A little behind ... apologies citizens
With time creeping up and a nasty primary behind us, one would presume that things will only get nastier.
Ahh, politics ... left out sentences, presumptions of guilt, need I go on? Such is Louisiana politics. We've taught everyone else this speciality.
The question is which party will bring the biggest gun to this knife fight?
Saturday, October 07, 2006
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 477 Newer› Newest»We must the clown talk employees on here today. If you are, please work on that paper. It's pitiful.
Main Entry: 3race
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza
1 : a breeding stock of animals
2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics 3 a : an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species ; also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group b : BREED c : a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type
Talk about boring. These newspaper people are the most boring people on the planet. Now, is there another paper in town worth bothering with?
OK! Let's talk important issues. Roy will be mayor. Will he change Alexandria gov't to become an entity to maintain the essentials and refrain from grasping for more and more national, state, parish and local tax dollars to fund pie-in-the-sky plans by hanger-ons and perpetual parasites? Mr Mayor....answer please. And incidentally this will exhibit whether he understands the difference between socialism and capitalism. Water slides, Bentleys, Condo's, half million dollar buses, walking trails, landscaping architects fees, legal fees for studies blah, blah, blah are definitely examples of socialism in action. All of these schemes to take your money you produced for you and your family and spread it around to cronies who leach off the working person are the socialistic activities right here in River City. It exists and only an intellectually dishonest man or a fool does not see it. Will he disavow the status quo and move toward the laissez-faire capitalistic concept of having the free market provide the economic boon that will follow a change from force, fraud and gov't to freedom and a vibrant economy. Address this issue in detail so we can see exactly what you perceive is in the best interest of Alex and its citizens (taxpayers).
Wow! Impressive! Yes...I see that the last message confirms that I will "probably" have better conversation with the "night bloggers."
4 results for: probably
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source
prob‧a‧bly /ˈprɒbəbli/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[prob-uh-blee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adverb in all likelihood; very likely: He will probably attend.
[Origin: 1525–35; probable + -ly]
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source prob·a·bly (prb-bl) Pronunciation Key
Most likely; presumably.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
WordNet - Cite This Source
adv 1: with considerable certainty; without much doubt; "He is probably out of the country"; "in all likelihood we are headed for war" [syn: likely, in all likelihood, in all probability, belike] 2: easy to believe on the basis of available evidence; "he talked plausibly before the committee"; "he will probably win the election" [syn: credibly, believably, plausibly] [ant: incredibly]
If you can do better, start a paper of your own. Let's see how well that goes.
You may have a much better conversation with the night bloggers, but I fear your conversational partner is in for a great disappointment.
Liberty or Death: I read your idiotic posting and I vote "Death".
I didn't claim to be able to do better, I am not a journalist nor a person with the capital to fund such a venture. I am simply an individual who is in search of a decent media source. You sound like a child.
Yes, it appears that Roy may be the Mayor of Alexandria. If elected, could he make positive changes? Oh, I'm sure.
Now, to your observations. Are these recent or prior to the possibility of Roy becoming Mayor? You sound very passionate about this/these particular issue/issues.
What's your story? Not to knock your concerns and/or beliefs, but what are you doing to make Alexandria better? Are you working with public officials to make the city better? Are you initiating grassroot efforts to enhance the quality of life in Alexandria? As a taxpayer, you have the right to meet with any public official to express any concerns that may be heavy on your heart.
Be proactive! Don't sit back and wait to see what is going to happen, be a part of what will happen!
If Roy is elected, let's not sit back and watch, jump in and state your concerns so that he and the City Council are aware of them at the start of this Administration!
It is now 2:30 p.m. and the Clown Talk still has not delivered my paper.
To the anon. that wrote "if you do not like it, start your own paper", I say if you spent more time writing worthwhile and interesting articles for the Clown Talk and stayed off the blog during the day, maybe the paper could be delivered in a timely manner.
It's funny that you mention the term "child". Only a child would complain about something so trivial. I am simply telling you that you need to move on and try another source. USA Today is available, or just watch KALB.
It's funny that a few of you believe that I work for the Town Talk because I am defending them. Again, if you dislike something that much, try something new. Why is that so challenging for some of you? The Town Talk does have its issues sometimes and if that bothers you, you don't have to maintain your subscription.
There is hope! So you are telling me that I can find an intellectual conversationalist to partner with? Awesome!!! I am so looking forward to it!!!
Oh please! Do you really believe that your "Liberty/Death" comment (juvenile at best) was worth posting? Trust me, it was not! At least come up with five lines before you contribute. Well, I'll give you a break. Three to four lines should do it for someone with your capacity! :-)
How about: "kiss my asssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" There 3.5 lines.
The Clown Talk lover and the kiss my a--------- has to be a Dem.
"Only a child would complain about something so trivial. I am simply telling you that you need to move on and try another source. USA Today is available, or just watch KALB."
Not when he/she has PAID for a service.
brewer spent half of her money on swiney and the other half on advertising. practically a zero balance on october 1st.
roy continues to raise money.
roy's also been making rounds in the black community. bbqs, church meetings, etc.
To anon 2:19 and 2:58. Let's see, your most intellligent comment is the statement and question was "idiotic" and "juvenile". It is unreasonable to question whether the status quo will be tampered with when our Mayor takes office? When a concept is put forth do you think namecalling will prove your point? My guess is you have no point. When you go to an intellectual discussion, you should bring more than your list of derogatory adjectives. And to the fellow who chooses Death, I guess that would be better than eleminating the fraud and corruption in city Hall. Oh, well Thomas Payne would be proud we have evolved so much in the last 2 centuries.
i think the reason people call you juvenile is because you don't know what you're talking about and you come across as a paranoid reactionary... especially when you use terms like "socialistic activities."
as lamar and others have pointed out on his blog, you don't know what socialism means...... and you're full of a lot of hot air.
How do you know that Brewer doesn't have any $$ left. Do you have access to her banking account. Hate to break it to you but she does have money and more money coming in each day.
Handful of people may be forking over more change. but DB won't rake it in like she needs if she doesn;t show her poll to the big wigs. They are goin round sayin they ain't gonna fork it over without the numbers. It's just bidness to them.
5 entries found for socialism.
To select an entry, click on it.
Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: 'sO-sh&-"li-z&m
Function: noun
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
It is my opinion that Charlie Nunally is a dumbass, even when sober.
That's not what i hear about brewer. she's getting $$$ AND support in black community.
Brewer is most definitely not getting lots of money and support in the black community.... dream on.
