Monday, October 03, 2005


Welcome to the Central Louisiana political revelations blog!

Good or Bad, Democrat, Republican or Independant ... all of the information we as concerned citizens need to know.

One way to get it off of your chest -- Anonymously!!


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Anonymous said...

It would be a shame to watch this blog die leaving unanswered the burning questions of our time:

Where does Carol VanMol live

What did the three amigos do to get fired by Ned

Can Alexandria's City Council be saved from Lawson

Who will be our next mayor;

Is Delores Brewer a natural blonde?

Anonymous said...

Look her up and call her.
They did something wrong.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think any of this "stuff" is going to be seriously aired until Ned Randolph announces he is not running again, other than the Van Mol thing. It seems everyone is waiting for that one little tidbit. Lawson would appear to be unbeatable at this point, unless, people are willing to do some earnest digging for dirt. What everyone, especially the potential rival, needs to understand is he is not invincible.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it very unlikely that Delores Brewer would be actively organizing a run for mayor if Ned had any intention of running. What would Ned's purpose be in holding back an announcement. On the Myron Lawson thing: I think there is a reasonable likelihood that he will beat himself (which I know is a sin in the Catholic church) but I can't imagine engaging in his conduct, lifestyle, and dealings without some serious consequences coming to bare. The prominent informed African Americans that I regularly come in contact with describe Lawson as an habitual lier who virtually incapable of telling the truth or dealing honestly with others. Can he hang on with baggage like that?

Anonymous said...

Is John Sams a natural blonde?

Anonymous said...

I have heard all of the same things you mention re: Lawson. However, my point is, they need to see the light of day. Is anyone willing to put these things in print, talk about them in the open or with the media? Or better still, is the media willing to talk about it. It is easy for us to "kick" these things around on a blog or even over coffee or whatever. It is another thing for his base of voters or even an opponent to really investigate and show proof of what we allege. Believe me, no one is going to win this race by being a "shrinking violet" or by playing the nice guy. He or she is going to have to come out swinging. The same is true for Chas F. Smith or any of the mainstays on that council.

Anonymous said...

Really.......WHO CARES. Bet you can't find anyone.

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering if John Sams and Delores Brewer mated and had a child, what color hair it would have. Is that soooo wrong??

Anonymous said...

He would look like a fat Chucky.

Anonymous said...

Where did these idiots come from?

Anonymous said...

Joe Fuller is the next mayor. Lets talk about some council races where we don't know the

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Sams comes from Ohio originally. I don't know where Brewer comes from.

Anonymous said...

So far there is only Hobbs in #2, Lampert in #4, and Lawson & Slatkin in At-Large contest. You pick.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sams will reconsider and run for at large seat.

Anonymous said...

What about Mrs. Randolph?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What completely boggles my mind is that the TT has no problem whatsoever with Bush Bashing but they can't seem to find a reporter who will dig into the local scandals and shine some light on the shenanigans of the local politicians. Where are the investigative reporters LOCALLY!?

Anonymous said...

That has been my point for some time now. Everywhere I have lived they have always had investigative reporters. Any political rumors or rumors about fraud or theft or whatever if it was connected to municipal entities, they were all over it. This town seems to run the other way. Unless they're Republican of course.

Anonymous said...

The last talented intelligent and probing reporter the Town Talk had was Mike Burns who went to work for CLECO. Real talent is very temporary in the Alexandria news market. Poor old Jim Legget, a tribute to mediocrity, has been there big gun for years and Jim lived to make friends with the big shots. Major ass kisser. The old radio station at 104.3 did some great stuff but it killed them. In a town this small, the rich guys advertise and you can't mess with their world.

Anonymous said...

Investigative reporters? Have you watched the news or read this newspaper here? I want to kill myself everytime I see the news or the Town Talk. This state only has two good papers and they are both south of here. The news? Give me a break. The people on the news here need to leave and never come back. Thank God for the internet. Investigative reporter, ha.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I miss a newspaper with more than trhee pages of articles in each section.

Anonymous said...

Is Joe Fuller a natural blonde?

Anonymous said...

Since Gannet bought most of the papers in the state, "they" control the news. A few years ago the radio folks used to stir things up but the fix is in on that also.
All we can do is educate the people as best we can. Those that will listen anyway.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Our paper is pretty sad, but so are all Gannett papers. Is it a Gannett paper, if not, might as weel bee.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well AL, not all of us are in the "right" crowd. Some of us even work for the city or parish. You know what happens to employees that don't toe the party line.

How is Mr. Morris doing? Now there's someone that could stir thing up!

Anonymous said...

Al Shapiro - didn't I read about you in the paper recently??

Anonymous said...

Morris is fine. He will appreciate your interest. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned radio station? I remember a few years back when a local station almost caused some serious killings in Pineville! Remember the Fred and Bobby show and that helicopter dude? Now you can call that investigative snooping or whatever, but it caused some serious attitudes in that administrations and probably was the beginning of the fall for Fred. Keeps people honest or at least helps calibrate their moral compass?

Anonymous said...

Who is morris?

Anonymous said...

Gosh........I wanted to ask that, but I was afraid I would look "uninformed". Where is everyone? I guess they're out doing there last minute shopping for all the Balls this weekend! :-)

Anonymous said...

That's what's wrong with our administration: it doesn't have any Balls. Maybe for Mardi Gras.

Anonymous said...

Well.......nice chatting. Gotta run buy that necklace and earrings for the BALL!

Anonymous said...

Must be nice. I will be having a beer and watching my utility meter spin.

Anonymous said...

Waahhhh!!!! Waaahhhh!!! I don't like anything or anybody. I just bitch and moan. Waaahhhh!!!! I don't like anybody thats in office and I probably won't when there are new people either. Waaahhh!!!!
I will just come back and bitch some more on here. Waaahhh!!!

This stuff is too funny. Please keep it coming people. Please.

Anonymous said...

Sheez! Was THAT Morris?

Anonymous said...

Monsignor Lyons??

Anonymous said...

