Monday, October 03, 2005


Welcome to the Central Louisiana political revelations blog!

Good or Bad, Democrat, Republican or Independant ... all of the information we as concerned citizens need to know.

One way to get it off of your chest -- Anonymously!!


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Anonymous said...

Ned's not a bad guy. He did a great job up until recently when the council was taken over by a power hungry demagogue who fancies himself as the second coming of Napolean. Ned has been rendered powerless in the face of this tyrant since a majority of the council is intimidated into virtual submission. That is, very simply, a cold fact. Anybody, including the bureaucrat who so aptly defends the status quo, is welcome to respond.

Anonymous said...

There is no beurocrat responding. And a previous poster's plan sounds great-elect a progressive mayor with no previous connection to an administration, and then elect a council that is educated and selfless and willing to put the needs of Alexandria first and not a few individuals that have financial connections in personal business ventures. I agree, but this won't happen, at least not the council part. The next mayor, maybe so, but that council is not going anywhere unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Who is the Napolian figure? I can't figure out whether Lawson is in Charge or Smith is in charge. I can rule out Chuck and Harry.

Anonymous said...

If you replace Lawson and Silver with decent people I think that Fowler and Johnson may be able to generate enough testoserone to do the right thing on occassion. Just the loss of Rick Ranson has made a tremendous difference in the operation of the Council. So it stands to reason that the replacement of two of the crooks could cause a turn-arround. Not so?

Anonymous said...

According to the Kalb News tonight DElores Brewer has been named as Chief of Staff for the City. Lets put aside all of our speculation and lets see how she performs. We can all give our opinions but how bout we wait and see how she does and maybe it will give us an idea of the kind of Mayor she might be.

Anonymous said...

Well the Admin's poster provided us with the reason Harold was fired. How about Sonny and Darrell? Got any true facts on them? What is Ms. Brewer's stand on that?

I do wish her the best of luck and I hope she is able to actually do some good while she lasts. The council won't put up with and sass you know.

Anonymous said...

If you have to ask who Napolian is then you are truly out of tune with the demise of the City. Your chance at Waterloo is this Fall, will you seize the opportunity?

Anonymous said...

Here is the deal....Sonny and Darrell were fired because the council wanted them fired. Errol Dorsey was fired because the council wanted Darrell and Sonny fired. It's all connected to race unfortunantly. I say they all need to go, from the Mayor on down. All we have to do is find some decent candidates and then go VOTE.

Anonymous said...

I say Delores Brewer for MAYOR! Then, let's pray she knows how to "bust some b---s!". I support her!

Anonymous said...

I think she will too. Someone needs to convince ROD Noles not to run and divide the reasonable vote. Hopefully he will NOT ruin the chance for Alex to progress.

Anonymous said...

1. It's not that clear to the casual observer - is Lawson or Smith the moving force on and behind the council?
2. Rod Noles will do whatever his ego and self-interest directs. Considering his history, I would be surprised if he subjects himself and his family to the informational free-for-all that is Alexandria politics. I am not sure that one more white republican opportunist will change the outcome of this fall's elections; and
3. If Brewer shows that she is up to directing the course of the city away from the council self-dealing in general and on the Holiday Inn and Weiss & Goldrings in particular, she has my enthusiastic support. If she weenies out like all of her prececessors she is toast.

Anonymous said...

Another factor apart from any ethics deficit that Noles may have is the practical consideration of divestiture. Noles appears to have a considerable number of financial interests and affilliations in Alexandria and the spectre of conflict would be a daily if not hourly problem. It is difficult to fathom a zoning, or policy or economic developement decision that would not impact his wallet.

Anonymous said...

Napolean would eat Brewer for lunch. Besides, it all academic. Fuller is your next mayor and you can book it. He's already consolidating his white democratic base, and he will get 95% of the black vote. Will he stand up to the council? I can't answer that one.

Anonymous said...

Fuller can't even Spell Alexandria much less be the Mayor. I HOPE he is the black candidate in this Mayor race. He or Charles Frederick are the preferred candidates. As for Noles, His ego is what drives him and if he thinks there is any chance he might not win then he wont risk his ego and guess what . He can't win ANY black and only the blue bloods will vote for him . So if he does run he loses. Sams may not ever show at the gate because most of the people listed in the paper as his supporters are mad because a) they DONT suppport him and b) He didnt ask them
Either way, there is an opportunity for good advancement of this City if and only if we get some coordiantion for a candidate going.

Anonymous said...

Fuller appears to be the front-runner in the democrats. And, there are worse things than eating Brewer for lunch.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! I hate it when we limit ourselves to intelligent or civilized conversation.

Anonymous said...

You people don't understand the electoral demographics of the City. Fuller only needs 10% of the white vote(he will get 20%) and 80% of the black vote(he will get 90%) to win easily. Didn't Roosevelt teach you anything?

Anonymous said...

Franklin or Elenor?

Anonymous said...

Well that would be great...Fuller in Alex and Fields in Pineville......Did i mention that Cenla is going to hell in a handbasket?

Anonymous said...

With that racist outlook, it doesn't matter so much where you live as when you live. I suggest you move to pre-1954. Then you won't have to deal with "darkies" or "evolution". I remember seeing pictures of your water fountain. Very very nice.

Anonymous said...

Racist?....Uh no....I mentioned two mens names who I have little respect for. Ohhhhhh....YOU must be the racist one . If someone has unfavorable opinions of someone who is of non caucasion decent they are RACIST?....Look in the mirrow dude.

Anonymous said...

Mirrors are a test for vampires, not racists. But of course, anyone can see that I misjudged you. You can't tell a book by the color of its sheet. Please accept my sincere apology. (See, that was mighty white of me.)

Anonymous said...

