Monday, October 03, 2005


Welcome to the Central Louisiana political revelations blog!

Good or Bad, Democrat, Republican or Independant ... all of the information we as concerned citizens need to know.

One way to get it off of your chest -- Anonymously!!


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Anonymous said...

I had a Mercury. Hated it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The increase in capital investment would erode the marginal benefit to the power plant. Does not work on a marginal basis.

Anonymous said...

Certainly there are competent professionals that can weigh the merits of Alexandria's power generation future. If we follow up and actually follow expert recommendations it would be money well spent. I know were we can find an extra $640,000.

Anonymous said...

We can get bogged down as to whether capital outlays to modify and expand our power generation facility are cost effective. Truth is that done properly, they could provide a facility that actually produced income for the city efficiently. The naysayers generally have a vested interest in seeing the plant sold either on the power supply side or as potential resellers of the equipment. As mayor, it is not happening.
On the subject of capital outlays, the sanitaion department will be scheduled to phase out its current fleet to be replaced with one-man units and residential containers while the department is short staffed. This will accomplish two things, utilize the available work force and reduce the demand on the retirement and healthcare system.
As mayor, I would " walk the lot" to physically see that all departments are performing and hear directly from the boots on the ground what is needed or needs to be changed. Under my administration, we will utilize the talent that the city already has to has to enhance the appearance and functionality of our city to make it attractive to business investment. No more excuses for high crime stats. Weed and seed will be vigorously supported by me. I have often wondered why we are in the middle of a very fertile agricultural area with a state university research station practically at the city limits and no appreciable value added agricultural industry within the city limits. The same applies to the lumber industry. Our raw materials are shipped all over the country to be turned into products that eventually are distributed nationwide and back to us. Remember the term " Value Added"
Can the mayor do that? Sure can - he holds the budget pen and veto power and mangement responsibility. The city council would find me their worst nightmare when it comes to personal projects that squander tax money. I love a good fight and can take it to whatever level it needs to go to prevail - knuckles to news.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Looks like somebody wants to trade our walking trail for a yellow brick road.

Anonymous said...

I just happen to believe that we don't have the luxury of wasting time to position our community economically to retain our youth and draw greater talent. Population size creates its own dynamics. As a community, when you can count on one hand the number of new employers or areas of growth, that might be an indication that the area is stagnant. While I trip down the yellow brick road, I would advise you to get up out of the poppy field lest you doze and the flying monkeys carry you away.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

What is Mercury Poisoning

Mercury poisoning is the ill effects on humans nervous system and other bodily systems due to the over-exposure of mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin, meaning it affects the nervous system. The "mad hatters" of the 19th century suffered from mercury poisoning which caused personality changes, nervousness, trembling, and even dementia. The hatters were exposed to mercury in the felting process, where mercury was rubbed onto cloth to preserve it.

Anonymous said...

At the point there is a rousing chorus and campaign fund established, I will reveal my identity. This will be a guerilla campaign until then. Let's discuss the future of our city and if there is a concensus on specific issues and a will to explore a candidacy, that will also mark the time. I am not fool enough to be a target for the half-hearted. A candidate really does put it all on the line because there is a personal price to pay for failure both financially and status in the community. After the election, there are not many to help bear the losers burden. I want up front support for the effort after a vigorous debate and comprehensive review of my vision for Alexandria has been revealed. By the way, I am no saint, so if it is Christ that you guys want, I don't fit the bill. If you need someone that can dance with the devil and keep his soul, then maybe I am.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

I may live very close to you Scarlett, At any rate those are the terms. Also, I am not intent on being mayor for personal reasons. I would rather someone with greter skill and talent than I step forward because we need leadership in this city now. While those that have announced to date should be commended, I don't feel they are what we need in the area of vision and leadership.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

We don't need a female George Bush running this City. God please send us a capable Democrat.

Anonymous said...

There ARE no capable demoncrats. All they espouse is higher taxes and social programs that go nowhere. They buy votes with social programs for the lazy.

Anonymous said...

No question about it. Them democrats have really gotten us in a pickle with this war and pending pandemic and hurricane recovery and oil prices and border security and Tom Delay and Abramoff bribes and spiraling healthcare costs and social security problems and umemployment and job outsourcing and airline bankruptcies. Sumbiches!

Anonymous said...

First of all, both parties at the present time are failing us. Social Security had a chance at overhaul but the dummycraps wouldn't go along, even though 10 years ago that was all they wanted to do. Job outsourcing? Please! Go read a book on outsourcing. John Kerry's wife does as much outsourcing as anyone!

Both parties have their scandals, so don't act like the Republicans are the only ones to have skeletons in their closets. The war wouldn't have been necessary had Bubba done his job instead of getting a job in the oval office.

If we don't stop giving away this nation to the illegals we won't have one to talk about in 10 years.

Anonymous said...

Hurricane recovery? You gotta be kidding me! The demoncrats who have run this state for most of the past 50 years and New Orleans since FOREVER, haven't done well by their citizens. Evacuation plans? Hello! Buses left to drown in the water! Are you kidding me!

Anonymous said...

. . . . well actually, I sort of was . . . .

Anonymous said...

. . . . except for that "war" thing but, what the hey . . .

Anonymous said...

The doctors don't have it so bad. They can still run for city government.

Anonymous said...

That "war" thing? As I said, if Clinton had taken care of bin Laden when he had the chanceS, we may not have had to go to war. He got us in to a no win situation in Bosnia/Kosova in 1993 and we're still there. Somalia? Forgot that one?

Anonymous said...

I suppose we could go back to the crusades but I was referring to the present war with 2500 American deaths and 12,000 other American casualties. Surely you heard of it. Or maybe not. And, despite what Cheney and Limbaugh say, we didn't attack Bin Ladin, we attacked a country that we had previously disarmed under airspace we completely controlled to hunt for WMD's that we should have known weren't there. I doubt that the Iraq Invasion will be a decisive issue in the council elections but your knee-jerk attack on democrats is the precise kind of myopic proagandized horse shit that will hijack this election and have people worrying about all the wrong things. You help them. You deserve them.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know all about the present war. Lots of ifs there too.

My original argument was with the demoncrats love of higher taxes and giveaway programs for the lazy and ignorant. Some other asshole brought the war into the dialogue. I'm not happy with either party on the fiscal discretion these days but by and large demoncrats are the tax and spend guys.

Anonymous said...

I see that the 6 or 7 right wing extremist nut case votes that the republican woman is going to get are right here posting on this board. Give me a good ole conservative southern democrat, a republican cannot win in a black city.

Anonymous said...

Tax and spend? The republicans have presided over the biggest spending spree in this coutry's history. We are now broke and still spending like drunken sailors. Your elitist repubs talk some serious bullcrap, but you are bigger spenders than democrats ever were.

Anonymous said...

Do you know what Bush's war is costing Americans every month? Do you know what Bush has done to the nation's deficit? Perhaps there are philosophical party differences and you should make some effort to understand them but the same old rants just illustrate how incredibly little you know. Don't embarass yourself.

Anonymous said...

What did I miss? Who can direct me to an attorney? I bought an electro-shock device at state auction from one of the mental health institutes and the timer sticks. Sometimes when I hit the activator button, I wake up a couple of days later and it leaves these burn marks on my temples. I am very dissatisfied with my purchase, but is is the only relief I get from shakes. I see things a little more clearly for a few days after my treatment. Anyway, whatever advice can be offered will be appreciated. What day is it.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Have any of you ever pondered the possibility that perhaps the bluebloods ran this City like a plantation for the past one hundred years. Perhaps now that the bluebloods have been overthrown its payback time. I'm not saying its right or justified, but that sure looks like what has happened.

Anonymous said...

anonymous, did you use my machine too?
Spanky for mayor

Anonymous said...

