Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Blog Upgrade!!

To all the faithful,

Within the next few days I will be "tweaking" the blog. There has been problems with the automatic archiving function. Thank you for your patience.

Cenla Antics


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Anonymous said...

When is the next debate/forum? Is there anything before the Sept 11th United Way forum??

When is the KALB debate?

Other than the readers of these blogs does anyone else in this city even give a damn about the mayors race??

wst... said...

we believe the kalb debate is tuesday 12 september. 5pm - 7pm.

more people would care about the mayors race but the local media isnt giving these debates publicity.

the recent clbl debate advance notice received only a passing mention in a column in mondays town talk and a story the day after the debate and we believe it received zero reporting from kalb.

Anonymous said...

Answering some of your questions about last night: Stacey Auzenne is the Sams supporter/campaign staffer behind last night's debate.

Beth, err Biff, you should know better.

Anonymous said...

To answer your rhetorical question Biffy, Lou is the black man who has promised to deliver Sams to the promised land by handing him 20% TO 30% of the black vote. Now, we shall see how powerful Lou is in the black community.

Anonymous said...

So Auzenne and Leonid are going to be the legal powers running the City in 2007 when Sams takes the throne, now its all coming together.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lou Howard is a very nice man, but does not have the ability to deliver 20 to 30% of the vote to anyone.

Anonymous said...

In response to Michelle G., you are correct the League forum was on Jambalaya, but that was at the League's request not KALB's. Additionally, the coverage given by the station was minimal at best. But, even without KALB's support, the event was a success because of the hard work of Tony Brown and his show, "Eyes Open."

wst... said...

according to cynthia jardon's piece memo to candidates in the town talk today it was tony snow not tony brown. lol.

Anonymous said...

Who is Leonid?

Anonymous said...

I saw that, we saw that.

Anonymous said...

A small request for wesawthat....next time you post a link, give us a warning or disclaimer, that was far to much of a closeup of MS. Jardon. I will have nightmares tonight. Also, is T. Brown related to lawya4ya?

Anonymous said...

Question for Camp Sams, he said at the Crimefighters (not crimestoppers)event that he plans to hire an ombudsman to oversee the departments and an IG to follow up and oversee the ombudsmen...my question is, after 20 years of Ned hiring enough directors to start his own city, why do we need ombudsman on top of the directors, and if he were the mayor, would'nt he technically serve as an IG over the directors. Everybody likes the idea of transparent,honest, and accountable government, as well as, elected officials handling OUR money responsibly, but personally I think its only a dream, and something to say to get taxpayers (not taxfilers) to vote for him, and nothing more.
And for Camp Roy...Anyone who thinks that electing democrat lawyer to any position in louisiana will help us move forward, has been asleep for 60 years. Look at our political history, city and state. In that regard, CFS would be better than a democrat lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Auzieene is a staffer for SAMS?? Geeee that just gives about 200 lawyers and their familes yet ANOTHER reason not to vote for Sams. Damn Doc, you should have asked around.

Anonymous said...


You sound like a reasonably informed person. Yet, your comments about Jacques Roy strike even the novice politico as being ridiculously biased and completely myopic. Do you honestly think that Charles F. Smith would be a better guardian of our city than Jacques Roy? Or are you simply blathering such nonsense in order to get a rise out of people within the Roy camp? Truth be told: One's party alliance has little impact in a municipal election. I've known Jacques only in passing, but I recognize that he's not your typical Fox News-branded liberal. I'll probably end up voting for him because he's a lawyer and understands the limits and bounds of a being a mayor.

Conversely, it can be said that anyone who would vote for a Republican right now has been asleep for the past six years. Again, though, it's a city-wide election. So who cares?

Cenla Antics said...

With the Mayor's election just a few shy weeks away, one would suppose that the tempest should be upon us. I have yet to see anything other than the political status quo. We have already had two debate/forums. Last nights forum credited to the Crime Fighters organization garnered only three candidates. I have a poignant question for each candidate: Why are you running for Mayor?

Anonymous said...

Don't you own PJ's coffee shop, Cenla Antics?

Anonymous said...

Someone just got outted.

Anonymous said...

Answer for CA, Why are you running for Mayor?

Red: Needs a job and apparently someone to drink coffee with, as she keeps mentioning this.
CFS: Needs a pay raise, or afraid he will need a job after Sheriff election.
Fuller: Needs a ligitimate job
Brewer: Needs a job
Johnson: Has reached the height of his career as chief videographer.
Roy: So he can change who gets the ton of money the city spends on lawyers from someone elses buddies, to his buddies.
Sams: Dosent need the money, but the previous post alleging that supporters stroked his ego to get him to run, so they could get him off the school board sounds like good enough reason.
PS: in the previous post of Roy v. CFS, I agree that CFS is everything you probably think as well, which is why I would vote for him over Roy (if that were my only choices)Dont see it going that far. (I pray)

Anonymous said...

Look! Yet another stupid comment from someone on Cenla Antics! The breeding ground for Alexandria skepticism and retardism!

Anonymous said...

How about a more honest analysis?

Why are you running for mayor?

Brewer: Because I was told to. I initially didn't want to. I told many people I wouldn't, but then, the white people with the money got scared about Sams and convinced me to run... and now I'm lovin' it.

Fuller: I was up for a job in DC. I didn't get it. So, I decided to run for mayor. I really don't know what I'm talking about, but it sounded like a good idea so why not?

Hammond: Force of habit.

Johnson: Because I honestly like Alexandria and its people. I may not be the most qualified or the most intelligent candidate, but I'm level-headed. Give me a chance.

Roy: Because the Cleco stuff was eye-opening and I'm young and smart and you know what? I honestly think I can do this. Plus, I don't mind listening.

Sams: Well, I'm John Sams. I run because I'm John Sams. HELLO! I don't have to listen to what anyone else says because I'm John Sams.

Smith: Not really sure why I'm running, but it would definitely be awesome if I won.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame the candidates for skipping the crimefighter's debate. It seems like every group in town is holding it's own debate/forum. I wish the TT and KALB would have gotten together to host a series of debates each one focusing on a particular issue. Then the last one could be open to any subject.

Anonymous said...

Who in the heck is Leonid? And who is this Auzenne fellow?

wst... said...

dont know who leonid is.
stacy auzenne is a local attorney - www.auzennelawoffice.com

wst... said...

neighborhood leaders forum - mayoral and city council candidates forum
tonight at 5:00 pm city council chambers.
everyone will get the opportunity to ask questions. it will start with a brief statement from each candidate.
fone: 613-1298 for more information.
and watch the jambalaya clip on kalb.com

Anonymous said...

More curious to know who "we" is. Is he a group of people and is he talking for them? Come on "we saw that" how many of "you" are there in your head?

Anonymous said...

To Anon, member of the great unwashed: Since your mouse sized brain cannot fathom the depth on the irony invloved in an explaination of "We Saw That's" blog name, I won't attempt to enlighten you.

Survey says!.....Go educate yourself, and come back when you can converse on a reasonable level.

