Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Here's your sign!

Where oh where did I put all of those signs?

Yes it is a felony to interfere with political signs. I have had one or two "displaced" from my yard. People actually came on to private property to do so ... oh the horror. Don't we have more important issues at hand?

I would presume that the candidate that stated "they disappeared as Delores' signs appeared" has proof of this ... a good attorney might take this and turn it into a Slander/Libel suit.

On another note, does anyone have an extra fire hose?


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Anonymous said...

Hey Civil, I am concerned about Biff as he has been absent considerably longer than normal. I hope his Yorkie didn't get run over.

Anonymous said...

The signs disappeared the same weekend Delores signs appeared. That's the truth, Cenla Antics. It's not an indictment of Delores Brewer; it's just the truth.

Anonymous said...

Cenla Antics is a well-known Brewer supporter.

Anonymous said...

OMG! It's Scarlett! Scarlett, how about answering those questions we asked you?

Anonymous said...

I had my Brewer sign stolen. Maybe it was Lampert. His signs are the only ones that remained standing!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how excited everyone gets when a political sign is stolen! Perhaps we should worry as much about how much CLECO has stolen from all of us?

Anonymous said...

Anyone else impressed that Jacques already has 1,000 signs in circulation?

jacques the vote!

Anonymous said...

1000 signs? 800 of them must be in his back yard.

Cenla Antics said...

I will support anyone who after elected does as promised and affects change for the positive.

Identity hint: I know each of the candidates with the exception of Alice and Jacques... or perhaps I do ....

Has anyone seen my fiddle ...

Anonymous said...

Nope. Roy's signs are all over the place. I bet he has more than 1,000.

Anonymous said...

Jacque Roy for Mayor? or should it be Ross Perot for Mayor!

Anonymous said...

If Jaques has 1000 signs, they must be "transparent"

Anonymous said...

Uhh, my garbage is stolen every other day ... and right from my curb

Anonymous said...

Nice play on words. They're not transparent as much as stolen.

Anonymous said...

Esoteric thought for the day:

Candidates on another plain of existance have found a way to transport themselves to this plain to "steal" signs so they don't have to pay for signs ....

As long as we are reaching ....

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Sams is the thief. He is not only on another plane, he's on another planet!

Anonymous said...

Has Ned thrown his support to one of the candidates?

Anonymous said...

Well, Neds brother in law is Brewers paid campaign director. You figure out who he is supporting ..and tell him.

Anonymous said...

Ned told me that he also likes Jacques Roy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Scarlett, tell us exactly what the most recent Delores poll showed. Please.

Anonymous said...

ok..well im not asking for towntalk, rumor or the street. What exactly does the poll Brewer took a couple of weeks ago say. Not the spin, what does it say?

Anonymous said...

You are quit caustic and assumptive. I just asked you to share some info. You dont know who 'MY CANDIDATE' is because i dont have on ..yet...but if this is how BREWERS people are I am close to eliminating one of them.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, you disappeared for a few days but damn you have come back with a mean spirit.

Anonymous said...


Wow. Very surprising. So Jacques stole his own signs?

Do me a favor: Go tell Delores that you just wrote that on Cenla Antics and then go tell David Broussard.

Smooth move.

Anonymous said...

Dear Quint,

I appreciate your original idea for Cenla Antics. I can remember the useful, insightful information that anonymous (and not so anonymous) bloggers shared. Unfortunately, your creation has been downgraded to a place where folks go to trade idotic barbs, promote their candidates with self serving statements and, in general, waste each other's time.

Yes, I know I have a choice and I can simply tune out. I will do that, but, before I do, I wanted to share this lament. I hope your participants aren't representative of the typical voter. If so, our city is in for a rocky future.

Anonymous said...

By By your lambasting of the particpants in this blog are appreciated. It is indicative of your intelligence level. Rather than posting "idotic barbs, promote their candidates with self serving statements and, in general, waste each other's time." you just waste our time by posting
your negative comments.

I have a few simple solutions for you to chose from to alleviate your difficulty:

1. Utilize the Cenla Antix blog. It needs all the help it can get. Activity is zero.

2. Utilize Lamar's site. Your intellect and wit will fit in with those folks.

3. Start your own blog site and others have.

4. Turn your computer off.

5. Get fucked.

The selection is your choice. However, your selection should be one that doesn't require your exposure to those of us beneath your social, intellectual and moral

It is a shame the users enjoy this site. If one doesn't one should go elsewhere. I know this will insult your arrogance but if this site is representative of the najority of voters - majority wins.

Anonymous said...

Bye bye might have it right. A previous post asked if anyone over the last 6 months has changed his mind about a candidate and we had no response. Where's the witty repartee', and the erudite insight. Important issues like following the money in kickback schemes of the speed bump variety are overlooked to talk about yard sign disappearance. FBI investigations are ignored and not even discussed. Are the bloggers just ignorant of the facts in these cases, don't care or not as in the know as they want to appear? The city has spent millions over the last few years on projects where individuals have become rich without doing any substantial work at all. This money was stolen from the people in the form of taxes and it just continues. It is not even substantially addressed by any candidate or their supporters. What about the proposed condiminiums downtown. How much stolen money will the so called developers soak up in this project. Any of them putting up a dime of their own money. I bet 90% or more will come from your pocketbook, but only after thousands are spent on studies and plans etc. And after all the money is spent the project will lie dormant for years only to be brought up again for a rerun. SOS. But let's not discuss any of these million dollar boondoggles, let's listen to Scarlet's infantile whimperings and Lamar's head in the clouds socialist musings. And for a change why not discuss the issues brought up in this comment rather than resort to ad hominem attacks. I'm as bad as the rest, as witness my previous sentence, but some of this silly crap is enough to piss of the Pope

Anonymous said...

the pope is pissed...... i am with you. and i STILL think sams is the only candidate that will chase down that crap and put an end to it. delores and roy are too close to the machine. it will be business as ususal.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll come back now, ya heah.

Anonymous said...

Biff, where have you been???? I was getting ready to write you off as an alien abducteee.