Tom DeLay quit today because he and I are starting a temporary labor service called Mexi-Temp. We can get about 1500 in each of the cotton warehouses on Roberts Street and are expecting the first shipment next week. As they filter into the community they should take any remaining jobs you democrats are demanding too much money to do which should starve you out quite nicely forcing you to move to a more union friendly state. We figure by election time we can get a guest worker program in place and the right to vote for our work force. Since W is their hero, it should be no problem to get them to vote for a good repiublican like Spanky for Mayor. If this effort is successful, Tom and I intend to work back toward Texas and sweep that bunch of democrats out of the Beaumont area and then put the sqeeze play on his old district by the time his next election rolls around. I like new blood.
Spanky for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

I said I had a cure for the snake. My Mesican compadres should be able to offset his constituency by election day. It took some doing, but the New Orleans mayors election should set the precedent for touchpad voting and what with Hillary ticking off the Waltons,we should have no problem with voting at the Wal-Mart check out. With the election past the first of the month, voter turnout for the snake's constituency should be low at our retail voter stations.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Dr. Sams is a diversion. He is scheduling city wide field trips at all of the schools to tie up the buses on election day. There will be Ford pickups with camper shells as far as the eye can see come election day. Hope ya'll like tacos.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Try getting some sleep at night...your ramblings are a bit over the top!

Anonymous said...

Even worse, they are starting to make sense.

Anonymous said...

Tell me Spanky, did you own a bar in Alexandria up until a few years ago?

Anonymous said...

Point taken. I will confine any further remarks to relevant circumstances. But it could happen.
I have never owned a bar.
It really does concern me that in my opinion, we do not have a good candidate in the mayors race and we really need better choices than we have. Does anyone have any suggestions for an active draft?
Not Spanky for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

What are your reservations on the current pack of announced and probable candidates? What are you looking far in a candidate? Remember, the mayor's power, authority, and influence are severly limited by the charter. The council is the area that demands immediate attention.

Anonymous said...

Strictly my opinion mind you, but the mayor constructs the budget for council approval, so he decides what it contains. The council does not have the power to change the budget, only suggest and approve. Secondly, he has veto power. I would like to see someone that is not afraid of conflift and would weild the veto pen to stop some of the things that have occurred in the past. With the current situation, we need a fighter. A negotiator only works when you can be reasonable with all parties. GAEDA is an example. We have other entities that were conducting some of the same functions that GAEDA duplicates. I would like to see a mayor that will confine budgetary items to basic services and capital needs. Our streets are sinking in spots because the subteranean drainage is collapsing. I am sure we have more aging portions of our gas system and the same can be said for the electical system. We have upcoming issues of infrastucture aging and a good candidate will understand that they are responsible for the capital outlays to provide those needs. We are not going to be very attractive to anyone when those systems begin to require higher maintenence or begin to fail. East St. Louis is a good example of what neglect of infrastructure will do. Walking trails and the like only robbed us of capital outlay funds. Veto and make the case for it. Remember the five million that was recently transferred to the general fund had to come from somewhere and that somewhere was out of our pockets through higher utility bills. The council has found and used a vehicle to exact tax without an election. This is a dangerous precedent. The transfer had to have mayoral concurrence to happen and that is where the veto comes in. I realize that conflict is not pretty and leads to instability, but the fact is that we are 1/2 cent below the state mandated ceiling on sales taxes in our area. What next?

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm in. Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Bad Boy 42 sweetheart deals drive me insane. Amazing how the new golf course wraps so nicely around the property that was retained for the new subdivision.

Anonymous said...

Hey Spanky --

Most of your comments are right on point, however, let me correct you on 2 major ones.

It is the COUNCIL'S JOB to adopt a budget. Only the COUNCIL can create and amend the budget. The Mayor can propose, suggest, etc. The Mayor can veto council decisions, but the council can override those vetoes and the Mayor can do nothing about it. It is up to the COUNCIL to set the final budget. If you doubt this, please refer to the City Charter. One thing the Mayor can do (and Delores Brewer suggested this when discussing Marshall's tral) is to be slow to act on any council mandate with which he (or should I say she?) disagrees.

The 5% transfer from the utility fund to the general is also set by law. It takes the place of a franchise fee that would be paid to the city if a private company supplied the city's electricity.

Anonymous said...

If Brewer decides to switch to a democrat, this race is over. Otherwise, this is gonna be a horse race boys. Not that it really matters if the snake retains power, nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what party the Mayor is and I think things will change with Brewer. Who do you think orchestrated the recent Mayoral vetoes? Not Ned -- he wanted to go out peacefully, but, Delores convinced him to fight because the council's decision was wrong.

With Brewer as Mayor, she will no longer have to operate under Ned's umbrella. I believe you will see the council challenged every time they try to pull a fast one.

Can Brewer or anyone else absolutely stop the council? No, she can only veto and take her case to the people.

The only ones that can absolutely stop the council is you and me - and that's by voting the scoundrels out and replacing them with people of integrity.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the correction. I was not aware of the fund transfer equating to a franchise fee but was of the budget review. It is easy to criticize from the sidelines and I guess we as citizens are somewhat spoiled because there is a lot that goes right in the city. I would like to see professionals or people in our community with greater levels of education participate in our government. City politics has turned into bloodsport with the mongrels fighting for whatever scraps they can drag from the pit. If I could have one wish it would be for at least half of the population to care enough to vote and I don't what can be said or done to make that happen. If constituents will allow the folly of the past few years to continue and still literally not lift a finger to vote, I don't know what to think.

Anonymous said...

You folks give Brewer too much credit.The Capital Projects Coordinator Job was created by Ned to give her a job because she and her husband are long time close personal freinds of his and needed the income. It was not needed then and is not needed now. She is a very nice lady but she does not have the education or experience to run a $100 million plus busines.The ones making the decisions for the Administration are Albin Provosty and Ken Juneau at a cost of $225 plus per hour to the City. Will they be kept on the payroll to actually run the City. If not them who?

Anonymous said...

Look I disagree completely with whoever has any misgivings about Delores. She has done a GREAT job as Capital projects coordinator and was needed. Most of the accomplishments of this administration have direct ties to her work. AND she has done a great job as chief of staff. She clearly has the ability and without a doubt will be the best looking of any of the candidates.
Today we get a grin and a tapdance from Roosevelt Johnson. Nice guy...dumb as a rock. Just what we need. If there were EVER a good reason to support Delores it is those who also seek the office.

Anonymous said...

Ken, go ahead and put your name on your comments. You obvioulsy are trying to help Delores get elected and are doing it on City money. But she can't handle the job. Lets find a candidate who can handle it and can win instead of backing a horse who can't do the job and will lose.
I agree that Rosevelt is dumb as a rock as is Charles Smith and Joe Fuller but any one of them will beat Delores. These are just the facts. If we want to take this City back we need a viable candidate

Anonymous said...

This isnt Ken . He may post on here but this is Dave and I have the same opinion that many do that Delores will win. To assume that I am someone else and post it shows that it may very well be YOU who is on the Citys nickel and writing when you should be working. So get your lazy ass back to work and quit wasting MY tax dollars . The City of Alex certainly does have too many deadbeats with attitudes and i feel pretty certain you are one of them...Probably one of those pesimist that are supporting the Fire Chief Smith who says he is running....I HOPE he does. I just looked at a ream of materials that will drop the second he announces...not gonna be very pretty for the Smith family...........and Ken if you are monitoring this site feel free to contribute on your own time.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that too. The City employees who have the most complaints about others goofding off and stealing seem to have no problem with being hypocritical in that they are writing on here while they are supposed to be working themeselves. Get to work.

Anonymous said...

What about that Hester guy whose wife ran for judge. He was talking about the mayor's job last council race.

Anonymous said...

I heard Andy Gambordella's name on the street for a mayoral run with his salary going to charity. Any one else hear that?

Anonymous said...