I still believe Alexandria and Pineville can be great cities to live in and to work. Now more than ever central la can grow. The tragedy in New Orleans has resulted in many people looking for jobs and places to live. I just hope that we can get good people who have a vision NOT for themselves alone but for the future of our towns to lead us. Overall I do NOT think we have those kinds of on the city counsel and as Mayor in Alexandria and am certain that the counsel and Mayor of Pineville think on such a small scale that they are constantly running after things to take credit for. I wish we had people who had Big vision for what this area could be. I know they live here but as long as we have people trying to save their jobs and political positions there is a real challange to open leadership. The political Stunt the Pineville Counsel and Mayor just performed is a prime example of how "ill take care of you if you take care of me" mentality that people in government seems to get.Preservation of positions seems to be the only plan Mayors Fields and Dupree and the bobbing heads of Pineville City counsel seem to have. We have the same kind of political wheeling and dealing going on over here in Alexandria ots just not playing to as nieve of a crowd as they play to over there. It is ashame we dont have people stand up and proclaim the truth that the Emperor has no clothes!

Anonymous said...

Well then, get the councilman at large some clothes. How's he going to dictate without clothes?

Anonymous said...

This has gotten weird! You people speak with such authority on the council and the mayors. Please tell us how you are such "experts" on both cities at once. Oh, I forgot, these are just opinions.

Anonymous said...

Its called watching, listening and observing. Its been going on in this country since 1700s....and it doesnt take much to see what is and is not going on in Alex and Pineville. Doesnt take someone with authority just someone who can watch and see. OR maybe, just maybe if we close our eyes and ears we can continue to smile at the jokes for leaders that we have in Pineville and Alexandria. THATS whats been going on and what they are counting on.

Anonymous said...

and the Emperor does have new clothes, he got them from Weiss and Goldrings . . .

Anonymous said...

I'm with him. For too long people have closed their eyes or trusted based upon a smile or a good PR effort in Pineville. Its time to pull back the curtain.

Anonymous said...

Did the Aldermen and the Mayor from Pineville really vote themselves a raise at the same time they were asking for increased taxes? If so No wonder they are standing together.

Anonymous said...

YES they absolutely did. Yet the Town Talk keeps promoting the leadership of Pineville as Good Government and no one is the wiser.

Anonymous said...

More opinions re local politics

Anonymous said...

We have to piece bits of information together because administration insiders like you are far less than candid and forthcoming with the information we deserve about our city. If some of our information is slightly off or dated it is probably pretty close. The administration blogger (very pro Delores) on this site should have the concrete facts about which we can only speculate. The fact that you keep them under your shirt (blouse) tells us that you are not a person that repects the citizen's right to know and you are scared of an informed electorate. You must have a reason. We have to "speculate" and "gleen" and "hypothysize" about what that reason is but I betcha we ain't far off. If you don't respect us, we will know it.

Anonymous said...

Not so fast. The administration blogger my be in the dark also. It would appear that matters of import go from Lawson to Council to Kelvin Sanders to Council. I am not sure that the mayor and staff are in the loop. They may get their info here.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for the Admin's blogger to tell us why Sonny and Darrell got sacked. Must have been to direct a question. No weasel room.

Anonymous said...

We will have rare view into the truth. The CLECO litigation plus the Jock Scott suit should put all the dirty laundry on the public line. I am told that Rick Ranson's deposition would make a good HBO movie.

Anonymous said...

Listen.......someone on here called me Delores not too long ago just because I said nice things about her. I like Delores. I'll learn more about her as this campaign plays itself out. I do not work for the city at all. point is, just because someone has strong opinions or seems to support a person doesn't mean they are a mole for anyone.

Anonymous said...

And please don't call me Fuller just because I know he is going to win.

Anonymous said...

I said nice things about Ms. Brewer also..........however I still want to know what her views are on the firing of Darrel and Sonny. Also WHy were they fired?

We've covered Harold, Charlie and others so why not them?

By the way. Ned is gonna let Dorsey come back to work or so the rumors claim.

Anonymous said...

I thought Brewer was over Capital projects and worked for Randolph and his previous chief of Staff Chambers so I do not see how she would have known what the deal was with any of those other employees at least one of whom was her boss....I sure hope I am not responsible for the actions of people I work for or others who work at my office. Wouldnt be fare to me nor would it be fare to judge Brewer on the actions of her bosses or lateral employees she had no supervisory authority over.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the famous Nazi defense:"just following orders". Congressman Jefferson's assistant is headed for the federal pen as we speak. He to was an innocent subordinate. The misconduct of which we speak was likely going on for three consecutve terms. The remain in the dark in a small closs-knit administration like Randolph's is an admission of challenged intellect and/or ethics. I do not know Mrs. Brewer, but efforts to distance her from the administration amounts to insulting BS and I hope that she does not get away with that. "Just following orders" - I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Look. We don't know what happened in the mayor's office. Here is what we know now. Brewer is out front in the administration. If she shows courage, resolve, insight, and principal then she is a hell-of-a lady and deserves a shot. If she is silent and cowers in the corner while the council runs roughshod over the citizens she will deserve and receive our blame, anger and disrespect. The point is that now she is dressed out, in the game, and calling plays. Let's quit kicking her butt a WATCH!

Anonymous said...

The three men were let go because they did wrong, and did it behind the Mayor's back. The council didn't like that trio to begin with so obviously they put the pressure on. But, that is beside the point, they did wrong and had to pay for it. Ned and Delores had no clue until after the fact so they cannot be blamed. Only thing done wrong was keeping a chief-of-staff on who had his own agenda and thought he was untouchable. Mrs. Brewer should have been chief a while ago. I think she is ready and understands the position and how to operate in that capacity. Let her work for just a little while, then pass your judgements.

Anonymous said...

Oh Scarlet * If Randolph didn't know what was going on in the top echelon of his administration directly under his nose for all those years, that is a very poignant statement about Randolph. Where do YOU think the buck stops?

Anonymous said...

Don't you understand that mistakes happen and that was the only one in how long in office? I understand you must be an opponent of Ned and that is fine, but don't tell me there is not a level of trust when someone has been your friend first and your chief-of-staff for over 20 years. Mistakes happen, and there are worse things that have happened to staffs and and offices my friend. Harold went gung-ho I don't need to tell the Mayor everything I do and got caught. People do sneek around behind people's backs. Why is that sop hard to understand?

