something and see my money go to unproductive breeders, no matter what their race.
You know nothing of me or my family, so your assumption that we don't also give without recognition is false. We are very giving, thoughtful, and helpful people that do things for the less fortunate in our community and we instill those values in our children. We also instill in them the value of education and hard work, which I believe is very important.
A friend of mine was behind a woman at (coincidentally) Wal Mart when the woman asked the cashier "have y'all gotten [a 14-year-old relative of the cashier's]pregnant yet?" The cashier said no. The customer said, "You better hurry up. Do you know how much money y'all are missing out on?" THOSE are the people I resent supporting. THOSE are the people that I think should be cut off from the government teat TODAY. If you think that makes me uncaring, then so be it.
"All Wal-Mart is good for is running other local businesses out of town. Places like hardware stores, shoe stores, candy stores, you name it and you know it."
Anddo these other local businesses offer health insurance?? NO. Did Peoples Shoes have a health plan?? Did the little candy store in the mall?? Did ToysRUS pay more than Walmart?? I doubt it.
I think that the American ethic requires us to insure survival of all but that is my personal view. I admire and respect your generosity and am glad that you impart a sympathetic and caring feeling to your children. I am glad that you share with those that you deem worthy. And I'm sorry that I called your nephew a Lucky Fucker.
Your experience at Walmart illustrates the impossibility of it all. When the 14 year old gets pregnant at her parent's direction, what will the rest of her life necessarily be like. And her offspring, what will their values and lifestyle and future be. The secret is to break the cycle but how can you do that without killing a couple generations? Remember, we taught the the total dependence so we could control them.
Why do you people talk about Lamar every single day of the week?
It's bizarre and obsessive.
You are not discrediting him. You're only making him more popular.
When you talk about his family and his education, you're only making him more relevant.
I really don't understand what the objective is.
He's a young man,a friend of the mayor, and he likes to express his opinion.
Is this a threat to you or do you just frequently obsess about young men?
It's just weird.
St. Nick,
You said, "The secret is to break the cycle but how can you do that without killing a couple generations?" That is the million dollar question.
Get over this Lamar crap!! Find some positive way to get rid of all your negativity. What the hell has Lamar done to you? He is acting MUCH MORE MATURE than you bitchers and whiners.
Many people who are disagreeing with the ideas Lamar has advanced are people who work hard and believe that Lamar is being hypocritical and dishonest. You can't advocate socialistic dogma and say you are a capitalist. You can't look at the pages of logical reasons why Walmart is an excellent corporate citizen and just revert back to plagiarized rantings on your website. Logic has no place apparantly in his opinion making process and he refuses to concede a point even when it has been disproven in a hundred different ways. This makes Lamar look immature and intellectually dishonest regardless of his IQ I noticed St. Nick issued an apology and a determination to understand and solve the problem rather than hardheadly stick to his previous guns. This is a sign of intellectual honesty and incidentally how this site will benefit us all. And Lamar posts on here daily so it is hard to ignore his opinions which many think are dangerous and must be refuted. Many just believe before one should show a village how to hunt for their food, or grow a garden, that person should have shot a gun before or picked up a hoe(one that he bought with money he earned). These are some of the opinions of others that have posted on this site that make sense to them. I find no fault with their logic nor have I called anyone a name, denigrated their family, sounded anti-poor folks, or any other of the things people who disagree with Lamar are usually accused of doing. Lamar should stand on his own two feet and defend his opinions with whatever ammunition he has, but learn to improve them when logical advise is provided. Try that for awhile and see if it works. Unless of course he really is omnipotent.
I don't think you have to have a toothache to be a good dentist. Lamar's ideas are not new, and generally not his, but they are not empty or bad or anything but ideas. I agree with Smart Growth as a concept and as an objective. Todays Town Talk talks about Smart Abandonment which probably has more practical application than Growth. I differ with Lamar on how downtown fits into the plan. I don't declare that I'm right, I just fundementally disagree with Lamar's priorities. That being said, I think we should embrace Lamar's enthusiasm and interest and participation and his youth.
There are so many of us who don't want to let Lamar into the water until he knows how to swim. That is not a logical order to things. Let him think and dream and talk and I hope that the best of all of our ideas gain traction.
"All Wal-Mart is good for is running other local businesses out of town. Places like hardware stores, shoe stores, candy stores, you name it and you know it."
Wal-Mart carries all of the lines and products I need? Clint Ward an leave the doors locked on Monday? Hardly!
What shoe store has Wal-Mart put out of business? Hell they sell better quality shoes at Sam's.
Find some better facts before you begin your arguement. You obvioisly never participated in deabte as a high-schooler.
First, not all poor people are crack ingesting mothers. Did it ever occur to you that military families actually meet the requirements for food stamps and other government subsidies and that many, after working all day in their government low paying job work a second job just to make ends meet? When a soldier ships out to war, their families have a hard time paying utitily bills, phone bills, etc. This is just one example of who the working poor includes. There are others and there also not just Wal-Mart employees.
Second, the little kid who made the comment maybe they should get a job needs a quick reality check. His father should have yanked his ass up and put him in the car and drove him to Manna House, Hope House or to VOA after school to see kids that might have received one of his old toys. Again, not all poor people are poor because they don't have a job, some are paid below the living wage.
And now for the Coldwell Banker debate. It you're going to blast a company, at least spell the damn name correctly. The company was sold over a year ago. All of the real estate agents are independent agents - they do not have a guaranteed salary - either you sell a home and close the deal or you don't get paid. PERIOD. There are a few employees there, but Lamar Jr. has NEVER been one - he works for a property management firm his mother set up - ELM Tree - or at least he did. I don't know if he still does. Frankly, I don't care what he does.