Hey Ken or Dave or whoever you are, anonymous got you a little riled up there. Chill. Have you noticed that when someone does not have the intelect to respond with a reasonable argument they resort to juvenile personal attacks.We all know that Ken and Albin tell Delores what to say just like they do Ned. They are trying to protect their easy income source. She is going to be embarrssed. You people should be ashamed of yourselves for using her this way for your personal gain. Shame , Shame.

Anonymous said...

I have worked with Delores Brewer for the past twelve years and can personally attest to several good qualities that I have seen in her. First, she has very little ego...we men seem to have the market cornered on that one. Secondly, she is a very honest person with lots of integrity. And most important...she knows her limitations and is not afraid to ask for help when she needs it.

Anonymous said...

Look what republicans have done to this country, and now some of you advocate turning the City over to one. All I can say is "Damn Scarlett, have you lost your mind?"

Anonymous said...

It is my sincere hope that the Republicans will somehow get together and talk about the mayoral election. After you split the vote and the money you condemn yourself and those who share your vision to another disappointing 20 years. That is an irresponsible and selfish thing to do.

Anonymous said...

And yes, I have looked at what republicans have done for this country. They have identified the liberals that hide behind the once great democratic party as a bag of whiners and babies! I wish they would shut up and mature into a party that puts america first and work together for a solution instead of name calling and whining!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I have to say something about the Ball police officer who HAD a murderer in his sights and allowed him to leave, rather than do the PRUDENT thing and check out his story. At the end of the interview, he told the suspect, it all comes up you! So, to be safe rather than sorry, why didn't he just take him into custody to check his true identity instead of allowing him to get away and cause hundreds of officers to have to spend time that finding him AGAIN. Out of curiosity what could have been wrong with trying to detain him until his "story" checked out???

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, thanks for the insight. When one reads your posts they can now understand that you do not give a pile of steaming rat shit for the city. You just want your buddy to get the job. Consider Alexandria for one brief unselfish moment.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, common sense must be in short supply in Ball. Look at how much extra time, manpower and expense is now being incurred in the search for this murderer. If he was scared he shouldn't have the uniform on.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the Ball police officer may be the luckiest man alive! Imagine if he had suggested to the fellow that they should drive over to the hotel to check out his story or take a ride to city hall ... we might be holding a wake for that officer today.

I'm not saying he didn't miss some significant clues (two different names, staying in a hotel that doesn't exist, clothes too clean for a roofer, who would go jogging after roofing all day, etc). The officer was smoking when he got out of the car, used profanity on the phone, used his cell phone instead of the radio to communicate with HQ, etc. ... there were several instances of lack of professionalism. But all in all, I figure he's still one of the luckiest guys around. And I'm sure we'll be seeing this video on COPS soon.

Anonymous said...

Working4thecity. Your coments about Delores I also believe to be true. She is a good and loyal employee, but she has no demonstrated ability to be a leader. In all her years with the City she has never supevised more than two employees. And don't say that being Chief of Staff for 3 months qualifies as supervision cause it just anin't so. She is a good worker bee, not a leader.

Anonymous said...

So, how much leadership has Sams, Johnson, Fuller, and the Smith boys shown? Don't forget about Alice Hammond and Andy Gambordello. Isn't that a list of real leaders?

Anonymous said...

Scarlett confuses my encouragement for the republicans to talk with a slam on Delores. I assume that everyone agrees on the complications and likely result of multiple serious republicans in the mayor's race. The republicans need a viable candidate, not a stampede. Better for them to talk now than at Joe Fuller's swearing-in. Like I said: it depends on what's important. Sorry that Delores needs the job. That makes true objectivity difficult.

Anonymous said...

I wish all you blueblood republicans luck trying to talk sense to John Sams. Ha! You can forget talking him out of the race against your fair haired elitist candidate. You have two republicans in the race, deal with it.

Anonymous said...

I fail to understand your reasoning. You don't think the republicans need to talk?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried to talk sense into Sams???? I think it should be mandatory that every republican meet their mayoral standard bearer. Better yet, you should all have a round of golf with him at the country club. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone looked into the details behind the prohibition of Pat Moore Landscape Architects from using that name any more and the American Society of Landscape Architects' disaffiliation of him? He didn't change the firm's name to Moore Planning Group because that would bring him more business. I wonder if some of the reasons for the censure by ASLA might involve reimbursable fees to the City....

Anonymous said...

Hello to all with short memories. The last judges race, the one where Patricia Kock (D) prevailed, highlights the weakness of the local republican party in as much as they will not talk about the race until they have a candidate in the runoff, therefore they never have a candidate get that far, so there is nothing to talk about. I have witnessed first hand the lack of concern over local candidates. The Democrats on the other hand have the machine together and well oiled. Just watch how fast it engages when the field shapes up and there may be a true threat to the preferred candidate. Until more voters engage the process, most local elections are very manageable by the Democrats. Let's see, (estimated example) 40,000 x.25 (usual turnout) x.51 = 5100 which is the number of votes needed to win almost any local race. It is easier to deliver 5100 than 10 or 15,000 depending on voter turnout. It is easy to see if a few people cared just a little more we could have a different outcome. An attendence profile survey of the voter rolls would yeild suprising results. Truth is that 75% of us don't give a rip enough about ourselves to lift a finger to pull the voting lever. Bad odds for change.
Spanky for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Along with Gambordela and Hammond, I have heard Pat Moore's name in the wind for mayor.Who is that Hester guy some one mentioned?
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

There are a number of reasons Patricia Koch won including but not limited to her surperiority as a candidate and a lawyer, her excellent organization, and her very very hard work. Koch is an exception and not typical of central louisiana pary dynamics. The Republicans just had bad candidates in the judge's race and it had DOZENS of them. Ergo my suggestion that the candidates meet and talk. Nobody want to spend $250,000 to get humiliated. I think the conversations need to occur before anyone gets in too deep to make a rational logical realistic and pragmatic decision.

Their pals and family are telling these candidates what they want to hear. Somehow they need to see the truth.

I don't understand why I am totally alone in this view.

Anonymous said...

If you want qualified and reputable leaders to hold public office then we need to look at a City/Parish type government. The opportunity for additional candidates opens up and you have the additional benefit of lower taxes because you eliminate duplication of duties. It works other places why not in Rapides Parish.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that pondering the merits of a change to City/Parish government is going to present a solution to the leadership problem in the September 30th primary.

If we continue to treat the city elections as an abstract parlor game we will continue our downward spiral into MONROE. Do you think those folks regret their apathy and nonparticipation. Monroe will take generations to fix. Do you know what our lives and our futures will be if we follow Monroe? Regardless of what Mayor Nagin says, there are brown substances that are much worse than chocolate.

Anonymous said...

I concur Rational Republican and I would like to see discussion of a city/parish government to reduce duplication and enhance simplification. What is the population of Rapides? 125,000 maybe. Why do we need the number of political subdivions that exist to govern a population that compares to a city within a metropolitan area. Lafayette seems to do well and maybe it is time to compare notes.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

A City/Parish system would probably look alot like the police jury and sheriff. If you like them you will love a City/Parish system.

Anonymous said...

Lafayette is a model. Now is it good or bad overall? Wouldn't it be prudent to look 90 miles down the road to find out?
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Lafayette is a wonderful place but it is about as similar to Alexandria as Madrid is (similar to Alexandria). Alexandria didn't get this way by accident and it won't change by accident.

Anonymous said...

Lafayette is a wonderful place but it is about as similar to Alexandria as Madrid is (similar to Alexandria). Alexandria didn't get this way by accident and it won't change by accident.

Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed! No one even bothered to respond to Myron Lawson's recent glossing over of the natural gas debacle. He says the Council received undo criticism? BS!! The Council made the problem. I don't know about you but my gas bill went up a lot more than 10%. Maybe Myron gets a discount!

Anonymous said...

Koch won because the local democrats have a political machine that is rivaled by no one. The local republicans have absolutely zero organization. I don't even think their executive comittee has meetings. For example, who's the local chair of the republican executive comittee?

Anonymous said...

Wayne Ryan is the local chair of the Republican party.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Wrong Spanky. At least now we know who you are.

