Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Blog Upgrade!!

To all the faithful,

Within the next few days I will be "tweaking" the blog. There has been problems with the automatic archiving function. Thank you for your patience.

Cenla Antics


1 – 200 of 563   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Damn, CS, you beat me. I was trying to be comment number one. Always a day late and a dollar short. Wonder which candidates will have this in common with me on September 30?

Anonymous said...

Looks like The Northside Journal has hit another home run with their Blanco Toll Booth editorial.

The Northside Journal will move south of the Red River in time for next year's Police Jury Elections.

The feathers and bones have spoken

Anonymous said...

Thanks mr Kavanaugh. When will we read the expose on dirty political tricks ?

Anonymous said...

To Biff and all that missed me, the lab story was a cover and I was not going to deny it until I saw my work was going to hold in the Mid-east. It was a hectic couple of days, a little arm twisting here, a little payoff there, but I finally got them to quit missiling each other for a little while. I know, I know, they will be back at it in little while. For my friends here, maybe now you sill realize I know Armageddon when I see it and what the city is approaching. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers.

Anonymous said...

Wow...only 1 minute to load...Thank you for thinking of us poor little guys! We luv ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Spanky, a job well done. I told my wife that looked like you getting off the helicopter in beirut with condi rice.

Anonymous said...

Well we were worried you were dashing to and from hollering frantically "where is Iat". The search party was off such a size and pursuing such frenzied activity a buystander wa overheard saying "Lordy look at them Boys - Look over yonder Dardego."

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how the present and high high ranking governmental employees either think the voters are mushrooms or they are ignorant. The Adjutant General passed a ruling. That is funny as hell. The AG renders opinions and enforces laws passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. He doesn't change a dayum thing. Also coming into play is a little known set of rules enforced by the ethics committee called the ethic rules. Everyone took advantage of free trips doesn't make it legal and I think it never was legal.

All you governmental types have been and are allowed is the food, no alcohol, you can consume at a meal. Participating in hunting, fishing, etc junkets are only legal if you pay your way. Room and board and a hunting/fighing camp, fishing/hunting equipment, rental (such as renting a sea going vessel for a fishing charter), and sporting events for free has not been and is not legal for a governmental employee.

Anonymous said...

"Adjutant General"? Don't you mean Attorney General. And don't underestimate the importance of spellcheck. I will go ahead and admit it, I am a smartass.

Anonymous said...

easy about dartigo jokes. i have relatives in that fine bedroom community of colfax.

Anonymous said...

Got to admire a person that admits to being a smartass. I am a perfect asshole not a mere asshole but a perfect asshole. I feel you should strive for perfection in all you do.

Yes I meant Attorney General. Excuse my military background.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the tweaking. It was at the point I was having to refresh my browser 4 or 5 times to get the thread to load fully.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
I offer my apolgies as I used sarcasm on Lamar's site in response to the expansion article and I think I blew it up. I tried to pull up the site and it was chopped off. What did I do? Oh the humanity.

Anonymous said...

spanky. one last time. no posting when you are f*cked up on pcp.

Anonymous said...

Some times superpowers are a good thing, some times not, especially when enhanced with pharmacological agents. Word up.

Anonymous said...

spanky? you still in the roy camp? if so, my mother said i can't play with you anymore.

Anonymous said...

I am to the extent I find what his economic philosophy is. If he is similar to Chris N. John, we got trouble. Dr. Sams would have my vote if he would commit to being mayor only and I may have to relent on this point.

Anonymous said...

Noland "disbarment proceedings" "Jimbo" "blowjob" "criminal charges pending" Hammonds is actively involved in the Joe Fuller campaign. One can assume that the lovely "Red" Hammonds is in there to torment CFS.

Anonymous said...

Online poll!

Answer this one... Just how dirty will the Alex Mayor's race get? Scale of 1 to 10 will do, 10 being downright filthy.

Anonymous said...

To answer online poll:

Primary election 7 publicly, but 10 if you count all of the hush hush comments made by/about any particular candidate.

Runoff election (you know there will be one)depending on who's in it, could reach 10.

Brewer wins hands down in two categories.
1) Best looking Republican
2) Best looking female

If she wins the race, she can be labeled a MILF (Mayor....)

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! A new thread! Only 2,194 posts to go until the next new one.

Hey, Biff, did you hear the one about the doctor and the lawyer who were running for Mayor?

Well, one day they were both peeing off a bridge...

ah, you know the rest.

Anonymous said...

Several others could also fit under MILF if they win (Mayor I'd Like to Forget)

Anonymous said...

KALB questions for "Red" - Will Cornholin' Noland have any role in city government?

Anonymous said...

Answer to poll:

CFS will take a page from the Buddy/Rick/Todd Farrar playbook and play scorched earth politics, rumors and dirty tricks included.

Brewer will try her best to use the whisper campaign to discredit Roy, who she sees as her main competition.

Fuller will continue to be the butt of Sams' "anti eubontics" campaign.

Sams will continue to be the butt of everyone's "Pat" jokes.

"Red" Hammonds isn't important enough for anyone to pay attention.

And Roy will continue to climb in the polls until he gats to the point where he becomes EVERYONE'S favorite target. Then things will REALLY get interesting!

Anonymous said...

Answer to poll:

CFS will take a page from the Buddy/Rick/Todd Farrar playbook and play scorched earth politics, rumors and dirty tricks included.

Brewer will try her best to use the whisper campaign to discredit Roy, who she sees as her main competition.

Fuller will continue to be the butt of Sams' "anti eubontics" campaign.

Sams will continue to be the butt of everyone's "Pat" jokes.

"Red" Hammonds isn't important enough for anyone to pay attention.

And Roy will continue to climb in the polls until he gats to the point where he becomes EVERYONE'S favorite target. Then things will REALLY get interesting!

Anonymous said...

Civil Sentient....tell us of specifics on these trips and gifts. Give us names and places.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chuck Fowler was hospitalized with a heart attack yesterday. Anyone know anything?

Anonymous said...

Civil Sentiment apparently is full of shit. You say it was done all the time. Then someone asks you to give some specifics and you "say find out yourself" and accuse them of speaking for a candiate. Well, Im not that person and I dont even live in Alexandria so i dont have a candidate but I do want to know about specifics. If as it appears you dont have any specifics then quit lying.

Anonymous said...

what's with this "fast track" crap? the projects are good, but why is it so important within 4 months of a new mayor? they have diddled for years, and all of a sudden they "find" 37 million, and it's important? biff the cynic.