As for Wal-Mart, go visit Bunkie and see what happens when first Wal-Mart comes to town and closes your local stores and then pulls out to create a super center. Towns like Alexandria and Pineville can survive with Wal-Mart. Many of our small businesses CAN survive because they specialize and carry products Wal-Mart won't stock. They also have the ability to provide REAL CUSTOMER SERVICE - something you're not going to get at Wal-Mart, despite their in-store greeter.
Wal-Mart represents a lot of what is wrong with our national economy today. We have become a SERVICE economy rather than a GOODS PRODUCING economy. We used to be a nation where we invented products, developed the technology to produce them and did so here. Other countries copied us or bought the technology. The reverse is true today. We are slowly losing our ability to innovate. We have shipped most of our labor intensive jobs out of our borders. Traditional manufacturing is dying in this country, along with innovation. Wal-Mart topping the Fortune 500 list should have been a HUGE warning to everyone to wake up, but it wasn't. Something has got to change or we'll all be making below the "living wage" and need one of that little shits toys for Christmas in the future.
Do you have any idea who much of the middle class income goes to the government now. Add income taxes, social security, sales, property, franchise, and you will fine more than 50% of every penny made goes to the state. Just look at gasoline taxes which is many times the profit Exxon makes on a gallon. How much more do you think the people who work can stand before they have nothing left for their family. I don't mind Lamar jumping in the pool even if he knows not how to swim, I just don't want him to insist his method of swimming is better than mine or that he and his ilk force my kid to swim like he thinks he should. Jump in Lamar, the waters fine, but let others enjoy it too, especially the ones who built the pool and maintain it.
We have just finally witnessed two well-reasoned well defined well expressed opposing opinions, free of personal attack or bigotry. This is the blog at it's very highest moment. Thank you, anonymi, for showing us that it can be done. I wish to hell I had been one of the posters.
Good article in the Town Talk this morning about the trauma of suddenly finding that the job that you have relied on and devoted yourself to for dozens of years is suddenly gone because of company failure or market change or economic down turn or health decline, management or ownership change or any number of reasons that are not the fault of or under the control of the fired party. Somebody needs to put little Lucky Fucker on his knee and share this article with him. Teach compassion and don't be so quick to call a homeless guy a crack addict or a worthless soul. Believe me, it could be you or little Lucky the next time the ax falls.
12:04 when I posted the above long response I hadn't read the TT - I only read online and did not see that story there, but you're making my point. Changes in our marketplace automatically impact jobs. By marketplace I don't just mean Alexandria either - the marketplace today is GLOBAL.
Companies today are looking for ways to be more productive through technological advances, which means fewer employees. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Good, because we are headed towards a serious labor crunch. The post-baby boomer population produced a fraction of what is needed in regards to labor force (persons between 18-55). This is going to drive up the costs of labor. At the same time fewer people paying into retirement systems for some of these companies - the car manufacturers have already seen this coming for years - means there won't be enough money in the system to cover the number of retirees drawing out of the system. The same holds true for social security.
Globally we saw labor intensive jobs go to Mexico and China first because they had large numbers of "working" aged people in their population, as that changes the shift has gone to India and other countries on the Asian continent. The shift for labor intensive will ALWAYS follow who has the largest population segment and can afford to work for the cheapest labor. Eventually, this will play out. The African continent has not yet become a player, and cannot until it resolves many other issues - education, AIDS, social reform, political reform, etc. They are the next continent with the large population boom.
The changing demographics in population at home (the US) alters what products and services are in demand and what needs to be produced. It even alters the way homes are constructed and renovated. I once sat in a lecture where an economist suggested making investments based on where the largest segment of the population was spending their money. That way you would always be on top. In a sense, that is what companies do everyday in deciding what products to continue to manufacture and what new product lines to develop.
How long will Billy Gunn's "cure" take? I kinda miss him.
No, I didn't... I dropped out of school, got a job at wal-mart started breeding with my mate and then procedded to get on welfare.
I do know the facts and we could debate on the issues or pros and cons of having a new walmart. Here's the thing..there's already 2. One in Alexandria..1 in Pineville.
One can prove Walmart doesn't run stores out of business as has been done on this site by listing scores who are still doing fine and failing to exhibit any that failed due to Walmart and it just doesn't matter to some, they refuse to accept the truth. Also it was pointed out that the businesses that compete with Walmart pay salaries usually less the Walmart and with less benefits and it matters not to their detractors because they will not admit the truth. Providing jobs for those who have lost theirs through no fault of their own doesn't see to impress those who hate Walmart and it is hatred as you can see by the previous post. But you know what, it just doesn't matter whether you like a business that comes to towm, it is a free country and we all have a shot at the pursuit of our goals and if it is the profit motive that floats our boat, then it is not your right to try to stop us. It is that business' property and apparantly many millions are happy with Walmart or they would not shop and work there.
Consumers shop at Wal-Mart for one reason ONLY - low prices. The average consumer doesn't know how much the stocker or the clerk makes, nor does the average consumer know those same persons aren't being afforded healthcare coverage. All the average consumer is concerned with is putting food on their table and clothes on their back. Why do you think Dollar Stores are so numerous? This is the same reason check cashing places and check advance places are so prosperous in our area. People here are barely making a "living wage" and have no choice but to take pay day loans and shop at places offering cheap prices to survive. By the way, it's not just the "poor" people doing this - it's people who go to work everyday.