The feathers and bones have spoken.

Anonymous said...

Hell quit getting on the candidates for not being at the debate...I say they have a better GRASP of crime than the 3 that showed up . BECAUSE , the debate was at NIGHT at BOLTON. THE smart candidates KNEW about the crime in that area and wisely skipped it.....Attendance alone does not always make one smart . Look who showed up.

Anonymous said...

The rules of this thing were shady at best. It had trap all over it. I have never heard of any format like this. Even an actual debate is not like this. Besides that you saw who showed up. As far as the crowd, I heard maybe 45-50 in attendance and that was a stretch. I am sure it was great with those three characters in attendance. It was probably entertaining to hear Sam's say anything and Fuller talk about a waterslide again. On to the next of 100 forums.

Anonymous said...

Just saw Dr Sams commercial for the first time. Is this guy running for mayor or coroner????

Anonymous said...

Absolutely terrible, along with the other commercial he did as well. I would fire whoever is doing that for him.

Anonymous said...

"shady rules". like each candidate can ask another candidate two questions? MAN, that is shady. i can certainly see why roy pulled out. i'm sure his performance at the forum debate had nothing to do with it. even delores was bright enough to give an excuse at the forum why she wouldn't be there. she was spending the week-end in anniversary bliss.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Roy was scared. He can match wits with Sams legal tag team of Auzenne and Leonid. Hell, Alice Hammond could take them down an intellectual notch or two. Bring on the next 75 debates. However, its all just an excercise in futility. Its Fuller v. Roy in November. Get with a well financed candidate and ask to look at his or her tracking polls. Damn neophytes.

Anonymous said...

I think it will be Roy vs. Someone....don't think it'll be Sams.

Anonymous said...

Leonid? the Magnificent? the 7 ft. Russian on 'America's Got Talent'? Now there's a 'fellow' who can put on a show!!!

Anonymous said...

Who are the black preachers going with? Who are the Pentacostals endorsing? What about the Baptists? The big special interests groups are voting for whom?

Anonymous said...

Soothsayer..is..a..fag.... said...

I was wondering who would win the mayors race while pile driving a Bolton Ave HO.... I asked her who she thought would win and damn if she didn't roll over and stick her ass up in the air....she snickered and asked...do you see the winner????

Well, the ass and hole has spoken.....ROY!


Anonymous said...

Who are the Log Cabin Republicans endorsing?

Anonymous said...

I hear they think Sams is a hottie.

Anonymous said...

Well now it is all clear Stacy.....now it is all clear.

Anonymous said...

You can book the black preachers, the Pentacostals, and the white baptists will influence a lot more votes and will be courted much more by the candidates than KALB, TT and all the blogs combined.

Anonymous said...

Can some of you bloggers fron the Roy camp explain to me what debate rules were shady?

Maybe I missed something but each candidate was allowed 4 minutes to deliver an opening statement and a closing statement. In between, each candidate was allowed to ask the other candidates 3 questions.

How can that be shady? The questions came from the candidates themselves?

Seriously, did I miss something?

They even had the public ask questions but only after the guy running the thing asked the candidates if it was OK.

To me it all looked very fair. What could have been shady? Or rigged?

I'm not that up on rules of debate so if I missed something I would really like to know

Anonymous said...

The Roy Camp cannot explain
"spin." The more they spin and twist facts the worse Sams looks and the better Roy looks (in their mind.) That is the way the liberal, Democratic, pencil neck geeks campaign. They do not campaign on a positive note they campaign negatively - destroy the other candidate.

Now Lamar and your pencil neck geek friends I don't need a response to this posting. If I gave a shit about what you and yours thought I would either tell you what to think or ask your opinion. I have done neither.

This is merly an explanation by a person who cannot vote in this cesspool election explaining the Roy "spin." Roy has been chosen by Lamar, who sees himself as the savior of Alexandria, and they (Lamar and friends) are going to do anything necessary to destroy the other candidates.

Geaux Sams.

Anonymous said...

Actually the Roy Camp spin is indicative of how worried the Political Correctors are that Sams is going to win. Notice 90% or better of their shots are aimed at Sams. This is where they see the greatest challenge to Roy. This is their greatest fear - that Sams is actually appealing to the great unwashed Joe and Joan Six Pack and re going to vote for Sams. How dare anyone not support the intelligensia supported candidate. After all they know what is best for us.

Anonymous said...

i was thinking the same thing recently. the more frenzied the attacks on sams, the more worried the roy camp is.

Anonymous said...

You guys have got to be kidding. Sams will get about the same number of votes that Charlie Nunally got in the judge's race, maybe 8%. Brewer has the support of the moderate, stable republican voters. There just are not that many angry, despondent, extreme right wing types who are out there. These types are always the most vocal, but they are not that numerous. Maybe its best that way.

Anonymous said...

wow, the people supporting sams, and the people that elected and re-elected sams to the school board are despondent extreme right wingers. hmmmm. shriller and shriller.

wst... said...

replying to enlighten us...
its impossible to know (right now) what, if any, influence these blogs have on local politics etc.

we know that we send on average about 20 or so googlers to these blogs everyday - people that are looking for cenla blogs or a certain blog by name people that might have heard about local blogs and want to see what all the fuss is about.

we also know that both the town talk and kalb intently follow ALL blogs also the rapides foundation, england authority, red river bank, sabine state bank, the rapides parish courthouse, admin office of the u.s. district court, city of pineville, city of alexandria and a lot of others - these are just a few that we can think of that intently follow ALL blogs -

we have said from the beginning that if we bloggers play our cards right and work together we will call the tune over what is reported around here. and its ok that we disagree with each other that would defeat the purpose of all this in the first place. its important that we interact in a civil manner because like we have said there are a lot of new people here and we dont want to alienate them or cause them not to take us seriously because of being profane and nasty.

we can all agree on one thing and that is that we all love alexandria, rapides parish and louisiana so lets all work together and do this.

Anonymous said...

Repeat! Does anyone know who the black preachers, Pentacostals and white baptists are going to vote for? No one has answered this question which I think is legitimate. I know most candidates for anything sure try to woo them.

Blogger said...

Biff, my friend. No one from the Roy camp is attacking John Sams. Ask your candidate about the conversation he had with Jacques yesterday. Ask Dr. Sams what he thinks.

It is unfortunate that anonymous writers continuously malign and misrepresent people on our local blogs, rather than using their energy writing about the issues. No one knows about how brutal anonymous writers can be as well as I do. (There's nothing quite like someone publicly denouncing your dead father on Father's Day).

Second, the poll that has been published on this blog is a NAME RECOGNITION POLL taken over a month ago.

And third, Scarlett, yeah, I know. What happened? Why are people talking about Jimmy Carter?

Anonymous said...

Re: anon's post "How dare anyone not support the intelligensia supported candidate. After all they know what is best for us."

You bet we do. Geaux meritocracy.

Anonymous said...

