Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Alexandria, 1864 Revisited

With another round of elections racing towards us, does the present mayorial election coming at the end of September, stand to correct the so deemed "on-going" issues of city hall? Who will you vote for to set things on the right course?


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Jacques Roy. Let me explain why.

I was a Brewer supporter. I even gave her a little bit of money in the beginning. I thought she was the right choice, because I believed at the time that Delores was honest and capable. Then, I heard questions about ethics violations regarding her role in the Alexandria Housing Authority, and I realized that if Mrs. Brewer truly had the best interests of our city in mind, she would have understood that any deal between a Brewer-owned private company and the Alexandria Housing Authority would smell bad to the rest of us. We don't deserve a public servant who, at one point in her career, was willing to use her connections in government to land a lucrative housing relocation contract.

Then I decided that I needed to vote for John Sams. He seemed to be running on a platform of change, and I admired that. However, the more I began to learn about his platform, the more I understood that Dr. Sams never really had a coherent vision for the City of Alexandria. Moreover, it became clear to me, after listening to Dr. Sams in both the forum and the Crimefighters debate, that he doesn't understand the need to rule by consensus; he seems to believe that the City is messed up beyond repair and that the only way to affect change is by bullying. I do not believe this to be an effective means of governance, particularly in a growing city like Alexandria. While it is critical that our next mayor put an end to the backroom deals and the consulting contracts, I believe that Sams' demeanor throughout his career demonstrates his willingness to speak without thinking-- and this could put the entire community in a bad position.

I also considered voting for Roosevelt Johnson. He knocked on my door, and we spoke briefly about his position. If first impressions mean anything, I thought Roosevelt was very friendly and open to my suggestions, but I didn't get the impression that he understands the full range of duties that a mayor must undertake.

Then, Jacques entered the race. I was a little skeptical of him at first, because he is only 35 years old and he seemed to be somewhat of a star-gazer.

The more I learned about him, though, the more I realized that he's not only the best choice, he's EXACTLY the type of leader we need. His work on the Cleco case has brought to light many of the most egregious mistakes brought upon by government ineptitude. Just read the news archives.

I attended the Jacques event at Spirits a couple of days ago. It was my first time to hear him speak, and he spoke openly and honestly for an entire hour. He spoke about condensing our city. Alexandria has the same population it did twenty years ago, he said, but its geographical size has more than doubled. He spoke about the need for focusing on population condension, why we must partner with Pineville on riverfront development, and why complete government transparency is imperative. Two nights ago, he convinced me to give him his vote and to spread his message.

I've been blogging on here since February, so I won't use my screen name. Anyone wanna guess who?

All of my love.

Anonymous said...

Go Sams!!

Anonymous said...

Yes. Go Sams. Go to Pineville. Go to Alaska. Go to Beirut. Go anywhere but Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

I believe in Delores. I believe that she is an extremely articulate, knowledgeable person who is capable of leading Alexandria for the next four years. I have recently had the opportunity to speak with her one on one, and I know that she is the best candidate for the mayor's office. She will hit the ground running, and she will refamiliarize the city council with the charter.

Anonymous said...

You have several ways to look at furnishing your own supplies. If your a contractor - you signed a contract - you furnish the tools and material necessary to complete the job. If your not a contractor but a salaried employee and furnishing material was part of your signed contract you furnish the material necessary to do your job. If your an hourly employee the employer furnishes the material. I think (notice I used the word think) the School Board is responsible for furnishing all necessary supplies. Teachers do not hold the School Boards feet to the fire (the School Board has many more important things to worry about such as white men wearing braids rather than worry about supplies.)

A working person normally is required to furnish personal hand tools not the material nor the "large tools" necessary for project completion.

One possibility is that the School Board has determined that level they provide is what is necessary for mission accomplishment. Anything above that (that you desire) is on you. I for one would furnish what I am requiired to furnish and would expect the school board to furnish the rest.

With reference to the posteds comment concerning compensation for hours worked if a teacher is not an hourly employee YOUR RIGHT. But if the teachers accept they are salaried they lose one of their bitching points. A salaried person agrees to do what needs to be done in the time required to get it done (even if overtime hours are involved) for a set salary. Admission of being a salaried employee works drastically against the teachers. They lose their ability to bitch about extra-curricular activity, etc.

Secondly, by and large there are very few teachers in the public school system these days. If vouchers ever come to pass the Public School system will collapse. The abilities, knowledge of subject and intillegence level of todays teachers are pathetic. Fortunately I have no children left in public school, received my public education (even got a college degree) when teachers were teachers. Scary part is I have grandchildren in the system.

In closing this long diatribe I post two comments (in phonetics/ebonics) that a teacher stood in front of the class and said: Case 1 "Today we are studying so crates." Case 2 "Today we are studying the tear in tula."

You go girls.

Anonymous said...

Lamar that was a great comment concerning Roy.

Anonymous said...

Forgot I was dealing with teachers - Tear a verb not water from the eye.

Main Entry: 3tear
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'tar, 'ter
Inflected Form(s): tore/'tOr, 'to r/ ; torn/'tOrn, 'to rn/ ; tear·ing
Etymology: Middle English teren, from Old English teran; akin to Old High German zeran to destroy, Greek derein to skin, Sanskrit drnAti he bursts, tears
transitive senses
1 a : to separate parts of or pull apart by force : REND b : to wound by or as if by tearing : LACERATE

This is the phonetic/ebonics pronounciation to use for the word tear.

Anonymous said...

"Two nights ago, he convinced me to give him his vote and to spread his message.

I've been blogging on here since February, so I won't use my screen name. Anyone wanna guess who?....."

jacques roy?

Anonymous said...

Just to comment on Anonymous' statement regarding Mrs. Brewer. There was NO ethics violation in her bid with the Alexandria Housing Authority. The AHA is NOT run by the city of Alexandria- and Delores was NOT an elected official with power to nominate board members. She was considering a career change. She did NOT get the bid, so apparently she made the bid fairly.
She has publicly stated as an elected official no one in her family will do business with the city.

Anonymous said...

been around the block. with all due respect, bullsh*t. "She has publicly stated as an elected official no one in her family will do business with the city." your very statements says "The AHA is NOT run by the city of Alexandria-"
under that scenario, and your flawed logic, it will be just fine for her husband to sell insurance to the authority. why don't you step back and try that post again.

Anonymous said...

A governmental employye must avoid the appearance of impropriaty
(sic?) Doesn't the Mayor appoint members to the Board of the housing authority? Wasn't she the Mayor's Cheif of Staff?

If you gonna run Bull Shit make it believable. She and her husband were trying to dine at the trough

Anonymous said...

At the time Delores made the bid with AHA she was not Chief of Staff, she was doing Capitol Projects. You are correct Biff, as Mayor, she will have authority to appoint to AHA. And as Mayor, not as a city employee, she would have an ethics violation if her family did business with AHA. She has already made it clear that will not happen.

Anonymous said...

I saw Brewer lurking around that scam media fracas yesterday at the Bentley. Don't you all think she will be bulldozed by Bridget and company? Roy is looking like the only one calling foul on all this scamming.

Anonymous said...

Why would Brewer's bid being accepted by the AHA have turned into the Vernon Parish employee situation. You Brewer supports can try all you want to but you will not make her the Virgin Mary. Her and her husband saw an opportunity to dine further at the public trough and did not only because it is "Our Time Now." Once again if you gonna spread bullshit make it believable. Brewer is just as dirty as the present bunch - lying about the lawyer meeting, a city fulltime employee bidding on a contract with a quasia City agency.

You Brewer supporters must think spinning bullshit is gonna get her elected.

A question comes tio mind - how does the blogger know she has an uterus?

Anonymous said...

all the regular city hall clowns were on the steps of the Bentley, We will know soon enough how much this is going to cost the city and taxpayers. O by the way some of the state level clowns were there as well-Israel (Bo) Curtis was looking over a shoulder so his picture would be on tv. the rent on the hotel will not pay the city utility bill.

Anonymous said...

No, being the ONLY qualified candidate, leading in the polls, and every other candidate not living in reality will get her elected.

Been Around is completely correct. You idiots only believe what you want to believe and you are for another candidate anyway. Mrs. Brewer could cure cancer tomorrow and you would still bash her. Election day is coming fast people. Get ready for the first woman Mayor.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me. I started blogging in mid-March.

And I haven't given anyone money.

But that was a really good endorsement.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, Brewer's stab at helping the evacuees was to bid $300,000 on a relocation contract. Charity work at its finest.

Anonymous said...

holy cow, Civil Sentient! You went to Ms. Leatherman's Tiny Tot College? Damn, you're old!

I haven't heard that name in many years.

TTC, '69-'70

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, please explains something to me. My first impression is that Delores was either guilty, stupid, confused or all of the above. IF there was no ETHICAL violation with her seeking work from AHA, then WHY pray tell did she turn in the City Atty and wife under the belief that his wife getting the work was a violation? Seems like she wants to have it both ways. Its ok for me but not for you and if I get caught then lets just say there is nothing wrong...is that it? Please tell me the thought process Scarlett.

Anonymous said...

What the Brewer supporters do not understand is that, even if she gets into the runoff, she will not garner black support. Not because she is white or woman, but because she is a Republican. And that's the truth!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter. She gets in that runoff its over. There will not be a higher black turnout, and not enough whites will crossover to the black candidate.

White in the runoff= victory.