From Lamar's post on 12/26 at 1:42:35 PM:
"Families probably won't want to live downtown, but that doesn't mean that young professionals, artists, and..."
I disagree! My family (2 parents, 1 child & an annoyingly sweet cat) is most definitely interested in living downtown. And before anyone assumes we're rich, spoiled, white-folk - our family of 3 (and a 1/2) lives on barely more than the median family income for Alexandria (at least according to Wikipedia). We buy what we need and not a lot of unnecessary (at least for us) "toys." We do enjoy spending time in art galleries, museums, etc. We also enjoy plays, musicals, ballets - what did someone else refer to that as... "Yankee New York culture." That's why we'd really like to see options for affordable downtown housing - not just $250,000 condos and such. I'd love to find a building where we could live AND work.
And as for this blog being like an "unmoderated bulletin board, in which posters anonymously express opinions in an unorganized, cascading fashion" - I understand what you mean. Most blogs (especially ones with high-readership) are updated regularly with comments (for the most part) related to the original blog post. I think the discussions that take place on this blog are better suited to a messageboard format. It would make wading through the topics easier and less time-consuming.
As a high school teacher, I would like to comment. No one "has" to work at Walmart. Anyone who takes the required core subjects and maintains a decent GPA can get a TOPS scholarship to college. anyone. there are way too many students out there who don't even bother. i understand that they have parents that don't care, but anyone can do it. schools are required to offer free tutoring. if you really want more, it can be yours. No child left behind.
KT, thank you for your response; I don't think we actually disagree on anything, and there are probably many people, just like you, who would like to see a more functional, multi-use downtown-- family-friendly and filled with opportunities for people to enjoy the cultural arts.
There has never been anything stopping people from living downtown. I just don't remember in Alexandria's history anyone doing so. Maybe because it doesn't make much sense to those that have the capital to invest. If downtown is booming, then it is more profitable for commercial development and if it has fallen into disrepair with crime having crept in, then possibly it not a good investment as people want housing in safer places located in other areas. Since I can't recall a time people ever lived downtown, what's the big deal. Maybe for us simpleton's who just don't get it, someone more progressive will develop some moderate houses which would accommodate families and those attuned to single living. I'm not in that business but if I was and thought it was a great idea I think I would get together some investers and turn into the next Donald Trump. I'll be pulling for you.
Isn't it funny almost everyday someone brings up a post on Lamar's blog which garners a response from Lamar. All warm and fuzzy I might add. Just thought that was a topical, telling observation. But by all means don't pick on the boy or discuss his opinions. Hmmmmmm. Could something be going on that exhibits hidden agendas? Hmmmmm!
I don't believe that you are a highschool teacher. Nobody could be that completely out of touch and still be able to find their classroom every day. The problem is not the properly inspired motivated students who have a supportive family who has instilled the value of education and hard work in thier capable offspring. The problem are the millions of kids who are the offspring of millions of kids of millions etc. etc. who have no education, no work ethic, no sense of familial or social responsibility, probable genetic and health problems, are dependent on sub-survival incomes from the government, and have been given no reason to remain in school beyond the manditory 9th grade level. That is the cycle that we need to interrupt if we are ever going to have a society with work ethic and creativity. And, heaven forbid, if you are a teacher, I hope that you find another calling where you won't be exposing growing minds to your abysmal ignorance. Try government.
As a high school teacher you SHOULD also be aware that every child is NOT college material. In today's world a college degree is not required for many of the positions - including some that boast 6 figure salaries. These positions require a technical certification or even an associates degree. TOPS has been a great option for people who otherwise would not have been afforded the opportunity to attend college. YES - it's great, but it's NOT the answer for everyone.
Our technical college system lags behind most employers in our region in teaching the skills required TODAY. That means someone who had been taking welding, learned to weld, but not for the jobs in our area or even for off-shore. The recent upgrades to the school and changes in curriculum should solve that problem. Until an incumbent worker grant provided new equipment and insight for the auto shop, the same was true there.
Teaching outdated skills does not help produce a skilled labor force. Our construction workforce needs carpenters, electricians, and the like who can do more than "build a birdhouse" or "wire a lamp." The buildings themselves, along with the curriculum MUST be brought into the real world. Students who are looking to go into HVAC or appliance repair have a difficult time getting real world experience on air conditioners and appliances. Why? Because instructors and students were taking donating items, meant to be used for learning, fixing them and then selling them and putting the money in their pocket. As a result, the schools can no longer accept broken washers, dryers, microwaves, etc. for students to perform "live" work. A solution has to be found. In fact one was proposed, but no one listened.
Back to high school - while you're instructing those future workers, you might want to also tell them how important it is to show up everyday. If they can't come to your class, how the hell do you think they're going to understand they need to show up for work??? Employers are constantly complaining about absenteeism and work ethic. Perhaps, you could provide guidance to your students there as well.
Common thread too "Hmmmmm" Lamar blog good, cenla antics bad.
Actually Donald until recently the City had an ordinance against residents and residential establishments within a certain portion of downtown. That was changed within the past two years. This is probably why you have no memory of anyone living downtown.
Solution to education. Privitization of education and vouchers until private schools are up and running.
Hmmmmmmm - I noticed he has yet to respond to the numerous requests to tell us what he has accomplished and what his experience is that makes his the authority on revitalizing downtown, along with everything else that's wrong with Alexandria.
I meant there were not a lot of homes there, We had the Bolton's, Joe Dellmon, and a few very nice homes downtown so I'm not sure how they were there if it was against the law.
"Hmmmmmmm - I noticed he has yet to respond to the numerous requests to tell us what he has accomplished and what his experience is that makes his the authority on revitalizing downtown, along with everything else that's wrong with Alexandria."