"It is unfortunate that anonymous writers continuously malign and misrepresent people on our local blogs, rather than using their energy writing about the issues. No one knows about how brutal anonymous writers can be as well as I do. (There's nothing quite like someone publicly denouncing your dead father on Father's Day)."

If you can't run with the big dogs stay under the porch where we found you. You have all the answers to solve all of Alexandria's problems but let someone challenge you you go to bitch whining.

Blogger said...

I've never claimed to have all of the answers to Alexandria's problems. I've just expressed my opinions, which is my right as a citizen. Second, no one "challenged" me. I don't know what you're talking about.

If you're such a "big dog," then why aren't you big enough to sign your own name to your words?

wst... said...

a challenge isnt the problem and you cant seriously consider that what was done to lamar as a challenge, for it wasnt a challenge at all but a ghoulish attempt at demoralizing him into silence.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, the nasty sumbitch is back. I think I'm gonna teach him some etiquette.

Anonymous said...

I must say I am facinated by the affectation of We Saw That in responding to things in the dramatic first person plural as if to represent a significant contingent of believers. I personally believe it is a symptom of falseness, insecurity, dishonesty, and the general condition we call "full of shit". Yep, that's what "we" think. Oui!

Anonymous said...

Poor little Lamar still playing head games because folks can post as anonymous and the postings are not deleted. Knew the Boy would come back with his bitch whining.

Anonymous said...

All one has to do is read Lamar's comments to Scarlett on his web site to see he has all the answers as to what needs to be done.

What the boy should do is keep his ass on his own site and leave this site to the grownups that are not scared of Sams.

wst... said...

well at least you are thinking and thats a pretty significant accomplishment.

Anonymous said...


1: a system in which the talented are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their achievement
2 : leadership selected on the basis of intellectual criteria
- mer·it·o·crat·ic/"mer-&-t&-'kra-tik/ adjective

A word designed with Sams in mind. Thank you for complimenting Sams.

Anonymous said...

We saw that is thinking along the same lines I am as I have noticed that a lot of what appears on this blog enters the public arena. If everyone could come to some agreement as to which candidate we could deliver 5500 votes for, then there may not be a runoff. I do not think this would be a likely scenario, but the possibility is there in case youse guys want to talk about it. Gulf Shores has been pleasant, but rainy.

Anonymous said...

You expect agreement with remarks like these? One more time just an example of the negative campaigning the pencil dicks love so well.

"Anonymous said...
You guys have got to be kidding. Sams will get about the same number of votes that Charlie Nunally got in the judge's race, maybe 8%. Brewer has the support of the moderate, stable republican voters. There just are not that many angry, despondent, extreme right wing types who are out there. These types are always the most vocal, but they are not that numerous. Maybe its best that way.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:53:52 AM"

Just because you support a certain candidate your an angry, despondent, extreme right wing type. Hell might as well be all encompassing and include they are racial bigots as well. Agreement my ass.


Hey, great new blog upgrade, thanks. Looks like I've jumped in on a big dog mean day...great!

Who is looking good in the mayor race?

Lamar is an extremely intelligent man. I enjoy reading his opinions,
as I also enjoy Biff, Spanky, Civil and We Saw That.

Anonymous, I wish they had a user name............C.C.

Anonymous said...

Uh, that was my point. Guess who can come to agreement and work in concert to get where they want - it ain't us crackers!

Anonymous said...

An important corollary of raw intellectual ability is the possession of wisdom. Intelligence can be worthless or even harmful if not combined with sound judgement.

Meritocracy is not one-dimensional.

Anonymous said...

Neither is Sams one dimensional.

wst... said...

ya spanky the politicians the media the criminal network are all scared shoitless at this blog development. we have a tremendous power here we just have to to have fun and use it well.

Anonymous said...

"Lamar is an extremely intelligent man."


Roy is too young to be mayor, but Lamar is a MAN?? How odd.

Anonymous said...

Let me demonstrate for you exactly why Blogs are good. You will be able to say that you heard it here first. There has been speculation, but this comes directly from Govs office back door employee. Dewitt to take state job and resign immediately and there will be a special election in late oct or nov to replace him.....remember where you got this first.

wst... said...

thanks civil. to the anonymous above you if its indeed true that rep dewitt is to resign to take the dept head job at wildlife and fisheries then this is just another reason to vote gov blanco out next year. wildlife and fisheries is an important department and should have a real wildlife biologist type running it and not a career politician just getting in his high 3 drop years.


Civil, you are the voice of reason.

I've been trying to catchup on all the debates, like what they would do differently if elected.

I get more info from this blog site. C.C.

Anonymous said...

I want to make one thing clear: I, personally, usually have no problem taking responsibility for my words. However, in this case, I cannot sign my name. The reason is that I refuse to be part of the John-Sams-I-Am-God-Don't-Disagree-With-Me-Or-I'll-Take-You-Down movement. He's not going to get me.

Hey Biff...you know why Sams was reelected for his last term? Because he was unopposed. Not because he won the majority of the votes. So, the only thing you can blame on the public at large is the fact that we didn't run against him.

I do not normally get this passionate about politics, but I am fed up with watching John Sams having enough power to control other people. He's NOT doing a good job. I've never seen anything good come out of his twisted and self serving dealings. Just look at ACDS and BHS. Ask parents and teachers what he's done to those schools. Actually, they probably won't tell you unless they can do so anonymously.

Do you know any nurses or other hospital staffers? Ask them about how he treats people at the hospitals. Most I've talked to can't stand him. They say he is condescending and mean.

That's exactly the same thing that the education sector has witnessed. Sure, he's got a few supporters in education. But ask yourself two things:

1) How has their relationship with Sams benefited them professionally?

2) Why do those who oppose him do so with such fierce determination and resolve? That kind of mass hatred isn't just a coincidence. And it isn't because all those people were "pathetic losers" not doing their jobs that he "busted."

If it looks like a dick...errr....duck, and quacks like a dick...err...duck, then...well, you know the rest.

Anonymous said...

Anybody know who the black preachers, pentacostals and white baptists are supporting. I agree they are important voting blocks. Question repeatedly asked. No answers?

wst... said...

check the candidates campaign finance reports for clues.

Anonymous said...

I'll try this again:

Black Preachers: Mostly Fuller, with a few behind Smith.

Pentacostals: I heard their leader met with Jaques Roy a few days ago. He's their most likely pick due to Antoon.

White Babtist: They will splinter between Sams and Brewer

White Catholics: Big time Roy

Any more questions?

Anonymous said...

What does Antoon have to do with the Pentecostals?

Anonymous said...

Allow me to give you an example of how "concerned" Alexandria is with Joe and Joan sixpack. When a person retires from the military prior to reaching the age of 65 the Health Insurance he/she has is called Tricare Prime. There is not an orthopedic(sic?) doctor in Rapides Parish that will take Tricare Prime. These wonderful medical centers that we give taxpayer purchased and maintained streets and facilities too will not accept the insurance that a person has that served his country.