Anonymous said...

Look, if my responsiblities included dealing with utilities and all the people that are involved in such dealings and I heard that I had been cheated, hoodwinked and clubbed, I would make a phone call asking what the h--l is going on too! I would feel that was my responsibility not to mention my ego. How can that be wrong? I have to say that it's easy for things to get by you as a manager or director for a short period of time. It is only easy for that type of thing to continue if you shirk your responsibilities and keep your head in the sand. That is not one of the qualities of a good leader.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think it is fair to characterize the writer's position as "anti-Ned". I think it is incredibly nieve to say that Ned is not directly responsible for all that went on with Harold, et al. Ned had to sign all that stuff, Ned had to see that stuff,and Ned had to have some level of awareness about what Harold was doing. Ned picked Harold because Harold was a buddy. There was never anything about Harold's experience, education, performance, history, or training that would suggest that Harold was they guy to run the City of Alexandria. Ned had numerous signs and opportunities to question and examine Harold's activities. The fact that Ned chose to abdicate all of his authority to others does not relieve him of the complete responsibility for their actions. I commend the City Charter to you for review. Mrs. Brewer did not have the people's mandate or the legal authority to direct administration activities. The quest is valid: "Where do you think the buck stops?"

Anonymous said...

I never said that Ned shouldn't have Called out Harold before this incident. I am not speaking about evrything because I don't know evrything like you do apparently about the administration. I am talking about this incident, and I feel that Harold is the sole blame whether you agree or not. The man got what he deserved and believe me Ned is paying the price publicly and privately ok. And I am sorry but you are wrong about Harold, he was,WAS, the man for the job at one time, but he overstayed his welcome and took matters into his own hands in this incident. The buck stops at the top, is that what you want to hear?
I guess Mr. Bush should resign too then considering some of the incompetant people he has appointed as well.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bush has accepted the blame for administration mistakes. Ned runs a city whose poplulation is about a third of the Tiger Stadium capacity - see the difference. However, please tell us what qualified Harold for the huge administrative responsiblity that Ned conferred upon him. Harold was a marginal farmer on his families property. The Buck! Remember the Buck!

Anonymous said...

You keep saying buck this buck that, well I killed one two weeks ago if that makes you happy. a nice 8 point with high tines and thick mass. He ran about thirty yards and dropped after I stuck him. Look, say what you want about Ned. I get the point, you think he has done bad. Great, grand, wonderful, that is why we live in this country, so we can disagree. So all you have to do Mr. Buck is vote for someone else this go round. But I tell you one thing, if Ned ran again he would win, just like he did the previous five times. He served this city, and I don't care who you are, you are going to make mistakes. So take your comparison of 1/3 of Tiger Stadium and all of that and you run for mayor and see how easy it is to run a city. and don't give me this or trhat or how big or what to do. You have no clue on how to run the day to day operations, and neither do I, but I do know that Ned loves this city, and this State and has served it well. If it is time for change, he, and everyone else can accept that. But the man is an honest, God-fearing, hard working man who could have done anything, mad a lot more money in a lot of different places with a Princeton degree and a Law degree from Tulane, but he chose to come back home and live and serve. Give the man his credit and realize he was re-elected because people respect him around here. And he did a lot of good. Just look at the three crooks before him and compare records Mr. Buck.

Anonymous said...

I am not in this fight, but...I propose to you that Ned is either incapacitated in some way or he's inadequate. No one, as I said earlier, can let this stuff go on as long as it did and come out of it with a clean slate. I like Ned. He seems to be a nice person. He also seems to be in a cloud and has been for a while now. Lately, something seems to have changed somewhat. But, it went on for too long for him not to take responsibility for putting it on auto-pilot.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll concede that anybody that will kill a defenseless deer and describes people as "god-fearing" has a firm grasp on the governmental process, but what about Harold's qualifications? I don't believe you mentioned that. What was there about Harold's past or credentials that made Ned hand him the reins of the city along with our bank accounts? If Randolph had reason to think that Chambers was an able administrator and urban visionary then maybe it was an honest mistake. If Harold was an obvious dumass that was just a buddy of Ned's then that is "negligence" and "fault" and "the buck". Ned has been in office a long time, but not as long as George Bowden or Fidel Castro.
Killed an 8 point - man that's great!

Anonymous said...

You guys are comical. I do like that fact that you mingle humerous with the serious.

Anonymous said...

i never said Ned was not responsible, and it looks like we will have a new Mayor if that makes you cut a flip. I was just poking at you with the deer comment cuz I was tired of you ending evrything with the BUCK. All I was saying is that Ned is a good person and has served well. I don't think makking fun of my statement about being God fearing is ok. I would imagine most people around hear are God-fearing people. I was just trying to speak on the man's character. We can argue about this all day back and forth and it won't change a thing about what you believe or what I believe happened or who is rright or wrong. But I wil continue to stick up for Ned because I think he is a great person, public servant, and leader. And I respectfully disagree with a lot of what has beed said. I also respect your opinion and what you say and I will leave it at that for now.

Anonymous said...

You guys still don't get it do you. Its matters not who the mayor is in this City as long as the council is ruled by little Hugo Chavez he and his cohorts will dominate and supress whoever you elect. A good example of the mayors "power" was seen when the council voted to put Lance Harris on the England Authority. Ned was powerless. The mayors office has been castrated by the omnipotent one.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lots of testicular references. Don't exactly know how Delores will fit in this scheme. See what happens tomorrow at 11.

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh....sounds like something exciting is coming up. Hopefully, it's an announcement!

Anonymous said...

I predict it will be a move to get the council's aforementioned male organs out of the CLECO bear trap. Hope somebody hung on to those depositions.

Anonymous said...

anonymous asked what did Sonny and Darrel do wrong. anonymous said they did wrong. We still want to know WHAT they did wrong? Is that too vague a question?