Remind me again, what was your name?
Sorry, I remember faces; I just sometimes have a hard time remembering names.
Lamar, how would his name be relevant to your accomplishments. You can do better than that.
No, it's just that I have a difficult time remembering names, and since it seems like he's interested in having an intellectually honest conversation, I'd at least like to know who I'm addressing.
To both of the HS teacher detractors:
Re-read the post. He/she does not spout some utopian dream, he/she simply states that everyone has the same opportunity. What they do with that opportunity defines the course of their life.
You get out of life what you put into it. Go see The Pursuit of Happyness and then come back and tell me a person cannot overcome their circumstances.
Lamar, I agree that you don't need the poster's name to give a response. Very poor excuse. Just answer the question to the time posted. We're waiting.
To 4:25:51 I guess Lamar will not answer your question. I wonder why that question has been asked by many on many different occasions and now he acknowledges it but refuses to answer it until he can write down in his little brown book the names of the questioners. Maybe "they have relatives in the old country"? You will never get an answer, but we all know the answer. Incidentally the answer should not be addressed to you or to me, but to all of those to whom he wishes to share his "opinions".
To Hmmmmmmmmmm 4:17:43. You could be on to something. He's now taking names. I'm gonna watch a little more closely myself now.
Lamar, while you're at it, please post more pictures of yourself.
Preferably shirtless photos... but we'll be satisfied with whatever you can share.
Why do you want this to be about Lamar instead of about ideas? If Lamar's ideas are sound, they are sound whether or not he has empire building credentials. If the ideas are not sound, they are now sound regardless of his background. So why deal with the person? Deal with the ideas.
I have some shirtless John Sams pictures if that would help.
To the high school teacher (Anon 3:38:54 PM):
Are you really a high school teacher? If so, for how long? I ask because you seem woefully ignorant about the ways in which different people learn.
I'm not saying that anyone "has" to work at Walmart. I'm a big believer in personal choices. I also don't believe friends who say they "have" to work full-time immediately after having their babies or at jobs that they hate. I disagree - are they working so hard to pay for the new car that they "had" to have? Or the beyond-their-means house that they "have" to live in. Or the expensive jewelry or clothes they "have" to wear to fit in? But I digress...
You're assuming that everyone learns in the same ways. The truth is that the U.S. public education system isn't equipped to handle ALL children and the variety of ways in which they learn best. No Child Left Behind doesn't work for all children.
As an example (which I know is a very limited and personal example): I floated my way through my entire school career. I went to private school until 8th grade, then went to public high school. I hardly studied, maintained good grades & made a 31 on my ACT test in high school. I was in many clubs, including Honor Society. I naturally "learned" material just by sitting in class, sometimes reading the assignments & studying friends' notebooks for 10 minutes before class. My teachers all loved me. I got a full academic scholarship upon graduation. My husband, on the other hand, had a much harder time in school. He was (and still is) not a fast reader. It takes him much longer to wade through information. He attended private, religious school for several years and then entered public elementary school. At his new school, his teacher publicly ridiculed him for not being able to write in cursive (which wasn't taught at his previous school). This is the first of many examples of lack of support from his teachers. My husband finds it difficult to learn in large lecture groups. It's easier for him to learn by doing or learn in smaller lecture/discussion groups. It's easier for him to stay still and focus if he can doodle or draw while listening. He was frequently reprimanded for doodling in class while he was supposed to be listening. (Because we all know that a person can't possibly do 2 things at once and that kids are made to be totally still and quiet, right? Ummm, not so much.) He was in non-honors classes because he was not a "smart kid." His teachers spent most of their time on discipline, not teaching. He had only 2 or 3 high school teachers he considered mentors - his art teachers.
And what became of our tragic heroes? (Sorry, I've been watching Romeo & Juliet with my homeschooled daughter). I really didn't "learn" much in high school. Well... I learned how to memorize facts and perform well on standardized tests. I didn't learn to be true to myself. I'm over 30 years old and just now trying to learn who I am (without all the expectations from others). My husband is a successful, self-taught graphic artist and interactive designer who shares his enthusiasm for art (the enthusiasm that was almost squashed by teachers who thought they knew better) with his daughter (and with every other person who shows an interest). He's a loving husband and what you would probably call a productive member of society. With little thanks to our public education system and without a day of college.
KT. Best comment I've heard here in month's. Noticed you home schooled your kid. Good luck to you and your family. I think you have a lucky kid who will have many doors open to her.
I'm sorry but if I'm looking at architects, I want to see some of their work and check out his credentials to perform such work. Lamar's ideas and opinions have been shown to lack a logical basis and are more like pie in the sky dreams than well thought out premises. So many just want to know what credentials and experience in the field of those particular thoughts he has shared with us. I agree if his ideas are sound, they will be regardless of who utters them, but he is relentless in putting his name and picture forward, even more than any ideas he has, on this blog. It is only logical that we want to know more about the experiences, credentials and past masterplans he has developed and brought to fruition.
What the hell are you talking about?
Lamar's not an architect or an urban planner, and he's not trying to be.
He's a writer who is making a case.
He cares about Alexandria and has already done more to energize a conversation than anyone has in the past ten years.
I was using architecture as an example not implying Lamar was one. But you are still evading the question which is your right
To me, Lamar is the only person on this Blog who uses his real name. It could be his youth. Are you ashamed of what you have to say?? Is he critized only because you know who he is?? Who else has ideas AND will use their real name??
Who else has ideas AND will use their real name??