Anonymous said...

What's up, doc?

Anonymous said...

So Charles Frederick falls out at hit Partners Holiday Inn......wonder what the story will be this time.....Remember the last time he "fell out" behind the wheel of a Sheriffs car on Bolton Avenue?

Anonymous said...

Well don't keep it a secret. Let's see just how brilliant you are. Out with the name.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that maybe Mr. President was over at Patel Arms pounding his gavel on his "investment". Old men, new bars and young women - a bad combination.

Anonymous said...

I see where we have a new HAMPTON INN breaking ground in Alexandria. Why doesn't the Mayor of Alexandria take credit for it like the Mayor and his monkey would over in Pineville? He has just as much of a right to take the same credit.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, would you and Delores be forming a blonde alliance?
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Today's Puzzler is a two part exercize. Use the word to place the dots, afterwards connect them and see whose face appears ( you may see two - ebony & ivory, we are not living in harmony). Hint: Why the city council concern over high utilities.

Dots: Money, pipeline, LIG, brother-in-law, 12 inch pipeline, cleco, independant rate structure, 16 inch pipeline, city power plant, pockets, bonus, PSC, natural gas, electricity, surplus, sale, no PSC, parent company, energy trader, Enron , early retirement, force reduction, lay-offs, law suit, recovery, consultants, bad relations, LEPA, underutilized, no capital improvement, turf battle, memory loss, greed, cover-up.
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

Sorry you good-government republicans haven't met in months. Why the DeLay?????

Anonymous said...

I connected the dots but can't tell if its Herbert Hoover or Myron Lawson???

Anonymous said...

What's the story on Charles Frederick?

Anonymous said...

They meet every four years, elect officers, have a martini and go play golf for four more years. Why change?

Anonymous said...

In today's Town Talk it is very interesting to see that each candidate has taken a piece of my platform to hold as their campaign banner . In totality, not many can comprehend or execute what will be necessary to lead our city into the next decade therefore I urge the electorate to choose the master and not the student. (Isn't it amazing how a utility fund transfer puts the city coffers flush again) [Upcoming Headline: police and fire press city to meet average salaries].
Spanky for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

I need an objective and honest view. Everytime I brought hand grenades to school, nobody would play with me. Is it true not much changes as we age?
Spanky for Mayor

Anonymous said...

this stupid spanky deal is old.....why not some intellegent discussion...which would appear to exclude nickname candidate banter.

Anonymous said...

I am. I have also tried to stir some sense of humor because we are all going to need it when Box o' Rocks Johnson is the next mayor. Warped, yes, but nothing next to the the twisted reality we are going to face after the next election. Love ya, gotta go finish packing.
Love Spanky

Anonymous said...

you are welcome to add something intelligent although it is late and it is probably a strain for you when you are fully rested.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, honey, isn’t Quint the “premier pachyderm” in these parts. Didn’t he say so? ;-> That said, the RPEC hasn’t met regularly because certain people stacked that deck with appointed lemmings. Egos, not savvy organizers, rule the day, so what’s the point?

Anonymous said...

The point is, we are running everything now, so why meet? Can't you tell the true republican party is the standard to imulate? After all, we have democrats by name governing as a republican! Why meet! We let you democrats meet and with your media regurgatating your anger and hate WITHOUT a plan or even a dream of a plan, we simple enjoy the fruits of your labors!

Anonymous said...

Don’t tell Brian Cespiva we’ve got DINOs running things. The height of absurdity… What we have is a RINO in Harry Silver.

That being the case, Scarlett, whatever the Council’s direction, we need to follow the MONEY. As you know, that’s what it’s all about – always has been.

Anonymous said...

Heff, how can you tell if the guy running the City is a DINO or a RINO? In 1999 he endorsed Randy Wiggins and many republicans were hailing him as the second coming of J.C. Watts. Now, he runs with Mary Landreiu and is a registered democrat. Damn, I'm confused!

Anonymous said...


Due to his political party affiliation, Ned cannot be a RINO. That said, he’s occasionally a DINO, when it suits. Then again, just because he holds the title of mayor doesn’t mean he’s running things. ;->

Oh, I know both Ned and J.C. Watts and would never make such a comparison. IMHO, J.C. Watts in incomparable. Were he mayor of this place, he’d have it in shape and “on the map” in five minutes.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Confused. In haste, I skimmed your post and “outed” myself as totally colorblind. Funny… Nevertheless, nearly all I said in my previous post applies – just replace “Ned” and “mayor” with the proper name and title. I would never, ever compare the so-called “second coming” to J.C. Watts. Whoever made such a lunatic comparison knows neither the aspirant nor the genuine article.

Anonymous said...

Heff, you are definitely confused, I said "the guy running the City", not Ned.

Anonymous said...

Everybody understands but Bush and Cheney: Check out DRUDGE REPORT

VERMILLION - Newt Gingrich, the former Republican Speaker of the House, told students and faculty at the University of South Dakota Monday that the United States should pull out of Iraq and leave a small force there, just as it did post-war in Korea and Germany.

"It was an enormous mistake for us to try to occupy that country after June of 2003," Gingrich said during a question-and-answer session at the school. "We have to pull back, and we have to recognize it."

Anonymous said...

Rational Republican, we are one for one. Newt's comments were taken out of context as he was addressing the eventual outcome of our involvement in Iraq. Besides that Irag will be the staging area and Afghanistan will be the flank base for our move against Iran. Look for High Energy weapons (Neutron) to be used to limit civilian casualties.

Anonymous said...

Good military thinking. Now that we won the war on terror, got Osama, and have clear military and political control of Afgahnistan, Iraq, Louisiana College, and North Korea, we need to nuke Iran. Methinks the old Spankster is Donald Rumsfeld. He's another clear thinker.

Anonymous said...

Confused/Anonymous, I know EXACTLY what you said. And, no, I’m not at all confused – I parse - just a tad too nuanced for you. LOL! Oh, this is too easy. ;->

Anonymous said...

I don't know exactly what parsing is but apparently it can screw you up really bad.

Anonymous said...

We are much closer to control over Iraq than we are to control over Louisiana College.

Anonymous said...

The general strategy is to deprive Russia of a warm water port, which was their general goal in the region and the reason they failed to successfully project power to Africa since the 1970's due to lack of robust naval supply, which we have and is the reason we can support force worldwide on a sustained basis. Elementary military science for the uninitiated. Dust off your globe and study your geo-political structure. While you are looking, you may want to ponder Argentina and the significance of Latin American illegals in our midst. You may well find yourself in the middle of the fairy tale one day soon and weeping why no one told you the sad truth that the rest of the world would love to kill Americans which includes you. Sometimes cynacism is not good for self preservation. I am sure that history will show W was the man for the times and because of him you will be here to talk about it not that you will appreciate it.
General Spankmeister

Anonymous said...

Scarlett my dear, I use "nuts" to attract squirrels to the open that they may be identified and dealt with appropriately.
Spanky the Hunter

Anonymous said...

France and Alabama also have warm water ports. Should we nuke them also?

I suspect your toilet training wen awry.

Anonymous said...

See what I mean. There's one now.
Spanky the Allknowing

Anonymous said...

It would appear that Spanky is determined to win the cold war. Buy a new globe. Your 1970's model doesn't reflect the current geopolitical condition. Russia, despite it's petrolium reserves, can't maintain sufficient supply lines to service a successful convenience store. DUCK AND COVER, SPANKY!

Anonymous said...

O.K. General Spanky, I've got one much tougher than defeating Russians and Nuke crazed Iranians: How do you defeat the Snake? By the way, the military option is not on the table.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Captain Obvious, Heff artfully addressed your attempt to race-bait.

General Spankmeister: Good points. To hone one, however, strict attention must be paid to the control of the Strait of Hormuz. In the Gulf of Hormuz, there are three UAE islands that were seized by Iran in 1971. As far as I know, there have been no attempts, by the UAE, to reclaim them. Curious, when one considers what we don’t know about the failed Dubai Ports World deal. Your take on that?