As pointed out by the person who defined socialism. The means of production is controlled by the gov't. Incidentally paranoia is a belief that everyone is out to get you when they are in fact not. If they are out to get you then it is realism. You still resume to namecalling and "Oh my goodness--Lamar said I did not know what socialism is" That is of course the end of the discussion. The definitive omnipotent one "Lamar" has spoken. The "I can do wonders with the Bringhurst golf extravaganza with your money" guru. I will be glad to debate you, Lamar or anyone on the benefits of freemarket economics over govt controlled "socialistic" endeavors. I am appalled that you are so amazingly upset over the debate. Do you hate freedom and capitalism so much that you go ballistic at the mention of the obvious. Socialism has crept into our society in many ways, to the detriment of all who wish to work and keep the product of their work, to dispose of as they wish, not at the wishes of the of those who only want to confiscate the wealth of the producers. But in any event, I began by asking the new mayor his opinions on the changes necessary to move the economy of Alexandria forward. I prefer to hear from him and see no future in discussing intellectual concepts with you unless you really wish to discuss in a rational manner.
allow a public official or employee to use a
cellular telephone issued to a public entity to make a personal
telephone call in cases of extraordinary emergency if that
official or employee promptly remits payment to the public entity
as soon as possible after the charges are made, such that the
credit of the public entity would not be extended for personal
use. Public officers and employees should not routinely use a
public entity's cellular telephones or cellular telephone service
for personal use.
Mr. G. Wayne Kuhn
Attorney General of Louisiana — Opinion
MAY 1, 1995
lol all this talk about socialism versus free market capitalism is a waste of time when the fact is, is that america is now and has been for years the biggest socialist country in the world.
"We saw that" realizes the problem in our culture today. Do we stop rational discourse or do we continue to use whatever tool we have to foster freedom. The internet has increased free speech and thus the chance to tell it the way it really is. Keep it up "Liberty or Death" and " We Saw That".
We all know that the liberal democrats such as Schumer and Kennedy are trying to destroy this country by giving aid and comfort to our ememies just because they hate Bush so much. But to learn that "we saw that" is one of them is disheartning. He sure fooled me and many others on this blog pretending to be moderate. He is a tradior to this country just like they are. I sure hope he is not Rod Noles as I was told
lol you really thought that we are rod noles?
Dear "we saw that", what is your take on our socialistic society. Is that your ideal or do you wish to go back to the founding fathers' ideals? Or as you said, should we just shut up and let others decide our destiny? You people are too comfortable with a system that exploits anyone who works for a living and wishes to keep the product of his work. Is there anyone who is out there who wishes to defend capitalism. In WWI and WWII I believe it was the capitalistic USA fighting the Socialistic and Fascist Germans, Italians and Japanese.
we believe that second to the holy bible (king james version) that the constitution of the united states of america is the most important and sacred document ever written for mankind. unfortunately, americans have fallen too far morally and spiritually to recover and restore our country to its original intent. history has shown that the only thing that will restore sanity is some calamity.
liberty or death,
I'd welcome the opportunity to debate the benefits of free market capitalism over "socialistic" endeavors. The trouble is: We'd probably agree more than we'd disagree.
Let me ask you this:
What would you prefer? Big government that stimulates economic development by fully-funding and employing endeavors like the marina, sports complex, and public golf courses?
OR government that works WITH private industry, giving them use of the marina at a cost (for example) in exchange for an agreement that private industy will employ, insure, and manage the facilities?
I think you'd probably agree: Private industry does a better job growing assets and increasing the profitability of those assets than government does.
Obviously, you've been misled about the Bringhurst Golf Course proposal and the overall vision for the Masonic Corridor, and you're choosing to take the line that this is yet another example of some sort of socialist ploy to take over America. That's your right. But it doesn't make you right.
History has shown that freedom seeking people will overcome any odds to achieve it. The history of the world is basically people fleeing oppresion at the hands of government and the Church. They moved from Africa, to the mid-east, Greece, Italy, Spain, Europe, GR. BRit and then the United States. When we became too regimented freedom lovers moved west. We always move away from govt/religion control to free speech and capitalism. The internet is the new entity that will give us more freedom, not a calamity. Just like fire, the wheel, the printing press, the renaissance, industrial revolution, the internet has increased freedom all around the world. Intelligent discussions among rational men is possible without ever leaving your home. What if those giants whose sholders we stand on would have had the communication marvels we have. NO, I don't believe our salvation is a calamity, but the ability to reason and move in the direction of the moral, rational way to live together without force or fraud. It is at least refreshing to find some who wish to discuss concepts.
oh we dont disagree with your basic observations liberty, however, at no time in the past could governments track and monitor us all at once. you need to figure that into your hypothesis. essentially what it boils down to is that now there is no where else to go to. as far as the internet goes well unless we can somehow like "lawnmowerman" transfer our conscienceness into the internet it really is just a medium to deliver porn and gossip.
oh and we dont believe that a calamity is our salvation no not at all. its just that historically thats what always happens when nations lose their morals. also the internet has been around for what 10 years or so? and nothing has changed in the world in fact the world has gotten worse.
The 95 opinion on cell phone usage predates todays bundled plans. In those days minute by minute billing was the norm. The 25% rule is fair to all involved. Plus with the free in-network calls that call could technically be free so i will be happy to itemize in that case.
Worry about something important like utility rates or economic development!!!!!!!!
Lamar, I hope we would agree. I think there is nothing the gov't can do that the free market can't do better. When people react in the free market it is without the use of force and is therefore morally defensible. Econmomics has shown irrefutable that there is a definite increase in employment, standard of living, production, health of the citizenry etc the more we move to a capitalistic system. There is no compromise between food and poison. Same w/ capitalism and socialism. A little of poison will kill ya and a little of socialism will start us on the long road to complete control of the individual. And everytime I point out a project is socialistic in nature and takes the taxpayers money without their consent, I am not screaming a socialist plot to take over America. I am simply identifying what is in reality happening. If you are suggesting it is moral to use taxpayers dollars to subsidize your favorite projects, then just say so and accept the fact that you definitely condone these collectivist activities. I don't because they are impractical, almost always fail and lead to another attempt with the taxpayers money to fix it, and are inherently immoral and dishonest. That's just the way I see it. No conspiracy, just folks who chose to work with money stolen from the one who procuced it rather than voluntarily through free trade.
Lamar cannot help but state his biased, liberalastic, bring them back down town opinion on this blog. Never have I seen anyone who has all the ansewers to all the woes of Alexandria as Lamar does. Lamar what can't you understand that no one gives a dayum about your immature, childish schemes designed to enrich you and your friends?
You can pour all the money into downtown Alexandria that you want but the white folks are not going down there. Doesn't sem that difficult to me. Why would the white citizens want to place themselves in harms way just because Brigetts brother builds condos, Fuller wants to build waterparks and you are trying to salvage old money property.
Downtown Alexandria is dead and the sooner everyone realizes that the better off we will all be. Downtown will never come back no matter how much money is pumped into the ghetto.
"I am simply identifying what is in reality happening. If you are suggesting it is moral to use taxpayers dollars to subsidize your favorite projects, then just say so and accept the fact that you definitely condone these collectivist activities. I don't because they are impractical, almost always fail and lead to another attempt with the taxpayers money to fix it, and are inherently immoral and dishonest. That's just the way I see it. No conspiracy, just folks who chose to work with money stolen from the one who procuced it rather than voluntarily through free trade."
First, we should agree that the merits of a particular project are a matter of perspective.
My perspective is this: Focus on projects that facilitate economic development and create jobs. That's what we need.
Our median household income is half of the national average, and our home ownership rates are terrible. As Union Tank Car proved, we also suffer from a lack of a skilled labor force. This is all part of the same dynamic: Our lack of skilled labor means a lower median household income, which means lower home ownership rates, which creates more blight.