Anonymous said...

"This post has been removed by the author.

Wednesday, August 16,"
how in the hell do you remove your own post?

Anonymous said...

and btw, civil sentient has been an informed helpful poster. i haven't seen anything that would rise to the level justifying calling him a liar.

Anonymous said...

To any one disparaging my bud Civil, them's fightin' words.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have connections with the Town Talk? They need to investigate this story and the Truth About Slocum needs to come out now!!!

Tod said...
He tells you what you want to hear.He'll tell three people three
different stories about the same thing.He has told me something and then denied he said it.I know several people to whom he has done the same thing....Anyone pick up on the 10pm news last night that a prisoner walked off from the half way house 11 days ago and they had not announced it to the general public? Only came to light when they discovered a new vehicle missing too.How do you have a vehicle stolen and not know it for 11 days? Why didn't they announce his escape? (bad pr for Solcum maybe!).

Anonymous said...

Again, Slocum is up to hidden antics...where are you Town Talk?

May the North Side Journal will scoop you on the story!!! Good for them if they do....

The Town is buddies with Slocum anyway...the public has a right to know!!!

Tod said...
Now I hear from a source that was there that they had invited (sold tickets?)to appox 1000 people and had enought food on hand for that many,but only 300 or so showed up.Also Solcum was heard to say in the courthouse that he had all the wards sewed up except ward 6 .Someone is leading him by the hand alright. You all need to check out Bill Robinson's web page at www.billrobinsonforsheriff.com. That will enlighten you where he stands on issuews and how to contact him.It is a new site so give him time to exoand on it. In Sept. you should reconize the name more.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with this picture?

Crimes being committed and the Deputies too busy to chase the Criminal because Slocum has them selling Fund Raising Tickets...

North Side Journal...are you listening...Scoop the Town Talk and be the first to alert the public to this information...Be proud to investigate and publish...

Tod said...
Now Solcum has uniform deputies selling tickets for his fundraiser
while in a dept vehicle and in uniform..Tell me if that's legal.He has hired a bunch (16 or so)retired deputies in the last couple months to do nothing but ride around in uniform in marked "neighborhood patrol" cars
selling tickets and they are not to do any law enforcement duties..One was at a convience store in uniform and with a marked vehicle and a gas drive off occured while he was there and he had to call it in because he could not respond to an enforcement call.
What does that sound like to you? Solcum is using those guys to campaign for him is what I think.

Anonymous said...

North Side Journl would be THE paper to go after Slocum since it has become a lacky for Rick Farrar who hates Slocum. Lets wait and see.

Anonymous said...

If Joe Fuller becomes Mayor, Errol Dorsey becomes Chief of Staff. Maybe we can get Nolan Hammond as City Attorney and Osama Bin Laden as Police Chief.

Anonymous said...

I think CFS can be Police Chief due to all his experience in Law Enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Fowler did not have a heart attack, but did have a baloon and a couple of stents inserted and is doing well. Should be back at work tomorrow. Thank goodness.

Anonymous said...

Good news on Chuck. We certainly don't need to lose him. I am sure the council would appoint another abolishinist jew to replace him just like they did with Rick's seat.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Jock Scott is supporting Joe Fuller?..geeez.....what would they talk about?

Anonymous said...

OK people…here is a scary thought:

There are 30,000 people registered to Vote in the City. Lets say the turnout is 40 percent.. That means that 12,000 people will vote. There are six legitimate candidates. Assume that they all get close to the same amount of votes. That means that a mere 2000 voters can put any of these candidates into the runoff to be the Mayor of a city of 50,000 people. SCARY!!!

Anonymous said...

What is scarier is that 40% is almost unheard of lately. It is usually 25% turnout.

Anonymous said...

the deck is being stack to favor the "downtown gang" AKA johnson, smith, fuller and there LAWER4U GROUPIES. THEY FIGURE if THEY GET AT least ONE IN THE RUN OFF THEN INTO THE MAYOR OFFICE. IF THEY WIN JUST CALL Alexandria "The north chocolate city" they will promote only downtown, lower third development.

Anonymous said...

There is no deck and the only "they" is you, me, and the rest of the citizens that care enough to vote. The stacking will be done at the polls when you get enough of your friends, if you have any, to vote accordingly. It may be time to quit thinking in terms of black and white as that is how the division that has enabled our local government to be hijacked has been structured. I don't see many comments from the black community which leads me to conclude several things. One is that remarks in regard to race here are offensive and not welcoming of dialogue. Secondly is that they don't want to deal with a bunch of ignorant crackers that cannnot get past the civil war. Either way, we are going to have to deal with each other for some time to come now and it might be wise to be civil to each other.Who knows, we just might get a great administration out of the deal and pull together as a community.What a novel idea.

Anonymous said...

Amen Spanky!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the council could have appointed the wife beater instead of the Jew.

Anonymous said...

Wonder why it is when someone states the opinion that a certain race shows extreme favoritism to others of the same race, i.e., all the counsultants, lawyers, city new hires, etc, just happen to be black in color, a person is a racist and can't get over the civil war?

That is the dumbest dayum thing I ever heard and all it does is continue to reinforce white guilt. It goes along with racial profiling. We are profiling terrorist so instead of looking for folks of Arab descent we should be closely examining the 70 year old white woman sitting in the front pew of the local Baptist Church.

It is a fact that the majority of the city council is Black. It is a fact that Myron Lawson and Associates seem to be awarded consultant and other positions. It is a fact that the filling of the 5 newly authorized positions for the Police Department is slanted towards Blacks.It is a fact that by and large the Black Mayoral candidates cannot speak comprehensible English. It is a fact that none of the Black Mayoral Candidates have not owned/operated/managed a $165 million dollar business (a charge against Sams.) It is a fact that Black Council members are in business relationships with owners of entities under the control of the city. A person can go on and on and on with it is a fact.

How any of these facts relate to the civil war, bigotry, bias or any other prejudicial attitude is beyond me.

What are facts are that there are numerous decent hard working Black families raising their families, children attending school and achieving. I have Black neighbors on three sides. A simple story will relate my feelings towards my neighbors.

Years ago when the first Black family bought next to me a person I know (notice I didn't say a friend or acquantance) asked what I thought about a "Nigger" buying next to me and being a neighber. I thought it was the greatest thing that ever happend because it eliminated the possibility of the person asking the question from buying the place.

However, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck it is a duck. The White City Councilman engaged in business with a city supplier was penalized. Has CFS been penalized for being in Partnership with the owner of the Hotel? Has Myron Lawson been poenalized for his behind the scene steering of legal business to renters of his? The Black Ducks get away with it and the White Ducks get nailed. How about the White folks Ned fired to placate the Blacks.

Have you watched the City Council meetings on Channel 4. Ned sits there as a zombie and Sanders and the majority of the City Council run the city. Sanders - one of Myron's renters. Ned should have gracefully retired long ago rather than be the embarrassment he is to himself now.

Again you can go on and on as to the desparity of the White/Black situation in Alexsandria. As it is the Blacks are running Alexandria and this is 2006 not 1865 Carpet Baggers. So race does play a part. It just ain't politically correct to state that it does.

Anonymous said...

Jock Scott is NOT supporting Fuller-- he is supporting Brewer. Where to people come up with this stuff?

Anonymous said...

At Bolton High School when Scott was running for Student Office his motto was "Let Jock Support You"

Anonymous said...

Actually, Jock is supporting Mark Lampert. That's the only sign in his yard.

Anonymous said...

Spanky is white and has no guilt although my family settled in Louisiana in 1790, owned slaves and lost 5000 acres land after the Civil war and although there is racism involved in city hall politics, the solution is to recognize that we are all different and we have a common cause to make our community ,our community. Good people of all backgrounds long for a sense of fairness and justice. If you were in constant conversation with the black community, you might realize that many folks are disillusioned with Myron and feel he is all about Myron and will not get their vote again. And that is my point that folks that care see that quality in each other and that quality alone bridges more gaps than any other. Change is going to happen no matter what you or I think or do, so you have a choice. You can be an agent for positive or negative change. Depending on what side of the fence you want to be on will dictate the level of respect and willingness to communicate you display. Pointing fingers and hurling insults is universally thought of as bad manners and barbaric. You choose.

Anonymous said...

"Secondly is that they don't want to deal with a bunch of ignorant crackers that cannnot get past the civil war."

No they cannot comprehend the words those you insult by calling them crackers. I did have some degree of respect for your postings. After your comparison that racist remarks are offensive but it is ok to call folks ignorant crackers your logic escapes me and I have lost my respect for your postings. Racist remarks are offensive but cracker (which apparently in your opinion isn't racist) is not>

Hell of a deal.

Sounds like woman's logic and all this time I thought Spanky was a male. Maybe it is the meth fumes.

Anonymous said...

"No they cannot comprehend the words those you insult by calling them crackers"


No they cannot comprehend the words used by those you insult...

Anonymous said...

Racism is a sensitive subject and everyone gets offended when you sling around labels and preconcieved notions which is precisely my point. Maybe black folks don't like to be constantly identified as black or whatever other label people use. Do people denote your race everytime they describe you? Would you be offended if it was a constant occurrance? If being culturally sensitive is " like a woman" I plead guilty, but I have walked many places in this world and dealt with many people different than myself with no conflict. It is still time to talk since we crackers are outnumbered.

Anonymous said...

i'm with spanky. the majority of all citizens in alexandria want good government. it's not a question of race. and i know for a fact a lot of blacks are not happy with the some of the black leadership in the city. to cast the issues as simply black/white is dishearting. it means there is no common ground, which is simply not true. there is much much more commonality between the aspirations and hopes of blacks and whites, than differences, and to focus on the differences really accomplishes nothing. and like it our not, alexandria is about half black, and they certainly are entitled to representation. (biff holds hands with the channel and sings kumbaya)

Anonymous said...

Your preaching to the choir. It burns my ass up to hear someone say "Ihave this black friend..." or my Black friend..."

I don't say "I have this white friend so why in the hell would I say a Black friend - white guilt. Trying to establish the fact that the white person has Black friends. I have closer friends in the Administration of Grambling State University then anywheres else. One of them is so close either of us would walk through hell for the other.

However you do not hear a caucasian demanding to be called a Whitew, a French Aamerican, a White American. For the most part Blacks themselves want to be identified as different. This helps foster the white guilt and we are owed something. Not my thoughts. The Black Community ostrisized Bill Cosby for saying this.

Anonymous said...

And I might add you might have walk many a mile but being one of the LBJ/Robert McNamara body counters I never cared what color my back was just that he had it covered and could fire for effect. As best as I can tell, at 62 years of age, it never rubbed off, even when sucking from the mouth of the same bottle of spirit or taking a drag on the same cig. Biggest argument we ever had was who stunk more from fear sweat - the whites or the blacks. Conclusion was both assholes pucker just as tight.

Finest Black Man I ever met and loved him like a brother was Myron Lawsons brother Joe. He worked at the VA Hospital. Myron Lawson ain't man enough to have carried Joe Lawson's vodka bottle.

Anonymous said...

I personally feel that racism is the name of the 800 pound gorilla in our midst. All of this time, many on this blog have nibbled around the edges of this issue and we all know it. Maybe it is time to deal with it directly, at least to acknowledge that it is a major impediment to getting good local government for all. Race baiting has been used to great effect in our city politics and we are as guilty for playing into it, in my opinion. Just to share on a personal note, I had some postings about one of my daughters marrying a black guy, which is true. My personal battle is still, do I love my daughter or do I love my bigotry more. The sad truth is I am undecided.

Anonymous said...

You love your daughter. What she does may not meet with your approval 100% of the time but she is your daughter and she is an individual. As an individual she gets to make her own choices. Give him the same speech I gave my white son-in-law when he asked for my daughters hand. Yessir but never ever mis-treat her. You two want each other you have my blessings. You two get to a point where you can't get along part as friends. Never ever mis-treat her or you will never -ever get a chance to mis-treat another person.

When you have children never ever lose sight of the fact there merly your children they are MY GRANDCHILDREN. They are perfect. In fact to this day I cannot figure out how my son and daughter wound up having perfect children.

Anonymous said...

I hear you.

Anonymous said...

Myron's Gang proved that they vote in a block when johnson was elected. The election was between Keith Rabalis a suceesful business man vs a camara man from KALB!! THAT makes no sense IT WAS A BLACK white thing very sad that we are stuck in the past I am not on a black or white issue. Pineville Mayor Fields (can actually speak clearly) seems to be doing a good job in Pineville. He is doing better than Fred KKK Baden now there is your stick in the past civil war redneck.

Anonymous said...