As Sage spoke about Ms. Brewer. Lets see if she has the stuff to be Mayor. We'll see soon enough.

We really need to have anonymous 1, 2, 3 ect. so we'll know who is on what team. I would put a smilie but that seems to offend yet another anonymous. Lets just say I find some of the Koolaid drinkers kinda funny.

Anonymous said...

Are we at the point where we can start a realistic list of peope we think will actually qualify?....

Anonymous said...

Are we at the point where we can start a realistic list of peope we think will actually qualify?....

Anonymous said...

also, who might be able to be elected in Pineville?

Anonymous said...

Alexandria will elect people to the following seats this fall: Mayor, Council Dist. 2, 4, and At-Large(Lawson's seat). Let's approach this systematically. Today lets try to get a reliable list of mayoral candidates. Please jump in with your predictions. Ned Randolph, John Sams, Delores Brewer, Debra Randolph, Bo Curtis, Joe Fuller, Charles Smith, Roosevelt Johnson, Rod Noles, Carroll Lanier, Butch Crenshaw. Please eliminate the unlikely or nonviable candidates and lets see what we can boil it down to.

Anonymous said...

Delores Brewer will be a candidate and a viable one.

Anonymous said...

This is not about who(m) you support but rather an attempt to get a look at the field. If I left anyone out, please add them. After we get a fairly complete list, we can discuss their respective merit, shortcoming, achilles heels, and associations. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Prediction: Sams, Brewer, Fuller, Johnson and good ole' Red Hammond will round out the inconsequential mayor's field. Lawson will continue to conrol the City.

Anonymous said...

Fuller is the only one in that field that would likely show some degree of leadership and be in a position to either control or expose Lawson. I also think it would be a mistake to count out Alex Slatkin in his run for that at-large seat. He is well liked and respected accross racial, economic, age and social lines and Lawson will hopefully face some dragons of his own making in the near future. Lawson is the most powerful but Kelvin Sanders is the most ruthless and dangerous and that should change with the administration. I fail to see why Randolph keeps him arround. That's what scares me so much about Brewer - she is obviously playing footsie with Sanders.

Anonymous said...

Lanier is out, Noles is telling people he is NOT going to run but is going to support Brewer, Deborah Randolph is NOT running Sams will qualify but NOT make much of a run because he only gets noticed if he can point to some CONSPIRACY and there will be plenty of people saying that so he won't stand out in the crowd , R. Johnson wants to run Fuller wants to run but it all depends on Charles Frederick who might be "occupied" with other problems. Lawson will have his hands full with at large seat and so he wont run. All of this from the street as of this morning.

Anonymous said...

The word on the street? What is this NYPD Blue? "Sipowitz, get out there and see what the word on the street is." "Ok Sarge!"

Funny stuff people.

Anonymous said...

Not funny, helpful. Thanks. Now we are getting somewhere. The posting assumes that Ned won't run and that ain't been declared yet. In fact, there are murmurs that he would like to serve 4 years with non-felons.

Anonymous said...

I hear that.

Anonymous said...

Delores Brewer will run with Ned's blessing. Ned will not run again. How can you assume she will keep Sanders around once she's in. I'm beginning to wonder if you people know anything.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the annointed insider speaks. I am sorry that you are offended by our seeming lack of sophistication. I suggest that you watch Channel 4 and the news for a couple of weeks and then you tell us if our city government ever passes up a chance to do the stupid thing. Sanders tried to fake Ned out with the Holiday Inn lease amendment, made Ned look embarrasingly foolish in the public eye, and Kelvin is still the city attorney. Why would Delores be any different?

Anonymous said...

First of all, I think what you heard "on the street" is probably somewhat accurate as to who might be running. My point is, Delores is running and I think she can win. My other point is, I don't think Delores is another Randolph. I also think Randolph hasn't been in the state of mind to always understand everything that is going on. I'm not making excuses for him because there are none. Can you tell I think Delores will be a good candidate?

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I also think that Delores is a good candidate but can she remain the loyal charge person and still distinuish herself from the administration approach (or lack thereof). Aside from everything else, I would love to have a woman mayor. It just appears that her talent may be her curse right now.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I haven't thought of it that way. Let's just hope she has the political savvy to understand what she has to do. We will find out shortly. Of all the people mentioned, she is the only one that peaks my interest.

Anonymous said...

I also think she's pretty cool but as you can tell from this blog, she is blamed for everything from the Lindberg kidnapping to 9/11 and she will have to really blossem to get rid of that taint.

Anonymous said...

This site is really great....much better than the TT

Anonymous said...

She will know what she has to do to win before she jumps in.... Believe me. Kelvin should be toast for the stunts he pulled under Ned's nose no doubt. And there are a couple of annointed insiders here people, not just one.

Anonymous said...

I love it when you treat me rough.

Anonymous said...

Since Brewer has been named Chief of Staff she has gotten Cleco to agree to open their books to the City! One Week and the Town Talk is already reporting progress. YES I think Brewer can do the Job. If you want to criticize fine but at least note when she does things positive. I think what we are seeing is just a glimpse of what kind of Mayor she WILL be.

Anonymous said...

I understood that Brigit Brown was solely responsible for that breakthrough. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Oh....I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

If Brewer changes parties, she will be dangerous. If she does not, its Fullers race to lose.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I don't think Brewer can make it in the GOP. If she becomes a democrat or independent then it looks like a Brewer/Fuller contest. If the people get out and vote and she shows big in the next 6 months I think we elect us a girl. Surprising how Sams made a splash and vanished. Apparently to know him is to dislike him. How does everyone else figure it?

By the way, I predict that Brewer won't change party affiliations to win the job and she won't win the job.

Anonymous said...

Someone please tell me how Counsel woman Carol Van Mol can live in Alexandria yet be elected and try to get reelected to serve on the City counsel in Pineville? How is that right.

Anonymous said...