I believe government should work to solve those problems, which, in my humble opinion, precludes a hands-off, laissez-faire approach. The problem with an unchecked free market is that businesses will always seek ways to avoid taxes and minimize costs, which means decreasing tax bases within municipalities and spreading out costs as cities must keep up with their expanding infrastructures (See also: suburban sprawl).
A more reasonable approach, I believe, would be to work with private industries to create synergistic alliances. This could (and often does) include tax breaks (music to the capitalist's ears) and other incentives, geared toward keeping business within the city, increasing job opportunities, and increasing our overall quality of life.
I could keep writing, but I'd enjoy reading your response first.
To Anon 9:11, you pretend to know my business, but you don't have a clue.
I don't have any development projects in Downtown Alexandria, and I do not believe that our Downtown is the only area of town in need of improvement.
There are a lot of people in Alexandria who would like to see our downtown revitalized, but we can all agree that this should not be accomplished at the expense of other, more immediate needs.
Pardon me. I meant Anonymous 9:21.
Junior it is well established that no one has a clue but you. What did Alexandria do before Junior foudn this blog site?
See Lamar, not everyone dislikes you on this site. Keep on truckin, brother.
Lamar, a few revelations: A free market is by definition unchecked. Avoiding taxes means keeping what you earn and not letting "well meaning, I know better than you what to do with your money" steal it from you. And the person who produces the money may be a better judge of how it will benefit whomever. He might think it better to use it to fund his kids education than to improve an intrastructure that he disaproves of. And Lamar, you speak of Louisiana's plight. Nothing could prove my point more. New Orleans in particular being the best example of the welfare state incarnate. Our state is the most socialistic of all and has proceeded down this path since the civil war and especially since the Kingfish, the man who would have pushed the country even more socialistic than FDR. New Orleans is an example of what happens when we condone a welfare state. You know, the producers will just leave if you keep stealing a larger and larger portion of their production. Remember, the wealth they accumulate, they put back into the economy by buying stocks, providing employment, buying more goods etc. exponentially. You can't have synergist alliances between two entities when one has a gun. What does the govt have to offer but the ability to confiscate the individuals wealth by force. Free trade is the biggest boon to the poor and uneducated, just like Union Tank Car is training many to have productive jobs. If the govt was in the shoe business, a pair would be $3,000, you could have one pair a year and they wouldn't fit. Look what Gates did and how many jobs he created and what he did for the world. He forced no one, and gave the world so much for free. The govt takes, it does not give and what ever is left to give to the peons is stolen money anyway. And when businesses minimize taxes they use this money to increase quality of products, lower costs, increase wages, hire new people and on and on. When govt steals more in the form of taxes, businesses must fire people, increase cost of their products, etc. Simple economics, but fact. In the history of the world, the closer to complete capitalism a culture became, the more free and healthy in every way, physically, mentally and economically. Any way you cut it, without all the smoke and mirrors, capitalism is the only economic system that works, period and the further from it we wander the worse everyone's plight. Except of course the govt boys.
Let's see if I understand American freedom and liberty. Independence, but not for the South. Freedom to drive the Hawiian queen from her throne and steal that country from its people. Freedom to take the entire Southwest from Mexico, after starting a War with them for that purpose. Taking Puerto Rico from Spain and keeping it for ourselves. Forcing children upon a bus to drive past their neighborhood school to one across town. Great freedom and liberty to brag about, no doubt.
Anyone else see the Diana Iles piece on the negative campaigning by Brewer and Roy? If you missed it, check it out on the KALB website. LOL big time about the final statement...that both candidates have promised to keep the runoff positive...I say that if you believe that, I've got some worthless, vanishing swamp land on the coast to sell you.
And what about the Indians (Native Americans)..you forgot the indians
LMAO KALB and the Town Talk waited to start bitchin about the "negative" campaign until all the political advertisement checks from the candidates cleared the bank.
I think we're talking about two related yet entirely different issues: Government projects that actually help facilitate economic development and create jobs. AND a welfare state that only serves to maintain a stagnant status quo.
Our difference lies in our understanding of why government exists.
So let me pose these questions:
Do you believe that in free market capitalism, the strong survive?
Do you believe that those who cannot independently provide for themselves-- the disabled, the elderly, the infirm, the impoverished- are at a disadvantage when participating in this system?
And relatedly, do you believe that we as taxpayers have a responsibility to help those less fortunate?
The problem is not necessarily with the ideology behind this system of governance; the problem is with those who take advantage of this system.
It's those who falsely claim to be disabled, infirm, and/or impoverished; they take advantage of our system. And yes I agree, too often, government is an accomplice to the status quo.
oh and now that you mention the election - whats the deal with the elections lawsuit that kenneth doyle filed?
Perfect capitalism means you compete by reducing the price of your goods by shipping the jobs to 3rd world countries. Call Dell support and see who you talk to. There really has to be some sort of balance between profit and moral imperative. Nothing is as absolute as Liberty or Death claims. I bet he was a Katrina contractor or has a minority set aside or gets a subsidy for not growing cotton or something. Liberty or Death only cares about what is good for Liberty or Death and will screw his employees and competitors in a heartbeat. Everybody wants a $115 TV Set but they want to make $35/hr building them.
Yes, New Orleans is a prime example of a "welfare state" and one we should never hope to see again, but probably will. Why? Because people get trapped in a system. A system that despite being in a capitalist nation refuses to pay a living wage instead of a minimum wage. A system that has the best health care system in the world and the most people uninsured and unable to access that same system.
We cannot totally accept the concepts of a free market because there is still a need for social programs - sorry, but that's the sad truth.
It is true that in many areas business and industry can do things much better than their public counterparts. Education is one of them. Workforce training is one of them. BUT it takes both the public and the private working together to achieve the goals at hand.
It also takes the willingness of the individuals on the receiving end of that social program to move forward and upward. There will always be people who are going to be unemployed. There will always be people on welfare. Why? Because they choose to be and we can't change that. So Liberty or Death what is your answer for them? Lock them away? Stop giving them a hand-out? What?
UTLX's training program is a public-private partnership. They are not doing this on their own. I truly have forgotten how much perception is reality.
Yes, they are having to train workers. BUT it was not because we didn't have a workforce here to begin with. We had skilled workers. What happened? Two hurricanes to start with. Welders can name their price in the Gulf. What else? This wonderful government ran education system we have here under the name of public education graduated people who can't pass math and reading tests? It's 2006 and Johnny still can't read. People who graduated in 1980 can't read! We're teaching tests so students can score high on the Iowa or high on the LEAP and the reality is they still can't function when the graduate.
I read all of ya'lls griping about the media. Ya'll forget that there is a little upstart newspaper in Pineville that does it's job a lot better than the Clown Talk.
Maybe if we support that paper, instead of the TT, Gannett will get the message.