Anonymous said...

Okay guys, just as it was with the Russkies that the truth was their downfall, so it is with the Snake.
Consultant fees are used to funnel MONEY to those that will channel it back to the gang of five. Folks are finally realizing this and when the black community admits that they are being taken for a ride just like the white community, the barriers will drop and a suitable candidate will arise. Hopefully, that process is occurring now. The real answer is "community". Reach out to your neighbor regardless of their race and establish common ground. Talk. The snake prospers by manipulating factions and being devisive.

Anonymous said...

No Iran - no problem.

Anonymous said...

Spanky, I'm thinking that we have a surprisingly viable candidate in Dr. Alex Slatkin. He is amazingly well known and the medical community and his patients describe him as a good Dr. and a regular, concerned, unfancy guy. I am not sure that somebody could out-politician Lawson but he can be out-humaned and this Slatkin guy looks like just the human to do it. What do you think and what do you hear?

Anonymous said...

I don't know him well but I look forward to learning more about what his goals for the city are. Public service is in dire need of people with intelligence, judgement, caring and honesty which are all traits of a good physician. Hopefully, he, or someone of his caliber will be the answer to our snake probelem. I hope he and others will not be discouraged by what is normally a mud slinging festival.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who might be interested in the details of McNair's escape, check out The Northside Journal.

You won't see this kind of stuff in the TT. This is investigation!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this link will work a little better:

Very interesting stuff indeed.

Anonymous said...

W - the man for our time - Spanky's president sure spends a lot of my money.

Government Spending Hits Record in March
By MARTIN CRUTSINGER, AP Economics Writer Wed Apr 12, 6:08 PM ET
WASHINGTON - Government spending hit an all-time high for a single month in March, pushing the budget deficit up significantly from the red-ink level of a year ago.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that we have a little Enron across the River. Maybe Sansing and Pugh WERE telling us the truth about CLECO.......How bout this today.!!

Former Cleco trader files suit against utility

A former Cleco Corp. electricity trader has filed suit against the utility claiming he was terminated unlawfully and that one of the reasons was he refused to execute an alleged illegal trade ordered by a supervisor.

John Curley, who has been in a wheelchair since he was 18, alleges in a lawsuit filed in 9th Judicial District Court that Cleco orchestrated a series of humiliations designed to force him to quit.

Cleco “engaged in a series of acts calculated to force Curley to resign and, when those attempts failed, the company unlawfully terminated Curley” in December, the lawsuit states.

Cleco spokesman Mike Burns said he would read the lawsuit before issuing a statement.

Cleco’s statement in the past has been that it does not comment on pending or current litigation.

Originally published April 13, 2006

Blogger said...

Dear Readers,

I have created an alternative to the Cenla Antics blog that allows easy navigation and a quick download. The discussion will be unmoderated, and bloggers can categorize their entries by subject matter. Check out and make it your new home.


Let's talk,


Anonymous said...

It is my hope that someone will develope a blog that stands alone and doesn't require reference to other sites; has some way to see the new posts without having to comb thru countless catagories; and will be well maintained instead of born and then left to flounder. I would attempt it myself but I still have trouble programming my VCR (Betamax). I suppose that our greatest hope is Mr. White, who has the interest, intelligence, and techical sophistication to carry it off. His new site, "Rambler", however, is not quite there. I am realistic enough to list this wish among my unanswered prayers.

Just a thought, but, maybe Mr. White would be more inclined to make such a site if the ill-tempered and ill-informed and ill-mannered (and just mentally ill_ among us would quit insulting Lamar for being young, intelligent, energetic, perceptive, and, most of all, 100% correct.

Anonymous said...

To all who visit here on a regular basis, some interesting rulings were handed down by the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday.
Greg Aymonds was told by the appeals court that his lawsuit against Rich Dupree was without merit. Basicly they told Aymonds to go home and get a life.
With his continued, unfounded attacks on Dupree, Hebron, and WW#3 board members, Ayomnd has succeeded in making himself the laughing stock of Rapides Parish.
Through his own actions he has caused others to ostricise, ridicule, and avoid contact with him. Perhaps Ayomnds should sue himself for slander and defamation.

Blogger said...

I am going to enlist the help of a professional website engineer to assit in the development of the new Rambler blog. Any suggestions on how to make the site more effective and efficient are always welcome.

Anonymous said...

Only my previous request that, if possible, it would be good to be able to access the most recent posts, whatever the subject, because they are usually the most topical and least billious.That being said, I appreciate all you are trying to do for the community. Your youth is NOT wasted on the young.

Anonymous said...

A copy of the ruling was posted on the internet re Dupree. If I read it right the court did NOT find that Dupree was innocent of slander but only agreed that the City court judge had the right to keep evidence out of the trial. You might be right about Aymond. Aymond might be right about everything he says but I don't think you are right about the ruling from the court of appeal.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure about all the name calling and who the "laughing stock of the parish" is, but I did go to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals website to read the court's opinion:

Once you click on that link, you can read the majority opinion of Chief Judge Ulysses Gene Thibodeaux (20-pages). You can also read the dissenting opinion of Judge Sylvia Cooks (5-pages). After reading both, I think it will be clear who is laughing and who is not.

Anonymous said...

The facts recognized by the majority of the Court are amazing. Essentially, they decided that the lawyer could be fired (or contract not renewed) because he refused to get onboard with a cover-up of a public theft (although the DA declared it a civil matter). The dissent makes more legal sense but the larger looming question is what the Ball Mayor did and how they decided to overlook it. I did not know all of that.

Anonymous said...

And what is even MORE interesting is the alleged Judicial misconduct of the Judge who allegedly discussed the case with the DA and others before he ruled NOT TO ALLOW ANY DAMAGING EVIDENCE TO BE HEARD. Wonder why he wouldnt want any evidence to be presented. I can understand why he might want to rule one way or another but WHY protect DUPREE from disclosure of evidence??? Incredible the things that happen cross the river .

Anonymous said...

To the other anonymous posters, no matter what computer you use Greg or how many of your nutbar buddies you get to write in, we all know that what a little toad you really are. The judge excluded evidence because it was obvious to him that you had a vendetta against Dupree and your so called "evidence" had no bearing on your case. You attempted to use our judicial system to spread lies and falsehoods about Dupree, WW#3 board members, Roy Hebron, etc. You thought that by introducing your lies as "evidence" you would further the rumor and lend it credibility. Face it tubby, the Judge saw through it and sent you packing. You were a loudmouth, obnoxious, semi-literate attorney when you conned the Water Board into hiring you 16 years ago, and over the years you have only gotten worse.
By the way, I did read the ENTIRE dissent by Crooks. She dissents over the use of Article 971 to dismiss the case and asserts that the case should have been dismissed under Motion for Summary Judgement.
Face it Greg, the 3rd circuit just spanked your butt. Like the other poster said, go home and prepare a suit against yourself. And think about joining a health club. We're all laughing at you Greg.....

Anonymous said...

I am not laughing at Gregg. If you read the dissent clearly and not out of context, she asserts that article 971 was the incorrect prcedure and further states that the precedent was set to use it improperly in the future to stifle free speach. The dissent stands on its own and the prevailing opinion reads as an illogical jumble of legalspeak. Amazing how stupidity breeds so rapidly in our humid Louisiana climate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Spanky, and you're one of the breeders. That's NOT what she said! In her limited opinion, she thought 971 was the wrong vehicle to dismiss the suit. She said the suit should have been dismissed on summary judgement.
Anyway you cut it, nutbar Aymonds was the loser, is a loser, and has become the laughing stock of Rapides Parish.

Anonymous said...

Again, an out of context conclusion and point proven.

Anonymous said...

