Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ten, Nine, Eight, ...

The count down is on. Delores came out swinging today. I am sure that Jacques will parry. I've already been told that one is in the works from someone close in his camp. And so we wait and see ... break out the raincoats friends, I have a feeling that we will need them.


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Anonymous said...

I totally agree, but I think it is so hilarious that she went negative....absolutely hilarious.

Anonymous said...

KALB hasn't even mentioned the press conference yet. Quess it is not news worthy enough for it to be one of the lead stories.

Anonymous said...

video: Explanation of KALB-TV Political News Coverage

Anonymous said...

the good news about all of this...... delores is short on change, and crying wolf that she needs a "press conference" for decidedly political purposes will catch up with her.

Anonymous said...

omigawd! roy is courtin da nigra vote!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about her finances but she has all the two-name blue haired old crones on her team (Jo Betty, Mary Jo, etc.) and they got no scruples and healthy check books. Roy better keep his legs crossed.

Anonymous said...

We Saw That,
Thanks for the link. I missed that little tidbeit on the 5:00pm news. Michelle was very informative. Sounds to me like she thinks DB's press conference today was a ,"political stunt".

Anonymous said...

ya jo betty is the clown that stopped the city from paving over those horrendous brick streets.

Anonymous said...

thanks anon, no problem, but we should tell you that it was the northside journal that sent us the audio.

Anonymous said...

ah sorry anon we misread your post. we were talking about the audio file. anyway, we didnt know what to make of ms godard's video at first but now we agree with your take on it.

Anonymous said...

Just decided who I will be voting for Alexandria Mayor, and they are not BLONDE!

Anonymous said...

How can you people say that the truth is negative. All Delores did was state the facts. When Mr. Roy called her a skunk he said that was informative. OPEN YOUR EYES- that was the negative. If you think that that was informative and what Delores said was negative then you obviously like to be lied to.

Wake up and because you know I'm right.

Anonymous said...

Don't look now but Brewer just turned a dead campaign into a band wagon. Somebody is giving her some good advice. She looked strong, determined, and tough as nails.

Jacques needs to lean on her disloyal insulting treacherous attack on her benifactor, Ned. He also needs to make his distance from Bridget known. Chief of Staff Designee, Carol Lanier, has been strapping Bridget on Roy for months even though he knows it is a lie. Remember, Bridget will help Myron and Myron needs Albin and Brewer in charge. Look for Bridget to try to get photographed with her tongue in Jacques' ear.

Anonymous said...

that was in the previous election. in this election they both said that they would refrain from negativity. are we missing something here? has mr. roy fired the first shot and this is merely ms. brewers response? or is this ms. brewer launching a negative campaign first?

Anonymous said...

oooh, oooh, wait, I know this one. don't tell me...she launched it? do I get a "A" professor?

Anonymous said...

"How can you people say that the truth is negative. All Delores did was state the facts. When Mr. Roy called her a skunk he said that was informative. OPEN YOUR EYES- that was the negative. If you think that that was informative and what Delores said was negative then you obviously like to be lied to.
Wake up and because you know I'm right."

Sorry, but you're plain wrong. Reposted from my blog:

I listened to the entire press conference, and I know the basic facts behind the litigation with Cleco.

Mrs. Brewer manipulated the facts, conflating Jacques' representation of his client, Sam Sansing, with Bridgett Brown's work on ANOTHER case.

She implied that Jacques was representing EMS.

She implied that Jacques will financially benefit from rateholder dollars.

These are reckless misrepresentations of the facts. Plainly false.

Jacques is representing a private citizen, defending him against his former employer. It has nothing to do with the trading or the sale of electrical power for the COA by Cleco. The suit Jacques is working on does not benefit rateholders in the COA, only Mr. Sansing.

No, this was a calculated ploy. In the words of Michele Godard, this was a "political stunt."

Anonymous said...

I just listened to DB's press conference. I am impressed with her vigor and determination. If what she says is remotely true, if Roy stands to gain anything from the Cleco settlement, then he needs to either revoke his agreement with that outfit or get out of the race. It's that clear to me and it should be that clear to any citizen of Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

There went her minority vote.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, I think you may be misinterpreting her remarks. I don't think this is about Roy's basic representation of Sansing, I think this goes far beyond that. She is alleging that if EMS wins, Roy wins due to an existing agreement between EMS and Roy, not Sansing and Roy.

Anonymous said...

The difference is not who fired the first volley but the fact that Delores is once again guilty of outragious "misspeaks". If I am not mistaken, if you look on Cleco's roster of lawyers you will find the Provosty firm there. Don't get me wrong, Delores's lies can be as effective as the truth if she doesn't get caught. Roy also needs to recognize that he is playing to a different audience than Sept. 30th. And if they were stupid enough to let Myron in he will know what Julius Caesar felt like.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I disagree with Lamar. Mr. Roy may be representing an employee against a former employer, but he has used the COA v. CLECO lawsuit to his advantage on several occasions. Mr. Roy himself admits that it was information that he learned about the City during his representation that compelled him to run. The two cases are inextricably intertwined. I have wondered how he would distance himself from the lawsuit once he becomes the Mayor. Unlike the suggestion of another poster, a Mayor can't just recuse himself from the situation. I think in order to save face Mr. Roy must state that he will receive no profit from the resolution of the CLECO case if he becomes Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows whose side Michelle Godard is on. The Town Talk, who has endorsed Roy, is blowing KALB away with coverage. This is news, and if KALB won't report it, at least the Town Talk does.

Anonymous said...

Does Lamar like to say "conflate" or what???

Anonymous said...

Read my message again, Lamar. I never stated that Roy represented EMS, I said he may profit from any contingency fees that EMS may receive. There's a big difference.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how KALB gets to decide that it wasn't news. I mean this is the same station that covers trout fishing tournaments. This is a major election to replace a 20 year incumbent and I think when either candidate calls a press conference (no matter how dumb), it's news.

Anonymous said...

Why couldn't she have just said that stuff in a debate or forum?

Anonymous said...