To make things simple, capitalism is responsible for freedow which results in better conditions for all and government which is anti-freedom rules by force and stagnates the progress of the individual and creates the conditions you mention so frequently. You mention education which has declined the more the govt has controlled it. Private education will always give the best return on your money. Just like any other business, it will be less expensive, more productive, safer, and much more advanced. Take the restraints off private industry and watch it take off. If you think that the poor are better off with the govt taking care of them, look a little closer and see the squalor and dead end conditions they live in. The govt keeps them down so that they look to the govt leaders and give them votes to receive the govt's largesse. Jesse Jackson, Nagin, Dollar Bill Jefferson. Capitalism took the poor from dying in wretched conditions, watching their children die from starvation to working in poor conditions for small wages, but increased the lifestyle and allowed to "live" and to continue to prosper. Capitilism is life, government is death. Taxpayers are workers who have their money stolen from them and when you add it up with income {local and state) property, business, sales tax etc, well over half of their production is taken by the govt. They are not obligated to the govt. It is the govt who was supposed to be obligated to you. If you want to help the poor, do so. You have no right to steal my money to make yourself feel better by redistributing it. That is what churches and other private charities can do with their "VOLUNTERY" contributions. Will discuss wages later, gotta go. Remember this discussion started by asking Roy specifically how he was going to change the status quo and was he leaning to a more free market approach. Haven't got an answer yet.
Capitalism took the poor from dying in wretched conditions, watching their children die from starvation to working in poor conditions for small wages, but increased the lifestyle and allowed to "live" and to continue to prosper. Capitilism is life, government is death.
Bull Shit. Pure capitalism without government control results in pure greed. Remember sweat shops? Remember the Ford Pinto, which Ford knew would kill people?
Unfortunately, we overreact to situations and swing the pendalum too far the other way. Seldom do reactionaries find a common sense middle ground. But some laws and controls are needed, because people throughout history have shown that they are general animals and will run wild.
According to TT, Ethics Board won't have much to talk about on Thursday regarding blogs. Ethics staff says no state law on books.
Mexico is a democracy with generally uncontrolled capitolism. There are very few things that a bribe or a knife won't get you south of the border. There is very little regulation and people are free to do whatever they want without restriction or help. You don't have to be satisfied with squalor and starvation: you can sell your daughter into sex slavery or your infant son to an adoption broker and get enough pesos to fill your gas tank or your refrigerator if you have a car or a refrigerator or electricity. The poor Mexicans love it down there and you couldn't get them go leave all that freedom and opportunity for anything.
I'll bet you don't hear much about the condo development downtown now that certain people are out of the race for mayor. I also doubt that the deal with the Bentley will go through, unless the city ponies up some serious funds.
The promises they made during the campaign and the fuck job they gave us during the previous 4 years are already forgotten. I am told that one of the newly elected councilpersons is astounded that we are "so easy". I can still remember Lawson prancing arround telling all of the South Alexandria residents all the wonderful things he did for them. I often wondered if we aren't living in a play written and directed by a Woodworth realtor.
Saw this on the Ethics Board agenda:
G11. Docket No. 04-416
Consideration of a consent opinion concerning Wes Hebron, a former member of the Rapides Parish Waterworks District, participating in matters before such board involving his brother, Roy Hebron.
I thought all of this had been dismissed? What more is to come?
My guess is that Liberty or Death is a person of means that he probably inherited or married. Those folks are frustrated because their wealth was so easy to get and so hard to keep. Bet he talks real ugly about the Mexicans at Walmart even though they are trying to improve their lot in life through hard work and frugality. His lovely wife does, however, like the concept of the $5.95 begonia made possible by their piss-poor wages and conditions. Don't trust this guy. He will now write that he is a self-made captain of industry but don't buy it. He gets an allowance, has a sky box at the Saints games, and is told how to dress and what to say by his mother in law (who would have much proferred that she marry that dentist). He has adopted the slogan of one of our great patriots but he as omitted the first two words ("give me") which he has probably had occassion to use a lot in order to get the vacation or the custom clubs. P H O N E Y
Thanks for bringing up the Water District stuff. Now we will have to hire an exorcist to turn of Aymond again.
I think I remember comments doubting the veracity of evidence that I had seen and remarks to the effect that the matter was not over. It is amazing how enlightened one appears when dealing with facts. Let them stew in their great wonder Greg.
Anonymous 8:16 - If I were a betting person, I would say that you are a "dyed in the wool" LIBERAL. Anytime anyone comes on this blog with anything intelligent and informative to say, you always respond with sarcasm and unfounded accusations. Since you have no real knowledge to draw from, you resort to nastiness. I have enjoyed the reparte between "liberty" and the well thought out responses. You, however, are a snarly pain in the arse.
I am curious as to how one can differentiate between anon's as in "you always respond..." Is there a method of identification of which anon is saying what?
How does one anon respond to another anon as though he knows who the anon is and what postings anon post?
Dayum algore done us a favor inveting the intranet. Now we can identify the unidentifiables and know whether they are liberals, conservatives, homo sapiens, transvestite sapiens, whites, blacks, catholics, protestants, muslam or whatever.
I'm thinking that Snarley identifies this accuser as a well-know republican lady. She, like the accused poster, is making a number of insulting assumptions without information on which to base same. You obviously adore the Liberty or Death viewpoint because it agrees with yours. I don't know the parties involved but I everyone is correct: 8:16 is a decerning liberal and Liberty or Death is a P H O N E Y. In your obviously narrow view of things, I bet you think that being liberal is worse. That tells us something. Snarky is as Snarky does.
Ooooooo. I think that's right. I think Ms. B L needs to get a new epithet. This one seems to identity whose "arse" is pained.
Anonymous said...
10:20:01, it's really not that hard to figure out the players. Liberals are snarky and self-proclaimed reactionary patriots (of which we have more than a few here present) leave a wide slime trail like snails (which the French eat). I figure you to be a good guy that chuckles at all the bullshit and all these folks taking themselves soooo seriously.
Liberaly but Ashamed you are correct I take great delight in stirring shit in here amongst these pompious asses. Few truly know what is important, few know how to "zone" and some don't realize how all their pat answers to all of mankind's problems appear so childish and silly.
However I imagine when they have lived long enough they will do better.
SOS - snarking and sliming; sliming and snarking. McCain for President.
First of all, this anonymous poster is not Beth Levy. Second, I did not use the word snarky. I used the word snarly. Not only do you not have any worthwhile ideas of your own and can't recognize good ones when they are presented to you, but you also cannot read.
lTo anon 2:15 What's your point with ad hominem attacks backed by nothing but hot air supposition which incidentally is 100% wrong, but I doubt it will bother you much. If you have a point or the capability to enter in an adult discussion, you are invited, otherwise you are just taking up space here and elsewhere. I can only surmise that you, in your obvious disgust with one who espouses the virtues of capitalism, are an ardent defender of the socialistic, collectivist, dictatorial governments of most of the countries of the world. But of course I wouldn't know, because you attack the man rather than the idea. Hmmmmmm! I on the other hand have found the defenders of capitalism to be self made men and those with the silver spoon birthright are quite generous with the workers money.
Anon 2:15? Help me I got CSS or Liberty has. Anyone else fail to find an Anon 2:15?
The Gospel of Anon, Chapter 2, Verse 15. Liberty's eyes have died.