It was the Blog task force. Coming to find out why this one has the most idiots posting on it. They have tinted windows and strike without any warning. BEWARE BLOGGERS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

john brewer/al shapiro

Anonymous said...

Morris is Mr. Morris Shapiro. He's a true gentleman and a damn good man. He never met a discussion he didn't like. He's Al's father I do believe. I don't know Al just to clear the record.

The Crown Vic could have been one of the undercover police fellas or it could have been one of the many cars the Admin has out following the employees around daily.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Dr.Alex Slatkin will definitely run for the large position. The word is out and Mr.Lawson at least will have a doctor in case he feels bad during this election year.

Anonymous said...

That's great. Now my hope is that we show him the support and gratitude that he deserves for this kind of undertaking and we make sure that the responsible and caring people in this community get out and vote. I hope that its true. I am told he's a real good guy.

Anonymous said...

Who else is going to run in the council races?

Tell us more about Dr. Slatkin. Never met the man but I'm willing to help if he's a good person with the drive to see this through.

Anonymous said...

That's the motor scooter riding doctor. I met him and talked to him at Cabrini when he was taking care of a friend and he is as easy going and down to earth as a person can be and my friend swears by him. He actually sat in the room and talked to us about dogs and kites. I personally like him very much and I'm surprised that he would subject himself to a contest with somebody like the incumbant.

Anonymous said...

I really think it is irresponsible of Randolph to keep his plans to himself. We supported him for a long time and we deserve to know his intentions. what's with all the drama. Is he waiting to make sure that Charles Smith has a clear shot. Smith must thanking the lord every day for sending him John Sams - a white guy that everybody can hate. Come on Ned.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he understands the desparate need for a new direction for the city and is willing to make the sacrifices necessary to contribute his part. Maybe he truly feels he is the better man for the job and for his district. I hope he understands the caliber of armour he will need to withstand the barage of incoming arrows he will experience during the battle.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Dr. Slatkin, of course.

Anonymous said...

The thing about that is that Dr. Slatkin can't win without us but he can't lose with us. All he can do is commit to offer to take that job and try to stop a distructive trend in our town and then it is up to us. I think the council has finally given us the reason and inspiration to show up and vote those creeps out. But if we are tired of the way things are WE GOTTA STEP UP AND ACTIVELY SUPPORT THE GOOD GUYS LIKE SLATKIN.

Anonymous said...

We age getting closer. I hear that Mark Lampert is working hard and is pretty strong in district 4 and Dr. Slatkin sounds like someone that the public can support in the at large seat. District 2 is a little more complicated because that will require a strong black candidate to emerge and I don't see that happening yet. The mayor won't have much power but can make a huge difference with genuine leadership. This could be an exciting year.

Anonymous said...

I agree, so when we absolutely know who is running, why don't we have a Town Hall meeting and let them state their platforms and answer questions from prospective supporters.

Anonymous said...

Well, it won't be a productive year if we don't get our people out to vote. We have to get these people in situations so that they can be heard and we can be heard.

Anonymous said...

That part should be up to us. We have to take responsibility for the outcome of these municipal elections. The numbers are there. We can make the important choices if we show up and vote. It's hard to imagine that people like Lampert and Slatkin know what they're getting into but we have to stand behind them. We have to stand behind them!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have to admit that I am Scarlett. See, I can take the heat. I'm still here. As I was saying, as soon as we know who is running, we have to get them in a # of situations during which there can be give and take between them and their prospective constituents. That will be forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

Oh Scarlet . . .

What possible incentive would there be for Myron Lawson to show up at a forum? He gets his support the old fashion Louisiana way - $$.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind giving the public a vote - I just don't want to give them a choice.

Anonymous said...

Do you think I want Myron to come? I was referring to the new candidates for the council positions. That way, anyone who is interested enough in the result, could have a good idea as to who they would want to support and have somewhat of a handle on where they all stand on the issues important to us.

Anonymous said...

Here's a link for all the recipients of Jack Abramhoff's contributions. I promised I would find it for a few of my friends.

Anonymous said...

Oh Scarlet - I bow to your wisdom and am glad you are here to breathe sanity, moderation and patience into my enthusiasm. I just dwell in the fear that folks won't care enough to fix things and that might be fatal to our little town. I want to get started yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Abramof vs. the Injuns

Man! We stole their land, killed there buffalo, raped there women, and now stole their bribes.

I too would resent the white man "without reservation".

Anonymous said...

No one has mentioned that Opal Hudson is allegedly telling everyone who will listen that she's running as Myron's annointed mayoral candidate. If this is true, it shows that Lawson does not want Fuller taking over the big mantle. Anybody else hear these rumblings?

Anonymous said...

Opal Hudson?...My God...why dont we put the PADDLES on Ed Karst and run him?!?

Anonymous said...

funniest, ever - thanks

Anonymous said...

What led to the sudden withdrawal of Charles F. Smith from the mayoral field. He has been running for that since the end of the Snider era. Did something specific happen to cause this electus interruptus? Is he waiting with low profile and hoping his cleco deposition, the sheriff, and everyone's memory will suddenly disintergrate? I was looking forward to that target.

Anonymous said...

I think there is some former police jury connection with Lawson and Hudson but beyond that I don't know. I somehow associate her with Tioga but I don't know why. Someone please help. Does she have an empty store downtown?

Anonymous said...

School board and the Alexandria Central Economic Development District. Might be other connections also.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more exciting on our horizon that the prospect of the Charles F. Smith Memorial Water Park. We haven't heard much about that since there was a mention of the $100,000 consulting contract that went to his buddies. When they finish the pool, maybe we can raise catfish in it. Now there is a novel idea.

Anonymous said...

No. The most exciting thing going on in Alexandria is the Myron Lawson business incubator. Everyone that rents from him ends with with a lucrative city paycheck and their rent goes up a bunch. Brigit Brown, Kelvin Sanders, Charles Johnson, the water park consultant.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have it from a good source that Ned will not seek re-election due to health reasons.

Anonymous said...

Why is Ned holding that back? Also, what about C F Smith?