The medical profession is so appreciative of the services rendered that a retired veteran living in Rapides Parish must travel to Vernon Parish (Leesville or Deridder) or Natchitoches or beyond (Shreveport or Bossier) in order to see an orthopedic surgeon.

There is only one hand surgeon - thank you Doctor McCabe - that will accept Tricare Prime. So let an honorably retired veteran need the services of a hand surgeon or orthopedic surgeon the veteran can travel to rural parishes or to the big city.

This is just one example of the way the greater Alexandria Community works to support the average citizens.

wst... said...

what reason do they give for not accepting this insurance? why cant you go to the v.a.?

Anonymous said...

A doctor does not have to accept what an insurance company offers. A doctor can accept what they pay but the patiant must pay the difference between what the insurance pays and what the doctor charges.

VA is basically for those without insurance. VA funding is such the VA almost provide service to those that utilize the facility much less start accepting more patiants. One weird thing about VA is that the VA will not accept a script written by a local doctor. The only script the VA will accept is one writen by a VA doctor. That plus the long waiting periods to see a Specialist plus the absence of certain specialist and having to be referred to another VA Hospital, etc, etc. The VA is doing the best it can to serve those it does serve. Anybody that believes a person that served on active duty can use the VA free of charge is in for a rude awakening. That was the olden days. Now days the VA is real restrictive on who the accept and if you have Tricare Prime go see a local doctor.

wst... said...

sounds like a classic beureacratic snafu. hopefully in time the local doctors will come around. maybe there are no good orthopaedic docs in town so that could be a plus for you. (we dont have a clue if there are any good or bad orthopaedic docs in town)

Anonymous said...

For once I would like to step out of the norm and attempt to empower those on this blog with some useful info.

We have all heard the various accounts of who, what, and why are responsible for last year's high natural gas prices. We've all heard the various quotes from numerous elected officials of $8, $6, or even $4 gas. Are natural gas prices negotiable? Can we really play hard ball and bracket negotiate price? I ask you this: Can you pull into the local Shell and negotiate a price better than that posted on the marque?

Natural gas is one of many commodities traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). Just like stocks those prices change every minute for as long as the market is open.

The next time any City official, elected or otherwise, says I can by gas for "X" dollars. I encourage you to log on to www.nymex.com and look at the current futures prices for HNG (Henry Hub Natural Gas). If the officials price is too good to be true when compared to those current quotes, then guess what: he or she is lying!!

Don't take what you hear at face value. Get the facts for yourself. Challenge your elected officials with the truth. You might be surprised what happens!

Anonymous said...

A doc doesn't have to accept any insurance and there is nothing wrong with that. The patient can still go to that doctor and file himself and his insurance company will pay him, just not as much as if he went to a participating doctor. He will just pay the doctor cash and then collect from his insurance.

Anonymous said...

Anybody out there ever check out Marc Lampert to determine who were the victims of his abuse of women and wives?

Anonymous said...


I must agree and disagree. Reread my post. I specifically referenced the futures not the current price. Of late, its been purchases 3 months out, not 6.
True, you have transportation, etc. charges plus the ever present "oops I overbought on futures and now have to sell it on the spot market at a loss (meaning I paid more for it back then than I can sell it for now) and pass the loss on the the customers" excuse.

Problem is the average blue-collar customer has no clue what is and is not the truth in these matters.

God forbid we release the electricity genie.

Anonymous said...

Natural gas prices adjust daily throughout the day. Purchasing gas on contract (futures) locks the price for whatever the delivery terms are. We then have delivery cost which are determined by the pipeline carrier that delivers the natural gas to the city system. When the city failed to lock in a contract price, we as a city purchased gas on a daily basis on the spot market, which is the prevailing daily price. At that point, it would not have been wise to buy on contract as the drastic increase was most likely temporary and the city could have been locked into a higher price for a definite period of time as opposed to letting the price spike play out. I need to research further, but I think the city locked in for 18 months which is not necessarily good either as a lot can happen in that time also in the terms of price reduction.

Anonymous said...

civil sentient, i certainly am no expert in gas futures, etc. but i thought a while back national legislation was passed allowing us to buy our electricity from anyone. does the city have to buy cleco electricity or can we go on the open market for it?

Anonymous said...

Ah opportunioty strikes again.

First of all the City does not by all of its power from Cleco. Some comes from LEPA's ownership in Rodemacher II and its hyrdo interests; the balance comes from Cleco.

Second, yes you can legally by electricity on the open market. Problem is you have to get it here. If your purchase requires a new tranmisssion line or the upgrade of an existing line then the City would pay all of that cost. That constrint can turn a good price bad really quick.

Anonymous said...

I must live in a dream world. I think I plainly stated the surgeons do not accept Tricare Prime. An understanding of the English language would lead one to believe that Doctors have the right to accept or deny a particular insurance plan. Maybe I give to much credit for some of the posters having a functioning brain.

If the Doctor does not accept what an insurance company or what an insurance company will reimburse for a procedure you the patient must pay him and you will only be reimbursed are responsible for absorbing the difference.

The point I am trying to make is that a certain segment of the medical community off this "one horse town" cares less about those who have honorably served their country. Be it politics, be it the medical community or whatever Alexandria is about money and screwing the average citizen.

Natchitoch has orthopedic surgeons that will accept Tricare Prime but Alexandria will not. Leesville and Deridder has orthopedic surgeons that will accept Tricare Prime but Alexandria not. Shreveport, Bossier, Monroe, etc, etc, etc have orthoppedic surgeons who will accept Tricare Prime but Alexandria not.

This town is stuck in the 1800's, the money circulates among those first families that were prominent in the late 1800's and the professionals in Alexandria continue to enrich themselves on the backs of the working class.

We wonder why Alexandria keeps slipping backwards in population?

Anonymous said...

"There is not an orthopedic(sic?) doctor in Rapides Parish that will take Tricare Prime. These wonderful medical centers that we give taxpayer purchased and maintained streets and facilities too will not accept the insurance that a person has that served his country."

Does not that paragraph imply that it is the Doctor's decision as to whether or not he will accept Tricare Prime.

Either I am to dayum dumb to get out of the rain or my 1960's era education at Bolton High School educated me far above the intelligence level of some of the posters on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Let me see if I can use little words and explain this to anon. Let us play like (don't believe anon can handle assume) a doctor does not accept Tricare Prime and I need to use his services. Now let us play like I have no transportation and cannot get to one of these far flung cities. You understand the game?

Now the doctor charges me $5,000.00 for the procedure (that is a big word for what a Doctor does to you) and Tricare only reimburses (that is a big word for only pays) $3,500.00 for the procedure. I am out (a big term - out of pocket expense) $1,500.00.

Why - simple the Doctors belong to their own Union. This Union is called the IWM. "I Want More."

Anonymous said...

Dear GI,
Let met suggest that you take the same responsibility for your medical treatment as the rest of us elderly retirees and pay for services you need instead of telling us what we "owe" you.

Anonymous said...

There is no one that said you old bastards owed me anything - I earned it you asshole. Tell me you don't have medical insurance - probably medicade and a supplemental.