Come now, Liberty, you titan of industry and bulwark of democracy. Nobody can be 100% wrong. Don't I get partial credit for punctuation? I find you rather harsh in your judgment of the proletariat.But I understand that you won't make an allowance because you get an allowance.
As to the person wrongly accused of being BL, I realize that I must have somehow been mistaken (wink, wink) and you meant snarly and not snarky. I assumed you meant snarky because snarly would not fit any rational thought or message and I assumed since you were savy enough to use a computer, it might be lack of typing skill instead of impaired language skill. But of course, you meant snarly, which is totally nonsensical, but then, who am I to judge.
All you need is love - a message from Lennon (John not Nicoli)
I am getting tired of reading all of this crap. When will we get back to local politics?
I can't wait to buy a condo on third st. so I can sit there and look at the Red River and the for fun I will be able to walk down to the Bentley and have dinner in the 4 star Hotel, O wait I was having a dream..and woke up to the same ole same ole....
I can't wait to buy a condo on third st. so I can sit there and look at the Red River and the for fun I will be able to walk down to the Bentley and have dinner in the 4 star Hotel, O wait I was having a dream..and woke up to the same ole same ole....
Wow Liberty. You must have been hot stuff in the 50's & 60's when we were in the cold war and intelligent people really talked like you. Joe McCarthy is dead so you must be somebody else with is paranoid mind set. Duck and cover!
hey! thats our dream dammit.
Damn Liberals have taken over our blog!! What a waste of time and space.
Meet us at the yacht club for Brandy Alexandrias and then we can go to the polo matches at the Myron Dome.
You said it. Them liberal sumbiches that want to cut and run from Iraq just when we are starting to do really good and are on the track of them WMDs. Get offa here, you.
Heitmeier droped out of Sec. of State race today. Heitmeier said he thinks the voter turnout will be smaller on Nov. 7 than on Sept. 30. Said the numbers didn't look promising for him and he thought this was the best decision under the circumstances. Dardenne becomes Secretary of State -Elect. Do you think Brewer should bow out of the mayor's race?
if she has any sense, she should drop out... but her campaign hasn't made a good decision in two months... why should they start now????
To Anon 6:15:35
Because there's no Swinehart. One of the worst strategists in the country, IMHO.
if she really hired roy fletcher, he won't have a problem telling her to drop out. he's done it before with other candidates...face reality, face the demographics, and instead of praying for a miracle, save the city from another month of dirty politics and drop out.
she'd look like an honest person if she faced the facts.
"Brandy Alexandrias"
Hell, I think I went to High School with her. In fact, I think I took her to Prom. 2 in the Pink, 1 in the Stink!!!
All of you lefties out there may want to take notes from Mr. Bush on how to conduct foreign policy. The difference between Clinton & Bush is as checkers is to chess and we will see that being borne out in the North Korea matter. While all of the naysayers are screaming about the latest move by NK, tensions are rising between the PRNK , China & Russia, thus taking the load off of the US to be some kind of bad cop. We also hold two ace cards that we have proved we are willing to play, trade & nukes. So while all of you lilly livered, tree hugging, queer-loving, politically correct types are wringing your hands in fear of glowing in the dark, I am going to pour another McFiddich and have a cigar knowing that W has the situation firmly in control.
"I am going to pour another McFiddich"
Holy shit...they are selling Scotch at McDonalds now????
Awsome!!!!! I'll have a # 3 and please SUPER size it!!!
The secret is to not overindulge. Since the primary law of nature is that only the strong survive, it is imperative to consume the correct amount of any alcoholic beverage to acheive the most beneficial results with the goal being to kill only the weak brain cells. It is actually possible to increase ones intelligence by using this natural selection method. I found studying gave me a headache and moderate drinking gave me a buzz, so the choice was very elementary. I drink to increase my intelligence.
If Delores would have a drink, it would increase her intelligence and she would drop out of the race. What do you think?
OK, I am a phony, a sex pervert, a polygamist, an atheist, a satanist, a murderer and any other name you can annoint me with. But I believe the statements I made are based on fact, logic, and reason. Can you say the same for yours. A is A. Logic is logic. Are we to discuss in a logical manner issues or just succumb to ad hominem attacks. It is your choice. You will be the loser because I know what the hell I'm talking about and I doubt if any of you anons have a clue. But you are good namecallers which of course excuses your inferiority complexes which I think are fully justified. Well, if you have a real concept to discuss, do so. I still haven't heard from Roy as to his economic positions re: the next four years.
I like Spanky as he makes sense. I'll drink to that and will be back with a much higher intellect. Thanks Spanks!
Well dang Liberty or Death. You could have kept all them other vices to yourself. The only obvious blemish that appeared thru your attempts to be intellectual is that you are mega P H O N E Y.
Liberty, my international economics is spotty at best but I believe the liberal seriously kicked your ass with his mexican discussion. I noticed that you avoided it like herpes. and you might be gettin kinda personal yourself. You got an awful short fuse for a messiah. might be too much starch in the robe or the sandels might be a little tight - might be bursitis from carrying them tablets off the mountain - anyway, I hope your mother in law provides you with health insurance and you can get that stuff checked.
"Spanky said...
If Delores would have a drink, it would increase her intelligence and she would drop out of the race. What do you think?"
Hey Spanky, does it count if she is sipping a mint julep on her front porch, or does it have to be a real drink. Balvenie on the rocks, double please.
Any of it counts as long as it is in moderation. Cheers
"So while all of you lilly livered, tree hugging, queer-loving, politically correct types"
Spanky, I haven't seen such language from you, but that shit is funny. I am a Democrat myself, but not one of the hemp shirt wearing dildos. More to the middle, think John McCain makes sense, but Rush, O'Reilly and Hannity can lick my nuts and blow each other, along with Cheney, Dumbsfeld and Rove. W might not be so bad if he didn't listen to those dickheads.
Wow! Lots of phallic references in one casual posting. Are things OK at home?
Mexico is just one example of a capitalist nation which doesn't work well. There are parts working okay - but primarily because those states have been so Americanized and basically because they have kicked out all of the "ethnic" groups. (The state of Nuevo Leon where Monterey is located comes to mind.)
If you truly want to exam an ecomonic disaster look at Russia. When the USSR left its communist control and broke into independent capitalist countries the citizens were no better off than before. Their "class" social system still existed. Their army wasn't getting paid so they began to sell off weaponry on the black market - and I believe we're all seeing the result of that!
Every economic theory - Marxism, Lenonism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, whateverism has flaws. They all must have checks and balances to work.
Liberty thank you sooooooo much for taking me back to the days when I typed my boyfriend's economic papers in college!!! NOW I NEED A DRINK!
I was a registered Democrat then I switched to Republican and both of them tick me off at times, so I am proud to be a Merican. Mericans stand up for Merica first cuz we know that this is the greatest place on earth to be and be from. Besides being a great place to be, it will be the safest place to be when we start slinging nukes cuz we got those 747's with the lasers and rail guns in space to take care of the rest of the incoming so we can get them, but they can't get us, poor bastards. I am quite fond of Dr. Strangelove.
How much have you had to drink tonight Spanky?