Anonymous said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad omens but I've been talking to people around Alexandria for the last few days. Its a damn shame how uninformed some of the dumbasses are and I'm talking about professionals who are clueless about the thugery and sleeziness. Hell, many of them are perfectly content with their government. I'm telling you, we are overestimating the alleged "discontent" factor. I guess the few of us who are honest and involved in trying to make a difference are grossly outnumbered by those who are perfectly happy looking the other way and going about their lives. Its almost like I'm living in the twighlight zone.

Anonymous said...

Well you can partly blame the media...or lack thereof for the uninformed citizenry.

Anonymous said...

There is certainly a scarcity of local political insight in the TT. Perhaps now that Ron Grant lives in Cheneyville, someone will prevail upon him to devote a few of his critiques to Alexandria instead of beating W all the time.

Anonymous said...

You said a mouthful Scarlett. It has always puzzled me as to their reasoning why they don't follow scandals in either party but it presently isn't the case and hasn't been for lo these many years. I guess if someone doesn't die it isn't important enough to cover it. Gannett and other media giants are similarly biased to the left and it's shameful that we're stuck with bias in news reporting.

Anonymous said...

You think the local press has a liberal bias. The TT has devotes about half of its space to christian stuff, they have a column by Billy Graham and Dobson, they have always been owned by wealthy republican aristocrats and
Guaranty Bank board members, and Jim Legget quotes LABI like it was the holy grail. Nobody is more conservative than local media. There is some resistance to exposing criminality and unethical conduct in the black officials because it is an old southern paper and they don't want to be perceived as bigots.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet you can't name on one hand the number of conservative blacks in city government. The TT is owned by Gannett and there's no getting around the fact that Gannett is biased to the left.

Anonymous said...

You say "wealthy republicans" as if that was a sin. Like Teddy (killer) Kennedy, Bill Gates etc. aren't wealthy democrats. Being wealthy is not a sin. I wish I could be so lucky.

Anonymous said...

I would rather read the Enquirer than any Ganett paper. How can something like that even be printed? I am not talking about what side of the spectrum it seems to fall either. What a piece of garbage. I can understand a small town paper being small, but even Shreveport's paper is just as terrible. I wish Ganett would just go away. Please someone print somethinng worth reading. Please.

Anonymous said...

"wealthy republicans" owned the Town Talk and, as a general rule, do not deserve the label of biased liberals. You have an unfortunate knee-jerk reaction to the term "wealthy republican". It's not necessarily bad, just not usually very liberal (Nelson Rockerfeller being a possible exception). I can not argue with you and Scarlet on the quality of the paper, only its political and philosophical orientation. Are you sure that Ted Kennedy is a wealthy republican??

Anonymous said...

I said, "like Ted and Bill aren't wealthy democrats. Meaning that is exactly what they are...wealthy democrats.

Anonymous said...

I am not particularly bothered by the leanings of the Town Talk or Kalb...Im more angry about the lack of true news gathering. With the Town Talk it has to be something that they can explain in one column or it doesnt run . Or the headline is in no way close to the content of the story. Really its nothing more than a THRIFTY NICKEL with a few sorta stories off of the wire. The People who really knew about news gathering are gone and they are hiring 3 tier talent as is evident by the recent announced promotions and hirings. Wanna know what state news will be in the Town Talk tomorrow? Read the Advocate today! And KALB is really a joke . IF it can be gotten over the network then it will get on the air long before a local story. WE all HAVE CNN or FOX we dont watch local news for national headlines. If you think im exaggerating count tonight the number or local vs national stories on our "local" news. THAT IS ..Unless there is a car wreck becasue my God we have to cover that with video. But coverage of Police Jury or School Board or City Govt is nothing more than what the reporters are told to report by whoever greets them at the event. Seriously, it is a shame there is no competition for local news. AS low rent as KLAX was it at least had people who got into the public and covered stories. It s pretty pathetic. Of course when you have a station that is owned by a conglomerate who considerst his market nothing more than a training ground for kids right out of school then you know quality and depth are not of any concern. So, the likelhood of any indepth investigative reporting is nill.

Anonymous said...

The "real story" as reported by the Sports dept. is that there is a "double HITTER" tonight. My God if they dont even undestand the lingo what are the chances they will be able to understand when there IS a big story?

Anonymous said...

Yeah and people wonder why it is hard to recruit talent here, this town sucks in many ways too. Especially in the media. Double Hitter are you serious. What a joke.

Anonymous said... Sports tonight and listen for Marc Hamblin say....DOUBLE HITTER!!.....And he is one of the EXPERIENCED newscasters. Only annoying but sure gives you an idea of the competency and the interest that managment has in professionalism.

Anonymous said...


There are still folks out there that claim to be knowledgable and informed that say that Ned plans to make a run. I don't dispute your information but to many, it is still up in the air.

(Can you believe that guy that thinks Ted Kennedy is a wealthy Republican??? Go Figure)

Anonymous said...

I am probably the only human that doesn't know but isn't it "double header"? Go easy on me.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say Ted Kennedy is a wealthy republican you moron, go back and read the sentence.

Anonymous said...

I know but I just love it. I'm sorry. You really have no idea what you said. You just vomit the same mean Rush Limbaugh bullshit that you hear and hope it makes you look like you "belong".

Anonymous said...

Ok lets all see. Watch KALB tonight and see how many NATIONAL stories before the first Local story...and Lets see if we get a Double hitter.!

Anonymous said...

Is it "header"?? No kiddin' - thinks Teddy is a rich republican - dang! That fella need some hep'.

Anonymous said...

You wanna be sick? Just wait till the depositions that started today are made public.

Anonymous said...

Who was deposed today? who??

Anonymous said...

Looks like Rush, Jr. is having a little trouble making a complete sentence. Maybe its all those pain killers. Pity.

Anonymous said...

Are there really depositions being taken ?

Anonymous said...

Lead local story: Disgruntled squirrel attacks two old ladies in Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

National breaking news: A cat, thought to be dead, is reunited with its family in New York.

Anonymous said...