If Whether you have a D or an R behind your name in a local race makes a difference between winning and losing then is says a lot about how stupid the electorate is and they will get what they deserve. I would think MUCH less of a person who makes changes in their party or church or kind of car they drive to get elected than someone who stays who they are. We have all seen the candidate who changes to another church or begins driving a truck while they leave their JAGUAR in the garage or who changes parties JUST to get elected. What would that say for the candidate if they did. I can only wish that others felt the same way. I dont care what party she is . Delores Brewer is the best choice ive seen mentioned on here so far . No predictions just one persons opinion.

Anonymous said...

I have wondered that too. How can someone live here in Alexandria and be elected in Pineville?

Anonymous said...

Assuming you are correct, Delores can't lead the city unless she is elected. She is certainly entitled to be a principaled loser but that is still a loser. She has to decide where her priorities lie. If she is intellectually alligned with the Republican party then I hope she doesn't make it. Her values are not our values.

Anonymous said...

What exactly are as you called the ..."our values"??

Anonymous said...

. . . perhaps the writer means those values embraced by Tom Delay, Jack Abramof, "Brownie", Newt, Rush and Delores Brewer. Now there. You have something to work with. :-)

Anonymous said...

THATS the narrow minded attitude i was talking about. So i guess she should subscribe to the mindset of Jessie Jackson, Barney Frank , Hillary Clinton and Cong Jefferson? That LABELING of people works both ways thats why I wish we could judge people on their own merit to decide what kind of leader they would be.

Anonymous said...

Owens 2006

Anonymous said...

If we want to talk Labels lets talk about all the DEMOCRATS ruining the city counsel. I dont think that is wise but if LABELS is what the writer was talking about then hey....Im all for that because the labels that go with that are not advantagous to his argument at all.

Anonymous said...

She lives in Alexandria? What is she doing with her residence in Pineville??

Anonymous said...

Thats a good question. I guess if John Sams could live in a district other than the one he is elected so can Counsel people from Pineville. It doesnt seem right but I guess no one wants to give up the money.

Anonymous said...

Just ask the neighbors who live around her in Alex.

Anonymous said...

Well if we want to elect labels and If Democrats labels is what you want why dont we get behind NOLAND HAMMONDS he would satisfy ALL of the Democratic philosophies wouldnt he? How bout Tommy Wright isnt he a Democrat? You sure you want to vote labels?

Anonymous said...

Tommy Wright does not live in Alex . He lives in Jena although we was reared in Pineville. Go Demo!

Anonymous said...

The list of democrats includes one congressman that is under investigation (for acting like a republican). The rest of them are highly respected accomplished and successful people with a popular agenda and a huge following of thier consituents. You are the essense of the GOP: being a homo or black is the equivalent of being a drug-abusing hypocrit or a thief. Go Delores!

Anonymous said...

Finally a Legislator with integrity in HD # 22. Vote Tony Owens for real change right now.

Anonymous said... a democrat. I just do not believe that we should vote ONLY on political labels. Believe me neither the far right of the Republican Party nor the far left of the democratic party represent my views and I often agree and disagree with both "official" party lines as well as with the leaders of those parties. Maybe my active Republican friends can tell me but I dont think Brewer has been active in promoting the Republican platform. I see nothing in what Brewer is or represents that is on either extreme so why judge her based uponw whatever political affiliation she checked when she signed up to vote.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Delores should not be judged soley upon her party affilliation. I agree that she should not be judged because of her affilliation with the current administration. I agree that she should not be judged because of any perception the public may have concerning her husband. But put them all together and you have a clear of idea of who and what Delores is. The present message is apparently that we should forget her past half-century of life and support her for what she might do between now and spring. Remember as children when we could yell "King's X" and everything was put on hold. I don't think that is available to us as serious candidates for political office.

Aside from the philosophical significance of party affilliation, to be mayor you gotta win mayor and conventional wisdom dictates that GOP labels will turn off a huge and necessary faction of the electorate. Do you want Delores to win or do you just want us to like her?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry guys, but this is driving me crazy.
Counsel - advice given; legal advice

Council - legal body.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if we make mistakes. I suggest you not undertake to read the Town Talk unless heavily medicated.

Nowadays we have text messaging which is adequate and successful if it communicates the message. Don't worry, U R OK.

Council = self-serving body that buys empty retail stores and banks, has bars and hotel affilliations, votes on its own business interest dealing with the city, and pronouces "forward" as "fahwud".

Counsel = see Brigit Brown, Kelvin Sanders, contingency fee

Anonymous said...

Puuuuuuuuleeeeeeeeez....I guess you judge Hilary because she stays with a "scumbag" like Bill. I would be afraid to sit on the same seat with him. How about Ted Kennedy. Barf!!! And Harry Reid....claiming to be so righteous. He took 46-47,000 dollars of Abramoff's money! And the list goes on. I don't think the label is a pro or a con. How about just being an ethical person?

Anonymous said...

Very good!!! I like your definitions!

Anonymous said...

Oh Scarlet!

"Wishing" won't make those items in the cat's litterbox into Tootsie Rolls or Junior Mints. I doubt that Delores can stand the disadvantage she will face running as a republican. I would like to see her get the job and that is the reason that I suggest that she put herself in a more marketable posture vis-a-vis the electorate. If she wants to spot her opponent the leverage of running as a democrat against a patrician republican, that is a political and strategic choice. She needs to make the decision with her pretty blue eyes open.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for explaining the difference in counsel and council. And about Delores. She has been jointed at the hip with Ned all her adult life. There is no way to sever those ties. She has BEEN controlling Ned for years!! Just work in city hall for over a month and quietly observe. Ned may have had to let the following division heads go for one reason or another in the past few years, Sheila Savoy, past financial director; Renee Craft, past head of Division of Community Services; Harold, Darryl, Sonny, and Errol Dorsey, and City Attorney Charlie Nunnally, but he would never touch Delores. He would have a difficult time making a decision on any area of the city if Delores was not there to control the outcome. Don't believe me though, just because I put this on a blog. Ask someone within the city government to explain it to you. I don't think changing her party affiliation will make any difference. She is jointed at the hip with Ned, that is not only truth, but public perception. And perception is what most voters use as a guide for them to believe that their vote is the right vote.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for explaining the difference in counsel and council. And about Delores. She has been jointed at the hip with Ned all her adult life. There is no way to sever those ties. She has BEEN controlling Ned for years!! Just work in city hall for over a month and quietly observe. Ned may have had to let the following division heads go for one reason or another in the past few years, Sheila Savoy, past financial director; Renee Craft, past head of Division of Community Services; Harold, Darryl, Sonny, and Errol Dorsey, and City Attorney Charlie Nunnally, but he would never touch Delores. He would have a difficult time making a decision on any area of the city if Delores was not there to control the outcome. Don't believe me though, just because I put this on a blog. Ask someone within the city government to explain it to you. I don't think changing her party affiliation will make any difference. She is jointed at the hip with Ned, that is not only truth, but public perception. And perception is what most voters use as a guide for them to believe that their vote is the right vote.