Mexico has been a dictatorship for hundreds of years, which is why they have crossed our borders to reap the benefits of the most capitalist country of the world. With the help of the USA and its businesses they are moving in the direction of economic stability but still have a long way to go. The advances they have achieved over the last 25 yrs can be attributed to capitalism. Read Robert Rubins' book and you will see what has transpired since his term as Sec of the Treasury under Clinton. I have never heard the words capitalism and Mexico related before, and if there were problems in Mexico, I've never ever heard them attributed to capitalism as that is why a million folks a year are crossing our border. They are escaping the oppression of a socialistic society and seeking freedom here.
Spanky, I think you drank yourself right past intelligent into creative and poetic. Might want to write down the formula.
Yep Sigmund, the boy was throwing around a lot of that sex talk if you are tuned into that kind of thing. He seemed alright otherwise except for being a little off base with his politics. Folks from the military-industrial complex are what make this country tick with the big bucks. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have old Duke movies, government excess, foreign occupation and all of the other stuff that we common folk talk about all day long. Without them, how boring would life be?
OK liberty. Mexico is a dictatorship. Lots of us didn't realize that. Read 10:10:30 then go charge your golf cart. You are hopelessly P H O N E Y
There is no formula, it is art. The art of action and interaction which is owned by those that seize the moment. So seize the moment and any alcohol you have nearby and join me. While I cannot guarantee the path you will embark, I can assure you that you will kill brains cells and hopefully they are the weak ones.
I give Mexico is a dictatorship with a what is it 3 party system that only allows its president to serve 1 freakin' term! You win LIBERTY! I'll be sure to relay that to my friend the former Congressman from Vera Cruz in my next email. I'm sure he'll be delighted to know he's living in a dictatorship.
PHONEY = fully firm feces filled facist fruitcake
OK Liberty. Now is the time when you want to adopt a new moniker and praise your own brilliance, conservatism, religiosity, objectivity, achievement, and patriotism. Don't.
If you don't think having to bribe teenage federales waving automatic rifles to get to your fishing lake south of the border is indicative of dictatorial govt policies, then look closely at the collectivist economic policies of the last 100 years in Mexico. A dictatorship can have one or a thousand masters, but the fact is central control(govt) of the individual is still dictatorial. I have mentioned the principles upon which capitalism stands, on what principles are your views based? Just yelling that the individual discussing concepts is PHONEY is hardly the basis for a far reaching philosophy.
Los Angeles has the crips and the bloods. Does that redefine our governmental and economic system? P H O N E Y
Anymore about the poll? People said they were called.
The Crips and the Bloods are not wearing U.S. Army govt uniforms.
anon 7:16 I think you must be the phoney. Do you not understand anything? Your postings are the most childish I have seen on this blog.
I am a Republican, but consider myself a moderate. I disagree with much of the capitalism arguments of Liberty, but this morning the Town Talk come out in favor of more government intrusion into our lives.
The Town Talk favors licensing, for a fee, our pets. It also says we should spay or neauter our pets.
I have had my dog for 14 years. He still has all of the original equipment God provided him with, yet he lives in my house and fenced in back yard and has produced no offspring. If he and I accomplish this, then so can anyone else, and without government interference.
The problem comes from the lack of enforcement of the animal laws we already have in existence. If the City can not efficiently enforce those that already exist, how can it enforce another one. No this will not solve any pet problems, it will simply cost responsible pet owners another tax. Pull your head out of your liberal ass Town Talk.
Spanky, did you forget that we Southerners tried to exercise our liberty and form our own nation, but were invaded by the North and forced to their will at gunpoint? The fact that it happened 3 or 4 generations ago, doesn't make it right.
Anon 7:45:09, your comeback was anticipated.
"OK Liberty. Now is the time when you want to adopt a new moniker and praise your own brilliance, conservatism, religiosity, objectivity, achievement, and patriotism. Don't."
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:15:34 AM
"You are one too". What a brilliant rapier-like forensic stroke.
OK, lets talk about the mayor race.
Anon 7:45:09, your comeback was anticipated.
"OK Liberty. Now is the time when you want to adopt a new moniker and praise your own brilliance, conservatism, religiosity, objectivity, achievement, and patriotism. Don't."
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:15:34 AM
"You are one too". What a brilliant rapier-like forensic stroke.
OK, lets talk about the mayor race.
Dear moderate republican. I too have a dog with all of his standard equipment and he lives inside and will sire no progeny however he does show a strong attraction for my brother-in-law's leg. The point is that people who are responsible loving pet owners like you and I don't present the problem. The fact that you an many others are careful considerate drivers does not mean that we don't need speed limits to address those who are not.
Anything that will make it more onerous on the people who let their pets roam free or keep 6 of them chained in thier 10 X 12 yard is fine with me. We kill 9,000 of those poor creatures a year. We jerk their head up and cram a huge needle in their hearts. That doesn't mention the dozens of companion animals run over and maimed or killed every day. I am not a liberal but it breaks my heart.
The strategy goes like this. Heitmeier is out of the race and there are no well funded democrats left to fund and drive a GOTV effort for the minority community so it will be up to the moderate and conservative white voters to decide mayor. Delores thinks she can get her share of those. Delores thinks she is attracting the lion's share or Roosevelt's white following. That would do it.
Fellow bloggers, The late and crazy John K. Snyder found that the city was killing stray animals by putting them in a cinder block room with a pipe running out of it. The would back the dog catcher's truck up to the pipe hooking the exhaust pipe to it and let the motor run until all the animals in the room were dead. Even though he was crazy he put a stop to this cruelty. I have to give the devil his due.
Those same 9,000 animals would wind up in the animal shelter! Why???? Use your own logic. The only persons who would pay the $5-50 license fee are the RESPONSIBLE owners. You know, the ones who keep their animals in fenced yards or inside, who take them to the vet each year for rabies shots - which by the way - GETS THEM A TAG WITH AN ID NUMBER!!!!!! The same irresponsible pet owners would NOT pay the license fee, allow their animals to run around the neighborhood, over breed and then wind up at the shelter unclaimed.
There is no answer for this problem. The cycle will continue unless the current laws are enforced PERIOD!
Liberty -
According to your theory, any country with a centralized form of government is a dictatorship. OK, then I guess everyone is living in its own little dicatatorship. The US has a centralized government in the Federal Government which imposes laws upon our individual lives as well as our business lives. Add to that each state has its own centralized government which imposes more laws on us individually and as business persons. And wait, then we get to counties or parishes as well call them and onto cities. Geez - we're really getting hammered with the laws around here!
Mexico is no more a dictatorship that the US in its current form of government. I don't know where you have studied, but it is obviously the same place that believes John Glenn walking on the moon was all a big fake. In a dictatorship, people don't vote. In a dictatorship, the ruling power appoints all persons who rule in each part of the goverment and controls everything. Guess what????? In Mexico, each state holds it own elections. They have a parliament - much like our own Congress. And guess what???? If they don't agree with the President - just like in the US - NOTHING GETS DONE. They sit and bicker and NOTHING HAPPENS. There is no reform, there is no economic package, nothing moves the country forward.
Mexico has made great strides over the past few decades. Its people have come to realize the power of their votes. Unfortunately, many people in the US don't have a clue what a privilege it is to vote. We take it for granted.