Oh..and here comes that HEALTH watch Canned story that zapps up 1/3 of the news every night..NOT NEWS!!!!! See what I mean? .....This is a joke. BUT i have to say...they have MORE local "stories' than usual. I HOPE to GOD that this is NOT the majority level of the mentality of this community. I mean EVEN channel 11 has better local news!!!

Anonymous said...

The depositions must be in the Three Amigos case. I thought the CLECO depositions were over.

Anonymous said...

There was a 17 year old girl hit by a car in Pineville, on Hwy 107 on Sunday night. She's in Rapides Regional Hospital in critical condition in the ICU ward and not one word has been published in print or TV about it. Makes one wonder...

Anonymous said...

It is possible that they didn't know about the pedestrian accident although one would think that they would at least check police reports several times a day, but that is far different from political reporting. You can be absolutely sure that the Town Talk city government reporter, Billy Gunn, receives important info fed to him by the different factions and his job should be relatively easy. He writes well and seems to be a talented guy but he is obviously lazy as hell, unsupervised, or controled. That's the shame of it all.

Anonymous said...

They have scanners at the TT and all the other media, so one would think that an accident of this magnatude would at least garner a blip in the newspaper...unless the person who hit her is of influential means. Hmmmmm...

Anonymous said...

The town talk has a new city news editor that is about 16 years old and knows nothing about this area and is lazy. They have about half the news staff they had in 1995 and really place more emphasis on lost pets, church crap and sports. They are the only paper in town and their business is selling ads. If they sell ads without having to make any meaningful committment to gathering, researching and reporting the news, they come out that much better. Joe D Smith was a person and you could see him entering the Guaranty Bank and give him a good cussing. What's a gannet? (and, like Ted Kennedy, he is a rich republican). Now that we have beat this beyond death, will somebody bring me up to date on C F Smith's status/plan/canidacy/legal problem(s)?

Anonymous said...

Douchebags. Thats all you can say really. Douchebags.

Anonymous said...

Wow Scarlett! Kinda harsh! Actually douchebags have an excellent record of cleaning up foul smelling messes and getting to the bottem of things. Does that sound like your Town Talk.

Anonymous said...

You guys are right about everything. The media has been syndicated locally. Instead of local people dictating content, it is now someone in coprporate in New York and Florida. When Babs dictated the content at KALB, the news was insightful,probing and interesting to watch. Now, its old ladies getting attacked by pissed off squirrels. Same with the Town Talk. Its just like Walmart killing off the local merchants. Welcome to the corporatization of America.

Anonymous said...

I like the local flavor of how the guy pronounced Couvillion.......geez.....shame the squirrel didnt jump on his Yankee ass

Anonymous said...

Quit calling evrybody Scarlett Jack-ass. I was referring to some people posting on here and carrying on with each other like a bunch of pre-schoolers. Although the local media are douchebags as well. Douchebag.

Anonymous said...

You sound like someone of very strong opinion and very limited intellect. A douchebag is what your mother should have resorted to shortly after your father's love deposit. It would have improved the planet. At any rate, your frequent hostile rants add so much to our dialogue. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

to whom it may concern:
I personally enjoy the clever give and take banter among the posters on this blog. I do not, however, enjoy the hostile digs of Douchebag Caller. It's not the language so much as the flavor. That may be why we choose to remain anonymous. One never knows when some drug-crazed killer will join in.

Anonymous said...

crazed killers don't worry me. It's the crazed folks in power that make me twitchy.

Anonymous said...

I admit that the word douchebag bothers me a lot less than the flavor of said item ... :)

Anonymous said...

I am not having much luck directing your attention to Charles F. Smith's plans and intentions. I hate to interrupt a good "urine" fight by interjecting reason but if we could focus on the mayor and at-large races we might be able to lift our town out of its present cesspool. Please!

Anonymous said...

If Sams, Fuller, Rosevelt and Opal are not enough for you, now Bo Curtis is close to announcing for mayor. I can't wait for the debate.

Anonymous said...

Do you think half of them would know that debate isn't something you catch fish with?

Anonymous said...

I think we are missing the point. How many of the supporters of the potential black candidates will require them to perform at a certain level in debates, discussions, Q&As, or interviews? They support them because of ethnic allegeance. How many of them would vote for Thomas Jefferson over George Jefferson? The key is making the responsible voters care enough to show up. That is traditionally a huge challenge UNLESS they are pissed off and that is a distinct liklihood now. If the people know and understand the truth about the city council now, I think they may rally. I think that John Sams will get the message out. We may not like him but maybe we will listen to him.

Anonymous said...

An ignorant electorate has been a problem for many years and will continue to be in the future. Many people support a candidate simply for skin color or other idiotic things. Makes ya wanna bring back literacy tests as a requirement for voting...:-> Talk about reducing the number of qualified voters!

Anonymous said...

The mouse is mightier than the sword. The Town Talk ran a story today on the young girl struck by a car on Sunday and I am convinced that the story originated here. Maybe they are listening after all.

Anonymous said...

The mouse is mightier than the sword. The Town Talk ran a story today on the young girl struck by a car on Sunday and I am convinced that the story originated here. Maybe they are listening after all.

Anonymous said...

Literacy tests won't hold a candle to voter apathy on keeping people away from the ballots. If we could somehow show the average voter how they are being unfairly taken advantage of (I know Scarlet, I am ending with a preposition) and how their failure to participate hurts them, maybe we will get a respectable turnout. This election has the issues and factors that tend to unite and interest people in this town. We gotta help.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the voter apathy part as well. I know people who know absolutely nothing of politics and rely on everyone else to do their bidding. It is indeed a sad thing.

Anonymous said...

My hope is that the litigation will generate testimony and information that will make its exposure by candidates protected speech and get the blood boiling. Remember people tuning in the Tillie Snyder just for the tittleating slander and insult. Maybe the same level of interest/excitement/morbid curiosity will come to pass and the city business will become water cooler fare. And my utility bill went up another $135 from its all-time high last month - that will get our attention.

Anonymous said...