Anonymous said...

spanky! i have been working on this great idea and will let you in on the first franchise. basically it involves boxing up stolen signs, throwing in a roll of duct tape, and selling them to latin american slums as pre-fab homes. i've already sold 14 units!

Anonymous said...

Could Scarlett's remarks be construed to mean that Brewer is a horse?

Explains a lot.

Anonymous said...

scarlett, you sound like a victim. some how it's our fault you bet on a horse that passed out in the gate.

Anonymous said...

A little birdie told me:
The Brewer poll showed her at ~20% no significant change from her original poll and/or the Paul Smith poll...Roy was reported at ~10% w/ the Brewer poll run only 7 days after he announced…Sams came in w/ he’s original 3-4%.
Word is that Brewer is loosing steam and Roy is on the up swing – we’ll see when the Roy poll taken last week is leaked.
Current poll info predicts runoff w/ any combination of: Brewer/Johnson/Roy
Care to challenge any of this info?

Anonymous said...

Biff, sorry it has taken so long. I have been working on the specs for the recycling coordinator for the city of Alexandria. Pay range should be around $137,500/y w/ car allowance, health & retirement bennies. The work shouldn't be hard as you need to appear for the occasional photo op. You already are developing markets for part of the waste stream, so it should be a natural. All that is left to be discussed, is mine's. What do you say??


Hey..Anyone still there, because I have a question?

I know ya'll are tired of hearing me mon and gron and defend TC, but
anon on the other site really really hurt.

Is this the attitude or perspective
of the majority?


Anonymous said...

brewer campaign reports:


interesting reading!


On the politcs side, I read Roys
web info and was very impressed!

I'm not usually wishy-washy but I just want the best for Alexandria


Anonymous said...

Carolyn, I think most folks don't pay attention enough to even care. I have been doing my best just to get some conversation strirred up for many months now, and you can re-read the blog to see how effective that has been. It is human nature to focus on "me/now" and that dynamic is especially rampant in this area.

Anonymous said...

Dear Naive Scarlett,
ROY and JOHNSON are BOTH threats and believe me Delores KNOWS it!

Anonymous said...

spanky! at that price i am your man! recycling is my middle name. we can work out the details later. it would be cute in the more dense population areas to have a horse drawn wagon pick up the recycled materials from the homes. and maybe a trained monkey to pick up the horse leavings.

Anonymous said...

oh, and btw. no way sams is polling in the 3-4% range at anytime. something wrong with that poll. scoffing biff.


Thanks again Spanky.

When I saw the heading on this site
I thought Blue Collar Comedy, can't think of the guys name that says and here's your sign.

You have accomplished a great deal
with your blogging.


Anonymous said...

Roy started way back. Doesn't mean he won't climb, but my little experts on the blog, the science doesn't lie.

WHat happens when you are behind, way behind, and have a lot of ground to cover? You start slingin mud. Signs being stolen? Come one people. What a damn cry baby. Many signs dissappear, from all candidates, all the time. Jacques little cry session in the papers and media have actually hurt him in many people's minds.

All this is normal. You people act like Alexandria is sooo diffrent with its' politics. This has bullshit written all over it. Just so happens when Delores' signs come out, Jacques' start to dissappear. Shut the F--- up you whiney little inexperienced trial lawyer and start campaigning a little harder. You are not fooling anyone. You may have grown a little support with your cute little signs, but you are gonna need a lot more than that to win my lttle lawyer friend.
Quit whining to the papers and campaign, you gotta a long way to go.

Anonymous said...

Sams chances = Alice Hammond

He could have started campaigning 4 years ago everyday, all day, and still get 2% if he is lucky.

Anonymous said...

Arrogance=dumbass=no more schoolboard.

I would like to be with them on election night. They will be drinking to Dr. Sams for sure. That might be the biggest relief in the history of an elected board to see that arrogant idiot leave.

Anonymous said...


I wrote the post in question and I'm sorry I did. I truly would never want to hurt anyone. If you noticed 99% of what I said was positive and complimentary. 100% of what I said was true. Not all great soldiers make great generals.

I think both you and TC have a lot to potentially contribute to our community. Let the past go, move forward and contribute.

Again, I apologize for any hurt feelings - that was not my intention. Best regards.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, upon review of Delores's campaign report, I will admit that she is loaded for bear. My only reservation with her candidacy is that she is so closely associated with the powers that be that have gotten us to the stage we are. If she would publicly declare a clean slate and everything to be reviewed, I would moderate my position. One of the strongest statements she could make would be to freeze recent actions and quash the fast track raid on the capital outlay budget. That alone will indicate whether a leopard can change its spots. Short of that, I say let the games begin.

Anonymous said...

They have Spanky.


Dear Regards,

I appreciate and accept your apology, but there has to be a but here because I do not agree with your 100% true comment.

I am a fighter and I will defend to my death, my husbands years as chief.

Who instituted the first totally community policing.....who has gotten rid of more bad apples in APD. Look it up its all documented.


Anonymous said...

"Roy started way back. Doesn't mean he won't climb, but my little experts on the blog, the science doesn't lie."

Roy's raised $125,000 since in one month. Mrs. Brewer's filings show that she's raised about the same, but if you look closely, you'll find that most of her money was raised in April and May.

He doesn't have to climb back.

He's statistically even with Mrs. Brewer in the polls. He's actually ahead of her in the Town Talk poll, for what it's worth.

He's raised about the same amount of money in one-third the time.

Anonymous said...

yeah, and we can't wait to see where he raised that money.

Anonymous said...

That's fine and dandy. So what? He is not statistically even in shit. The TT poll? Joke at best. Only science works here I'm afraid. He ain't close.

Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

Emotional folks write interesting things. As a political junkie who does not have a horse in the race, here's how I handicap it right now.
If the election were held today, Brewer and Roosevelt would be in a run-off. However, the election is on Sept. 30 so there is time for some significant movement.
Brewer is currently the frontrunner but definately must worry about Roy and Johnson. She would be foolish not to. She is NOT a shoe-in for the runoff. Many of her own supporters believe she would be the best mayor, but that she is not the best campaigner. She definately made some missteps in the beginning, but has done well at overcoming them. She must continue to work very hard and come up to speed on speaking and debating.
Roy is a better public speaker and will campaign hard. However, Brewer has been in the race longer and has more money. If people are looking for experience, she is more likely to appeal to them than the young Mr. Roy. It would take LOTS of money for Roy to catch up with Brewer and overtake her. He would need great TV and lots of it. But, it is not impossible. It COULD be done. Some people who think Roy won't win think this is a practice run for such a young candidate and that he has a political future after this race.
Meanwhile, Johnson has a comfortable lead among the black candidates. He is likely to be in a runoff with a white candidate. Hammond and Smith are in the tank and Fuller is not seeming to catch on. However, Af. Americans do not always poll accurately.
Sams is quickly becoming a non-factor in the race. His numbers have actually gone down since the spring. Surely, this is because people are recognizing him for the radical "fringe" candidate that he really is. Every time he speaks at a forum, he does himself more harm than good. His TV spots are the worst I have ever seen here. Who did those, the cable company?
Unscientific trial heats--if Johnson and Brewer get in a runoff, Brewer can win if she gets her vote out. If Johnson and Roy are in a runoff, Roy wins by merely getting the whites out and stealing some of the blacks who don't like Johnson. Not at all likely, but if the blacks somehow feed off one another and take Roosevelt down and Brewer and Roy get into a runoff, Roy would win because he would get the black vote and some white vote. I do not think Brewer could possibly take that race. But lucky for her, that scenario probably won't happen!

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Delores' push poll says she's winning, and Roy's poll says he is.

Big surprise.

The Town Talk poll isn't scientific, but its results do paint a picture of who has the momentum behind them.

Brewer has been in the race since April. She's raised six figures. She's purchased billboards and television spots.

Yet this young punk lawyer comes in and within one month, he's been able to get dead even with her.

It looks like Brewer's worst nightmare could be coming true-- a Roy/Brewer run-off.

Anonymous said...

Good take on it. I agree with most of it. Roy can only go up. But can he go up enough to beat Brewer? I don't think so.

Jacques is a gifted speaker, but thats all. I have stated before I think it is great when young people run for office. He is talented I am sure but not experienced. That is why I think it would be great if he would run for State Rep, or even City Council. Man, I would support him in a heartbeat over those clowns up there. I just can't justify voting for him over someone more experienced and qualified.

It makes me sad to see a clear path for a good candidate get roughed up a little when Mr. Roy could gain experience and make a difference on another level. Instead we have to choose from a less than adequate selection for the Council.
I think he will do ok, but not enough to overtake Mrs. Brewer. I hope he considers another office after his defeat. It would be great to see more young enthusiastic people run for office, just the right ones, that the community needs now.

Anonymous said...

Hey, did youse guys take my meds?

Anonymous said...

I (the political junkie) tend to agree with you. I don't think it is very likely that Roy can pull it off...I was just saying that it would not be "impossible." Do you think Roy could knock out Johnson to get in a runoff with Brewer? Johnson seems so strong...but there are so many AA's in the race.

Anonymous said...

Good take on the post before.

Your take is awful. Mrs. Brewer's worst nightmare is not happening and she didn't run a push poll. Clueless poster playing my favorite sport: Bash the leader.

The TT poll only paints brown I am afraid= Bull----. You think b/c he put yard signs out he has momentum? Anybody can say "I put 1000 yard signs out, I am doin so well, duh, I gonna win!!"

Anyone who believes that TT poll is clueless. ANyone who has to see yardsigns to validate a candidates place is clueless. Delores only had billboards and she polled higher, much higher, than anyone whop had yardsigns or terrible tv commercials out for months. Anybody who jumps in late will have some momentum. It is a strategy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, this time it probably won't. Please come back when you post good info.

Anonymous said...

It is def possible anony, but I don't think it could happen. Like I said prviously, Jacques will gain, he is young and he is new, but his crowd just can't climb enough. If he was a little older sure. If he was in office for a couple of years like our previous Mayor before I would bet on him.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, Like our current Mayor who was a State Senator and State Rep.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous political junkie agrees that the TT poll was meaningless because it was not scientific. I also agree that jumping in late can be a strategy and that it is successful only some of the time. Been saying for years that people around here mistakenly believe yard signs are an indication of who will win. When in reality it's TV, TV, TV plus radio and direct mail, man. I say we send everyone's yard signs to New Orleans to be used to help shore up the levees. That would be much more useful.

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that Jacques can galvanize enough support to either take it on the first shot or run-off with Johnson. All is speculation until election day. Roy is the real/percieved agent for change and change is what a lot of folks want, and now. One more observation is that the leader is usually the target for comparison and degradation.

Anonymous said...

I agree. And guess what? That is what they would use them for too. No one could give a ---- about yard signs in NO.

Anonymous said...

Once the Roy family secrets are out in the public, he'll be toast. Which one? Like the small secret of a close relative who went to prison to protect a BIG name defense attorney in town.

Anonymous said...

The leader has been targeted and that leader is a woman. Jacques is being attacked on here b/c of his age,lack of experince, and no record. Like I said, Jacques might be great...in another office. Damn I would love to see him run for Council or State Rep.

Oh, and the comment about him taking it outright.........I can't stop laughing outloud. Nice try kid in the HQ.

Anonymous said...

If it's true that Jacques Roy has raised $125,000 in a month and that Delores has stayed stagnant, then I think it's very possible we'll see a Roy/Brewer run-off.

Believe it or not, Fuller's candidacy has taken a significant number of votes from Roosevelt. Charles Smith will probably garner a respectable amount of votes based solely on name recognition. Alice Hammond will be lucky to get 300 votes, but in an election this small, 300 votes can make a difference. Thus, the black candidates will likely split four ways, with Roosevelt at the top with around 15%.

Let's assume then that 50% of the vote is still up for grabs. The real question then becomes "Can Jacques Roy win 20%?"