Apparently you are new to this Blog, as there are several people who use their real names, and all have been attacked by nameless cowards on here.
That's true but they were attacked for their ideas (KKK member, bigot, dogmatic religious nuts, anti semite and catholic and black and mexican and poor). So if you are a marginal nut, stay anonymous.
So if you are a marginal nut, stay anonymous.
We are indeed fortunate to have an open minded beiver in free speech such as you on this Blog. Tellus your name so we can talk about you dor a change.
That's true but they were attacked for their ideas (KKK member, bigot, dogmatic religious nuts, anti semite and catholic and black and mexican and poor).
Ahh, I smell a commie pinko homosexual in our midst.
8;25:37 & 11:18:13
It's good to see that you are taking my advice to remain anonymous if you are a marginal.
All of you anonymous who are attacking us who choose to remain anonymous, are you just being a little hypocritical?
All I have to say to you little mindless sheep who follow Lamar is Baaaahhh!
What are his ideas?
Obvious penis envy.
Please tell your ideas for moving Alexandria forward.
Could the blog resolution for the new year be to leave Lamar alone and discuss the issues that really matter to the City?
"What's the word on Trey's replacement with Kelvin?"
Any more word?
This site should reveal its real name: CENLA BAFOONS
Wait a minute folks. Mr. 12:06:49 who has painted everyone that agrees with anything the Lamar has proposed as "mindless sheep". You don't think that anyone would make a broad sweeping statement like that unless they had formulated a cogent and progressive plan for our lovely city that was far superior to any other other suggestions. I have a feeling that this anonymous poster has the holy grail of city plans. And I am sure that he would not be so amazingly chickenshit as to not openly share it with us here in this forum. Take it away, sir. What is your plan?
Lamar has to use his name, elst he would get no attention on which he thrives. His ideas or opinions get shot down with steely logic and he sends in his little sheep to attack the sane people in this community who disprove his schemes. He diverts by changing the subject but still gets his name and picture on every day. It is his motives that are now questionable. It appears he is trying to build a power base and there are many reasons to remain anonymous on a blog, all of which are rational and been mentioned on this site. One Lamar fan said only his ideas matter not family etc. The same goes for others who post, but for some the consequences of their revealing their identy could cost them their job, customers, and even be dangerous. You are right, there are bigots, racists, homophobes,etc out there and I can understand a high percentage of ration members of the community remaining anonymous as I do. And incidentally, there have been numerous attempts to direct Alex. in the right direction, and no matter how thoughtfully the virtues of capitalism have been displayed and specifically attached to the local problems being discussed, the Lamar brigade goes on as if logic has no place in their world, which it apparantly does not. Then a litany of name calling, laying on of guilt, chalanging ones manhood, bashing anonymity etc. And finally "lay off of poor Lamar". He seems to be gathering quite a crowd or posting those little ditties himself.Another trick is to call a detractor a hatemonger and malcontent generally and divert attn. from his ideas. Interesting tactic. Well life goes one. Happy New Year from an anonymous citizen.
Shhhhhhhhh! 12:06:49 is about to reveal his detailed plan with reasons and explanations of what we should do and why (his plan) and what we shouldn't do and why (Lamar's plan). There have been "outrageous" suggestions that this is a forum for personal attacks on Lamar & Co. but we will see that it is unfounded. We are about to witness an intelligent, well thought out, practical plan for our city, aren't we 12:06:49? You are gonna show us sheep.
Dear 10:16:22,
Are you delusionsal and just plain crazy? All of things you describe have happened on this blog but were inflicted upon Lamar not contrived and executed by Lamar et al.
Lamar is learning, by the hardest, that this community is not very accepting of new ideas. Somedays I'm surprised they allow the sale of computers inside the city limits.
Wake up, grow up, and move one.
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience." - George Bernard Shaw
Something this Blog needs is an understanding that one can present opposing views and debate them, without resorting to small minded personal attacks. Saying something similar to "Yo momma" doesn't really prove or disprove a point does it? Lamar, nor any of the others that have been attacked on here, deserve personal attacks for expressing their views, and those ladies and gentlemen seem the more intelligent.
It is not required that one have an alternate plan to recognize the fallacies of one. As an example, if locusts were invading Alex and someone suggested we drop a nuclear device in the heart of Rapides Parish, One might want to disagree even though offhand he does not have the solution to locust invasion. So don't you think that tired argument should be abandoned and not surface again.
This city is very accepting of new things. We have a black city council and a 16 year old mayor.
"Wake up and smell the grits, Bitch!"
George Bernard Jefferson
Good morning Sheep Dip and Happy New Year. Many on this blog have expressed disdain with the whole idea of planning. Not with individual planning one does with his property and life, but the planning some ordained planner does with another's property. The free market has proved numerous times that it works and all the planners in the world can't do a better job, so many of us don't want a plan forced on us, paid for with our money, so someone who contributed nothing can force his ideas down our throat. That's my plan and I think a lot of folks find merit in it. We are not advocating that you planners do anything you do not wish to do and as long as you do not violate our individual rights plan away. Just finance your plan yourself along with all of us who finance the planning of our lives.
George, I gotta luv ya!
Now George is what Amurica is all about.
Plans are an unfortunate necessity. One has to decide where to put the streets and utilities and provide for police and fire protection. That these simple concepts would escape you is scarey.
I realize that you do not mean what you said. You are just reluctant to admit that what you are resisiting is any plan by Lamar and not Lamar's plan. It is difficult to have meaningful dialogue when you are not willing to admit that you are mean, petty, and totally full of shit. I hope that you won't take this as a personal criticizm.