Roy has said that he will remove himself from the active practice of law when elected and turn his professional responsibilities over to his able family. What more could you possibly ask?Roy couldn't jump up and take a leave of absence because he had real responsibilities. By the way - ever notice how little, if any, Delores was missed? The only way that folks knew she was gone was the Chuck spent much less time on the 2nd floor. I think he would really like to second her "motion".

Anonymous said...

Who was at the press conference? Carroll Lanier? Who else?

Anonymous said...

Didn't Delores try to win Bridgett over to her side JUST LAST WEEK?????

Anonymous said...

No, this was a signature Roy Fletcher move.

Anonymous said...

Bridget is on Bridget's side. She knows she is an anathema in the civilized world and will kiss whoever she wants to curse. Myron controls her lips.

Anonymous said...

TT has a video link of the 9 minute speech that she gave at the press conference. I'm not her fan, but I kind of liked it.

Anonymous said...

All the blue haired double-named crones were there cheering a passing gas.

Anonymous said...

Here's the reason KALB doesn't air coverage of Ms. Brewer's "press conference:"

KALB did attend with every intention of gathering and reporting news. What they walked into was a live commercial for her campaign featuring an attack on her opponent, and defense of her position. Everything she announced constituted a commercial.

Broadcast outlets are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission. They are obligated to give every candidate equal time. That is to say, any free publicity given to a candidate in any race must be offered in equal amount to that candidate's opponents. (Newspapers aren't bound by the same regulation.)

CH5 has and will offer forums, and scheduled interviews, etc. but they will all fall under the constraints of the "equal time" rule. KALB and every other broadcast outlet will gladly sell commercial time to Ms. Brewer, Mr. Roy and whomever else wishes to purchase time on their candidates' behalf. All those ads MUST have "paid for by..." clearly stated.

Ms. Brewer's "press conference" was a political stunt. It was a live commercial. Clever, yes. News, no.

Should Mr. Roy go on the attack to reply, KALB (I feel sure) will NOT air coverage in similar fashion.

I know it's frustrating not to get info from a major local outlet, and KALB is often late and lacking, but this time, Ch 5 is making the smart play.

Anonymous said...

"Read my message again, Lamar. I never stated that Roy represented EMS, I said he may profit from any contingency fees that EMS may receive. There's a big difference."

Roy does not have any agreement or contract with EMS, therefore, he will not profit from any contingency fees received by EMS.

Again, Jacques Roy represents Sam Sansing.

Anonymous said...

Can the mayor cancel signed contracts all alone???

Anonymous said...

It is very apparent that KALB, Michelle Goddard, and Town Talk are pro Roy. And that is their opinion. BUT when it interferes with the delivery of news, then that is bullshi%. All of you need to think back a few weeks ago. WHO sent out the first piece of "slampaign"? ROY do not act like Delores started this fiasco. ROY did. I bet my arse that Roy skips out of the contract disclosure challenge. He likes to talk a big game, but thats ALL he can He's a lawyer for God sake! This blog is completely pro Roy, which is why I am even bloggin in. I have been watching you all slam Delores with such petty comments that I had to come in. Do yourself a favor and LISTEN to Delores' press release. Try to take it in....and maybe, just maybe you might be enlightened to the truth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Delores declares that she always tell the council the truth. Then she goes on to recount how and why she lied but blames it on Bridget (and therefore, Bridget's best friend, Roy). but never acknowledges that she lied.

As I understand it, some highly paid, hired gun wrote out her address and she read it to the fan club. That doesn't count for shit.

Let's see how she handles the issues when she is surrounded by somebody other that the crone club. I bet there is a campaign expenditure for Depends.

She is a liar and always lies about, among other things, being a liar. It's always the same lies but she has a better director now. And how could you impugn John's character?

Anonymous said...

At some well considered point in time, Jacques need to start pushing the debate talk while predicting that she will somehow find some way to avoid it. If she wimps out he's got his mail-out issue and if she shows up he gets a parking spot under city hall. No chance for loss there. But he's got to push it and openly anticipate her dodge.

Anonymous said...

Um, could you fellas tell me where the pro-Delores blog is. Me and Anon 8:58 have been lookin' for it. I have a bad feeling that you people might hurt my feelings. DB rules, you bastards!

Anonymous said...

dear lord - this is the pro-delores blog. The anti-delores blog really chews on her ass. And if your feelings ain't hurt yet, you are most likely immune.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a Lord would have said "you baastads"

Anonymous said...

I just watched Delores' little speech. That bitch must be smoking crack. The only group she did not insult was white female blue bloods.

Does she really think the people are so stupid that they will not realize that she did lie and that despite her promise not to, she is engaging in negative politics? Please Delores, give us common folk a little credit!

Anonymous said...

The Town Talk has the entire Brewer political stunt on their website. They may be pro-roy (endorsement), but that video clip makes them seem pro-brewer.

Actually, I think the towntalk is anti-everyone.

Anonymous said...

You know, frankly, I could live with either one as mayor. After the last couple of years, it will be nice to have one again. Don't agree with the mudslinging but I will say this: Roy's claims against Brewer are pretty minor and I don't know how accurate they are; Brewer's claims against Roy seem to be more serious, again don't know how accurate they are.

I voted for Roosevelt the last time, because he knocked on my door, asked for my vote, and we had a nice conversation. I live in Charles Park. I just discovered this blog, and I must say there is enough venom to go around.

There is plenty of opportunity for each of them to "win me over" and my decision will be based on what transpires during the next 20 days.

Anonymous said...

Let me give my two cents worth. Evidently Mrs. Brewer has hired Roy Fletcher or some other republican campaign consultatant because these are their textbook tactics. Listen to her speech. She labels Roy as a trial lawyer, a democrat, an insider, and worst of all, one of those guys who consorts with those black folks! Oh the humanity!

You see, she is trying to take Roy's white votes away, the cross over repub's who voted for him in the first election. And she is tying him to the blacks because she knows she cannot get many of those votes because she is lilly white, a repub and a blue blood. Further, she thinks teh blacks will not vote this round. Question is will any of that shit work? I think not.

Roy's base is secure. I think he will get then out to vote again. They called my house about 10 times on election day. I am sure they will do it again. And I think the blacks will support Roy first of all, because he is not a racist. In fact, far from it. Much more so that Mrs. Brewer.

Anonymous said...