Randy Reynolds/Susie Butler shined some light and got our attention but since their radio demise we have a total absence of scoundrel-busters. Bring Back IB!

Anonymous said...

More people than ever will get out to vote if Ned does not run. You can count on that. It will be interesting to see the final ballot or three ring circus as a previous blogger mentioned (and I agree). The key is the run-off and who has a better GOTV campaign. And hopefully the runoff won't be two idiots or I should say complete idiots, then no one will go vote.

Anonymous said...

Oh Scarlet - it's "debacle" not "debaucle". But we love you no less.

Anonymous said...

The run-off will be Fuller v. somebody. That somebody remains a mystery.

Anonymous said...

Be careful. You know how playful and humerous friendly exchanges rile our drug-crazed killer.

Anonymous said...

Fuller doesn't have much city-related baggage and he is a democrat but it would be tough to overlook hit open and for-profit relationship with the out-of-town ethnic architecture group that was/is using Fuller as their front man on the downtown condo project (city gives property to Fuller group, pays for plans, stands back). He may be called upon to discuss that.

Anonymous said...

Drug-crazed killer? Because the person called some people on here a name? Come on people. It is not like he threatened anybody. The person called some people a name because, well, maybe they really are the name that person was referring to. Apparently it is not safe to repeat it here. Funny stuff.

Anonymous said...

well JB, maybe - maybe not

Anonymous said...

Can anybody shed light on Charles F. "CQ" Smith? The TV sounded like Patel will get his lease extension anyway. Randolph has altered the terms in the City's favor. I assume that he had the advice and counsel of Kelvin Sanders.

Anonymous said...

She's toast.

Anonymous said...

Lord, I hope so.

Anonymous said...

Another moon griffon deciple - none of these other disaster sites have the degree of refugee disbursement with number, duration, and distance, that NO suffered in Katrina. You obviously would like the vote to be without the large minority population that characterized NO. You found a way to take the voting franchise back from poor negros and you want to take full advantage while spouting off about God and America. Please God and America- know that we are not all like this. Some of us are white AND fair.

Anonymous said...

I am no screaming liberal pro-chocolate democrat but I agree. Drive thru New Orleans and see for yourself. Most folks can't imagine what NO looks like today. No other American tragedy has caused this kind of long term human displacement. Everyone knows that the pressure to hold elections soon is fed by a genuine desire to elect a mayor and council that is not beholding to political bosses and block vote controllers but that is not the fair thing to do. The fair thing to do is to let the New Orleans people elect their municipal government but then they have to accept the responsibility for their choice and quit expecting bailout from everyone else just because Aaron Neviles and Harry Connick, Jr. ask for it. Let NO be NO but make them answer for their choices.

Anonymous said...

Very good. Discussing the plight of some poor NO person will get you on Larry King or Oprah but do you think that they are in more of a fix than some poor elderly lady on Social Security that just received a $575 utility bill? Come on people. We have all the tragedy and hardship and crooked politicians we can stand right here and this is one we can fix.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I like roofing
I like flooring
This here blog is gettin boring

Anonymous said...

Horse bridle

Horse bit

This sounds like horse s--- !

Anonymous said...

More entertaining than some other topics.

Anonymous said...

It's me. I'm sorry. Republican rhetoric makes me stupider and stupider. I shall try to get a grip.

Anonymous said...

Get it Scarlet: "Rhett"oric??

Anonymous said...

Ned's whole stable is running. I hear Delores Brewer, Harold Chambers, Charlie Nunnally, Deborah Randolph, and maybe Ned. How in the hell are they going to run on that record. What do they have to talk about: THE HEART OF SPAIN???

Anonymous said...

Some folks just can't back away from the trough: Harold, Delores, and Ned have never had a real job. They have been on the public dole forever. Nunnally was at least a real lawyer and Debra Randolph has maintained independant, though trough-related employment. Time for a change.

Anonymous said...

next time a cat 5 or so takes aim on the depression of NO, someone needs to tell them the buses are taking them to vote! No one will be left behind.

Anonymous said...

I am told that Deborah Randolph has been vital in the decision making process taking on those responsibilities that Ned was incapable of performing and also was a key polical strategist for the administration - the power behind the throne. She was also kept busy keeping the rest of the administation from stabbing Ned in the back (an effort that obviously only saw a limited degree of success).

Anonymous said...

She's been directly underneath Ned.

Anonymous said...

Now that we've had the Society report on Mrs. Randolph, how about one based on fact?

Anonymous said...

Well, she WAS a newscaster. LOL

Cenla Antics said...

This blog was created to allow concerned citizens to better their local government and community. I have watched the postings with both humor and for lack of a better description ... disgust. I see complaints without resolutions. I see some individuals using other's monikers. I now see why we are ... well... where we are. This is a venue for all to use, I expect spirited exchange not mud slinging, self righteous bantor. This is your city ... your conmunity ... postings are made by your friends and neighbors. I expect dignity and respect from EVERYONE. Let's make central Louisiana better by starting here.

Cenla Antics

(for those afraid that your "name" has been highjacked. If your name is highlighted in blue it comes from you ... if it is in black, step back, it's not you! ... how's that for poetry!)

Anonymous said...

I would like to say thanks for creating this place. Being anonymous and being able to post is great. Shall we return to the purpose our Fearless Leader intended?

Anonymous said...

Here is the reason as I understand it. The City and it's electrical suppliers use natural gas to generate the electricity that residents use. They had a chance in June to lock in at a really good price...$6.00 /1000cf. Some of the council members had a budy that thought they could do better so the action was delayed. As it turned out, the guy couldn't deliver, then the hurricanes came, and the price went up to $14.00/1000 cf. That increase is added to the electric bill as a fuel surcharge. This price increase also affects all the residents in Alexandria who use natural gas for their furnaces. Atmos made sure they had plenty of gas booked at a good price. Thats way it isn't as noticeable in the areas they serve. get the Kolin discount.

Anonymous said...

You are right Scarlett. I see it everyday....I work there!!!!Somebody Save Me

Anonymous said...