Anonymous said...

What was the story on Rene Craft?

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Savoy fired for shoplifting? And Dorsey for theft of city property? If so, that sounds legit to me. I don't know anything about Renee. And well, we all know why Nunnally was fired. I don't know Harold Chambers very well, but I do know Sonny. I don't think for one minute that Sonny would have done anything he didn't feel was the right thing to do for the city.

Anonymous said...

Are any of you planning to attend the ball for the new Krewe of Louisiana? Supposed to be bi-partisan. Alexander and McPherson are co-hosting. The date is Feb. 25. Cost is $150 a couple or $75 per person. As if anyone would go to a ball alone. Of course you can buy corporate tables etc. starting at $500. Due to Katrina, this is supposed to be in lieu of the Washington based Mardi Gras Ball. Should prove to be interesting.

Anonymous said...

The Ball sounds lovely but actually I was planning to go to the crew of Utility Bill with my $500. My Ball is in lieu of groceries.

Anonymous said...

Touche'. Just thought I'd pass it along.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if your IP address so people who say things that are not true can be subpeoned so any slanderous comments made on here can be dealt with in court? Lets find out.

Anonymous said...

Yes there is a way to identify everyones IP address for each entry on here I can get to them from this page. The Challange would be to find out who they belong to. I am looking at the IP addresses right now . They show the provider such as Cox internet or CITYOFALEX etc and the ID number but no names . If anyone has emails from the same address obviously it could be matched up . Or I guess if someone really wanted to sue they could get a subpeona that would get the names of the user from the provider. much for boring techno babble ..lets get back to trashing some politicians! Ha

Anonymous said...

Well OK. If you wish, I can start confining my comments to the truth but they won't be nearly as cute.

Anonymous said...

Those were questions people. I guess I should have said "allegedly". Second hand knowledge, as is most of the "stuff" on here.

Anonymous said...

lets go to court - I luvs court

Anonymous said...

Ooooooo! A lawsuit! Is that one of those things where we get to look at each other's financial records and cell phone records and talk to co-workers and auditors and check receipts and credit card statements and hotel registrations and spouse business dealings and question family members and business superiors and subordinates and family members and lay everything out in the sunlight, under oath? Gee Ms. Administration insider - sure you want that? Maybe you will get enough sunlight in the current litigation with CLECO, the Three Amigos Trial, and current law enforcement investigations. Nobody seems to be thrilled about answering all those questions under oath but maybe that's just the vehicle you need to clear the air. Hmmmmmmm - a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone can't handle the truth.

Typical operational standards for the current admin. Scare tactics, threats and intimadation.

Yea the spelling is bad sometimes so break out your phonics.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that's a huge concern of mine.

Anonymous said...

Someone touched a nerve. Obviously, the "lawsuit" threat was made by someone who is being discussed on this blog. Makes me sick to read threats like that in a free society. Ever heard of the first amendment and have you ever read the cases regarding public figures? Sounds like some sorry bastard is trying to kill this blog with threats. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I understand that two more city employees were fired last week for improperly documenting thier timesheets. Basically, they were saying they were working but were off working at another job while on the city payroll. There were also two street department employees who were caught stealing from a Red Cross Shelter after Hurricane Rita. They were allowed to "retire". Nothing in the TT about either. Your tax dollars at work!!!

Anonymous said...

anyone hear anything about FEMA goods being used in a business with ties to one of our city counselmen?

Anonymous said...

rumour has it that chas. Smith was nose-deep in the Errol Dorsey stuff but I know of no other councilman mixed up in that. Pray tell who and what.

Anonymous said...

If a councilman is involved in FEMA misuse it will be the prime opportunity for Ms. Brewer to show her metal. If she sits on the sidelines and doesn't take strong upfront action then you have your answer - 4 more years of blind, deaf & dumb administration.

Anonymous said...

So its your appreciation of the charter that the chief of staff for the Mayor has control over investigating a non city related criminal allegation of an elected City Counsel? Sort of like when Charlie Nunnally "investigated' the qualifications of a counselmen to be elected because of a previous conviction? Obviously No bias on your part.

Anonymous said...

Close. It is my belief that a city official that becomes aware of misdeeds that defraud Alexandrians and reflect badly on the government is, like any other citizen, obilgated to report them to the proper authorities and bring them to public light. Charlie Nunnally took on the council and lost. Is that the reason that Ms. Brewer is affraid expose council wrongdoing. We really don't need another mayor bent on self-preservation and desperate to hang on to his check and retirement benefits. Either she has courage, conviction and principle or she doesn't.

Funny that you would try to credit her with the progress in the CLECO litigation but insulate her from responsibility to address public dishonesty in the Alexandria government. Who do you regard as responsible to pursue and expose these wrongs? Who would you like to pass the "BUCK" to.

We are in complete agreement that if Brewer has it she will show it now. OK, let's see it.

Anonymous said...

Let's many days ago was Delores named Chief of Staff? Could it be something like four or five? Two of which were on a weekend. Do you think change moves with the speed of light? Would you just give her a chance? I know, bring me my pipe and slippers and do it right now. And would you please hand me a beer while you're at it!