Sams is the variable here, but probably not as much as you'd think. Right now, he's actually giving votes to Roy, the Democrat, even though you'd think the votes would go to Brewer, the Republican. But Sams still has a die-hard base. I'd expect him to receive about 5-7%. What about Brewer? If the election were held tomorrow, she'd be the leader going into the run-off.

However, considering there are four more weeks and one two-hour long televised debate, Roy still has the opportunity to ALL of the undecideds, which, for some reason, people on this blog refuse to acknowledge. If the undecideds and the young people actually get out to vote (which historically, they don't), Roy has the chance to be the leader going into the run-off.

If not, he still has the chance to be in the run-off, provided that Fuller, Johnson, Smith, and Hammond cannabalize each other's chances. (Haven't we been saying this all along?)

Anonymous said...

who is this guy? alexandria's own carl rove minime? delores is sunk and has been sunk. her fellow junior leaguers will stick with her and commiserate later, about how nasty politics is. but she is finished. show me a poll that says would you consider voting for a candidate that you did not support before, if she got caught red handed lying on tape, and then figured you were stupid enough to believe it if she told you it was just a "tee hee", figure of speech and i will believe she has a chance. people will drop her in the end for hard politics, that is no chance of cross over black vote. delores is finished. roy won't make it either, and two reasons come into play. the first, and obvious. zero experience. moreover, he certainly gets a bounce coming in late, based on the general malaise about those who were running. that bounce only lasts so long, as more and more of the earlier flippers look more closely at roy. because we are caught up in this race, we assume everyone is. that's simply just not so. at least 30% of the voters will think about it, and decide, the last week of the election. this race is wide open, with apologies to your "science". the biffster.

Anonymous said...

Biff, is that what you're telling Dr. Sams to cheer him up? That people won't make up their mind until the last minute?

You're really a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Anything is possible. I see Jacques speak and it bothers me. For someone who claims to be the "young, fresh, change" we need, he hasn't told me shit that would make me vote for him.

Anonymous said...

spanky. i luv ya man. but i will buy you and yours dinner at diamond grill if roy takes it outright. remember, on wednesdays it's two of the blues and one of the reds. you know how you get if you reverse it.

Anonymous said...

Dear, dear, Biff. It is unfortunate that your candidate doesn't believe in running polls. If he did, he would know what people really care about and what they want in a candidate. More importantly, at this point and with his poor showing, he would bow out gracefully and go back to practicing medicine full time. I hear he's good at that.

Anonymous said...

Biff, you are full of it. You don't have a clue. You just throw out complete bull---- on here. Lucky for you only about 10 people read this thing anyway.

Good luck the rest of the way with your candidate. Sunk? Yeah right, get a clue before you post total crap.

Anonymous said...

polls schmoles. :) delores has prolly spent 30 grand on her florida experts and let's see where that gets her.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would want him doing anything medically to me.

Anonymous said...

In the runoff. Costs a lot, but not that much.

Anonymous said...

Cuz sge wouldn't stay in like some other idiots we know if she polled bad. Hmmmmmmm.....sounds familiar huh Biffy?

Anonymous said...

help me here spanky! yeeee dogie! i'm gettin em stirred up!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, I love it when you talk dirty to me, calling me a carl rove minime. Call me that anytime. You're turning me on.

Anonymous said...

LOL. "Oooooh, I love it when you talk dirty to me, calling me a carl rove minime. Call me that anytime. You're turning me on."

Anonymous said...

Biffy, oooohhh Biffy.

Anonymous said...

I think you got a little stirred up too Biffy.

Anonymous said...

Karl Rove, I like that, the Karl Rove of Alexandria. I'll take that.

Anonymous said...

Better than Biff. :)

Anonymous said...

OK. Play time is over. Back to work people.

Anonymous said...

You white folks kill me! You actually think you have figured out the winner of the black race for the black run-off spot! You think Rosevelt is going to be able to get black votes against two repsected, veteran black politicians? When's the last time you spoke to Revened Lawson or Reverend Aaron? You are clueless about "the black vote", and you are all in for a shock on the evening of September 30!

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a White Folk is "repsected" and Revened ebonic speak?

Some od us haven't bothered to figure out who the winner of the Black vote is because we do not care. We interested in what is best for Alexandria not just what is best for our Black folks.

"Mammy manny why do the White folks call me snowball when snowball ain't my name."


Anon..."you white folks kill me"

Who, may I ask are these well respected black politicians.

All Gods children want honest, hard
working, ethical in all manner of leadership in our city government.

No more self serving power hungry politicians! C.C.

Anonymous said...

You white folks kill me!

...I didn't know there was a designated "black run-off spot"...did I miss that day in civics?

Anonymous said...

Ya'll better read Uncle Myron's signs because "it time to unite" which sound like code for" we black folks need to stick together and take whitey's city. Problem is that all the black folks that vote for Cuz' Myron just got sold out too. The only color Cuzo' sees is green. If you got it, he's got it for ya, if'n not, you are SOL. By the way, how come none of our councilmens will give us a shout out. White folk are still citizens too.

Anonymous said...

John Sams' report:


Spanky, you sure tell like it is!

Michele/Kalb has been asking for questions for the Coughlin debate.

Everyone send querys?


Anonymous said...

"Here's your sign!"

I'm NOT a Brewer supporter, BUT I have to say, I don't think for one moment that BREWER initiated the heist of opponent signs. I do believe her crews putting out signs lifted the missing signs. She had "high-schooler" help and it's typical of this age group to do such juvenile acts. They are after all juveniles. The bigger disappointment was the "let's put ALL our signs out on one night and make a BIG splash" stategy that was oh so less than impressive and definetly overshadowed by the "sign capper"! Oh well, live and learn. I would of thought with all her experience she could have pulled this off more effectively!

Anonymous said...