Anonymous said...

holy moley! in an unprecedented move, one of the biggest ambulance chasing firms in the state, trial lawyers deluxe, neblett, beard and arcenault have dedicated their firm sign on the lake charles highway to their fellow trial lawyer, jacques roy. i'm stoopid. can someone tell me why a bunch of ambulance chasers would want a felow trial lawyer mayor in their pocket? i smell dead fish.

Anonymous said...

Why anyone would want a damn trial lawyer in office makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! wife beater lawyer good! Overpriced socks bad!

Anonymous said...

Which Holy Bookencourages husbands to beat their wives on a regular basis?

Might be a cultural thing.

Anonymous said...

Where they beatings or spankings. Might as well continue to foster the male chauvenist atmosphere.

I'll bet Marc has repented, accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and been cleansed of his sins. He is going forth and has sinned no more - except for maybe a little bedroom spanking. Can't a guy ever live down the seeds he spread in his youth. Geeze not every one can be perfect like the sock salesman's backers.

Anonymous said...

Dr. John Sams will be removed from office if elected!! The city charter is clear about a full time mayor with no other full time income. His holiness put his foot in his mouth when he mentioned Dr. Michel from Marksville. Dr. Michel quickly pointed out that Marksville calls for a part-time mayor unlike Alexandria which has a FULL TIME MAYOR. Why put the tax payers through a lawsuit to remove the fool? Sams needs to withdraw from the race period!!

Anonymous said...

What is Charlie DeWitt going to do about Governor Blanco's offer to appoint him to head the Wildlife & Fisheries in exchange for his support in the Governor's race next year? The sooner he resigns the sooner we can get Glen Beard elected!! BEARD 2007.

Anonymous said...

i'll bet you wish sams would withdraw. at least you are coming to the realization he will be your next mayor. don't forget ned continued to practice law while he was mayor. in short, that dog won't hunt.

Anonymous said...

I'm the person who posted the first anonymous comment about Jacques Roy, and no, I am not Lamar or Jacques. Like I said, I've only spoken with Jacques briefly. (They must think Lamar's the only Jacques supporter who knows how to write. Keep underestimating Jacques. Smart move).

I want to follow up to what I wrote earlier. I've attended events with both Brewer and Roy, and the difference is night and day. Brewer's events are like wine-tasting soirees. She makes sure to steer clear of the hard-hitting questions, and she speaks mainly in generalities and platitudes.

The other night at Spirits, Jacques demonstrated that he knew what the issues were and that he was unafraid to directly answer questions. In all of my time living in Alexandria (all 47 years), I have never seen a "politician" speak candidly and publicly about the issues for an entire hour until the Jacques' event at Spirits. It was like a breath of fresh air. Yes, we actually have someone who cares and whose not getting into this for the wrong reasons.

Anonymous said...

Sams for mayor, It will be a breath of fresh air that will blow some of those deadheads on the council off thier butts.

Anonymous said...

Sams for mayor, It will be a breath of fresh air that will blow some of those deadheads on the council off thier butts.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Sams, MD,

You really need to get your bloggers into shape. They're running out of ammunition and seem reduced to simply repeating a blind mantra of allegiance. They're not even trying anymore.

Anonymous said...

is that previous post about neblett, beard giving up their office sign to jacques roy true?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous I'm not Lamar or Jacques: Please list just 3 or 4 things covered by the boy in wonderland which was explained in detail at the Spirits event. A trial lawyer for mayor is about as bad as an ACLU Dr. Sams for mayor. Let's see how long it takes for you to come up with 3 or 4 hot issues Roy covered.

Anonymous said...

What are you going to do about it if it is true Biffy? Neblett, Beard and Arsenault stomped your silk stocking judicial candidate last year by crushing him and three other republican candidates with one of their partners wives without even having a run-off. Don't get in the way of NB and A!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous I'm not Lamar or Jacques: Please list just 3 or 4 things covered by the boy in wonderland which was explained in detail at the Spirits event. A trial lawyer for mayor is about as bad as an ACLU Dr. Sams for mayor. Let's see how long it takes for you to come up with 3 or 4 hot issues Roy covered.

Anonymous said...

OK folks, time to tabulate the price tag for projects that our illustrious leaders are going to grace us with. I will let you people use your own numbers so we can get to a ball park figure that will be satisfactory to yourself.

1. Marina /Condominium Complex
2. Sport Complex
3. Bentley Purchase Participation
4. Fast Track Projects
5. New City Hall
6. 1996 Capital Outlay Budget (100M)

All on ten years of tax collection that totals 37 million to date. I tip my hat to the financial geniuses that we have been so fortunate to elect as they have taken the loaves and fishes and delivered a miracle. Furthermore, I hereby renounce my opposition to the status quo as I have seen the light and shall remain prostrate for the next seven days in penance and thanksgiving for the leadership we have been blessed with.

Anonymous said...

anonymouse: 1.i actively campaigned for patricia.2.she was not elected by NB&A. she was elected on the basis of her experience, demeanor, and ability. 3. i buy my dress socks in bulk at sam's.

Anonymous said...

"Dear Anonymous I'm not Lamar or Jacques: Please list just 3 or 4 things covered by the boy in wonderland which was explained in detail at the Spirits event. A trial lawyer for mayor is about as bad as an ACLU Dr. Sams for mayor. Let's see how long it takes for you to come up with 3 or 4 hot issues Roy covered."

1. Condensing our population.
2. Term limits.
3. Government transparency/ethics
4. Downtown revitalization
5. Working with Pineville

Anonymous said...

"1. Condensing our population.
2. Term limits.
3. Government transparency/ethics
4. Downtown revitalization
5. Working with Pineville" ahahahahahah. now there are some REAL SPECIFICS! five bucks says you are in the lotus position, looking at your belly button in a mirror and hummming "aaaaaammmmmm aaaaaammmmmm aaaammmmmmmm".

Anonymous said...

Uh..wasn't NED a trial lawyer?

Anonymous said...

no. ned would be lost in a courtroom.

Anonymous said...

Hell, Ned would be lost in his own back yard........but I meant when he was first elected..HE too was a trial atty. I dont see anything wrong with that...It means he represents People...Thats what we want him to do for us isnt it?

Anonymous said...

spanky! stop it! you keep depressing me. this election is so important. with the wrong leadership, taxes will increase, white flight will lower the tax base, more taxes will be needed, white flight will increase at a faster rate, and voila, we will have a mini-new orleans. anyone thinking about purchasing a home in alexandria might want to wait a bit and see what happens in the election. i hate to put anything on a racial basis, but sometimes, facts are facts. i seriously pray that the blacks in alexandria carefully consider their vote in the next election. there is no room for an increase in sales taxes. those taxes are regressive and hurt lower income families. people will start shopping outside of alexandria just making it worse. the first increase will be property taxes. it's easy to think you are foisting the cost off on the wealthy. that's not true. with a homestead exemption of only 75 grand, it will impact what little black middle class we have as well. unfortunately, it's already started. sometimes back, rod noles, in his radio show pointed out MORE new houses were built in pineville last year than alexandria. add to that, higher utility costs and the picture is very very bleak. so spanky, give me a fairy tale for your next post with a great ending with the blacks and whites of alexandria, holding hands for a better alexandria.

Anonymous said...

ned never really made a living practicing law. he piddled at his dad's firm until he was elected state representative at around 30 years old and never looked back.

Anonymous said...

I had to vent somewhere-- thought this might be a good place. I just received a call, for a political survey/ poll. It was the first time in my life (and I am over 50!) that I got such a call (and I’ve had many) that was mudslinging!!! I was horrified. And I am so sad to say it was sponsored by Jacques Roy. I have NEVER been so disappointed in someone in my entire life.

Anonymous said...

Nicole Brown Simpson probably deserved it too. O.J. just taught her a lesson the first few times and then she just lost her head. But I forgot, he was innocent too. I guess silly little wifebeating incidents sometimes can lead to something more ominous. Oh well, it's just a chuckle here in District 4.

Anonymous said...

humor. give it up. your only consolation in supporting senile silvers, who has the endorsement of the entire city council, is that he won't remember he was running and won't remember he lost.

Anonymous said...

anon. can you tell us more specifics about the phone call poll?

Anonymous said...

Biff, Did Chuck Fowler endorse Silver? I know he went to school at Bolton with Marc. And one doesn't have to like or hate senile Silver to know what Lampert is.

Anonymous said...

Is Biff opposed to Silver because he is old. Good thing Biff wasn't around with old Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan.

Anonymous said...

Are Lampert and Silver both Jewish?

Anonymous said...

Biff was around w/ Franklin, Reagan and Jefferson.

Anonymous said...

Hey Biff ole boy' How come the hatred for the ole fart clothier. Whadde do to you? He doesn't seem to have accumulated near the baggage in his 84 years that Lampert has in his 61. And what exactly has Lampert ever accommplished. Incompetent failure at everything he ever did but you seem to love him. Explain please to us simple folk.

Anonymous said...

biff voted for nixon against kennedy. to be fair, i can't answer if fowler endorsed silvers. silvers in his kalb blog said he "polled the council, and they wanted him to run" my words, a synopsis. frankly, silvers not realizing that council approval was the kiss of death is enough. harry is not a bad guy. he wants to sell his building and wants to sell you 30 dollar silk stockings. but he definately is not the guy to stand up to the present (and future council). i haven't seen any facts about lampert's propensity to pound wives. nor have i seen a contextual time frame for it. i am old enough to seriously regret actions i took in the past. that aside, if lampert had polled the city council for his vote, i suspect he would have received a lukewarm reception. that is enough for me.

Anonymous said...