This blog is amazing. I leave for a brief vacation with family and some cretin impersonates me, doing a poor job at that. That being said, my imposter does raise an interesting point, credibility.
I have read posts made elsewhere by various bloggers who frequent Cenla Antics. Most comment on the current state of local and national affairs, but one young man from a prominent Alexandria family has taken the additional step of proposing a course that local government should take, utilizing public funds. Most of his ideas concern quality of life issues.
No doubt, Alexandria has many quality of life issues that need to be addressed, but using public money to convert certain sections of the city into a haven for artists and musicians, should not be high on a list of priorities. Alexandria has much more pressing needs than funding a French Quarter like transformation of downtown.
I suppose that his youthful exuberance has overshadowed logical progress.
Survey Says: Yes, it is proper to advance an idea, even it was conceived by others in another community. Yes, these concepts are worthy of consideration, however, just because these concepts were successful in other communities does not guarantee that they will be successful here. Perhaps a wiser course of action would be to work out all the details, including private funding, before adopting a concept as your own and attempting to sell it to the public. An old adage holds true: If you are not willing to invest YOUR money into a project, then don’t expect others to invest in your bad idea. It’s not a good way to build credibility.
The feathers and bones have spoken…
Thank you SOOTH! I believe many of us - that would exclude the name callers and family bashers - have been trying to make that same exact point.
Lamar went to the City with a plan to save Bringhurst - was he going to do it with his own money - no! He wanted public participation first and then he would create a non-profit and seek out grants - both private and public to continue to run the course.
Whenever economic development or community projects actually WORK in a community it is because the PRIVATE side has skin in the game - it means they've got as much to lose if not more than the public entity participating.
We can go back to the Wal-Mart debate on this one. Yes, the City is putting in turning lanes and doing some drainage upgrades, but in the end would the City lose if this venture fails? (Let's just say it wasn't Wal-Mart so everyone could accept the failure part ok?) NO, why because we have improved a heavily traveled road and drainage to an area that is in high growth mode whether we like it or not. The water and sewer improvements that are taking place were already on the books for years and quite frankly need to take place if we ever plan on seeing places like Cloverdale come into the City.
The City participated in the UTLX project - was this wrong? NO! Why? They are benefitting the most from the increased disposable income since most shopping takes place in Alexandria. They have also benefitted from those who chose Alexandria over Pineville to purchase new homes. Their expenditures outweigh their returns.
The public entity should be their to provide a foundation for free enterprise to thrive and grow. It should not be giving handouts to anyone who walks in with the next good idea.
As for the comments regarding planning - proper planning should include input from the areas being impacted, but at the same time should show some forethought on our administration to prepare for what is already occurring.
If you disagree with Sheep Dip then you are mean, petty and totally full of shit. I guess that ends this discussion.
I consider that real progress. We agree that you are full of shit but not necessarily "why".
How did sheep dip become "we"?
Sooth, I have missed you. Finally, some rational discourse.
you + I = we
And your contribution sheep dip was?
Pointing out your obvious but unfortunate problem. And you're welcome.
Wow, the new year has brought us brilliant ideas.
To the person who said, "Second, the little kid who made the comment maybe they should get a job needs a quick reality check. His father should have yanked his ass up and put him in the car and drove him to Manna House, Hope House or to VOA after school to see kids that might have received one of his old toys. Again, not all poor people are poor because they don't have a job, some are paid below the living wage."
If you had carefully read the posts that followed, you would see that I was not talking about hardworking folks that, for one LEGITIMATE reason or another, cannot make ends meet and need government assistance. YOU HAVE MISSED THE POINT! I assume you can read and know how to scroll up on a web page, so I won't reiterate my point in this post.
Also, I do not appreciate you calling my nephew a "little shit" just because he is being taught the value of hard work.
I have one child. Do you know why I have only one child? BECAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD TO HAVE TWO OR THREE OR SIX.
I do feel that we should take care of those that are less fortunate than us, but not those that are just lazy and feel they are entitled. Those that refuse the help they are given (education, trade school, or even a job, etc.) and prefer to hang around and make more babies make me SICK. I feel sorry for their offspring but unfortunately know that they will be lacking in values just like their parents.
I do not think it is fair that the members of my family have worked hard their entire lives to get what they have and that someone is TAKING money from our pockets. I'm not talking about the truly unfortunate, but about the lazy breeders. Why should they get to do NOTHING while I work my butt off? They give no regard to what will happen tomorrow, next week, or next year, because they know that the government will always be there with a handout.
It's just like the old story about the grasshopper and the ant. I'm an "ant" and I work hard for what I have. The "grasshoppers" need to do the same instead of expecting to share MY food over the long, cold winter.
Ouch, well said. You speak for the majority on this blog.
Isn't it funny some have so much compassion and understanding for the "poor" but a rabid hatred for those who support themselves by their own hand.
I agree with your philosophy. But please tell me this. What happens to the people who won't work. And what happens to the children of people that are worthless leaches? And what responsibility, moral or legal, do we have to the children of the worthless poor? And if we support the children of the worthless poor, aren't we just gooming some more worthless poor. It's a giant catch 22.