Does Brewer realize that the voters with internet access, that will see her media stunt, are smart enough to see it for what it is.

That was the most half-truths and false implications that i have ever heard in nine minutes.

I thought she was remaining positive. I guess she just can't handle it. she should quit.

Anonymous said...

Is there a plan to get people to vote?? I am concerned that Brewer might actually win, since the election is on a Tuesday, and little old white ladies and soccer moms have nothing else to do during the day.
Roy must get people to vote.

Anonymous said...

What's the matter folks? That classy broad got you all shook up??? She did look good. And sounded even better. Got you to thinking didn't she???

Anonymous said...

Classy broad = lying bitch

Take her out Jacques

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think we will see a debate between Roy & Brewer? I personally think that Jacques will remain unengaged while Delores self-destructs.

Anonymous said...

This is why I love the blogs. Check out !!!!

Where did you get that picture?????


Anonymous said...

Oooooooh. Classy post Ms 10:20:03. So revealing as to type of supporters Roy has.

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah, now we are really thinking! I agree with a post on Lamar's Blog. She looks more like Blanco after Katrina. Is that what we want for a Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Does information that just happens to be negative equate to "going negative"?"

Isn't all information positive if it pertains to the issues?

Anonymous said...

The pic on wesawthat is so childish. I bet there are pics of Jacques that are equally as compromising. At least she is smiling :)

By the way, who is the webmaster for wesawthat?

Anonymous said...

10:28:27. So, are you admitting, after Katrina, Blanco is not the kind of person we want to be our governor? Hmmmmmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the Roy supporters are starting to get scared!!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty astute observation.

Anonymous said...

But this is not information.

It's misinformation, muddled and confused, packaged in a pithy and misleading "press conference."

Indeed, its only purpose is to confuse-- to create the burden of unpacking a complicated narrative.

Thankfully, it has created an opportunity, the opportunity to explain and discuss the injustices brought upon the citizens of Alexandria by CLECO, the opportunity for Jacques Roy to explain how and why his work in defense of a former employee motivated him to run for mayor of our city.

Mrs. Brewer has attempted to confuse the facts.

Unfortunately for her and her campaign, she's about to be bombarded by the truth.

Anonymous said...

Did Jacques sign the pledge today?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't wait to hear this. The rebuttal will be so slick you'll be able to slide from here to China on it.

Anonymous said...

He can't sign the pledge, because he doesn't have an agreement with EMS or the COA. Idiot!

Anonymous said...

So the truth is disinformation? This stuff is confusing. If Jacques is lying and Delores is lying then who is telling the truth?

Anonymous said...

Do you really think she would call a press conference without having the facts. That was an open invitation for Roy to bring it on. She is not scared of him or his "machine".

Anonymous said...

" But this is not information.

It's misinformation, muddled and confused, packaged in a pithy and misleading "press conference."

Indeed, its only purpose is to confuse-- to create the burden of unpacking a complicated narrative.

Thankfully, it has created an opportunity, the opportunity to explain and discuss the injustices brought upon the citizens of Alexandria by CLECO, the opportunity for Jacques Roy to explain how and why his work in defense of a former employee motivated him to run for mayor of our city.

Mrs. Brewer has attempted to confuse the facts.

Unfortunately for her and her campaign, she's about to be bombarded by the truth."

Excellent point.

Anonymous said...

"He can't sign the pledge, because he doesn't have an agreement with EMS or the COA. Idiot!"

Wow, I was only asking a simple question. I guess you must be really upset. I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

So do you think Brewer just made all of this shit up? Doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she must've made it all up because she is so diabolical!

Someone told me that she once trained Lex Luther in the art of lying!

hahahaha...sarchasm is awesome!

Anonymous said...

How does she know who he represents? She even forgot that she was a PLAINTIFF in a lawsuit the last time that she tried to attack him because he is a trial lawyer.

Anonymous said...

So if Jacques doesn't sign the pledge that means he is cool with contingency fee contracts?

Anonymous said...

We will know the truth if he doesn't sign the pledge!

Anonymous said...

Now that the little "blue blood shindig" was held, when will there be a debate? Candidates, face to face, to address the issues.

Anonymous said...

He can't sign the pledge because he doesn't have any contingency fees coming his way, he's not contractually obligated to any party, and he's representing Sam Sansing, not EMS.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are missing the point. Whether he has a contract or not remains to be uncovered. Does he agree with the contingency fee contracts or not and will he eliminate them if he is elected?

Anonymous said...

This is just like Jacques Roy saying, "I demand that Delores Brewer donate all of her profits from her litigation against the State Farm Insurance to the citizens of Alexandria!!!"

Anonymous said...

Listening to DB afternoon rant again, and she stated that she could not disclose confidential legal information to Bridgett Brown. Wait a minute, BB is one of the lawyers for the COA. Why couldn't she discuss this info. with BB? As a lawyer for the city in this case, wouldn't anything that Brewer spoke to Bridgett about be privileged as well?

Anonymous said...

Could someone shed light on the statement made @ 11:05:19 PM?

Anonymous said...

No, the POINT was to confuse Jacques with Bridgett Brown and to make it seem like both of them were making money from taxpayers. The POINT was a lie.

Would Jacques end those contingency contract?

I'm sure he'd like to, but if Delores Brewer knew anything about the CHARTER, she'd know that it would still be subject to the Council's approval.

Anonymous said...

Would you trust BB with case sensitive info? I wouldn't trust my best friend if I were responsible for millions of dollars much less BB and that sad excuse for a council.

Anonymous said...

Hey Delores, did Ron Fiorenza and Brenner Sadler collect a contingency fee from the lawsuit against State Farm?

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that Jacques has alot to hide?

Anonymous said...

Jacques has nothing to hide.

Anonymous said...

I guess where you are getting confused is that "whistle blowers" seems to mean that they blew their proverbial whistles as an act of good faith on behalf of the community. What really happened is that they signed their contract, thus positioning them to recieve alot of money, and then blew the whistle (not in good faith). Jacques was with them the whole way through it.

Anonymous said...