You draft dodging piece of shit you can go to hell.

Anonymous said...

i don't have health insurance. i find waiting hours at huey p. long's emergency room is a great place to pick up chicks. the rest of you should try it.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Huey P and the MG's there was an awesome statics announced the other day. Over 70% of the black children being born today are born to an unwed mother who's major means of support is public assistance of some sort.

I think this evidences Bill Cosby's position that if our Black youths are ever to progress beyond menial labor jobs, drug dealing or public assistance this is where the correction of the course must start.

I was just astonished by that figure. I am not, however, implying the White Americans are not contributing to the same situation. I wonder what that percentage is?

Anonymous said...

statistic maybe?

Anonymous said...

this is just rumor. only heard it from one person. i usually prefer at least two sources, but what the hay. why did carrol lanier endorse brewer? she plans to make him chief of staff. now that is rich! ex mayor, ex-head of the housing authority promises to make brewer mayor if she let's him be chief of staff.

wst... said...

wow mr lanier must be in his 80s or close to it.

Anonymous said...

You will find in the Rapides/Grant Parish area there are numerous old politicians and retired policeman (Sheriff) who have not supped at the public trough long enough. Jack Dewitt, Carol Lanier, Tommie Hollingsworth, etc, etc (and a younger one Chawlie Dewitt.)

Anonymous said...

Charlie Dewitt is very powerful. He was Speaker of the house for Foster. Now picked by Blanco for head of Wildlife and Fisheries. You have to admire him.

Anonymous said...

Just viewed the Hammond blog on KALB. What is an "on hands mayor"?

Anonymous said...

What is the address for the Tod blog?

wst... said...

sheriff race blog http://tod-race.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Admire Chawlie Dewitt. No that is an unusual thought. For what? He didn't do a dayum thing for Rapides Parish.

wst... said...

marc lampert video blogged!

Anonymous said...

when is another candidate forum? I missed the last one.

Anonymous said...

the big one is september 12 at the coughlin sanders center. it should be worth going to. all of the candidates will be dressed in traditional sumo wrestler costumes.


Biff, ya'll were writing about large base of voters. What about the seniors. They vote consistanly. Most seniors do not have computers to watch the debate. I believe they could televise this important event on the government channel for these folks. Just a thought.
We will probably go to the debate because....no cable... computer will not work properly for video.

wst... said...

we are told that kalb will televise the debate live from 5 pm till 7 pm.


Great, Thanks

Anonymous said...

There is also a forum by United Way on September 11th at the Kress Building. I am not sure of the time. There was an ad in the TT the other day.

Anonymous said...

Just a few observations for the Mayor Candidate Delores Brewer:

You need to tell your Campaign Volunteers that running a Campaign does not include just 9 - 5 Office Hourse and no activity on the weekends. Your campaign headquarters is in a highly traveled traffic area and such observations were noted.

Anonymous said...

"this is just rumor. only heard it from one person. i usually prefer at least two sources, but what the hay. why did carrol lanier endorse brewer? she plans to make him chief of staff. now that is rich! ex mayor, ex-head of the housing authority promises to make brewer mayor if she let's him be chief of staff. "

This may be the stupodest thing ever reported on this blog. Biff, are you really Harold Chambers?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Harold. In case you didn't catch it or know better, I mispelled "stupidest".

Anonymous said...

anon. you caught me. i am harold chambers. seriously, i could have done a better job on the post. by stating "now that is rich" i meant to convey the idea how far fetched the rumor was. sorry. it's hard to convey humor in printing some times.

Anonymous said...

Biff is Lou, a large black man. Harold is a medium sized white man. Get your crap right before you post.

Anonymous said...

I have thrown the subject out on several occasions and am suprised that there has not been more response so I am going to rephrase the question. When the city treated citizens property like rummage sale surplus and sold the section of 4th street to RRMC without public hearings to build a hospital wing in the middle of the street, did anyone get annoyed? I am beginning to think that I am overly sensitive and that no one else believes this was a subversion of the public trust. Your and my tax dollars paid for the street in the first place. Since we can't seem to beat them, I am discussing a deal with an Australian based consortium, who by the way purchased the Chicago Toll Road, to purchase Jackson Street Extension whereby we would purchase it from the city and convert it to a toll street. Once that deal is done, I will announce our further plans.

Anonymous said...

Ill just say it up front that I am a Brewer supporter. At a gathering yesterday it became apparent that someone in Sams camp is working with one of the black candidates to attack the other two white candidates . Who is this Auzienne person anyway? What if any experience does he have running a campaign? If he is a lawyer I guess we can see who Sams would have as his city Atty. Therefore we should know more about him. I hate dirty politics it only causes other candidates to be tempted to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps paranoia is not unique to John "conspiracy" Sams.

Anonymous said...

spanky, great idea. i am working with some money people out of bulgaria to buy the south traffic circle and convert it into a nascar track.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha...this is hilarious. Auzienne has zero experience at any successful campaigning of ANY type and thus is a complete nonfactor except perhaps in his own mind . No need to be concerned about his effect. Perhaps only "Catfish" Sams should be concerned about the negative effect of his support or involvement. That I have heard.

Anonymous said...

anon, what were they saying about the other two white candidates?

Anonymous said...

Dear Brewer Supporter:

Curiously he asks, does that mean those working for Roy are Jacque supporters. One size fits all or must cup sizes be registered.

I don't think I could be a Brewer supporter for I am not as naive as this one is. All of Lamar's friends (Jacque supporters)are bashing all candidates in support of Jacque. Brewer has difficulty being actively in engaged in politics because her naive supporters are polishing her halo. Fuller supporters are stilltrying to determine how waterslides fit in with our problems, Alice Supporters are trying to figure out what office she will run for next, CFS supporters (those that are not ebonic speakers) are trying to translate his speech, Roosevelt supporters are supporting him and SAMS IS TELLING THE TRUTH AND PROCLAIMING A PLAN TO SAVE ALEXANDRIA.

Brewer supporter are you really that naive or just bitching hopping to stir up racial bais against Sams? I think your a bigoted shit stirrer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your insight Stacy.

Anonymous said...

That was a bizarre rant.

Sams' supporters aren't bashing anyone, except for all of the candidates in the mayor's race and those candidates' supporters.

Drink up. We're running out of Kool-Aid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

See what I mean, not even a "could you repeat that?" OK, to zero in on the issue, either I am overly sensitive or the citizens of Alexandria are catatonic. Which?

Anonymous said...

Catfish Sams. Ask anyone in his school board district. He was a catastrophie that we are all glad is soon to be gone. He takes credit for things that he has Nothing to do with and blames everyone else for everything else. His so called "ideas" are jokes and his "people skills" are counterproductive. The key lesson learned from his self proclaimed "school board record" is that his bark is much more real than his bite. He is not in this race to win, he is in this race to get attention for himself. Does he even live in Alexandria? Remember how he lied re his school board residence? This guy lecturing anyone else on corruption has as much credibility as him becoming the spokesman for Slimfast.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Stacy does some defense work for the city when they get sued.