WeSawThat is reporting that the Bentley sold for 6.5 million.

It ain't sold yet, but it is under contract.

Anonymous said...

Spanky-- you rock!

Anonymous said...

New kid on the blog.

Hello to all!

I've enjoyed catching up and look forward to participating here in the run up to election time.

Anonymous said...

Any insight on who the buyer is?

Anonymous said...

We should keep this Bentley news to ourselves, because if Dean catches wind that we've found out, he'll pull the plug and we're back to square one.

Anonymous said...

don't forget kiddies. mayoral forum at 6.00pm live on channel 4.
it's a shame spanky usually passes out drunk by five. somebody record it for him. informative biff.

Anonymous said...

At the Forum this evening, I hope someone asks the candidates how they plan to reign in the Council, particularly in regard to:

1. Council members usurping Mayoral authority by giving directives to department heads.

2. Council members making life difficult for downtown businesses by attempting to shake them down for "a piece of their action."

OFFICIALLY, this sort of thing doesn't happen, but in reality it happens all the time. If the new Mayor has been a part of this system, i.e. one of the former Council Members, will he have the honesty, guts or credibility to put a halt to it?

I'm guessing not.

Let's clean house.

Anonymous said...

not to worry, when sams is elected, he will clean house with the council. it won't be pretty, seeing them forcibly being ripped from the cities teat.

Anonymous said...

Hey biff, I resemble that remark. I have to make a correction though, after the lab explosion and imbedding of those sudafed tabs, I am up to a liter of Taaka before 2:00pm, 45 minute nap, and good to go until 4:00 am and up again @6:00am to do it again. It must be some kind if time release mechanism at work. I'll be watching on the telly as I may have made some folk a bit upset and don't want to give them an opportunity to draw a bead on me.

Anonymous said...

takka huh...hamp smith would be so proud

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Heavy Fuel by Dire Straits is my anthem. How else can you have so much fun on 8 bucks a day although driving is a challenge but, who is looking anyway.

Anonymous said...


I recommend you save your allowance and get some Grey Goose. (Goose is pricey.) Cut it with some K&B Brand, and you'll stretch that 8 bucks pretty far.

Dr. Cherry, OB/GYN

Anonymous said...

Goose is what I have for dinner martinis, extra olive , extra dirty. Taaka is for all day regular fuel.

Anonymous said...

Chopin is for a nightcap.

Anonymous said...

What? All no shows, forum cancelled?

Anonymous said...

i'm not getting anything either. bigawd if sams was mayor, they would have fixed the problem. what a bunch of morons. show's on, no sound.

wst... said...

intermission mayoral candidates in 10 minutes or 7:30 cox channel 4

Anonymous said...

Alright Spanky,
I defer to your obviously superior vodka prowess. Taaka it is.


Anonymous said...

ok, got that behind me. i'm going with lampert and slatkin.

wst... said...

what about hobbs and hickman?

wst... said...

email questions to: cenlabusinessleague@cox.net

Anonymous said...

I don't like him personaly, but Sams is the only one telling it like it is. He doesn't sugarcoat anything!

Anonymous said...

If you don't admit to being polarized, your a politician!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Water slide!

Why didn't I think of that?

Attorneys, what's the liability cost of a water slide?

Anonymous said...

a water slide! that's what city government is all about!

Anonymous said...

sams is da man! he knows what he's talking about, addressed specifics and will be a great mayor.

wst... said...

first give us a report on what you saw downtown. lol.

Anonymous said...

Richard Nunnally?

Anonymous said...

I'll buy that the blacks are not racist when they start publicly denouncing the actions of black politicians. They support O. J. Simpson, Bill Jefferson, and others that are clearly guilty including locals over the last few years. Whites in Pineville voted for a Black mayor so show me some blacks voting for one of the white candidates. Maybe they are just scared to go public, but if you look at the precincts it is apparant that blacks just want vote for whites if a black is in the race in Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

we saw that wanted a report on what civil sentient saw down town, not face down.

Anonymous said...

Are both candidates in District 4 Jewish?

Anonymous said...

Roosevelt chickened out, Roy, Sams, and Fuller look to be the top three horses. Top two that can carry 2500 to 3000 votes to the finish line will be runoff material. 5500 will be first round winner, are there any strong enough to pull off the first round? I say at this point, no.
But what do I know?

Anonymous said...

Now does everyone believe me? Its Fuller v. Roy in November. Fuller is MUCH more articulate and sharp than people give him credit for. Brewer bombed and looked very weak. All of her remaining support will go to Roy. In November, its going to come down to whether the 13,000 white voters turnout heavier than the 14,000 black voters.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is NEPTOTISUM????

Anonymous said...

It's what dyslexics do when they get to close to third cousins.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the anon who says that it will be Fuller v. Roy in the race.

Anonymous said...


There is a reason that no sub base work is being done on the Third Street Enhancement Project. Nobody knows what is under the layers of existing asphalt and no one wants to know. The street portion of the project is a simple overlay. Cold plane and remove 2-4 inches of material and put 2-4 inches of new material back in it's place. I would compare it to painting a house that has severe structural problems and hoping that doesn't fall down during the process.

Anonymous said...

Brewer looked tired,unenthusiastic and had no ideas and no excuses. I say she is done. Fuller did better than I expected. But my expectations were so low that the fact that he dressed up exceeded my anticipated disappointment. Red Hammond actually had nouns, vowels and a couple of adverbs in her sentences and of course she had that whole im a vetern thing, Wonder why she didnt mention that little issue of being arrested for shooting someone. ROY was the man. He gave good answers, seemed to connect with the audience and came across as very sincere. Sams was his usual arrogant self. Several of us watching seemed to reach the same conclusion. Sams doesnt expect to win. He is getting what he wants which is...ATTENTION. All the years of being the fat kid in gym class has left him with a psychological scar that requires him to incite to get noticed. We noticed, move on . Charles Frederic Smith looked like a deer in the headlights. Had no ideas, gave no vision got someone to watch the bar for him while he walked over to City Hall so his night was a success ...Overall, I would say it was the most articulate best performance that "Dumb as a Rock" Roosevelt Johnson has ever or will ever turn in. Clearly, Roy was winner with Fuller in second. This could become a two MAN race very quickly. Thanks to Bidniss league for putting this on.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Delores would be very wise NOT to go to anymore of these public debates . Her apology for not knowing what was going on at City Hall was touching but also a real revelation about the kind of Mayor she might have been. I think we will soon be down one candidate.