If Jacques has nothing to hide then why has this not come out until now? You gotta admit that it seems a little fishy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Delores Brewers' news conference shows that she is still a lier and lawyer basher. She and her big shot republicsn hate lawyers and the common people, it is that simple.
I agree with Delores that Bridgette Brown is simply getting something for nothing diue to her political connections. But why didn't Delores speak out against it while she was within the City government?
There is nothing wrong or evil about a contingency fee. Most regular people cannot afford a $250 per hour law firm, similar to Delores' buddies at the Provosty firm. Countless people could not enforce their rights without contingency fees, wherein a lawyer agrees to pay the costs and only take a fee if he wins something. If Jacques has a contingency fee with his individual client, any amount recovered by the City of Alexandria is not shared by Jacques Roy. Only if that individual wins his suit does Jacques recover. This was blatent lying bullshit by Brewer, put out in a decievingly held news conference.
And we still get back to the fact, we heard Delores lie on TV. We cannot afford to having this lying blue blood anti-common people bitch as our mayor.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to raise your voice. I thought we were having a civilized conversation. Do you know the facts about the housing attority stuff or are you just spewing forth the same nonsence?

Anonymous said...

So would you rather a bad liar or a good liar? If you prefer the second choice then Jacques your horse.

Anonymous said...

Brewer/McGhee Acquistion Company LLC's initial bid of $32,000 a month is accurate, according to Alexandria News Weekly and the Alexandria Housing Authority.

Anonymous said...

Did she get the bid? What was the highest bid? What was the lowest bid?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

The story of how Bridget came to be part of the Cleco litigation is quite interesting and common knowledge among local attorneys. Her landlord contacted the Roy firm and was told that Bridget would have to become part of that team. Big Chris said BS and told Bridget that he would have to bring her coercion (and her landlords) to the attention of the State Bar. She backed down and Kelvin, with Albin's knowledge and blessing, brought her on board via the city. Remember, Kelvin said that he had hired Bridget and Phil Hunter "because they were the first to ask". Chris is an ethical gentleman but, with a drink or 2, can be made to recount that story. The Roys recognize Bridget, Kelvin, and PPD for what they are and would never trust them with city business. Phil Hunter eventually did the right thing and withdrew.

Anonymous said...

Whether she got the bid or not is irrelevant. The fact is that she bid on the contract while working in the mayor's administration, and the board consisted of mayoral appointees.

Anonymous said...

No, she didn't win the contract. Mrs. Sanders (Kelvin's wife) was awarded. Brewer/McGhee's initial bid was cut in half after the AHA placed caps on the contract.

Anonymous said...

I smell a Provosty-Brewer plot here. A set up. If Jacques reveals details of his representation of his client, including any fee agreement, he could be accused of releasing confidential client information. The client could waive that tho, and allow the release of the information. Also I would like to see Delores disclose her State Farm lawsuit handled by the Provosty firm, in order to see if they charged her the same out of sight fee that they did others. Then we could tell if there was a violation of ethics laws about Provosty giving special rates or no fee at all to Delores, who was an employee of the City that they do work for. If Delores was stupid enough to pay a super high hourly rate insurance defence firm to represent her in a plaintiff car wreck case, she doesn't have sense enough to be mayor.

Anonymous said...

Does Jacques really get to keep all of that money?

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the settlement reached by the insurance defense lawyers in the Brewers lawsuit was as much as some of these slimy trial lawyers could have gotten?

Left up to me, I would go with the guy who could get more cash, whoever that might be.

Anonymous said...

Slimy? I guess it takes one to know one.

Anonymous said...

brewer has us talking about jacques professional transactions instead of Brewer's lies and deals and record of ineffectiveness. Come on Roy. Get in charge here.

Anonymous said...

You guys with all this lawyer stuff. Ask any defense lawyer and they will tell you that there has to be someone on the other side for them to bill hours on a case as well.

Anonymous said...

"brewer has us talking about jacques professional transactions instead of Brewer's lies and deals and record of ineffectiveness. Come on Roy. Get in charge here."

Maybe we are talking about this stuff because it needs to be addressed. You should look into it as well. You might learn something.

Ineffectivness? Have you seen any of the buildings and projects that she has taken part in?

What has Jacques done? Seriously, answer the question? What has he done?

Anonymous said...

Answer: told the truth and locked up a third of the entire city vote with the help of a mob of young educated professionals. That's what he's done. Pretty impressive, huh???

Anonymous said...

Pure hilarity!!! Told the truth? If by that you mean what BB said concerning the "lie." He is but a pawn to her nonsense. As far as this "mob of young professionals" goes, you are obviously one of them and your allegience is to be commended. Here here my boy! So much to strive for in your infancy. I hope the lies that Jacques whispered in your young little ears comes true for you will know the true meaning of naive.

Anonymous said...

Does Jacques really get to keep all of that money?

Anonymous said...

Therein lies the difference.. You speculate on what Roy whispered in our ears but the Brewer attempts at deception are matters of public record. And it just keeps on. Looking forward to a spirited debate.

Anonymous said...

Did Mr. Brewer (hubby) get to keep all of the money he made selling insurance to the housing authority? Did Mr. Brewer (bro-in-law) get to keep the money he made from doing appraisals for the city? The cash cow for the family has been the city. Time for an end to it.

Anonymous said...

Being raise on the farm, I learned early on that if you don't stir it, it doesn't stink. I am afraid that Delores has kicked a big pile of it and most of the smell is going to be blamed on her. Can you spell BACKLASH Delores? It would have been much wiser to pick any one of the many problems that we have in this city and present a well thought out solution to display your leadership ability, but now, your actions have your opposition having to do little more than to run the clock.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, from listening to the audio of the press conference, Brewer doesn’t like contracts and contingency fees. The question arises, if she is so dead set against them because they offend her sense of honor, why didn’t she approach Mayor Randolph, after Chambers left and she ascended into the Chief of Staff position, and get Ned to cancel them? She had how many months to affect this change of policy? Additionally, if contracts with the COA offend her so, why did HER family pursue then so diligently?

She and her husband made an obscene amount of money off inflated insurance contracts with the Housing Authority.

Survey says…. This was nothing more than a Roy Fletcher attempt to muddy the waters and further confuse the voters. Fletcher’s timing is off, he leaves the Roy camp too much time to respond. I believe this little Brewer stunt will come apart at the seams when the media begins to accurately report on her allegations

The feathers and bones have spoken

Anonymous said...