The council race is simple, if you want Lawson to continue to have two votes instead of his one, vote for Silver, if not, vote for Lampert. That's a no brainer.

Anonymous said...

Look for Sams to get nasty soon. He's stuck around 4% in both polls I've been told about. He's in a box, and he's a bad person to have in a box.

Anonymous said...

Where do you get these poll numbers?

Anonymous said...

I have been reading these posts for awhile now but have just now decided to join. I simply have to say a few things.

I will not be voting for John Sams. And here's why:

Many people have said on this blog that he has been the sole destroyer of Bolton High School. This statement is true. All you have to do is look at his record as a board member. For years he has claimed Bolton as "his school," yet he has voted more often than not against it. Think back to the beginning of his reign and the beginning of the deseg order. He did not fight this order or the ramifications that would come from it as a result of his allowing Bolton's home zone to be cut on three sides, by 400 students. As a board member, his first goal was to destroy Patsy Jenkins and to get Lyle Hutchinson and change the busing system. You only have to look at the past minutes, which are public record, to see proof of his grand standing and his egotistical nonsense. I don't remember a single thing that he was "pro," only those for which he was "con."

Many of you have mentioned Penny Toney. I say that she is not running for mayor, but I will also say that she has suffered at the hands of this man, and wrongly so. Someone, I believe it was Charlene, said earlier that many quality educators left under Penny's principalship. In anyone's principalship, there are the usual transfers and retirees. Yes, there were a couple of people that left Bolton, who were quality folk, but not because of Penny. Marilyn Rieger wanted to be a librarian and a position came open at Peabody. Michelle Roy, an excellent English teacher, also moved, but only because of family obligations that forced her to take a job a mile from home. Some might say that the loss of Charlene Johnson fits this same bill; most, however, would disagree, as parents, and colleagues, and children alike were thankful to see her leave.
Penny has devoted most of her life to educating many in this parish. But she stood up to John Sams when he wanted to make Bolton High School a vocational school, something we see now as a political move in this campaign. He thought some children should be shuffled off after tenth grade into a less-than rigorous academic program. Penny said no, that all children deserved an equal high school education. From that point on, John moved against her. A move that has been detrimental to the school.

But, again, Ms. Toney is not running for mayor. John is.

Look at his record. Look at how he gets things. Look at who he uses to get them and what he does when finished. He even used his son and sued himself and all of us taxpayers when his patience would not allow him to wait a few days for a policy, that he himself delayed.

I have personally heard him say that his sole purpose on this earth was to be:
"the tabasco on the hemorrhoid on the asshole that is this universe."

This is his claim. And he has succeeded in this purpose at Bolton High School. Please do not allow him to do the same for the city of Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

posted by soothsayer

While I agree with Cenla Antics about Rome burning, I feel like I must point out that the root cause of the current mess at city hall is not neglect on the part of the voters. It's a shift of demographics and numbers and political philosophy.

Blacks will vote for a corrupt black candidate before they will vote for an honest white candidate. This is NOT a racist comment, just a statement of fact. Blacks tend to vote along racial lines and vote in blocks.

Within any mixed population there is a certain percentage of black vote. When that percentage approaches 40% blacks will begin to control more political positions because 40% UNIFIED black vote beats 60% SPLINTERED white vote every time.

Unfortunately, in Alexandria, the black politicians who control positions of power are self serving, and corrupt. Add to that a certain level of ineptitude and downright stupidity and you have Alexandria as we see it today.

Contrast this with the Fields Administration in Pineville. By in large, Mayor Fields is honest, experienced, and capable.

Survey says.... As citizens of Alexandria, we cannot affect change until we vote "en masse" and vote for a single candidate. Since there is almost no chance of that happening in this election cycle, Alexandria will descend further into the abyss.

Sadly, the feathers and bones have spoken...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:08:28 PM

Bolton89 said...
You hit it on the head Soothsayer!!! This was proven when Keith Rabalis ran against Johnson. In that election you had an experience successful businessman run against a cameraman from kalb. Nothing against RJ but I know i would prefer someone who has been a business owner and knows what it takes to make tough decisions.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:33:29 PM

Anonymous said...

Biff Time frame, 60's, 70's and 80's for sure. I also have regretted past actions but I doubt if any of us who have commented over the last six months on this blog have done anything as horrendous as beating women, especially those to whom we were married. Incidentally I have not heard Marc say that he did regret those actions. Have you? Did you ask him about these incidents which are pretty much public knowledge? If he has apologized publicly, many of us will back off. And I must add, please do not take this as an endorsement of Silver. I'm afraid you are on the mark (no pun intended) with Silver and his motivations and intestinal fortitude. I have no reason to believe that a duplicitous nutcase like Lampert would really appeal to you or represent you on the council either. Let's face it, we are screwed in regards to the council. Selling socks @ $30.00 is not a crime, beating up women is. It's your pick, Biff.

Anonymous said...

What makes anyone think Lampert will stand up to the council? They are all men aren't they?

Anonymous said...

No one has yet given one qualification Lampert has for holding public office. Hadn't heard any for Harry either. Is anyone for anyone or is this just the least horible of the two? From Ransom to this Pitiful.

Anonymous said...

Well, hell. I had this big ole rant planned. But "blue eyes" must be clairvoyant. You took the words right out of my brain, blue eyes. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Bolton89 pretty much summed it all up. Your a pretty damn good political analyst.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead anonymous. Rant away. So many are intimidated by Sams and his yes man, Jones, that they refuse to speak out. But it's election time, and our city is at stake.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Marc Lampert will beat up the city council! Great idea! If I lived in the Garden District, I would vote for him. I think that someone who is 84 years old needs to sit back and relax and sell his overpriced clothes.

Watch out for the lawyer Roy. All of his lawyer friends are behind him, and trust me, they WILL BE ASKING FOR FAVORS. Lawyers stick together like theives. Well, if the shoe fits...

Anonymous said...

penny, look, i enjoy your posts. but your stance that idiots you be allowed in the same class as good students cooked your ass. explain to us all again how putting juvenile deliquents in the same class as good students helps education. i really get confused about that part.

Anonymous said...

Who on this blog is making a conscious effort daily to ask their neighbors to vote, not for any one candidate, but just to show up and take a stand? Look at the past results and you will see that voter turnout was in the 25-30% range. What kind of impact can be made if that number jumps to 60%. Everyone here can shake a hand and ask someone to vote, daily. Try it, just for youself and know you did the best you could to be a part of positive change even if the results don't turn out to be exactly what you want.

Anonymous said...

Others who left under Penny Toney:

Numa Metoyer - went to law school

Katherine Malone -went to be a principal, then moved home to Alaba,a

Susan Townsend - moved to Natchitoches with her husband

John Wingard - went to Peabody, but has taught at lots of schools, left Menard under odd circumstances

Danny Dotherow - retired

Lynn Spears - retired

Cotrell Wrenn - went to become an assistant principal, now has a school board job

Lisa Fallis - left to have baby, teaches part-time at Country Day

Cecile Barnhart - left to have a baby, teacher part time at Peabody

I am sure there are others, but most teachers that left are those type that move around alot, or only taught a few years.

I would love to hear about others that you say left because of Penny Toney.

Students have not left because of Penny Toney either. Look at the zones (which Sams did not try to fight) It is crazy to me that a student with a VANCE STREET address is ZONED to Pineville. Not going there by choice, but is ZONED there. How do you think someone like that does in school? With no conections to the school, and no transportation to afterschool activities. All you have accomplished is putting him with white kids. Great job.

Pam Webb for School Board !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ask Sams about the sweet deal his buddy Lou got with respect to the Sewer Plant.

Anonymous said...

You sound like old Southern aristocracy. Do you think the world will shelter your children from the have nots? or do you think your children should contribute to their own betterment and the betterment of their fellow men? If we continue to divide, you're going to be like one of those old houses on tour someday.

By the way, my name's not Penny. I hazard a guess that if Ms. Toney were to blog, she would be as direct as her bumper sticker. She seems to have no problem standing behind her own opinions.

But thank you for the compliment, you charmer you.

Anonymous said...

Blue, just wait until Biff finds out you're a man.

Anonymous said...

I got the poll call too..I didnt hear anything negative in it. I did say I was voting for Roy, but I could not tell that it was his poll.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Brewers folks are spreading more false information than Any of the other candidates and it really surprises me.

Anonymous said...

If Sams wins and doesn't get his way with the city council he will sue them like he did with the school board. See Article below

OR get his ACLU son to attack them

. Sams sues School Board
October 3, 2001 •• 739 words •• ID: alx2001100311000493
Claims club policy violates Equal Access Act Correction 10/4/2001 A2 : Rapides Parish School Board member Steve Furr said he did not vote against a change to the district's student club policy Tuesday. The final vote on the change was 8-1, with John Sams being the lone vote against it. By Melissa Gregory The Town Talk Rapides Parish School Board member John Sams has sued his fellow members over the district's school club policy. Sams' lawsuit

Yep that is the kind of mayor we need to stir such decent among the poeple he is "working with"

Anonymous said...



Monday, September 11, 2006 at 6PM
· Rapides Foundation Building, Hearn Stage - Kress Theatre
· 1101 Fourth Street (entrance at Third & Johnston Streets)
· Reception immediately following in Kress Theatre Lobby
· FREE for YPG Members / $5 for non-members
· Please RSVP via email: rsvp@ypgcenla.org


Anonymous said...