I think the churches need to step up and follow their own teachings. Less real estate in the millions and more help to the poor. Lower taxes on the workers and there will be more private money available for charitable donations. Reduce the welfare and more will have to work. The increase in govt entitlements has worsened the problem so began a systematic decrease of freebies along with tax decreases. That is the first step. Give more options for education with vouchers and a move to privatization of education. These are a few of the things than can begin the turnaround. There will always be some that are hopeless and mother nature and those that choose to intervene will handle those. It sounds cruel to some, but fairness oftentimes seems that way. In this country, there always seems to be enough folks who are charitable to solve the worst case senarios
Low wage jobs are necessary in our culture to give people the opportunity to enter the workforce and learn a trade or just that particular job. What good does it do for a young person to know that if he gets a job he'll be making $10.00 an hour when it is the fact that he has to be paid that amount that is keeping him from getting a job in the first place. Most people don't stay in min. wage jobs for long. Many move up and continue job training or other schooling in the company they work for. Employers want their employees to continue to excel as they are investing in them and turnover cost way more than encreasing the pay of good employee. They also become more willing to add on other benefits although it doesn't matter whether it is cash, vacations, health insurance, any benefit has a cash value and is part of the take home pay of the employee. Also the employer wants to keep this good employee and must pay enough to keep his competitors from offering his employees higher pay or benefits in order to lure them away which would force him to start the training process all over again which is a very expensive part of running a business. There is no guarantee that minimum wage worker once hired and while worth little until trained will stay for long after the time and money has been invested in him. A real financial risk the employer takes. When a minimum wage is aritrarily forced on the economy it in reality hurts all, the prospective employee, the employer and the consumer who must pay the logically following increase in cost of living. It always sounds good to just force someone to give his worker a higher amount than the market dictates, but reality does not allow these arbitrary decisions. If it were workable and morally correct, why stop at $10.00, why not $20 or $30 ad infinitum. Walmart's wages are not made by some Hillbilly potentate with a dollar sign on his vest in Benton Arkansas, but by you and I and all of the market forces in play here and throughout the world. I can't change them and neither can anyone else and any attempt on reduces the efficiency of their operation which hurts us all. There may be issues not addressed but I think any justification for the minimum wage can be proven ill advised.
Several years ago, I had a heart attack. I work and no insurance is provided by my employer, so I purchased the only policy I could find a7 $700.00, due to pre-existing conditions. I later had more medical problems, which my doctor wanted to run several tests on. My policy doesn't cover those out patient tests, so I called Huey Long to see about having them done there. I was informed by them that I would have to give them financial information, as I had a job and earned an income, and found out it would cost me about the same for those tests at Huey P as at Rapides.
I couldn't afford those tests, and later had a stroke. Now I can no longer afford the small health policy I had, and, since I still work, I do not qualify for Social Security Disability.
To be honest, it really chaps my ass that I cannot obtain medical care, while my taxes are paying for medical care for elected politicians, government workers, the elderly, and those that do not work. There is no government programs helping me with my medical costs. I also wonder how long others can keep getting government benefits if the working taxpayer's health is not being taken care of. With the money spent by this government, I do not understand why every American, including the workers, cannot be provided with health care without facing bankruptcy. I also do not think it is fair to force the cost of health care onto small employers. If a Congressman can get free health insurance, then there is no dam reason that I shouldn't. Health care is more important than museums, grants to study cow farts or preserve old movies, or even a space station.
You have framed the issues perfectly. Are we a responsible nation that cares for our citizens enough to provide a dignified existence or not. We currently care for millions of illegal aliens, otheer criminals, and enemy prisoners of war. We do that because we feel as a nation that all people should have access to the basics of food, shelter, and healthcare. I guess my question is are you morally or legally entitled to these basic protections and services? I would like to think so.. There are those on here who obviously have never had to face the stresses that you have that suggest the "Darwinian" solution. Simply stated, if you can't shift for yourself, you die. I don't think that Americans are that way.
St. Nick,
I agree. That is the enormous Catch-22, which is why, in my humble opinion, this country is faced with this dilemma. I certainly am not heartless and do have compassion for the offspring of these people. But throwing more money at them is not the answer. That only creates another generation of government dependents.
I have personally heard people on government assistance say that it doesn't matter that they don't have any money. They say they are entitled to have as many children as they want. I believe that if you can't take care of a child - financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually - you should not bring one into this world.
Here's where I'm going to piss some people off. I think that if you have one child that our government is forced to support, you should should be required to get a vasectomy or tubal ligation. I realize this could never happen because this is not Nazi Germany, but desperate times call for desperate measures. It's not going to's only going to get worse.
Have you ever been behind someone at the grocery store that was paying for their groceries with food stamps? I have. I stood there with my generic cans and no-name cereal while my tax dollars were paying for this person to purchase steaks and name brand fare. It's infuriating.
The anonymous blogger a few posts up perfectly describes the embodiment of this problem. Someone who has worked all of his or her life has a medical problem, but because they have worked all of their life, they don't qualify for government assistance. So, we are working to support able-bodied, indolent leeches. It isn't fair.
Social Security Agreement With Mexico Released After 3 1/2 Year Freedom of Information Act Battle
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- After numerous refusals over three and a half years, the
Social Security Administration (SSA) has released the first known public copy of the U.S.-Mexico
Social Security Totalization Agreement.
The Totalization Agreement could allow millions of illegal Mexican workers to draw billions of dollars from the U.S. Social Security Trust Fund.
The agreement between the U.S. and Mexico was signed in June 2004, and is awaiting
President Bush's signature. Once President Bush approves the agreement, which would be done without Congressional vote, either House of Congress would have 60 days to disapprove the agreement by voting to reject it.
"The Social Security Administration itself warns that Social Security is within decades of bankruptcy -- yet, they seem to have no problem making agreements that hasten its demise," said Ralph McCutchen, Chairman of the TREA Senior Citizens League.
click link to read more
I think that if you have one child that our government is forced to support, you should should be required to get a vasectomy or tubal ligation.