This anonymous, white, political junkie is not attempting to speak for the black community. I called Roosevelt the frontrunner as a result of the polling done so far, not my personal opinion. However, I did mention that the African American community typically does not poll acurately. Ask any pollster. As for saying there will be a black in the runoff, that prediction relates to the racial makeup of the city now. I think many white AND black people are predicting that a black will be in the runoff. As for the person who wrote that blacks will not choose Roosevelt over two veteran black politicians--I think you are underestimating Roosevelt, a man who won his Council seat in an at large district against a white. No one campaigns harder than Roosevelt Johnson. I will say this--if Myron Lawson were in the Mayor's race, he would leave all of the other African American candidates in the dust. Again, just going by the polling.

Anonymous said...

And another thing...to the person who wrote that he or she didn't know there was a designated spot in the runoff for a black-- You are an idiot. No one wrote that there was a "designated spot." Predicting that there will be a black and a white in the runoff all has to do with demographics of the city and with polling done so far. It is you who needs a civics class along with a reading comprehension class.

Anonymous said...

I have contended all along that Roosevelt Johnson is going to pull a lot of vote and it is due to one thing, shoe leather. He is on the street in a methodical manner shaking hands and talking and LISTENING to folks he meets. That is why he pulls heavily in both black and white areas which is a point to admire because he does come across as representing all people and does. He could be a uniting force if he had the ability to keep the council in check and exercise extreme fiscal responsibility. Do not underestimate Roosevelt Johnson.

Anonymous said...

biff...you might want to check the expiration date on that bottle of prozac.

Anonymous said...

You are the one who needs the reading comprehension lesson...the "You white folks kill me!" blogger said:
"You actually think you have figured out the winner of the black race for the black run-off spot!"...implying there is a designated black spot, sort of like there is a black Miss America - which of course there is!...BEWARE it really could be two WHITES in the run off! For your ignorant information - THERE IS NO BLACK SPOT (demograghics aside)! Whichever two candidates get the most votes will be in the run off - BLACK, WHITE, PURPLE OR GREEN!

Anonymous said...

Well, now that the race issue is settled, we can move on to more important things. Pass the chicken please.

Anonymous said...

That was my point. It will be the two candidates with the highest number of votes in a runoff. Duh. That's how it works. The black vs white was merely a prediction.

Anonymous said...

Where was Sams at last nights school board meeting? campaigning or doctoring??

Anonymous said...

I did a windshield survey of Alexandria this afternoon and found it very interesting that there were very few campaign signs for anyone in the Acadian Village area. There is also real development occuring with new house and more going up on sixth street behind the old Independent Mill & Gin site. the area is well laid out and being constructed properly and ties into Willow Glen Road. This is an example of what needs to happen all over Alexandria. I was all over that area (behind the auction barn) as a kid and it was an eyesore then. Well, someone has finally realized the fact that folks want decent housing in a pleasant setting and that is exactly what is happening there. Kudos. What has been overgrown fields with junk machinery is now being transformed to a well kept neighborhood. By the way, you can see there is pride in home ownership as it shows. It would be really nice to get on a rebuilt Hudson Road as it is a direct route to Airview Terrace / Martin Park and onto MacArthur Drive. Even now it takes about five minutes to get from the edge of town on third street to the MacArthur Drive overpass. With all of the talk of Highway 28 West development, folks should not discount the Highway 1 south side of town either as it is about 8 minutes from the LSUA campus. There will be growth there also. You guys should try it sometime. Spend thirty minutes and pick a meandering route just to see parts of town that you never do and you will be suprised.

Anonymous said...

Have you looked at Delores campaign report??

Who is SWINHART CONSULTING INC and what have they done worth over $20,000???

I am sure Delores will be a very fiscally responsible mayor.

Anonymous said...

The answer would be $20,672.00 was spent on 5 surveys with and additional $14,000.00 spent on consulting for a total of $34,672.00 to Swinhart Consulting.

Anonymous said...

Just saw the Brewer ad on KALB. Damn, she is bold. There's not a single black face in the entire commercial. She has definitely drawn the line in the sand. Tee it up!

Anonymous said...

Well hell, no wonder Scarlett is so unbending on her support for Brewer she is in every scene of Brewers infomercial.....

Anonymous said...

oh ye she will be a candidate for the whole community. She just don't want darky standing behind her. I guess that is advice from her genius political expert from Florida.

Anonymous said...

I saw to payments of 4,000 to Swinhart, plus another 14,000.

That is more money than most alexandrians make in a year.

I bet it is more than Scarlet makes a year.

Anonymous said...

so there is NO one in Louisiana that could consult?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Delores is not the person that calls the shots in her own campaign, which begs teh question WHO would call the shots if she were to be elected MAYOR?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she hired a minority vendor??

Anonymous said...

Why start now?

Anonymous said...

Dr Sams missed the school board meeting to attend a forum at APD
for firemen, policemen (retired and active) and their families. It was informative and I see Dr Sams as our next mayor.

Anonymous said...

Would you guys please leave Scarlett alone? Go take another prozac.

Anonymous said...

The Sams supporter who is foaming at the mouth about Delores TV commercial and campaign payments is nuts. The Sams folks haven't raised enough money to run ads on KALB only on cable channels with Cox Media. How many blacks are in Sams TV commercials?? Answer: zero. His commercials reveal how he would govern. HE'S THE ONLY ONE IN THE COMMERCIAL WITH HIS WIFE. When you don't have issues or when your falling like a brick in the race, you Sams folks carp about nothing.

Anonymous said...

it's a bit early to be planning sams demise. wait and see.


Spanky re: Drive about..

I've been curious and drove about to see the number of signs for each candidate. Very interesting.

Question: Did the TT misspeak in regards to Chief Coutee not being under civil service ...Surely they
should have said not a member of the union...there by not able to attend the closed door meeting with candidates.

Also, in todays TT an article new building codes ... that it would be to each city municipality to be up to date to protect citizens.. something like that.

Stayed up late reading so still not awake ....need more caffein.


Anonymous said...

Carolyn..Coutee was there, where were you??

Anonymous said...

I gotta admit, the Brewer campaign finance report is impressive.

Anonymous said...