Let's see, Jacques at riverfront for economic development yesterday; delores reading roy flethcher's attack memo with her blue haired ladies like mary jo mansour and other sycophants. Any doubt as to the difference in the two candidates as to who should be mayor!

Anonymous said...

I just read the article regarding Roy's ties to Cleco and EMS and he said that neither he non his client, Sansing, is contractually tired to EMS. Does that mean never or just now? Were they contactually tied in the past?

Anonymous said...

By Laura Parker, USA TODAY
A Florida woman has been awarded $11.3 million in a defamation lawsuit against a Louisiana woman who posted messages on the Internet accusing her of being a "crook," a "con artist" and a "fraud."
Legal analysts say the Sept. 19 award by a jury in Broward County, Fla. — first reported Friday by the Daily Business Review — represents the largest such judgment over postings on an Internet blog or message board. Lyrissa Lidsky, a University of Florida law professor who specializes in free-speech issues, calls the award "astonishing."

BEWARE OF BLOGS: Courts are asked to crack down on bloggers, websites

Lidsky says the case could represent a coming trend in court fights over online messages because the woman who won the damage award, Sue Scheff of Weston, Fla., pursued the case even though she knew the defendant, Carey Bock of Mandeville, La., has no hope of paying such an award. Bock, who had to leave her home for several months because of Hurricane Katrina, couldn't afford an attorney and didn't show up for the trial.

"What's interesting about this case is that (Scheff) was so vested in being vindicated, she was willing to pay court costs," Lidsky says. "They knew before trial that the defendant couldn't pay, so what's the point in going to the jury?"

Scheff says she wanted to make a point to those who unfairly criticize others on the Internet. "I'm sure (Bock) doesn't have $1 million, let alone $11 million, but the message is strong and clear," Scheff says. "People are using the Internet to destroy people they don't like, and you can't do that."

The dispute between the two women arose after Bock asked Scheff for help in withdrawing Bock's twin sons from a boarding school in Costa Rica. Bock had disagreed with her ex-husband over how to deal with the boys' behavior problems. Against Bock's wishes, he had sent the boys to the boarding school.

Scheff, who operates a referral service called Parents Universal Resource Experts, says she referred Bock to a consultant who helped Bock retrieve her sons. Afterward, Bock became critical of Scheff and posted negative messages about her on the Internet site, where parents with children in boarding schools for troubled teens confer with one another.

In 2003, Scheff sued Bock for defamation. Bock hired a lawyer, but he left the case when she no longer could afford to pay him.

When Katrina hit in August 2005, Bock's house was flooded and she moved temporarily to Texas before returning to Louisiana last June. Court papers that Scheff and her attorney David H. Pollack mailed to Bock were returned to Pollack's office in Miami.

After Bock didn't offer a defense, a Broward Circuit Court judge found in favor of Scheff. A jury then heard Scheff's arguments about damages. Pollack did not seek a specific amount for the harm he says Scheff's business suffered.

"Even with no opposing counsel and no defendant there, $11 million is a huge amount," says Pollack, adding that Scheff is considering whether to try to collect any money from Bock. "The jury determined this was a significant enough issue. It's not just somebody's feelings are hurt; it's somebody's reputation is ruined."

Bock says that when she moved back to her repaired house over the summer, she knew the trial was approaching but did not know the date. She says she doesn't have the money to pay the judgment or hire a lawyer to appeal it. She adds that if the goal of Scheff's lawsuit was to stifle what Bock says online, it worked.

"I don't feel like I can express my opinions," Bock says. "Only one side of the story was told in court. Nobody heard my side."

Posted 10/10/2006 10:07 PM ET

Anonymous said...

The TT neglected to mention the pledge that Delores signed. Does that mean Mr. Roy will not sign it? Also, will he release the EMS contract to the public?

Anonymous said...

Does Alban work for Brewer or for the COA? Did he really think it was a good idea for Brewer to say those things yesterday?

Anonymous said...

The use of the pledge to garner negative publicity if Jacques refuses to sign (I would not) is a weak attempt to construct an issue where none exists. Delores should realize that it will take publicity to pull off the rest of the smear and that has not come easy as folks have seen through the ruse. There are too many moving parts to this scheme with little substance. Your petticoat is showing Delores and you are showing a propensity for taking bad advice. Not good leadership qualities.

Anonymous said...

I fail to understand the controversy. As a private lawyer he took a private case. He has been actively fighting Sanders and Brown to support a posture that is ultimately in the city's best interest. He vows to relinquish his private practice when he becomes mayor. There is no suggestion that he has done anything improper, illegal, or unethical. He has taken good care of his client. Failure to protect the city from these bullshit contingency contracts that basically award the city's counsel all of the proceeds is outragious. Roy and his client voluntarily and unilaterally reduced their contingency percentage out of fairness.

I don't understand why jacques is chasing this rabbit and playing Brewer's game. We should be hearing more about debate, debate, debate.

Anonymous said...

Now the black community will be fired up.

Anonymous said...

This guy Fletcher hit on a master stroke. Look at what we are talking about. He invigorated the campaign, created some excitement, and has everyone playing Delores's game. Before yesterday's skit, the Brewer campaign was in a death spiral and all people talked about was her pulling out.

Anonymous said...

invigorated whose campaign? i think Roy's. i feel sad for what's about to happen to DB and family.

Anonymous said...

this plan may have worked if hatched earlier when she had money AND if she weren't a part of the administration that entered into the contracts. totally useless argument because of that. she'll be torn to shreds.

Anonymous said...

Of course you are right about the prognosis of Delores's campaign but at least people are doing something other than holding a mirror under her nose. I hope that the Brewers can somehow repay Albin for the agony and long-term damage they are about to experience.

Anonymous said...

good point. she's dragging other folks down with her.

Anonymous said...

I don't think DB cares about anyone else, including her core backers. She feels entitled to the job and can't accept defeat gracefully.

Anonymous said...

Delores and her family will be digging out of this trench for years to come. When the two-named chrones are having high tea and splitting real estate commissions, she and her family are going to be trying to scrape by. When the bank comes to get their lovely house, Jo Betty will want to put her sign in front of it.