They have venom against Aymond because although he looks like Jabba He is honest. And the dishonesty and political underhandedness used against him was very low for someone who proclaims such Christian values as Mr Dupree. That I suspect is why Aymond is so vendictive. And I do not blame him from what I know. But he seems intent on revenge which is understandable but very unhealthy and unfortunate. I wish he could be at peace in knowing that those who lie and cheat and are dishonest ultimately get what is coming to them.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the moral is, those who lie and cheat get a water line.

Anonymous said...

Enough with the sour grapes on the north side of the river. How about "As The Mayor Turns", the soap opera we have here in Alexandria. Did anyone see the front page of today's Frown Talk? Ned is pulling down $100,000 per year and he doesn't even have to show up or run the city. "Charles is in Charge" and wishes he was making what Delores, the new Chief of Staff is making at $83,000 yearly. Or what the retired Cecil Raggio is making as Acting Planning Director, $91,400 or what Kelvin Sanders makes to sub out City Attorney duties at $94,500. What a gravy train awaits the next man or woman to assume the reins this fall. And so are the "Days of Our Lives".

Anonymous said...

Looking at the people who run the city and at their salaries, no wonder the policemen haven't gotten a raise.

Some of you people are acting like big tittie babies on here. All of this name calling...

Anonymous said...

The policemen have gotten a raise, a big raise, remember? The paper said that these were base salary amounts and didn't include what are rumored to be huge benifit package. What are the respective benifit packages for the administration? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

HEY PINEVILLE...looks like your little vote to suck up to Farrar and his...."im gonna pass a law to get back at the Town Talk cause you don't endorse me BIll) might cost you all the free PR from Bill Sumrall. Sumrall has been up your butt for so long due to the unnecessary waste of money on notices .and adds but word at the coffee shop this morning is that the honeymoon is over and you might expect a story on employee and elected officials salaries, benefits, cars, travel cell phone use etc..JUST like they have written on EVERY SINGLE ELECTED group except Pineville. In other words, the protection shield is gonna be gone now.

Anonymous said...

The state is 50th in just about everything that is good and 1st in everything that is bad, our teachers are not paid enough, poverty is growing, our roads are terrible and what does our Representative spend his time doing? Filing damn bills to get revenge against those against him and to pad the wallets of his friends and brother lawyers. How soon is the election? Tomorrow would not be soon enough.

Anonymous said...

I understand why Alexandria supported this stupid Farrar bill because they are stupid. But I had higher expectation from Fields and his Aldermen. Obviously politics is alive and well on both sides of the river.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of a recall petition? Make it happen if you are that dissatissfied.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you ?

Anonymous said...

Town Talk Web Page today:

Louisiana Ethics Board issues rulings
Town Talk staff

The Louisiana Board of Ethics has ruled that Alexandria City Councilman Chuck Fowler can provide printing services to the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office, but that a nonprofit police organization headed by council President Charles F. Smith Jr. can’t receive funding from a local economic development group.

In a series of recent advisory opinions, where government officials seek ethics laws advice from the state, the ethics board said Fowler, who owns Fowlco Printing, is prohibited from doing business with businesses on Alexandria’s vendor list.

But, they ruled, Fowler can perform printing jobs for the sheriff’s office and for businesses and residents even though they receive utilities from the city.

Fowler and Cleco Corp. in February were fined $2,500 each for Fowlco doing printing jobs for the utility when Cleco had a contract with the city.

The board also ruled Fowlco could provide printing services to city residents, who receive utilities from Alexandria.

In separate opinions, the board ruled that:

The St. Frances Cabrini Foundation of Alexandria could not receive funding from the Greater Alexandria Economic Development Authority because Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital CEO Stephen Wright is a member of GAEDA.

The Magnolia State Peace Officers Association, headed by Smith, shouldn’t receive funding from GAEDA because the City Council was instrumental in setting up GAEDA.

GAEDA can enter a cooperative endeavor agreement with the Chamber of Commerce of Central Louisiana to provide economic development services to GAEDA. GAEDA attorney Daphne Robinson sought the last ruling because banker Martin Johnson is on both the chamber and GAEDA. However, the board found that because Johnson is not a paid member of the chamber the agreement could proceed.

Anonymous said...

Delores Brewer is kicking Mr Hobbs ass in city counsil meeting today. It is so good to have someone ask reasonable questions and see how stupid these elected officials are. Good Job Delores in truly guarding the checks and balances of City Govt.

Anonymous said...

Hobbs is an idiot. I am listening to him talks right now and tells how he don't micromanigement the City and he has been there for a looooong time but he aint micromanagments nuthin cause he just tells what he knows"...Geez...I wish they would show that on regular TV.

Anonymous said...

If someone does not stand up to such ignorance then we all deserve the stupidity in power that we will get. Thank GOD Delores Brewer is not a weak person. She stood up strong against such uninformed stupidity. Doesnt this guy work as a janitor or something? Nothing wrong with "domestic engineers" I like clowns too but I dont necessarly want Bozo flying my next flight out of England.

Anonymous said...

I am Greg Aymond that everyone seems to have an opinion of. I sued Rich Dupre for slander, based 2 separate and distinct acts of slander. First he told a fellow board metting thing I allegedly said in a meeting with Rich, in order to influence him to vote against me that morning. The meeting never took place, as can be heard from my recording of my telephone conversation with Rich. Additionally, you can hear on that tape Rich Dupree telling me that my termination was political and in relation to the Roy Hebron matter, and had no reflections upon my legal ability. Yet approximately 2 weeks later, he stated, also on tape and to a crowd of people, that my termination had nothing to do with Roy Hebron and that it was due to a lack of confidence in my legal abilities. You can also hear Dupree on tape, however, requesting that I continue to handle the ongoing litigation for the Water District. The Water District has, thus far, provided Dupree with legal defense in my lawsuit, although he had been removed from the Water Board by the Police Jury before the suit had been filed. Additionally, after the suit was filed, Pineville City Attorney, Jimmy Fairclothe, send me a letter denying me contact with the witness, Thurman Kelly of Pineville. Additionally, the Waterworks attorney, Greg Jones, posted memos to the Water District staff they they could not diiscuss the Dupree case with me.
When the 971 motion was filed by Dupree, it immediately stops the taking of depositions and requires the submission of affidavits. As there was no way I could obtain affidavits from the witnesses, and much of the evidence is on recorded tapes and in documents only available from the Waterworks, I filed a motion for discovery, as is allowed by 971. Article 971 states that there is to be an evidentiary hearing on that discovery motion. However, after sending subpoenas out for a showing of how I had been denied the ability to obtain affidavits, and Mr. Jones admitting to Judge Jackson in chambers that he had so instructed the waterworks employees, Judge Jackson dismissed my entirte case, and without granting me the hearing required by 971. I was also ordered to pay the attorney fees of Dupree and all court costs.
To clarify, there has never been a hearing on the merits of my claims. No court of law has ever heard the Dupree tapes. There was a 3 judge panel on the court of appeal who decided the appeal, in a 2 to 1 split. Based upon the strong dissent in my favor, a I am considering requesting a re-hearing before the entire appellate court. Depending upon that outcome, I will consider applying for writs to the Louisiana Supreme Court.
Several things one should consider are: Why haven't any of the people I have been reporting for wrongdoing sued me? Perhaps because they know truth is an absolute defense. As an attorney for 20 years, I am careful in saying only what I can prove. Additionally, why is someone allegedly honest working so hard to stop a court of law from hearing his own words captured on tape? Do I have an ongoing vendetta? Yes I do. I will continue to vigorously work to expose lawbreakers and public officials who act contrary to serving the public. As to the Anonomous writer who said such bitter things against me here, I suspect that is Waterboard member Roger Toney, as he has never learned that my surname has no "s" on the end. Keep in mind, if it is, Roger, as have other Board members, has already been found to be unethical by the State Ethics Board. Anyone who doesn't belive me, feel free to contact my office to hear and see the truth. I personally do not understand how any American citizen can support witholding evidence and the truth. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

And Where does the Good Mayor Clarence Fields fall in this Rich Dupree mess?