Anonymous said...

Young professionals forum/debate. What is the format? Televised? Moderator?
I know KALB is the next day. Are they covering both?

Anonymous said...

oooooooooooooo....well that would explain a lot. Make sure Brewer, Johnson and Smith know that.

Anonymous said...

Leonid will be Sam's City attorney, you can book it. Auzenne may play a minor "Gistlike" role.

Anonymous said...

Oh you must be referring to this past weekend's debacle I mean debate. Don't forget that Roy was absent too. I think the poster just wanted some info.

Anonymous said...

Someone should make sure that KELVIN SANDERS knows.

Anonymous said...

What Auzienne has probably done is strapped himself to a loser AND as a result ruined his chances of getting any work from the others who might win.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Auzienne person? Tell us more about him. Married, girlfriend, family? Experience etc. If he plays such of a big part with Dr Sams then we should know everything about him too.

Anonymous said...

Kelvin will stay only if his candidate wins. He is gonna have some sleepless nights. Watch where he goes, and that will be a very good indication of which black candidate will be in the run-off.

Anonymous said...

I predict that Leonid and Auzenne will also push Wagner very hard so they can get the legal work for the sheriff's office away from Provosty.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same guy?

SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANANO. 04-B-2520IN RE: STACY C. AUZENNE ATTORNEY DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGSPER CURIAMThe Office of Disciplinary Counsel (“ODC”) commenced an investigation intoallegations that in the course of handling a legal matter for a client, respondent dealtimproperly with a person not represented by counsel. Prior to the filing of formalcharges, respondent and the ODC submitted a joint petition for consent discipline.Having reviewed the petition,IT IS ORDERED that the Petition for Consent Discipline be accepted and thatStacy C. Auzenne, Louisiana Bar Roll number 21995, be publicly reprimanded.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent shall enroll in and attend the nextsession of Ethics School offered by the Louisiana State Bar Association’s PracticeAssistance and Improvement Committee.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all costs and expenses in the matter areassessed against respondent in accordance with Supreme Court Rule XIX, § 10.1, withlegal interest to commence thirty days from the date of finality of this court’sjudgment until paid.

Anonymous said...

So what are the details on the next forum?

Anonymous said...

Spanky, it is not like you to overlook the obvious. Harry Silver is on the RRMC board and the city council - not really arms length transactions. We are so accustomed to getting phuked by this council that we don't even grunt anymore.

Anonymous said...

Scarlet....Good News....Don't know the exact numbers but a poll taken this week shows Delores in first place with a fairly hefty lead. Roosevelt came in second. Apparently Roy isn't getting as much traction as he had hoped.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about the poll conducted by Delores's campaign? Bogus poll, bogus results.

Ask anyone who received a phone call.

"Hello, I'm calling from the Delores Brewer for Mayor campaign. Do you intend on voting for Mrs. Brewer? If not, who do you plan on voting for?"

I'm not joking. I received a phone call myself. This is a last ditch attempt for Delores to shore up her support before the ship sinks.

Ask her if she'll publish the results of the poll. I'll bet she refuses.

Anonymous said...

I know the results of the Town Talk online poll are probably a little misleading... considering it's possible to vote more than once. But let's imagine that right now, the race is between Brewer and Roy, with the rest of the vote being split four ways and Sams capturing only the loyal party-line Republican base.

This would mean a Brewer/Roy runoff, with nearly ALL of the black vote going toward Roy, the Democrat.

I wonder if Delores' supporters are aware of this possibility. If she were to drop out of the race within the next two or three weeks, most of her votes would go toward Roy, and he'd probably win outright in the primary. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

stop it! stop it! i just peed my pants. bwahahahahahahahahah. "But let's imagine that right now, the race is between Brewer and Roy" why not imagine lebanon is throwing a festival of life for israel and four million jews and arabs are dancing nekkid in a love fest? brewer is not first, she is not second, she is third on the white side of the transaction. the reason roy is running is because someone really astute in the regime pointed out her deck furniture on her yacht was floating. and sams was beating her like a red-headed step child. a lot of you out there snickering about sams need to be submitting some crow recipes to the blog.

Anonymous said...

Biff, you've got your head in the clouds. Sams was in the lead, back when he was the only person running. Now, he's a distant fourth or fifth.

Anonymous said...

So who will be offered a job outside of the next administration to step out of the race?


Anonymous said...

I hear there's an opening at the Chamber of Commerce.

Anonymous said...

The poor people around Brewer. They were not givent the true numbers on the original poll that was not very favorable to her and now they are given selective parts of the current poll. If she or ,ill give her the benefit of the doubt, if her out of state political advisor will mislead her supporters , why would then not in turn mislead all of us? The only reason someone like Brewer would even take a poll at this point would be to a) decide what issue she needs to emphasize or B) to try to get other people to join and contribute to what they hope will be seen as the winning team. Well, unless the publish the questions and answers and have old Verne Kennedy sign off on it, then im afraid its not getting traction with the regular folks who , watch the debates and see her sitting there as dumbfounded as the boss she is now dumping on and read her problems with conflicts with the Alexandria Housing Authority, her husbands and brother in laws conflicts and decide right off of the bat that its time for a CHANGE at city hall. So, I am disappointed that the Brewer camp , if they even know , are using polling data to campaign on and not ideas and issues. Its really early to even be listening to polling politics so Im guessing this is an example of how desperate that bunch really is. I say the ref is at about 6 or 7 on a 10 count knock down.

Anonymous said...

Look, the truth is that if you ask just about Anyone around the Brewer campaign who they think will win very few of them will look you in the eyes and tell you that they think she will. What they will tell you is that Delores is a nice lady, they like her or her husband and that its friendship that has them involved and not politics. Well, that says a lot about the quality of her friends but it also says a lot about the candidate. Someone who would put her friends in jeapordy politically and economically based not upon the likelihood of her winning but on her friendship. If she were honest with them about what she knows about how her campaign is really going then she would NOT use that friendship to put her friends into that position. She can not win and some of these candidates are not so nice that they will forget who helped her. Its just the dark side of politics and she is unnecessarily subjected good people to the consequenses that are just unwarranted....At least Delores, tell your friends what your polls really show about your chances of winning this race. At least Delores tell your friends that the polls say that the fact that you are a part of the current administration that your chances are very slim, tell them the truth Delores about how the poll shows that there is very little confidence in yoru ability to work witht he counsil and how taking politics out of the operation of the City were so important to the people polled.....Just tell the truth Delores.

Anonymous said...

I hear that the poll showed that most of all people wanted Change. I hardly think that Brewer, Johnson, or Smith have any credibility selling any program of change since each of them are very much ingrained in the current City Hall.

Anonymous said...

why should delores quit? she has as good a chance as roy. she actually wants to be mayor and didn't wait until two weeks before qualifying to decide "hey, uh, i really really want to be mayor. it just never occurred to me before this.

Anonymous said...

I think the point is that she may have a good chance of getting into a runoff, but once in the runoff, her chances aren't so good.