No is saying it but everyone knows it is true that it is the white people against the black people in this election. In the words of alexandria's next lawyer Bridget Brown " It is "OUR" turn now" I am not a racist just a a concern citizen. I think Mayor Fields is doing a great job in pineville. He is doing so much more for pineville then Fred Baden who was very racist and kept the city down. I do not see any Mayor Fields qualities in the african american candiates running in Alex. We have so much going for this town i hate see it kill by some black power agenda OR a good ole boy redneck agenda.So remember these words by Ms. Brown "it's OUR turn now" when go to vote

Anonymous said...

scarlet..you are always so quick to blindly support Brewer. You never answered the question. IF..IF Brewer had no ethical problem with doing business with AHA then WHY did she call out the legislative auditor on Kelvin Sanders and wife because SHE was doing business with AHA?? Answer for her since you say she is so smart and ethical. Either she is stupid or very devious to have one set of rules for herself and another for others. Incidentally I tend to agree with her that Sanders had a ethical problem. However, it would have applied to her too. I just wnat to know from Scarlett who talks in broad generalities about her perfect candidate Brewer. I want to hear a direct response to this question from Brewers most vocal supporter....Sooo..Scarlett...
enlighten us

Anonymous said...

Also Scarlett, is a push poll that ONLY gets a candidate a 20% positive a favorable poll that is worthy of telling everyone she is going to win? Ask your candidate if 20% is better or worse than the poll taken BEFORE. You will find that Ms Brewers numbers have slipped SINCE she announced for office. Does that make you and her other supporters MORE confident or More worried. OR maybe you are being leftin the dark by her inner circle who are busy running around spinning the truth from even those she is asking to stick their necks out. This is not opinion, this statistical facts. Ask her to show you the ACTUAL and COMPLETE poll. Bet your candidate who YOU are going out on the limb will not be willing to show you the truth. Why would that be?

Anonymous said...

scarlett, we love you . But put down the pom poms and give us reality and truth. Your candidate is dropping like a rock in the Red River. I know its good to continue to promote a candidate until the very end, but, come on at least not compromise your own integrity. What did the poll say? Not the 'pollsters summary letter" that seeks to put a positive spin on the candidate who is paying him..? The poll.
Scarlett, lets talk hypothetical. IF,and ONLY if a candidate, (lets not use real names) any candidate were to have information that her campaign was not going well and that candidate were to put out misinformation to her or his supporters, would your opinion of that candidate be lessened? Hypothetically speaking. You can answer truthfully. Its only hypothetical. I believe you to be an honorable person trying to support your candidate , but I think your ideals and your core values are greater thn any specific candidate. So , tell me what your thoughts would be on a candidate who lied to her or his own supporters? Please give us your thoughts because honestlly some of us value your take on things.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who have been approached by a particular candidate or her supporters with poll information that says that her candidacy is moving in a positive direction, have you actually seen the poll? NOT the pollsters "summary letter' but the poll? Before you give another penny to this candidate, before you make a decision on whether you want to be on a winning candidates side , ask to see the complete and actual poll, the whole thing. You are being aske to put your neck out for someone , why not ask the same from the persons who ask for your money and your reputation. I suggest to you that if the candidate is not willing to share with you the entire poll that there is a REAL reason. Try it and report back here the kind of double talk and evasiveness you get. If this poll were true and favorable do you not think that it would be copied and distributed everywhere?

Anonymous said...

Alexandria mayoral race
The primary election for the Alexandria mayor's race is set for Sept. 30. Which candidate do you favor?


Delores Brewer
Joe Fuller
Alice "Red" Hammond
Roosevelt Johnson
Jacques Roy
John Sams
Charles F. Smith Jr.

Total Votes: 4521

Anonymous said...

Ok, it is time to mix it up. There are plenty of black folks that visit this blog, but I don't see nearly enough comments that represent the black population of our community. We are going to be living together in this city for some time together and it is about time that you guys stand up and speak your mind. Give it a shot, you might find that we all have more in common than we have differences and we can out the hatemongers among us - on both sides - that keep this city divided. This problem is only skin deep. Dishonesty goes to the bone.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about Marc beating up city council members, there's no a woman in the bunch. He only beats up women. My hero!

Anonymous said...

Why won't the blogger who keep talking about Marc Lampert give us the name or at least when all this wife beating took place. It is no wonder that more capable people won't run for office and get trashed by the great unknown

Anonymous said...

Look at the host list for tonights big fundraiser for Roy at the Karam house. He has a great cross-section of young professionals, doctors, independants and of course, Tommy Antoon. Brewer is toast. Paul Dauzart, a republican school board member, is Roys treasurer. Its Roy v. one of the black candidates in November. Book it!

Anonymous said...

Biff said
"penny, look, i enjoy your posts. but your stance that idiots you be allowed in the same class as good students cooked your ass. explain to us all again how putting juvenile deliquents in the same class as good students helps education. i really get confused about that part. "

Uh, NO. Federal Law says "idiots" must be in the same class as good students. NOT PENNY TONEY. It is called inclusion.

Anonymous said...

I'm the one that posted about the phone call/ poll. The scenario went like this- they asked the usual questions and then asked who you were most likely to vote for. Then they said negative things about every mayoral candidate except Roy and asked you who you would vote for-- then they said even MORE negative things about the candidates, except Roy and then asked who you would vote for-- to the point I was telling them they were lying!
All they said about Roy was glowing to the point of obvious. I asked who they were sponsored by, she told me the name of the company- which were initials-sorry I don't recall them- she said I could speak to her supervisor- and, of course, I was then disconnected. Whoever sponsored this poll- it was very slanted.
Lamar- if you say Roy said he did not sponsor it-- I believe you, as I know you to be honorable. But it was very negative campaigning. They also asked a few questions about the council race- but slammed the council also, so I doubt it was Johnson or Smith- and they slammed the school board and Sams- and Brewer. They asked about the Police Jury- but I do not recall the questions, as it was a long poll and that was at the beginning. It could be Fuller. I don't know-- if anyone else gets a call- caller ID just said unknown name/number- I'd like to hear their take on it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Roy:
There are several problems with the great speech items you found so wonderful at Spirits. 1) Condensing our population means that it will be compacted. One of our main problems is that the city limits have NOT been increased to take in all the new subdivisions that are on city utilities. We need to EXPAND the city not condense the city. Or, does Roy mean by condensing, that we need to limit the number of live births each couple has in city limits? 2) Term limits would require legislative action. There are term limits; after 4 years the public can vote you out of office. 3) Transparency/ethics. With a lawyer's background of client/lawyer privilege and the trial lawyer's ambulance chasing mindset, it's hard to believe there would be transparency from Roy. Oh, well, maybe. 4) Everyone says they will revitalize downtown. HOW? Will government(tax payers as in increase taxes) be used or private sector sources. There has been so much waste already of tax dollars in downtown. 5) Why work with Pineville and ignore the rest of Rapides parish. Our sales taxes are based more on other areas shopping in Alex than Pineville residents. All in all, Roy does not have any experience which would make him a good mayor except one. The fact that he would definitely bring about change. But that's what we got when John K. Snyder was mayor.

Anonymous said...

I got the survey call too. The young lady repeatedly asked me about Mayor Rudolph (not randolph). maybe it was a survey sponsored by the democrats. The survey girl only said bad things about Sams and Brewer, who are both republicans. She also misprononced jaques name, so, I hope he is not paying for it. It was obviously a survey designed to plant ideas, not gather information.

Some questions were like this:
"If I told you that Bill Smith was a space alien, intent on over taking the universe, would you be much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much more less likely or no change in voting for him for mayor?"

Very slanted, some true statements, but taken out of context.

Anonymous said...

Its called a "push poll" you political neophytes. It got its inception in the twisted little mind of Karl Rove. The republicans used the technique extensively in the 2000 presidential campaign. Now, its as common as the run of the mill issues and name recognition poll. It must work to some degree or the political pros would not use it so often.

Anonymous said...

The push polling idea was not invented by Karl Rove socialist friends. Dick Morris started using the push poll technique when he was working for Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous said...

With your reference to aliens- You got that exactly right- it was just that distorted. I don't care who invented it- it is just dirty politics.

wst... said...

Public invited to tonight's 'Accountability Night' event featuring Alexandria mayoral candidates

town talk snip:

The event is set for 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. today at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Olinger Hall, 402 21st St. in Alexandria.

Alexandria mayoral candidates are among invited guests. For more information, call (318) 880-7373.

Anonymous said...

I was at Spirits and did not come away thinking that Mr. Roy stood for dumping more money into downtown revitilization projects. I understood him to say that he was all for downtown revilalization but that it would be up to private citizens/groups to spearhead this effort.

As far as transparency/ethics goes, I do not know Mr. Roy in a professional capacity, but everyone I have spoken with agrees, whether they love him or hate him, that Mr. Roy is a man of the highest ethical standards. I spoke with a lawyer who IS NOT for Jacques and who Jacques apparently was involved in litigation with. I asked him whether Mr. Roy was a typical attorney and he replied that Mr. Roy is a driven advocate for his clients but who upholds himself to the highest professional and ethical standards. He added that Mr. Roy fights a fair fight but fully intends to win when the day is over.

This is what we need in a mayor -- a driven but ethical advocate for Alexandria. To compare him to "Catfish" John Snyder is truly a low blow. Mr. Roy does not pretend to have all the answers like some of these candidates. He does, however, have sound ideas and ways to implement these ideas. He will ask for help from competent advisors if he needs to do so.

For those who bash Mr. Roy, I urge them to at least hear him out. I truly believe that after doing so, you will get behind his campaign.

Anonymous said...