Anonymous said...

hello?.....hello? it safe to come out now? Has the big monstrous bully moved on? It's really dark in here and I can't see that well, so, do you think he could be hiding behind some rocks or something!

Anonymous said...

Your position was "it's not her job" as opposed to "give her time". My question was, "if it's not her job to expose wrongdoing and protect us, whose is it". I realize that operating the city and covering the mayor's ass isn't fun but that's the job description and if she can't/won't do it we need someone that can. I respect her position and hope for the best. We will give her a chance - will she take it???

I apoligize but the "pipe & slippers" nonsense escaped me.

Anonymous said...

Just a cute little quip in reference to an "I want it now" society.

Anonymous said...

Would you teach all of how to cover up ours?

Anonymous said...

If it all made-up stuff, go cover up your IP. If it's true let them go "buck" themselves. What I don't understand is howcum you know all this and Delores knew nothing. Remember the fat nazi guard on Hogan's Heros? He knew nothing too (either).

Anonymous said...

Just a thought but where would we be if Delores said screw it and left? Ned would go the way of Jimmy Hoffa.

Anonymous said...

Obviously its clear that regardless of what Brewer does at least one writer on here doesnt like her. We get it . But to those who have not prejudged her yet I would suggest that you give her a chance.

Anonymous said...

By the way.....for anyone who's interested, Congressman Alexander will be in town tomorrow and Wednesday. He'll be speaking at the downtown Rotary at lunch tomorrow and at Bellino's tomorrow evening. He will also be attending the Annual Republican Women's Luncheon on Wednesday at Cajun Landing. FYI

Anonymous said...

OK, now time to try to handicap the council races. At-Large: Myron Lawson and Dr. Alex Slatkin. Dist. 2: Hobbs and hopefully, someone good? Dist. 4: Harry Silver and Mark Lampert.

Who else and what else? Who has a chance? Can Lawson be beat?

Anonymous said...

Is there a knight in shining armour who can slay the beast? Who knows. I have not heard his or her name yet!

Anonymous said...

Lambert is an independant thinker and has a lot of support in district 4 already after the council rejected dist. 4's request to appoint him to Rick Ranson's seat. I think he will do a good job and will be a lot like Ranson. Hope he gets the job.

Anonymous said...

But if Lambert is elected does that mean that his son who works as an Assistant DA will not be able to investigate or prosecute any wrongdoing at the City?

Anonymous said...

Both Lambert and his son are pretty straight shooters so I'm thinking that the prosecutors will finally know just where to look. It won't hold back the DA's office at all. Folks say that that is the reason that the city council boys didn't want Lambert in the first place.

Anonymous said...

FYI....Loren is Mark's stepson, if it makes a difference. Both are good honest guys.

Anonymous said...

and the name is Lampert...not Lambert. Spelling is obviously not one of our strong points.

Anonymous said...

I understand that Carol Van Mol the city counsilperson in Pineville works FOR the DA. Shouldnt the DA be concerned if she lives in her district in Pineville OR out of her district in ALEXANDRIA????????

Anonymous said...

The name is Lampert, Loren is Mark's son, not stepson, I trust them both, and somebody should file suit if they can prove the Carol VanMol thing.

Anonymous said...

come on now. you folks slay dragons on your side of the river. Let poor ole Carol enjoy her honeymoon! She is just a phone call away.

Anonymous said...

Can a political newcomer like Dr. Slatkin take on an entrenched crook like Lawson?

Anonymous said...

Honeymoon? I think if she works in an office where the LAW is to be upheld...shouldnt she have to follow the law on where she lives? Gee. I guess we just let people do whatever they want so they can collect there $800 per month for serving. This stinks.

Anonymous said...

Don't mention how unprofessional it looks to have all these misspelled words everywhere. They'll be calling you Scarlett too! It's just that if outsiders visit this blog, we're certainly not leaving the impression that we are an educated group. Call me "bitchy" if you like.

Anonymous said...

The answer is that if she live in Alexandria she doesn't qualify for the Pineville City Council. File a suit. Brian Cespiva would love to take a bite out of a republican councilperson from Pineville. Ge the goods and go see Brian.

Anonymous said...

Alexandria made their Chief of Police move from Pineville to Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

Please don't insult yourself. Bitchy is too strong a term - anal, neurotic, petty, OCD, silly - try those.

Anonymous said...

See........I told ya! They just can't handle a little constructive criticism.

Anonymous said...

. . . . . and thin-skinned, Scarlet.

Anonymous said... guys are tough.

Anonymous said...

Please try to focus on the substance of the messages. Our lovely town is turning into doodoo and you are worried about syntax. If our ideas, thoughts and feelings are communicated then it works. You need to flip over to the English Teacher blog. If you dangle your participle there, they cut it off.

Anonymous said...

Whew.........well excuse me.

Anonymous said...

When you hear the content of Mayor Nagin's speech yesterday as well as Hillary's, you know what we're up against. I can't believe they have become so blatant.

Anonymous said...

Let New Orleans and New York take care of Nagin and Hillary. What can we do about Myron Lawson?

Anonymous said...

So Good Government Republican Counsil Person from Pineville is trying to hoodwink her constituents by living outside of a district she is payed to represent? And she works for the CHIEF law enforecement legal officer DA Jam Downs? What is wrong with all of that ? Seriously am i being too sensitive to think this is just WRONG?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a well written letter to the Town Talk is in order. I don't know what the Pineville charter says but if it is the same as Alexandria she has to do a "Rick Ranson" and resign and they have to appoint Harry Silver.

Anonymous said...

let me help you here. not only do they have to live in the city of pineville, but also in the district they are elected from! But still, when you own a home and your husband owns a home, we need to see if the charter says anything about how many times you sleep outside of your district?? You can, can't you?

Anonymous said...

If she maintains a residence in her district I think she is OK. Wow a mixed marriage.

Anonymous said...

According to Louisiana law, your legal domicile is where you claim your homestead exemption.