Anonymous said...

An open question for the Dr. Sams' camp:

Dr. Sams said "friends and family" should not have a business relationship with the City etc. If I recall, all of Dr. Sams' cronies have risen to greatness at Bolton while the truely efecctive staff has been transferred out or is left hoping for such. One of Dr. Sams' vocal supporters, Charlene Johnson, is a direct beneficiary of his gift. She now has a cush job at Bolton.

Integrtity?? Accountability??

BULL - Sams has shown he is more capable that the current cast of playing favorites and abusing his power for the benefit of his supporters.

Anonymous said...

I think a close look at some of Sams dealings might reveal more of a hypocrit than one might expect to find. Lets hope some of those dealings are revealed soon.

Anonymous said...

I am a Brewer fan, but I have to admit tonight I feel real disappointment.

Anonymous said...


The Best States For Business
#50 Louisiana


BEST Metro Area


127 New Orleans LA
134 Baton Rouge LA
135 Shreveport LA
173 Lafayette LA

Anonymous said...

That's Business League, not Bidniss League.

Anonymous said...

No shit, sugar britches....now go cook my supper!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did anyone watch "Dr." Sams committ political suicide tonight? His first statement: I was prepared for a LYNCHING (b/c of the organizations who planned this event). Then, later on, he said that Alexandria was obviously polarized-- just look at all the organizations who sponsored this event! There aren't any WHITE people in these organizations. Good job, Dr. Sams. Blame the black businesspeople who organized this event for polarization when the ONLY reason they had to form these organizations is b/c they weren't invited to organizations like Rotary. Are you a fucking idiot?

Anonymous said...

So you guys are saying that last night there were no William Jennings Bryan's, Jefferson Davis's, or Thomas Jefferson's. I'm shocked! Roy vs. Fuller huh? That will leave the good ole boys happy as a dead pig lying in the sun. Can't lose situation.

Anonymous said...

As long as there ain't no NEPTOTIZM!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally a real plan;;; A water slide will solve all the problems in Alexandria. If we entertain all the criminals with a water slide they will be unable to shoot, rob and vandilize..

Anonymous said...

The only thing last night's debate was good for is practice for the candidates. It was viewed by a about 200 people at City Hall and the "vast" channel 4 viewing audience. Leggett's TT article was a yawner at best.

The Brewer supporters will say she won, Roy supposrters say he won, Fuller supporters .....etc, etc.

While I enjoy reading the comments on this blog, there really aren't enough of you to make a difference. The race will be won in the media. That is unfortunate, but, it's a fact.

As an aside, I was really disappointed with Roosevelt Johnson's absence last night. I missed hearing the about all the "love" in our community. Roosevelt understands the best way to hide your ignorance is to not open your mouth. Unfortunately, that is a lesson some of the other candidates have not heeded.

Anonymous said...

listen all, i am a sams supporter. everything i saw at the debate was through those glasses. that aside, it sure seemed to me roy talked in pablum and platitudes with absolutely nothing specific. vote for me cuz you can trust me. his comments and lack of any detail in his answers clearly shows a candidate that is 35 and decided he wanted to be mayor two weeks before qualifying. sams on the other hand was very specific with details, actual projects, and facts. he pointed out the 60 million to whites, and 400 thou to blacks before the question was even asked. seriously, where am i wrong here. tell me what roy told you he intends to do other than banal generalities?

Anonymous said...

I only saw the last half of the debate. You're right, it is just a dress rehearsal. I was disappointed in Roy. His lack of experience was showing. Actually- I thought Brewer came off fairly well, as did Joe Fuller. Fuller had some OK ideas- but that does not mean I would trust him as far as I could throw a downtown parking garage with condos on top!

Anonymous said...

Hell, Brewer gave us the very best reason to vote for her. And that reason is ...Pity. She has been married to raghead for 29years.

Anonymous said...

Who is gonna run for Dewitt's spot now that he got another deadhead job for which he is eminently unqualified. Hell he never could hit a duck and that's the only hunting he ever did and that was at some lobbyist million dollar set up. With all the college grads who have been w/dept of wildlife & Fisheries for years ( masters degrees and Phd"s) isn't amazing they can find someone absolutely clueless to run a massive important dep't. Let's don't look for the best most competent in the country, let's pay back the good ole boy. Yeah, Louisiana is Open for Business. Monkey business, dirty business, in house business etc. Well at least we are free of this freeloader.

Anonymous said...

We need to start talking about the Roy vs. Fuller run-off dynamics in November. This is a two horse race. Does LSU have a home game that day? Are there any hunting seasons open that day? These are the questions now being pondered by those who are looking at tracking numbers.

Anonymous said...

hold on clarence. roy won't make the run off. think sams fuller.

Anonymous said...

As active as the Sams blogger is, you'd think his boy was winning the election. Truth be told, the guy is polling around 5%, has a tremendous negative name recognition in town, and lost any potential African-American votes last night when he referred to the event as a possible lynching.

Anonymous said...

do you mind telling us just who has a poll showing sams at 5%? that really is surprising. what do the other candidates poll?

Anonymous said...


If I were you, I'd get as far away from Sams as possible. You align yourself with that guy, and you put your own reputation at stake. His volatile. He's likely to say anything, without even the slightest bit of consideration. Personally, I can't fathom why anyone of sound mind would campaign on his behalf.

wst... said...

political lynching - we interpreted that to mean that when he received a call monday about the debate the first thought that crossed his mind was, was he possibly being set up for a general political lynching and by who?

maybe we missed something but his comments didnt lead us to believe that he even knew who the clbl is much less that its reportedly a black group. probably similar types of thougnts crossed all the candidates minds when they first received their invitations.

furthermore, we havent seen any evidence to suggest that dr sams would think that the black community would target him for a political lynching. why would they?

Anonymous said...

I agree. I find it hard to believe that Sams is polling %5. That's way too high!

Anonymous said...

Watch the Sams supporters say some shit like "Our guy has the balls to anticipate a lynching from ten black organizations, and he'll say it to their faces!"

It's not just about being politically correct; it's about being thoughtful and intelligent. From a man who gloats so much about his own intellect, one would have expected that he'd recognize how stupid it was to accuse the black organizations who held the forum of polarization.

And by the way, I'm sure Sams is WELL below 5%.

Anonymous said...

blog, i asked a simple question. someone said sams is polling at 5%. i asked whose poll and what are the other candidates polling at. i got a lot of we hate sams, but no back up on the 5% statement. i guess the response does answer my question, in a sense.