It seems some folks can't understand shit. The meeting was sponsored by the Unions not Civil Service. Who cares if Coutee is covered by civil servicxe is he a member of the Union? If not what makes him any damn diffewrent then any other brother walking the street. If he is not a union member and it was for union members he should not have been allowed to attend.

Most of the dayum city employees are covered by civil service. If being covered by civil service was the issue foer admittance seems as though any city employee could attend.

Civil service strictly controls the "politicking" of civil service employees. Period that is is. The heaD LINES STATED THAT THE MEETING WAS SPONSORED BY THE POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS UNIONS. hOW IN THE HELL SOME DUMB SHIT CAN EQUATE THE TWO AS EQUIAL IS BEYOND ME.

Anonymous said...

the union cops should have thrown a blanket over coutee and then had the union firemen hose him out of the meeting. i can't believe they missed their chance.

Anonymous said...

If you think Brewer's campaign report is impressive, just wait until you see the rest of her TV spots. They are great. And by the way, there are some black people in them. -Brewer supporter

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
And another thing...to the person who wrote that he or she didn't know there was a designated spot in the runoff for a black-- You are an idiot."

The author of that remark is either fucking illeterate of beyond being a fucking idiot.

"Anonymous said...
You white folks kill me! You actually think you have figured out the winner of the black race for the black run-off spot!"

The author and the negro anon both need to take civics 101 over - presuming either one of the fools evet took civics (or english for that matter.)


From my limited knowledge the police chief is part of the administration and never a union member.... You said he attended the forum???

Also, the police chief is under the umbrella of civil service rules and quidelines..

If you look at yesterdays article in the TT it says he is not under civil service rules????


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
And another thing...to the person who wrote that he or she didn't know there was a designated spot in the runoff for a black-- You are an idiot."

The author of that remark is either fucking illeterate of beyond being a fucking idiot.

"Anonymous said...
You white folks kill me! You actually think you have figured out the winner of the black race for the black run-off spot!"

The author and the negro anon both need to take civics 101 over - presuming either one of the fools evet took civics (or english for that matter.)

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
And another thing...to the person who wrote that he or she didn't know there was a designated spot in the runoff for a black-- You are an idiot."

The author of that remark is either fucking illeterate of beyond being a fucking idiot.

"Anonymous said...
You white folks kill me! You actually think you have figured out the winner of the black race for the black run-off spot!"

The author and the negro anon both need to take civics 101 over - presuming either one of the fools evet took civics (or english for that matter.)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so it wasn't an issue of civil service. Then they were free to invite the media, but they chose not to... Who the hell is the decision maker in all of this?

Anonymous said...

I hear Jacques Roy is taping his TV this week. His people will have to scramble to get on TV by next week. Too bad he's a week behind. I am beginning to think there's too little time for him to catch up to Delores.
I wonder whether Johnson, Smith, Fuller and Hammond will have TV commercials. Sams should scrap his and start over. This time, he should have an actor play him so no one will have to look at his fat, ugly mug.

Anonymous said...

Right back at you oh lover of the "F" word. You can't spell. So that makes you a "f____ing idiot" in my book.

Anonymous said...

It's always amusing when a racist can't spell illiterate.

Anonymous said...

Roy's doing perfectly fine. If his television spots show up next week, they'll be just in time.

Anonymous said...

When smeone has no other excuse to cover their stupid mistake - such as calling some one an idiot - they suddenly become the SPELLING police.

Additionally if one uses negro when one has been called "white folks" this makes the person a racist? Succh a stupid fucking statement. A nigger can call a white person anything but a caucasoid cannot respond because of political correctness - they hell you can't.

Not a law in the world prohibiting usage of the word negro, nigger, etc.

Anonymous said...

And there's no law against me calling you a dumb, racist motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% that there is no law preventing you from calling him a dumb, racist motherfucker. I will join you in calling him that.

Anonymous said...

Am I to understand that calling a fucking idiot a fucking idiot is a greater transgression than said fucking idiot calling someone that responded to actual vergage of a posting an idiot.

Not only are you a fucking idiot your an illeterate fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

Keep your nigger momma of the street and folks will not be fucking her. Hey now we know who is working Bolton and Monroe - your momma.

Anonymous said...

Racist yo mama jokes are SO scene right now. Cutting edge of comedy. Cutting edge.

Anonymous said...

OK children, time to climb out of the gutter. Let's try to discuss the candidates and the issues. There's too much at stake for Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

I was trying to tell a yo momma joke dumb shit.

Also, define racist for me seeing as how you so goddamn smart.

Anonymous said...

Should read "I was not trying to tell a yo momma joke." Was telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I must be lost and stumbled into the Mensa site. Carry on


What the heck is going on. I leave come back and all this obsenity ..... Spanky come back..
I had a question or statement up top before all this. We need order in the blog!!!!


Anonymous said...

man, those brewer supporters sure have a potty mouth.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever seen that old Bugs Bunny cartoon where the king asks "Cook! Where's my hasenfeffer?!" Sams looks just like that king!!! And acts like him too! Like a spoiled rich kid.

Anonymous said...

sams is the king! and he is about to be mayor.

Anonymous said...

He;s the BURGER king

Anonymous said...

so i should vote for a no-experience ambulance chaser because he is cute? or a smart looking gal, despite the fact she is a proven liar?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Dr. Sams, you're finished, and you know it.

Anonymous said...

roy's campaign disclosure. http://www.ethics.state.la.us/cgi-bin/lagifpdf/

Anonymous said...

i'm telling y'all. it's way way to early to write sams off. delores is sinking, and roy has peaked. a lot of time left in this election.

Anonymous said...