As much as her campaign may detest the fact that Roy entered later than anyone besides Fuller, he's still polling evenly with her. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Well, not to be rude but the truth is that unless she IS Mayor she is Unemployeed. So its probably not like GOD told her to run . As far as Roy, I do not find the fact that he entered the race when he did to be anything other than an example of running out of conscious and NOT for full time employment. The election is more than a month away. What does it matter when someone announces? Is that the kind of issues that the Brewer faithful are relying upon? Gee.

Anonymous said...

I am Not suggesting that Brewer quit. That is a choice up to her. I just think that there are more issues and factors that she should consider other than running. If she is hesitant to drop out because of her friends she needs to have a heart to heart with her close friends who WISH she would drop out so they can get out of this mess.

Anonymous said...

Anon, you are clueless. Most of Brewer's vote would go to Sams, not Roy. Her departure puts a very dangerous Sams dangerously close to our highest office. Her thin support is almost 100% blueblood Republican. That's why she needs to stay in, chance or no chance.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the last post. delores has zero chance of getting any black cross-over in a run-off. we can argue all day about the same question vis-a-vis sams and roy, but no way no how will delores get any black vote.

Anonymous said...

whoever told you that Brewers people would be for Sams is clueless. Sams is a rare breed of people who can piss off his friends and embrace his enemies. Just ask just about anyone who has worked with him at the school board or Rapides Regional. Many of the Drs and hospital people have dealt with his bully attitude and would die before voting for him. You see, he has been able to confuse a few people into believing that being an ASSHOLE is some kind of badge of honor when in truth its just that . Being an asshole. And I dont care if he gets the holyghost and caught a bullet for the President, he is NOT going to get the rank and file of the blue blood republicans that you seem to think Brewer has. In fact, his votes at the school board and his families involvement with the Civil Liberties Union shows him to be VERY liberal and UNREPUBLICAN in his actual votes.

Anonymous said...

i need some help blog. just how many "blue bloods" are there in alexandria and exactly what are the qualifications for being a "blue blood". my wife and i are considering becoming "blue bloods" but would like a little more information on the club.

Anonymous said...

Civil, did I hear it sideways or did the city sign an 18 month gas contract?

Anonymous said...

Word up homey, Blue gums do not vote for bluebloods or Republicans. Period.

Anonymous said...

is sams a "blue blood"?

Anonymous said...

He probably has "blue balls"

Anonymous said...

I saw where Silver was on the Rapides Regional board. Marc Lampert sent a couple of women to the ER there. Does that count as a conflict?

Anonymous said...

If it was Sams/Fuller in a runoff, Brewer supporters WOULD vote for Sams, only because he is WHITE.

Anonymous said...

The James David Cain radio ad on KSYL against Jim Donelon is absolutely taken out of his mentor, Edwin Edwards, play book. There is no bigger good ole boy crony around than Cain. He's been in the legislature forever and only changed to the Republican party to appear honest and to have integrity. If he's so concerned about the little consumer, why has he not used his chairmanship of the INSURANCE committee to protect us? If everybody at the Dept of Insurance is a crook, why has his committee not led to investigations and arrests? If he's accidently elected, he'll be sharing a cell with Edwin in Oakdale within 3 months. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

I just recieved my City of Alexandria Utility Bill after careful review of it I will not vote for anyone who is currently involved with the current administration or the council. We really do need a change. While we pay the outragious bills the city is spending 60 million dollars on thier pork barrel projects. Vote for total change.....Now is the time

Anonymous said...

hospital helper. give it up. silvers is about to be beaten like a snare drum. allow me to tell you why. 1. he lied to the council about running. lampert wouldn't and didn't get appointed. now silvers runs as an incumbent. too f*cking funny. 2. in his kalb interview he said he polled his fellow council members, and they all wanted him to run. the last thing this town wants is a senile patsie that the present council already knows they can play like a fiddle. 3. he is harry silvers. 4. he is VERY interested in city government. ("hell, the idiots bought the jakes building, why not my white elephant downtown.") now. unless you have a video of lampert tearing off some gals leg and boxing her ears with it, you need to hush. because that is what it will take for harry to win.

Anonymous said...

civil sentient. you are a bright fella. always find your posts informative. keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Harry may be the worst there is and may get only one vote, but Lampert is still a spouse abuser and if you don't care, that's OK with me too. The truth is the truth, so many of us may not give it up.

Anonymous said...

You're right on about Mr. Lampert and I suggest none of you out there who know him hush. Sorry Biff.

Anonymous said...

"I just recieved my City of Alexandria Utility Bill after careful review of it I will not vote for anyone who is currently involved with the current administration or the council. We really do need a change. While we pay the outragious bills the city is spending 60 million dollars on thier pork barrel projects. Vote for total change.....Now is the time"

Please tell me you are not registered to vote. You obviously do not have even the most infantile understanding of our City's revenue stream. The funding for Fast Track coes from tax revenues dedicated to roads, drainage etc. The utitlity fund, while making a 5% contribution to the general fund. Similar to the franchise fee and private utility company would pay. The utility fund and specifically electric might make a 7% profit. That's seven million dollars on tens of millions in gross revenues. That $7 million when reinvested in infrastructure won't go very far.
Contact the PSC and compare your bill to the rates of other providers in the state. You will find that we are about average.

So let me think......the City is going to spend the tax money you paid? Shame on them.

Anonymous said...


For the timeline of high level events you describe of which I have no doubt, do you mean a utility superintendent or director?

Most of the goings on were well above the superintendents I would think.

Anonymous said...


I usually don't agree with you because I don't like Sams, but that shit about Silver is funny stuff. "Senile patsie" Hahahahahaha. Could I interest you in an overpriced pair of silk stockings?

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting to hear from the Sams camp what all the wonderful things are that he's done while on the school board.

Anonymous said...

I would like to ask Myron Lawson for some type of PROOF that he could get Natural Gas (enough for the whole city) for $4.00 as he was quoted in the paper. I say BS!! It has been a LONG time since gas was that cheap.

Is that why that didn't book it for $7.00 when they had a chance?? Were they waiting for the gas fairy??

Anonymous said...

I also received my utility bill today, and I am angry. I will not vote for any of those councilmen running for re-election. I am a Republican, a white Baptist, and a baby boomer who will be voting for Jacques Roy!

Anonymous said...

Is there anybody here that used to go to those sick lingerie parties at that former men's clothing store downtown? Its amazing how we all seem to live so comfortably in our glass houses?

Anonymous said...

Thats right Harry Silver still has those scanky women walking around half naked on Christas eve . Why havent we asked him about the morals of that?

Anonymous said...

I think I'd rather any of those skanky women representing us on the council or city hall than any of the candidates. At least they were making an honest living and not on the public dole. Probably much more moral than our present officials and future ones for that matter.

Anonymous said...

How come all you guys get invited to the best Christmas Parties?

Anonymous said...