I did note, with some interest, that the historic commission is about to undergo some changes so that there will be more "minority" and "ethnic" representation. I see us spending 3 million dollars to renovate the Dorsey Motel.

Anonymous said...

I think Delores is in one of those "tangled web" or "tar baby" deals where she is willing to try anything but honesty and every time she moves she gets more enmeshed in her deception. I predict that when the smoke clears, she will have a lot of regrets but the most painful one is her failure to deal with that Bridget Brown episode and let it go away.

Anonymous said...

You people are showing your lack of manners critizing the elderly ladies supporting Delores. They have a right to support anyone they choose and shouldn't be subjected to this. I really don't understand this attack the supporters strategy. It's highschool clique politics. Those ladies have earned the right to support whomever they choose. Grow up and exercise the manners your Momma taught you. And if she didn't teach you any, well, I'm sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Has Bridget made any comments about the speech? Any rumblings on that?

Anonymous said...

I just wanna know why The Northside Journal feels they have a stake in this. Aren't they a Pineville paper?

Anonymous said...

Yo maomma might have taught you manners but she didn't teach you Anglish. "I'm sorry for you" means you are experiencing sorry that I should be experiencing.

More better would be I feel sorry for you.

If you gonna criticize others don't go around naked in a glass house.

Anonymous said...

By the way the little gentile blue hairs are political power brockers who play dirty pool with the best of them. Realtors, by nature, are cut throat.

Anonymous said...

Question for yall:

Which is worse, Blue haired Ladies, silk stocking, old money crowd feeding at the Alexandria public money trough?


The corrupt black politicians like the snake, CFS, Bridget "downtown" Brown, and the rest of that bunch who claims it's their turn to feed at the same public money trough?


How do we get rid of both groups?

Anonymous said...

delores is just a sympton of what has been going on for several years at city hall and the council. she is convinced the public will just accept her lies and ignore the facts. it's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

The Northside Journal just gave the audio to We Saw That to post here.

What's wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

My Dear, you are totally naked in your "Glass House". Brockers????

Anonymous said...

Talk about pathetic. All you Jacques supporters can do is throw mud at and beat up on little ol' ladies. Delores must have really hit a nerve this time.

Anonymous said...

Dearest first I am not your "dear." Second I never claimed to be able to speel. In fact the only claim to fame I make is that I am a perfect asshole well suited to dealing with pompous asses like you. Always strove for perfection and have reached the pinnacle in the asshole department.

Now in your case you indicated yo momma taught you manners. If she tried to make an educated genteel person out of you she failed in the Anglish Department. Mabel Hawthorne"s glass eye would have fallen out over your use of the language.

Anonymous said... know, your post reveals more about you than you know. I would lay odds that my English is far superior to yours. I know for a fact that my disposition puts yours to shame. I have noticed that DB supporters out rank most of Roy's in that department. I would surmise that you and buddies are spoiled brats just looking for acceptance. Of course, this probably won't happen for many years. You will have to grow up first.

Anonymous said...

I love anon fights.

Anonymous said...

thanks anon. apparantly ms brewers campaign invited NSJ to the news conference or they wouldnt have been there. must be that they are a recognized source of news around cenla?

Anonymous said...

Here we go folks, ringside seats cost extra...

Anonymous said...

The little ole blue-hairs being mentioned here are hardly helpless, hardly kind, and hardly ladies. They are a bunch of self-serving realtors who lie for a living. They might come accross and Aunt Bea but they comport themselves like Charles Manson. That being said, there are some lovely elderly Republican ladies who work hard and are sincere. Then there are the two-namers. They are lying ruthless bitches.

Anonymous said...

"I have noticed that DB supporters out rank most of Roy's in that department."

Too bad that doesn't seem to matter in the voting booth!


Anonymous said...

"I just wanna know why The Northside Journal feels they have a stake in this. Aren't they a Pineville paper?"

Do you have ANY idea about the economic impact that Alexandria has on the surrounding areas???

New business and industry in Alexandria has a major ripple effect for miles and miles....

The mayor of Alexandria "can" certainly have a hand in attracting new industry.

Anonymous said...

i wish they would drop "Northside" and start covering both sides of the river.

Anonymous said...

Great to see things getting exciting again. I was glad to see a passionate, engaged DB ready to finally stand up to Roy toe to toe. She realizes that she came in second because she did not respond to his negative campaign effectively. It is time to say that Delores had every right to try and contract with the housing authority. She was not an elected official and the housing authority is a federal program that is not funded or directed by the city. Second, her husband won a legitimate bid process with the housing authority - once again above board and not infuenced by DB and finally, her brother in law had every right to do appraisals for the city. Delores was a city employee and not an elected official. All of those comments were bogus and it is time she clears those up with the facts - so she can move on and gain more momentum. Today was good start. She is in it and ready to battle all the way to the finish.

Anonymous said...

I agree...I did not know all of those things. I have been reading all of this negative stuff and the tv spot was horrible. Made you think she was using her influence in a bad way - I never thought about the fact that the housing authority is not run by the city - so all of that stuff does not mean anything. She does need to get that message out because people are convinced she and her family have been on the city tit all along using her position in an unethical way. I do not blame her for coming out with more 'information sharing' Go Delores, GO!

Anonymous said...

I heard that Rodney Alexander is going to endorse Delores. This would be great. People here love him and respect him, regardless of this republican PR nightmare right now. Bottom line - Roy wants to run against Rodney in four years so Rodney is better off supporting Delores now.

Anonymous said...

Dear SuzyQ,
You are obviously and angry person to have to purpetuate the lies about DB's family. How would you like it if someone made up lies about your family? Be grateful that you can hide behind your blog indentity. Truly brave people stand up for what they believe in like both Delores and Jacques. You are just a coward who jumped on the bandwagon so as to feel important. I hope that you manage to grow out of your imaturity.

Anonymous said...

Is Roy Fletcher definitely her consultant - does anyone know for sure. Is this a fact?

Anonymous said...

How can you people vote for someone that openly says he is running for Rodneys seat in 4 years. Don't you know that it takes 4 years to set up your goals and @ least 8 to execute them?