Anonymous said...

No one has released any poll information, biff. You should know better. At this point, it's just gossip.

Anonymous said...

Reality Check 101:

Thanks for coming:

Sams= dead in the water
Hammond= thanks, try again
Smith= See above

Fuller/Roosevelt= Black votes and runoff

Roy/Brewer= runoff. Most likely Brewer.

Blog 101:
Chapter 1- Insider Baseball
The same people post
Chapter 2- Rumors
Most info is crap

Thanks, see you next year.

wst... said...

the town talk is running a poll click here to view the latest.

right now:

Delores Brewer 33.0%

Joe Fuller 3.8%

Alice "Red" Hammond 3.8%

Roosevelt Johnson 12.3%

Jacques Roy 15.1%

John Sams 10.4%

Charles F. Smith Jr. 21.7%

Total Votes: 106

Anonymous said...

I think a real poll would show Delores still in the lead but more like 25-30%. Roosevelt would be higher in a real poll. He simply is low on this b/c he wasn't at the deal last night. Interesting though.

Anonymous said...

How do you vote in this poll? Only 116 votes. Not too many.

Anonymous said...

What did CFS say about Sanders and Coutee? I missed the forum.

Anonymous said...

He said they were good hires. Qualified. He said I never saw color, I saw qualifications, and degrees and the FBI and Tulane. Sort of like that. Good points, but trouble communicationg. Poor Charles.

Anonymous said...

CFS basically, and with great sincerity pointed out that coutee and sanders were the right choice because of their qualifications and experience, not because they were some "token blacks". my words on token.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. I did not realize his wife deceased. How old is Charles?

Anonymous said...

Brewer and her campaign staff are actively trying to scare the media and other candidates from attending the Crimestoppers debate tomorrow night.

Delores doesn't like the open debate format which allows candidates to question each other, and to prevent herself from being the only candidate to skip out, she's trying to get the others to skip the debate also. She is also contacting the TT, Ch5, Ch31 whining about the format.

So far, Roy, Johnson, Hammonds, Sams, and Fuller have committed to be there.

Survey says.....! The tactic will backfire because the local media will run pictures of the debate panel with an empty chair labeled "Delores Brewer." She will be portrayed as having no courage to stand up for herself.

The feathers and bones have spoken.

Anonymous said...

Not as old as Harry. He's probably in his early to middle 60's.

Anonymous said...

we saw that... said...
the town talk is running a poll here
right now:

Delores Brewer 28.3%

Charles F. Smith Jr. 25.5%

Total Votes: 145

Seriously, Brewer vs. Smith? Who the heck are these poll respondents? Clearly not the same people on this blog!

Anonymous said...

The Brewer part is right, but not the Smith.

Anonymous said...

Yes clearly not.

Anonymous said...

they were good hires just so happens that they are black. CFS cannot be serious when He says that they are doing a good job. I really must be missing something. Please vote for anybody but CFS

Anonymous said...

I don't think that will be a problem.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the Town Talk's online "poll" is experiencing the same problem my poll did: You can vote multiple times for the same candidate. CFS has 30% of the vote right now. Someone's having fun with this.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lamar I think you are right. There is no way he polls that high even on a TT poll. Someone is sitting at the computer all day.

wst... said...

dont look at us we only voted twice.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congatulations Mr. Smith on your Clown Talk Victory. Are you having a party at the Corner Office?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey Lamar,

Your guy going to do the debate tomorrow night?

With the open format, he should have a field day...

Anonymous said...

I bet he doesn't.

Anonymous said...

"Brewer and her campaign staff are actively trying to scare the media and other candidates from attending the Crimestoppers debate tomorrow night."

Could this be why she mentioned that her 40 year wedding anniversary was this weekend?? She now has an excuse to miss. A prior engagement.

Anonymous said...

I would like to address the nuking of city hall. Once it is demolished, the site reverts to the original owners as it was donated as long as the site was used for city hall. Naturally, any replacement will have to be budgeted on the capital outlay side, so does that mean that it would be pushed ahead of the other projects that have been on the books for 15 years or so. The same holds true for any capital purchase such as the Bentley and its renovation. Would either of those things be a high priority ahead of streets, sewer, water, and electrical service that is aging? That is one problem I have had with the Jakes and Regions Bank building aquisitions. Those were purchased ahead of other capital outlay projects. Is it becoming clearer why the next mayor must have extreme discipline and priortize projects? It has been real easy to run ahead of higher priced projects because the money was sitting in the capital fund and it was only a couple of million to purchase each building. Even John Sams is yeilding to the temptation to jump on the real estate development bandwagon. The city is not a real estate development company and I say the projects on the books need to be completed before anything new takes place. If after all this time there are projects in the capital outlay budget that are not worthwhile, then scrub them, otherwise get on with the business of completing them. By the way, that is where about 100 million of the city budget is, so you see a shell game is being played with tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought...

Everyone is in agreement that the Town Talk Mayoral poll is bogus. Someone is repeatedly voting for CFS. No way he gets 32% support in a scientific poll. Let's all cast votes for Red Hammond just to show how screwed the methodology is.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering who would win the mayors race while pile driving a Bolton Ave HO.... I asked her who she thought would win and damn if she didn't roll over and stick her ass up in the air....she snickered and asked...do you see the winner????

Well, the ass and hole has spoken.....ROY!


Anonymous said...

Uh, that was a tad crude. For my taste.

Anonymous said...

There's a more accurate mayoral poll on cenlagopac.org which just started. You can vote only once. It looks like Roosevelt has support in the black & white communities as Sams has support in the white and black community. Sams vs Johnson in the runoff.

Anonymous said...

It is definitely possible to defeat the ballot stuffing protection on the TT poll. Here's how it works (courtesy of http://poll.thetowntalk.com):

"Ballot Stuffing

Efforts have been made to prevent voters from casting multiple votes, thus skewing the results of a poll. Whenever a vote is submitted, PollGadget searches a log file which keeps track of the voter's IP address and a timestamp. If the user's IP address is found, his or her vote is not counted. Otherwise, the results are tabulated with the new vote, and the voter's IP address is added to the list."

What those instructions fail to mention is that there's a time limit, somewhere around 5-10 minutes. After that time has passed, you can vote again from the same IP address. Give 10 people 10 hours, and Alice Hammond could have a simple majority.

Anonymous said...