Liberty is not being honest - he is passive/aggressive. He wants to talk about liberty and freedom and capitalism but his real message is about resentment. Somebody, probably 3 generations back, worked hard for his money and now he has to pay all these taxes so that lazy new orleans negros and illegal mexicans can send their kids to a decent school and get basic medical care. The evil of socialism is that he is forced to share his good fortune and ancestral success with poor folks who are shiftless and don't speak english and want to marry his daughter. So you can beat the subject to death but he will never understand the moral strength that is America. He would fare better and be happier in Mexico where social programs are virtually nonexistant and if you can't earn or steal a subsistance, you die. And of course he will never admit his selfish feelings because he is P H O N E Y.
PHONEY-You have to be an academic LIBERAL. Talk about PHONEY. You and your self-righteous condescending speech. If it were to rain today and you went outside, you would drown. Who made you GOD and gave you the ability to look into peoples mind? You darned right I don't want some "lazy" N.O. individual, or any other individual, taking my hard earned money for that matter. The elderly, the children and disabled do need assistance. But, why should we break our country to give free healthcare and social security checks and have to hire all kinds of people to speak the languages of all of these people from Mexico and other countries because they won't assimilate and learn our language and do what's necessary to be a legal citizen. I wouldn't want to do all of that if they were legal. I totally disagree with you on this and am sick of reading your know-it-all posts, when in reality, you are just a blow-hard LIBERAL trying to impose your harmful views on everyone else.
DB on Moon Griffon saying she'll stop the shananigans at city hall. Says people don't want the old dealings anymore and she'll put a stop to it.
Please, she's in on those deals.
JR coming up later.
Need anyone say more about Liberty? I think not. How do you think he feels about the 2nd amendment?
Betcha he has a WWJD bracelet.
You think Liberty is against arming bears?
OK, enough of this liberal/conservative crap. we all know that liberals are sky-is-falling, bed wetting, hand wringing losers. let's move on.
Is Delores Brewer talking about NED Randolph? He has been and still is the Mayor of Alexandria..isnt he? She worked for him as a Director and as Chief of Staff didnt she? Seems to me that everytime she talks about hwo things are bad in the current administration she is indicting her own self. Float on..
I just learned from a good source that Brewer will drop out of the race! Announcement will come Friday morning. I guess Roy will win by default.
Any poll results yet?
OK, that's one step tooo far. I'm a Merican by birth and Southerner by the grace of God and I cannot figure out what brought on that remark. Do I remember??? Hell yes.
We're talking a lot of apples and oranges. Capitalism is an economic system and does not need a govt to exist. Our govt was designed for the purpose of protecting its citizens individual right by three methods; militia(army) from outside invaders, police from internal criminals and courts of law. No mention of any income taxes or other methods of theft. The govt was a republic and this was the closet capitalism existed in its purist form. There are many different kinds of govts (from very limited to complete dictatorship) The essence of the discussion is whether capitalism is the only economic system that provides the freedom necessary for all to succeed. I think the farther one moves from the laissez-faire principles, the lower the standard of living in every way becomes. I bet incidentally if we are attempting to conclude peoples position in the community by their postings here, then PHONEY is probably a low level govt bureaucrat whose job was obtained through political favor and he/she is just feeling inferior having obtained his income from money stolen from workers in the private sector. He knows in his heart and mind that no argument exist for opinions so he must resort to other methods.
Hey, did you guys hear Delores Brewer on the Moon Griffon show? To honor her truce, her first words were,"I was attacked...blah -blah-blah". I feel this only illustrates that she is not the person to get in the ring with the existing council if she is so ultra-sensitive and cannot move on. I guess my question to Delores is "why the hell did you bring a knife to a gun fight and now you want to boo-hoo about it when you got shot in the ass??? Huh??" Go figure.
awww shux we missed ms brewer's segment.
Dear 12:36:06
I can't tell very much about you intellect or political leanings (you apparently have a problem with our country raising and army) but it is obvious from your posting that you are an NRA instructor because you apparently blew at least 3 fingers off of your left hand. That would be the only possible explaination for your basic errors in spelling and language. I hope that you still have your middle finger so you can commuicate with educated people with that gesture of affection.
Spanky-Would you "splain" yourself on your "knife to a gun fight" comment? Delores is a very nice person who got totally "blindsided" by the Roy attacks on her character. She is totally new to politics and had bad advice, obviously. Don't you think she has the right to defend herself in this situation?
1:27:04 - I hope your post was a joke. Considering your spelling, I'm sure it was.
I don't know, Spanky. The broadcast I heard bragged about her 18 years in city government and how she like Ned because he was a conservative democrat but she was not Ned and she would do things differently and that she was savagely and brutally attacked by the trial-lawyer MF, who attached her ethics and character and she didn't believe in that shit and it was typical democrat chickenshit tactics and she was gonna abide by the law. Roy, on the other hand, had the wisdom not to wander into that ambush. Anyway, she threw down the gauntlet this time for sure and I expect Roy to unload on her devious ass.
I certainly do believe she has every right to defend herself. When I was kid, we used to have rock fights. When we came home crying, my mom would ask " were you throwing rock too? Well, what are you crying about? If you weren't throwing rocks, how were you in a rock fight? Quit crying." The point is that Delores got trumped because the person she threw rocks at had a bigger rock and it evidently hit home with the voters. Maybe she is too nice to be mayor with the current city council if she cannot see a sucker punch coming.If I have to explain the knife to a gun fight deal, maybe you shouldn't accept any duel offers.
I'm sorry. I guess it should have been "blue three fingers off". My bad.
So Spanky, in order for Delores to emerge victorious she must get Jacques' rocks off?
Mr. Anon 1:40 that is a big 10-4 on the program repeat as that is how I heard it too. Delores, honey you need to quit throwing rocks now before someone gets an eye put out.
Anon 1:46 if that is all it takes to stimulate your errogenous zone, you may be a prime candidate for your picture in the paper with your new address and a place in the state sex offender registry.
I resent that Spanky. What are you wearing right now??
" Maybe she is too nice to be mayor with the current city council if she cannot see a sucker punch coming."
My guess is she is TOO BLONDE!!! How can she honestly sit there and attempt to make the public believe she had no idea someone was even going to attempt to point out that she formed a company and tried to get the Housing Authority Business? Or that her husband sold the Housing Authority insurance? Or that her brother-in-law did work for the City? Is she REALLY THAT DUMB?????
She must be because there truly is no other reason. Give me a break!
My house cleaning oufit which is a pink lace neglige' with mink trim collar and crotch. May I dust something for you?
spanky! ya sick pup.
Well, on election night they both talked about face-to-face debate. That will tell the tale. She can't think on her feet. Hell, she can't even count her feet.
y'all stop! you are making me cry over po' lil delores. how dare that pig roy notify the voting public that she lied not once, but twice! how dare that chauvinistic oink point out her extended family has been super glued to the city teat for years! it's not fair! it's high time for roy to take the high road and refuse to use ANY facts concerning po' lil delores. enough is enough. she's a woman! is chivalry dead in the south? alas and alack. woe is me.