Perhaps some of our local political organizations (that represent the citizens of our fair city) might be encouraged to question the council on matters. At least they, meaning city/parish government officials, would know that at least someone was watching them. Any one know of any such organizations?

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that if you register your nom-de-blog with Cenla Antics he knows your identity. You still don't know who Cenla Antics is or who has access to your identity. That is a rather heavy price to pay to have your blog name appear in blue. Some of the writers are city employees or otherwise "involved" persons who want the information in the public domain but don't want to suffer the slings and arrows of "outed" public officials. So Mr. Antics - I don't trust you because I don't know you. If one wishes to remain securely anonymous, suffer your moniker to appear in black. Others should recognize that the value of this site is to permit anonymous posting and readers should realize the pitfalls of that medium and recognize the liklihood of posting from people with agendas, points of view, or political objectives, and evaluate the information accordingly.

Anonymous said...

That is wise counsel. I also disagree with our riled host. This board has shared information that I found no other place and, for the most part, it is populated with people interested in knowing, understanding, and spreading the truth about our local government and, Mr. Antics, THAT IS THE SOLUTION.

Cenla Antics said...

Actually, I do not know who anyone is whether you post as anonymous or as a registered nome de plume(?). For your information, I actually don't care to know. I am no threat to anyone ... I created this simply because everyone seemed afraid to speak their minds. Hence this blog. I have posted as different names and as anonymous. I am thrilled however that this site has had over 800 postings since it's inception 4 months ago. A few of you know who I am, most don't ... makes it kind of interesting doesn't it! If you want something post it ... I read it.

Anonymous said...

Greedy bout the winning powerball numbers for tomorrow night. LOL

Anonymous said...

When you have one paper and one TV station and the only radio station that legitimately investigated political shananigans was shut down precisely for doing so, how does one hold the media accountable?

Anonymous said...

I don't wish to sound conspiratorial but the political misconduct generates wealth for those in power, those in power are the true consumers of media because they decide who sells advertising and who doesn't. In order to maximize you ad sales, or, for that matter, to survive, you have to keep these advertising consumers happy. They are not happy when their misconduct is exposed and they are placed in political and legal jeapordy. Then of course, you can't expose Charles F. Smith's dealings without some reflection on the Parish's most powerful politico, the sheriff. AND, with no compitition, there is no incentive to deal with the controversial stuff. The radio station was an FM station that featured Randy Reynolds, et al. They exposed a lot of wrong doing but when it finally hit the fan, they were standing in front.

I think that's the story, If I missed something, help me out.

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly Scarlett. Of course there is justice - at the right price.

Anonymous said...

Quote from Aaron Brown, formerly of CNN

Important issues, such as the prosecution of the war in Iraq at home and abroad, are being clouded over by "mud-wrestling" that skirts substance, he said. Consider what he called "the swift-boating of John Murtha," the Democratic congressman whose war record was smeared when he called for an exit strategy in Iraq. "Cable didn't search for the truth, but engaged in mock debates pitting those making the charges against Murtha's defenders," he said.

Many Americans on the left and the right aren't interested in the truth, but simply want news that confirms their viewpoints, he said. "You'd think that it's no more complex than good vs. evil," he said.

Journalists have fallen short in presenting important news in ways that allow viewers to see how it matters in their lives. But viewers must take up the battle as well, he said. "It's not enough to say you want serious news. You have to watch it. It isn't enough to say you want serious debate. You have to engage in it."

Anonymous said...

But unlike Las Vegas, what starts here doesn't stay here. I hope that people talk and inquire and spread the gospel of reform that they catch here. We really do have a good DA. Maybe that's the place to start. We need to get the information to him.

I don't think people like being cheated or taken advantage of. This upcoming election might just strike the spark that gets us moving.

Anonymous said...

Who is Dead Man Walking? And yes I know it is a book which i have read, just wondering who you were referring to?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where Randy is today,and did the 'powers that were' actually shut him down? Like with most media personalities, I thought the money was better somewhere else??

Anonymous said...

When they stopped the issue-driven investigative reporting and the news dried up, I think the station went from a very popular one to just another low power fm oldies station that gave away bumper stickers and rodeo tickets. The listenership and therefore the revenue declined and the station was sold to another entity in Pineville and now the only remaining vestige of its former self is the call sign.
Just guessing that Reynolds did not go with the sale or did not stay at the new place for long and I think he just basically left town.
He and his cohort, Susie Butler, were funny and fearless. The people knew that they could get accurate information to the people - the more embarrasing, the better. Miss 'em.

Anonymous said...

Who are the main supporters of the various candidates mentioned for Mayor and Counsil? Who are the leaders Behind the Leaders?

Anonymous said...

From what I understand (so don't sue me if I'm wrong), 104.3 was sold along with two Pineville Stations to a out of town group of buyers. Pooling the three stations was pretty much business sense - presumably the new owners don't want to mess with the dirty laundry of political mayhem a thousand miles away. The fact that the seller of the two pineville stations is Brian Cespiva's brother-in-law seems to be merely a conincidence (if a convenient one).
That not withstanding, it seems that Randy Reynolds made it a point to pick only certain fights - I believe the first one to decry the 50/50 split between the city and the pugh/sansing company was Tony Brown, who, in turn, does not appear afraid to pick up any story. He may be the only investigative reporter left around these parts. Not saying he has no agenda, everyone does.

There is plenty of stuff to investigate ... just nobody to do it. As much as I enjoy this blog, I doubt that more the handful of concerned citizens here will find out about much of this. Elections, like everything else in life, are about perceived value - just like superior products loose out to their inferior cousins every day, the politician with a palatable message will beat the one with an honest one most of the time. If you expose any of this stuff during a campaign you are accused of mud-slinging, if you don't you have no real base to challenge the incumbent unless the media gets involved. It's a vicious circle my friends ...

Anonymous said...