Or we could have the government take away any children over one, and raise them, which the government is doing anyway. Under no circumstances should the government reward further irresponsible breeding by paying the mother additional money for each new child. It would be more humane to allow a good government institution to provide the educational, housing and food need of such a chid than leaving it in the home of the irresponsible mother. Remember the old days, when people used to have kids when they could afford to do so? If one came along unexpectedly, one or both of the parents got a second job to support them.
Of course Bush and Congress will give away the Social Security money to the Mexicans. Political whores are out for one thing, their re-election, so that they can keep their money, power and benefits (which we don't have). We should truly be ashamed that American citizens who do work either die from lack of medical care or loose their homes. Perhaps more politicans should watch the Sadaam execution video !!!
Taking kids away from their terrible unproductive influences sounds horrible but how else can we break the cycle. The war on poverty and no child left behind have done little to change to prospects of the poor illegitimate offspring of teenage welfare mothers. With equal rights must come equal responsibility. and I'm a Yellow Dog Democrat.
Beware of "authoritative" information that We Saw That posts as fact. He subscribes to every skinhead right wing publication there is and appears to have Oliver Stone on speed dial. He recommends David Duke as an authority and moral compas.
Bewar what nuff said says. He appears to heave his head stuck up his ass, and makes comments without checking any facts just to insult we saw that.
If you had the intelligence to use a hyperlink, as supplied by We, it would have taken you to that story on Yahoo News. If you would then look up the parent company that supplied that story, you would see:
Now in its 52nd year, PR Newswire Association LLC ( provides electronic distribution, targeting, measurement, translation and broadcast services on behalf of tens of thousands of corporate, government, association, labor, non-profit, and other customers worldwide. Using PR Newswire, these organizations reach a variety of critical audiences including the news media, the investment community, government decision-makers, and the general public with their up-to-the-minute, full-text news developments.
Established in 1954, PR Newswire has offices in 11 countries and routinely sends its customers' news to outlets in 135 countries and in 40 languages.
So all knowing one, point us to the information upon which you relied that when inferring that We Saw That's information comes from a "right wing source". At least We Saw that does provide quotes for his posts, which tell us two things: (1) We aint the only one who believes that, and (2) You are full of shit and unable to back up what you say. And no, I am not We Saw That nor do I agree with all he posts.
The Humane Society and others take animals away from their owners who do not provide for their needs. Is it not more humane to do the same for neglected children? Cutting off their mother's checks, once taken away, can instead fund the program for giving them a quality and safe life.
Oh, by the way Nuff Said, you can read the federal district court complaint yourself at:
Nuff Said
Force is not the answer to the problem of people having children for which they can not provide. In fact it is never the answer to any of the problems brought about by the welfare state; in fact, just the opposite is needed. A reduction in the use of force and a withdrawal of services given to people who refuse to be productive. Eleminate the forced theft of the producers' wealth and the welfare recipients will have to work or face the consequences. Also a big point is that when people are making money by having babies, they will have them. Quit rewarding teens getting pregnant. The solutions are right in front of our face, we just don't like to state the obvious as we will be labeled heartless and cruel, which is of course silly, as it is the ones who foster the welfare system on us who have created mess of children having children at the producers' expense. Nothing could be more cruel than this. Of course illegitimate babies of illegitimate teens will vote someday and who do you think they will vote for. Our politicians who keep this going and profit the most from it. The same principles of free market economics when applied to any of the ills of our society will always be the answer to the problems the socialistic great society welfare program has perpetuated.
The address you provided seems to be as unauthentic as the rest of "We"s posts. To show that my spirit is in the right place, please provde us with more of your jack-booted doo doo.
On June 29, 2006, we filed Freedom of Information Act complaints against both the United States Department of State and the Social Security Administration in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The complaints arise from requests for records made by TSCL beginning in 2003 relating to the Social Security Totalization Agreement which the United States Government has negotiated and signed with the government of Mexico, but which has not been presented to Congress or released publicly.
Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against the United States Department of State
Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against the Social Security Administration
No need to provide any more links We Saw, commrad Nuff can't read.
Here's something interesting to add to the Wal-Mart debate -
I just finished reading several items for my MBA class on managerial perspectives. It seems while the economists could not point out specific mom and pops in every town that had been closed due to Wal-Marts, Wal-Mart Supercenters and now Neighborhoood-Marts opening, they have contributed the demise of the following corporate retailers - Toys "R" Us, Kroger, Albertsons, Sears, KMart, to name a few. It appears the grocery industry is the latest group scramblin to adopt Wal-Mart strategies to do battle on cutting prices to save their profit margins. In most cases Albertson's is just abandoning marketplaces all together.
Frankly, I shop at Walmart most of the time. You just can't beat their prices on everyday items. When I need steaks, tenderloins, or lamb racks in volume, I go to Sam's. If I'm doing a small dinner party, I usually go to Kroger or Albertson's for the meat or seafood. For those wishing to spend more and get gourmet items, Kroger is great, but for everyday things, you can't beat Walmart and I'll continue to shop there. It's the age old story of adapt or die.
You really can't beat Sam's meat!
Personally I don't want to "beat Sam's meat", but I have purchased a few whole rib eyes there.
I for one shop less and less at Wal-Mart. I hate having to walk 10 miles to get from one side of the store to the otehr. Not to mention the rude staff at the Alex. store. I doubt I visit Wal-Mart more than 2 times a month. Target is the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Super Target is a great everything store. We occassionally go to Lafayette just to shop there. There products, set-up, pharmacy, all great. We, however, are not looking for a great corporate citizen - just good products, pleasant shopping conditions, and moderate prices.
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