Anonymous said...

This Aymond guy is a real curiosity. He seems very sincere and very passionate about what he says. I really have to wonder if he is telling the truth. He has tapes and says he wants to share the information. It seems very mysterious that the suit would have been filed IN the Pineville City Court where Dupree is in control and then suspect that the Judge does not even allow any hearing , any testimony any evidence. Sometimes even nutty people can be telling the truth and powerful people can keep the truth from coming out.
If what Aymond sayis is true then it is criminal that the City of Pineville would facilitate this cover up. Why doesn't Aymond put the tape online for all of us to hear and thus it won't be his word . If he couldn't present his evidence in court why not put his evidence into the court of public opinion. It would seem to me that politicians like Dupree and Fields might be less able to cover it up if it is true. So What do you say Mr Aymond. Why not put up or shut up ?

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that Aymond has ANY evidence or tapes to present. Anyone can claim anything . IF he did don't you think Aymond would post the tapes for all of us to hear? I mean come on . I dare you Aymond, I double dog dare you to show us. Otherwise, go away. I suspect you don't have anything at all. Prove me wrong. And Rich, why don't you call him on this and request that Aymond disclose the tape. Certainly you don't have anything to hide. Do it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg, if you won't post the tape then post a copy of a transcript of your tape. Surely you have a secretary who can transcribe it (if it exists). If you dare put anything that is NOT on a tape then you my dear man will be guilty of slander. So, whats it going to be Mr Aymond. You say that Dupree lied to cover up corruption by another elected official and you have it all on tape. If you are telling the truth then a terrible injustice has occurred. If you are lying then its unlikely you will post anything else and we hope you will just go away. Either way we await your next move.

Anonymous said...

Hey, great idea. Put up or shut up Aymonds. Now I suppose you will try to tell us that you have to preserve the "evidence" in case you have to take this to the Supreme Court?
You're a loser Aymonds, and you don't have any tape. Despite your long winded, worthless post, you never explained why the ethics board completely cleared Hebron of any wrong doing.

Anonymous said...

I appologize if this is posted twice. The tapes have actually been professionally been duplicated onto CD, by the same firm utilized by Water District 3. Copies were obtained by Dupree's lawyers. The cd is of Dupree's telephone conversation with me in July, 2004. The subpoenas for the Board meeting tapes of Water District 3 (where Rich contradicts what he said on tape)are on record in Pineville City Court for all to see. Those tapes (If I recall correctly) are of the July 26, 2004 Finance Committee meeting, and the 27th Full Board meeting. I do not have enough web space to post the cd on the net, but if someone else does, I will gladly post it there. Otherwise, you are welcome to contact my office for a copy of the cd. At the hearing, wherein Judge Jackson would not hold the hearing on my motion, Gary Walker, the Water District records custodian, Jimmy French, the Water District General Manager, and Greg Jones, Waterworks attorney, were present in court to produce the waterworks documents and tapes. The company that converted to cd was also present in court that day, and set up special sound equipment to play the cd's.
As to my lack of comments on Roy Hebron and the Ethics Board, Roger should recall from when the Ethics Board investigated him and found him to be unethical, that state law prohibits discussion of Ethics Board investigations. Except to say that they are ongoing, I can say no more. Additionally, once again ask yourselves these questions: Although it has payed at least 3 different attornies from all over the State to investigate me, and I have been reporting Water District 3 improprieties for 2 years now, why haven't I been sued if I am telling lies? Furthermore, the tapes don't exist, why haven't I been arrested for perjury, sued for slander, or been disbarred?
My office number is in the phone book, should anyone want the cd. If telling the truth makes me a looser, then I am proud to have that title. Thanks,

Greg Aymond (no "s")

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

in previous discussions there was some mention of KKK affiliation. What's that all about?

Anonymous said...

It is true that, influenced by David Duke, I joined his KKK group in 1979. After joining, I saw what they were really about, and resigned 3 months later and have had no association with those types of people since. In fact, when approximately half a million Louisiana voters later voted for David Duke for governor, I WAS NOT one of them. While that mistake in judgment is something I cannot escape, I see no relationship between that and the facts I am currently stating. Face it, even the odd politician or a nut may tell the truth. Perhaps instead of trying to discredit me, my opponents should debate the facts and not work so hard to stop me from playing those tapes in a courtroom. I have never seen people go to such lenghts to keep tapes that don't exist out of evidence. And of course, if those tapes don't say what I am claiming, then playing them in court would be the perfect way to have me disbarred, sanctioned by the court, or proven to be a nutty lier.

Greg Aymond (Not embarrased to say who I am).

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, look in the mirror and you will see the person(s) that are responsible the conditions that we enjoy in this state. While you are on your belly in the slime making your next mudball, anyone with any talent or intelligence is running as far away from public service as possible to avoid the smelly likes of you. I know, don't bother you with facts because your mind is made up that Mr. Aymond or any one else you want to drag down is all you say. I would say "shame on you" - but that is a foreign concept to an ammoral being.
Pope Spanky

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, look in the mirror and you will see the person(s) that are responsible the conditions that we enjoy in this state. While you are on your belly in the slime making your next mudball, anyone with any talent or intelligence is running as far away from public service as possible to avoid the smelly likes of you. I know, don't bother you with facts because your mind is made up that Mr. Aymond or any one else you want to drag down is all you say. I would say "shame on you" - but that is a foreign concept to an ammoral being.
Pope Spanky

Anonymous said...

I don't know Spanky. If you consider KKK affiliation off-base when trying to determine the relative veracity and character of the parties I gotta wonder what you use YOUR SHEETS for.

Anonymous said...

The more I hear about Aymond the more I tend to like the guy. Anyone who acknowledges a mistake and admits he was wrong is someone that is worthy of at least giving the benefit of a doubt to. I tend to think he is telling the truth. Why doesnt this Dupree fellow just admit or deny what Aymond is saying? THat would be pretty simple wouldnt it? UNLESS what Aymond is saying is true.

Anonymous said...

The more I hear about Aymond the more I tend to like the guy. Anyone who acknowledges a mistake and admits he was wrong is someone that is worthy of at least giving the benefit of a doubt to. I tend to think he is telling the truth. Why doesnt this Dupree fellow just admit or deny what Aymond is saying? THat would be pretty simple wouldnt it? UNLESS what Aymond is saying is true.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Roger Toney fellow?

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking alot lately about the two elitist republican candidates in the mayor's race. Everytime I pull up to a gas station I think damn why do some people, a minority thank God, want to put one of these republicans in the mayor's seat? The prosperity in Rapides is no thanks to repubs., but the price of gasoline is directly related.

Anonymous said...

How so? And how could someone witht he minimal mental ability to drive a car be such a dumbass?

Anonymous said...

I use my sheets to peek from under when I ponder the future the next election bodes for our sleepy little burg.
Spankkky the Terrified

Anonymous said...

Ooooo Spanky. Cowards and bullies have been hiding in sheets for 150 years. It's refreshing to see someone brag about it.

You make me want to jump down, spin arround, and pick a bale of cotton.

Anonymous said...

The price of gasoline is directly related to the republicans? How big of a moron does it take to make that statement? Please elaborate oh tower of intellect.

Anonymous said...

Democrats in charge - things good.

Republicans in charge - things bad.

There, that's not too complicated.

Anonymous said...

OK, Bush appoints FCC Chairman who won't let us see Janet Jackson's boob on TV, hence we must travel to movie theatres thereby increasing the demand for gasoline. It's a market thing.

Hillary will fix that her first week in office.

Anonymous said...

Elaborate? Know what that means? Look it up if you're having trouble.

Anonymous said...

The last time I checked, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela (Marxist=Democrat) owns controlling interest in Citgo refinery. So how do the Dems dodge the oil barron label? Oh, an aversion to the truth which explains why when the local Dems say everything is rosy and prosperous your leg feels wet and your socks are yellow.
Sheik Spanky El Akbar

Anonymous said...