This is the part I don't get. Much of the activity we are discussing is a matter of public record such as the horrible conflicts of interest involving Charles Smith, Hobbs, and Marshall, who are all on the Patel payroll or in business with him in some bogus enterprise. There have to be paper trails of Harold Chamber's activities and the success incubator that is the Lawson Office Bldg. is common knowledge. Is the sheriff ass-deep with Smith or is he a victim of Smith's greed and poor judgment? He is a smart guy and is bound to forsee the political consequences of his silence. What about the DA? I have never heard any suggestion that he was anything but 100% straight. He is just letting this stuff happen and it is telling that the crooks don't appear to be affraid of the DA.

The CLECO depositions present a minefield for the council and administration and I am assured that one of the litigants presented a complete set of depositions to the Town Talk. I am not Inspector Clousseau, but if you have statements taken under oath the implicate you in illegal activity, don't the Town Talk and the law enforcement officials have a pretty good place to start? Why would anybody protect this bunch? . . . unless they are somehow connected or involved???!!?

Anonymous said...

The Town Talk reported the conflicting testimony of Smith/Patel and Smith/Smith and quoted the transcript so there is obviously no prohibition against release. The shocking thing is that after the release of that amazing inculpatory testimony establishing interest conflicts and ethics violation, it goes away. If the paper pursued these important issues the way they cover the goddam cat show, the bad guys would be called to account.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that Harold Chambers has the best possible insurance policy to assure council cooperation and support . He knows the truth. I would doubt that he could afford to share it, however. He has been exploring a run for mayor. This could become interesting beyond my wildest hopes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we have what in cold war parlance is "Mutual Assured Distruction" Several in the administration, several connected to the administration, the council, many connected to the council and/or councilmen, and the players who had to deal with city government by their rules, all know the story and where some or all of the skeletons are buried. Nobody can afford to launch the first missle because everybody is destroyed in the process.

On the other hand, the countervailing forces are ego and greed. There must be losers and they won't take it well. A politician's sense of and for self-preservation should not be underestimated.

Picture Delores, Harold, Deborah, Charles F., Roosevelt, and Charlie reaching for the same prize. Something will have to give.

Anonymous said...

"Ego and greed" are trumped by "stupid" and that will break MAD dam.

Anonymous said...

"Ego and greed" are trumped by "stupid" and that will break MAD dam.

Anonymous said...

Scarlet: That was my point - profit and not some conspiracy. Since he is a Republican, maybe the individual would like to make a run for one of the council seats ...

Am wondering if anyone even cares about the ongoings between the players - this state has a history of complacency when it comes down to the "trespasses" of elected officials and their compadres. So either all the people that complain about it do not vote or there is not enough of them. To reiterate my previous question - how do you make the general voting populus care? If it comes down to a well managed campaign I am starting to have doubts about Sams - he seems to have done his thing, ran a few (cheesy) ads in the TT just to be swallowed by nirvana of background noise. If he is planning to make a run for it and make it work, he would need to start working on it now.

Same for anyone else that is planning a campaign against an incumbent or someone well established in the community. Or ... this may well be the kind of town where a Jesse Ventura or a Arnold Schwarzenegger could win. What I am trying to say is someone that is well respected in the community and has not shown any major political ambitions in the past. Who am I talking about? No idea ... just throwing it out there for ponderance ...

Anonymous said...

We have some pretty good choices. Dr. Slatkin is a non-politco who just has good govt. in mind and Mark Lampert is an non-politician with a history of neighborhood service and involvment and the apparent support of the citizen's groups in his district that know, like, and expressed confidence in him. Lampert's best credential is that the present council didn't want him to replace Rick Ranson and appointed someone that would "co-operate with their efforts". Thats a good sign for Lampert.

Anonymous said...

And honestly, a change on the council is more important than who becomes mayor. The mayor may have great ideas for our city, but it must be voted on by the council before it can be accomplished. I will vote for Dr. Slatkin and I will vote for Mark Lampert. Neither candidate is looking to make money or deals, but would like to serve their community. What is wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

For those of you who have never worked in the media here's how it works. when crime happens law enforcement officers must write a report which is given to the public information officer who then gives information to media. However, most of cenla's PIO's drag their feet meaning some crime news is late being published so don't blame the media-talk with your local PIO about getting off their a** and work for your tax paying dollars by alerting the community as to what's happening in a timley manner. Maybe this will help you understand why the 17-y-o hit and run was late being published. FYI.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Media type response. Well..then tell us why the reporting in the Newspaper and on television is so lame and superficial?

Anonymous said...

Does Billy Gunn get to decide what he will investigate, pursue, and report or does some editor pull his strings. I am told that he is fed the company line from the Council and has neither the intelligence or testicular fortitude to question or evaluate it, he just runs it. That way he never has to leave his office. He just needs to be able to type as fast as Myron Lawson or Charles Smith talks. What a shame. He really has talent, just no balls.

Anonymous said...

When we talk about the city elections as a lump we are missing the challenge. Dr. Sams will be a white republican physician taking on an established democrat and likely republican opposition. Dr. Sams has name recognition but most of that seems to be negative. He has a real uphill struggle. Lampert is running in his own district without an incumbant, he is a democrat, has been actively running since last August, has the support of the neighborhood groups, who's support was galvanized by the council's rejection in appointing Harry Silver despite their promises to the contrary. Dr. Slatkin is a nonpolitical relative unknown who is taking on the most established of all local politicians, Myron Lawson, who has his claws deep in the fabric of local politics and has big important friends like Cleo Fields, Cong. Jefferson, and the Southern University connection.
Dr. Sams is a losing proposition. Lampert is in a great position but if he wins his effectiveness will be curtailed unless there are other council changes. The key is to bring down Lawson and he has planted the seeds of his own political self distruction - the press just needs to water them.

Anonymous said...

Am forecasting a drought on that one - but you get the gist of what I'm talking about. Sams and Slatkin are relative unknowns to the public - either they need to start building positive name recognition now or forget the whole thing instead of splitting votes that could propel a valid candidate. Again, the problem is to find a candidate that has either name recognition and good standing or make one. Someone who can be well liked and looked upon as competent across racial and socio-economic boundaries. And willing to run on top of that.
A mix betweed Bob Madison and Mark Atwood (neither of which I think have any political ambitions, that's why I picked them) - get my drift?
If Slatkin or Sams want to make a go of it they should appear in the media a lot more, put in their 2 cents on issues, hold press conferences , come up with solutions and propose them publicly! Does this make sense to anyone?