There are term limits on the mayor in shreveport, was that done by the legislature od the city council there??

Shreveport's mayors can only serve two terms. But, guess who is running, Liz Swain, his chief of staff. She used to be a tv reporter. I guess that makes her qualified to run a city.

Anonymous said...

Lamar- If Jacques said he isn't behind the push poll, then he lied to you. I guess that means all you Jacques supporters who bash Brewer and urge people not to vote for her because she stated that she had a chance meeting with the City's BR attorneys when the mayor had previously scheduled it will now have to find another candidate because, using your reasoning, Jacques is now a liar!

The push polling and other desparation tactics coming from the Roy camp are a clear indication that Roy supporters know he is in deep doo doo. A word of caution- smear tactics and dirty politics burn bridges!!

Anonymous said...

I do not know anything about this so-called push poll as no one has contacted me. However, I have been involved with several campaigns and know that all serious candidates run these types of polls. The purpose is to get the issues out in the open. If a poll is paid for by a particular candidate's campaign, why would that particular candidate ask questions that made his/her opponent look good? The answer is he/she would not. Welcome to politics.

Let's face it. This is politics and they all do it.

Anonymous said...

Burn Bridges..hmmmm....Sounds a Whole lot like some of the things that Delores Brewer and her groupies have been telling people. Well, if you think what has been done or said by Roy thus far is Dirty, then you really do not know what you are talking about. But I think it fair to conclude that there will be NO bridges to burn after this is over. Don't threaten people if you are not prepared for the consequences that return. People in glass houses so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Push polls are common in campaigns. Nothing new at all. But, since through numerous people, it can be determined that the poll is from the Roy camp,he is the first one to show where he stands in the race.....Way Behind.

Push polls try to determine if one or more issues can be used to hurt or discredit a candidate. It is the only way someone trailing can gain ground fast, ie: Jindal, Holloway, etc. Even if Roy is not the one behind it, whoever it is, is trailing. The leader of the pack with the type of margin Mrs. Brewer has would not be running a push poll.

But,for all those who want a lesson, if Mr. Roy uses any info from that poll in the media, ie: tv commercials, he ought to know that responses can be formed in 24hrs. Hope he doesn't stoop that low. This is a small town.

Anonymous said...

I have heard most people hanging up on them anyway. The phone bankers doing the poll can't seem to pronounce any names correctly. Must be calling from Yankee land.

Also pretty obvious when it turns negative. Most don't want to hear that crap. When they fish with the push poll, sometimes bites are few and far between.

Anonymous said...

Who says we don't have a drug problem in Alexandria? The folks publishing Brewer poll numbers are either high, thinking people will fall for that bullshit or you folks are impaired enough to believe it. Sometimes, a mind can be a terrible thing.

Anonymous said...

Again, for the purposes of clarification, members of Jacques Roy's campaign are not conducting a poll. You probably received a phone call from a polling company, not a member of the Jacques Roy for Mayor campaign.

On a side note, just last week, one of my best friends received a similar phone call from another company that seemed to be slanted toward Delores' campaign.

I have personally received at least two phone calls from other pollsters (Don't know why they're calling me). I haven't heard any "lies" being propagated or any evidence of dirty, cheap campaigning. Just the facts.

If you can tell us specifically what lies were being reported as facts in the poll you received, I think we'd better understand why you're so upset.

As someone previously stated, this is politics as usual. Most of the candidates have done/are doing the same thing.

But to suggest that Jacques himself is orchestrating a direct calling smear campaign is ridiculous and untrue. It's just another shot in the dark from the same people who'd like you to believe that he's just a ambulance-chasing trial lawyer. (Unfortunately for you guys, Jacques' been to busy working on the Cleco case to chase ambulances).

Onto another point: I believe that when Jacques spoke at Spirits about condensing our population, he wasn't talking about shrinking our city limits. There's a way to condense the population without the need to "shrink" the city's size. Among other things, Jacques pointed out that twenty years ago Alexandria had the same population it does today, only it was less than half the geographical size. Condensing means opening up areas for growth that would allow the city to function and flow more cohesively-- and here there is room for the notion of a loop (which I'm sure many of you have seen the plans for).

Speaking about term limits, he said that he personally didn't want to be a "career mayor," but that for a position like mayor, there probably isn't much of a need for term limits-- there are already term limits for other elected positions.

Really, you should have gone to the event. You're making assumptions on what his stance was without actually knowing what he said.

But you'll have a chance. He'll be speaking at House of Java, smaller crowd, same format, this Saturday at 3PM. Open to the public.

Delores' campaign manager has a great term for this blog-- insider baseball.

I think it's combination of insider baseball and the echo chamber effect.

Echo, echo, echo.

Anonymous said...

Intersting that Scarlett has not responded to the numerous requests for her to answer the issues involving Brewer. Silence is equated by some as tacit admission against interest. I understand. If the answers were not favorable to my interest I wouldnt answer either Scarlett.

Anonymous said...

So is Ms Sadler the campaign chairman for Brewer? I was in a group of people the other day when she came up to talk to someone in our group and she talked like she was in charge. This is the Sadler of the Provosty firm family I think.... And is it only her vehicle at the Brewer campaign headquarters because every time I pass it its hers or there is no one there.

Anonymous said...

I hear the Provosty bunch are directing everything with the Brewer Campaign so that would make sense. Why shouldnt they. That firm has made millions of $$$ from the City and wants to keep it that way. Its just good business for them. Same as their support for Myron Lawson. Its all about the Benjamins.

Anonymous said...

I think Sadler is the puppetmaster over there. She's Albin's partner's wife. Its no secret that Provosty is pushing the Brewer wagon. Its called job security.

Anonymous said...

Then I guess the question when we vote is whether we want Provostys influence in the mayors office. Maybe yes, maybe No but it is a factor that should be considered when we look at Brewer as a candidate.

Anonymous said...

Main Entry: con·dense
Function: verb
Pronunciation: k&n-'den(t)s
Inflected Form(s): con·densed ; con·dens·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French condenser, from Latin condensare, from com- + densare to make dense, from densus dense
transitive senses
: to make denser or more compact ; especially : to subject to condensation
intransitive senses : to undergo condensation
synonym see CONTRACT
- con·dens·able also con·dens·ible/-'den(t)-s&-b&l/ adjective

"Condensing means opening up areas for growth" copied from Lamar's posting. Lamar is so "blinded" by his zeal for Roy he is going to convince us that the word condense does not mean what the definition says.

Come on Lamare admit Roy is your only hope to get your downtown rpojects funded. I can see Sams catering to the desires of the White family.

Wonder why Lamar feels the need to continously assure us he isn't closely involved with Roy's campaign but he always knows what everyone involved is doing and constantly speaking to Mr. Roy.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, it is called the art of mudslinging. The first step is to rake together half-truths and innuendo into a large slimy mass and hurl said mass in the general direction of the intendee. The mass does not need to score a direct hit as the splatter effect will usually do the trick. If the intendee has managed to stay spotless after the assault, usually the collateral contact by those wanting to know what smells is generally enough to besmirch the intendee at this point. If that has not effective, defensive efforts will certainly give the impression of a direct hit, thus maiming the intendee.

The best defense is the latteral 3-step, thereby removing the intendee from any direct or collateral splatter taking care of the first and second stages of the mud-sling attack. The third stage defense is a complete lack of acknowledgement of attack event.
This defense procedure causes the attacker to focus his specifics, thereby exposing the veracity of his claims at which point truth becomes the defense.

I am quite sure that Jacques is very capable in exposing the truth as that is his stock in trade. That is why I support him.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

Condensing a population in a city like Alexandria does not preclude "expansion" into certain areas. Think about it like this: The Versailles expansion will open up lots of land for development (expansion); however, because this expansion will be linking two parts of the city which were previously unlinked, this area will experience population condension.

By the way, I wasn't aware that I had any downtown projects going on, but it's nice to know that in your opinion, if Dr. Sams were elected, he wouldn't even entertain a project, regardless of its merits, because of who I am related to.

(On a side note, I don't think this is true. A few months ago, I had dinner with Dr. Sams and his wife, and believe it or not, we share many of the same ideas about how to make downtown work).

wst... said...

From and including: Thursday, August 31, 2006
To, but not including : Saturday, September 30, 2006

It is 30 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date

Anonymous said...

On a related sidenote, before you get all flustered, I do not believe that our local government should be in the real estate development business.

If you buy a building downtown and you are considering renovating it, the federal government's renewal community incentives are your best bet. A good mayor could help by making suggestions and recommendations, but there is not much else they can provide (or should provide).

Anonymous said...

What about the funding of private subdivision development Lamar?

Anonymous said...

Private subdivision developments are a different scenario with a different set of needs. (I assume we're not talking about gated communities). Of course, it depends on the merits of the project, the collective demand for developing infrastructure, and the location of the land.

Personally, I believe that if our tax dollars are spent on someone's hughly lucrative subdivision development, we, as taxpayers, should expect something back from the developer. We should take better control of our authority to demand proper zoning, ensuring that our community grows fluidly. We should ask for land to be donated to the community for parks. The last big new city park project the city has completed in coordination with a new development was Compton Park, completed after my father developed Charles Park Extension.

Think about how many new developments our city has had in the interim. If not new parks, then we should think about how we can demand certain zoning standards-- because right now, we're sprawling out with little recognition of how our present actions will affect future traffic flow, property values, and access to resources.

Does that answer your question?

Anonymous said...