What are the candidates views on the proposed building codes and how they will be administered locally. Seems like building cost will go up 10% or so if allowed as suggested. Results/ Construction decline, unemployment increase, insurance increase anyway, increased taxes to pay for all the bureaucratic bullshit, two to four month increase in time for construction and also long delays before starting because of bureaucratic hindrances, stagnate the real estate market and a general monumental downturn in the local and state economy. Benefits= none. All smoke, mirrors, bullshit and power plays. Why aren't the mayoral candidates exposing this new sham and protecting us from the preditors. Because they don't give a shit, in fact the will garner more power. I bet not one will address this issue. How 'bout it Biff, will Sams' indignant response be public by dawn. And Scarlet, will Delores come to our defense. And Lamar, I'm not calling Roy but he is welcome to give his opinions right here and on tv. This is just one issue which will affect this community to the effect of millions of dollars and no one is even going to discuss. Yeah, Spanky, you have stumbled onto the MENSA site. "We don't have time to look at a real issue, we have to get elected by fooling our stupid supporters and positioning ourselves at the public trough---soooooooey!

Anonymous said...

git-r-dun. i am in your camp all the way. first, alexandria does not have a signifigant hurricane loss record. second, it will take the beaurocrats a week to get out to the site, while you have your workers sitting on their butts. the whole thing is a disaster and will dramatically increase the cost of building homes. it's a bad idea and sams better be against us. just more make work for the city and parish, more people to hire and accomplish nada. very mad biff.

Anonymous said...

git-r-dun. it's almost like the dumbass government wants to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. residential construction is at an all time high in alexandria, and the government will find a way to f*ck it up. still mad biff

Anonymous said...

What's the truth to the scuttle butt that someones son is behind the political sign taking all over town??????? I hear people are looking and watching and film at 11:00.....

Anonymous said...

i know the scuttlebutt.

Anonymous said...


I will forward your comments along to Jacques. If you'd like a personal response, please e-mail me at lamarw@gmail.com (if you're interested in protecting your identity, it's easy to set up a free account on hotmail). Otherwise, unless he plans on covering this topic on his website, I'll post his response on my blog.

That said, I know he's working on a section called "Housing," and I've spoken with him a few times about his impression of the situation.

Personally, I believe that current costs of construction are already too high for developers to build affordable housing without some serious incentives.

Fortunately, however, Alexandria already has a significant number of existing affordable homes that could be livable if only proper health and safety codes were maintained-- which means taking landlords to task.

On a related note, I also personally believe that our real estate market behaves as it should and that the single greatest way to fix the problem of affordable is by increasing our educated and skilled labor force.

Today, it was reported that Rapides/Grant Parishes are fourth in the nation in income growth. No doubt, as we continue to grow, rising wages will ease some of the burden. But we still have a long way to catch up. Even with the increases in income, the median household income in Alexandria is still a little over one half of the national average ($46,000).

Anyway, pardon the rant. I'm not sure if Jacques agrees or disagrees with what I just said, so don't take my words as his opinion. There are a number of different perspectives and solutions to this problem, particularly in light of the recent news.

Anonymous said...

The "new" housing codes are from the Federal level down to the state level from our good ole legislature. The Mayor of Alexandria cannot alter these laws/edicts like the Mayor can't plow through a "wetland" area without Federal approval. You Sams angels need to find issues that the Mayor is responsible for during his/her FULLTIME job instead of inventing smoke for your joke of a candidate.

Anonymous said...

why use a name like the pope is pissed and other foul words...really not necessary....

Anonymous said...

can't get to the Roy report at:

how did you get there: scanned reports or electronic???

Anonymous said...

"What's the truth to the scuttle butt that someones son is behind the political sign taking all over town??????? I hear people are looking and watching and film at 11:00..... "

Why so mysterious? If you know something just give it up!

Anonymous said...

So Dr Sams has decided that the school board is not worth his time anymore. If he is elected mayor, will he desert the city to do something more important.

On another note, the KALB debate is the same time as the next city council meeting. I wonder what will happen with no one there.

Anonymous said...

They'll probably move up the Council meeting to allow people to attend both.

Anonymous said...

roy's report was scanned.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone attend the mayor candidate forum at the VFW on Third Street tonight?

Anonymous said...


After viewing Fuller's financial report, the following question comes to mind: "Mr. Fuller, your financial report indicates that five out of the seven contributors are from out of town firms. Why are these various firms interested in your candidacy?"

I think a lot of people would love to hear his answer.

Anonymous said...

Lulu, It was necessary. It was that or "the Pope really has a bug up his ass."

Anonymous said...


If we hold landlords (slumlords) to task as you suggested in your previous post does that mean your company will have to refurbish some of its properties? Like the one on Peach Street? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

The Council Meeting will not be moved for the debate. The agenda is out for the meeting already and it is set for 5:00. Committee agenda is posted as well. They are also meeting Monday at the old Regions Bank for a "private" tour.

Anonymous said...

What poor planning. Why would KALB have scheduled the forum on the same night as the council meeting?

Anonymous said...

There is no report to be found for Roy on the State Ethics website. I looked all over the darn thing.

Anonymous said...

The ROY report is there. most of it is handwritten/typed. It is the scanned part. Search by Roy and then go down to the bottom of the list.

It concerns me that someone as young as ROY did not file electronically....

Anonymous said...


Absolutely. Our company has been very aggressive in improving the living standards of our rental property, and during the past year, we've taken aggressive steps to ensure that all of our rental properties definitively meet health and safety codes. I'm not sure what your grievance is about 3108 Peach. It's a nice 3 bedroom home. A few months ago, it had two dead trees in the yard, which have since been removed. If the current tenants displease you, then please give us a call at 443-3430.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, saw where granny gave Sams a hundred bucks. Covering all the bases?

Anonymous said...

Granny always covers all bases. Reason she rules the roost be it Church, local organizations or contacting State or Federal politico's. As bad as Lamar hates to admit Granny is a power hungry old biddy that wants/gets her way. Main reason many folks and staff has left her church (emphasis on "her church.)

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought; the city should do what is mandated by a city, provide honest police protection, fire protection, garbage pickup, electric power at an affordable rate, and any other services that cities are supposed to provide. Stay the hell out of the way of entreprenurial thinkers and let the private market develop the city. Government usually only gets in the way of improvements.

Anonymous said...

ben dover, then how in the world are you going to be able to award your cronies with study grants that will never come to fruition?