Anonymous said...

IF you think the lack of objective reporting on Alexandria is bad just read the BS that Bill Sumrall writes for the City of Pineville. Investigative reporting?..Uh..that would be "investigating" what the Mayor wants him to say. And while im asking who is this Mr Dupree fellow that seems to verbalize every message the elected Mayor has to say? Is Pineville so big that it needs two people running the City? Seriously is Dupree up for reelection too? What kind of pay does he get and what are his qualifications and why exactly is he the "assistant Mayor" who does all the talking for the City? Bet Bill Sumrall never writes THAT story

Anonymous said...

Dupre serves as chief of staff basically. Same as Harlod Chambers did and Delores Brewer now does in Alexandria. He is a longtime friend of Clarence Fields and a few of the councilmen. They seem to have given him a pretty long leash and usually speaks for them. His main job is economic development ie. get new businesses, subdivisions, etc. Pineville is growing...but not necessarily in a smart way. All the new subdivisions provide voting residents, but unless they have some serious places to spend thier money, Alexandria still gets all the sales tax for goods and services. Many of the development is done outside city limits with substandard construction and then annexed afterwards. Not the best way to expand a city.

Anonymous said...

I know Sams has an MD, Rosevelt is a college grad as is Myron and I believe, Bo Curtis. What kind of education or training do Brewer, Ms. Randolph, Joe Fuller, and Harold have. I know OJT is a big thing arround here but you never get any fresh ideas out of people that just learned to do it one way and never really understand the "why" of it.

Anonymous said...

Sams is an MD, but how does that qualify him to be mayor any more than anyone else in the "race" so far? Some of the things I've heard about Sams are all negative.

Anonymous said...

I certainly agree about Sams and this information is of no great value except that it tells us something about the person's background and, to some extent, committment to learning and innovation. Somebody like Rosevelt Johnson completeing college is far more telling that Sam's following his upper middleclass daddy into medicine. But it certainly matters.

Anonymous said...

Well a bigger question re Dupree is that you say he is in charge of "economic development". Other than be a radio announcer what job or education has he ever had that would justify being hired to be in charge of something so important. I read the same newspaper you do and it seems like the Mayor and Dupree try to take credit for everything but what truly have THEY been responsible for. Main Question....WHAT is his qualification, education or experience and WHAT has he truly done to justify being hired? Surely this is not an example of good ole boy patronage and politics is it? NOT IN PINEVILLE dare say..... Summeral gonna write about it ?

Anonymous said...

I think he is the younger , less experienced version of Bobby Michels. So much for Reform and Good Government. The more things change the more they stay the same. No difference from Fred Baden,he hired unqualified friends and supporters tool. Only difference in this case is that this bunch is just better at tooting their own horn and running from contreversy by avoiding anything challenging..

Anonymous said...

Nobody is actively talking about the Pineville race. Everybody seems happy except the lunatic fringe and they just whine, they don't run.

Anonymous said...

I think you are right . The lunatic Fringe and the average citizen who goes to work , pays his bills and and wants to trust that the best people avaialable are hired by the people they elect and NOT given to policitcal spporters.. People are tired of hirings based upon .."who you know" vs "what you know' that goes on in Alexandria AND in Pineville. PLUS, if you even ASK a question about Pineville you get called Names...see previous posting.....Interesting though....I didnt get an answer about qualifications. Let me ask it again. Would you hire someone to head the fire department who never worked as a fireman? Would you hire someone to head the police dept or the public service dept or utility department who did not have some training or education or experience? Of course you wouldnt. Would you not agree that ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT is as important if NOT more important than anything else for the future of a city? Then ..WHY would you hire someone to be head of economic development without knowing his education, experience or qualification? You wouldnt. UNLESS it was a political patronage hiring. So, make this fringe lunatic more educated. Tell me why Mr Dupree has the education, qualification or experience that makes hime the BEST person that the City could hire. ...not a crazy question...But if anyone knows the answer I would like to know it.

Anonymous said...

. . . . and would you like cheese with that?

Anonymous said...

What is the answer?

Anonymous said...

It's really quite simple. The people of Pineville elected a mayor and council that they love, trust, and respect. They approve of the mayor's actions and who he hires and appoints. They approve of the council's decisions and will vote them in again by an enormous margin. That is how it happens. That is why it happens. That is why it will happen again.

Feel free to offer the Pineville electorate an alternative and see if they go for it. Sorry. A democracy does things that dissappoint some folks. You can accept it, change it, move, or whine about it. Amen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If we are to deal with political issues we should at least try to keep these listings from disolving into pep rallys or smear campaigns . If the Pineville Critic wants answers it seems reasonable if anyone has them. If his implication is that unqualified people are being hired then simplly show him the qualifications of the people if you know them. I am as much against political hacks being hired as anyone so I am interested in the answers. I do not live in Pineville but my brother and his wife do .

Anonymous said...

Ye..they loved Leo Deslatte too...remember? Where is he?

Anonymous said...

You just don't get it. His qualification is that he was chosen and hired by the guy that does the chosing and hiring. That guy was satisfied with his credentials and is pleased with his work product. The people that hire the guy that hires him (the voters that keep electing Clarence) are pleased with his work product.

Dupree was hired by a politician to do a politcal job. He is the mayor's assistant. The mayor, who he assists, is satisfied. There is no written criteria, college degree, or license for mayor's assistant. Look at Harold Chambers. Look at Delores Brewer. Look at FEMA Brown. Look at Sam Alito. We don't get to vote on Mayor's Assistant and those appointment can be made for political as well as logistical reasons. Remember highschool civics??

The people we elect get to make these appointments. If enough people disapprove, we correct it by unelecting them. Is it coming to you now?

Anonymous said...

Was Dupree associated with Deslatte too?

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