Albin calls the shots.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Sadler needs something to do while her grandchildren are in school. She also hangs out at the school from what I hear. She also used to spend alot of time at Bolton when her children were there. It sucks being a "stay-at-home" mom, without anyone at home. Maybe she can hangout with Brewer once she is mayor.

Anonymous said...

I would say that the way to handle any participation in subdivision development would be for a specific bond with revenues derived from property taxes specific to the developed properties to retire the bond relative to the specific project. Much of the revenue dedicated to the capital outlay budget is sales tax derived with a smaller proportion derived from property taxes, hence we all enjoy a relatively low rate of property tax. There needs to be some relative cost/benefit mechanism attached to benefits derived from the city. Otherwise it is too easy for developers to saddle taxpayers as a whole with projects that profit them specifically as we have seen done in this area.

Let me see, if I had a piece of land that had been fallow for a number of years and could get the city to buy it leaving me a large road frontage tract in the middle of the proposed golf course to develop a subdivision and build a sport complex on it, would it be unethical for me to take advantage of the city's generosity to convert a piece of farmland to a golfing subdivision after the development of the city golf course and recreational complex? I don't even know why I ask the question, since it is a foolish proposition anyway. The citizens would never go for it.

Anonymous said...

What does Dr. Sams think of waterslides?? That is the only REAL campaign issue anyway.

Anonymous said...


I wasn't living in Alexandria when that deal went down.

Personally, I like the Johnny Downs complex, but I think it's in a terrible location. It isn't close to any major hotel or destination spot. It's on the outskirts of town. You can't exactly ride your bicycle there.

There are plenty of locations within the city's center in which a sports complex would be better utilized. And this isn't to say that "hindsight is 20/20." We should have realized that from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Downs complex will not be on the "outskirts" much longer, with all the building out there. It is much more enjoyable than playing a game at the old ballpark with all the traffic and noise. It is pretty quiet , except for the occasional plane.

Which leads me to ask, why would anyone build a house in St. Andrews for that much money next to an airport that is expanding?? They must have quite a salesforce.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame the Johnny Downs complex wasn't built in a suitable location to Lamar. Maybe with narrow one way streets, high crime area, rundown building, prostitution and drug dealers well represented, no parking, congested traffic etc. Get out of downtown and breathe. Go with the flow and quit pounding on the chest of a dead horse.

Anonymous said...

What does Lamar do for a living? I hope it is not in the field of architecture, real estate, or urban planning cause he's gonna go broke if this is an example of his training. Or maybe there are always taxpayers he can fleece for grant money etc.

Anonymous said...

News FLASH....Ms Sadler will be Chief of Staff for Brewer

Anonymous said...

Lamar, I think the sport complex and golf course turned out great. I guess the problem I have is in execution. No one was openly discussing that when the complex was complete, there was a backroom deal to sell to Christus Cabrini the ball complex across the street for parking to offset the cost of the new complex, in essence using city funds for development purposes. Alert citizens got wind of it and quashed that deal. After development of the new golf course, I found it amazing that the previous owners had retained acreage to themselves that is surounded on three sides by the new golf course and is now St. Andrews Links. Fortuitous events are grand when they happen but, in hindsight, it appears every stage was well planned with the net effect being the city built a golf course and sport complex that set the stage for development of a subdivision whose main selling point is having the city golf course wrapped around it. If city funds are going to be used for development, then issue each citizen x-shares to do with as they wish when the dividends roll in. Bear in mind that at this time the capital outlay budget of '96 is not fully funded.

Cenla Antics said...

Well Lamar, I have news for you. My house received a phone call this evening from an organization that lauded Jacques and slammed Delores. It was disguised as a poll. I have also heard rumors on vote buying by candidates. Does anyone have any extra buckets? Mine have worn out and can't carry much water.

Anonymous said...

Woman is victim of armed robbery in mall parking lot, police report

A 55-year-old woman was held up Wednesday afternoon in the Alexandria Mall parking lot by three females and a male who stole her purse and then took off in an SUV, police reported today.

The holdup, reported to Alexandria police at 3:07 p.m. Wednesday, involved taking the woman’s purse with cash, checkbook, a plane ticket, a passport and some cash.

The police report was vague about what happened. Calls to police Public Information Officer Clifford Gatlin was not returned as of 2 p.m. today.


Anonymous said...

I too know that Hwy 28 west is the hot growth area of the future. That is all the more reason to discuss annexation of all properties that recieve city services and supervision of building codes to make sure new structures are compliant prior to annexation. Having said that, how fast is the population of Alexandria going to grow over the next 20 years? Will the tax base be large enough to maintain the current city limits plus annexed properties? So far, a shrinking population (ie tax base) and an expanding municipal land mass do not compute to having a more well maintained city structure as is evident today. If there is going to be a "fast track effort" it must be in service delivery to make the city attractive to outside interests that will invest to sustain a higher population. We should be at 80,000 people right now and how do we get there?
By recognizing and promoting our assets which are:

1. A substantial lumber and base agricultural commodity supply that can support value added industries.

2. Being a local, state, and regional transportaion hub for every type of transportation, air, interstate, rail, and water.

Cenla Antics said...

Insider baseball? Good one David! Although I do have to disagree. I know plenty of individuals (black/white; male/female; Repub/Demo/Ind) who contribute and monitor this blog. Some know who I am and some don't. I in turn know who some of the bloggers are due to their way of "blogging".

I have spoken with every candidate for Mayor with the exception of Jacques. His platform as stated in past blogs is no different from the other candidates. I really want to hear the "condensing of Alexandria" idea. Alexandria's problem is that it needs to grow and doesn't. Why? I have spent many a night trying to ponder this question.

The fact remains people that unless corrective action is taken (and soon)there will be nothing left but the cathedral.

Anonymous said...

Did some one ask if we have a crime problem the other day? And what did our chief release in the press. Until we are honest, livability standards will be in question and population increase will not happen.

Anonymous said...

Like any local economy, there are enterprises that produce wealth or attract income into an area and other enterprises that circulate wealth wthin the community without creating new wealth. We need more of the former and stability of the latter. An example is; Roy O. Martin Lumber who produces a raw native material, value add processes it for sale to other regions thereby attracting wealth to our local economy as opposed to the butcher, baker, and candlestick maker level of our local economy that circulates currency among themselves. We need macro-economic wealth generating enterprise in this area to grow.

Cenla Antics said...

Here is a list of what needs to happen:

1) Complete and absolute investigation of all city departments
2) Accountability for same
3) REAL economic development
4) City Job? NO CONTRACTS period.
5) Enforcement of laws by APD and DA's office.
6) Elected officials who work for all of the people not themselves, families or friends.
7) FULL AND ABSOLUTE disclosure of ALL CITY BUSINESS it terms that the average Alexandrian would understand.
8) Media that steps forward on an unbaised basis and does what they are supposed to do (I went to a mayorial forumn where a gentleman stepped forward and asked about audits and federal investigations. what did the paper report; which candidate will ensure buses run to LSUA)(This is was not a bad revelation of the paper, although in my opinion not as poignant has the aforementioned audits and investigations).

Think on it people ... think on it

Anonymous said...

Cenla Antics, asking the media to step up is asking bravery of the spineless and suicide to their advertising income stream. Don't hold your breath for them to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...


Let me quote you a paragraph from the Sheriff's Dept rules and regulation manual.

Page 12 para 16b. Any deputy of the RPSO who decides to seek the office of Sheriff of Rapides Parish must resign his employment upon making known to the public his intentions. The employee has a constitutional right to seek this office;however any public discussion of such a possibilty causes a loss of confidence in the operation of the RPSO and shall be just cause for termination.

Now this manual can not be enforced by law but it does show that to do the right thing sometimes requires a person to show his true colors. Slocum should have resigned the day he gave his speech on the courthouse steps.How can the other personnel of the RPSO be required to follow the regulations if one of it's leadership(?)can pick and choose the regulations he wants to follow.
You call this fair play? I haven't heard that Slocum resigned yet...and clearly the courthouse announcement is making intentions known...

Anonymous said...

So what about CLECO. Are we ever going to really know the truth?

Anonymous said...


Page 11 para 16 A specifcally states: No deputy of RPSO while in uniform will participate in political activities EXCEPT THAT WHICH MIGHT BE BENEFICIAL TO LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Do you think that it was a good spend of parish taxpayers' $ to have 16 uniformed law officers out publically campaigning for Slocum when crimes were being committed, and the campaign deputy had to refuse to take action against the criminal?

I bet you would change you tune if the crime would have happened to you. Finance or not, right is right and this is definately a violation of the RPSO Handbook.

Anonymous said...

Spanky, you are correct. How do we attract more industries like Union Tank. We need good schools, educated, trainable work force, low property taxes, and things to bring back our young college educated adults. We need better restaurants, adult high end nightclubs, and more utilization of our central location. Right now finding trainable people who are willing to work here in central La. seems to be difficult. When I see our education system crashing, going down every year since the mid sixties, I don't think people want to come back to raise their kids in that kind of environment. Could we be bold and go to a voucher system and give our education system a real jolt and watch the SAT's soar. I doubt the old guard would allow that to happen. Could we lower taxes to lure industry. There are many ideas to attract industries and good people to the area, but there are also many impediments and no men of vision in our political system. Keep coming with the good ideas and maybe one will catch on. Good Work!

Anonymous said...

That's a great list of 8 goals antics, but I'm afraid we will never see any of them to fuition. I particularly agree with the one about officials who run for office to enrich themselves. That's what really makes me sick!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr. Cenla Antics,

I believe there will be more information on the notion of population condension and growth management on Jacques' webpage within a week.