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, now that is a novel approach. Maybe JD Power could rate service delivery and when they hit and acceptable delivery scores within the scope of their functions, we can say they are doing a good job. I say the city has no business in entreprenurial functions and if they go in that direction, I want a stock certificate for the use of my citizen assets for any dividends returned.

Anonymous said...

To Biff and Ben Dover: DITTO!

Anonymous said...

i'm so proud of spanky. did you see him spell entreprenurial with out even sweating? that's my boy!

Anonymous said...

scarlett is over a lamar's place beating delores's dead horse. it's rapidly becoming macabre.

Anonymous said...

dr alex slatkin video blogged! permalink

Anonymous said...

Biff, I have said it before but it bears repeating that my intellect is immense and it is difficult communicating with those of average intelligence. I try to use basic language skills to remain on the average person's level, but sometimes I just cannot help using language that I am more comfortable with. This is why I truly can relate to your favorite candidate although I cannot support him. As I have to come to terms with my personal endowments, I have been accused of not being very humble and my reply is that I choose honesty over deception.

Anonymous said...

I thought I read where Little Roy had raised as much money as Mrs. Brewer in far less time? Someone ranted numerous times how he had 125,000 already. I just read his scribbled report and he is not even close. Coming on strong huh? Anyone that can buy yard signs is coming on strong then I guess. Our little trial attorney has a long way to go to raise money, and gather some qualifications too. I see where he got most of his money. I guess you have to be someone's little puppet. Might as well be Tommy Antoon's I guess.


My hope is to see voters finally use their rights and get behind a solid candidate, one to represent all citzens.......The black citzens
are rallying to get behind their choice. I just hope their choice has the interest of all.

They are very determined....It's their time..

Very Concerned....C.C.

Anonymous said...

The Brewer Financial Report is truly awesome. The burning question is: Why would so many rich people give soooo much money to make sure that things stayed the same? What is it about change and fair play that makes them scared to death? I can understand the Provosty Firm, for instance. How else could they continue to operate as the City lawyer and the Patel lawyer unless all the players remain in place? Mrs. Sadler's husband is quite the whore. Ethics be damned. I think I shall vote for the other little lawyer or the big doc.

Anonymous said...

its not change so much that they fear but the fact that they cant control the change (unless they have their people in place)and hence profit from it.

Anonymous said...

sam's is looking better and better everyday.

Anonymous said...

"Someone ranted numerous times how he had 125,000 already. I just read his scribbled report and he is not even close."

This is because the report's deadline was August 21st. Roy has raised a great deal of money during the past two weeks, and now, he's close to even with Brewer.

Anonymous said...

all they are talking about at lamar's place is trying to cover that little roy is an ambulance chaser with no experience. they deny it, but the latest yellow pages clearly show cute little pictures of car wrecks and asking for the case. if that is not an ambulance chaser, what is?

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to see where roy raised that money. i eagerly await his next filing.

Anonymous said...

Plaintiff lawyers represent poor people in court against huge insurance companies. Those companies hire the real whores like the Provosty and the Gold law firms. Who the hell else is going to represent the little people - housing authority consultants or insurance brokers or physicians. If you have a problem you will be damn glad that there is a lawyer someplace that will keep them off of your ass. People call lawyers like Roy because they need help and have no place else to turn. If Roy had engaged in the kind of dishonesty and double-dealing interest conflicts that Brewer has embraced, he would have had his license jerked years ago. Get informed.

Anonymous said...

oh, i see. little roy advertises for car wrecks because he is doing a public service that noone else will do. thanks. now i understand.

Anonymous said...

Why do even expend the effort to pretend you understand. It is very easy to bash attorneys, but I can tell you from personal experience that if they sneeze sideways, the bar association is all over them and it usually cost a lot of money even if charges are baseless with no way to re-coup. you should do yourself and everyone else a favor and educate yourself before you spew your tripe. In my business, I hire attorneys like you might hire a mechanic and bad ones don't get to keep their license. It is a very heavy penalty when they do lose their license because they cannot file for reinstatement for 10 years and there is no guarantee then that they will get it back then. Take the time to talk to a few because they are people just like you and me except they have to walk a fine line.

Anonymous said...

Haven't looked at the blogs for a few days- you guys have been busy!
Brewer's latest poll (which is NOT a push poll) is showing her at 20+ %, next is Johnson at around 20 %- all other candidates polling below 15% - Roy at around 8%. She has a well respected firm conducting the poll. She is also polling higher among black voters than Roy or Sams.

Anonymous said...

To My Dear Scarlet,
You seem very fond of inviting voters to call Delores and ask her some of the same questions posted here.

Well dear, I have. Oh, don't get me wrong, I didn't call her, I cornered her at the Hotel Bentley "on the street" press conference.

I asked VERY specific questions and got VERY vague answers. Seems to me that without her handlers passing her the answers, Delores hasn't a clue.

Survey says... The longer this race goes on, the more Delores' veneer begins to wear off. She will never sit in the mayor's chair.

The feathers and bones have spoken.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Slatkin's interview on KALB blog is quite good. He speaks much better english that some of the other "native" candidates. And he ain't Myron Lawson.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. She's a "big hat - no cattel" kinda gal!

Anonymous said...

been around the block,
those are old numbers and the problem w/ brewer's numbers are that she is staled - she is where she was 3 months ago after she announced...dead in the water!

Anonymous said...

Wealthy people have done well in the present city government environment. Their main focus is to remain wealthy or to become more wealthy. That is not, in itself, bad. The problem is that they naturally resist any CHANGE that might threaten their status. Many of the donors' self-interests lie in the structure of the decision-making hierarchy in city govenment which, realistically does not, will not, and never has included Brewer (or Randolph, for that matter). My only point, and I continue to try to make it, is that you can't paint lips on a duck and call it a monkey. Delores Brewer does not represent CHANGE and the fact that they try to sell her as "CHANGE" means that (1) they know that what we have now ain't so hot; and (2) they are willing to spend big bucks to see that it continues.

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