No Spanky! He wants you to elaborate on the Janet Jackson boob thing.

Anonymous said...

You don't need to travel all the way to S. America to find petrowhores. You can stop at Texas: George Bush, Cheney, Rove, Delaye. Consider the possiblity that the cause of the yellow moisture on your leg is the fact that you pissed in your pants. I assume your nurse will change you.

When Hillary is your president you will be able to afford Depends.

Anonymous said...

Janet J has elaborate boobs???

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Chavez can buy the rest of the U.S. before Hillary has a chance and save us from the reign of the feminazis.
Heil Spanky

Anonymous said...

How can one possibly distrust anyone who can regurgitate Rushisms like the Spankster.

Anonymous said...

Universal Truth is apparent to all who will see.

Anonymous said...

Ah Spanky, a llama is a dumb animal that spits and stinks. I think perhaps you were looking for "lama". I love you because you give no quarter to your enormous mental limitations. Or maybe its the drugs that one of us is taking.

Anonymous said...

I have never allowed ignorance to contain me.
Spanky the Free

Anonymous said...

I wanted you to elaborate on your moronic statement about oil prices relating to republicans. Killer Kennedy has made tens of millions of dollars from his oil companies. If you could read you'd know that. Algore has hundreds of thousands of shares in Occidental Petroleum. I could go on about the demoncrats who also own oil company stock but I doubt your attention span will last much longer. If you CAN elaborate on why oil prices related to Republicans, please do.

Anonymous said...

Bush's failed economic diplomacy and his failed war and his failed middle eastern effort and his failure to shore up production and refinery capacity in the unlikely event that some hurricane (like the one predicted for a decade) would paralyze the petroleum industry by destroying rigs, destroying deep water petroleum ports and processing capacity while invented this dumbass war over trumped up intelligence, lies, and blind ambition. Now let your rightwing brain suck on that for a while. And you really don't have to agree with us. About 66% of Americans will send that genius back to Crawford where he can milk cows instead of the public.

Anonymous said...

Most of you defending republicans probably belong to that throng of geniuses making $20,000 per year voting for republicans who would not spit on you if you were on fire. They get the morons who vote on social issues which the real republicans will never "fix" because they have you under their power with guns and gays. As long as those "issues" are alive, you will continue to vote against your own economic interest. Its really sad.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting and so well put. Now that the intellectual heavyweights are here, how about a plan. C'mon- spit it out. What is the P-L-A-N. It really is a small word but sooooo difficult for Dems to surmount. Oh well, I guess they are fortunate we are here for the heavy lifting. Enjoy the ride.
Spanky the Cruisemeister

Anonymous said...

Check this out:

A convicted killer who escaped from a Louisiana federal prison earlier this month may be hiding out on South Padre Island.

Looks like Richard "Jimmy Jones" McNair is headed for Mexico ... or maybe he's looking for some girls gone wild!!!!

Anonymous said...

Democratic plans don't really matter now. The republicans control the white house and congress and have done so continuously since the halcion days of Newt. The republicans have spent more than anybody ever and don't have a clue of how to pay for it. The deficit is at record levels and getting worse dailey. So you tell me the plan. How are you going to stop the hemorage of American lives and money in Iraq? How are you going to rebuild the gulf coast that your inept administration failed to protect during or serve after the storms. How are you going to heal the international rifts that leave us alone and dispised in the world in the face of growing threats from nations that actually have WMDs. How are you going to handle the flood of illegal immigrants that now have every company asking if we want our instructions in english or spanish? How are you going to prepare us for the pending pandemic. How are you going to provide health care for an aging nation while you continue to pillage the social security funds. How are you going to stop the exportation of jobs to other countries that have a better educated workforce. How are you going to defend this nation with an armed force that you have already stretched beyond its capacity or resources. What are you doing about global warming? What are you doing to encourage developement of alternative clean and renewable sources of power.

or, just tell me your plan for making us as happy and secure and comfortable and solvent and productive nd peaceful as we were before W took office? Like our president said yesterday: he is the "decider".

Anonymous said...

Now settle down son or you will hyperventilate. Pour a martini, light a stogie and learn a few things from your old republican buddy. Quit watching CNN before the paranoids get you. That's my advice.
Spanky the Codger

Anonymous said...

No Spanky. You weren't asked for your advice. He/she wants to hear your PLAN. You be the "decider". There are lots of intilligent conservatives but most are parots like you and Scarlet. That's why the poster was upset. The real republicans are protecting their wealth but, like the previous poster said, you are just trying to belong to a group that enjoys martinis and cigars but you sound very "beer and hotlinks" to us. You hate everybody for being better off than you but you really only react when they raise the hunting license fee or won't let you race your 4 wheeler on our forest. The PLAN spanky??

Anonymous said...

No Spanky. You weren't asked for your advice. He/she wants to hear your PLAN. You be the "decider". There are lots of intilligent conservatives but most are parots like you and Scarlet. That's why the poster was upset. The real republicans are protecting their wealth but, like the previous poster said, you are just trying to belong to a group that enjoys martinis and cigars but you sound very "beer and hotlinks" to us. You hate everybody for being better off than you but you really only react when they raise the hunting license fee or won't let you race your 4 wheeler on our forest. The PLAN spanky??

Anonymous said...

Oh please don't even go there about hurricane protection on the coast. John Breaux had 30 years to shore up levee protection, Katrina Mary and their ilk had plenty of time and resources to bring protection to the shores. What they did while they were in office, only their pocket-filled buddies know for sure.

You still haven't specified how republicans are directly related to higher oil prices. I guess you don't consider that the expanding economies of China, North Korea and other developing nations who are increasing their demands on petroleum products have any bearing on the situation.

Democrats know two things; bash republicans at every turn and tax everything that isn't nailed down.

Anonymous said...

Had Clinton not miserably neglected his job while he was in the White House for 8 years the war in Iraq and Afghanistan may not have been necessary. I guess blowjobs are just too important to be bothered with making the nation more secure. He and his cronies decimated the military and the intelligence agencies as well. Get a clue!

Anonymous said...

Hey, just a damn minute. I'm not going to sit here and let you trash blow jobs.

As it turns out, you guys were absolutely right. You warned that if I voted for Kerry we would be faced with inflation, uncontrolled spending and governmental growth, corruption scandals, defeat in Iraq, rising crime, Osama, and loss of confidence in government.

I voted for Kerry and all that stuff is happening.

Anonymous said...

I detect a democrat with a severe case of rectal oculitis, a condition manifested when the anus becomes connected to the optic nerve causing a shitty outlook on life. The only cure I know is to get into the race we call life and help others which reduces the inflammation due to improved circulation. Failure to do so will result in the malady to spread throughout the head manifesting to a condition called shithead. Therefore we refer to these unfortunate individuals as "shitheads". The condition is contagious and containable through limited contact with the afflicted. We have developed extensive effective therapy that alleviates the condition while having no ill effects on the patient. We first battle the inflammation to improve eyesight to the point the individual can change his party affiliation to Republican. Once this is accomplished and insight restored, prosperity ensues. Prosperity acts both as a cure and a vaccine in this case as the individual will not revert to the former wretched state. This message brought to you by Republicans for a Nicer America.
(the plan is in play)

Anonymous said...

Please quit frustrating yourself(ves) with issues. Spanky had long ago decided that he is adorable and insists on sharing his wit and charm with the masses. The important thing is that, of all the valid questions asked, Spanky has lacked the intellect and/or information to address even one. One normally gets this Tax & Spend rhetoric from folks that get their returns done at H & R Block and float a loan on their anticipated refund.

My guess would be that the other thing that Spanky is doing beneath those sheets is entertaining himself - alone.

Please don't be discouraged. There are very intelligent republicans and conservatives. Spanky just ain't one of 'em.

Anonymous said...

Hey Scarlett - how was the $1,000 soire last nite for Mayor Brewer?

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