On another issue: Spanky, thank you for the details. That's all I was trying to say: Everyone agrees 28W is the future, but the location of the new complex makes one question the surrounding residential developments.

Personally, I think the complex is great, just too disconnected right now. That doesn't mean it will continue to be disconnected. As 28 develops and those neighborhoods fill up, it will look like a natural fit.

All I asked is this: At the time, was there another location we could have placed such a facility that would have been in the middle of everything? (Remember, we're having to shuttle kids to the facility because, right now, no one lives out there). Was there a location closer to hotels and our city's core? Maybe, maybe not.

I certainly don't think downtown would have been feasible.

But what's done is done, and now we're going to have to answer questions about how to best accommodate the growth out there in a way that will attract hotels, restaurants, and businesses seamlessly. (On a side note, we should take measures to ensure that this growth doesn't behave like typical suburban sprawl, because as someone else said, 28-W is the future).

I agree that we should look into annexing properties that take advantage of city services as a way of preparing for our future growth.

Anonymous said...

BTW, isn't it population condensation, not condension? I haven't been able to find condension in any dictionaries...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Yeah, I knew that didn't look right. Thanks Kendall.

Anonymous said...

Most progreesive cities in other parts of the state and country have a fee that is charged to developers whenever they put in a development. This fee is called an "impact fee" and is used to cover the costs of bringing utilities, drainage, public safety, and other assorted services from the existing system out to the new developments. Currently the City of Alexandria pays all those costs and is essentailly subsidizing suburban sprawl while the developers are laughing all the way to the bank. These costs incurred by the City strain the capital budget to the point that we don't have the funds to adequately maintain our exisitng infrastructure which by the way is falling apart right under our feet. I doubt very seriously that any one has the political balls to takle this issue. Look at who is giving the cadidates money. That will tell you if they will be for "smarter" growth or business as usual.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Jacques will fully and eloquently explain his vision of urban condensation which more than likely parallels what I have been screaming. As Alexandria has grown, areas develop, age, and then blight, leaving in the blighted areas the lower income folks and abandoned properties that compound the problems of crime, property devaluation, fire safety, infrastructure maintenance, utilities, and sanitation as the city cannot just choose to stop providing services in the city limits. We do not have population increase, therefore we are consuming increasingly greater land mass to support the same number of people while placing increased demand on all city functions over a greater area. The natural solution would appear to be fair application of zoning and code enforcement to maintain the quality of the older neighbor hoods and in the event of large scale degradation, mass demolition and re-use of the area for re-development thereby providing for infill renewal. One way to accomplish this would be to establish radius zones centered from the downtown area extending outward in bands gradiated to population levels and not to be expanded until the population levels are achieved. City services would not be allowed to be extended beyond these boundaries therefore providing economic and esthetic incentive to look to the center to revitalize large blighted areas. While it may appear initially cost prohibitive, it may be less expensive to buy out, demolish and redevelop older parts of town if done on a large enough scale to retain infrastucture and condense the need for service extension. While this may appear ludicrous on the surface, look at the areas bounded by Texas, Monroe, Rapides, and Bolton. There are approximately 2000 addresses in that part of town that is rapidly degrading. Is it really so far fetched to believe that large numbers of dilapidated houses could be purchased for 15K a piece, reduce the lot ratio 2-1 and sell a lot for 50K thereby attracting upscale homes. Sounds crazy until you realize that the police force would not be stretched so thin if they had less area to patrol and could focus on reducing and controlling crime in selected pockets making them safer and more attractive. The rest is cosmetic. Once there is a base of similarly priced homes in an area, value will be supported for further development. The main reason new development has gravitated to Jackson Street Extension and beyond has been the issue of percieved personal and property safety combined with the ability to build modern, large, energy efficient structures. Provide those same conditions to empty lots in formerly blighted areas and I feel people will chose to move closer to the center over time. Especially if Alexandria refuses to extend services beyond established population bands. If you don't think that is an incentive, then price what it takes to place a house in the country.

These are estimates so use your knowledge of current pricing to adjust.
1. 3-6k for an acceptable sewerage treatment plant.
2. 5K for a well
3. $600. per pole to access nearest electricity
4. Driveway connection to nearest road.
5. Increased homeowners insurance due to reduced fire rating.

One thing is certain and that is that the city as an organization cannot continue to expand with the attending maintenance and static tax base and boost livability standards to attract population whether it is through retention of our youth or influx.
This is my town, I love it, but I can speak the truth and that is that we have had population loss from a peak of 58000 in the mid '80's to our current 46000. The first step is to realize this single truth indicates decline, not growth and the folks that are talking about blue sky had better wise up and look at doing things differently or pay the price.

Anonymous said...

Lamar, I also received the "poll" from Jaques. How do you explain the obvious distortion of the truth and the low life nature of it's intent? I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree. He's just like his dad.

When people get desperate, we get to see who they truly are. Jaques is engaging in the very practice he preaches against.

No, I'm not a Brewer supporter. I am undecided, however, if I receive any more calls like the one I received last night, it will make my choice much easier.

Anonymous said...

Rick Ransom moved from the city for the same reasons most have moved to Pineville, Kincaid, Cotile and other outlying areas. They are willing to pay the price to get away from the problems of Alexandria. They don't want to be annexed just so the Alex pols can steal their money in the form of property taxes etc. We don't have lifetimes to waste endangering our lives living in crime and corruption. Horace Greeley said it best and for a reason.

Anonymous said...

lamar? if in fact roy is behind all these push poll calls reported on the blog, would it impact your support of him?

Anonymous said...

I agree, that is why the city must administer well what they are responsible for and address livability issues upfront and head-on now. People will not make a labor intensive effort of battling for territory due to the times we live in. It is personally more expeditious to move on. Those are the dynamics the city will need to address if it is going to regain and maintain viability. 20 years of BS has not yet fertilized downtown to the point it is viable as of today. The choice is though, do you continue to expand with no coherant plan or not.

Anonymous said...

Here are my thoughts on the sports complex.

It doesn't make sense to develop one downtown when we have the coliseum in place now. Parking downtown will be a problem for any consideration of a sports complex there. Parking already exists where the present coliseum is located. It would be more cost effective to upgrade the present coliseum than to develop a cold new site downtown.

Am I wrong on these counts?

Anonymous said...

no you are not wrong. we may really need a sports complex that would allow bigger and better events than the coliseum, it seems to me the answer is to bull doze the coliseum and totally rebuild.

Anonymous said...

Steve and Biff, how are you going to spend revenues that you do not have? That is the point of contrasting the 100m capital outlay budget against 37m that has been collected over the past 10 years. If you can work the miracle, I will have to be on my knees another 7 days.

Anonymous said...

spanky, calm down. you have atoned. :) i didn't make myself clear. i meant IF we were to build one, tear down the coliseum and build it there. you have done an excellent job in pointing out we can't come close to even doing what is on the books.

Anonymous said...

Jeez Biff, you had me hyperventilating already.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to comment on several subjects of discussion-
First, the growth of Alexandria- or lack there of- for years people "said" it was because the "old money" people did not want it to grow. Well, most of those people have since died. But at the time, it was probably a valid reason. Another reason, which I believe is true, is that we did not have a real 4-year university. We now do, and I think over the next 10-15 years that will make a real impact. For one thing, it's a fact that retirees are interested in locating in cities with 4-year universities for continued education. With the “baby boomer” generation retiring, that can make a real impact on a city. We seems to have all the right elements for growth, we need not just city, but regional leadership and coordination to help accomplish that growth.
Regarding the Johnny Downs Complex- my thoughts are the location is just fine. If you attend little league tournaments, you know that many of them (including the large Sulfur complex) are located on the outskirts of town. Just makes better sense to keep down traffic congestion. We have a great complex and it helps bring dollars to the city.
The “Push Poll”- I got the call also. It was disgusting. If I was supporting Jacques, by the end of that poll, I would have changed my mind. It is obviously a contracted poll, and if I were Jacques, I would find out which one of my supporters contracted it, and put it to a halt.

wst... said...

regarding this jacques roy fone poll thats getting so much buzz on here: has anyone stopped to consider that one of mr roys enemies could have commissioned that poll as a means to turn people off of mr roy? also doesnt anyone who received this call have caller id? that information could be helpful in determining who is really behind the poll.

Anonymous said...

My comments on the sports complex were supposing that they're going to go forward with it in the downtown area. I hope it will not due to the reasons I outlined, in addition to the comment my "been around the block" about traffic congestion. Can you just imagine needing to get to the hospital for an emergency during an event at the sports complex? It would be a nightmare.

Think of fair day traffic and you can get an idea of what it would be on the narrow streets of downtown.

Anonymous said...

Caller ID can be defeated by the caller, at least the phone book gives instructions on how to block your number from being identified by the recipient.

Anonymous said...

One comment on the 4 year university here. How many can we afford in this state? It's like having 7 automobiles and only being able to afford the payments on 2 of them.

wst... said...

yes thats very true. we have a block on our fone where people that do not allow delivery of their caller id information are blocked from calling our number. however telemarketers with "unknown number or out of area" regularly get through and we dont answer those calls.

if its a regular person calling around then the chances are that the caller id information would be displayed. if its a polling company then chances are it would come up "unknown number" this would still be an important clue though.

Anonymous said...

I have caller ID- it showed "Unkown Name,Unknown Number", which I usually do not answer. As for thinking it may have been one or Roy's enemies, yes, the thought did cross my mind. But who? I doubt it was Sams or Brewer.

Good point about the downtown sports complex and traffic.