Anonymous said...

I find it incredible that someone can live out of district , own a home that she does not live in and then run for office in the district she doesnt even live in. This is just wrong. Just listing homestead at a particular house is just dishonest. The purpose of requiring residency is to make sure that the people live in area affected by their own govt actions. But maybe it should not come as a surprise. This counsilman is one of the same ones who voted to give themselves a raise AFTER they were reelected 4 years ago. Some good govt in Pineville. Why doesnt someone hold the Mayor of Pineville to the same level of responsibility that is spoken for Delores Brewer to speak up when wrong is done by counsilmen? Double standard!

Anonymous said...

If Carol VanMol meets the legal qualification to serve her district and her constituents know and accept her situation then the only difficulty would seem to be that she is making you angry. I would be surprised if she hasn't gotten some pretty good legal advice between the City Legal Dept. and District Attorney's Office. If it rankles you so badly, I suggest that you follow the previous suggestion and write a letter to the Town Talk and try to beat her at the ballot box. If you find it theraputic to voice the same identical complaint on the blog another 2 dozen time, please feel free but realize you are preaching to the choir.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said! So true.. And oh my, lets not mention katrina mary! never would she live outside of her district and just claim homestead exemption. What? oh, democrat! I forgot. only if your republican are you held to a higher standard.

Anonymous said...

Can someone discuss the At-Large and Council Dist. 2 seats? Is there a way to replace Hobbs and Lawson? I agree that Lawson is the key because of his influence over the other councilmen.

Anonymous said...

Hoo Hoo........very good comparison. It's the same here as in Washington. When the Democrats do it, there's a legitimate reason. When the Republicans do it, My the Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

Could someone address the at-large and Dist. 2 council races? Can Hobbs and Lawson be replaced? I agree that replacing Lawson with someone honest, truthful and responsible is the key to a good council. He seems to have a huge back-room influence on the other black councilmen and Charles Smith ususally takes the heat and is the one looking stupid and shady. If we elect a good mayor and Lampert represents Dist. 4, their potential is limited by the continued presence of Lawson. What can be done?

Anonymous said...

Republicans are a marvelous lot. Morality and honesty never occur to you. Your conversations never address what is right or fair or legal. All you can do is lament that some democrat got away with doing something wrong and you demand the same privilege. And that is why your vote is ALWAYS for sale.

Anonymous said...

Now that is a mouthful of CRAP!!! The Republicans certainly have not cornered the market on dishonesty!

Anonymous said...

See. You illustrate my point. You don't suggest that you should consider doing the right thing. You just say "Democrats do it too." Any wonder how Abramoff was able to buy the republican party??

Anonymous said...

How dare you assail republican morals. They have Fallwell and Robertson on their side and those guys get email from God. Piss them off and you can expect a hurricane or a stroke!

Anonymous said...

I just think its lousy that Republicans espouse doing the RIGHT thing and here we have a Republican counsilmen in Pineville who at best is staying in her seat through legal technicalities. It isnt about being MAD at the person its about being angry that people we trust disappoint us and get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks like somebody "silenced the majority". Go you rabble-rousing place-puting butt-kicking moral-teaching spade-calling chocolate-loving democrat.

Anonymous said...

Can we talk about politics again or is this the new Rep. Vs Dem Blog. Seriously get over it people, there are bad people on both sides of the spectrum. Quit acting like kids and lets talk about who we can elect here.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh. Scarlet's back and taking names. Let's talk about what she wants. She's easy to inflame.

Anonymous said...

She's one spirited vixen.

Anonymous said...

sounds like her name might be Carrol and not Scarlett.

Anonymous said...

Why doesnt the Democratic Party file an opposition to Carol Van Mols candidacy ?

Anonymous said...

They don't do that very often unless they have a candidate to put in the race. In this case ALL of the counsilmen have pledged their support for one another so that none of them hope to have any opponents. Interesting to know that they know about the Vanmol issue and still support her candidacy. This my friend is a great example of how elected officials operate to achieve their primary goal ....Reelection.

Anonymous said...

If its ok with the city aldermen that one of their brethern dont live in the City then maybe we should find some good electable candidates who have dual residency to run for their seats AND for Mayor. If its all ok as the previous person said.

Anonymous said...

I think there is no Van Mol "issue". I think you are not telling the truth. I think she maintains a legal residence in her district and is qualified to hold her office. I think her constituents like, respect, and support her. I think that you are attacking her for reasons other than her residence. I think you need to come clean or drop it.

Anonymous said...

Do the names "Hobbs, Lawson, and Silver" ring a bell? Remember the topic? Can I have some help here?

Anonymous said...

Do they live in the districts they are elected from?

Anonymous said...

I think so. They are democrats.

Anonymous said...

I would certainly think so - they are honest democrats.

Anonymous said...

Kind of poetry in contradictions dont you think?

Anonymous said...

Roses or Red
Trees are of wood
Shame on you if
You don't live where you should.

Anonymous said...

Water's for drinkin'
Balls are for tossin'
What'll it take
To get rid of Lawson?

Anonymous said...

Chas. Fredrick's a crook
Ned is a fairy
What will it take
To get rid of Harry?

Anonymous said...

We need more work
Some good paying jobs
But first we gotta
Get rid of Hobbs

Anonymous said...

Good poetry. It will take a young, white, well-respected, honest democrat who is willing to lock up in what would be a nasty, dirty campaign. Know any such animal?

Anonymous said...

Yall lay off Hobbs. He's a decent human.

Anonymous said...

He may be a decent human but his name rhymes with so much stuff. He also does absolutely no thinking on his own. He is the ulitmate yes-man to Charles and Myron.

Anonymous said...

I still want to know why Darrell and Sonny were fired. They lived in the right places.

The Pineville folks must need Fred back if all the have to raise Cain about is where Carol lives. Be glad you live in the hills!

Anonymous said...

There may be a place for meaningful intellegent exchange of ideas on the future of Alexandria but this clearly ain't it. What a dissappointment. And the spelling was lousy too.

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