This is an important time that requires a degree of nurturing. Mr. Roy just using this town to get a leg up in the political world. This saddens me and it should sadden you who have invested in Alexandria. What scum will take Jacques seat in 4 years if he leaves.

Anonymous said...

I bet Delores wins the Republican peadophile vote hands down.

Anonymous said...

Jacques, if he has a contingency fee contract, gets a fee based upon what his client recoveres, not the City of Alexandria. On the otherhand, Downtown Brown gets a percentage of our money. Perhaps Delores' husband should pledge to donate his earnings back to the City of Alexandria? I already donate plenty of my earnings to the government, its called taxes.

Anonymous said...


"She is in it and ready to battle all the way to the finish."

Good for her...Really.

But, does she have to make it soooooo damn easy to beat her? I keep looking around expecting Alan Funt to jump out and hollar "Smile, you're on CANDID CAMERA."

The only thing that Delores Brewer did yesterday was tell ANOTHER lie.

Isn't there ONE person in her camp that knows that the best thing she can do is STFU, burn that Arkansas tick off and get a make over?????

If she enticed me to rub one out, then maybe I would also "pull" her lever on election day.

Come on, Delores...try a little harder NOT to do JR's job for him.

Oh, and by the way... I CHALLENGE your HUSBAND to NOT take his fee from selling insurance policies to government entities.


Anonymous said...


"I heard that Rodney Alexander is going to endorse Delores."

Yeah, I just got that same Text Message........

"Two in the Pink, One in the Stink"

Anonymous said...

Dearest I have no buddys. A buddy is defined (according to the gi deictionary) as a bunk mate that goes downtown, gets two blow jobs and comes back and gives you one of them.

I have friends.

Your disposition is like your vagina - it stinks (gospel according to the frequenters of Monroe and Bolton)

I guess I will never grow up because all I am promised is rapidly approaching. Anything beyond those years is the "and then some." Course when I made it back from over yonder in the middle 60's I considered every new dawn was an "and then some."

You might learn that criticism of others for expressing their opinions will get an attack everytime.

Anonymous said...

I thought Caroline Ledet's posting privileges had been taken?

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

How exactly can you pledge to breach a contract on local TV, and expect anyone to vote for you?

Hope the blue hairs and blue bloods don't drop dead of stroke from this revealing, scintillating press conference.

Hope Ned was back in California, since Blondie implied that his administration, which she was a part of, did something illegal, immoral, or just plain stupid?

This race gets more entertaining as we go. Can we write in a candidate? I vote John K. "Tilly" Schneider!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brewer has selective association with the Randolph Administration. She takes credit for everything positive, even though she had no part in or connection to most of it, and disavows Randolph and just plain trashes him when she is trying to dodge a bullet.

I a previous posting someone maintains that what Brewer and her family did was not technically illegal and that would seem to be the benchmark for her administration. One should also recognize that it was not illegal for her to lie to the council or public - that doesn't make it OK.

She appears to be using Albin as her moral compass and his needle always spins toward the money.

Anonymous said...

Jacques is NOT running against Rodney Alexander in 4 years. That is rubbish. Rodney should not alienate his MANY Democratic voters by endorsing Brewer. Very bad move. I bet Rosanne Sadler is pushing him to do it. He MUST steer clear of this race.

Anonymous said...


"I bet Rosanne Sadler is pushing him to do it."

You mean pushing as in encouraging?????


Pushing as in Sumo Wrestler....???

"Two in the Pink, One in the Stink"

Anonymous said...

About the comment concerning the public feeding trough:
Name one successful company in Louisiana, especially Alexandria, that does not rely on

government contracts for at least 40% of their business, in some shape or form.

I have been trying to decide as to whom I will vote for on Nov. 7, and have this blog

to thank for helping to enlighten me.

IMHO, it appears that DB and company have a deep involvement in COA. But after

considering the realativly small amounts for appraisal fees, insurance agent

commissions, and a lost bid for a contract, it hardly compares to what law firms have

to benefit from "their candidate" being elected. Since I have not reviewed the total

amounts of money paid to the numerous local attorneys that the COA writes checks to, I

do not have a complete understanding of their open pocket books for supporting Roy or

Brewer, with the exception of the obvious, which is the Provosty firm and their

contracted representation, and the firms that are salivating at the thought of getting

an easy check from CLECO.

DBs statement about CLECOs stand in regard to an open audit and making restitution if

found that they did indeed owe the COA ratepayers anything, kinda goes against what I

have understood over the past, since this whole thing has come to light. I did agree

with DB that the EMS contract was not in the interest of the ratepayers, as it will

only benefit EMS, a few lawyers, and some chump change for the ratepayers. I don't

agree with this being completely Ned's fault, in getting into this "Deal with the

Devil", however, he should have come clean with the reasons for firing Craig, Chambers,

etc., and that reason may shed some light on some of this. Also found it interesting

how quiet this bunch has been, after they had their little settlement payment, which

was hardly enough to keep a completely clean and honest employee firing dispute quiet.

The information I have reviewed is the campaign finance reports, which show where the

money is comming from for both camps. After looking at both, I saw some large amounts

from out of state/town companies that have deep pockets to buy priviledge with a small

town mayor, if Roy is elected. I also saw a lot of attorneys, which shows that Roy and

Brewer each have their share of lawyers on thier side, although just like in a court

room, the sides seem to be plaintiff vs defense. Also shows that while Roy claims a

disconnect from his father, Edwards, et al, he sure did get a lot of money from the

"machine", or names that used to be associated with those folks.

Even more odd is the lack of money contributions from the most visible lawyers that

seem to be joined at his hip. And what if he is elected, will Provosty go away, the

CLECO deal end in favor of the ratepayers whose money, if any is owed, who actually

funded this recent lawyer lottery, and if so, what firm would replace Provosty? The one

that funded his campaign the most? Will they be better? Will this benefit Alexandria?

Will he benefit financially from the CLECO ordeal?

I realize there are a lot of attorneys writing for this blog, and further realize they

make a living by being very smooth when it comes to writing and politics in general, so

I have to put my lawyer blinders on while reading, and deal with written facts for

decisions as these.