Anonymous said...

As far as a sport center, what venues do you think we could support. Prior to Katrina, it was readily admitted that an area of 1.5 million people could not sufficiently support an NFL team by the league and the owners, hence Benson's push to move the Saints. If goat ropings, tractor pulls, low-rider car jumping will attract enough folks - go for it. I think it is beyond foolish to entertain the idea at this time even to the extent of a minimal study. Every dollar the city has is precious even though the knotheads on the city council pretend they have enough cash to burn 20 wet mules. The city cannot fund the capital outlay budget of 1996 as well as they cannot sufficiently provide police protection to a level that would bring our crime stats down to a level to make us attractive to outsiders to move here. Hey guys, there is no traffic back up on the entrance ramp to this town.

wst... said...

all the sports complex commentors are right on we dont disagree with you at all.

our take on it is that its just a big scam. who in the hell in their right mind would want to put a public facility on top of a toxic waste dump? this is how your esteemed city council and city government takes care of you by endangering your and your kids health. if that site is so great then they should build the new city hall there. yeah riiiight.

all this is is a way to launder millions of tax dollars to the same old crowd and as soon as the money is gone they will say that their studies say that its not feasible to locate the facility on a toxic waste dump yadda yadda yadda.

jeezus people you are being scammed right out in the open and in your face.

Anonymous said...

only the clowns that run this city would propose building a public facility on a toxic waste site. it's actually hilarious and should be used as a thread for a really funny movie. steve martin as the mayor, chris rock as myron lawson, danny devito as tommy david. throw in dave chapelle as hobbs, and leslie nielson as harry silvers, and you would have a major hit on your hands.

Anonymous said...

Dear "we saw that" . These scams have been going on for decades in front of all of us. Diverting I-49 was a big one with the 3 billion dollar red river scam also in the running. Millions in useless studies etc. I doubt if any changes are in sight. Ask the candidates if they will stop the silly studies, which need the mayor's authorization I believe.

Anonymous said...

Dear "we saw that" . These scams have been going on for decades in front of all of us. Diverting I-49 was a big one with the 3 billion dollar red river scam also in the running. Millions in useless studies etc. I doubt if any changes are in sight. Ask the candidates if they will stop the silly studies, which need the mayor's authorization I believe.

Anonymous said...

Add O. J. Simpson playing Marc Lampert.

wst... said...

hmm dunno about chris rock in that particular role...howz bout cuba gooding jr?

wst... said...

true scams but before, we commoners, didnt have a way to get together and compare notes. :P

Anonymous said...

Mr. Scams are us, I would agree wholeheartedly on the extent of the open scamming. The only difference is now that people are talking among themselves and nobody likes to be peed on and told it is raining. It is my personal goal to remain financially independant from employment in this town and to throw as big a rock at violators of the public trust as I can heave. Folks will eventually get stirred enough to force change. While it may not be a pretty way of doing things, I have lost my patience with being nice. What I want to know is when are the folks in district 3 going to wake up to the fact that Mr. Charles Frederick "I hate white folks" Smith has sold them out continuously for 16 years. Their 3.7 million dollar Samtown drainage project should have been complete long ago. That's okay, cuz when his car stalls in the floodwaters, it won't be so hard to catch him and thrash him.

Anonymous said...

spanky! you go!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Add O. J. Simpson playing Marc Lampert." i must be a sick puppy. that one did make me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

i heard from a very reliable source in the black community that several black preachers are telling their people to vote roy. i wonder if it is good government they are interested in, or we are going back to the good old days of the democratic machine. my source said 2500 a pop if any other preachers want to get on that band wagon.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Cabrini at least pay parking at the old complex? Have you ever tried to go to a game there at 4:45? The whole lot is full. The city should sell the parking lot to cabrini and keep the field. Or at least try to get cabrini to pave the parking lot.

Anonymous said...

Jaques' campaign started off great. He looked like a new and fresh choice. However, the more he campaigns, the more he looks like the same repackaged democratic candidate. Pay the preachers, trash the opposition, use buzzwords like "condension" and "transparency".

Maybe JR should look to the future if he has any mayoral aspirations. His inexperiece will kill him. The old hands on the council will eat his lunch. After Jaques loses this race, I encourage him to run against Roosevelt in 2 years. Jaques could get elected as an at large councilman and he would do a great job. Then after one or two terms, he'd be ready to run for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lamer!

I understand Delores and Jaques have agreed to endorse the other in the second race. Why don't you ask Jaques to verify that with you and let us know?

I find it hard to believe that a good democrat like Jaques would throw his support to any evil republican - especially since members of his family serve on the Democratic Central Committee.

We'll be waiting on your report.

Anonymous said...

SCARLETTTTTTTTTTT.......stand by your convictions and politely answer my questions...I know you are thererrrrrr

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above anonymous, why doesn't he run for Council? That is the problem here. We need young "fresh" people on the council. In 8 years, run for Mayor, hell I might even support you then, but now, not even close. If more young professionals would run for council, we would be in better shape.

Anonymous said...

i need some therapy quick. between the blog talking about the nasty push poll being run on roy's behalf and the paid off preachers, (i actually have three good sources on that) i am having flash backs to '71 when edwin beat j. bennett in a close one for governor. i campaigned hard and long for j. bennett, and when i look back almost forty years ago, and edwin's dirty tricks, i can't help but wonder where louisiana might be if edwin had not stolen that election. we might be sharing in the phenomenal sun-belt growth of say tennessee, alabama or georgia. crap, even mississippi is making us look bad. from what i am hearing about roy's campaign, i called the federal bureau of prisons to make sure edwin hasn't escaped. they said he is still in custody, so it must be someone else. i have a very good guess as to who is behind this, but will avoid speculation with out verification. that aside lamar, your youth is showing. you apparently are close enough to the roy campaign to actually tell us what his blog will be addressing next week, but when i asked a simple question this morning, all of a sudden you seem be busy with other projects. please allow me to repeat my question. if roy IS behind these chicken shit push poll calls, will it impact your support for him?

wst... said...

in his video blog mr roy stated that he was approached by republicans to run for mayor.

Anonymous said...

If it is not Roy, it sure smells like Lee Fletcher. Why? Because he is dirty. He would like to make it seem like Mr. Roy looks ok and make Delores look bad so he can shift Delores' support to Sams. Now, silly you may say, but Sams probably thinks it may really work and he is supporting it. Also, Fletcher is taking Sams money like candy form a baby. One evil consultant and one arrogant candidate= one rich evil consultant. Poor Sams.

Still might be Roy and the dirty Demos though.

Anonymous said...

anonymous. i hear you. it's a dirty game. but under no circumstances would sams or fletcher be telling black preachers to support roy.

Anonymous said...

anonymous. i hear you. it's a dirty game. but under no circumstances would sams or fletcher be telling black preachers to support roy.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya on that. I am just throwing out the possibilites of this thing. All is fair on love and politics right?

Anonymous said...

Push polls, Sams, hairspray and housewives, it aint nuthin but an asswhippin comin down the tracks.....Jacque Roy is about to win the whole thing. Just stop people and ask them......its everwhere this guy is on fire and the blonde, Buddah and the brothas are fallin off the scale...Look for a Roy and an also ran in the run off.....just watch..Its all about the big mo and Brewer aint got no mo, sams is a mo.....its just a shame we have to wait till sept 3o to open up a present that we already know what is inside......

Anonymous said...

Can someone give some information about Darrell Hickman for District 2 councilman?

Anonymous said...

love this site,,,how do you get a name?????

Anonymous said...

yes, i can tell you something about darrell. his iq is 100. hobbs is room temperature.

Anonymous said...

Highlight the other button under choose an identity or just punch anonymous or use the "sign up here link to register and create a profile. Jump in and swim.

wst... said...

to get a profile and display name go to blogger.com>create an account>fill out the form note: your user name is meant to be different and unique to your display name.

you can change your display name later if you want to but you cant change your user name.

fill out as much or as little of your profile as you like. when you go to post you will be prompted to sign in to post with your display name or not. you can set up a blog account later if you want. you can also go to blogger.com and using your user name sign in there.

Anonymous said...

"Push polls, Sams, hairspray and housewives, it aint nuthin but an asswhippin comin down the tracks..." dunno. wait and see. i personally feel the honeymoon is over with roy, and as people consider him over time, there are a lot of issues that will come up and take the blush off the bloom. we will see what kind of staying power he has. the new boy on the block has an initial advantage, but whether that carries forward to the actual voting is a horse of a different color. the reality remains that roy is an ambulance chaser being supported by ambulance chasers. check the latest yellow pages. the very first picture is a car wreck. now you tell me why other trial lawyers are so supportive of roy.

Anonymous said...

i'm worried lamar may be dead. it takes him a nanosecond to tell us roy will be addressing a particular issue on his site. i've asked him three times today if roy is behind the nasty push poll that many bloggers have reported if it will impact his support of roy. i'm still waiting for an answer.

wst... said...

biff, did anyone ever say what the question that was being asked that started all this talk is?

Anonymous said...

Scarlett....come on out and play we wont make fun of your candidate anymore. You dont even have to answer the question we asked. Come on back. You are an American and I appreciate your effort to support someone you thought was honest. Just like the R&B group said.."Everybody plays the fool, Sometimes"

Anonymous said...

Biff, I support Jacques 100% and have extreme confidence that he is personally not behind any nasty poll.

Tell us exactly what was so nasty about this allegedly "nasty" poll. Specifics. Were there any lies or misrepresentations of fact? If so, what were they?

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