You guys have s--t for brains.
Delores was aggressive as shit on Moon this morning. I suppose Roy could be a good sport and just smile about the cheap shots but I don't know if he will or he should. He beat her ass with the truth before. By the way, I hear that Myron and Martin Johnson were at Tommy Antoon's office at about 2 this afternoon. I know they tried to sell out to Brewer/Provosty. Hell, if you have nothing to deliver, why just sell it once???
what will that running dog roy accuse precious lil delores of next? trying to get her own paws into the housing authority cookie jar, only to be aced out by kelvin's wife for half the monthly cost? the horror! the humanity!
anon 3.35.38.... "Hell, if you have nothing to deliver, why just sell it once???" too funny!!
after all...... delores is the victim here. i can feel her pain.
If all fairness to Delores, there was really no way to determine what a reasonable contract price on "Relocation" is since, to this day, nobody has any fucking idea WHAT IT IS OR HOW YOU DO IT.
In the spirit of economy and frugality, the Housing Authority decided to only pay about half as much for unknown and unperformed services. Apparently you can get the same amount of nothing for 18K as you can for 36K if properly managed.
3.54.17 ahahahahahahah!
It would appear that the We Saw That site was wiped out by radiation from the North Korean bomb.
we thought the north korean bomb was a dud?
reminds me of story about an operator of a nearby brothel. daily the madam would make cash deposits at her bank. when the snooty banker asked how was business, she replied: business is great; you got it, you sell it; you still got it.
so why shouldn't there be multiple sales of votes that can't and won't be delivered?
The not-so-subtle similarities are quite poignant. Thanks.
Myron was very animated struting around near the corner "speakin on de cell fome" while Kingfish Johnson was gesticulatin up a storm at Chicken Magnate Antoon in do dow way.
Might be a "Hot Wings for Jefferson" drive.
poor myron. day by day word is out on him in da hood and in silk stocking tenement oaks. he's scurrying around like da reverend jesse jackson, trying to peddle power that he no longer has. his posse, kelvin and down town bridget brown are bulk mailing their resumes. it's a sad state of affairs.
rut roh! lamar is reporting delores' camp has yet to respond to his request of a debate open to the public. i'm sure it is just an administrative snafu and as soon as delores realizes the mistake she will call roy to work out the details for the debate.
why is it so quiet in here tonight? what are you lot up to?
Lamar is going to do anything he can to insure Roy is elected. Then watch the funds start flowing to Lamar's little projects - Bringhurst Golf Course, revitilize downtown, etc.
Lamar will be the first hog at the trough when Roy takes office.
we saw that, just got back from dad's for supper, was wondering if it was something i said. :)
"Lamar is going to do anything he can to insure Roy is elected. Then watch the funds start flowing to Lamar's little projects - Bringhurst Golf Course, revitilize downtown, etc."
God forbid we let someone with creativity, a genius mind & a sincere love for his hometown get involved. Who the hell else is jumping on the Bringhurst deal?
Are they just lining up for that?
Zoning here. Still sponsoring that number 8 car. Figure I should have a hood ad by now. Course not many can handle high test - big engines need high test. After all 6 million brothers can't be wrong. If they know anything they know their beer. You red necks keep drinking that old mil light.
Wonder how many malts a long necker has?
Head aches are a results of constricted blood vessels. High Blood Pressure medication dilates (right word?) the blood vessel in order to lower blood pressure. Always takes your blood pressure pill before serious zoning.
However never sone if your pregnant (if you are it is not mine) never operate heavy machinery or drive. So you can zone while attempting to impregnate and most folks don't drive or operate heavy machiner while begating.
Wonder what zone zanax, blood pressure medicine and king of beers will put you in?
No one else is desirous of operating the ghetto golf course. If the folks that operated it for 50 years gave up on it what makes boy wonder think he is going to make a go off it. He isn't just looking for a position at the trough.
Anon 9:00, mix a little Hydrococone syrup with that Bud and you will be as messed up as a rattlesnake in a lawnmower. Just be close to the bed and have your alarm set.
That's Hydrocodone - sorry - my collar tickled at the wrong time.
Why would Lamar be calling Delores' HQ to demand a debate? Is he an official agent for Roy? He has really diminished his image with all of this meddling. I guess he just desparately wants to feel as if he's a part of something.
You people are the epitome of ignorance. I swear.
Your welcome?
Anyone find this irnonic: "In 1983, Ned Randolph was defeated in an upset in the primary for reelection to the state senate by fellow Democrat William Joseph "Joe" McPherson, Jr., of Pineville, across the Red River from Alexandria. McPherson, who is still the state senator, was supported by both Congressman Gillis Long and Edwin Washington Edwards, who was making a successful bid in that same election for a third term in the governor's office."
What's the point of signing up for a blogger acct?
anon, you misread my post or i wasn't very clear. "Why would Lamar be calling Delores' HQ to demand a debate?" lamar reported ROY had requested the debate, not that lamar had made the request.
Kenneth Doyle school board race.
I predict that Delores will avoid an actual public debate at all costs. If her handlers let her get in the ring with Jacques they should be prosecuted for attempted murder. It's a gigantic mismatch. Roy is gifted at speaking, addressing issues, and contrasting his positions from hers. Delores is simply bad at any public speaking that goes beyond the coffee klatch or the canned address. It doesn't appear to be lack of skill. She simply doesn't know what is going on and it shows big.
The conventional wisdom is that the encumbant or the front runner not debate the other party but that would not apply here. Jacques would be both the home team and the obvious victor.
. . . . and, I predict that Delores won't decline a debate invite because that would be too telling. She will find conflicts and family tragedy and complications that will prevent her from actually making it to the microphone. Watch.
maybe delores can get roy fletcher to stand in for her.
Who won the Kenneth Doyle School board race lawsuit this morning?
Doyle withdrew his challenge. Davis will represent District H.
Did Doyle contest the race 4 years ago because of Hurricane Rita?
" Saw this on the Ethics Board agenda:
G11. Docket No. 04-416
Consideration of a consent opinion concerning Wes Hebron, a former member of the Rapides Parish Waterworks District, participating in matters before such board involving his brother, Roy Hebron.
I thought all of this had been dismissed? What more is to come"
Bogus complaint against Wes Hebron, not his brother Roy Hebron. It will be dismissed...
What is DB going to announce today????
What makes you think she is going to announce something today? Did I miss something on the news?
supposedly that she is withdrawing.
yes its on the town talk front page
Brewer calls press conference for 2:30 p.m. today in Alexandria mayoral campaign
Alexandria mayoral candidate Delores Brewer has called a press conference for 2:30 p.m. today to make an announcement regarding her campaign.
The press conference will be at 2:30 p.m. at her headquarters on Jackson Street at Hill Street.
Brewer will face Jacques Roy in a Nov. 7 runoff. The winner will succeed New Randolph, a five-term mayor who did not seek re-election.
Roy finished first and Brewer finished second in a seven-candidate primary election on Sept. 30.
Check back on The Town Talk's Web site, www.thetowntalk.com, later today for coverage of the press conference.
that would be the best decision she's ever made...and it would be good news for the people of alexandria.
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