Imagine! Sams is doing well in the Republican PAC's poll, and Roosevelt has only one vote. What a fucking joke.

Anonymous said...

Ah, time to relax and share my vast knowledge unlike some who just revel in its posession. If I may share a treatise on the history, construction, and maintenance of our brick streets. Around the time of WWII, Alexandria hosted many German POW's in the surrounding area. It came to the attention of one engineer that there was particular trouble in maintaining the streets in Alexandria as they would develop pot holes rather quickly. It was noted that the soil type was generally red clay which is a colloidial soil and has the property of absorbing large amounts of moisture and expanding as it does. Conversely, as it dries, it readily shrinks. The pumping action of expanding and contracting soil was the cause of the early failure of the street surfaces at the time. Therefore, it was thought the solution was to use bricks as an overlay material as water could readily pass through the cracks, keeping the underlying soil hydrated, thereby reducing the pumping action and providing a flexible surface. Since the pumping action, (which extends as far as there is drying and wetting of the substrate soil) is reduced, the mechanical action on drainage pipes that tend to separate the joints and subsequently evacuate the adjacent soil causing a subterranean void and subsequent settling of the substrate and road surface were reduced. The evacuation process is exacerbated as heavy rains fill the drainage pipes to capacity causing water to be forced through the joints and as it subsides, carries soil back into the drainage pipe. The use of brick has a secondary advantage as there is always further settling of the substrate soil as time and moisture takes its toll. That advantage is that when a dip or potential pothole develops, it is relatively easy to remove by hand without the aid of heavy equipment, enough bricks to expose the sunken area and fill it with sand. The bricks are the put back where they came from and traffic action compacts the sand and settles the brick negating the need to disturb large areas with the use of heavy equipment. Since the 1970's , our brick streets have been overlayed with asphalt which has disrupted the mechanical action of keeping the soil hydrated. In some areas, sink holes develop from the failure of the drainage pipe joints and due to the bridging of the soil, it goes unnoticed until it falls in. Also the use of various materials has created an unsightly patchwork of repairs that result in failure of the road surface at an even faster rate. While moving into the future, it is most peoples desire to change to keep up with the times. In the case of brick streets, it is time to harken to the past to properly maintain them. When you stop to think a moment, the brick surfaces are at least 60 years old while the asphalt overlays are 15 to 20 years old and deteriorating to the point of replacement. With proper maintenance, it appears that the brick will last for quite some time as most do not appear to be crumbling, proving to be a superior surface product. It may also be observed that in areas, there are bumps where the soil has heaved. In these areas, it is relatively easy to remove the brick by hand, cut the heave with a flat shovel, level with sand, and replace the brick. In closing, the seemingly rough surface of the brick street is not due so much to the nature of a brick street but the poor execution of proper maintenance. So now what I want to know is, armed with this information, which candidates are going to verify what I have stated and use the knowledge to save both money and the historic integrity of our brick streets?

Anonymous said...

Well, I am off to the Alabama gulf coast for a week. Try to keep things between the ditches and civilized until I return.

Anonymous said...

so will the forum at Bolton HS tonight be aired on Comedy Central Channel 4???????

Anonymous said...

Mark Lampert has said that he is very committed to maintaining the brick streets throughout the city. I doubt that he knows all that Spanky declares and I think he will preserve the bricks because they are pretty.

Anonymous said...

holly shit....is spanky harold chambers???????

Anonymous said...

Marc Lampert will help perserved the brick streets because he graduated Bolton in 1962 and knows first hand the historical value of the streets. He's even mentioned getting a few buses which are made to look like "street cars" to remind us of the WWII era and the 50's when we had street cars. Some of Marc's assets as a councilman will be his youthfulness compared to the anique, his education/mental ability, creative/historical context of what's going on and he doesn't have property to sell the city. Since Bridgett has already stolen as much as possible along with other attorneys, he want be able to pursue these gold mines since they have be exhausted. (Oh, it just hit me. With a BLACK mayor, we'll have to have a WHITE city attorney)

Anonymous said...

Man, you people are a bunch of political neophytes. Fuller will emerge with over 50% of the black vote. Roy and Delores are battling for the white spot. Fuller would crush Brewer is a run-off with the black vote and 1/2 of the democratic white vote. A republican cannot win in a black city. Roy v. Fuller would be close, but you should examine the Landreau v. Nagin race to see just how tough it is for a white candidate, even one like Mitch, to win in a black city. The well financed campaigns have tracking polls. If you are privy to one, take a look and you will see that this is a three person race.

Anonymous said...

Sams does have black votes. I think Lou is going to vote for him, and I bet Ferdell does also. That's two black votes for the big guy.

Anonymous said...

to the cretin who is extemporaneously using my nom de plume...

I had no idea that afflicted residents of local "special" institutions had internet access, much less the capacity to use a keyboard.

What staff member did you con into assisting you with your composition? Surely you don't expect us to believe your arid little mind came up with that all on it's own?

Survey says....You're un-important.

The feathers and bones have spoken.

Anonymous said...

soothsayer. all taken care of. i called a friend of mine at central's criminally insane unit, and they took away his computer. not to worry

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh Biff! Although I know that dealing with such trivialities are beneath someone of your stature, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Should be coming out on Sunday or Monday if TT releases:

(finding heavy undecided/conducted Mon/Tues/Wed--Roy entrance cut into Brewer base most-Johnson and Sams show growth)

Johnson 21
Sams 19
Brewer 12
Roy 10
Smith 8
Hammond 3

undecided 27

3.5% margin of error/MRI

Anonymous said...

The poll was given among to Dr. Sams' family and friends, and even then, he still only received one out of five nods.

Anonymous said...

What about Joe Fuller? This poll is obviously incorrect, and I doubt the TT will publish it. Nice try, though.

wst... said...

ha ha nice save lamar, we missed the fuller omission ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Which candidates are wandering into Sam's trap tonight?

Anonymous said...

right, almighty sams arranged the deal, and everyone ran for cover. after the last debate, i certainly understand why the other candidates had *cough cough* other things to do.

Anonymous said...


Give it up. You may support Sams but the rest of us dumb, illiterate smucks are samrt enough to see through him; Lord know you can see around him.

Thanks for bring me to th lynching. Let's nuke City Hall. Are these the statements you would expect from a mentally balanced coherent adult?

take the glasses off, throw some ice water on your face, and help move this City forward. If not Alexandria will be the firts US city to descend in anarchy at the hands of Jaba the Hutt.