Could someone please explain this "fast track" program that the city has just announced. If Candidate Delores Brewer is going around talkling about how her experience as Capital Projects director is a good thing then WHY is it only AFTER she has left the job that the city is moving forward with these projects? Why?

wst... said...

ya outside, we wonder that as well.

Anonymous said...


If the numbers you quote are true, make the source documents available.

Considering that pretty much everything at the City could be secured by a proper public records request, would you please explain how a council man could be fed info? Other than legal proceedings its all there for the asking.

Anonymous said...

It looks like David Pugh and his cohorts are back on the blog again. Pugh is the one who sat in Delores' early meetings and gave her a sizable donation. Then, when Delores failed to hire his public relations firm, he "suddenly converted" to a Roy supporter (Can anyone spell whore?).

Pugh keeps insisting Brewer's poll is a fake. What else can they say when Brewer's poll shows she has a big lead and Jaques poll contains the same results? Look for deperate tactics by the Roy camp in the next several weeks.

Why should Delores release her poll- so all the other candidates can get a free look at Verne Kennedy's work? Hey David, when are you going to release the true results of Jaques poll?

You can hide your identity on this blog, but you cannot hide your anger and frustration. That anger and frustration will be your undoing.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Delores' campaign manager.

Anonymous said...

The fast track projects have been on the capital outlay books for some time and the reason that we were waiting for federal funding is that the City of Alexandria fell below 50,000 population which made us ineligible for participation in many federal funds programs. After all this time, the solution was to make Alexandria attractive enough for roughly 4000 people to either stay or come to our town which would be the most prudent thing to do at this point in time also as we could then participate in federal funding. There are people that are impatient and have personal agendas that will say to hell with what is best for the city as a whole as long as they get what they want now. Look at who is developing hwy 28 west and you have your answer to the identity of the interested parties and who also has influence to make it happen. It is also a flash in the pan effort for the incumbents to remain in office by appearing to do something worthwhile. If it doesn't work to get re-elected, at least they have allocated funds in the direction of pet projects. The more responsible approach at this time, in my opinion, would be to annex willing residents to get past the 50,000 threshhold and leverage the 37 million in accounts to gain federal funds. It is not so much red tape, but ignorance and poor planning on city governments part as to why we have not received federal funding for projects. Think about the willingness for the powers that be to spend 37 million now and too impatient to gain funding to multiply that amount and ask yourself who will benefit and why. The RRMC 4th street aquisition will pale in comparison as the fast track boondoggle unfolds. Remember that all new expansion of infrastructure will have to be maintained also at city expense. Does anyone see a city budget out of control at citizen expense and how many more of you will move out. Fast track is govspeak for raid and run. Read between the lines and slant of the TT article.

Tired of waiting on feds, city spurs infrastructure projects
By Billy Gunn
(318) 487-6378

Anonymous said...

Fast Track Explained.....

Here is an explanation on the fast track deal in a nutshell. The City has various sales tax revenue sources that are specificly earmarked for capital improvements like roads, ditches, etc. Traditionally they have used this money to leverage state and federal money to supplement the funding of these projects. Here is the problem though. The States capital outlay budget is stretched so thin that you have to wait several years to get up on the priority list to recieve the matching funding. Then you only get a certain portion each year. Then you have to let the State bid your project and administer the construction. Heyman Lane is a perfect example. It has been ready for years and we are just now getting the State funding...and it's only for the utility work on phase one. This project could drag on another ten years and we haven't even started on Versialles or Sugerhouse, or Horseshoe or....

The City has decided to use the money it currently has earmarked for capital projects to do several projects without the State and Federal matching funds. We will still get the same amount of money from the State for these types of projects each year. It will just be used on other less critical and less costly projects.

The other logic is that additional growth in the tax revenues will be generated by the construction work, the increased commerce activity on land that is not currently accessable, and the increased property taxes that the land generates once it is improved. This additional revenue can be used to do even more infrastucture development which starts the process all over again.

It's a good idea. I wonder why it took them this long to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, I love ya, but here are the facts.
1. Delores is running as a republican and the black majority population sector as a rule will not vote for a republican.
2. She is seen to be part of the current administration with a history that is undesirable and the electorate as a whole wants change, not status quo.
3. She has quite publicly displayed her ability to lie with a relative straight face and then to attempt to twist her own words to explain her lies - point blank. 4. The Town Talk has been known to persuade the public leaning with polls that are not entirely accurate.
Again, while your allegiance to Delores is admirable as a tenacious quality, you are beginning to appear quite foolish. In other words, I will not attempt to confuse you with facts any further as your mind is made up.

Anonymous said...

Dear Delores Supporter/Pugh Hater,

I am the person who wrote about receiving the phone call from Delores' so-called "poll," and I am not David Pugh. (It's weird that you'd openly bash someone who gave your candidate a lot of money). The poll was a sham. That's why Delores isn't releasing the numbers. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I agree with your comments in general on the fast track comments except your glaring ommission of federal funding while emphasizing the state portion would be the flaw in hastily proceeding. While big numbers are being thrown around as far as the amount added to tax rolls, no one has posted a calculation of the actual tax revenue projections derived as the millages and homestead exemptions are applied. All I have heard is that "50 or 60 million dollars will be added to the tax rolls in property alone" while true, is a misleading statement which applies to property values added to the tax rolls and not the actual revenue. Also, how far will 37 nmillion actually complete? - not far enough I would venture.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Mulva.

Anonymous said...

"I am the person who wrote about receiving the phone call from Delores' so-called "poll," and I am not David Pugh. (It's weird that you'd openly bash someone who gave your candidate a lot of money). The poll was a sham. That's why Delores isn't releasing the numbers. Plain and simple. "

Okay, David. Whatever you say.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Scarlet, you'll still be invited to the same ole dull cocktail parties when Delores is out of the In Crowd.

Anonymous said...

LIBRARY Tax Lie!!! The Rapides Library has been racking in much more in revenue from the current millage on the books. Why? The Rapides Tax Assessor re-valued ALL property in Rapides parish two years ago. This means Scarlett, that with the millage staying the SAME and the VALUE OF PROPERTY INCREASED 5 to 8%, the Library gets an INCREASE in revenue WITHOUT increasing MY TAXES!!!! Also, the last two years has seen a tremendous growth in NEW businesses, new housing developments and the future looks even brighter. PLEASE VOTE NO ON SEPT 30 TO THE INCREASE IN TAXES!!!!!

wst... said...

amen anonymous. everytime we turn around library director steve rogge is reciting his sad sack story for more tax money. the library should close some of the branches and focus on the main library downtown.

Anonymous said...

Libraries are soon going to be obsolete.

Anonymous said...

The homeowners that have computers should pay the tax for non-homeowners to use computers at the library. It is only right!

wst... said...

oh you non homeowners pay the tax too because your rent will go up accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Heard about this bog and just checking it out. These are some of the stupidest conversations I have ever read. No wonder LA is last in everything. There are very few realative discussions on this blog-just mainly a lot of hot air!
Think I'll go check a book out of the library- better reading and use of my time.

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