I was impressed with the statement to the press yesterday from DB, even though it was

not considered news from KALB, which I did chuckle at that, especially when Goddard

actually solicited questions from Bloggers for her campaign interwiews. Guess they

still have not gotten over the embarrassment on election night, when they were all set

to announce "Ro-Ro" as being in the run-off, only to be interupted by the actual

numbers, that were news worthy.

In closing, I have enjoyed the posts, and look forward to see which group proves to be

the most transparent. Roy did ask for information campaigning, and promised a

transparent government. Be careful what you ask for, because whomever wins, I actually

believe the next mayor will be walking on eggshells for the entire term. Because blogs

like this have gotten a lot of citizens involved, and that is good for any government.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

waterslide! i thought they yanked your probation.

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

Cut and paste error, should have edited first, next time maybe I will just sling out some incoherrent rant or personal attack. My apologies.

PS: Looking at those numbers, this election would have been good for the local economy with all the out of town/state pouring in, but not for the money going out to Folorida. What do you think, about 1/2 a million spent over all?

Anonymous said...

does anyone see a problem with letting my four and two year old go to the fair tomorrow by themselves? surely the carnies won't let the ride the big rides.

Anonymous said...


"does anyone see a problem with letting my four and two year old go to the fair tomorrow by themselves?"

As long as they don't drink and drive and practice safe sex...I don't really see a problem...


(Don't you hate that expression??)

"Two in the Pink, One in the Stink"

Anonymous said...

i never understood booyah. is it red neck slang for the cajun "pooo yie!"

Anonymous said...

. . . . or the Chinese Muung Wa

Anonymous said...

To anon at 12:27 am
"Does Jacques really get to keep all of that money? "

What money do you think Jacques gets to keep?? the "millions" owed by CLECO to the city??

NO. If he gets paid it is an hourly fee from Sansing over his contract with CLECO, not over the city's mistake in signing a contract with CLECO.

These are two separate lawsuits.

Anonymous said...


I intend to watch Bridgett Brown's involvement with the CLECO case very closely.

If she does not "render meaningful legal services" then she is NOT entitled to collect ANY fee.

Doing so may subject her to disciplinary action with the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary THE BAR!!!

Rule 1.5 (Code of Ethics)

(e) A division of fee between lawyers who are not in the same firm may be made only if:

(1) the client agrees in writing to the representation by all of the lawyers involved, and is advised in writing as to the share of the fee that each lawyer will receive;

(2) the total fee is reasonable; and

(3) each lawyer renders meaningful legal services for the client in the matter.

Anonymous said...

Don't do it Biff. Delores will be gathering unescorted children up at the fair for her next trash pickup drive. However, you can buy an insurance policy from her husband that will isnure that they don't get chosen. Bridgett, Kelvin and Albin will share the commission.

Anonymous said...

To the fuck you anon: Thanks for your posts as well. Your insightful "fuck you's" have provided much needed information for use in makinging an informed choice in the election. We are indeed fortunate to have your political spin. Fuck you very much.

Anonymous said...

anon 4.36.01 but remember, her husband doesn't make money off the sale, just the insurance company. delores said it. i believe it.

Anonymous said...'re scaring me! YOU HAVE CHILDREN???????

Anonymous said...

i always assumed they were mine. are you telling me something i might not want to know?

Anonymous said...

Poor OLD Delores
Sitting in the tree
Whining whining:
"Poor poor me!"

Anonymous said...

Biff...for their sakes, I would hope I am!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When asked by a reporter if Ned would endorse her, I'm told DB said that Ned would have to answer that question. Rummor I hear is:
Brewers and Randolphs on the outs.
Anyone got any insight on this? Also heard Ned has always liked Roy and thought well of him. What a gut punch for Brewer if he throws his support to Roy???!!!???

Anonymous said...

You are a moron. Do you really think Ned would support Roy after being friends with the Brewers for practically their whole life. I know for a fact that Ned is not on the outs with DB. He is just not getting envolved.

Anonymous said...

Biff-etta Jr. for Mayor 2046!!!!

I'm downloading the blog as we speak...I'll place it in a mayonaise jar and bury it in my backyard with instructions in my will for it to be used only if Biff-etta promises NOT to go negative and DOES!!!!

Anonymous said...

it wouldn't be surprising. this latest charade makes it seem like ned was behind a bunch of illegal contracts.

not too smart of her.

Anonymous said...

You are a moron. Like you or anyone else can predict what Ned may or may not do. Remember (which is what he can NOT do)he wakes up in a brand NEW world everyday! NEVER SAY NEVER!!!!! Stranger thnings have happened and do every day in this campaign.

Anonymous said...

Exactly WHO said she was smart?

Anonymous said...

Better yet:

Poor OLD Delores
Whining whining:
"Poor poor me!"


Anonymous said...

got to love a candidate with substance

Anonymous said...

No, your a moron first because you speculated first. Moron.

Anonymous said...

"stick and stones will break my bones but names...." recess is OVER...let's get back to something with some substance!

Anonymous said...

it would appear that Brewer is biting the hand that fed her (and her family) that can't sit real well with the Nedlies

Anonymous said...

So Ned's pissed about the Brewer press conference. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

I was at Roy's election night victory party and heard his speech. He spoke both respectfully and highly of Mayor Ned Randolph's 20 year reign and 'hoped to continue' in the same forward movement for our community. It got a round of applause. He's got a good, respectfuly, committed following that truly does appreciate what has gone before and wants our community to move forward. If the Mayor was at Brewer's party or in her camp, maybe he should reconsider where he needs to align himself.

Anonymous said...

The most interesting part of this whole line of inquiry is how much money we spent on apparently bad legal advice. And that whole campaign is about keeping the same inadequate legal advisors at the the helm. Amazing!

Anonymous said...

How can Ned not be involved if his brother in law is managing her campaign and his alter ego, Provosty, has that much at stake??

Anonymous said...

Well hidy-ho D-diddly-lores. Looks like I like the Roy fella more than you.

Anonymous said...

From the Soothsayer:

"She and her husband made an obscene amount of money off inflated insurance contracts with the Housing Authority."

Hey Sooth - just how much DID they make of their contracts? Please answer.

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