Anonymous said...

don't you just know that sams is going bonkers because he doesn't know who is saying all of the true, but shocking things about him on these blogs? who will he bring the hammer down on? anonymous???? i find that very amusing!

Anonymous said...

fellas, i am sorry you are about to be taken off the public teat. times change. tell me again what "shocking" things about him have been said on this blog. you know, as well as i know, sams will be in the run-off. let me repeat, 70 million spent by the city on white vendors, 400 thousand on black vendors. face it, some of you are going to have to get real jobs instead of sucking off the city teat. i fully understand your fear of sams. you may want to consider cancelling your order for a new mercedes.

wst... said...

tick tock tick tock...
From and including: Saturday, August 19, 2006
To, but not including : Saturday, September 30, 2006

It is 42 days or 6 weeks from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date

Or 1 month, 11 days excluding the end date

Anonymous said...

Biff, you sound like a fairly intelligent person. It's just a shame that you know NOT of what you speak. Not one bit.

I could see how those who don't know the facts would think that Sams is the savior and he is simply trimming the dead weight. However, that couldn't be further from the truth.

You really shouldn't speculate about decent, hard working people. The people I know that support Penny Toney do so because they respect her intelligence and innovative ideas.

People who rule by intimidation are the worst kinds of leaders. And that's what Dr. Sams does.

Anonymous said...

Biff, are you Lou? For those of you who don't know, Lou is Sams' "black leader". Ferdell is busy.

Anonymous said...

anonymous, i will leave it alone. i don't really know that much about penny toney and the circumstances at bolton. i admire teachers, the vast majority of which are dedicated, hard working and underpaid.

Anonymous said...

anon, who is "LOU"

Anonymous said...

the SAMS SLAM JAM wuz a dud - Red should get her qualifying fee back - Fuller was low-key

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Biff.

All teachers aren't wonderful and dedicated, as much as we'd like to think so. That's the same with any profession. But, when people with spotless records get destroyed in the name of politics, it breaks the spirit of other good, hard working educators. No wonder there's a teacher shortage.

Anonymous said...

Biff, me thinks you is Lou!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how all but three candidates had other committments when the subject of CRIME came up to be discussed. I personally thing it is the most important issue for the City of Alexandria If you can't walk down the street without being victimized how can you move forward...Sams was the only person addressing this important matter....

Anonymous said...

anon. i KNOW you think i am lou. my question was who is lou. seriously.

Anonymous said...

Anon said..."Sams was the only person addressing this important matter."

It really doesn't matter what he addresses. It doesn't matter what he says about the issues either. No matter how many good ideas this man has, it is a far cry from how he actually operates. And that's why I would never vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Late breaking news:

The Johns Sams era began its final chapter with the close of qualifying on August 11, 2006. Because he cannot run for two offices at once he is not a candidate for re-election to the RPSB. His mayoral candidacy which started with much fanfare has now begun to fizzle. His true colors are beginning to show. Mayor he won't be!

Beware ye who have followed his siren song, the Sams power base is withering. With his power an influence goes yours too.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think that was what was intended? Sams' supporters appealed to his massive ego and convinced him to run, thereby insuring that his RPSB seat would be vacated. Brilliant strategy!

Anonymous said...

Sams is the man!!!...ref to crime in alexandria..down 17%...think again...more like up 50%...

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear all the excuses for the candidates not showing up to a forum from the Crime victims group and the first chance they had to question each other and actually face the music. If those no show bozos are elected the city will get what it deserves....

Anonymous said...

Forums and debates in any election should be open, honest, and fair. Considering that some close Sams' supporters where intimately involved in organizing and planning the event, I think the candidates who avoided this ambush were wise. Look at the turn out; even the public smelled a rat.

Sams must learn that he is not a deity and cannot continue to manipulate and control everyone around him.

Anonymous said...

What kind of set up could it have been, all the candidates had to do was show up with thier wits about them. If they can't face each other how are they going to lead the City. I don't understand why you guys think Dr. Sams set this up. The public didn't get to compare the Candidates.

Anonymous said...

Even Alice Hammonds had to guts to show up. Where were the other folks running for the CEO of Alexandria. I guess thier Saturday night was too important.

Anonymous said...

the debate was set up by Crime Stoppers, a state wide organization. Roy said he was going to attend, Lamar himself touted the event on his blog, and then Roy decided he wanted it re-scheduled. and you rant about sams arrogance.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that the 60 million spent on "white vendors" is money that would have been spent is this area?? Do any black vendors sell the things the city is buying? or should they allow some black vendors to set up some businesses where the city orders from them, and then they order directly from the manufacturers. Instead of the city ordering directy and skipping the middle man that makes a profit by being black.

How in the hell would that be better for the city?? Because the city would be helping the black man?? I would rather hear that they are ordering street lights from vendors, or poles or water meters, or anything that is going to save me on my utility bill.

I would guess that most of the money the city spends is not spent here, but is used to order things that re NOT made here or avaliable here.

And who cares if the toliet paper maker in Nebraska is a black owned company, or a white owned company.

Maybe we need more information before we all pass judgement.

But, I am sure that "transparent" Sams will not tell us the truth, even if he finds out, unless it benefits his campaign.

And Delores said Wednesday night that she was surprised?? Didn't she work for the city for years. She is either an idiot or a liar. You go girl!!

Anonymous said...

"Forums and debates in any election should be open, honest, and fair. Considering that some close Sams' supporters where intimately involved in organizing and planning the event, I think the candidates who avoided this ambush were wise. Look at the turn out; even the public smelled a rat."

OK anon, we have all read your post. But you, like the politicians in this race, have thrown a hand grenade and refused to back it up. What Sams supporters were "intimately involved" in setting up this debate? An overwhelming number of Exec. Board Members of Crimestoppers reside OUTSIDE of Rapides Parish.

Also, how can you rig an open debate where the questions are asked by the candidates themselves? It's apparent that you are working for one of the cowardly four who didn't have the guts to face the public.

Just who are you working for? The Liar Johnson, who said he would show and didn't. Maybe you like Brewer, "The Empty Suit." Perhaps you're an "eubonics" fan and can actually understand Smith when he speaks. No...wait, don't tell me, you're part of the Roy campaign. They think a pretty face and fancy talk will carry this election. Wrong! If Roy doesn't address the concerns of the public, and give the voters some real choice, he won't make the run-off.

In that case, say hello to your new mayor, Joe Fuller!

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